Spirit Movie Worksheets
Spirit Movie Worksheets
Spirit Movie Worksheets
Horse Know-How
I ra ced d w i th t h e w i n d .
w i th the ea gle, soare
Reproducible Master
u i t e li k e h e r b efore , an
I n e ve r m e t a ny on e q hi s .
d I’d never seen a place like t
P a r t B . What is your favorite horse? Choose one from the Spirit poster. Then use the information P a r t C . Follow
on the poster to complete the following sentences. your teacher’s
directions to make
My Favorite Horse 1. It is classified as a ________________________.
paper chains that
Write the name of your horse on this line 2. Its size is bigger than _______________________. really show the
___________________________________________ 3. Its size is smaller than _____________________. sizes of these
and draw a picture of it below. 4. The most unusual thing about my horse horses! Which
paper chain shows
is ______________________. the size of Spirit?
5. I chose this horse as my favorite because Which shows the
_________________________________________ size of Rain?
Part C. i e g h t n
Sounds Have Meaning c k e r e b
Horses make lots of different k t o l s t
sounds. Not all of them mean
something, but six special sounds s n a n l b
carry important messages. Find s q u e a l
the following horse sounds s n f i e o
within the box at right. Your
teacher will help you guess e a l g q w
what each sound means. e i g h n t
neigh squeal nicker r e k c i n
blow snort whinny w h i n n y
©2002 YMI Ltd.
Horses and Humans—
e is no A Spirited Bond
A C T I V I T Y 4
n d o ur h om e.
boundary bet ween our heart a
P a r t A . Horses and humans go back a long way. Spirit: pictures below show that Spirit and Little Creek slowly
Stallion of the Cimarron shows an exciting part of this become friends. Number the pictures in the right order.
history. Even though Spirit refuses to be broken, the
P a r t B . What do you think is important to know about question is already provided in each category. You must add
taking care of a horse to help form a special bond between two more to each, plus a new category of your own. Use a
horse and owner? blank sheet of paper to write the answers to your questions.
Begin your horse owner’s research with a few questions.
The categories below will help you organize your work. One
P a r t C . If you
o ok
Horse Owne r’s Noteb
could own a horse,
what kind would it
be? What would
ass? you name it? Turn
horse eat besides gr _______________
Di et —What does a ___ _________________________________________ your paper over to
_________________________ _______________ draw a picture of
___________________________ ___ _____________ _________________________________
____ your horse. Use
___________________________ the poster
m a horse?
in g — W hy is it important to groo ______________
information to
Gr oo m
_____ _____________ ___________________________________ help with coat
__________________________ ______________
___________________________ ________ __________________________________________ colors and special
__________________________ markings.
in a horse?
W he n is the best time to tra ____________
Tr ai ni ng —
________ _____________________________________________
___________________________ ____________
___________________________ _____________ _______________________________________
s of eq ui pm en t are needed for riding
Ri di ng —What kind ___________
____________ _________________________________________
___________________________ ___________
___________________________ ___________ __________________________________________
___________________________ __________
___ ___________________ _______________________________
: _________________
M y Ca te go ry Id ea _____ __________________ ___________________________
___________________________ __
__________________________ ___________________________
__ _
Qu es ti on s: __________ ____ ___________________________
____________ ___________________________
___________________________ _ __________________________________
___________________________ ©2002 YMI Ltd.