Mikrotik - Academy - Doc

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Agrrcment of *likroTik Academy

No-l[?--t9- t9
Riga,A4nqz( 6n9,2919

Tlris Agreement is made as of Yl ?fch i9 , Z0lg herwcen ,,MikrotTk1s,, SIA. represerrretl by

Eoard l\{ember of the Comparl'Amis Riekstiq5. acting in irccordance wirh the Contpanv's statute (hereinafter
MikroTik) and gmL AritEIvA acring in accordance wirh rhe narional education law
(hereinatier - 1-1n iversirl.).

University is an educatiural ins[rution rvhich has all the necessix'y educatiorr and professionai certifications
specitled in the national educution la\u. or, ir: other laws regulating educatir;n. and rvhich ptrticipates in the
implementation of educationirl prcgrammes :rnll
-{rants academic ciegrees in r,arietv of subjects.

MikroTik is a legal perscxr who, togethcr with Unilersitl,. wishes to enter intc tiris agrecmen( to cstablish
L{ikroTik educatioual progranme - classes in l1eld ol'Mik-toTik netu,orking technologies.

L'tikroTik Appointed Coordinator is a persorr u'ho is certified as a MikroTik kaincr and is listccl iir MikroTik
official website http;1/wrvu'.urikrotik.com/trairiing/ as the offrcial coordinaror tor particulu-cormtry.

MikrnTik Acaderny Trainer is a lecturer at the University. lvlikroTik Acadetny Trainer is approved b-v l!{ikroTik
and }4ikroTik Appointed Coordinzrtor. and has iirllowing MikroTik ce]'rificarions - MTflNA. ar leasr one of
tr4iliroTik Engineer levei certillcates (1\4TCRE. il,ITCV/E. MTCTCE. I{TCIIME, MTCIPT,6E or N4TCINE) and a
l{ikroTik Academ.v Trainer certi licate.

MikroTik Educational Class is general data networking. or. specitlc MilanTik educarional progrxln coverilg
MikroTik Certification Outline. r.neiurt for dillerent edut:ational insiltutions which har.e entered intlr an agreetllenr
rvith MikroTik. MikroTik Educational Classcs are nreant only forUniversitv Students interested in iearning
rcLtiins ald rnalaging of wirccl altl wircless netw.lrks using N{ikroTik Route roS.

University Studcnt is it student u'ho has registered ibl an1, oI academic programs oi'Universit,v ar the time he is
signing up fot ihe MikroTik Educational Class.

Ohligations of parties:

l.Universitl' provides professional guidance - pnrvisiou uf inforrnaticn regtrding rhe opportunity to acquire
MikroTik Edttcat-ional Class in compliance rvith the interests and ahilirieri cf the slurierrts.

2. Liniversity logcther with N4ikroTik Acadenry Trainer crcates MikroTik Educational Class using their best
krrowledge and MikroTik supporr.

3. tlniversity provides students with equipped space^ lab, appropriate Inrerner access. ]\,{ikroTik Acadernl, 'lrainer
at Llniversitv's ()wn experse ar.rcl with \4ikroTik equipment ti.rr MikrilTik Eduuationai (llass cooperating *'ith
MikroTik Appointed Coordinaior.

4. University undertakes to launch N{ikloTik Educational Class n'ithin 6 (six) r-nonths ii'om the date of mutual
signaturc of this Ag-eement. If \{ikroTik Educational Class is not initiarccl ri..ithin temi ser forrh l.rerein Universi$,'
will rcceive writtetr notillcation iiom MikroTik on it's dut,v immediately oremrize and start lv{ikroTik Education:rl
Lllass. If MikroTik E,Jucationai Class is not orsanized within 3 (threc.l months from thc tlate when noriilcation to
Llniversity was issued, tiniversitv nrust imrnediatelv rcnun all receivod MikroTik equipment and/or eclucational
materials to N{ikroTik. if such cquipmLxit and/or materials rvc,re supplicd ro Universiry for l!{ikroTik eclucational

i. {Jniversitv uudertakes to publish on its wehpage {or University's studeuts all releyant infomrarion on MikroTik
eriucational program ard l,IikroTik E ducatioual Cl asses.
6. University cooperating n'ith N4ikroTili Appoinred Coordinator ensureri rhat NilikroTik Educational Classes have
educational purposc and are a(tenclcd only by llniversiLy Studcnts. Universitl'acknor+lcdge rhat Miktofik
Appointed Coordinator srtpervises the handling ot L{ikroTik Educational Classes in University iu.rd uray repol1 ro
l\likroTrk about any r,iolations or suspected breaches of this A,greernent. Unir,ersitj, must provide MiklrrTik
Appoi*ted Coordinator upon his request with all necessary in{brmation which reial"cs to N4ikroTik Educarional
Classe s.

?. Mil<roTik provides llnivcrsity, MikrnTik Appointed Cor rdinatcrr and I\tlikroTik Acaderny Traincrivith
ne.tssarv support and inforrlation considerin.g thc' organization of MikroTik Educatir:nal Classes.

8 Untr,ersity and N{ikroTik Academy Trainet shaLl ensrire that X{ikroTik Edtcational Classes are conducted and
lV{ikroTt]i Certif ied Netwotk Associate iMTCNA) cenili.cation tests al'e held in the class iequipped spar.:e. lab etc.)
al the presence o{' the University Students rvho want to participate in the \{jkroTik Educational Class or
participate in the MikroTIK Cerrificatiou test trnder the clirect supervision of the MikroTik Acadeurv Trainer.
Iiernote training sessions (l!{ikroTik Educadoni.il C'lasses.} and MikroTik {N{TCNA) certilicaiion ex.lms are llot
ajlorved and are violation o.l- &e l.inir.ersity's and 1v{ikroTik Acadern-v Trainer's obligations under this Agreernent.

9. When MikroTik EducaticLral Class comes to an end. University holds N,IikroTik Certified Network Associate
th'{TClNAt certilication test l'or'{-lniversity Studenis rvho have anended the MikroTik Educational Class"
Cr.rtification test is pnrvided try N{ikroTik through }rtips.Cvwr,! nrikrtui! ;r,xn,_rvebpage. It is activatcr-i fur
Litiveruily rtirdents through MikroTik Acaiicmy Traincr's prof iic"

I i). University together u'irh Mikrollik

ensures that MikroTik Academy Trainer may alter. edit. or levise ury copl'
ci MiliroTik Trainilg Materials r,vithout the prior rvrittel approval of lVlikroTik. however. each revisicin rnusr
inclnde MikroTik as author's narue ald credits as originaliy provided by MikroTik. and rrmsr displiw rlie
{rrllor.ving notice iir clearlv readahle pr:int on the I'irst page of each copy ancl eath page:"Q MikroTik.
u,ww.mikrotik.com. Al1 ri-ahts reserved, Reprinted rvith permission."

1 i. Privacy and Ilata Protection: for the purposes of th.is Adicle. "Personal lnforniation" means an.v informatirxr
provided or collected by Parries in conncction with tlris Agreenrent ii) that idenrifies cr can be uscd ro identify,
contact. or locate the person to whom such informatron perriiins. or (ir) It-om rvhich identil'ication or conuct
ittltrrtnaliut o1 au irrdividual person can he ciel:ived. Persoual Inforrnation includes. but is not lirnitecl to: rlarrle.
address. photo. phone nunrber, fax nrimber. cmait address^ issncd iclentifier" and credit card inibrmation.
Adrlitionall.r', to the extent any other ini-onnation (sucir ar. but nct ner-:essarily limired io" a personal profile, unique
identil'ier. and/or IP address) is associated or combined witli Personal lnfbrrnalion, therr such ini'ormation also rvill
be considered Persotial Inl'ormation. Processing mrans an-\' opcl'Jrion carried out with Personal Inlormation (incl,
colleciion. recording. storing. nlteration. grant 0f ac.ess to. nraliing enquiries. tratsfer. etc.l.
Anv Personal Informaliotr processed by, the Parties in thr- perfbnnance ol'this Agreemcnt -qhall he lirnited io ihat
which is strictl-v necessary to fiilfil this Agreement or/and an1' legal requiretnents set in REGUI-ATIOI{ (ELI}
1016i679 OF THE EUROPEz\N PARLIAN{ENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of
natural persons with regald tri the processing of personal data :md on the lree moyefieltt of such data. hereinafter' -
General Data Protect.ion Regulation.
12. Unil'ersitv and/or lVlikroTik Acldemy Trainer sirould bear the full responsibilitv of ensuring that Pcrsr;nal
Intitr:naliou plncessetl in order to organize and conduct training sessicuts (I\{ikroTik Etlucational Class) and
l\'{ilcuTik celtitication exanrs ftlly ctmrplies with the mlcs of General Data Protecrion l{,egulation. flniversitv
au#or NliknrTik Acarlemy Trainer heals sole respo:rsihilit,v lbr the accruacv and topicalit-v oi the Personal
Itti'orntatirrn submitted by them in the MikroTik's websitr:: ElLrf15filik.c:t! (f.ex", in the MikroTik ,A.caclem_v
Tt'ainer's prcfile). Llnivcrsity anrVor NlikroTik Academy Trainer onll' kor-rps the <iata for rhr: time uecessary ro
iulhll the purpose of collection or funher processing 1l.ex.. rvhen requiled by the lall' and/ar is necessary ro enslli€
l'{ikllTik legitirnate iuterests.l.
l-i. tlnlversity and/or N'Iikto'Iik Academy Trainer must rmplernent necessary measures to ensure tlle security a11'
PersErnal lnfonlation arrd to prevelt unauthorizcd access :mrllor data disclosuro to third parties. thriver"sitv rutlli;r
I{ikroTik Academy Trainer mtlst ensure that any infbn.nation. f.ex.. about training classes is cornrnunicated (J.ex."
send to lhe e-mails of students.) onl,v il proper [ega1 ground lbr processing o{ personal data provided by lhe
Regulation exist with reg:u-d each recipierrt of such information.
University and/or MikroTik Academy Ttainer is aware ihat proccssion of specilic Personal lnlbrmarion undcr this
Agreement can be required by the h4ikroTik ({-.rx", such as {bto ol Universitl' Students) in order to protect tlie
legi.timate interests o1' MikroTik and/or when it is necessarl, for Lhe perfcnnance ot the obligations o{ I}arlies
undcr this Agreement.

14. University sirall indemniiy. delend and hold MikraTil,r harmless lrorrr and against ali losses, cosrs and
expenses, incnrred hy Universiry r:r MikroTik Acraderny 'Ir'airier as a result of or in c:urneetion with clainis for
clopyright. patent int-ingemcnts, bodily injurl. prcpcrty damage asscrted a.gainst N,IikroTik by rhird parties.
provided and to the extent such clairns are caused bv tl-re uegligent acts or cn:issiitns couunitted hy Universitl, or
l'{ikroTik Acadenrl,'Trainer in thc couise of its perfcrniancc of its abligatirrns under tl.ris Agreement.
Final provisions:

l5 This Agreetnent of NliklriTik Acaderny shall be govemed by the laws r:l'Latr,iit and shall be constlued and
interpr:eted thereunder.

16. Any matters not covercd in this Agreernent r.>f MikroTik Acaden.ry sha1l 'trc mutually ncgotiated by all parties
in the supplenrentarv rvritten agreelrlents. rvhich have ttre san:e legal effect as this Agreement.
and be set forth

MikroTik Universitl,,

"'Mikrot1iis" SIA qrnF AvtcFrvr P4JF6

Aiz-krauklesicla 23, Riga
VAT: LV40003286?9') JL. Eaga WQg'rnauL km 01
A/S Sweribank
HARAI,V2z {an Q eranq , Tn h ne Sr a
t,vi2HABA001 94iluMq678

Batrd rtenrher: A. R.iekstiq5

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