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Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry April 2006

ver. 3.1

Mangifera indica (mango)

Anacardiaceae (cashew family)

kangit (Chuuk, Pohnpei), idele (Palau), mago (Niue, Samoa, Tuvalu), manako (Hawai‘i), manggo, am (Fiji), mangko
(Kiribati), mango (English), mango (Tonga), mangot, mangue, manguier (French), mangueira (Yap)

Ian S. E. Bally

photo: I. S. E. Bally

Mango tree with heavy crop.

In brief Growth rate  Fast, >1.5 m/yr (5 ft/yr) in ideal conditions.

Distribution  All tropical and subtropical regions. Main agroforestry uses  Homegardens, silvopasture.
Size  Reaches heights of 15–30 m (50–100 ft); cultivated trees Main uses  Fruit, flavoring, medicinal, timber.
are usually 3–10 m (10–33 ft) high when mature. Yields  Typically, yields are often less that 5 mt/ha (2.2 t/ac)
Habitat  Grows from sea level to 1200 m (3950 ft) in tropical but can reach 20–30 mt/ha (9–13.5 t/ac); single trees can pro-
latitudes; however, most commercial varieties are grown be- duce 200–300 kg (440–660 lb) of fruit in heavy cropping
low 600 m (1950 ft); rainfall 400–3600 mm (16–140 in), fruits years and as low as 5 kg (11 lb) in bad years.
best with a well defined winter dry period. Intercropping  Compatible with other similarly vigorous
Vegetation  Grows with a wide range of cultivated species. species, as well as animal grazing.
Soils  Tolerates a range of soils; optimal pH 5.5–7.5. Invasive potential  Not an aggressively invasive species.
Introduction Mangos are well adapted to cultivation and have been
grown commercially for centuries. Today, mangos are rec-
Mangos belong to the genus Mangifera of the family Ana-
ognized and eaten throughout the world and are regarded
cardiaceae. The genus Mangifera contains several species
as one of the most popular and esteemed tropical fruits.
that bear edible fruit. Most of the fruit trees that are com-
monly known as mangos belong to the species Mangifera
indica. The other edible Mangifera species generally have
lower quality fruit and are commonly referred to as wild
mangos. Native range
Mango has become naturalized and adapted throughout The genus Mangifera originates in tropical Asia, with the
the tropics and subtropics. Much of the spread and natu- greatest number of species found in Borneo, Java, Sumatra,
ralization has occurred in conjunction with the spread of and the Malay Peninsula. The most-cultivated Mangifera
human populations, and as such, the mango plays an im- species, M. indica (mango), has its origins in India and
portant part in the diet and cuisine of many diverse cultures. Myanmar.
There are over 1000 named mango varieties throughout the
world, which is a testament to their value to humankind. Current distribution
Mango is a common garden tree throughout the tropics.
Mango is now cultivated throughout the tropical and sub-
When ripe, this delicious dessert fruit is particularly high tropical world for commercial fruit production, as a garden
in vitamin A. The fruit is also eaten green, processed into tree, and as a shade tree for stock. In the Pacific region,
pickles, pulps, jams, and chutneys, and is frozen or dried. all mangos were introduced from other parts of the world.
The fruit is also an important source of sustenance for birds, The earliest recorded introductions into Hawai‘i were prior
bats, insects, and mammals. to 1825; however, most introductions to the Pacific islands
Although grown widely, mangos prefer a warm, frost-free have occurred over the past 100 years. Few other Mangifera
climate with a well defined winter dry season. Rain and species are found in the Pacific. Mangifera gedebe, M. minor,
high humidity during flowering and fruit development and M. mucronulata are found in the Solomon Islands and
reduces fruit yields. The tree generally flowers in mid- to M. minor in Micronesia, but these either do not fruit or the
late winter, with fruit maturing in the early to mid-sum- fruit is inedible.
mer months. Mango trees are usually between 3 and 10 m
(10–33 ft) tall but can reach up to 30 m (100 ft) in some
forest situations. The canopy is evergreen with a generally
spreading habit. The heavy canopy of the mango is a source
of shelter and shade for both animals and humans.

Mango fruits of the world. photo: I. S. E. Bally

  Mangifera indica (mango) 

mangko (Kiribati)
Preferred scientific name and author mango (English)
Mangifera indica L. mango (Tonga)
mangot, mangue, manguier (French)
Family mangueira (Yap)
Anacardiaceae (cashew family) Common names from other regions include:
aam, am, amb (Hindi)
Non-preferred scientific names ampleam (Tamil)
Mangifera amba Forssk. bobbie manja, kanjanna manja, maggo, manggaboom, manja
M. anisodora Blanco (Dutch)
M. arbor Bontii ma muang (Indochina)
M. austroindica Kosterm. mamung (Thailand)
M. balba Gen. manga, mango (Spanish)
M. domestica Gaertn. manga, (Portuguese)
M. equina Gen. manga, mempelam, ampelam (Malaysia)
M. fragrans Maingay mangga (Tagalog)
M. gladiata Boj. mangga, mempelam (Indonesia)
M. kukula Blume mango (Ilokano)
M. integrifolia Gen. mango (New Guinea, Pidgin)
M. linnaei Korth. Mangobaum (German)
M. maritima Lechaume. mwàngx (Laos)
M. mekongensis anon. paho (Bisaya) (Philippines)
M. montana Heybe svaay (Cambodia)
M. oryza Gen. tharyetthi (Myanmar)
M. racemosa Boj. xoài (Vietnam)
M. rostrata Blanco
M. rubra Boj.
M. sativa Roem. & Schult. Mangos are long-lived evergreen trees that can reach
M. siamensis Warb. heights of 15–30 m (50–100 ft). Most cultivated mango
M. sugenda Gen. trees are between 3 and 10 m (10–33 ft) tall when fully ma-
M. sylvatica Roxb. ture, depending on the variety and the amount of pruning.
M. viridis Boj. Wild, non-cultivated seedling trees often reach 15 m (50 ft)
when found in favorable climates, and they can reach 30 m
Common names (100 ft) in forest situations. The trees can live for over 100
Mangos have been grown throughout the tropical and sub- years and develop trunk girths of over 4 m (13 ft).
tropical world for thousands of years and have become an
integral part of many cultures. The many different names Canopy
for mango around the world today reflect the cultures and Mango trees typically branch 0.6–2 m (2–6.5 ft) above the
languages spoken by people who grow them. Many of the ground and develop an evergreen, dome-shaped canopy.
names have common derivations, reflecting the origins and Variability in canopy shape and openness occurs among
spread of the mango tree along with the spread of human varieties and with competition from other trees. Mangos
communities. The more popular names for mango fruit in grown in heavily forested areas branch much higher than
the Pacific and Asia are listed below with the countries or solitary trees and have an umbrella-like form.
languages from which they come.
Pacific island names:
The mango has a long taproot that often branches just
idele (Palau) below ground level, forming between two and four major
kangit (Chuuk, Pohnpei) anchoring taproots that can reach 6 m (20 ft) down to the
mago (Niue, Samoa, Tuvalu) water table. The more fibrous finer roots (feeder roots) are
manako (Hawai‘i)

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

found from the surface down to approximately 1 m (3.3
ft) and usually extend just beyond the canopy diameter.
Distribution of the finer roots changes seasonally with the
moisture distribution in the soil.

Mango flowers are born on terminal inflorescences (pani-
cles) that are broadly conical and can be up to 60 cm (24 in)
long on some varieties. Inflorescences usually have primary,
secondary, and tertiary pubescent, cymose branches that
are pale green to pink or red and bear hundreds of flowers.
The mango has two flower forms, hermaphrodite and male,
with both forms occurring on the same inflorescence.
The ratio of hermaphrodite to male flowers on an inflores-
cence varies with variety and season and is influenced by
the temperature during inflorescence development.
Hermaphrodite flowers are small (5–10 mm, 0.2–0.4 in)
with four to five ovate, pubescent sepals and four to five
oblong, lanceolate, thinly pubescent petals. Only one or
two of the four to five stamens that arise from the in-
ner margin of the disc are fertile. The single ovary is born
centrally on the disc with the style arising from one side.
The disc is divided into a receptacle of four or five fleshy New leaf flush. photo: C. Elevitch
lobes that forms the nectaries. The male flowers are simi-
lar to the hermaphrodite flowers but are without the pistil, lb). The fruit has a dark green background color when de-
which has been aborted. veloping on the tree that turns lighter green to yellow as
it ripens. Some varieties develop a red background color at
Leaves fruit set that remains until the fruits ripen. In addition to
The leaves are simple, without stipules, and alternate, with the background color, many varieties also have an orange,
petioles 1–12 cm (0.4–5 in) long. The leaves are variable red, or burgundy blush that develops later in the fruit de-
in shape and size but usually are oblong with tips vary- velopment, when the rind is exposed to direct sunlight. The
ing from rounded to acuminate. Leaf form differs among mesocarp is the fleshy, edible part of the fruit that usually
varieties but is more consistent within a variety. However, has a sweet and slightly turpentine flavor. When ripe, its
a range of leaf sizes can be seen on a single tree. Mature color varies from yellow to orange and its texture from
leaves are dark green with a shiny upper surface and gla- smooth to fibrous.
brous lighter green lower surface. New leaves emerge in
flushes (episodic growth spurts) of 10–20 leaves. Leaves Seed
emerge green, turning tan-brown to purple during leaf ex- Mango varieties can be classified as having either
pansion and then gradually changing to dark green as the mono­­embryonic or polyembryonic seed embryos. In
leaves mature. The color of the young, expanding leaf varies monoembryonic varieties, the seed contains only one em-
with variety and can be from light tan to deep purple; this bryo that is a true sexual (zygotic) embryo. Monoembryonic
can be used as a distinguishing character among varieties. seeds are a cross between the maternal and paternal (pol-
len) parents. Fruit from monoembryonic seedlings will of-
Fruit ten vary from the parent trees, so propagation by grafting is
Mango fruit is classed as a drupe (fleshy with a single used to produce true-to-type monoembryonic trees. Poly-
seed enclosed in a leathery endocarp). Fruits from differ- embryonic seeds contain many embryos, most of which
ent varieties can be highly variable in shape, color, taste, are asexual (nucellar) in origin and genetically identical to
and flesh texture. Fruit shapes vary from round to ovate to the maternal parent. Polyembryonic seeds also contain a
oblong and long with variable lateral compression. Fruits zygotic embryo that is the result of cross-pollination. The
can weigh from less than 50 g (0.35 lb) to over 2 kg (4.4 monoembryonic seedling usually has less vigor than a nu-

  Mangifera indica (mango) 

a handful of improved varieties supplemented with local
varieties that are less suited to the export trade.

Varieties in the Pacific

The mango varieties found in the Pacific islands have been
introduced mainly from India, Florida, and Southeast
Asian countries during the past 100 years. Most of the ear-
ly Indian varieties were monoembryonic, which produced
seedlings that did not reproduce true to type. Planting
and selection of these seedlings has changed these vari-
eties, with many becoming known as a “common” variety.
Common varieties are generally of inferior fruit quality to
named, introduced varieties and are usually found growing
wild or on roadsides and abandoned home sites.
In Hawai‘i, Indian, Floridian, Mexican, and West Indian
mango varieties have been introduced and grown since
the beginning of the 20th century. Since that time, many
Mango flower types: male (left) and hermaphrodite (right). improved seedling selections have been made and grown.
photo: I. S. E. Bally
Popular monoembryonic varieties in Hawai‘i include
‘Haden’, ‘Ah Ping’, ‘Gouviea’, ‘Momi K’, ‘Fairchild’, ‘Pope’,
‘Rapoza’, and ‘Harders’. In the Solomon Islands and Fiji,
the Australian variety ‘Kensington Pride’ has been intro-
duced and grown successfully. In Samoa, the mango vari-
eties ‘Momi K’, ‘Fiji’, ‘Mapulehu’, ‘White Pirie’, ‘Rapoza’,
‘Jara’, and ‘Kensington Pride’ are common. In Tahiti, ‘Kopu
Reva’ is a popular variety.

Selection of mango varieties

The characteristics by which mangos are typically selected
are a mix of eating quality, keeping, and growing charac-
teristics. Fruit quality characteristics such as flavor, aroma,
flesh texture, and fiber are generally of high importance, as
are fruit size, external appearance, and yield performance.
Preferences for mango varieties often differ among coun-
A monoembryonic seed is a true sexual cross and has one
tries, regions, ethnicities, and cuisines of markets in which
embryo. A polyembryonic seed has several embryos, many of
which are identical to the parent tree. photo: I. S. E. Bally they are consumed. Locally grown and consumed varieties
often differ from commercially exported varieties that are
cellar seedling for use as a rootstock. In some varieties this selected for their ability to maintain fruit quality after long
is reversed and the zygotic seedling is the most vigorous. periods of postharvest storage and transport.
The occurrence of off-types in orchards is often attributed The adaptations of a variety to environmental pressures of
to use of zygotic seedlings. drought, wet weather during flowering, temperature, pests,
and diseases are also important selection criteria, because
they determine the cropping consistency and fruit quality.
Related species
Varieties In addition to the many varieties of Mangifera indica, there
There are over a thousand mango varieties around the are several other Mangifera species that also have edible
world, with India having the greatest number (over 500 fruit. The most prominent of these are M. pentandra (Ma-
named). The commercial industries of the world rely on lay Peninsula), M. foetida Lour. (throughout SE Asia), M.
odorata Griff. (Philippines, Malay peninsula, Java), and

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

Some popular Pacific varieties
Ah-Ping Kopu Reva
Tree: medium to vigorous tree Tree: medium-vigor tree with a dense, upright canopy
Fruit wt: 450–900 g (1–2 lb) Fruit wt: 150–250 g (0.33–0.55 lb)
Fruit color: yellow with a crimson blush Fruit color: light pink with a red blush
Fruit eating: good flavor, low fiber Fruit eating: turpentine flavor; high fiber
Seed embryo: monoembryonic Seed embryo: polyembryonic
Harvest time: mid-season Harvest time: mid- to late season
Comments: originated at Mapulehu, Moloka‘i, and mainly Comments: origin Tahiti
grown in the Hawaiian Islands
Fairchild Tree: large tree with an upright canopy
Tree: small tree with dense, spreading canopy Fruit wt: 300–400 g (0.66-0.88 lb)
Fruit wt: 150–340 g (0.33–0.75 lb) Fruit color: yellow/green with pink blush
Fruit color: green/yellow with an orange yellow blush Fruit eating: sweet-acid turpentine flavor; low fiber
Seed embryo: polyembryonic Seed embryo: monoembryonic
Fruit eating: mild, slightly acidic flavor; medium fiber Harvest time: mid- to late season
Harvest time: early season Comments: originally from India; popular in Samoa; is
Comments: originating in Panama, this variety bears synonymous with Joe Welch from Florida
reasonably well in wetter climates. Suitable as a
homegarden variety Momi-K
Tree: medium to large tree, slightly spreading canopy
Gouviea Fruit wt: 280–400 g (0.62–0.88 lb)
Tree: large, vigorous tree with spreading canopy Fruit color: light yellow with a light red/orange blush over
Fruit wt: 300–400 g (0.66–0.88 lb) the top half of the fruit
Fruit color: light green with mottled red and yellow Fruit eating: mild flavor; low fiber
shoulders Seed embryo: monoembryonic
Fruit eating: rich, acidic flavor; low fiber Harvest time: early to mid-season
Seed embryo: monoembryonic Comments: originating in Hawai‘i, irregularly bearing
Harvest time: early to mid-season
Comments: selected in Hawai‘i 1964; light yielding. Pope
Tree: medium large tree with a dense, spreading canopy
Haden Fruit wt: 250–450 g (0.55–1.0 lb)
Tree: vigorous, tree with spreading canopy Fruit color: green-yellow ground color with a red/pink
Fruit wt: 500–700 g (1.1–1.5 lb) blush
Fruit color: yellow with bright red blush over half of skin Seed embryo: monoembryonic
Fruit eating: good flavor, medium fiber Fruit eating: spicy flavor, stronger around the fruit
Seed embryo: monoembryonic shoulders
Harvest time: mid-season Harvest time: late season
Comments: unreliable irregular bearing; susceptible to Comments: originated as a seedling of the Florida variety
internal breakdown; not a commercial variety Irwin; regular-bearing and high-yielding

Kensington Pride Rapoza

Tree: vigorous tree with spreading canopy Tree: small tree with an open canopy
Fruit wt: 300–600 g (0.66–1.3 lb) Fruit wt: 700–1000 g (1.5–2.2 lb)
Fruit color: yellow-green background with light blush Fruit color: yellow orange with a red orange blush
Fruit eating: excellent flavor, medium fiber Fruit eating: excellent flavor; low fiber
Seed embryo: polyembryonic Seed embryo: monoembryonic
Harvest time: early season Harvest time: mid- to late season
Comments: the mainstay of the Australian mango Comments: yields heavily and regularly
industry; widely grown in Samoa and Fiji

  Mangifera indica (mango) 

M. caesia Jack. (Malay peninsula, Papua New
Guinea, Java, and the Philippines). Although
these species are found growing in the Pacific
rim region, none are found naturally in the Pa-
cific islands.

Mango grows over a wide range of frost-free
climates. The trees produce best in climates that
have a well defined, relatively cool dry season
with high heat accumulation during the flow-
ering and fruit development period. Rain or
free moisture (high humidity, heavy dew, and
fog) during the flowering and fruiting period
is conducive to the development of fungal dis-
eases that cause flower and fruit drop. Mangos
are often found growing in the wetter regions,
but they rarely bear fruit there.
Popular varieties: Haden (top left), Kensington (top right), Mapulehu
(bottom left), Rapoza (bottom right). photos: I. S. E. Bally
Mango grows and produces fruit over a wide
range of elevations from sea level up to 1200 m
81°F). They will grow outside this range, however, but frost
(3950 ft) in tropical latitudes. Most commercial varieties do
will kill small mango trees and severely defoliate mature
not produce consistently above 600 m (1950 ft) elevation.
trees. Temperature has a direct effect on tree and fruit
Rainfall pattern growth rates. A leaf flushing cycle takes approximately
Mango trees grow over a wide range of rainfall volumes 20 weeks when growing under 20°C (68°F) days and 15°C
and patterns. The trees produce best when the most rain (59°F) nights; this is reduced to 6 weeks under 30°C/25°C
falls during summer months and there is a well defined (86°F/77°F) temperatures. The time taken for fruit to reach
winter dry period. In hot, wet, tropical climates, where soil maturity is also influenced by temperature. Under high-
moisture does not limit growth, the trees remain vegetative temperature and low-humidity conditions, mango’s pho-
with little or no fruit production. Rainfall, foggy weather, tosynthetic efficiency is reduced and respiration is high,
and persistent dews during the flowering and fruiting sea- resulting in low carbon accumulation, which lowers the
sons predispose the flowers and fruit to the fungal disease tree’s ability to hold heavy crop loads. Low temperature
anthracnose. Bearing is best when the dry period lasts from stress is necessary for floral induction (see Flowering sec-
1 to 2 months before flowering to after harvest. tion below).

Mean annual rainfall Mean annual temperature

400–3600 mm (16–142 in) 24–27°C (75–81°F)

Dry season duration (consecutive months with <40 Minimum temperature tolerated
mm [1.6 in] rainfall) Frost (0°C [32°F])
Can tolerate drought for up to 8 months in certain situa- Soils
Mangos are tolerant of a range of soils from alkaline, cal-
Temperature careous soils to heavy clay soils. The optimal pH range is
Mango’s optimum growing temperature is 24–27°C (75– 5.5–7.5, but the tree will grow outside this range, with low

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

pH (acid) being the most deleterious to growth. Produc- Frost
tion is best on well drained sandy or gravelly soils that dry Young trees will be killed outright by the mildest frosts,
out rapidly after the wet season, forcing the trees into a but larger mature trees can regenerate, although defolia-
dormant period, essential for heavy flowering. Mangos will tion and death of some branches will occur. Heavy frosts
grow on coral atolls but usually produce poorly due to the will kill large mango trees.
lack of fresh water. On some of the larger, wetter atolls
such as Butaritari and other islands in Kiribati, mangos are Waterlogging
known to produce well. Mangos do not grow or produce Mango trees vary in their tolerance of flooding, with some
well in saline soils, but the rootstock variety ‘13-1’ from Is- trees able to tolerate medium-term flooding (10–50 days)
rael has some salt tolerance. by developing hypertrophic (swollen) lenticels on the
trunk just above the waterline to aid in the removal of
Soil texture
toxic by-products of anaerobic metabolism. Trees that do
Mangos tolerate light to heavy soil textures (sands, sandy not develop hypertrophic lenticels will die after 4–5 days of
loams, loams, sandy clay loams, clays, clay loams, and sandy inundation. Hypotrophic lenticels seen in seedlings in pots
clays). are a sign of overwatering or unsuitable potting media.
Soil drainage
Well drained, lighter soils are preferred.

Soil acidity
The optimum range is pH 5.5–7.5.

Mango is considered a drought tolerant species, being able
to withstand seasonal dry periods for up to 8 months. The
mango has many adaptive features that give it drought
tolerance, such as deep tap/sinker roots, long-lived, tough
leaves with thick cuticles for nutrient retention and recy-
cling, resin ducts to reduce wilting, and irregular fruiting
patterns, depending on resource availability. Dry condi-
tions during fruit development will cause excessive fruit
drop and very low yields.

Full sun
Mango grows best in full sun because its flowers and fruit
are produced at the edge of the canopy (the outside of
the tree) in full sun. The best fruits are from sun-exposed

Shade Hypotrophic lenticels on stem of seedling. photo: I. s. E. Bally

Vegetative growth, flowers, and fruits from shaded areas
are prone to increased pest and diseases. Salt spray
Mangos will not tolerate continuous salt spray, but if the
Fire trees are growing with high-quality fresh water, mild, in-
Young mangos are easily burned beyond regeneration by frequent salt spray will not adversely affect mature leaves if
grass or forest fires. Larger mature trees are more able to it does not accumulate on them.
regenerate after fire, although their canopies are no more
tolerant of fire than younger trees. Wind
Mangos are relatively wind resistant and are sometimes
used in windbreaks. Windbreaks of other species are often

  Mangifera indica (mango) 

Simultaneous leaf flushing and flowering on different branches. photo: C. Elevitch

used to protect commercial mango orchards to reduce dis- GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
ease, improve pollination, and reduce wind-rub blemishes
Mango trees start producing fruit 2–4 years after field
on the fruit.
planting and can continue to produce fruit for more than
Young seedlings trees may benefit from staking if over 100 years. Under ideal conditions, trees can grow to 2 m
0.8 m (2.5 ft) high or planted in abrasive, calcareous soils in (6.6 ft) in the first year. Once trees start cropping, their
wind-exposed situations. growth rate will slow.
Storm winds can be especially damaging to mangos, caus-
ing breakage of major limbs or uprooting the whole tree. Phenology
Although preventing damage from cyclonic winds is dif- Phenology is the annual cycle of growth events. In mature
ficult, good post-storm management can hasten recovery mangos, the phenological cycle is similar for most variet-
and minimize secondary effects. Fallen trees should be ies and environments, varying only in timing and duration.
straightened immediately following the storm, while the The exception is seen in trees grown close to the equator,
soil is soft, to prevent re-damaging roots. Damaged limbs where the seasonal fluctuations are minimal and flower-
should be removed to prevent disease infections and to ing and cropping can occur several times a year. The major
promote new growth. phenological growth events are discussed below.

ABILITIES In a typical tree there are two periods of dormancy. The
Regenerate rapidly first is immediately after harvest or ripe fruit drop, when
the tree becomes dormant for 2–8 weeks, depending on
Mangos are tolerant of severe pruning and will regain
the soil moisture conditions and previous crop load. The
cropping within one to two seasons.
second dormant period is after the summer flush period,
when dryer conditions set in. The second dormancy period
is critical for floral bud development.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  

Leaf flushing
The postharvest dormancy is broken by the first summer
vegetative flush, which usually coincides with the wet sea-
son. Vegetative flushing usually continues throughout the
wet season, slowing as the climate and soil dry out. The
leaf-flushing period can have one to five flushing events,
with the whole canopy flushing in synchrony or in patches.
In years of poor flowering and cropping, several leaf flushes
can occur during the flowering and fruiting period. Al-
though mango is an evergreen tree, large quantities of old
leaves are shed during vegetative flushing. The fallen leaves
become mulch under the tree, where nutrients are recycled
from old leaves to the new leaves.

Mango flowering occurs during the coolest months of the
year. Flowering requires 4–6 weeks of shoot dormancy
and cool night temperatures to trigger floral induction of
the terminal buds. The absolute temperature needed for
floral induction varies among varieties and climates, but
night temperatures between 8°C and 15°C (46–59°F) with
day temperatures around 20°C (68°F) are typically needed.
Better flowering is seen in trees growing in the subtropics
where the seasonal temperature differences are stronger Mango inflorescence (flower stalk). photo: I. S. E. Bally
and more reliable than in the hot tropics. In Hawai‘i, the
main flowering is between December and April.
dry periods. Root growth is periodical, slowing or stopping
during major canopy growth events.
Wind and insects such as wasps, ants, flies, and bees are Fruit development
the main pollinators in mango. Temperatures below 10°C
Mango fruit can take 3–6 months to mature, with tem-
(50°F) during flowering are not conducive to production of
perature being the primary influence on maturity timing.
viable pollen, and temperatures below 15°C (59°F) during
Fruits grow faster and mature earlier in warmer climates.
pollination can prevent effective pollen tube growth and
The variety of mango also has an influence on maturity
fertilization of the ovary. Pollen is generally compatible
timing, with varieties being classified as early, mid- or late
within and between varieties.
season. The mango harvest season is generally in the hot-
ter summer months but can be outside this period in cli-
mates close to the equator, where out-of-season flowering
Young seedling or grafted mango trees will produce fruit is common. In Hawai‘i, the harvest season is between June
between 2 and 4 years after field planting. Initially, hun- and September, and in Fiji, between January and February.
dreds of fruits can be set on each flowering inflorescence.
The tree naturally thins the crop by shedding fruit through- Crop yield
out the fruit-development period. At full fruit maturity on
Mango fruit yields are generally low compared to other
heavy bearing trees, most mango varieties will hold one
tropical and subtropical fruit species. The yields often re-
fruit for every two or three inflorescences.
flect irregular annual bearing patterns, and they vary great-
ly from season to season. The yielding capacity of a tree is
Root growth
dependant on variety, tree age, tree size, seasonal condi-
The volume of feeder roots of the mango varies during the tions, and previous cropping history. Typically, yields are
annual cycle, with most root development occurring dur- often less that 5 mt/ha (2.2 t/ac) but can reach 20–30 mt/
ing the wet periods of the year and declining during the ha (9–13.5 t/ac) in well managed orchards. Single trees can
produce between 200 and 300 kg (440–660 lb) of fruit in

10  Mangifera indica (mango) 

heavy cropping years and as low as 5 kg (11 lb) in bad years. oriented on their side to facilitate a straight stem and roots.
Good irrigation and disease management can greatly im- Monoembryonic seeds can be planted 1-2 cm (0.4–0.8 in)
prove crop yields. deep into 5-20 liter (1–5 gal) pots containing a loose, well
drained potting medium. Polyembryonic seeds, which
produce more than one seedling per seed, are commonly
PROPAGATION planted into seedling beds of sand with an impenetrable
Mango is propagated by seed and various vegetative meth- root barrier at 15 to 20 cm (6–8 in) depth. The root barrier
ods. The genetic quality of a mango seedling depends on makes it easier to lift the seedlings when potting up. This
the embryo type of the seed. Polyembryonic seeds will usu- is usually done when the seedlings are approximately 30
ally produce three to ten seedlings from each seed, most cm (12 in) high. With healthy polyembryonic seedlings it
of which will come true to type with the tree they came is common to have germination rates of over 600% and
from. Polyembryonic seeds also contain one embryo that is potting up rates of 300–400%. When potting up, only use
genetically different from the parents; i.e., this embryo will the three or four most vigorous seedlings from each seed,
produce an off-type seedling. In contrast to polyembryonic discarding the rest. Choosing only the most vigorous seed-
seeds, monoembryonic seeds produce only one seedling for lings will avoid selecting the zygotic embryo that is often
each seed that is always genetically different from the par- the source of off-type trees.
ents. For this reason, most monoembryonic varieties are
Growing area
propagated by grafting onto polyembryonic rootstocks.
Nursery seedlings are best raised in a shade house under
Propagating seedlings 50–80% shade and hardened up in full sunlight prior to
field planting. Avoid raising seedlings under the canopies
Seed collection of larger mango trees, as this practice promotes infection
Seeds are best collected from fully mature or ripe fruits of the seedlings with fungal diseases.
before the fruits have begun to decay with postharvest dis-
eases. Seeds from the larger fruits generally produce the Time to outplanting
most vigorous seedlings. If possible, select seeds from trees Young mango trees can be field-planted when approxi-
that are free of seed weevils (Sternochetus mangiferae [F.] mately 12 months old and large enough to compete with
Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Only polyembryonic seeds minor weeds. At the time of planting, seedlings should
will produce seedlings that are true to type (see polyem- be at least 1 m (3.3 ft) tall and have a stem diameter of
bryonic/monoembryonic discussion above). at least 15 mm (0.6 in). If irrigation is available, the best
time to field-plant is in early spring when the weather is
Seed processing mild; otherwise, trees should be planted at the onset of the
The best germination results are achieved when the seed is wet season. To avoid transplant shock when field planting,
removed from the leathery endocarp of ripe or nearly ripe trees should be hardened by holding in full sunlight for at
fruit that has not been chilled. After removing the flesh, least a week prior to field planting. If trees are excessively
cut the endocarp open using hand pruners and remove the vigorous at the time of field planting, they can be pruned
kernel. During this operation, it is important not to cut to reduce leaf area and water demand on the establishing
and damage the seed. root system.

Seed storage Grafting and budding

Mango seed does not store well, and seed viability is greatly Many of the better mango varieties have monoembryonic
reduced from infection by fungi if it is not removed from seeds which, when planted, will not reproduce true to type.
the fruit when the fruit begins to ripen. Once the seeds Grafting is the preferred method of propagating mango
are removed from the leathery endocarp, they loose viabil- varieties. Grafting is used to join the upper part (the scion)
ity very rapidly due to desiccation and should be planted of a selected variety to the lower part of another (the root-
immediately or soaked in water for up to 24 hours before stock)—the upper part is an identical clone of the desired
planting. Germination percentages will drop off rapidly if tree. Grafting is normally done when the young seedlings
seeds are stored for more than a few days after opening. are in nursery pots.
Planting techniques Almost all methods of grafting can be adapted for mango.
Two popular methods for mangos are the cleft graft and
Seeds should be planted to a depth of 2 cm (0.8 in) and
the whip-and-tongue graft.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  11

sure the cambium layers of both match up. The whole joint
is then wrapped with grafting tape to hold it in place, and
a plastic bag is used to cover the scion and union to prevent
excessive moisture loss during the healing process.
The whip-and-tongue method is similar to the wedge but
uses interlocking cuts that give a stronger graft and greater
surface area for healing of the graft.

Scion selection
Scion wood should be only collected from actively growing
trees that show no signs of disease infection. Scion wood
is best taken from terminal shoots with swollen terminal
buds about to burst. The scion thickness should match
the stock thickness to which it is to be grafted (6–15 mm
[0.25–0.6 in] diameter) and be between 100 and 200 mm
(2.5–5 in) long.

Scion collection and storage

After selecting and removing an appropriate piece of scion
wood from the tree, all leaves should be immediately re-
moved to reduce moisture loss through transpiration. The
scion should be placed in a plastic bag and held in a cooled
Prepared stock showing cambium. photo: I. S. E. Bally box at 5–10°C (41–50°F). If the scion wood is not be used
within 12 hours of collection, it should be wrapped in moist
To achieve a successful graft it is important to have healthy, paper toweling inside a plastic bag and stored in the veg-
actively growing rootstocks and select scion wood with etable crisping section of a domestic refrigerator. Scion
swollen buds that are ready to burst. It is also important wood can be kept in this way for up to 2 weeks.
to match the cambium layers in both the stock and scion,
as the cambium is where the cells are actively dividing and Pre-grafting
the joining of the graft takes place. This is most easily done Scion budwood should be dipped in a fungicide and in-
when the stock and scion wood are the same diameter. In secticide solution to prevent the spread of insect pests and
mango the cambium layer is the white woody layer just disease.
below the bark.
In the wedge method, the scion is prepared by making two
sloping cuts that form a “V” shape. A straight cut is made
on the stock to the same depth as the V shape on the scion.
The V-shaped scion is then inserted in to the stock, making

Wedge graft Whip and tongue graft

12  Mangifera indica (mango) 

Left: Healed graft union 3 months after grafting. Right: Mango graft 5 days after bag removal. The wedge graft is still wrapped
in white tape at bottom. photos: I. S. E. Bally

Growing area grafting tape and plastic bags. Grafting knives and tape are
Grafting is usually done in the warmer months of the year available from most gardening shops.
when trees are actively flushing and night temperatures are
between 18 and 21°C (64–70°F). Grafting of young seed- Field planting
lings is best carried out in a shadehouse with greater than Grafted trees are best planted out in the field after the sec-
50% shade. When topworking established trees in the field ond growth flush, when the graft has fully hardened. This is
(see below), completed grafts should be shaded with large usually 1–2 years after germination. At this stage the trees
paper bags. are usually 60–120 cm (24–48 in) tall. If field-planted when
smaller, competition from weeds can slow establishment.
Post-graft care If the trees are left in pots for longer than 2 years, they be-
Remove any sucker growth below the graft. The scion come root-bound and will not develop healthy, spreading
should start to shoot between 10 and 14 days after grafting. root systems when field-planted. Transplanting shock at
When this happens, the plastic bag should be removed but the time of field planting can also hinder a tree’s establish-
not the grafting tape. The tape must be left on the graft un- ment. To avoid transplant shock, it is best to harden the
til the tree has flushed twice from the scion and the graft trees by placing them in full sunlight for a week or more
union is fully healed. before transplanting.
Excessively vigorous trees should be pruned prior to trans-
Materials used planting to reduce the water demand on the establishing
To achieve consistent successful grafting, a good grafting root system. Animals will graze on young mango leaves, so
knife is needed. These knives differ from ordinary knives the trees should be protected from grazing animals.
because they are beveled only on one side; the other side
is flat to ensure a straight cut. You will also need some

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  13

affected by a range of insect pests and diseases. These, how-
ever, can usually be adequately managed in commercial or-

Many insects live in and feed on mango trees, but only a
few of these are considered major pests.

Scale insects
Several species of scale insects are known to be pests of
mango, including Phenacaspis dilatata, P. cockerelli, Cero-
plastrs rubens, and Aulacaspis tubercularis. The infested areas
turn pale green or yellow and eventually die. The insects
attack all parts of the tree and are often a serious pest in
the nursery.

Tip borers
There are two main species of tip borers, Penicillaria jocosa-
trix and Chlumetia euthysticha. The larvae of these species
bore into and kill the young developing flushes. The pest
activity is worst during hot, wet, summer seasons.

Fruit flies (Dacus sp., Strumenta sp., Bactrocera dorsaila,

and Pardalaspis sp.).
Fruit fly species differ among regions. Adult flies lay eggs
in near-ripe or ripe fruit, and the larvae tunnel and feed
throughout the flesh, destroying and decaying it.
Tree grafted in the field (topworked). The upper part of the Seed weevil
trunk is painted white, and the new scion wood is grafted to The mango seed weevil (Sternochetus mangiferae, S. gra-
the three slender shoots. photo: I. S. E. Bally
vis) bores into the seed early in the development of the
fruit, with little or no damage to the edible fruit. In the
Other comments on propagation seed, the larvae destroy the cotyledons, thus reducing seed
germination. The presence of seed weevils is a major quar-
Grafting is also used to change the variety of a tree already
antine barrier for the export of mango to many countries.
growing in the ground without sacrificing the established
rootstock. This technique is often referred to as topworking. Other pests
Topworked trees will come into production within a couple
Other insect and mite pests of mango include fruit spot-
of seasons, much faster than planting new seedlings.
ting bugs (Amblypelta lutescens, A. nitida), seed caterpillars,
planthoppers, flower-feeding caterpillars (Geometridae,
DISADVANTAGES Lymantriidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae, and Torticidae fami-
lies), thrips (Selenothrips rubocinctus), leaf miners (Acrocer-
Mangos grow and produce in many tropical and subtropi- cops sp.), fruit piercing moths (Othreis sp.), termites (Iso-
cal climates, although fruit production is limited by wet petra sp.), mites (Eriophyes mangifera, Oligonychus coffeae),
weather during the flowering and fruiting period. In- and coccids (Coccus sp.).
consistent yields and fruit quality from season to season
are also limiting characteristics of many mango varieties. Diseases and disorders
These variations are partly due to the vigorous nature of
many mango types that tend to grow leaves and vegetation A range of leaf, fruit, and soil diseases can affect mango,
at the expense of flowers and fruit. many of which can be adequately controlled with good
management and judicious use of fungicides and bacte-
Fruit production, and (rarely) tree growth, can be severely ricides. Detailed discussions of individual diseases can be

14  Mangifera indica (mango) 

found in the books listed in the recommended reading sec- • “spongy stem end”—breakdown of the flesh and vascu-
tion. A brief description of the major diseases of concern lar tissue at the stem end
are listed below. • “internal breakdown”—premature ripening and cellu-
lar breakdown of the flesh.
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies) is a serious Symptoms vary among varieties of mango, but all of the
fungal disease of flowers, fruit, and leaves. At flowering above disorders are thought to be associated with low fruit
and early fruit development, anthracnose causes the flow- calcium levels.
ers and young fruit to develop black lesions and be aborted Other fruit diseases
from the inflorescence. Wet conditions during flowering
Alternaria rot (Alternaria alternata)
promote anthracnose development. After the fruit reaches
Powdery mildew (Oidium mangiferae Berthet)
approximately 4 cm (1.6 in) in diameter, the fruit’s natu-
Stem end rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Dothiorella
ral defense mechanisms protect it from anthracnose by
dominicana or Phomopsis mangiferae)
inducing the fungus into a quiescent period. When the
Mango malformation (Fusarium sp.)
fruit softens during the ripening process, the natural de-
fense mechanisms break down, and latent infections of Other disadvantages
anthracnose develop into black lesions that rot the whole
The sap that spurts and oozes from the fruit and peduncle
fruit in days. Postharvest anthracnose is the major reason
when harvesting is highly caustic and toxic. Contact with
for losses of mangos during storage and transport.
human skin can cause severe dermatitis, rash, and blister-
Mango scab ing that requires medical attention. These are common ail-
ments of mango pickers. Some people are hypersensitive
Mango scab (Elsinoe mangiferae) is a fungal disease that
,and contact through picking, peeling, or eating a mango
affects leaves, stems, and young fruit. On the stems and
can cause swelling of the lips, throat, face, and other skin.
leaves, scab lesions form numerous, slightly raised, gray,
oval to elliptical lesions. In young fruit, black, scabby le- During harvesting, any sap that contacts the fruit will
sions develop that in severe infections can cause the fruit burn the skin, leaving dark, unattractive, sunken blemishes
to drop off. As the fruits grow, scar tissue develops around known as sap burn. Commercial mango farmers go to a
the black lesions, making them unmarketable due to blem- lot of effort to prevent the sap from contacting the fruit
ishes. The lesions do not expand after harvest. Mango scab or contaminating the wash water during the harvest and
is more prominent in wetter regions. packing operations.

Bacterial black spot Potential for invasiveness

Bacterial black spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangifer- Mango is not an aggressively invasive species, but some
aeindicae) is a bacterial disease of the leaves and fruit. The wild trees can be found in native forest areas suited to their
disease is worse in windy areas and in trees with low vigor. growth. The seeds can be carried by birds, bats, and other
The disease is identified on the leaves by raised black le- animals.
sions with greasy margins delineated by leaf veins. Fruit
lesions initially appear as small, irregular, water-soaked
spots around lenticels. Later, lesions become raised with a AGROFORESTRY/ENVIRONMENTAL
greasy appearance, cracking, and oozing bacteria-laden sap. PRACTICES
The disease is spread in wind-driven water from lesions to
natural openings and wounds on the tree. Crop shade/overstory
Mangos do not make a good overstory tree for cropping
Internal physiological disorders
shade-tolerant species because their dense canopy produc-
Several internal physiological disorders can affect the flesh es 100% shade.
and eating quality of mangos. Some common forms of
these disorders are Livestock shelter
• “jelly seed”—premature ripening from around the The dense canopy and tolerance of soil compaction make
seed the mango an ideal tree for sheltering livestock from sun
• “soft nose”—premature softening of the nose of the and rain. Trees must be protected from animals until the
fruit canopy is higher than grazing height.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  15

fruit, seed, and processed products such as achars, chutneys,
preserves, etc. The fruit is eaten for its nutritional value, its
medicinal value, and for its pleasant flavor. The fruit and
its by-products are used for animal fodder, and the tim-
ber is used for canoe building and making charcoal. Today
mango and its flavor are added to many products, such as
fruit juices, ice creams, wines, teas, breakfast cereals, muesli
bars, and biscuits.

Mangos are predominantly grown for their fruit, which is
mostly eaten ripe as a dessert fruit. Mature green mangos
are also eaten fresh or as pickles. Green eating varieties are
distinguished from others by their sweet, non-starchy, non-
astringent flavor at the green-mature stage of fruit devel-
opment. Mature green eating mangos are eaten in several
ways throughout the world. In Thailand they are sliced or
grated in fresh salad, pickled (ma mung dong), soaked in
Sap oozing from mango stem attachment is highly caustic. water and sugar (ma mung chaien), salted and dried (ma
photo: I. S. E. Bally mung khem), sliced in vinegar or fish sauce (ma mung pla
wa arn), or eaten as a crunchy fruit. In many places, e.g.,
Homegardens Samoa, the fruits are eaten green because someone else will
Mangos are used as shelter and shade trees in villages and eat them if one waits for ripening or because fruit fly lar-
homegardens. Two or three trees make an excellent ad- vae are not yet developed. Fresh mangos are processed and
dition to tropical homegardens in areas favorable to fruit preserved into a wide range of products including pulps,
production. juices, frozen slices, dried slices, pulp (fruit leather), chut-
neys, jams, pickles, canned in syrup, and sliced in brine.
Fence posts Mangos are a highly nutritious fruit containing carbohy-
Mango wood is soft and rots rapidly when exposed to the drates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins, in particular
elements, so it is not suitable for fence posts. However, vitamin A (beta carotene), B1, B2, and vitamin C (ascor-
mangos have been used as living fence posts. bic acid). As the fruit ripens, concentrations of vitamin C
decrease and glucose, fructose, and sucrose concentrations
Windbreaks increase. Mangos make a significant seasonal contribu-
Mangos are sometimes used in mixed-species windbreaks, tion to diet of many Pacific islanders that primarily have a
but their dense canopies cause wind turbulence, reducing starch-based diet.
windbreak effectiveness. Fruit production and quality is
poor on wind-exposed trees. Flavoring/spice
Mango purees and essences are used to flavor many food
Silvopasture products such as drinks, ice creams, wines, teas, breakfast
Mangos grow well in pastures, although cattle will graze cereals, muesli bars, and biscuits.
off lower leaves. It is necessary to fence off young trees for
the first 3–4 years to protect them from livestock. Nut/seed
In parts of India the seed is eaten as a boiled or baked veg-
Native animal/bird food etable or ground into a starchy flour.
Mango fruits are a food source for many birds, fruit bats,
wild pigs, and rodents. Leaf vegetable
Young leaves, still rose or bronze colored, can be boiled to
render them edible. Although the cooked leaves hold their
USES AND PRODUCTS shape and are attractive, their resinous flavor is an acquired
Mangos have long been recognized as more than just ed- taste. Some varieties are more suitable for eating in this
ible ripe fruit. The edible uses of the fruit include non-ripe manner (Martin et al. 1998). Young leaves of the related

16  Mangifera indica (mango) 

species Mangifera pajang are eaten as vegeta-
bles in Sarawak.

Alcoholic beverages made from mangos in-
clude wines and liquors made in Australia and
India. Specialty teas are occasionally flavored
with fragrant mango flowers.

In addition to mango’s food value, it has also
been used for its medicinal value. In Samoa, a
bark infusion has been a traditional remedy for
mouth infections in children (pala gutu), and in
Tonga, infusions of leaves of mango, the orange
(Citrus sinensis), and other species are used to
make a potion to treat relapse sickness (kita).
In India, a drink made from unripe mango Mangos make a wonderful addition to homegardens, such as here in Apia,
fruit is used as a remedy for exhaustion and Samoa where other popular homegarden trees include breadfruit, coconut,
heat stroke. Half-ripe fruit eaten with salt and citrus, and vi (Spondias dulcis). photo: C. Elevitch
honey is used for a treatment of gastro-intesti- Fuelwood
nal disorders, bilious disorders, blood disorders, and scurvy.
Mango wood makes excellent charcoal.
Ripe mangos are a rich source of vitamin A, and are used
to treat vitamin A deficiencies such as night blindness. Canoe/boat/raft making
Diabetes has been treated with a drink made from the in-
In French Oceania and the Cook Islands, mango wood is
fusion of fresh mango leaves. Dried mango seed ground
used for canoe construction.
into flour is used to treat diarrhea. Diarrhea and throat
disorders are treated by gargling bark extracts mixed with Tannin/dye
water. In India, fruit sap has been used to treat the pain of A yellowish-brown dye used for silk is extracted from the
bee and scorpion stings. Many of the traditional Indian bark.
medicinal uses of mango involve eating unripe fruit. It
should be noted that unripe fruit contains a lot of the toxic
sap that when eaten in excess can cause throat irritation, URBAN AND COMMUNITY
indigestion, dysentery, and colic.
Animal fodder Mangos have traditionally been grown as garden and
Livestock will graze on mango leaves and eat fallen fruit. community trees in many countries. The trees are prized
The leaves can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. primarily for their delicious fruit, but also valued for their
Seeds and by-products of processing fruit have been used dark green foliage with its periodic splashes of new red-
to feed cattle, poultry, and pigs. brown leaves. Other aspects such as flood and drought tol-
erance and a dense spreading canopy that provides shade
Honey and shelter for humans and animals, make mangos valued
Mango flowers are a rich source of nectar collected by garden trees. Traditionally, mangos have also been grown
honey bees. as shade trees in streets and parks, but their high mainte-
nance and public nuisance have brought them into disfavor
Timber in many public situations in recent times.
Mango timber when properly seasoned has been used in
furniture, for carving, as wall and floor paneling, and uten- Size
sil manufacture. The timber is gray-brown, often with a Mango can reach heights of 15–30 m (50–100 ft). In urban
pink tinge. It is coarse-textured hardwood that is easy to environments cultivated trees are usually maintained to a
work and finishes well. The timber breaks down rapidly if height of between 3 and 10 m (10–33 ft) when mature.
exposed to the elements without preservation treatment.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  17

Rate of growth Nutritional value of 100 g fresh mango pulp. (Source:
Mangos are fast-growing trees, often growing in excess of USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Re-
1.5 m (5 ft) per year when well tended in urban conditions. lease 14 July 2001)
Amount in 100 g
Constituent fresh pulp
Mango roots are extensive and build up around water Water 81.7 g
Energy 65 kcal (272 kj)
sources such as leaking pipes and water spigots. In mature Protein 0.51 g
trees, major roots will come to the surface and may disrupt Fats 0.27 g
lawns or paved surfaces for a distance from the trunk equal Carbohydrates 17.00 g
to the spread of the canopy. Aside from the area under the Total dietary fiber 1.8 g
canopy, there is little danger mango roots will raise pave- Ash 0.50 g
ment or foundations. Minerals
calcium 10 mg
Household uses iron 0.13 mg
magnesium 9.0 mg
The fruit from the mango can be eaten as a ripe fruit or phosphorus 11 mg
processed into a range of products such as achars, chutneys, potassium 156 mg
jams, pulps, juices, and canned or frozen. The unripe green sodium 2 mg
fruit is commonly eaten throughout the Pacific, picked zinc 0.04 mg
copper 0.11 mg
fresh as a snack or dipped in salt or soy sauce. The green
manganese 0.027 mg
fruit is also commonly pickled, peeled, and sliced. selenium 0.6 mcg
Light requirements
vitamin C (total ascorbic acid) 27.2 mg
Mangos prefer full sun. Where grown in shaded situations, thiamine 0.056 mg
the canopy becomes thin and weak. Fruiting is greatly re- riboflavin 0.57 mg
duced and the fruit lose their attractive blush. niacin 0.584 mg
pantothenic acid 0.16 mg
vitamin B6 0.160 mg
Water/soil requirements total folate 14 mcg
Mangos grow in most soil types from heavy clays to light vitamin A, IU 3894 IU
sands but prefer well drained lighter soils. Mangos are gen- vitamin A, RE 389 mcg_RE
vitamin E 1.120 mg_ATE
erally tolerant of many harsh soil conditions. Over hard, tocopherols, alpha 1.12 mg
compacted subsoil or smooth lava (such as paho‘eho‘e) that
is impenetrable by the roots, trees may become unstable in Lipids
high winds, be more subject to drought, and growth may total saturated fatty acids 0.066 g
total monounsaturated fatty acids 0.101 g
become stunted. total poly unsaturated fatty acids 0.051 g
cholesterol 0.00 mg
Expected life span in a homegarden Amino acids
Mango trees are long-lived and can be expected to survive
Tryptophan 0.008 g
as mature trees for over 100 years. Threonine 0.019 g
Isoleucine 0.018 g
Varieties favored for use in a homegardens Leucine 0.031 g
Lysine 0.041 g
There are many named and unnamed mango varieties Methionine 0.005 g
grown throughout the Pacific islands. The most suitable Phenylalanine 0.017 g
varieties to grow in the homegarden is a matter of personal Tyrosine 0.01 g
taste and how the tree is to be used. Small or dwarf mango Valine 0.026 g
varieties are suitable for smaller gardens where space is Arginine 0.019 g
Histidine 0.012 g
limited. Some of these varieties include ‘Keitt’, ‘Fairchild’, Alanine 0.051 g
‘Rapoza’, ‘Willard’, and ‘Irwin’. Larger more vigorous vari- Aspartic acid 0.042 g
eties are suitable where the trees are to provide shade and Glutamic acid 0.06 g
shelter. Some of these varieties include: ‘Haden’, ‘Kensing- Glycine 0.021 g
ton Pride’, ‘Gouviea’, ‘Mapulehu’, and ‘Ah Ping’. If there is Proline 0.018 g
Serine 0.022 g

18  Mangifera indica (mango) 

A quick-bearing crop such as papaya can be grown between mango seedlings for the first few years, after which the mangos start
filling the open space and begin bearing a fruit crop. photo: C. Elevitch

room for more than one mango tree, two or more varieties varieties the young expanding leaves are a dark chocolate
with different bearing seasons can be selected to extend brown or purple color that turns gradually to dark green as
the time ripe fruit is available. the leaves reach full size and harden.

Seasonality of leaf flush, flowering, fruiting Bird/bee/wildlife

Mangos generally flower in the coolest and driest part of Mango trees attract a range of wildlife (birds, bats, and
the year and the fruits develop through the spring and early other fruit-eating creatures). During the fruiting season,
summer to ripen in the hottest part of the year. Leaf flush- fruit bats and fruit-eating birds are attracted to the tree.
ing (periodic growth of new leaves) can occur throughout Bees visit the flowers, but most pollination is done by flies.
the year, but is usually concentrated in the summer months
after the fruits ripen and often coincides with summer rains. Maintenance requirements
Mangos shed leaves continuously throughout the year, but Fertilizer Mangos grown in the homegarden generally do
most of the annual leaf shedding occurs immediately after not need regular fertilizer; however, if the foliage appears
each new growth flush. light green or yellowish, it can be greened up by the appli-
cation of 0.5–2 kg (1.1–4.4 lb) of a well balanced fertilizer
Ornamental values once or twice a year.
Mango flower colors differ among varieties and range from Watering Although mangos are able to withstand peri-
green through yellow and pink to dark red. Inflorescences odic drought, it is best to water the trees during the dryer
(flower stalks) vary in length from 12 to 50 cm (5–20 in). months. Watering mango trees when the flowers and fruit
The inflorescences are usually abundant and provide an at- are on the tree will improve the fruit set and size of the
tractive contrast to the dark-green foliage. In many mango fruit at harvest.

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  19

for branches to snap under the weight of a per-
When to pick mangos son climbing the tree to pick the fruit.

The maximum eating quality of fresh mangos is obtained when the Nuisance issues
fruits are harvested when fully mature. Early or immature picking Fruit that is allowed to ripen and fall to the
can reduce eating quality. ground quickly begins to rot. Because they are
Not all maturity indicators are useful on all varieties. Some useful smelly as they rot, ripe fruits attract vermin
maturity indicators are such as rodents and feral pigs. Decaying fruit
kills grass in patches and clogs up mowing
• the shoulders and beak of the fruit are well filled out, and the equipment.
skin in these areas takes on a smooth appearance
• the background green coloring of the fruit begins to lighten Hazards
• the fruit pedicle (stem) begins to shrivel and is more easily Mango trees in urban spaces such as car parks,
separated from the fruit sports fields, and public walkways can be a
• flesh color changes from white to a uniform pale yellow. problem during the fruiting season. Ripe fruit
falling from trees is not only a hazard when
Picking the fruit falling, but rotting fruits on the ground present
a hazard as they are slippery if stepped on (just
Once mature, fruit are usually picked as mature, hard, green fruit
like banana peels). The sap that exudes from
and then ripened in crates or baskets. If the fruit is left to ripen on
the stems of fruit is highly caustic and toxic,
the tree, birds and bats usually eat the fruit first.
and contact with unprotected skin can cause
Care should be taken to avoid sap contact on the fruit or human severe blistering and rashes that can require
skin during the picking operation, as it is highly caustic and will medical attention. Skin and eye protection
cause fruit blemishes and burn human skin. Picking the fruit with should be used when picking the fruit. In hy-
long stems (>10 cm, 4 in) and de-stemming the fruit after dipping persensitive people, consumption of the fruit
in detergent will help overcome sap-related problems. can cause swelling of the lips, throat, and face.

Common pest problems

Mangos are susceptible to a range of pests and
Pruning If left unpruned, mangos can become very large
diseases that affect the tree and fruit. In general, the pests
trees (15–30 m [50–100 ft]). Pruning to limit tree size or
in garden trees exist at low levels in balance with their
provide clearance from buildings and roads is common
predators and do not require any specific control measures.
practice and usually needs to be done every 1–2 years. Prun-
For severe pest infestations, see the “Pests” section above.
ing may also be necessary to thin the canopy and remove
any dead branches inside the canopy. Mangos are very tol-
erant of pruning and limbs of any size can be removed.
After heavy pruning it is common for trees to flower and Along with coconut and breadfruit, mango is one of the
crop poorly the next season, with increasing harvests in most common homegarden fruits in the Pacific. The pop-
following seasons. ularity of the mango comes from the almost universally-
loved fruit, which can be too costly for most households
Drawbacks to purchase. A mature tree of a selected variety can reliably
produce enough fruit for a family, with extra to preserve
Mangos are considered a messy tree because they tend to
in various ways or share with friends and neighbors. The
continuously drop leaves and other material. At late flow-
shade and shelter provided by the dense, spreading canopy
ering/early fruit set, the tree drops the aborted flowers and
of the mango has traditionally been a focal point for work
inflorescence branchlets, which can stain concrete or cars
and social gatherings in the Pacific.
parked beneath. Mangos naturally thin their fruit crop,
shedding aborted fruit from flowering until fruit are al-
most full size. These fruits have a high sap content that can COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS
stain concrete, kill grass, and strip paint from cars.
Commercial mango production is carried out in several
Mango branches are brittle and can break during heavy
wind storms or with heavy crop loads. It is also common

20  Mangifera indica (mango) 

Pacific nations including Hawai‘i, Fiji, and the Solomon Irrigation
Islands. Irrigation during the flowering and cropping period can
greatly increase the number of flowers and the number and
Tree spacing size of fruits at harvest.
Tree spacing is governed by the variety and climate. Tra-
ditional spacings were wide (up to 12 x 12 m, 70 trees/ha; Fertilizer
40 x 40 ft, 28 trees/ac) as trees were allowed to grow to full As a rule, mangos do not require large amounts of fertilizer.
size. In more recent times, tree spacing has been reduced Overfertilization can be detrimental to yield, promoting
and trees are maintained at smaller sizes. This facilitates excessive vegetative vigor at the expense of flowering and
pest and disease control and harvesting operations. Smaller fruiting. Mangos are especially sensitive to nitrogen, which
compact varieties can be planted as close as 7 x 4 m or 375 not only promotes vigor but also reduces fruit color at har-
trees/ha (23 x 13 ft, 152 trees/ac). vest and reduces the fruits’ tolerance of postharvest disease.
Various fertilizer schedules can be found in the publica-
Pruning tions listed in the bibliography below.
Managed orchard trees require regular annual pruning to
maintain an open canopy of manageable size. This allows Crop manipulation
air and sunlight to penetrate, which reduces pests and dis- Manipulation of flowering to increase fruit set is a com-
eases and enhances internal fruit color. Mangos can be mon commercial practice. Two popular treatments are the
heavily pruned with little effect on tree health, although application of potassium nitrate (KNO3) or paclobutrazol
heavy pruning may stimulate excessive vegetative growth to promote flowering. Potassium nitrate works only on
at the expense of flowering and fruiting. some varieties in some climates. Soil drenches with pa-

Regular annual pruning to maintain an open canopy and control the size of the tree is necessary for commercial production.
Pruning by climbing into the canopy is a common method for small growers. photo: C. Elevitch

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  21

Contemplating growing
mango commercially?
Mango is often used in a mixed cropping or interpolating
situation. When mango trees are young, they can be mixed
Many issues have to be considered when embarking with smaller crops such as papaya, coffee, and vegetables.
on commercial mango production. In addition to the As the trees become larger, they cast heavy shade, and their
obvious production-related issues such as how, where, roots out-compete smaller species. Mature mangos can be
and what to grow, there are marketing, finance, license, successfully mixed with other similarly vigorous species
and regulatory issues that need to be considered. A such as jackfruit, avocado, breadfruit, coconut, guava, or
good place to start is by reading a good growing and rambutan.
production handbook and getting advice from an ad-
visory service. Some of these are listed at the end of
this publication. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AND
clobutrazol generally increase flowering, encourage early Extension offices for agroforestry and forestry in the Pa-
flowering, and reduce vegetative vigor (use of paclobutra- cific: <>.
zol is subject to registration requirements of the chemi-
cal, which may vary with countries). Other techniques that
have been used with variable results include cincturing, GERMPLASM RESOURCES
which involves making a shallow saw cut around the trunk Collections of mango varieties and related species are
or limb to temporarily ring bark it and restrict the flow maintained in many tropical and subtropical countries
of carbohydrates down the limb. Smudging (lighting fires on most continents. Because of the short storage viability
under the trees to smoke the canopy for several weeks) was of the seed, collections are held as mature growing trees,
popular in the Philippines before potassium nitrate be- usually maintained by research organizations involved in
came widely used. In some parts of India, root pruning or mango improvement in the region. In the Pacific, the ma-
disruption through cultivation or exposure to the air was jor collections are held in Hawai‘i, Australia, and Fiji as
used as a flower-inducing treatment. listed below. Collections of Mangifera from other parts of
the world are listed in the International Plant Genetic Re-
Harvesting sources Institute (IPGRI) web site <http://web.ipgri.cgiar.
Fruits are usually harvested by hand or with the help of org/germplasm>.
picking devices. The fruits are handled gently as they are
easily damaged by abrasion and sap contamination. Care Locations of major mango collections for the Pa-
should be taken to avoid sap contacting the fruit during cific region
the harvesting and packing operations, as it is caustic and
causes dark, unsightly blemishes on the fruit. Sap can also Australia
burn human skin. Mango branches are brittle and can snap Queensland Department of Primary Industries
without warning. This is a common cause of injury to peo- PO Box 1054, Mareeba QLD 4880, Australia
ple climbing trees during harvest. E-mail:
Postharvest care
Botany Section, Koronivia Research Station
To maximize the storage life of mangos, fruits are general- PO Box 77, Nausori, Fiji
ly dipped in hot water and fungicides to slow the develop-
ment of postharvest fungal rots. Controlled cool tempera- Philippines
tures are also essential if fruit quality is to be maintained Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, UPLB
during storage. Temperatures will vary depending on the College, Laguna, Philippines
stage of fruit ripeness and variety. Ethylene gassing is used E-mail:
to trigger even ripening in stored fruit.
United States including Hawai‘i
Specific detailed information on the various aspects of
commercial mango production can be found in the publi- Subtropical Horticultural Research Unit, National
cations listed in the bibliography below. Germplasm Repository–Miami

22  Mangifera indica (mango) 

13601 Old Cutler Road Pests and Disorders. Queensland Department of Primary
Miami, FL 33158 USA Industries. Brisbane. Australia.
E-mail: Bompard, J.M. 1993. The genus Mangifera re-discovered: the
potential contribution of wild species to mango cultiva-
tion. Acta Horticulturae 341: 69–77.
INTERNET Campbell, R.J. 1992. A Guide to Mangos in Florida. Fairchild
Queensland Department of Primary industries mango infor- Tropical Garden, Miami, Florida.
mation: < ☛ Campbell, R.J., C.W. Campbell, and N. Ledesma. 2002.
html>. Tropical Mangos: Growing the World’s Most Delicious
General crop information: <http://www.extento.hawaii. Fruit. Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coral Gables, Florida.
edu/kbase/crop/crops/I_mango.htm and http://www. Chia, C.L., R.A. Hamilton, and D.O. Evans. 1997. Mango.>. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources,
The Mango: Asia’s King of Fruits. (Douthett, D.G. 2000. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Honolulu.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale): <http://www. Coates L., T. Cooke, D. Persley, B. Beattie, N. Wade, and R.
Ridgway. 1995. Postharvest Diseases of Horticultural Pro->.
duce: Tropical Fruit. Queensland Department of Primary
Mango varieties suited for unripe eating: <http://www.dpi.
Industries, Brisbane, Australia.>.
Conde, B.D., R.N. Pithethley, E.S.C. Smith, V.J. Kulkar-
Grafting mangos: <
ni, K. Thiagalingam, L.I. Ulyatt, M.I. Conelly, and D.A.
Hamilton. 1997. Identification of mango scab caused by
Mango crop production questions and answers: <http://
Elsinoe mangiferae in Australia. Australian Plant Pathol->.
ogy 26: 131.
Postharvest processing: < Davenport, T.L., and R. Nunez-Elisea. 1997. Reproductive
hb66/contents.html>. physiology of mango. In: Litz, op. cit.
Anthracnose: <
☛ Hamilton, R.A., C.L. Chia, and D.O. Evans. 1992.
Mango Cultivars in Hawaii. College of Tropical Agri-
Fruits in the homegarden: <
culture and Human Resources, University of Hawai‘i,
Hartmann, H.T., and D.E. Kester. 1983. Plant Propagation
BIBLIOGRAPHY Principals and Practices. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Iqbal, M. 1982. Review of mango research and production in
(☛ indicates recommended reading) Fiji. Fiji Agricultural Journal 44: 21–26.
Brown, F.B.H. 1935. Flora of southeastern Polynesia. III. Di- ☛ Kernot, I., N. Meurant, R. Holmes, N. MacLeod, G. Ful-
cotyledons. Bishop Museum Bulletin 130: 14–16. lelove, and I.S.E. Bally. 2000. Agrilink-Mango Informa-
Anonymous. 1975. Mango Profile: A Program for the De- tion Kit. Queensland Department of Primary Industries,
velopment of the Commercial Mango Industry in Suva. Brisbane, Australia.
Agricultural Commodity Committee, Suva. Kostermans, B. 1993. The Mangos, Their Botany, Nomencla-
Anonymous. 1986. Genetic Resources of Tropical and Sub- ture, Horticulture and Utilisation. Academic Press, Lon-
Tropical Fruits and Nuts Excluding Musa. International don.
Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome. Kusummo, S., T. Lye, V. Vangani, S.K. Yong, and L.O.
Alcorne, J.L., K.R.E. Grice, and R.A. Peterson. 1999. Mango Namuco. 1984. Commercial Mango Cultivars in ASEAN.
scab in Australia caused by Denticularia mangiferae (Bi- In: Mendoza, J.R., and R.H.B. Wills (eds.). Mango Fruit
tanc. & Jenkins) comb. nov. Australasian Plant Pathology Development, Postharvest Physiology and Marketing in
28: 115-119. ASEAN. ASEAN Food Handling Bureau, Kuala Lum-
☛ Alexander, D.M., and W.J. Lewis. 1988. Grafting and pur.
Budding of Fruit Trees, a Practical Guide. CSIRO, Collin- Lim, T.K., and E.M. Fleming. 1998. Food and other crops
gwood, Australia. in Fiji: an annotated bibliography. Australian Centre for
Bally, I.S.E. 1999. Mango Varieties, Green Eating. Queens­ International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra,
land Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Aus- Australia.
tralia. Lim, T.K., and K.C. Khoo. 1985. Diseases and Disorders of
☛ Bagshaw J., B.I. Brown, A. Cooke, I.C. Cunningham, Mango in Malaysia. Tropical Press, Kuala Lumpur.
G. Johnson, P. Mayers, and I.R. Muirhead. 1989. Mango Little, E.L. Jr., and R.G. Skolmen. 1989. Common Forest
Trees of Hawaii (Native and Introduced). Agriculture

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  23

Handbook no. 679. USDA Forest Service, Washington,
☛ Litz, R.E. (ed.). 1997. The Mango; Botany, Production and
Uses, 1st edition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
Martin F.W., R.M. Ruberté, and L.S. Meitzner. 1998. Edible
Leaves of the Tropics, Third Edition. ECHO, North Fort
Myers, Florida.
☛ Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates. Julia Morton,
Miami, Florida.
Reddy, B. 1975. Insects, Other Pest and Diseases Record-
ed in the Southeast Asia and Pacific Region: Mango—
Mangifera indica. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, Bangkok.
Rehm, S., and G. Espig. 1991. The Cultivated Plants of the
Tropics and Subtropics. Verlag Josef Margraf Scientific
Books, Weikersheim, Germany.
Salim, A.S., A.J. Simons, C. Orwas, J. Chege, B. Owuor,
and A. Mutua. 2002. Agroforestree database. World
Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. <http://www.>.
Smith, A.C. 1985. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji,
Vol.3. Lāwa‘i, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i.
Singh, L.B. 1960. The Mango: Botany, Cultivation and Util-
isation. Lenord Hill, London.
Thaman, R.R., and W.A. Whistler. 1996. A Review of Uses
and Status of Trees and Forests in Land-Use Systems in
Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati and Tuvalu with Recommenda-
tions for Future Action. South Pacific Forestry Develop-
ment Programme, Suva, Fiji.
Verheij, E.W.M. 1991. Mangifera indica L. In: Verheij,
E.W.M., and R.E. Coronel (eds.). Plant Resources of
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Wagner, W.L., D.R. Herbst, and S.H. Sohmer. 1999. Manual
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Whiley, A.W. 1994. Mango. In: P.E. Page (ed.). Tropical Tree
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Whistler, W.A. 1992. Tongan Herbal Medicine. Isle Botanica,
Whistler, W.A. 1996. Samoan Herbal Medicine. Isle
Botanica, Honolulu.
Whistler, W.A. 2000. Plants in Samoan Culture: The
Ethnobotany of Samoa. Isle Botanica, Honolulu.

24  Mangifera indica (mango) 

Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (

Mangifera indica (mango)

Author: Ian S. E. Bally, Horticulture and Forestry Sciences, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 28 Peters St
(PO Box 1054), Mareeba, QLD, 4880, Australia; Tel: +61 (0)7 4048 4644; Fax: +61 (0)7 40 923 593; E-mail:
Acknowledgments: The author and publisher thank Richard Campbell, Dale Evans, Heidi Johansen, Diane Ragone, and Art Whis-
tler for their input.
Recommended citation: Bally, I.S.E. 2006. Mangifera indica (mango), ver. 3.1. In: Elevitch, C.R. (ed.). Species Profiles for Pacific
Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i. <>.
Sponsors: Publication was made possible by generous support of the United States Department of Agriculture Western Region Sus-
tainable Agriculture Research and Education (USDA-WSARE) Program; SPC/GTZ Pacific-German Regional Forestry Project;
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS); USDA Forest Service For-
est Lands Enhancement Program; State of Hawai‘i Department of Land & Natural Resources Division of Forestry & Wildlife;
Kaulunani, an Urban Forestry Program of the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife and the USDA Forest Service; and Muriel
and Kent Lighter. This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Ser-
vice, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, under Cooperative Agreement
Series editor: Craig R. Elevitch
Publisher: Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), PO Box 428, Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i 96725, USA; Tel: 808-324-4427; Fax: 808-324-
4129; E-mail:; Web: <>. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Reproduction: Copies of this publication can be downloaded from <>. This publication may be repro-
duced for noncommercial educational purposes only, with credit given to the source. © 2006 Permanent Agriculture Resources. All
rights reserved.



Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry (  25

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