Spectroscopy ExerciseCollection Unit 2
Spectroscopy ExerciseCollection Unit 2
Spectroscopy ExerciseCollection Unit 2
Code: 102531
3. The 14N16O molecule has an intense absorption band at 1876.06 cm-1 and a weak
one at 3724.20 cm-1 ascribed to the first overtone. Use this data to find out the bond
force constant, the vibrational frequency and anharmonicity constant. How much is
the zero-point energy? Using the formula for the vibrational levels, estimate the
value of the dissociation energy of the molecule.
4. The spectrum of 1H19F presents an intense line at 3961.64 cm-1, and the equilibrium
vibrational frequency is 4138.52 cm-1. Determine the dissociation energy of 1H19F.
5. The fundamental harmonic frequency of 12C16O has been obtained from quantum
mechanical calculations and is 2202.6 cm-1. The anharmonicity constant obtained
through the same procedure is 4.48x10-3. Answer the following questions:
a) What is the value of the zero-point energy (ZPE)?
b) Compute the frequencies at which the fundamental band and the first overtone
will be seen.
c) What values would the same absorption bands have for the isotopologue 12C18O?
Data: Atomic masses: 12C = 12.000 amu, 16O = 15.995 amu.
6. The harmonic frequencies ̅ of 12C16O and 1H35Cl are 2202 and 2939 cm-1,
respectively. Their respective anharmonicity constants are 0.005 and 0.02. With
these data, and whenever necessary using their atomic masses approximated to be
integer, answer the following questions:
a) Find the values of the force constants of both molecules.
b) Estimate the vibrational level at which the dissociation will occur for both
molecules (Hint: in the anharmonic oscillator model, energy levels get closer
as the quantum number grows until they become degenerate. Thus, the
dissociation level can be estimated as the level where two consecutive states
have the same energy, or in other words, the transition diss + 1 ← diss has
zero energy).
c) Estimate now the chemical dissociation energy of both molecules, .
d) Now, use your results concerning force constants, dissociative state number
and dissociation energy to discuss which of the two molecules has the
strongest bond. Do all results agree? Do you have any chemical information on
the structure that agrees, or disagrees, with your conclusion?
8. Find the symmetry elements of the following species and determine the point group
to which they belong.
1) WF5Cl 2) SF4
3) SiH3(CN) 4) PF5
5) 1-chloro-3,5-difluorobenzene 6) cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2]
7) trans-[PtCl2(NH3)2]
9. Find the symmetry elements and the point group of the main conformers of
10. Using ethylene oxide (C2H4O) as a test molecule, determine the multiplication table
for group C2v:
C2v E C2(z) σv(xz) σv’(yz) First operation
C2(z) O
σv(xz) C C
Second operation
a) Are all H atoms equivalent in C2H4O?
b) According to the table, is this group commutative (Abelian)?
11. Consider the character table for C4v (below, on the left). Check that the
corresponding direct product table (on the right) is correct and fill in the missing
C4v E 2C4 C2 2σv 2σv’ C4v A1 A2 B1 B2 E
A1 1 1 1 1 1 A1 A1 A2 ? ? ?
A2 1 1 1 –1 –1 A2 A2 ? B2 ? E
B1 1 –1 1 1 –1 B1 ? B2 A1 ? E
B2 1 –1 1 –1 1 B2 B2 ? A2 ? ?
E 2 0 –2 0 0 E ? E E ? A1+A2+B1+B2
a) In terms of Γ x Γ direct products: what can be said about the first representation
in all character tables (in this example A1)?
b) What can be said about the diagonal elements of the direct product table? (e.g.
B1xB1= A1)
12. The formaldehyde molecule (H2CO) has a total of six normal modes of vibration
with the following frequencies:
13. Again for the formaldehyde molecule: do a symmetry analysis to find out the
symmetry species of all the normal modes (hint: start off the Γ ). Find now the
symmetry species of the C—H stretchings. Can you propose, based on the
symmetry of the latter, what form might these stretchings take?
14. The chromate anion can act as a counterion and as a mono- and bidentate ligand. In
the two latter cases it forms, in fact, polynuclear complexes, for instance:
19. The IR spectrum of [Os(NH3)4(N2)2]2+, I,, is shown in Figure A, and those of dimers II
and III are shown inn Figure B (see below).
(II) (III)
Figure A (IR spectrum) Figure B (IR spectrum)