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Background: Nursing Process is a systematic problem-solving approach used to identify, prevent and treat
actual or potential health problems and promote wellness. It has five steps- assessment, diagnosis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation.
Objective: To assess factors affecting implementation of nursing process among nurses in selected
governmental hospitals from February-April, 2011 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted on selected governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa.
Purposive sampling was used for selection of hospitals. Black Lion, St. Paul, Ras Desta Damitew Memorial, and
Yekatit 12 hospitals were convenient for the study. The sample size was 202. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16th
Result: Nurses working in a stressful working environment were 2.8 (adjusted OR: 0.357, 95%CI: (0.157-0.814))
times less likely to implement nursing process than disorganized working environment adjusting for facility
accessibility, knowledge, and sex. Forty eight (25%) of respondents were anxious from high patient flow. Among
those 15(31.3%), 22(45.8%), and 11(22.9%) have committed knowledge, executive, and slip/slap error respectively.
Highly knowledgeable respondents were 38.913 (Adjusted OR: 38.913, 95%CI: (10.3-147.006) times more likely to
implement nursing process than low knowledge group nurses adjusted for working environment, facility, and sex.
Conclusion: The study has identified organizational factors, patient related factors, and level of knowledge and
skill were among those factors highly influenced nursing process implementation. This factors cause poor quality of
nursing care, disorganized caring system, conflicting role, medication error and readmission with similar problem,
dissatisfaction with the care patients have received, and increased mortality.
Keywords: Nursing process; Factors; Ethiopia and hospitals involved since it requires knowledge and provides individualized
human assistance [3].
Introduction However, the existence of failures was shown among the nursing
Based on a nursing theory developed by Ida Jean Orlando in the late diagnoses in the patients' history, as well as the implementation of
1950′s as she observed nurses in action, the Nursing Process is an nursing prescriptions without recording the evaluation of the expected
essential part of the nursing care plan [1]. results [4].
The Nursing Process is a systematic problem-solving approach used Similar results were also shown in a study published in 2006 during
to identify, prevent and treat actual or potential health problems and the implementation of the nursing diagnosis, in which the research
promote wellness. It has five steps; Assessment, Diagnosis, planning, subjects indicated difficulties in developing the nursing process at all
implementation and evaluation [2]. stages, and the need for changes to speed up the work process and
optimize the quality of actions in care and education [5]. This research
Despite their knowledge of the nursing process, certain factors was done in University hospital where students are doing clinical
limited the ability of nurses to implement it in their daily practice, practice. Students who attached in those hospitals learn from patient
including lack of time, high patient volume, and high patient turnover. records but if there is no full implementation of nursing process, they
Despite these hurdles, the daily application of the nursing process is cannot obtain what they should get from patient record. Furthermore,
characterized by the scientific background of the professionals the patient care outcome might be poor which results into poor quality
of life. Poor quality of life of an individual is one determinant factor
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for family disturbance. Family health will be impaired and societal Sample size determination
problem become complicated.
The overall minimum sample size was determined using single
It is reasonable to conclude that the nursing process is important population proportion formula by considering; Z=standard normal
for the practice of nursing; however, its use is not an easy task. distribution (Z=1.96) with confidence interval of 95% and =0.05,
Therefore, a continuous evaluation of how the nursing process is p=0.5, d=0.05. And By assuming this the final sample size was
executed within the health services is required [6]. calculated as:
Nurses comprise the key connective tissue for Ethiopia's health care.
z 2α p 1− p
They are also the largest cadre of health-care providers in Ethiopia and 2
function in many different roles, from traditional bedside nursing to n i=
primary health care in regional health centers. It is common to see
nurses working as laboratory personnel, dentists, councilors, and Where n= minimum sample size required for the study
social workers to accommodate the shortages [7].
P=prevalence/ population proportion (p=0.5); since we didn’t get
Nursing process is a multipurpose approach that enables nurses to other p-value we took p_0.5.
perform their activities with logical justification. It safeguards the right
d=is a tolerable margin of error (d=0.05)
of both the patient and the nurse. Recently in Ethiopia clients accuse
nurses due to their haphazard practice. Clinton foundation is now = 1.96(1.96) (0.5(1-0.5))/0.05(0.05) = 384.16 => n i =384
giving in service training for nurses working in hospitals. Following
this, training nurses are trying to practice nursing process and it Since the total population is less than 10,000 we used correction
becomes the focus of Ministry of Health throughout the country. formula. The exact sample size therefore was calculated as follows.
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The outcome variable was the Implementation of nursing process age below24 92 47.9
and the independent variable includes: Year of experience, Knowledge
of nurses, Nurse to patient ratio, Nurse demographics, Hospital 25-44 81 42.2
organizational structure, Patient turn over and Skill.
45-54 17 8.9
Divorced 2 1
Exclusion criteria:
year of graduation <2yrs 130 67.7
• Diploma clinical nurse
• Nurses who are giving free service, absent during data collection 2-5yrs 57 29.7
5-10yrs 3 1.6
Data first was cleared, coded and entered into computer using Epi- work experience < 5 years 144 75
info and exported into SPSS16th version for analysis. The Uni-variate
analysis such as percentage and frequency distribution of different 5-10years 23 12
characteristics of the questionnaire were analyzed. Bivariate analysis
10-15 years 7 3.65
was used to see the association of independent with the dependent
variable. Logistic regression model was employed to control 15-20 years 9 4.69
confounding variables, variables included in the model were restricted
20-25 years 5 2.6
to those significantly related to implementation of nursing process at
the bivariate level and some of the statistical test like, odds’ ratio >25 years 4 2.1
(crude & adjusted) was used to measure their association and some of
the results were compared with results of other studies available.
Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of nurses in governmental
hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2011.
Ethical considerations
Ethical clearance was obtained from institutional review board of Vis-à-vis on method of making work of nurses visible one hundred
Addis Ababa University and selected hospital officials was sixteen (60.4%), 100(52.1%), 33(17.2%), and 68(35.4%) of the
communicated using support letter from school of nursing. No respondents have used recording, nursing process, reporting to higher
personal identification was registered and confidentiality was also officials, and only working on the patient’s problem to make their
maintained. No raw data was given to other parties work visible respectively. Nine (4.7%) of the respondents have used
nothing to make their work visible. From the total respondents
116(60.4%) of them were always record their activities while 4(2.1%)
Result never recorded their activities.
In this study the response rate was 95%. Among the total In this study forty eight (25%) of respondents were anxious from
respondents 102(53.1%) were females and 90(46.9%) were males. high patient flow. Among those 15(31.3%), 22(45.8%), and 11(22.9%)
Ninety two (47.9%) of the respondents were in the age range of below have committed knowledge, executive, and slip/slap error respectively.
24 years, 81(42.2%) were in 25-44 years. one hundred fifty seven
(81.8%) of the respondents were worked overtime. Only 9(5.7%) of the From the total respondents 104(54.2%) of them said the
respondents were satisfied with the overtime payment whereas 148 dissatisfying aspect of their job was caring for so many patients
(94.3%) were not satisfied with the payment (Table 1). followed by rules being made up without staff or residents in mind
79(41.1%); useless paper work 40 (20.8%) and new reporting system
Characteristics Frequency Percentage 31(16.1%). From those dissatisfied with any reason stated above
95(49.5%) of the total respondents were dissatisfied due to their
sex Female 102 53.1
profession (Table 2).
<8hrs 11 5.7
Working hours/day
8hrs 148 77.1
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12hrs 19 9.9
>12hrs 14 7.3
<8pts 14 7.3
5-10pts 51 26.6
Distribution of patient flow
10-15pts 49 25.5
>15pts 78 40.6
No 35 18.2
Yes 9 5.7
Satisfied with payment
No 125 94.3
Yes 31 16.1
New reporting system
No 161 83.9
Dissatisfying aspect of nursing
Yes 79 41.1
Rules made without considering staff
No 113 59.9
Yes 40 20.8
Useless paper work
No 152 79.2
Disorganized 31 16.2
Yes 68 35.4
Decreasing productivity
No 124 64.6
Yes 46 24
Decrease spread of organizational
No 146 76
Yes 88 45.8
Job and employee skill mismatch
No 104 54.2
Yes 40 20.8
Inferior facility
No 152 79.2
Cause of employee turnover
Yes 68 35.4
Less recognition
No 124 64.6
Yes 55 28.6
Less/ no appreciation
No 137 71.4
Page 5 of 8
Yes 68 35.4
Less growth opportunity
No 124 64.6
Yes 41 21.4
Poor training
No 151 78.6
Yes 28 14.6
Poor supervision
No 164 85.4
Table 2: Organizational factors affecting implementation of nursing process among Nurses in governmental hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Regarding working hour distribution (Table 2) seventy eight the planned intervention. Seventy five (39.1%) of respondents believed
(40.6%) of nurses have cared for more than 15 patients per day and that patients discharged before completing their treatment and came
49(22.5%) were cared for 10-15 patients per day while 51(26.6%) have back to their institution with a complicated problem which was
cared for 5-10 patients per day and only 11(5.7%) were cared for less difficult to manage.
than 8 patients per day. 148(77.1%) of respondents have worked eight
Regarding the knowledge assessment of nurses (Table 3) majority of
hours per day whereas 14(7.3%) have worked more than 12 hours per
respondents 175(91.1%) have answered the correct answer, which is
evidence based practice is not among the five components of nursing
Seventy eight (40.6%) of respondents were challenged to provide process while the remaining 16(8.9%) have chosen the incorrect
their nursing care due to early discharge of patients before completing answer one among the components of nursing process.
One is not among the component of nursing process 175(91.1%) 17(8.9%) 192(100%)
A nurse should do one at the first step of nursing process 156(81.2%) 36(19.8%) 192(100%)
Which nursing diagnosis is better to solve a patient’s problem with diabetes mellitus chronic 136(70.8%) 56(29.2%) 192(100%)
complication in the future?
What makes nursing process different from medical approach? 137(71.4%) 55(28.6%) 192(100%)
Among the individuals in a hospital one is not mandatory for the better accomplishment of 101(52.6%) 91(47.4%) 192(100%)
nursing process.
One is not included under the activities to be performed in the planning phase of nursing 64(33.3%) 128(66.7%) 192(100%)
In implementation step of nursing process a nurse is expected to perform------ 108(56.2%) 84(43.8%) 192(100%)
One could not be a guide for evaluation of nurses performance in nursing process 112(58.3%) 80(41.7%) 192(100%)
Disturbed sleeping pattern related to unresolved fears and anxieties as evidenced by 92(47.9%) 100(52.1%) 192(100%)
difficulty in falling /remain asleep. Identify the problem, etiology and sign/symptom of the
above nursing diagnosis
Table 3: Nurses’ knowledge about nursing process among nurses in selected governmental hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2011.
Regarding factors affecting of implementation of nursing process disorganized environment. Seventy three (38%) were implemented
(Table 4) sixty one (32.8%) of female and 39(20.3%) of male nursing process without facility shortage while 27(14%) were
respondents were implemented nursing process. Out of one hundred implemented with an inferior facility. Among those implemented
respondents who were implemented nursing process 80(41.6%) were nursing process only four nurses were highly knowledgeable and equal
working in a stressful working environment, 10(5.2%) were worked in number of respondents 48(25%) were moderately and poorly
a neglecting environment, and 10(5.2%) were worked in a knowledgeable.
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Crude P-
Implementation of nursing process COR AOR(95%CI)
Yes No (95%CI)
No (%) No (%)
Table 4: Factors Affecting implementation of nursing process among nurses in selected governmental hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2011.
From binary logistic regression analysis (Table 4) being a female implemented nursing process while 92(47.9%) of them were not
were significantly associated with implementation of nursing process implemented nursing process. From those implemented nursing
than male (COR: 0.514, 95%CI :( 0.284-0.913), p: 0.023). process 61(61%) were female and 39(39%) were male.
Working in a hospital with high facility were 2.248 times From the total respondents 104 (54.2%) of them said the
significantly and more likely to implement nursing process than those dissatisfying aspect of their job was caring for so many patients. In a
working in an inferior facility (COR: 2.248, 95%CI: (1.079-4.684), P: research conducted about nurse to physician communication, nursing
0.030). workload definitely affects the time that a nurse can allot to various
tasks. Under a heavy workload, nurses may not have sufficient time to
Highly knowledgeable nurses were 27 times more likely and
perform tasks that can have a direct effect on patient safety. A heavy
significantly associated with implementation of nursing process than
nursing workload can influence the care provider’s decision to
low knowledge group nurses (COR: 27, 95%CI: (7.924-91.994), P:
perform various procedures [8]. This similarity might be due to the
<0.001). Moderately knowledgeable nurses were positively and
nature of the profession and when nurses become dissatisfied about
significantly associated with implementation of nursing process (COR:
their job the nursing care to be provided will not have systematic
4.417, 95%CI: (2.1-9.289), P: <0.001).
approach or nursing process may not be implemented in a hospital
In a multivariate analysis (multivariate logistic regression) (Table 4) with high patient flow beyond the capacity of nurses.
nurses working in a stressful working environment were 0.357(AOR:
The average nurse-to-population ratio in high-income countries is
0.357, (0.157-0.814)) times less likely to implement nursing process
almost eight times greater than in low-income countries. Factors
than disorganized working environment adjusting for facility
contributing to the nursing shortage vary in different parts of the
accessibility, knowledge, and sex. Accessibility of facilities needed for
world [9]. As registered nurse-to-patient ratios decrease from 1:4 to
nursing care were 2.248(AOR: 2.248, (1.079-4.684) times more likely
1:10, the number of post-op surgical patient deaths climbs
to implement nursing process than nurses working in an inferior
dramatically [10]. In this study seventy eight (40.6%) of nurses have
facility controlling for working environment, knowledge, and sex.
cared for more than 15 patients per day and 49(22.5%). This
Highly knowledgeable and highly skillful, moderately skillful, and
significant difference might be due to a difference in socio-economic
poorly skillful accounting 19,11, and 1 respectively were 38.913(AOR:
status of those countries.
38.913, (10.3-147.006) times more likely to implement nursing process
than low knowledge group nurses adjusted for working environment, One hundred thirty four (69.8%) of respondents in this study had
facility, and sex. Moderately knowledgeable were 4.913 (AOR: 4.913, believe that staff turn over from a specific public health institution
(2.178-11.407)) times more likely to implement nursing process than obligates the organization to provide a disorganized service. Sixty eight
low knowledge group nurses adjusted for work place, facility, and sex. (35.4%) of respondents had believe that staff turnover can cause
decrease in productivity whereas 46(24%) had believed that staff
Discussion turnover can cause decreased spread of organizational knowledge. In
line with this research, several studies have shown the relationship
The study tried to assess factors affecting implementation of between nurses’ working conditions, such as high workload, and job
nursing process among nurses working in selected government dissatisfaction [11]. Job dissatisfaction of nurses can lead to low
hospitals of Addis Ababa. One hundred (52.1%) nurses were morale, absenteeism, turnover, and poor job performance, and
Page 7 of 8
potentially threaten patient care quality and organizational Highly knowledgeable nurses were 27% times more likely to
effectiveness [12]. Thus, workload leads to staff turnover that could be implement nursing process than low knowledge group nurses.
a burdensome for implementation of nursing process.
According to the report released from Cambridge UK workload can Strength and Limitation of the Study:
be a factor contributing to errors [13]. In this study forty eight (25%)
of respondents were anxious from high patient flow. Among those Strength of the study
15(31.3%), 22(45.8%), and 11(22.9%) have committed knowledge,
This study was probably the first/ among the pioneers research
executive, and slip/slap error respectively.
related to nursing process in Ethiopia. It will be helpful as baseline
There was a study conducted in the United Kingdom to assess information for other researchers.
whether data obtained from nursing records could be reliably used to
identify interventions for patients who had suffered acute myocardial Limitations of the study
infarction or a fracture of the head of the femur, showed that the
analyzed nursing records did not provide an adequate picture of Since this was quantitative study it may not explore all the
patients' needs for nursing interventions [14]. Similarly in this study associated factors and it is advisable to use both quantitative and
ninety two (47.9%) of respondents were able to identify the problem, qualitative methods as well.
etiology and sign and symptoms of a given actual nursing diagnosis. Since the study subjects were recruited from selected governmental
Only 39(20.3%) of respondents were able to write a full actual nursing hospitals of Addis Ababa. The study didn’t included nurses working in
diagnosis that have consisted of problem, etiology, and manifestations other hospitals. Thus the study may not be generalized to all nurses in
of the problem. This tells us the inability of nurses to identify the Addis Ababa because nurses out of selected hospitals may have
components of nursing diagnoses and recording it in a well-organized different experience and opinion.
manner that could be understandable by other staff members. This
may be due to the difficulty of nurses to write nursing diagnosis than
Acronyms and Abbreviations
other nursing process components.
AAU: Addis Ababa University
An investigation conducted in Brazil on the steps of nursing process
actually implemented in the routine of a university hospital showed BLH: Black Lion Hospital
that all phases were performed. However, problems were identified in
the nursing diagnosis process, involving recording the history and
implementing nursing prescriptions. The evolution of expected results, ICU: Intensive Care Unit
in particular, was not adequately recorded [15]. From 100(52.1%)
NANDA: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
respondents who have implemented nursing process 61, 22, 8, 7, and 2
were recorded their activities always, sometimes, every once in a while, NCP: Nursing Care Plan
rarely and never respectively. The part of nursing process which was
NP: Nursing Process
not written is not separately identified in this study. But we can
conclude that nurses could not fully document what they have RDDMH: Ras Desta Damitew Memorial Hospital
performed cognizant of the fact that they have implemented nursing
SPH: St. Paul Hospital
USA: United States of America
High workload is a key job stressor of nurses in a variety of care
settings, such as ICUs. A heavy nursing workload can lead to distress
(e.g., cynicism, anger, and emotional exhaustion) and burnout. Nurses Competing interest
experiencing stress and burnout may not be able to perform efficiently We don’t have any competing interest.
and effectively because their physical and cognitive resources may be
reduced; this suboptimal performance may affect patient care and its
safety. In this study from the characteristics work place, nurses who Acknowledgement
were working in a stressful environment were 0.357 times significantly Above all we would like to express our gratitude to my Lord- Jesus
and less likely to implement nursing process than those worked in a Christ and His mother the Virgin St. Marry who carries all my
disorganized environment (COR: 0357, 95%CI (0.157-0.814), P: burdens and shepherded us healthy.
0.014). Neglecting working environment had no significant association
with implementation of nursing process. Hence nursing process We are pleased to thank AtoFekadu Aga (MSN), AtoYosephTsgie
implementation needs a safe and encouraging working environment. (MSN), Addis Ababa University) , AtoAbdurahman Mohamed(MPH),
Dr.Mulusew A and his wife Etalemahu M. for their professional, moral
and material support. Our gratitude also goes to our friends for their
Conclusion direct or indirect contribution to the development of this study.
From this study 100(52.1%) of the respondents were implementing The last but not the least we would like to extend our gratitude to
nursing process. Among the factors which affect the nursing process data collectors, Addis Ababa University, staff of Black Lion, St. Paul,
were high patient flow 48(25%), patient load 78(40.6%) of nurses cared RasDestaDamitew, and Yekatit12 hospitals for their cooperation in the
for more than 15 patients per day, early discharge 78(40.6%). Nurses realization of the study.
who were working in a stressful environment were 0.357 times less
likely to implement nursing process than those worked in a
disorganized environment.
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