Two Phase Flow
Two Phase Flow
Two Phase Flow
3 711
3 authors:
Tapas K. Mandal
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
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the surface tension effect more accurately. From the grid independent turbulent cases. They have noticed that, the friction factor
study, we have selected 47037 number of mesh elements for the
increases with eccentricity. Ko et al. [2] have found that, the
entire geometry. Simulation successfully predicts slug, stratified
wavy, stratified mixed and annular flow, except dispersion of oil in model prediction of pressure distribution and wave length is
water, and dispersion of water in oil. Simulation results are validated better than the K-ω turbulence model. They have used shear
with horizontal literature data and good conformity is observed. stress transport model to solve the kinetic energy and
Subsequently, we have simulated the hydrodynamics (viz., velocity dissipation equations of turbulent wavy core flow. Ghosh et
profile, area average pressure across a cross section and volume al. [3] have simulated the core annular down flow using
fraction profile along the radius) of stratified wavy and annular flow
Eulerian–Eulerian based VOF technique in FLUENT. Al-
at different phase velocities. The simulation results show that in the
annular flow, total pressure of the mixture decreases with increase in yaari et al. [4] have simulated stratified flow in horizontal
oil velocity due to the fact that pipe cross section is completely pipeline using RNG k-ε turbulence model. Recently, Kaushik
wetted with water. Simulated oil volume fraction shows maximum at et al. [5] have simulated the core annular flow through sudden
the centre in core annular flow, whereas, in stratified flow, maximum contraction and expansion using VOF technique. They have
value appears at upper side of the pipeline. These results are in validated their simulation results with the experimental results
accord with the actual flow configuration. Our findings could be and satisfactory match is observed.
useful in designing pipeline for transportation of crude oil.
In the present study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulation has been executed to investigate volume fraction
Keywords—CFD, Horizontal pipeline, Oil-water flow, VOF
technique. profile, area average pressure across a cross section and
velocity profile along the radius of different flow patterns of
I. INTRODUCTION viscous oil-water two-phase flow through a horizontal
pipeline. Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach including effect of
T WO-PHASE flow is an important phenomena appearing
in many industrial applications such as chemical plants
and nuclear power generation. However, to understand the
surface tension has been tried to adopt for prediction of flow
phenomena is still difficult because of complex phenomena
underlying its behavior. The design parameters such as
pressure drop, holdup and flow regimes in a single phase flow The flow domain was constructed and meshed in
in conduits can be modeled easily. However the existence of GAMBITTM and the solver chosen was ANSYS FLUENTTM.
secondary phase such as water can lead to increase the The geometry and detailed dimensions of the concerned
complexity in hydrodynamics and creates different challenges conduit used in the present work is shown in Fig. 1 (a). The
in modeling the system. Knowledge of the hydrodynamics of geometry consists of a horizontal test section whose internal
such two-phase flow (liquid-liquid) is essential for the design diameter is 0.025 m and material of construction used for the
of extractor, mixture-settlers, transportation pipeline, pipeline pipe was Perspex. Oil and water were introduced into the pipe
networks, downstream separators, emulsifier etc. Over last ten through a T- junction at the entry section where water and oil
years, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become enter into the pipe from the horizontal and vertical directions,
industrial simulation tool for an engineering system respectively. The geometry of the system can be assumed to
consist of four sections -water inlet, oil inlet, outlet of the pipe
and the test section. An immiscible pair of liquids is chosen
Anand B. Desamala, Ashok Kumar Dasamahapatra, Tapas K. Mandal are with coaxial flow assumed. An unsteady state solver has been
with the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-
781039, India (phone: +91 9678425465; e-mail: employed for the computation purpose. Further, the
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:8, No:4, 2014
simulations were run in 2-Dimensional mode. Fig. 1 (b) elements and this number is used throughout the simulation.
represents the meshed geometry. From the mesh independent Quadrilateral mesh geometry is selected for accounting the
study, system with 47037 cells is selected as optimum mesh surface tension effect more accurately.
International Science Index Vol:8, No:4, 2014
Fig. 1 Geometry of horizontal pipe (a) Detailed dimensions of pipe (b) Meshing of pipe
The computation has been performed by assuming unsteady fluid in a cell is denoted as ‘αq’, the following three
flow, immiscible liquid pair, constant liquid properties, co- possibilities would arise:
axial flow in the pipe and a Tee junction (‘T’) as the entry • αq = 0: the cell does not contain fluid q.
section. In the present model, the two fluids share a well • αq= 1: the cell is occupied solely by fluid q.
defined interface. Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach for two • 0<αq< 1: the cell contains the interface
phase modeling has been selected in Fluent. VOF solves a Depending on the local value of αq, the density and
single set of momentum equations which is shared by both the viscosity in each cell are given by:
fluids. We briefly discuss the governing equations and the
treatment of the interface in the next section, details can be p (3)
ρ ρq α q
obtained from Fluent user’s guide [6]. 1
p (4)
A. Governing Equations μ αq μq
In VOF approach, the continuity equation can, therefore be 1
written as:
A separate continuity equation for ‘αq’ is considered as
(ρ ) (1) follows:
( U) S q
t q
(U q Δ) Sαq (5)
where, ρ, U, t, S are density, velocity, time and mass source t
respectively. In the present case ‘S’ is zero.
The equation of momentum conservation can be expressed For each of the cells the following relationship is also valid:
as follows: p
q 1
(U U) P [(U UT )] ( g) F (2)
where “p” is the number of phases. For the present two phase
The left hand side corresponds to convection and the first flow, p = 2.
term on the right hand side corresponds to pressure, while the B. Initial and Boundary Condition
other terms represent diffusion, gravitational body force and
In all cases, the flow has been initialized by filling up the
external body force (or source term as surface force)
pipe with water from the water inlet with a specified inlet
superficial velocity. Oil is then introduced in the pipe. The
Generally, the Volume of Fluid solves the problem of
main steps followed during the simulation are:
updating the phase volume fraction field, provided the fixed
• 2-D pressure based segregated solver with implicit
grid, the phase volume fraction, and the velocity field are
formulation is selected as solver under unsteady state
available in a given time step. If the volume fraction of qth
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• Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is selected with number of validated with the experimental flow pattern map of Anjali et
phases q = 2. Explicit VOF scheme is selected so that the al. [8]. For this the simulation data are superimposed on the
discretization scheme for VOF changes to Geo- experimental flow pattern map of (Fig. 3). The scattered
Reconstruct (to get the surface tension effect). points in Fig. 3 shows different flow patterns reported by
• Test fluids are defined using material data base of Fluent Anjali et al. [8] and circled points shows the simulation data
and the properties are changed according to the present of present work. The validation shows good conformity of
work. slug, stratified wavy, stratified mixed, and annular flow.
• The operating pressure is set as atmospheric pressure
(default setting), and gravity is considered in Y-direction
as -9.81 m/s2.
• The inlet velocities of both the fluids are assumed to be
uniform and specified as follows:
At x = 0, y = 0; Ux= Uwater and Uy = 0 (m/s)
At x = 0.15 m and y = -0.0595 m; Uy = Uoil and Ux = 0
• The wall is assumed to be stationary and no slip condition
is imposed. A contact angle of 8.5o [7] is taken to account
for the wetting behavior of the wall with the fluids.
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interfaces because oil flows as core in center surrounded by and annular flow has been predicted well using VOF
water phase. At these two interfaces pressure will be high technique. The simulated result is also validated with the
compared to the oil phase in center. However, maximum experimental results. A good agreement has been observed for
pressure is noticed at upper portion inside the pipe wall. This these flow patterns. Other flow patterns like dispersion, either
prediction is clearly shown in Fig. 6 (b). oil in water and water in oil have not been predicted yet. The
flow characteristics (viz., volume fraction, pressure and
velocity profile) of stratified wavy and annular flow are
discussed. The simulation results show that in the annular
flow, total pressure of the mixture decreases with increase in
oil velocity due to the fact that pipe cross section is
completely wetted with water. Simulated oil volume fraction
shows maximum at the centre in core annular flow, whereas,
in stratified flow, maximum value appears at upper side of the
pipeline. These results are in accord with the actual flow
configuration. Our findings could be useful in designing
pipeline for transportation of crude oil.
International Science Index Vol:8, No:4, 2014
C. Velocity Profile
Radial distribution of mixture velocity of stratified wavy
and annular flow is shown in Fig. 7. In stratified wavy flow,
oil phase is in laminar and water phase is in turbulent flow.
Hence the mixture velocity is high for water phase and low for
oil phase (see Fig. 7 (a)). In annular flow, the velocity profile
looks like a parabola showing maximum velocity at the centre
(Which is occupied by oil phase). This is shown in Fig. 7 (b).
The attempts have been made to show the flow
characteristics of oil-water flow in horizontal pipeline. CFD
simulation has been done with the help of ANSYS
FLUENTTM software. Slug, stratified wavy, stratified mixed
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