English Speaking Course Final
English Speaking Course Final
English Speaking Course Final
Farheen Shaikh
1 Before we start-
Letters of English Alphabet
Days of the week
Months of the year
Punctuation Marks
2 Basics of English
Sentences and their types
Parts of Sentence
Use of “This,That,Those,These”
What is Communication?
Categories of Communication
There are a wide range of ways in which we communicate and
more than one may be occurring at any given time.
Written Communication: which includes letters, e-mails,
social media, books, magazines, the Internet and other media.
Until recent times, a relatively small number of writers and
publishers were very powerful when it came to communicating
the written word. Today, we can all write and publish our ideas
online, which has led to an explosion of information and
communication possibilities.
It is the spoken, oral, and unwritten way of communicating. It makes use of words,
vocabulary, numbers and symbols and is organized in sentences.
When you communicate clearly, you activate your mind and that of others and you stimulate
Phrase your words clearly and positively. Your words and the explanations you give affect
thoughts and determine emotions.
Questioning helps challenge beliefs. According to Michael Hall, a belief is a thought to which
you have said "yes", and you have affirmed by saying, "I believe this". It takes questions worded
specifically before you can fully agree.
Your customers, children or partners agreeing and saying "Yes" to your suggestions and
opinions indicate that you were able to influence and change their beliefs and thoughts from
your spoken or writtenpersuasion.
One of the ways to let others understand your message is by telling a story, reading a quote or
telling a joke. Verbal communication through stories carries power to induce the person to
relate to what you are saying or suggesting. A joke usually helps people relax more and their
minds are more opened to listen to you.
The way you deliver the story can affect the thinking, emotions and behavior of the listeners. He
is able to imagine the experience and will produce a response. A story narrated with eloquent
can give hope to people who are in dire need for encouragement.
The two primary internal communication types are formal
and informal communication:
1. My name is ________________
2. Hello, my name is ________________
d. What is your phone number? (My phone number is [area code] ______________.)
Lesson – 1
Before we start
Before we start concept chapters, we would like to let you know about a few basics of
English language.
Our first question to you is “How many alphabets are there in
a b c d e f g h I j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z
Do you know?
He is my best friend
Choosing words while Greeting someone depends on the age,
relation and position of the person whom you need to greet at
If you are asking someone for something, use “Please”,
“Kindly” sort of words.
If someone asks you “How are you?”; it‟s pretty common, you
say “I am fine.” But it‟s better to ask him/her as well about how
he/she is. You can rather say - “I am fine. What about you?” or
“Great. You tell?” or “Fine and you?” etc.
When you behave civilized & cultured, you are given respect in
society. Just a mere use of such words or phrases is not enough,
you need to be polite and humble in your speaking as well.
It doesn‟t end here, rather newer ideas will emerge with time
when you delve more into this foreign language.
2 बजे को कहें गे – 2 o‘clock (2 ओ क्लॉक )
11 बजे को कहें गे – 11 o’clock (11 ओ क्लॉक)
7 बजे को कहें गे – 7 o’clock ( 7 ओ क्लॉक )
अब समझिए –
“ इतने बजकर इतने मिनट “ का फॉिमुला है – ( मिनट +past + घंटा )
अगर आपको कहना है “ पाां च बजकर दस झमनट “ हुए है | सोझचए झमनट झकतने
हुए है – 10 और घांटे झकतने हुए है – 5 तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 10
past 5.
अगर “आठ बजकर बीस झमनट “ हुए है |तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 20
past 8 टवेन्टी पास्ट ऐट
अगर “सात बजकर पच्चीस झमनट” हुए है |तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 25
past7.टवेन्टी फाइव पास्ट सेवन
अगर “दो बजकर बाईस झमनट” हुए है | तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 22
past 2. टवेन्टी टू पास्ट टू
अगर “पाां च बजकर छ: झमनट” हुए है | तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 6 past
5. झसक्स पास्ट फाइव
“इतने बजने िें इतने मिनट” का फॉिमुला है – ( मिनट +to + घंटा )
अगर आपको कहना है “पाां च बजने में दस झमनट” हैं | सोझचए झमनट झकतने बचे है
– 10 और कौन सा घांटा होने के झलए – 5 तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 10
to 5.
अगर “आठ बजने में बीस झमनट” है तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 20 to 8.
टवेन्टी टम एट
अगर “दो बजने में बारह झमनट” है | तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 12 to
2 टवेल्व टम टू
अगर “ग्यारह बजने में बारह झमनट” है तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 12 to
11. टवेल्व टम इलेवन
अगर “तीन बजने में पाां च झमनट” है तो फॉममुले के अनमसार आप कहें गे – 5 to 3.
फाइव टम थ्री
नोट – 1 घांटे में 60 झमनट होते है | 60 झमनट का आधा 30 झमनट होता है इसझलए 30
झमनट को हाफ (half) कहते है और 30 झमनट का भी आधा 15 झमनट होता है
इसझलए 15 झमनट को क्वाटर (quarter) कहते है | समझिए –
-15 past 8 (झफफ्टीन पास्ट एट)
इसी तरह
अगर “आठ बजने में पन्द्रह झमनट” याझन “पौने आठ” हुए है | तो फॉममुले के
अनमसार आप कहें गे
– 15 to 8. (झफफ्टीन टम एट )
अगर “आठ बजकर तीस झमनट” याझन “साढ़े आठ” हुए है | तो फॉममुले के अनमसार
आप कहें गे
– 30 past 8. (थटी पास्ट एट )
यहााँ पर 30 (थटी की जगह आप हाफ का प्रयोग कर सकते है | और कह सकते है
– half past 8 (हाफ पास्ट एट )
11 बजे – 11 o’clock
5 बजे – 5 o’clock
7 बजे – 7 o’clock
11 बजकर बीस झमनट – 20 past 11
1 बजने में सात झमनट – 7 to 1
2 बजकर तीस झमनट – Half past 2 या Half to 3
(क्ोांझक 2 बजकर तीस झमनट को 3 बजने में तीस झमनट भी तो कह सकते है |)
सवा आठ – 15 past 8
10 बजने में 10 झमनट – 10 to 10
पौने 5 – Quarter to 5
साढ़े 10 – Half past 10
ढाई बजे – Half past 2
रात के बारह बजे के बाद से दोपहर के बारह बजे से पहले तक के समय के साथ
“am” का प्रयोग कर सकते है जबझक दोपहर के बाहर बजे के बाद से रात के
बाहर बजे से पहले तक के समय के साथ “pm” का प्रयोग कर सकते है |
रात के 12 बजे – 12 AM
रात के 1 बजे – 1 AM
समबह के 5 बजे – 5 AM
समबह के 10 बजे – 10 AM
समबह के 11 बजे – 11 AM
समबह के 11 बजकर 59 झमनट – 11.59 AM
दोपहर के 12 बजे – 12 PM
दोपहर के 1 बजे – 1 PM
शाम के 5 बजे – 5 PM
शाम के 7 बजे – 7 PM
रात के 11 बजे – 11 PM
रात के 11 बजकर 59 झमनट – 11.59 PM
5:30 : ________________________________________________
4:15 : _________________________________________________
2:45 : _________________________________________________
3:20 : _________________________________________________
6:35 : _________________________________________________
1 One 15 Fifteen
2 Two 16 Sixteen
3 Three 17 Seventeen
4 Four 18 Eighteen
5 Five 19 Nineteen
6 Six 20 Twenty
7 Seven 30 Thirty
8 Eight 40 Forty
9 Nine 50 Fifty
10 Ten 60 Sixty
11 Eleven 70 Seventy
12 Twelve 80 Eighty
13 Thirteen 90 Ninety
14 Fourteen 100 Hundred
Which class you are in?
Post Graduation
1/4 One fourth 3/4 Three fourth
Double / Twice / Two fold
Three times/ Three fold/ Thrice
Four times/ Four folds
Singular And Plural Subjects
These- यह, ये (एक से ज़्यादा के झलए) These are mangoes.
Those वह, वो, वे (एक से ज़्यादा के झलए) Those are mango trees.
Pens (एक से ज़्यादा पैनोां की बात हो रही है ।)
15. mouse - mice
16. goose – geese
17. half – halves
18. knife – knives
19. wife – wives
20. life – lives
21. loaf – loaves
22. fungus - fungi
23. potato – potatoes
24. tomato – tomatoes
25. river – rivers
1 I have three (CHILD/CHILDREN)
2 There are five (man,men) and one (women,woman)
3 (Baby/Babies) play with bottles as toys.
4 Put two big (potato, potatoes) in the bag.
5 A few men wear (watch, watches)
6 I saw a (mouse/mice) running by.
7 There are few (bus/buses) on the road today.
each/per -- 1
Pronunciation – ज़रुरी है झक हम जब भी झकसी शब्द को बोलें तो उसे सही
तरीके से बोलें । गलत तरीके से बोलने पर उसका अथु बदल जाता है ।
Always pronounce a word properly or else the meaning of the word can
Often, pronunciation of a word depends on the sound of the vowel in the
word itself. Exceptions are certainly there, but when you keep learning a
language, you come to know such exceptions yourselves. Since the
vowels are the base of pronunciation, we start with vowels first;
however, we’ll cover those consonants too, without knowing their
pronunciation, it is next to impossible to pronounce correctly.
प्रायझकसी भी शब्द का उच्चारण उस शब्द में आने वाले स्वर से झनधाु ररत :
होताा है । हालााँ झक अपवाद हर जगह हैं लेझकन जब आप झकसी भाषा को सीखने
की प्रझिया में आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं तो खमद ब खमद आप इन अपवादोां को जानने
लगते हैं । स्वरोां का रोल अहम होने की वजह से हम शमरुआत स्वरोां के उच्चारण
से करते हैं उसके बाद कमछ ऐसे व्यजांनोां के उच्चारण को समिेंगे झजनके झबना
अांग्रेज़ी भाषा को सही तरीके से बोलना नामममझकन है ।
People go to theatre to
watch movies.
4 वॉक घूमना, पैदल चलना
We must walk everyday
I like to drink juice.
दे खना (झहलती
8 Watch वाच
13 Talk टॉक बात करना
18 Come कम आना
22 Say से कहना
23 Tell टै ल बताना
25 Push पमश धक्का दे ना
28 Game गे म खेल
29 Home होम घर
30 Deaf डै फ़ बहरा
31 Dumb डम गूाँ गा
37 Here झहअर यहााँ
38 There दे अर वहााँ
39 Give झगव दे ना
46 Cut कट काटना
48 Bow बो धनमष
49 Arrow ऐरो तीर
(Santara Chheel do.)
Peel off the Orange.
6. नल खोल दो।
(Nal khol do.)
Turn on the tap.
7. नल बन्द कर दो।
(Nal band kar do.)
Turn off the tap.
28. आँ ख ित िारो।
(Aankh mat maro.)
Do not wink.
30. बक बक ित करो।
(Bak bak mat karo.)
Don’t prattle. / Stop your gab.
34. धूप सेंक लो।
(Dhoop sek lo.)
Bask in the sun.
48. िमझे नहाने दो।
(Mujhe nahane do.)
Let me take a bath.
53. ििीन चालू करो।
(Machine chaaloo karo.)
Switch on the machine.
58. िेरे साथ चलो।
(Mere saath chalo.)
Come with me.
77. राम दस बजे से काम करे गा।
(Ram das baje se kaam karega.)
Ram will work from 10 ‘o’clock.
Amit Hello Raj, what subjects have you Opted for in class XI ?
Amit What would you like to be in your Life ?
No. Not yet, but I would like to join a Crash course for
I.I.T. entrance after Completing class XII.
Rakesh l,m OK .Have you received the Invitation to Ashok’s mar
Rakesh Is there going to be any musical Programme ?
Ankit Bye.
Yes, the Punjab mail is there.
16:30, that is 4.30 in the evening.
Prakash from which platform ?
Platform No. One
You can have it at the Reservation counter.
Two hundred ten rupees, Please.
Here’s your Ticket.
Interview –
Interviewer Yeah sure. How are you?
Interviewer Which was your favorite subject?
Arun History.
Interviewer Can you tell me the name of Ashoka’s father?
Sir, I can’t remember now. Actually it’s been three years
Arun having done graduation so don’t remember much. I think
it was Bindusar.
Interviewer Are you confident?
Arun Not so sure.
It’s ok. Anyways, do you have any idea what a call center
Sir, Call center is a place where calls are either received
or made. There are two types of processes; inbound and
outbound. In inbound, we receive a call from customers
and in outbound, we make a call to them.
Interviewer Do you have any work experience?
Yes sir, I did. I had written the test for Railways and
Indian Navy but I couldn’t get through.
I like your attitude. See, 5 years ago even I had joined
Interviewer here as an executive like you. So growth opportunities
are certainly there, but you got to perform.
Arun Thank You sir.
Simple Tense
Verb tense tells you when the action happens. There are three
main verb tenses: present, past, and future. Each main tense is
divided into simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive
I run a race twice a year. (present)
I ran a race last year. (past)
I will run a race next year. (future)
I eat lunch in my office.
I ate lunch an hour ago.
I will eat lunch in one hour.
I see a movie once a week.
I saw a movie yesterday.
I will see a movie tomorrow.
I know it.
I knew it the day before yesterday.
I will know it by tomorrow.
I learn English.
I learned English the last two years.
I will learn English next year.
I cook my supper every night.
I cooked our dinner already.
I will cook breakfast tomorrow.
1) I a song at the concert yesterday.
2) He a letter to his friend tomorrow.
3) I to the library to borrow some books this
1) sang
2) will write
3) will go
ANTONYMS (Opposite)
Old New
Rich poor
Friend Foe / enemy
Flower thorn
Dignity/respect disrespect
Educated uneducated
Pure impure
Help damage
Take give
Sky ground
Hope despair
Buy sell
High low
simple difficult
Grief,sorrow Merry
illiterate lliterate
Truth lie
Life death
learned idiot
luck Bad luck
Gentle villain
Good deeds Bad deeds
Live dead
Complex simple
Expect ignore
Union seperation
A: Good morning, I am here for my interview.
B: Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Gotcha. Have any trouble
finding the place?
A: No problem.
A: Thank you for taking the time to interview me.
A: Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to interview
for this position.
Question Tag
WH Family
Verb tense tells you when the action happens. There are three
main verb tenses: present, past, and future. Each main tense is
divided into simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive
I run a marathon twice a year. (present)
I ran a marathon last year. (past)
I will run a marathon next year. (future)
I eat lunch in my office.
I ate lunch an hour ago.
I will eat lunch in one hour.
I see a movie once a week.
I saw a movie yesterday.
I will see a movie tomorrow.
I know it.
I knew it the day before yesterday.
I will know it by tomorrow.
I learn English.
I learned English the last two years.
I will learn English next year.
I cook my supper every night.
I cooked our dinner already.
I will cook breakfast tomorrow.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb forms.
comparable – incomparable
complete – incomplete
evitable – inevitable
expensive – inexpensive
able – disable
assemble – disassemble
content – discontent
similar – dissimilar
When using a string of adjectives, they should appear in a set
order: size/shape + age + color + origin + material.
A big brown house
A small old English desk
A beautiful black Italian leather purse
Delicious Chinese food
The + adjective describes a class or group of people and acts as a
the old, the young, the poor, the rich, the oppressed, the
homeless, etc.
This popular TV show is loved by the old.
1) Clear –
2) Definite –
3) Correct –
4) Expensive –
5) Complete –
An interjection is a word that expresses some kind of emotion. It can be used as filler.
Interjections do not have a grammatical function in the sentence and are not related to the other
parts of the sentence. If an interjection is omitted, the sentence still makes sense. It can stand
When you are expressing a strong emotion, use an exclamation mark (!). A comma (,) can be
used for a weaker emotion.
Apple – एप्पल – से ब
3. Berry – बे री – बे र
25. Peach – पीच – सतालू
सक्तियोां के नाम
(List of Vegetables)
1. Potato (पटै टो) – आलू (Aaloo)
2. Onion (अझनयन) – प्याज़ (Pyaz)
3. Tomato (टमै टो) – टमाटर (Tamaatar)
4. Radish (रै झडश) – मूली (Moolee)
5. Carrot (कैरट) – गाज़र (Gaajar)
6. Cucumber (कमकमम्बर) – खीरा (Kheera )
7. Cauliflower (कॉलीफ्लावर) – फूलगोभी (Phool gobhi)
8. Cabbage (कैबेज) – पत्तागोभी / बांदगोभी (Patta gobhi / Band gobhi)
9. Broccoli (ब्रोक्ली) – हरी फूलगोभी (Hari phoolgobhi)
10. Peas (पीज़ ) – मटर (Matar)
11. Brinjal (झब्रांजल) / Eggplant (एग प्लाां ट) / Aubergine (ओबजीन) – बैंगन (Baingan)
12. Lady finger (ले डी झफांगर) / Okra (ओकरा) – झभडी (Bhindi)
13. Beetroot (बीटरूट) – चमकांदर (Chukandar)
14. Capsicum (कैक्तप्सकम) – झशमला झमचु ( Shimla Mirch)
15. Jackfruit (जै कफ्रूट) – कटहल(Kathal)
16. Mushroom (मशरूम) – कमकमरमम त्ता (Kukurmutta)
17. Turnip (टझनु प) – शलगम (Shalagam) / शलजम (Shalajam)
18. Sweet potato (स्वीट पटै टो) – शकरकांद (Shakarkand)
19. Beans (बीन्स) – सेम (Sem)
20. Gourd (गॉडु ) – लौकी
21. Snake Gourd (स्नेक गॉडु ) – झचझचण्डा (Chichinda)
22. Bitter Gourd (झबटर गॉडु )– करे ला (Karela)
23. Pointed Gourd (पॉइां टेड गॉडु ) – परवल ( Paraval )
24. Luffa (लफा)– तोरी / तोरई
25. Pumpkin (पम्पझकन) – कद् दू
26. Zucchini (जू कीनी) – लम्बा कद् दू
27. Arum (ऐरम) – अरबी (Arbi)
28. Spinach (क्तस्पनच) – पालक (Paalak)
29. Fenugreek Leaf (फेनम ग्रीक लीफ) – मेथी (Methee)
30. Amaranthus (ऐमरें थस) – चौलाई(Choulai)
31. Mustard Greens (मस्टडु ग्रीन्स) – सरसोां पत्ता (Sarson Patta)
32. Spring Onion (क्तरांग अझनयन) / Onion leaf (अझनयन लीफ) – प्याज़ के पत्ते
33. Ginger (झजां जर) – अदरक (Adrak)
34. Garlic (गाझलु क) – लहसमन (Lahsun)
35. Mint (झमां ट) / Peppermint (पैपरझमां ट) – पमदीना (Pudeena)
36. Tamarind (टै मेररड) – इमली (Imli)
37. Green chili (ग्रीन झचली) – हरी झमचु ( Haree Mirch )
38. Red Chili (रै ड झचली) – लाल झमचु (Lal Mirch)
39. Coriander leaves (कोररएां डर लीफ्स) – हरा धझनया (Hara Dhaniya)
40. Curry leaf (करी लीफ) – कढ़ी पत्ता (Kadhi Patta )
आइए समिें झक This, That, These & Those का प्रयोग कैसे करना है।
Let’s understand how to use This, That, These & Those.
अगर कोइु व्यक्ति, वस्तम या स्थान हमारे सामने है , तो ऊपर दी गयी टे बल के अनमसार हम या तो ‘this’ का
प्रयोग करें गे या झफर ‘these’ का। अगर एकवचन है तो ‘this’ और अगर बहुवचन है तो ‘these’ । इसी
तरह अगर कोइु व्यक्ति, वस्तम या स्थान हमसे दू र है , तो टे बल के अनमसार हम या तो ‘that’ का प्रयोग करें गे
या झफर ‘those’ का। अगर एकवचन है तो ‘that’ और अगर बहुवचन है तो ‘those’ ।
If a person, place or thing is nearby, as per the table we must use either ‘this’ or
‘these’. If it is singular then ‘this’ and if plural then ‘these’. Similarly, if a person,
place or thing is afar, we must use either ‘that’ or ‘those’. If it is singular then ‘that’
and if plural then ‘those’.
We use this (singular) and these (plural) to refer to something that is here / near.
We use that (singular) and those (plural) to refer to something that is there / far.
Note that the verb changes (i.e. singular / plural) depending on the pronoun that you use.
Do or Does?
We use do or does depending on the subject. Below are two sentences with two different
subjects, she and you.
Do I know you?
We use does with third person singular pronouns i.e when the subject is he, she or it.
Past Tense
The negative form of do is do not. In spoken English it is common to use the contracted form of
do not which is don't.
The negative form of does is does not. Also, in spoken English we usually use the contracted
form of does not which is doesn't.
Tenses –Types
Tense तीन प्रकार के होते हैं । (There are three types of Tenses)
प्रत्ये क के चार प्रकार होते हैं । (Each one has four sub types)
सहायक झियाएाँ उस वाक् में झकये गये कायु के समय के बारे में बताती हैं , इस आधार पर इन्हें तीन
वगों में वगीकृत झकया जा सकता है
(Helping verbs refer to the time of the action in a sentence, hence it can be classified in 3
categories) –
Present Tense Helping Verbs do, does, is, am, are, has, have, has been, have been.
Past Tense Helping Verbs did, was, were, had, had been
Future Tense Helping Verbs will, will be, will have, will have been
Suite स्वीट होटल का कमरा
There दे अर वहााँ
Their दे यर उनका
Hell है ल नरक
Hale हे ल स्वस्थ
Warm वॉमु गमु
Letter लै टर पत्
Late ले ट – दे र दे र
And ऐड और
End एड समाप्त
Google गूगल इन्टरने ट का एक सचु इां जन
Motivation Quotations
· A man is great by deeds, not by birth. – Chanakya
· You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. – Margaret Thatcher
· झकसी भी लड़ाई को जीतने के झलए आपको उसे एक से अझधक बार लड़ना पड़ सकता
है ।
· A true man is not the one, who is made by circumstances but the one, who changes
the circumstances.
· इन्सान वो नहीां झजन्हें हालात बदल दे ते हैं , इन्सान वो है जो हालात ही बदल दे ते हैं ।
· Be nice to people on your way up, because you meet them on your way down
– Wilson Mizner
· जीवन में आगे बढ़ते वि सभी से अच्छा व्यवहार करना, क्ोांझक नीचे आते वि
आप उन्हीां से झमलोगे।
· Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. – Robert Kiyosaki
· If you think of something difficult, that means you haven’t understood it well.
· अगर आपको कमछ ममक्तिल लगता है तो इसका यही मतलब है झक आपने उसे ढां ग
से समिा नहीां ।
· Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. – Jim Rohn
· The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve Jobs
· मैं हालातोां से झनझमुत प्राणी नहीां, मेरा झनमाु ण मेरे फैसलोां से हुआ है ।
· When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes
· Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening
· आप ममिे पेड़ काटने के झलए 6 घांटे दो; मैं पहले 4 घांटे कमल्हाड़ी की धार तेज करू
ाँ गा।
· He that can have patience can have what he will. – Benjamin Fraklin
· Certain things catch your eyes, but you pursue only those that capture your heart.
· कमछ चीजें आपकी नजरोां को भाती हैं लेझकन आप पीछा उन्हीां चीजोां का करते हैं जो
यह जू ते उसके हैं ।
4. I am a good-for-nothing .
5. She was crying in her room.