Numeracy Year 7
Number and Reading and comparing whole numbers into the millions ACMNA072 ACMNA105 ACMNA124 ACMNA280
(Download all) Applying the order of the operations ACMNA134 ACMNA177
Applying mental or written strategies to calculate efficiently ACMNA123
Calculating addition and subtraction problems ACMNA076 ACMNA291 ACMNA123 ACMNA151 ACMNA183
Using brackets ACMNA123 ACMNA151
Number and Calculating decimals and percentages ACMNA131 ACMNA157
Algebra Adding and subtracting fractions with readily-identifiable common ACMNA126 ACMNA153
(View and denominators
download single Multiplying and dividing decimals by a whole number ACMNA129 ACMNA154
resources) ACMNA132
Interpreting simple ratios and links to fractions ACMNA173
Finding part of a whole given a ratio ACMNA173
Using inverse relationships and the laws of arithmetic ACMNA083 ACMNA121 ACMNA123 ACMNA151
Solving multi step word problems ACMNA123
This document contains Year 7 Number and Algebra resources including items for:
• Number and place value
• Fractions and decimals
• Money and Financial Mathematics
• Real numbers
• Patterns and algebra
• Linear and non-linear relationships
These items test students’ proficiency with the content described in these sub-strands. Not
all of the content in the Number and Algebra strand can be effectively assessed in a written
Students can decide whether number sentences are true when they understand the
properties of operations and the relationships between them. This is an important aspect of
number sense. It helps students decide whether an answer is reasonable. It is also the basis
of algebraic thinking and is therefore the foundation for further mathematical progress.
Students need opportunities to construct and rearrange number sentences into simplified
forms to help solve equations and simplify computations.
Students should use their understanding of the properties of, and relationships between, the
operations to:
• Complete statements without finding the ‘answer to the calculations’, eg
392 х 5 = □ х 392 (put in the missing number.)
14 ÷ 0.7 □ 14 (Put in < or >.)
• Construct mathematical statements, eg
5 х 26 = 5 х (20 + 6) = 5 х 20 + 5 х 6
25 х 16 = 50 х 8 = 100 х 4 = 200 х 2 = 400
• Check the truth of mathematical statements, eg
273 х 5 =1065 cannot be right because 273 х 5 > 260 х 5 = 130 х 10 =1300
375 х 18 =6745 cannot be right because the answer has to be even.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 7: Properties of operations and relationships between them
can help us decide whether number sentences are true. p.66
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• What do you know? p. 71 • The same as p. 72
• Broken keys p. 71 • Equivalent statements p. 73
• Bigger, smaller or equal? p. 71 • True or false? p. 73
Question 1
Additional questions
1. If you took away two from each of the numbers would the sentence still be equal?
2. If you multiplied each number by two, would the sentence still be equal?
3. If you divided each number by two, would the sentence still be equal?
4. If you added two to each number, would the sentence still be equal? Explain why.
Additional questions
1. Explain how you got your answer.
2. What number should go in the box to make the number sentence true?
3. Can you write an equivalent number sentence to the completed one above? Share
your answers.
Question 3
Additional questions
1. How do you know?
2. Write a correct number sentence for those that are not true.
3. Can you write an equivalent number sentence for (b) using a different operation?
Additional questions
1. Rewrite these number sentences so that they are all correct.
2. Which digit changes when you add 100 to 234? What is the new number?
3. How would you change the three in 234 to make the number 244?
4. How could you ‘wipe out’ the three in 234 to make the number 204?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 2: Partitioning numbers into part-part-whole helps us relate
addition and subtraction and understand their properties. p.20
o Key understanding 7: Properties of operations and relationships between them
can help us to decide whether number sentences are true. p.66
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
With the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, Year 7 students are
required to be able to apply the associative, commutative and distributive laws to aid mental
and written computation in the Number and place value sub-strand. They also should be able
to extend and apply the laws and properties of arithmetic to algebraic terms and expressions
in the Patterns and algebra sub-strand.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 7: Properties of operations and relationships between them
can help us decide whether number sentences are true. p.66
Additional questions
1. Rewrite the equation with brackets to show the order of operations you used.
2. Does the order of performing the operations affect the answer?
3. How do we know which operations in a number sentence that we should solve first?
4. Write a number sentence with two different operations for your partner to solve.
Question 2
Skill: Students use the relationship between operations to find a missing number,
considering the order (BIMDAS).
Answer key: 8
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out? Record the steps you took using number sentences.
2. How does BIMDAS help us solve this problem?
Question 3
Skill: Students use the relationship between operations to find a missing number,
considering the order (BIMDAS).
Answer key: 6
Additional questions
1. What number multiplied by three equals 60? (20) How do we work out the missing
number in the brackets? What does it need to equal?
2. Alan solved the question above using a calculator. Write the operations that he used
to find the missing number.
Additional questions:
1. What change could you make to Option B to make it correct?
2. Complete the following number sentences to make them correct:
a) 36 × 15 = 36 × 10 + 36 × ___
b) 36 × 15 = 40 × 15 __ 4 × ___
c) 36 × 15 = 30 × ___ + ____× 15
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia, 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 7: Properties of operations and relationships between them
can help us to decide whether number sentences are true. p.66
o Key understanding 8: Thinking of a problem as a number sentence often helps us
to solve it. Sometimes we need to rewrite the number sentence in a different but
equivalent way. p.74
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two)
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 2: Partitioning numbers into part-part-whole helps us relate
addition and subtraction and understand their properties p. 20.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two)
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 5: Repeating equal quantities and partitioning a quantity into
equal parts p. 52.
Familiarity with the application of these laws will assist students to make sense of the formal
notation of the commutative, associative and distributive laws when they are introduced.
Commutative laws
a + b = b+ a.
Associative laws
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
(a x b) x c = a x (b x c)
Distributive law
a (b + c) = a x b + a x c
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two)
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Background notes: Techniques for mental calculation pp 194−195.
For further ideas for activities see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Choosing operations p. 26 • Multiplication and division p. 58
• Inverse relationships p. 26 • Arrays p. 58
• Increased quantities p. 27 • Division questions p. 59
• Focus on operations p. 27 • Fractions p. 59
• Rewriting multiplication p. 129 • Rewriting number sentences p. 60
• Partitioning numbers pp. 129−130 • Decimals p. 129
• Rewriting number sentences p. 129 • Sample lesson: grid partitions p. 130
Question 1
Additional questions
In the example above, we could say that 54 is composed of two smaller numbers – 16 and
another number. This could be presented as shown in the diagram below.
(?) 16
Skill: Students use the links between addition and subtraction to find a missing number.
Answer key: A
Additional questions
1. Use a diagram similar to that in question 1 to explain why adding 68 and 34 gives the
missing number in the equation.
2. Which of the answers would you choose to solve + 34 = 68? Why?
3. Which of the answers would you choose to solve 68 - = 34? Why?
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Use graph paper to show 10 x 5 as a rectangle.
a) Use your diagram to explain why 50 ÷ 10 = 5, and also why 50 ÷ 5 = 10.
b) Use the rectangle to decide what you would put into the calculator to work out the
missing number.
Skill: Students use the links between multiplication and division to find a missing number.
Answer key: D
Additional questions
1. For each of the following, write a number sentence with a missing number:
a) a number divided by 6 gives 0.5.
b) a number added to 7 gives 12.
c) 8 multiplied by a number gives 0.2.
d) 15 divided by a number gives 3.75.
2. Find each of the missing numbers in your number sentences.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number: (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 2: Partitioning numbers into part-part-whole helps us relate
addition and subtraction and understand their properties.p.20
o Key understanding 5: Repeating equal quantities and partitioning a quantity into
equal parts helps us to relate multiplication and division and understand their
properties. p.52
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Students should experience modelling of all of the problem types. Addition and subtraction
word problems may be classified as follows:
• Change – adding or subtracting from a quantity by joining or separating i.e.
- Anna had 10 bears and then she gave her brother 3. How many does she have
now? (result unknown)
- Anna had 10 bears and then she gave her brother some. She now has 7. How
many did she give her brother? (change unknown)
- Anna had some bears and gave her brother 3 of them. She now has 7 left. How
many did she have to start with? (start unknown)
• Combine – two or more static quantities thought of either separately or combined i.e.
- Anna has 10 bears. 7 are brown and the rest are white. How many are white?
(one part unknown)
- Anna has 7 brown bears and 3 white bears. How many bears does she have in
all? (whole unknown)
• Equalise or compare – comparing or equalising quantities.
- Anna has 10 brown bears and 7 white bears. If all the bears were to take a
partner, how many bears won’t get a partner? (equalise)
- Anna has 10 brown bears and 7 white bears. How many more brown bears does
she have than white bears? (compare)
Multiplication and division word problems may be classified into the following problem types:
• repeat equal quantities – There are five tables and six students can sit at each
table. How many students can we seat?
• use rates – If a 2.5 kilogram sack of apricots costs $12.25, what is the price for one
• ratio comparisons or changes – Tanya has five times as many marbles as Jill. If
Tanya has 70, how many does Jill have?
• arrays and combinations – There are three different types of ice-cream cone and
six ice-cream flavours. How many different types of single ice-creams can we make?
• products of measures – A rectangle with an area of 217.6 square centimetres has
one side 16cm long. How long is the adjacent side?
It is NOT intended that students need to name these different problem types.
N7A07 | Solving multi step word problems 1
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
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For further related information see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Background notes: Addition and subtraction problems pp. 89–94.
$ 20 (known total)
How much are five chocolate bars
@ ?? Amount of change (Unknown)
$1.25 (known part)
For further activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Rewriting problems p. 79 • Sorting sentences p. 80
• How much, how many? p. 79 • Unknown quantity p. 81
Additional questions
1. Write a number sentence to represent how you worked it out.
2. Make your own multi-step problems for others to solve.
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Angela thought of a number. She added 25 and then subtracted 29 from the result.
The answer was 91. What number did Angela start with?
2. I think of a number. If the number is doubled and then 13 added, the result is 45.
What is the number?
3. Six times a number, subtract five, is equal to thirty-seven. What is the number?
4. Eight less than seven times a number is fifty-five. What is the number?
Use number sentences to represent the problems. (Remember to use brackets to show
which calculations to do first and an empty box to show what is missing.)
For example, for question 2 above, ( + 3) x 2 – 9 = 35, write the number sentence
‘backwards’ to help you find the starting number, ie (35 + 9) ÷ 2 – 3 = .
Additional questions
1. Help students draw a diagram to help work out the relationships. The diagram below
shows that Jack has one–third of the cows.
2. One third of a number add 12 is equal to 20. What is the number? Try using one of
the previous strategies.
3. When seven is added to a number and then the total is multiplied by three, the result
is 36. What is the number?
4. I thought of a number. I added seven then halved the result. The answer was 13.
What was the number I started with?
Have students represent with diagrams or with number sentences to simplify the
Additional questions
1. Use a diagram to try and represent the problem:
Question 5
Additional questions
1. Rewrite the number sentence with brackets to show the order of operations you used
to identify the equivalent expression.
2. How does the order of performing the operations affect the answer?
3. Which operations in a number sentence should we solve first?
4. Write a number sentence with two different operations for your partner to solve.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 8: Thinking of a problem as a number sentence often helps
us to solve it. Sometimes we need to rewrite the number sentence in a different
but equivalent way. p.74
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 6: There are some special calculating methods that we can
use for calculations we find hard to do in our head. p.144
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
There are some conventional mathematical types of rules that students should begin to use
in the primary years. For example:
• Sequences of numbers can be described by giving a rule that says where to start and
how to get from any number in the sequence to the next one. For example: Start with
7. Each number after that is five more than the one before (7, 12, 17, 22 …).
• Sequences of numbers can also be described by giving a general rule that says how
to work out any number in the sequence by knowing what its position in the sequence
is. For example: Each number in the sequence is two added to five times its position
(7, 12, 17, 22 …).
• Other patterns can be described by rules that say what the general relationship is
between two quantities. For example: The area of a square is the square of the length
of one side.
Students should look for what is the same and what is different between various patterns,
leading them to recognise common types of patterns. In the later years, students should
learn to clarify and refine their descriptions of patterns and rules so that another person can
accurately recreate the sequence. Students need opportunities to put together sequences
that involve constant addition/subtraction and compare them with those that involve
addition/subtraction by an increasing or decreasing amount. In later years students should
graph examples of each pattern type and compare the shape of the graphs. That is, when
the pattern involves adding/subtracting a constant the graph is a straight line whereas
adding/subtracting an increasing amount creates a curve.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 5: Reason about number patterns
o Key understanding 4: There are strategies that help us become better at
recognising common types of patterns.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Sticky situations p. 239 • Classifying p. 240
Question 1
Skill: Students recognise and extend a pattern based on a constant addition of a decimal.
Answer key: 0.6, 1; 1.2, 1.4
Additional questions
1. What do you have to do to get from one term to the next in the sequence?
2. The fourth term is 0.8. This can be written as 4 × 0.2.
Use this idea to write a rule for finding any term in the pattern when you know its
3. What is the fifteenth term in the pattern?
4. Is the number 5.7 a term of this sequence? Explain why.
Question 2
Additional questions
1. How do you get from one term to the next in the sequence?
2. The fourth term is 4.1. This has been found by adding 3 lots of 0.1 to 3.8
(ie fourth term = 3.8 + 3 × 0.1).
a) What is the rule for finding any term in this sequence if you know the position of
the term in the sequence?
b) What is the twentieth term?
3. Is the number 7.31 a term of this sequence? Explain why.
N7A11 | Patterns based on addition and subtraction of a decimal 2
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Skill: Students recognise and continue a pattern with a constant addition of a decimal.
Answer key: $5.55
Additional questions
1. Using the previous term, how will you work out the next term?
2. The third term is $4.10. This has been found by adding two lots of $1.45 to $1.20. (ie
term 3 = $1.20 + 2 × $1.45).
a) What is the rule for finding any term in the sequence if you know the position of
the term?
b) What is the thirtieth term of the sequence?
3. What is the rule for finding the position of a term in the sequence if you know the first
term and the term in the sequence? Check your rule with $8.45 being the sixth term.
Question 4
Skill: Students recognise and continue a pattern based on a combination of different rules.
Answer key: 2.6, 3.3, 2.7
Additional questions
1. What is the rule for finding the missing numbers?
2. Without listing all the terms, work out the:
a) thirty-first term?
b) fifty-sixth term?
Explain how you did this.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 5: Reason about number patterns
o Key understanding 1: We use regularity or pattern to infer one thing from another
and to make predictions. p. 200
o Key understanding 2: Representing aspects of a situation with numbers can
make it easier to see patterns in the situation. p. 212
o Key understanding 4: There are strategies that help us become better at
recognising common types of patterns. p. 234
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Students should learn that representing aspects of a situation with numbers and then looking
for patterns in the numbers can help us understand the situation better, often making
patterns more obvious and predictions easier.
Students develop their understanding of number patterns after immersion in simple patterns
with sequencing objects, eg a pattern formed by repeating the sequence; shell, button,
button, bead, bead, bead pattern can be linked to describing this pattern with the numbers 1,
2, 2, 3, 3, 3 etc.
Students should investigate a range of pattern types. They need different patterns introduced
systemically so they can make connections.
• The similarities between certain patterns: looking for same and difference between
various patterns leading to simple classification.
In middle and later primary years, students can test a number sequence by finding the
difference between successive terms to discover if they are constant.
• Is the difference constant? If not, is there a pattern in the differences?
• Is the ratio (or multiplier) between the terms constant?
• Does doubling or halving work?
• Is it the square number?
• If there are fractions, what is happening to the denominator? Numerator? Would
using a common denominator help?
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 5: Reason about number patterns
o Key understanding 4: There are strategies that help us become better at
recognising common types of patterns. p.234
o Background notes: Finding the rule for a pattern. p.258
For ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Triangle toothpick design p. 218 • Pattern pairs p. 239
• Hexagon patterns p. 230 • Relationships p. 241
Question 1
Additional questions
1. What would the next three numbers be in the number pattern below?
3, 12, 48, 192 …
2. If there was a number before the 3 in the pattern above, what would it be?
3. Bob is using the same rule, but he starts from 5.
What are the next three numbers in Bob’s pattern?
Question 3
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 5: Reason about number patterns
o Key understanding 1: We use regularity or pattern to infer one thing from another
and to make predictions. p.200
o Key understanding 2: Representing aspects of a situation with numbers can
make it easier to see patterns in the situation. p.212
o Key understanding 4: There are strategies that help us become better at
recognising common types of patterns. p.234
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Students need to compare and order numbers justifying why 8 is one less than 9, -4 is less
than 0 and 10 000 is 100 times as big as 100. Students also need to understand numbers as
having magnitude. Even though students know that four is a small number and four million is
a big number and can state this is absolute terms, implicitly numbers are often referred to
relatively or comparatively. For example 300 can be said to be a large number but when
compared to three million, three hundred is relatively small.
For further related information see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Chapter 3: Understand whole and decimal numbers
o Key understanding 8: We can compare and order the numbers themselves p. 74.
Question 1
Additional questions
1. Where would you place 530 on the number line? How did you work it out?
2. Where would you place 610 on the number line?
3. What number would be half way between 520 and 600 on the number line?
4. Have students draw a section of a number line (as in question1) and to
label two points on it. Then ask students to work with their partners to label
points for other numbers. Ask students to explain why they have positioned
the number at that point.
Additional questions
1. Say and write the number that is 10 more than 9999.
2. Say and write the number that is 100 more than 99 999.
3. Say and write the number that is 1000 more than 9999.
4. Is 55 501 closer to 100 000 or to 10 000? How do you know?
Question 3
Skill: Students read and write whole numbers into the millions.
Answer key: A
Additional questions
1. Write the numeral for one million and nine hundred thousand.
2. Write the numeral for one million and fifty-two thousand.
3. Write the numeral for one million and two hundred.
4. Students write five, six, seven, and eight digit numerals and then try to put them in
order, reading the different numerals.
Additional questions
1. What is the place value of the 8?
2. What is the place value of the 3?
3. Which digit has the largest place value?
4. How does the place value of the 7 compare to the place value of the 3?
5. If you had $39 798 in the bank, and you drew out $9000, how much would you have
left in the bank? How did you know without having to calculate?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia, 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book one):
• Chapter 3: Understand whole and decimal numbers
o Key understanding 4: The whole numbers are in a particular order and there are
patterns in the way we say them which help us to remember the order. p.40
o Key understanding 5: The whole numbers are in a particular order and there are
patterns in the way we write them which help us to remember the order. p.52
o Key understanding 6: Place value helps us to think of the same whole number in
different ways and this can be useful. p.60
o Key understanding 8: We can compare and order the numbers themselves.
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
When a problem has no context the BIMDAS rule is applied. BIMDAS (brackets, indices,
multiplication/division, addition/subtraction) is often used to help students remember the
order of operations. There are variations of this acronym including BIDMAS and BODMAS.
The convention for simplifying expressions stipulates that multiplication and division are
performed before addition and subtraction and in order from left to right. For example, in
5 - 6 ÷ 2 + 7 x 2 = ___, the division and the multiplication are performed first and the equation
becomes 5 – 3 + 14 = 16. If the convention is ignored and the operations are performed in
order, an incorrect result can be obtained. The use of brackets helps to write number
sentences more clearly. For example, 5 – (6÷2) + (7x2). Students need opportunities to write
their own mathematical expressions to represent various situations. .
Additional questions
1. Use brackets in the expression to make 10 the correct answer.
2. Use brackets in the expression to make its value equal to 16.
3. Use brackets in the expression to make its value equal to 23.
Have students make up situations that match each of the different ways of ordering the
operations using brackets.
Question 2
20 – 5 + 1 × 2
Additional questions
1. Write a problem situation that matches Helen’s expression.
2. Evaluate: 22 – 4 ÷ 2 + 2 × 3 and write a situation to match.
3. Rewrite the previous expression using brackets to order the operations in different
ways. Write situations to match each expression. Share explanations as a class.
The value of which expression shows the total amount of money he should pay?
a. 10 - (5 x 12)
b. 5 x 12 - 10
c. 5 x (12 - 10)
d. (5 x 12) + 10
Additional questions
1. George selected D. He is incorrect for this situation. How could he change the story
to match his selection?
2. Write a situation to match C.
Question 4
Skill: Students use the order of the four operations to identify the expression matching a
Answer key: C
Additional questions
1. Write a number sentence to represent the above situation.
2. Explain the role of each of the numbers in the number sentence.
3. What does the value of the expression $3.80 – $13.80 ÷ 4 represent? How do you
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Helen wrote this expression:
20 – 5 + 1 × 2
Students need to be explicitly taught and have opportunities to practise and apply the wide
range of techniques that will enable them to be fluent and accurate at mental computation
within school and in later life. They need to use these techniques flexibly and choose the
most appropriate one within a given context. Often we have personal preferences for a
particular technique and some numbers suit certain techniques better than others. Learning
which techniques are most suited to particular calculations is part of building flexibility.
For further related information see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 5: There are strategies we can practise to help us do
calculations in our head p. 132.
The properties of the operations, relationships between operations, number partitions and
place value form the basis of the range of mental strategies. Refer to the range of mental
methods described in the background notes on page 194 of First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two) for an explanation of a comprehensive range of computational strategies.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 6: There are special calculating methods that we can use for
calculations we find hard to do in our head p. 144.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Wipe out p. 137 • Historical calculations p. 151
• Decade p. 137 • Multiplication grids p. 151
• How did you do it? p. 138 • Target practice p. 139
• Doubling p. 140 • Compatible numbers p. 139
Skill: Students apply known number facts to calculate efficiently with larger numbers.
Answer key: 11
Additional questions
1. Show how 7 + 4 = 11 helps you to calculate 70 + 40.
2. Show how 7 + 4 = 11 helps you to calculate 700 + 400.
3. Could 7 + 4 = 11 help you to calculate 70 + 400? Why or why not?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Show how 17 + 4 = 21 helps you to do this calculation.
2. Show how 17 + 4 = 21 would help you to calculate 1700 + 400.
3. How might knowing 7 + 3 = 10 help you calculate 170 + 40 in a different way?
4. Write whether or not, 17 + 4 = 21 helps you to calculate 1700 + 40. Why?
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Show how 8 x 9 = 72 helps you to complete the above calculation.
2. Show how 8 x 9 = 72 helps you to calculate the value of 80 x 9.
3. Write whether or not, 8 x 9 = 72 helps you to calculate 8 x 900. Explain.
4. If you don’t know that 8 x 9 = 72, what is an easy way you could work it out?
(You could say 10 x 8 = 80, so 9 x 8 = 80 – 8, or 2 x 9 = 18, double 18 = 4 x 9 = 36,
double 36 = 8 x 9 = 72)
Skill: Students use knowledge of number facts to calculate efficiently in familiar contexts.
Answer key: $2354
Additional questions
1. Explain how you knew that 35 x 10 = 350. Why does 20 x 100 = 2000?
2. Assume that the bank ran out of $100 notes and only had $10 notes and $1 coins.
What are five different ways the teller could give a customer $1354.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia, 2004, First Steps in
Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 3: We can think of a number as a multiplication or division
in different ways. We can rearrange the factors of multiplication without
changing the quantity. p.114
o Key understanding 5: There are strategies we can practise to help us do
calculations in our heads. p.132
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 5: There are strategies we can practise to help us do
calculations in our head p.132
The properties of the operations, relationships between operations, number partitions and
place value form the basis of the range of calculation strategies. A range of mental methods
should be introduced to students (to ensure they have a repertoire of strategies to select
from when calculating. The most common mental strategies are:
• Using relationships (inverses and commutativity)
• Compensating (partition and rearrange)
• Compatible numbers and bridge (often referred to as friendly numbers to 10, 100)
• Front load (start with the biggest number)
• Using a number line
For further related information see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Background notes p.194
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Grid partitions p.112 • Multiples of ten p. 128
• Large numbers p. 113 • Front end loading (1 and 2) p. 140
• Leap along a number line p. 128 • Factorising p. 140
• Multiply the parts p. 141
Numeracy online resources
• Year 6–7 Number: Calculate
Learning sequence 5
Question 1
Additional questions
1. If you started the calculation of 9 + 8 by doubling 10, what would you need to take
2. A pen and a pencil cost $5. The pencil is a dollar cheaper than the pen.
How much would a pen and two pencils cost?
3. How could you use doubling to add 38 + 19? Double 8 add 1, then add 30 + 10. What
would be another way to calculate this? (Take one from 38 and add it to 19 to make
37 + 20.)
Skill: Students use the links between the four operations in a familiar context.
Answer key: C
Additional questions
1. How could you start from 35 and use what you know about addition and subtraction to
get to the number?
2. Think of a number. Add 10 to your number and then halve the result.
Now, use your result to check what your starting number was.
3. Think of an even number. Add 100 to your number. Halve the result and then subtract
50. Did you get your initial number? Explain why.
Question 3
Additional activities/questions
1. How did you know what to do? How does doubling 347 help?
2. Think of a number larger than 50, then add 20. From the result, subtract 40. What is
your result? What will always be true about your result? (It will always be 20 less than
the number first thought of.)
3. The value of 200 + 13 – 26 is the same as the value of:
a) 200 – 13
b) 200 – 13 – 13
c) 200 + 26 – 13
d) 200 – 13 – 13 – 13
How did you work it out?
Skill: Students use the links between the four operations in a familiar context.
Answer key: 2.5 km
Additional questions
1. What subtraction did you need to start with? What was the next step? Once you
found the distance from Bus Stop A and Bus Stop B, what was the next step to the
problem? Could you represent this situation in one number sentence?
(3.2 – 1.8) ÷ 2 + 1.8 =
2. What steps do you need to take to work out the following:
a) Jane is halfway between the School and Bus stop A.
How far is she from Bus stop B?
b) Carol is halfway between the School and Bus stop B.
What is the distance between Jane and Carol?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 2: We can think of a number as a sum or difference in
different ways. We can rearrange the parts of an addition without changing the
quantity. p.106
o Key understanding 4: Place value and basic number facts together allow us to
calculate with any whole or decimal numbers. p.122
o Key understanding 5: There are strategies we can practise to help us do
calculations in our head. p.132
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Using brackets
Generally brackets denote some form of grouping, where they take precedence over
surrounding operations. For example (2 + 4) x (5 – 2) = 6 x 3 = 18. The brackets group the
(2 + 4) and the (5 – 2) and are completed first. Without the brackets the equation would be
2 + 4 x 5 – 2 = 20; using the order of operations of multiplication/division before
addition/subtraction. (BIMDAS)
Square brackets are used for more complicated equations when a second set of brackets are
needed, this helps to provide visual distinction, eg [(2 + 4) x (5 – 2) + 6] x 4.
The brackets group the 2 + 4 and the 5 – 2 together. The square brackets indicate that the
operation is completed first before multiplying by 4. Therefore the answer is
(6 x 3 + 6) = 24; 24 x 4 = 96.
Angle brackets usually denote a sequence. Angle brackets can be confusing because they
are used in websites and look like ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ signs.
Students need to have experiences with real life situations and interpret the use of brackets
in the context these situations to understand why brackets are used and are necessary.
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
3 x 12 = (3 x 10) + (3 x 2)
Question 1
Additional questions
1. Evaluate (9 – 2) × (7 + 5).
2. Calculate 4 × (12 – 4) ÷ 2.
3. Complete the number sentence to make it true (26 –?) × 3 = 60. What would you put
in your calculator to work it out?
4. Evaluate (24 – ?) ÷ 2 = 6.5. Rewrite so that the unknown is after the = symbol.
5. Find the missing number in 6 × ? = (11 + 19) ÷ 2.
6. Make up situations to match the different expressions.
Additional questions
Have students explain what each question in the following examples means. Ask them to
suggest situations which could match the expressions. Have students create equalities by
rewriting each in a different but equivalent way.
1. Calculate 37 + 10 ÷ 5
2. Evaluate 4 × 3 + 24 ÷ 3
12 + 8
3. Evaluate
4. Calculate
4 −1
5. If 8 + 2 × ? = 90 ÷ 3, what is the missing number?
6. Find the value of the expression 6 + 9 ÷ 3 – 2
7. Insert a pair of brackets to make this sentence true 16 – 6 × 2 + 3 = 23
a) 3 + 12 + 8
b) 3 × 12 × 8
c) 3 × 12 + 8
d) 3 × 12 + 3 × 8
Additional questions
1. The value of 5 (2 + 18) is equal to the value of:
a) 5 + 2 + 18
b) 5 × 2 × 18
c) 2 × 5 + 18 × 5
d) 2 × 18 + 18 × 2
18 x 5
12 + 9 ÷ 3 + 5 – 2 = 10
Skill: Students use the links between multiplication and division to find a missing number.
Answer key: (12 + 9) ÷ 3 + (5 – 2) = 10
Additional questions
Insert brackets to make the value of each expression equal to 10.
a) 3 + 9 + 4 ÷ 2 + 2
b) 4 × 2 + 2 - 6
c) 4 ÷ 4 – 2 + 8
d) 3 + 9 × 3 – 2 – 2
Explain your reasoning for each.
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 3: Understand operations
o Key understanding 7: Properties of operations and relationships between them
can help us to decide whether number sentences are true. p.66
Question 1 Question 3
a. 3 + 12 + 8
b. 3 × 12 × 8
c. 3 × 12 + 8
d. 3 × 12 + 3 × 8
Question 2 Question 4
12 + 9 ÷ 3 + 5 – 2 = 10
It is essential that students understand the structure and relationships involved when place
value is extended to represent decimal numbers. Partitioning into smaller and smaller units
multiplicatively (each partitioning is one-tenth of the previous one is much more difficult than
grouping into larger and larger units and is central to understanding decimal notation).
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Chapter 3: Understand whole and decimal numbers
o Key understanding 7: We can extend the patterns in the way we write whole
numbers to write decimals p.68
Percentages are generally used to describe a ratio between two quantities where the
‘fraction’ has been written with a common denominator of 100. Percentages provide an easy
way to compare quantities. For example, if I got 12 out of 20 correct in a spelling test in
Week 1 and 15 out of 25 correct in a spelling test in Week 2, have I improved? Converting
the scores to a percentage (60%) will show that I performed equally as well each week.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Chapter 4: Understand fractional numbers
o Key understanding 7: A fraction symbol may show a ratio relationship between
two quantities. Percentages are a special kind of ratio we use to make
comparisons easier p.152
Percentages can be applied to a number of situations in every day life and students should
be exposed to these contexts. Examples could include:
• I have 12 apples and I gave away 50%, how many did I give away?
(50 ÷ 100) x 12 = 6
• I had 10 shots at a soccer goal and I scored on three, what percentage did I score?
(3 ÷ 10) x 100 = 30%
• A television costs $400 and a shop advertised 25% off the price. How much does the
television cost? (25 ÷ 100) x $400 = $100
• The price of electricity has increased by $ 5.00 per unit. Original price was $20.00. By
what percentage has the price of electricity increased?
Increase ÷ original price x 100 % $5 ÷ $20 = $0.25
0.25 x 100 = 25%
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Decimal fractions p. 73 • Hundred square p. 159
• Proportional relationships p. 157 • Finding percentages p. 159
• Sensible fractions p. 157
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out? How many cars altogether? What percentage of the total is
one car? How can knowing that help you work out the percentage for each of the
different coloured cars?
2. What percentage of the cars are
a) red?
b) white?
c) blue?
3. Work out the fraction of cars that were each of the colours? What equivalent
denominators could you have? Which denominator matches the percentages?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. How did you work out the percentage of red cars? How did knowing the total of 50
help? What percentage of the total is each of the cars?
2. What percentage of the cars are:
a) white?
b) blue?
c) yellow?
3. Write the proportion of each car colour as a decimal number.
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out? How does knowing that 5 x 20 = 100 help?
2. If Jason had 5 stamps left, what percentage did he give to Sarah? How do you know?
3. If Jason gave 15 stamps to Sarah, what percentage would he have left?
4. If Jason had 80 stamps and gave 60 to Sarah, what percentage would he have left?
How did you work it out?
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Write each of the options as a common fraction or as a mixed number. How do you
know what to write?
2. Can you write each as a percentage? How do you know how to do that? Why do the
digits stay, in the same order when you rewrite a decimal fraction as a percentage?
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004 First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 4: Place value and basic number facts together allow us to
calculate with any whole or decimal number. p.122
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
For further activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Sharing pizza p. 158 • Pattern blocks p. 161
• Making a whole p. 159 • Multiple slices p. 161
• Pattern blocks p. 159 • Equivalent forms p. 161
• Double the quantity p. 159 • Calculator addition p. 161
N7N10| Adding and subtracting fractions with readily identifiable common denominators 1
© Department of Education WA 2015
Revised October 2016
Any Western Australian Curriculum content in this resource is used with the permission of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority; this
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Numeracy online resource
• Year 6–7 Number: Calculate
Learning sequence 3
Question 1
Max had a box of 200 collectors cards.
He gave 50 cards to Zoe, 40 to Claire and 60 to Wes.
What fraction of the cards was left?
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out? Draw a diagram of the pencils to show your thinking.
2. What fraction of the packet of pencils did Max give to each of Zoe, Claire and Wes?
3. What is the total of these three fractions?
4. Have students try to write some general instructions to tell someone how they would
go about working out a fraction, given information about how many in the different
Question 2
Kate owns a bakery. She baked muffins. She sold half. She gave 180 away to her friends. She
had 146 left. How many muffins did she start with?
Additional questions
1. How could you work out how many muffins Kate made?
2. If Kate had sold exactly of her muffins, how many muffins would she have had
left? How do you know?
N7N10 | Adding and subtracting fractions with readily identifiable common denominators 2
© Department of Education WA 2015
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Question 4
A garden centre sells a potting mix made up of soil, compost and sand.
Additional questions
1. How did you work out this problem? Try using diagrams to show how to make sense
of the fractions. By lining up quarters and thirds, for example, it becomes clear that
one twelfth is the difference. There are three-twelfths in each quarter and four-twelfths
in each third.
2. If soil makes up 2 of the mix and compost makes up 1 of the mix, what fraction is
3 8
sand? What would you need to split the eighths into so that the difference can be
worked out? If each eighth is split into three, the total is split into 24 equal parts. Now
each third is 8 twenty-fourths, and each eighth is 3 twenty-fourths. A comparison can
show that 5 twenty-fourths is the difference.
N7N10 | Adding and subtracting fractions with readily identifiable common denominators 3
© Department of Education WA 2015
Revised October 2016
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book two):
• Chapter 4: Calculate
o Key understanding 7: We can calculate with fractions. Sometimes renaming
fractions is helpful for this. p.156
N7N10 | Adding and subtracting fractions with readily identifiable common denominators 4
© Department of Education WA 2015
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Adding and subtracting fractions with readily-identifiable common denominators
Question 1 Question 2
Max had a box of 200 collectors cards. Kate owns a bakery. She baked muffins. She sold half.
He gave 50 cards to Zoe, 40 to Claire and 60 to Wes. She gave 180 away to her friends. She had 146 left.
What fraction of the cards was left? How many muffins did she start with?
Question 3 Question 4
A garden centre sells a potting mix made up of soil, compost and sand.
Some friends ate some pizza. Ben ate of the pizza.
Soil makes up of the mix and compost makes up of the mix.
Jace ate half as much pizza as Ben.
How much Pizza did Jace eat? What fraction of the mix is sand?
N7N10 | Adding and subtracting fractions with readily identifiable common denominators 5
© Department of Education WA 2015
Revised October 2016
Numeracy planning resource
Numeracy Year 7
Many students have a strong conviction that multiplication makes bigger and division makes
smaller, however this belief can lead to misconceptions once they start to work with decimal
or fractions. Multiplication and division with whole numbers requires students to think of three
quantities, the total amount, number of equal groups and the quantity in each group and with
whole numbers these processes produce multiples and factors.
When we are dealing with decimal numbers students find it harder to conceptualise the
quantities because they have to think of one-third lot of four instead of three lots of four. Even
though multiplication is involved the problem is essentially one of division and students have
to think of it as dividing four into three equal portions. Therefore multiplying a number less
than one produces a ‘smaller’ answer.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book two):
• Small units p. 58 • Which operation? p. 58
• Multiplication and division p. 58 • Fractions p. 59
Additional questions
1. What is the greatest number of 2.5 m pieces of string Robert could have cut from the
15.3 m piece of string? How do you know?
2. Robert cut the 15.3 m piece of string into 15 pieces of equal length. How long would
each piece of string be?
3. Ray wants to cut the15.3 m piece of string into 20 pieces of equal length. If the
pieces are to be multiples of 0.1 m in length, and he wants each piece to be as long
as possible, what would be the size of each piece? How much string would be left
over? Show how you worked it out.
Question 2
3.48 × 5 = _____________
Skill: Students multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number.
Answer key: 17.4
Additional questions
1. How would knowing 3 × 5 = 15 and 4 × 5 = 20 help you to estimate your answer?
2. If you know that 3 × 5 = 15 and 1 of 5 = 2.5, how would this help you to estimate
your answer?
3. What would you need to subtract from 1 of 5 = 2.5 to find 0.48 x 5?
4. How do you know?
5. Use other number facts to justify whether each of the answers to these calculations
is reasonable. Do not do the calculations. Write the argument you used in each case
to justify that the answer was reasonable.
a) 5 × 6.48 = 32.4 b) 7 × 3.6 = 25
c) 12 ÷ 2.1 = 6 d) 3 x 0.58 = 15.24
The local electrical store offers a discount of 20% on all items in the store.
$ ________
Skill: Students recognise and continue a pattern with a constant addition of a decimal.
Answer key: 168
Additional questions:
1. How might knowing that 0.2 has the same value as 20% help you to calculate the
percentage discount?
2. What other ways could you work out the discount? How does knowing what is 10% of
$840, help work out 20% discount?
3. How much would 20% be of each $100? How could that help you work out the
discount for $800? How much discount is 20% of each $10? How would that help you
work out the discount for $40?
4. Why would entering 0.8 × $840 = into a calculator give you the discounted price that
Linda paid for the TV? Explain why this method works.
Question 4
What is the answer to 8.8 ÷ 0.4?
Skill: Students divide decimal fractions using mental and other strategies.
Answer key: D
Additional questions
1. What is the value of 8.8 ÷ 4?
2. What is 8.8 ÷ 40 equal to?
3. Justify your answer to Question 4 (above) using a number line.
Student worksheet
Question 1 Question 2
Question 3 Question 4
$ ________
Real numbers
Students can apply fractions as ratios when they relate two quantities in some way, eg:
• correct number of correct spelling words to incorrect or number of correct words to
total number of words in the test.
• determine the slope of a line on a graph
• drawing a picture that is similar to another but is twice the size.
For further related information see, First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Chapter 4: Understand whole and decimal numbers
o Key understanding 7: A fraction symbol may show a ratio between two
quantities. Percentages are a special kind of ratio we use to make
comparisons easier. pp. 152–153.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Ratios p. 158 • Combining proportions p. 158
• Making cordial p. 158 • Ratio relationships p. 159
Question 1
Additional questions
1. What other fractions are equivalent to 5 ? What ways can you use to work out the
equivalent fractions? Draw diagrams or pictures to explain your thinking.
2. In a class, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 5. This means there are 3 boys for every 5
girls. What fraction of the class are boys?
3. At a vet, the ratio of cats to dogs is 9 to 11. There are no other animals at the vet.
What fraction of the animals at the vet are dogs?
4. A bag contains black and red balls. The fraction of black balls in the bag is 25 .
What is the ratio of black balls to red balls in the bag?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. How many marbles are in the bag altogether? How do you know?
2. What fraction of the marbles is red?
3. What fraction of the marbles is not red?
4. What fraction of the marbles is either blue or green?
5. Are your answers to questions 2 and 3 the same? Why or why not?
6. What is the ratio of blue as to red as to green marbles in the bag? (16:8:4 or 4:2:1)
Have students colour in squares on grid paper to represent the relationships.
Question 4
Susie has four types of lollies: fruitos, chocos, mintos and jellos.
The ratio of lollies to each other:
fruitos to chocos is 3 to 1
mintos to chocos is 3 to 2
mintos to jellos is 3 to 1
The ratio of fruitos to chocos to mintos to jellos is ___ to ___ to ___ to ___
What fraction of Susie’s lollies is mintos? ________
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia, 2004, First Steps in Mathematics:
Number (book one):
• Chapter 4: Understand fractional numbers
o Key understanding 7: A fraction symbol may show a ratio relationship
between two quantities. Percentages are a special kind of ratio we use
to make comparisons easier. p.148
N7N12 | Interpreting simple ratios and links to fractions 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Interpreting simple ratios and links to fractions
Question 1 Question 3
Marion makes a chocolate slice. This is the recipe.
200 g sugar
200 g flour
75 g cocoa
125 g butter
50 g coconut
Question 2 Question 4
Susie has four types of lollies: fruitos, chocos, mintos and jellos.
The ratio of fruitos to chocos to mintos to jellos is ___ to ___ to ___ to ___
Real numbers
The numbers should be whole numbers and the same units need to be used, eg litres not
millilitres and litres, a conversion needs to be made before representing the relationship as a
ratio. Ratios are usually separated by a colon.
To calculate the part of a whole, given a ratio how many parts need to be calculated to
understand how the whole is to be divided. For example, if a prize of $24 000 was won in a
lottery and had to be shared between two people who had shared the cost of the ticket at a
ratio of 5:3. How much does each person get?
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Number (book one):
• Discounts p. 157 • Ratios p. 158
• Making cordial p. 158 • Ratio relationships p. 159
Additional questions
1. What fraction of the children at the dance were boys?
2. How many boys were at the dance if there were 60 girls and the ratio was the same
as in the question above?
3. Ten boys and some girls left the dance. The ratio of boys to girls at the dance
remained 2 to 3. How many girls left the dance? How did you work it out?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. What did you multiply 16 by to get your answer? Why does this method work?
2. What fraction of the backyard is flower bed? How do you know?
3. If the ratio of flower bed to grass was 5 to 4, what is the area of the backyard (given
that the flowerbed is still 16 square metres)? (16 m2 + 20 m2 )
4. In Fred’s backyard, the ratio of grass to flower bed is 7 to 2, and the area of the
backyard is 162 m2. How much larger is the area of grass than the area of flower
Additional questions
1. How did you work this out? What fraction of the class must the five girls be?
2. How many students are in the class when the five girls are away? How do you know?
3. Five-eighths of Bill’s class are boys. When three boys and no girls are away, the ratio
of boys to girls is 4 to 3. How many students are in the class when everyone is
Question 4
Skill: Students explore possibilities using knowledge of ratio and fractions in a familiar
Answer key: 3
Additional questions
1. How did you go about solving this problem? (Give students the counters to model the
2. How many more black counters would you need to add so that half of Jim’s counters
and half of Maria’s counters are black?
3. Some black counters are added to Maria’s and Jim’s counters. One-quarter of Jim’s
counters are now white and half of Maria’s counters are black. How many counters of
each colour do Jim and Maria have now?
(Eight counters are added: Maria gets 2 more blacks to make 3 black and 3 white,
and Jim gets 6 more to make 9 black and 3 white.)
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
This document contains Year 7 Measurement and Geometry resources including items for:
• Using units of measurement
• Shape
• Location and transformation
• Geometric reasoning.
These items aim to develop and test Year 7 students’ proficiency with the content of this
Please note that these resources do not encompass all that should be taught and learned for
Measurement and Geometry in Year 7. Not all of the content of the curriculum can be
effectively assessed in a written test format.
Perimeter of rectangles
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics Measurement: (book two):
• Chapter 4: Estimate
o Key understanding 1: We can make judgements about order and size without
actually measuring. We should think about how confident we can be of our
estimate. p.72
Additional questions:
1. Which method would you have used? Explain.
2. Why couldn’t 22 х 7 be used to find the perimeter?
3. Why couldn’t (22 + 7) х (22 +7) be used to find the perimeter?
Additional questions:
1. What is the perimeter of each rectangle?
2. Draw a rectangle that has twice the length and width of the original rectangle. What is
the perimeter of this rectangle?
3. Draw a rectangle one-third the length and width of the original rectangle.
What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
Skill: Given the perimeter and the length, students calculate the width of a rectangle.
Answer key: E (3 cm)
Additional questions
1. What would the width of the note paper be if the length was 8 cm but the perimeter
was 26 centimetres?
2. What would the width of the note paper be if the length was 8 cm but the perimeter
was 35 centimetres?
Question 4
A piece of rectangular notepaper has a length of 8 centimetres and an area of
32 square centimetres.
Skill: Students use the relationship between area and perimeter of a rectangle.
Answer key: 24 cm.
Additional questions
1. What is the formula for finding the area of a rectangle?
2. How does understanding the properties of a rectangle help with this problem?
3. If the note paper had a length of 12cm and an area of 48 square centimetres, what
would the perimeter be?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book two):
• Chapter 3: Indirect measure
o Key understanding 1: For certain types of shapes we can describe the
relationship between the lengths of its edges and its perimeter, its area and its
volume. p.12
o Key understanding 4: We can calculate one measurement from others using
relationships between quantities. p.54
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Area of a rectangle
Another key concept for students to learn is that for certain types of shapes there are
relationships between lengths of its edges and its perimeter, its area and its volume.
Common formulae are a shorthand way of describing these relationships and are useful to
help work out perimeters, areas and volumes more easily than measuring them directly.
Students should investigate measurement relationships in a range of ways, developing their
own short cuts for solving practical problems.
Question 1
Additional questions
1. Round your estimate to the nearest whole number of square units if it is not already a
whole number. Then use grid paper to draw a rectangle that has the same area as
the elephant’s footprint.
2. Draw a different rectangle that also has the same area as the elephant’s footprint.
Additional questions
1. The perimeter of a square is 400 cm. Find its area.
2. If the area of each square of the hop scotch grid was 1 square metre, what would be
the perimeter of the whole hop scotch grid?
3. The area of a square is 9 000 square centimetres. What is its perimeter?
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Draw diagrams of two differently shaped rectangular backyards that both have an
area of 128 square metres.
2. A rectangular backyard has an area of 168 square metres and length of 12 metres.
What is the width of the backyard?
3. A rectangular backyard has an area of 95 square metres and length of 10 metres.
What is the perimeter of the backyard?
Additional questions
1. A rectangle has a length of 70 cm and width of 2 m. What is its area?
2. A rectangle has an area of 3 square metres and width of 25 cm.
What is its length?
3. A rectangle has an area of 6 square centimetres and width of 15 mm.
What is its length?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book two):
• Chapter 3: Indirect Measure
o Key Understanding 1: For certain types of shapes we can describe the relationship
between the lengths of its edges and its perimeter, its area and its volume. p.12
o Key Understanding 4: We can calculate one measurement from others using
relationships between quantities. p.54
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book two):
• Building p. 19 • Cubic straws p. 23
• The sealed room pp. 19 • Fractional dimensions p. 23
Additional questions
1. What name is given to the object Tom built?
2. What are the dimensions of Tom’s object?
3. Use grid paper to draw other rectangular prisms with a volume of 30 cubes.
Question 2
Skill: Students visualise a model with doubled dimensions and calculate the volume.
Answer key: 12
Additional questions
1. How did you work out your answer?
2. After the enlargement, what is the height of the prism? Width? Length?
3. If all the dimensions are twice the size why is the volume not doubled?
4. If you make each dimension three times the size of the drawing in the example, what
will be the volume? Use blocks and build this shape.
Additional questions
1. What is the volume of the packet of jelly?
2. What is the volume of the box?
3. If the packet of jelly had different dimensions but the same volume, what could the
dimensions be? List three sets.
Question 4
Skill: Given the volume and two dimensions, students find the third dimension of a prism.
Answer key: 0.4 m
Additional questions
1. What would be the height of the fish tank above if it had a volume of 1 m3?
2. A fish tank is built in the shape of a rectangular prism. It has a volume of 0.2 m3. What
could be the dimensions of the fish tank? List three sets.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book two):
• Chapter 3: Indirect Measure
o Key Understanding 1: For certain types of shapes we can describe the
relationship between the lengths of its edges and its perimeter, its area and its
volume. p.12
o Key Understanding 4: We can calculate one measurement from others using
relationships between quantities. p.54
N7M05 | Finding the volume of a prism 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Finding the volume of a prism
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Students need to understand and use formula for the area of shapes other than rectangles.
For example they may see a triangle as half a rectangle or could rearrange a parallelogram
to form a rectangle of the same area. Memorising formulas is less important than engaging
students in activities and experiences to understand the relationships involved. Students
should investigate measurement relationships in a range of ways, developing their own short
cuts for solving practical problems.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book one):
• Chapter 3: Indirect measure
o Key understanding 1: For certain types of shapes we can describe the
relationship between the lengths of its edges and its perimeter, its area and its
volume. p.12
o Key understanding 4: We can calculate one measurement from others using
relationships between quantities. p.54
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book two):
• Three rectangles p. 20 • Triangle in a rectangle p. 23
• Irregular area p. 20 • Rearranging parallelograms p. 24
• Perimeter or area? p. 21 • Area Problems p. 62
• House plans p. 22 • Can you do it? p. 63
Additional questions
1. What is the perimeter of each shape?
2. What is the area of each shape?
3. List the shapes in order from the smallest to the largest perimeter and then largest
to smallest area? What do you notice?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Draw a diagram of a rectangle that would have the same area as this shape.
2. Draw a diagram of a triangle that would have the same area as this shape.
Additional questions
1. What is the area of this shape?
2. Draw a diagram of a rectangle that would have the same area as this shape.
Question 4
Skill: Students calculate area in square centimetres, given a unit of 100 square centimetres.
Answer key: C
Comment: The most common mistake was B, based on not counting the shaded rectangle.
Additional questions
1. What strategy did you follow to calculate the number of rectangles?
2. Draw a diagram, and clearly show the dimensions, of a triangle with an area of
1 200 square centimetres.
3. Draw a diagram of a shape, which is neither a rectangle nor triangle, with an area of
1 200 cm2. Clearly show the dimensions of the shape.
Question 1 Question 2
Question 4
Students need to understand that the starting point shows the beginning of the first unit,
which means no units used and so it is labelled 0 (zero). The end of the first unit indicates
one unit used and so it is marked 1; the end of each unit marks the number of units long the
object is. Making their own calibrated scale will assist students to understand how these
scales are made and used.
Students should learn to read a range of graduated scales which progress in complexity
• every mark labelled; eg 1,2,3,…to
• some of the marks not labelled, but each mark is one unit; eg every fifth mark is
labelled 5,10,,15,20…
• scales involving some decimals; eg ten marks are placed between each whole but are
not labelled; to
• the number of marks being fewer or greater than the number of units; eg every fifth
mark is labelled 10, 20, 30, …, or every fifth mark is labelled 1,2,3,…
For related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book one):
• Chapter 4: Direct measure
o Key understanding 4: Calibrated scales can be used as a substitute for repeating
units when measuring length, capacity, mass, angle and time.
Additional questions
1. There are nine equally spaced markings between 100 and 200. What is each space
between the mark worth on the scale?
2. On this scale, if there were only four equally spaced markings between 100 and 200,
what is the space between each mark worth?
3. Draw an arrow pointing to 275 grams.
4. Draw an arrow pointing to 420 grams.
5. Another orange with a mass of 0.15 kg is placed on the scale; draw an arrow pointing
to the total mass.
Question 2
Skill: Students read the size of an angle using a calibrated scale on a protractor.
Answer key: 45°
Additional questions
1. What does each of the very small graduations mean?
2. Why does the protractor have two rows of numbers?
3. Draw three different sized angles for a partner and have them measure them with
their own protractor.
Additional questions
1. How did you work out your answer?
2. Order the containers from the least filled to the most filled.
3. Which container can hold the most fluid? How do you know?
4. Collect a range of jugs/containers with graduations marked for measuring capacity.
Study the graduations and work out the scale used. Which are the easiest/most
difficult to read and use? Why?
Additional questions
1. What does each of the calibrations on the ruler indicate?
2. What did you have to do to work out the answer to the question in the example?
3. Work out the height for each of the girls in centimetres and then put them in order
from tallest to shortest.
4. Convert each measurement to metres. How did you work them out?
5. Measure your own height in centimetres. Which girl(s) are you taller/shorter than?
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book one):
• Chapter 4: Direct Measure
o Key Understanding 4: Calibrated scales can be used as a substitute for repeating
units when measuring length, capacity, mass, angle and time. p.124
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
They should read the time on clocks (digital and analogue), calendars, schedules and
timetables to measure elapsed time. Relating elapsed time to the students’ experiences with
TV guides can also assist student understanding.
Students should be able to order familiar events in their lives and use regularly occurring
things as cues to the time of the day or year. They need to develop the skills to be able to
read key times on both digital and analogue clocks, calendars, timetables and schedules and
need opportunities to explore a variety of calendar, timeline and timetable formats.
Recording of time, particularly seasons is cultural. Students can investigate the different
ways cultural groups’ record and designate periods of time to seasons of the year. For
• Australian Aboriginal seasons vary between different groups.
• Early Egyptian calendars had New Year in July.
• Some Asian countries use the Gregorian calendar for daily activities
however use the ancient Chinese calendar for significant celebrations. (eg
Chinese New Year)
Students need to recall the months of the year automatically but need to be given the
opportunity to see how the months fit in a calendar year. The link must be made explicit how
the days of the week continue the same sequence even when the month has changed.
Learning activities
For ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book one):
• Days and months p. 159 • Comparing elapsed times p. 159
• Ancient measures of time p. 159 • Timetables p. 160
Additional questions
1. What is the date of the day before 1st May?
2. What is the date one week before 1st May?
3. What is the date two weeks after 31 May?
4. Kerry’s brother had a party on the last Wednesday of April. What date was that?
5. Why are there blank spaces on the calendar?
6. What is the day of the week on the 1st June?
Question 2
Which two activities have a combined total of one Timetable
9:00am – 10:00am writing
writing and assembly
10:00am – 10:15am assembly
assembly and maths
10:15am – 10:45am maths
maths and recess
10:45am – 11:15am recess
assembly and recess
11:15am – 11:45am library
11:45am – 12:30pm music
12:30pm – 1:30pm lunch
1:30pm – 3:30pm sport
Additional questions
1. Which class lasts for 45 minutes?
2. A student was asked to take a message to the principal 20 minutes after the music
lesson had started. At what time was this?
3. A student needed to leave the sport class 40 minutes early. At what time was this?
Additional questions
1. What time did the clock show one hour earlier?
2. What time did the clock show one hour later?
3. What time is 21:30 in 12 hour time?
4. It is 23:54 now. Alex went to bed two and a half hours earlier. At what time did Alex
go to bed?
Question 4
How many hours and minutes between 3:26am and 3:17pm on the same day?
11 hours and 10 minutes
11 hours and 51 minutes
12 hours and 4 minutes
12 hours and 39 minutes
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out?
2. What would the time be 50 minutes before 3:26am?
3. What would the time be 13 hours after 3:17pm?
4. What would be the time at exactly halfway between 3am and 3pm?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book one):
• Chapter 4: Direct Measure
o Key understanding 4: Calibrated scales can be used as a substitute for
repeating units when measuring length, capacity, mass, angle and time. p.124
o Key understanding 6: We can judge and measure time using both natural
cyclical changes and special techniques and tools which people have
developed. p.150
Geometric reasoning
We can improve our estimates by getting to know the size of common units and by practising
judging the size of things. Practice helps us to become both better at estimating quantities
and more confident in our judgement, so that we are prepared to trust it. Helpful practice
• making an estimate
• getting feedback on how close the estimate was (often by measuring immediately)
• consciously using the feedback to improve the next estimate and repeating the cycle.
Calibrated scales can be used as a substitute for repeating units when measuring length,
capacity, mass, angle and time.
Students need to develop an understanding as to why it is important to line up the zero mark
on a protractor with the start of the angle that is to be measured. A student who ‘forgets’ to
line up the beginning of the angle to be measured with the zero mark on the protractor may
not understand the connection between measuring by repeating units and using a protractor.
Students need to understand that the starting point shows the beginning of the first unit,
which means no units used and so it is labelled 0 (zero). The end of the first unit indicates
one unit used and so it is marked 1; the end of each unit marks the number of units long the
object is. Making their own calibrated scale will assist students to understand how these
scales are made and used.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book one):
• Chapter 4: Direct measure
o Key understanding 4: Calibrated scales can be used as a substitute for repeating
units when measuring length, capacity, mass, angle and time. p.124
Learning activities
For ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Measurement (book one):
• Ordering angles p. 102 • Angles p. 131
Additional questions
1. Estimate the angle to which each of the cards are opened.
2. Fold a piece of paper or straw so it is opened to approximately 60º. Can you find
something that matches this angle? (Repeat for other angle sizes.)
3. Draw a diagram to show a card opened to approximately 135º. How did you know?
4. Now check your estimate with a protractor.
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Angles can be classified as reflex, acute, obtuse or right angles. Classify each of the
angles shown above.
2. Estimate, where necessary, the size of each of the angles.
3. Now measure the angles using a protractor to check your estimates.
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Use a protractor to assist you to draw a 70º angle.
2. Use a protractor to assist you to construct a right angled triangle that also has a 40º
3. Use a protractor and a ruler to construct two different right-angled triangles that have
a 50º angle and a 6 cm side.
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book two):
• Chapter 4: Estimate
o Key understanding 2: We can improve our estimates by getting to know the size
of common units and by practising judging the size of things. p.80
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Students should understand that figures that they recognise as being, for example,
rectangles all have certain properties in common. They should then move on to realise that it
is the properties that define the class of the figure. Students will benefit from activities
focusing on relationships between properties. Only when students understand that properties
are related to each other do they understand that knowing just a few properties of a figure or
object enables them to work out other properties. This is the most useful aspect of geometry.
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Quadrilaterals p. 203 • Every square a rectangle p. 205
• Geoboard p. 203 • Quadrilaterals p. 205
• Shape clues p. 204 • Relationships p. 205
Additional questions
1. What does parallel mean?
2. Name the shape with no parallel sides.
3. Which of these shapes are regular shapes?
4. Draw a different shape with three pairs of parallel sides.
Question 2
Skill: Students identify parallel sides and acute angles in familiar 2D shapes.
Answer key: D
Additional questions
1. What is the name of the shapes above?
2. Draw a different shape that has exactly two pairs of parallel sides and exactly two
acute angles.
3. Write a description of the third shape.
4. Draw your own shape and write a description. Swap with a partner and draw the
shape they have described.
Additional questions
1. How many degrees in a triangle?
2. If the 130° angle is decreased to 125°, what is the value of x?
3. If the 110° angle is increased to 120 °, what is the value of x?
4. What are the other missing angle sizes of the triangle? How do you know?
Question 4
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out? Is there another way you could work it out?
2. How many degrees are there in a straight line? How does this help work out the
answer to this problem?
3. What is the size of the small angle next to this one? How do you know?
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Geometric reasoning
Shape is a property or attribute of things and there are infinitely variable shapes possible.
Standard classification of shapes has therefore been developed and shapes have been
given classes and names of their own. This naming helps students to distinguish shapes and
remember them. The classes themselves become concepts with properties of their own.
Thus a triangle is the bearer of sets of properties.
Students should understand that figures that they recognise as being, for example, triangles
all have certain properties in common. They should then move on to realise that it is the
properties that define the class of the figure. Students will benefit from activities focusing on
relationships between properties. Only when students understand that properties are related
to each other do they understand that knowing just a few properties of a figure or object
enables them to work out other properties. This is the most useful aspect of geometry.
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Geoboard p. 203 • Relationships p. 205
• Shape clues p. 204 • Sorting triangles p. 205
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out?
2. What type of triangle is this? How do you know?
3. Would this work for an equilateral triangle? What about a right angle triangle?
4. Draw a triangle for your partner and measure two of its angles. Swap and work out
the third angle. Check by using a protractor.
Question 2
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out?
2. What is the perimeter of the large equilateral triangle?
3. How does the perimeter of one of the smaller equilateral triangles compare to the
perimeter of the larger equilateral triangle?
4. If you added two more small triangles to the diagram to make a larger equilateral
triangle, what would be the perimeter of the new triangle?
Additional questions
1. What shape did Tara draw?
2. Enlarge Tara’s shape on grid paper.
3. Draw the four resulting shapes on grid paper and indicate the right angles.
Question 4
Additional questions
1. What name best describes the first shape?
2. In each triangle, indicate the equal angles.
3. Find the size of the angles in each of the above triangles.
4. Can you think of a way to prove that the sum of the angles in every triangle is 180o?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 6: Reason geometrically
o Key understanding 3: There are special words, phrases and symbols that help us
to think about and describe the shape and structure of things. p.182
o Key understanding 4: People have developed useful ways to classify shapes.
Knowing that a shape is one of the standard types can tell us a lot about it. p.196
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
The ability to produce representations of 3D objects drawn from a fixed viewpoint develops
slowly and students will need considerable experience in interpreting 2D representations of
3D objects and spaces, varying from photographs and semi-realistic sketches to various
geometric diagrams. They also need experience in looking at 3D objects from different
viewpoints so that when it is not possible to look at an object from a different view point, the
student can visualise its features.
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Viewpoint p. 89 • Drawing a cube p. 92
• Drawing the top p. 89 • Viewpoints p. 92
• Four-cube houses p. 91 • Carton and cup p. 93
Skill: Students visualise the top and side view of an object made of blocks.
Answer key: C
Additional questions
1. Make these objects with blocks. Use these models, if necessary, to draw the front,
side and top view of these shapes.
Skill: Students select an object made of unit cubes, given its top and side views.
Answer key: E
Additional questions
1. Construct each of the models with blocks. Draw these models on isometric grid
2. Use square grid paper to draw the side and the top view of each model.
3. D is very similar to E. Why can’t D be the answer? What change would be needed for
D to be correct?
Skill: Given an oblique drawing and the top view of an object, students visualise the right-
side view.
Answer key: A
Additional questions
1. Make this model with blocks and look at the side view.
2. Use grid paper to draw the top view of this model.
3. Helen wants C to be the correct answer. She needs to remove only one cube. Which
4. Make two models which would make D the correct answer.
Skill: Given an isometric drawing of an object made of cubes, students visualise its top view.
Answer key: A
Additional questions
1. What is the least number of blocks needed to make this model?
2. On the isometric drawing above, draw in extra cubes, so that, B is the correct answer.
3. Make this model using blocks and use grid paper to draw the views from the side and
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 4: Represent shape
o Key understanding 3: To understand drawings of objects we need to combine
what we can actually see with what we think is there. Special drawing techniques
emphasise different aspects of an object. p.84
Question 1 Question 2
Students should be able to match provided nets to actual objects and to make their own nets
for 3D objects. Activities that involve students in investigating which 2D shapes go together
to make a particular prism or pyramid and how these shapes are connected to each other will
help them to see the parts that make up the whole object.
N7S06 | Visualising and recognsing prisms and pyramids given skeletons and nets 1
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
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• Students need to recognise, name, build, draw, compare and sort two–dimensional
shapes and three dimensional objects. Patterns blocks and 3D geometric solids are a
valuable resource for students to manipulate and explore.
• In pairs, students take turns building and describing the selection and placement of
3D objects to their partner from behind a barrier. The partner recreates the
construction by following the directions.
• Students explore the characteristics of prisms and pyramids. Make posters describing
the characteristics of the shapes.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Opening 3D objects p. 74 • Tracing p. 76
• Matching Nets p. 74 • Matching 2D with 3D p. 76
Question 1
Additional questions
1. How many faces does a cube have? What shape are they?
2. How many edges does a cube have?
3. Create a square pyramid using straws and plasticine.
4. How many faces does a square pyramid have? What shape are they?
5. How many edges does a square pyramid have?
6. Name an object that has eight vertices and twelve edges.
N7S06 | Visualising and recognsing prisms and pyramids given skeletons and nets 2
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Ann said that she selected the last shape. Why is Ann is wrong?
2. Cut up some different shapes such as triangles, squares and rectangles. What object
can you make with the shapes?
3. How many faces does your object have?
4. What would the net of your object look like?
Question 3
Additional questions
1. What shapes are missing from the incorrect choices?
2. How many edges does this object have?
3. Make the shape using straws or construction materials.
4. If the sides were squares would it still be a hexagonal prism?
N7S06 | Visualising and recognsing prisms and pyramids given skeletons and nets 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Look at a cube. How many squares will the net of the cube have?
2. Ask students to cut out a copy of each net and fold them into cubes. Which nets did
not work?
3. Draw a net for a cube that is different from the ones shown above.
4. How did you know your net would make a cube?
5. On a net of a cube, tick two faces that will be opposite to each other when the net is
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 4: Represent shape
o Key understanding 1: When we copy and make figures and objects, we need to
think about how the whole thing looks and about how the parts relate to each
other and to the whole. p.58
o Key understanding 2: The net of an object has to have the same component
parts as the object and the parts have to be in the right relationship to each other.
N7S06 | Visualising and recognsing prisms and pyramids given skeletons and nets 4
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Identifying 2D shapes within 3D objects
Question 1 Question 2
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Isometric drawings p. 90 • Building complex structures p. 93
• Soma cube p. 91 • Elevation plans p. 96
Skill: Given an isometric drawing of a 3D object, students draw the object in a different
Answer key:
Additional questions
1. What would the shape in the new position look like from the top? How is this different
from the view from the top of the original position?
2. Use four to six blocks and make an arrangement. Draw it isometrically. Change the
position of the blocks to make a new arrangement.
3. Draw your new arrangement from the top, side and back views.
Skill: Recognising different views of the same 3D object from isometric drawings
Answer key: D
Additional questions
1. Which of the rectangular prisms is made with the most number of cubes?
2. Which of the rectangular prisms has a surface area of 40 square units?
3. Sam removed the top layer of Prism C and said, “Prism A is now the same as Prism
C.” Is Sam correct? Explain your thinking.
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Explain how you worked out your answer.
2. How do you know that pieces B and C are not the pieces Sue used? Draw what the
shape might look like if you combined these two pieces? (Note: There may be more
than one answer depending on how the students combine the pieces.)
3. Have the students create each of the shapes from interlocking cubes using a different
colour for each shape. Allow the students to manipulate the pieces to solve the
problem. Ask: What did you have to do to the pieces to make them fit?
Ask the students to use the pieces to make different models and have other students
draw them.
N7S07 | Visualising 3D objects given isometric drawings 3
© Department of Education WA 2009
Revised October 2016
Question 4
Skill: Students draw orthogonal views of a 3D object given its isometric drawing.
Answer key:
Additional questions
1. How many edges does this solid have?
2. If the volume of the solid is 8 cm3, what is its surface area?
3. In what way is the right – side view different to the left – side view?
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 4: Represent shape
o Key understanding 3: To understand drawings of objects we need to combine
what we can actually see with what we think is there. Special drawing techniques
emphasise different aspects of an object. p.84
Question 1 Question 2
On the grid provided, draw the L-piece in a ‘lying down’
Teachers need to build on these experiences by introducing the vocabulary and names of
the 3D objects and their features. Students will gradually learn and use the mathematical
names of classes of standard shapes as they manipulate and talk about the shapes, objects
and their properties. Many of the names of 3D objects relate to 2D figures and discussion
can help children see the connections and similarities.
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Polyhedrons p. 66 • Guess my shape 1 p. 191
• Trapezoids and triangles p. 167 • Charts of words p. 191
Additional questions
1. Name the other objects that you can see.
2. Describe the geometric features of the triangular prism and the square prism.
Question 2
The net of a shape is made up of two circles the same size and a
The shape of the net is a
rectangular prism
Additional questions
1. Nelly drew a net of a triangular pyramid. What shapes did she draw?
2. How many vertices does a triangular pyramid have?
3. Name and draw a pyramid that has two more vertices than a triangular pyramid.
N7S08 | Identifying 3D objects with given properties
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Which 3D object has 5 faces and 9 edges?
rectangular prism
square-based pyramid
triangular pyramid
triangular prism
Additional questions
1. How many faces and edges does each of the listed objects have?
2. Which of the listed 3D objects has the most vertices?
3. Which of the listed 3D objects could have six square faces?
Question 4
Jeff has a 3D object.
Shade one
“My object has 6
vertices, 6 faces
and 10 edges.”
Additional question
1. Make a table of the names and quantities of the 2D shapes that would be found in the
net of each of the listed objects?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 6: Reason geometrically
o Key understanding 3: There are special words, phrases and symbols that help
us to think about and describe the shape and structure of things. p.182
o Key understanding 4: People have developed useful ways to classify shapes.
Knowing that a shape is one of the standard types can tell us a lot about it. p.196
N7S08 | Identifying 3D objects with given properties
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Identifying 3D objects with given properties
Question 1 Question 3
Which candle looks most like a sphere? Shade one The net of a shape is made up of two circles the same size and a rectangle.
The shape of the net is a
rectangular prism
Question 3 Question 4
The net of a shape is made up of two circles the same size and shape. Jeff has a 3D object.
Shade one
The shape of the net is a
“My object has 6
rectangular prism vertices, 6 faces
and 10 edges.”
square-based pyramid
triangular pyramid
Which 3D object does he have?
triangular prism
cube triangular prism hexagonal prism pentagonal pyramid
All symmetrical things have congruent or identical units that can be matched in some way.
We say that a figure or object is symmetrical if a transformation exists that moves its
individual points or parts into a different position but leaves the whole thing looking the same.
Improving students’ capacity to visualise is important, both for its direct benefit and because
of its helpfulness in learning further geometrical and other mathematical ideas.
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Logos and crests p. 146 • Card designs p.147
• Regular polygons p. 146 • Rotational designs p. 147
Additional questions
1. Get students to use a mirror to check their answers.
2. For each of the incorrect responses, draw the reflection that would occur from the line
3. Use copies of alphabet letters and mirrors for students to identify letters that are
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Draw the line of symmetry on the second shape.
2. How could you change shape D so the line is showing symmetry?
3. Why is A incorrect?
Additional questions
1. Name the shapes that the other three reflections would make.
2. Draw your own shape that, when reflected, would make a regular hexagon.
3. Draw your own shape that, when reflected, would make an irregular pentagon.
Question 4
Additional questions
1. On another 5 x 5 grid, shade some squares to show a design that has two lines of
2. Draw a triangle that has one line of symmetry.
3. Draw three different quadrilaterals – one quadrilateral that has no lines of symmetry,
one quadrilateral that has one line of symmetry and one quadrilateral that has two
lines of symmetry only.
Curriculum reference
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 5: Represent transformation
o Key understanding 4: Symmetrical things have component parts which can be
matched by rotating, reflecting or translating. p.140
N7S09 | Identifying lines of symmetry in 2D shapes 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Identifying lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in
angles in degrees
Learning activities
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Sorting maps p. 34 • Fun run p. 35
• Local maps p. 35 • Orienteering p. 35
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees 1
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Question 1
Additional questions
1. Using compass points, describe the location of the school in relation to the police
2. Describe the location of the town hall in relation to the restaurant and the school.
3. Describe the location of the garage in relation to the town hall and the hospital.
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees. 2
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 2
Additional questions
1. What direction was Emma facing when she turned the corner after passing the
2. As Emma walked around the track she was walking in six different directions.
3. List the directions in which she was walking, in order, from the start point.
4. Approximately how far did Emma walk? How did you work it out?
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees. 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Gemma is at Lake Susan facing the lookout. She turns 90º anticlockwise. Which lake
is she now facing?
2. From question 1 above, in what direction was Gemma looking when she was looking
at Lake Lilly?
3. Gemma is at the lookout looking north-west. Which lake is she facing now?
4. Approximately how many degrees should she turn to face Lake Lilly?/Lake Susan?
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees. 4
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Revised October 2016
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Omar was at point C facing point X. Using compass points, in what direction should
he walk to get to point X?
2. Omar walked 10 m east of point D. He turned 45º clockwise and walked 30 m.
He then turned 135º anti-clockwise and walked 30 m. What point is west of his final
3. Write the directions for Omar’s path in question 2 above, using compass points
instead of angles and direction of rotations.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 3: Represent location
o Key understanding 1: We describe where things are in relation to other things.
There are special words, phrases and symbols that help us with this. p .12
o Key understanding 2: Some maps or diagrams show the order of things and what
comes between what. Others also represent distances and directions between
things. p.26
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees. 5
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees
Question 1 Question 2
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees 6
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Question 3 Question 4
N7S10 | Using compass points, including NE, NW, SE, SW, and turns in angles in degrees
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Numeracy planning resource – NAPLAN
Numeracy Year 7
Some maps do not indicate direction or distance. Examples include the network diagrams of
rail and subway systems and air routes. These schematic network diagrams do not enable
you to tell how far it is from one place or another or in what ‘true’ direction you are going.
Students need to develop the basic concepts underlying the mathematical representation of
arrangement and location by exploring and describing the layout and position of things in
their environment and paths and movements within it. While it is important for students to
develop the ability to produce accurate scale maps, making this the sole focus of mapping
activities may lead students to the conclusion that maps and diagrams are always drawn to
scale, when this is clearly not the case.
Students need to use the language associated with directions and movement (clockwise,
forward) and develop their use of technical spatial terms, symbols and methods of
representation (angle, NWW, grids and coordinates). Many students initially think of direction
in relation to their own bodies and therefore find directions like ‘turn left’, ‘turn right’ easier
than the fixed external references such as ‘ turn east’ or ‘head towards the coast’. Grids and
coordinates provide the major mathematical contribution to representing location and
direction, the essential idea being that we can use numbers (usually pairs of numbers) to
describe where something is.
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Space:
• Where in the world? p.21 • Mud map p. 21
• Holiday map p. 21 • Car rally navigator p. 21
Question 1
Additional questions
1. What are the grid coordinates of the empty seat on the first row?
2. Jane has a window seat on the same row where Rob is sitting.
What seat does Jane have?
3. Someone decides to sit three seats to the right and one seat back from Rob’s seat.
What are the grid coordinates of this seat?
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 2
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 2
Additional questions
1. What are the coordinates of Safety Head?
2. If the distance between Point Hook and Safety Head was 650 metres, what would be
the distance between Windy Point and Cape Scanlon?
3. The distance from Point Hook to Safety Head is 1300 metres.
What could the scale of the map be?
4. Use the map above to estimate the distance between Windy Point and Safety Head.
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Alex said that option D is not correct. How could he know?
2. For each of the options, list the features that make it correct or incorrect.
3. Imagine Player 3 standing opposite Player 1 and in front of the window.
Make a drawing of the view from behind Player 3.
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 4
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 4
Additional Questions
1. A student walks out of Room 6 and follows the dotted line into Room 1.
Write the instructions that the student needs to follow.
2. If the scale of the map was 1 cm represents 5 m, what would the area of Room 4 be?
3. The dark line on the diagram shows the fence of the school. Use the scale of the map
to estimate the actual length of the fence.
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 3: Represent location
o Key understanding 1: We describe where things are in relation to other things.
There are special words, phrases and symbols that help us with this. p.12
o Key understanding 2: Some maps or diagrams show the order of things and what
comes between what. Others also represent distances and directions between
things. p.26
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 5
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Student worksheet
Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation
Question 1 Question 2
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 6
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3 Question 4
N7S12 | Following directions on maps and plans with reference to key features, distance and orientation 7
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Numeracy planning resource – NAPLAN
Numeracy Year 7
Scale maps:
• Key features within certain boundaries are represented (mainly with symbols).
• Distances between objects are drawn to scale.
• Positions of objects are a bird’s eye view.
• Key features within certain boundaries are drawn to scale.
• Distances between objects are drawn to scale.
• Positions of objects are a bird’s eye view, showing orientation.
Additional questions
1. What distance does 1 cm distance on the map represent? How do you know?
2. Use the scale to find the distance between the Church and the Service Station.
3. Peter’s place is in a north-east direction from the Service Station. The distance
between his place and the Station is 200 metres. Put a cross on the map to show the
position of Peter’s place.
Question 2
Skill: Students use a numerical scale with different units to calculate distance.
Answer key: B
Additional questions
1. How did you work out the real distance? How did the scale help you?
2. The distance between two places is 10 km. What will be the distance between them
on the map above?
3. The distance between two places is 10 km. Jane is drawing a map using a scale
1 cm: 5 km. On her map, what would the distance between the two places be?
How do you know?
N7S13 | Calculating distances using scale on a map or diagram 2
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Question 3
Additional questions
1. On the diagram above, when enlarged, a distance of 20 cm corresponds to a
distance of 240 cm. What is the scale? How do you know?
2. Which of these does not represent the scale in the diagram? How do you know?
a) 1 cm represents 12 cm
b) 10 cm represent 120 cm
c) 15 cm represent 180 cm
d) 30 cm represent 300 cm
3. Which of these represent the same scale as the diagram above? Check your
a) 1 cm : 20 m
b) 1 cm : 20 000 cm
c) 1 mm : 20 000 mm
d) 1 mm : 2000 mm
Additional questions
1. What distance would one unit on the grid represent? How do you know?
2. A scale 1:10 means that 1 unit on a map represents 10 units real distance.
Cathy made a map of her house. She used a scale 1 cm represents 1 m.
Which one of these shows the same scale?
a) 1 : 1
b) 1 : 10
c) 1 : 100
d) 1 : 1000
e) 1 : 10 000
3. Which of these shows a scale 1 cm represents 200 m?
a) 1 : 20
b) 1 : 200
c) 1 : 2000
d) 1 : 20 000
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
• Chapter 3: Represent location
o Key understanding 1: We describe where things are in relation to other things.
There are special words, phrases and symbols that help us with this. p.12
o Key understanding 2: Some maps or diagrams show the order of things and what
comes between what. Others also represent distances and directions between
things. p.26
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Measurement (book 2):
• Chapter 3: Indirect measure
o Key understanding 3: Scale drawings and models have the same shape as the
original object. This can be useful for comparing and calculating dimensions and
for making judgements about position. p.44
Question 1 Question 2
This document contains Year 7 Statistics and Probability resources for the sub-strands:
• Chance
• Data representation and interpretation
These items aim to test students’ proficiency with the content described in these sub-strands.
Not all of the content in the Statistics and Probability strand can be effectively assessed in a
written test format.
One-way tables
One-way tables require students to place information in the right position in relation to other
information. Only the columns in one-way tables are labelled. The list of names or
information in the first column links in rows to other information across the page.
Two-way tables
Two-way tables are more complex and require students to coordinate two constraints at
once. Information is shown in two or more categories in columns and rows, which may or
may not need to be totalled. It is useful for showing how different types of frequency data
might be related, for example, the different ways that boys and girls travel to school.
Specific techniques for reading visual and tabular displays of data need to be explicitly
taught. Tables tend to use a grid structure so the conventional techniques of scanning and
reading left-to-right, top-to-bottom may be unhelpful. Modelling how the content of the table is
determined and the conventions for labelling will help students read and interpret the
information in tables.
Diagrams such as Venn diagrams and arrow diagram may highlight relationships, categories
or ideas.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and data:
• Chapter 5: Collect and process data
o Key understanding 4: We use tables and diagrams to organise and
summarise data in a systematic way. p.174
o Background notes p.207
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and data.
• Studying tables p. 180 • Totals tables p. 181
• Changing headings p. 180 • Tennis graph p. 223
• Venn diagrams p. 180 • Pocket money p. 223
• Arrow diagrams p. 181 • Lunch p. 224
Question 1
Additional questions
1. How did you work out the answer?
2. Write another number in each of the boxes.
3. Are there any other numbers that could go in the top row? How do you know?
4. Are there any other numbers that could go in the bottom row? How do you know?
How many others are there?
Additional questions
1. How many children belong to both the swimming club and the karate club?
2. Write two other questions that could be answered using the data in the diagram.
3. Danni, Freya and Adrian do not belong to either club. Where would you put their
names in the diagram above?
4. There is also a softball club in town. How could you modify the diagram to show the
children who also belong to this club?
5. What is another way you could present this information? Does presenting the
information in this new way make it easier to interpret? Explain.
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out?
2. Which student is shorter, Belle or David? How do you know?
3. Which student is the shortest? How do you know? Is there more information you
need? (Note: It could be David or Eva as we do not know which of these children is
taller. We do know that the other three children are taller than these two.)
4. Represent this information another way using a diagram.
5. How could you represent this information in a graph? What type of graph would you
use? What other information would you need?
Additional questions
1. How did you work it out?
2. Why are there blank spaces diagonally down the middle of the table?
3. Which two cities are the closest together? Which have the greatest distance between
4. Use this information to draw a diagram to show the possible positions of the cities to
each other. Check against a map. Are you correct? Why/Why not?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Chance and data:
• Chapter 5: Collect and process data (Part B)
o Key understanding 4: We use tables and diagrams to organise and summarise
data in a systematic way. p.174
• Chapter 6: Interpret data
o Key understanding 1: Graphs, tables and diagrams display data about the real
world, although they are not pictures of the real world. We need to learn how to
read them. p.214
Question 1 Question 2
Events can be ordered and compared by how likely they are to happen. When first
comparing events it is better to use examples that are obviously different in likelihood. The
criteria students produce for evaluating the order of events should relate to whether their
explanations show understanding of the idea of ‘more likely’ rather than whether they
understand the events themselves or have sufficient experience or knowledge to make an
accurate assessment of likelihood.
As students gain more experience they should be asked to order events that are closer in
likelihood and begin to compare events based on numerical or measurement information.
Only after students understand the idea of more, less or equally likely should they begin to
quantify chance.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and data:
• Chapter 3: Understand chance
o Key Understanding 2: There are special words and phrases we use to describe
how likely we think things are to happen. p.20
o Key Understanding 3: We can compare and order things by whether they are
more or less likely to happen. p.30
o Key Understanding 5: We can use numbers to describe how likely something is
to happen. p.52
Additional questions
1. Lee takes one ball out of one of the buckets, without looking. It is equally likely he will
get a black or white ball. From which bucket did he choose the ball?
2. Without looking, Lee takes one ball out of one of the buckets. Which bucket should he
choose so that he is most likely to take a black ball?
3. Draw a bucket of balls from which Lee could choose a ball and be certain that it could
not be black.
Question 2
Additional questions
1. If we made the red section on the spinner yellow, which statement would be true?
2. The spinner can land on five different colours. List the colours on which the spinner
could stop, in order from least likely to most likely.
Additional questions
1. Colour the spinner so that the spinner would be most likely to land on red and have
an equal chance of landing on black, yellow or white?
2. Explain why it is impossible to colour this spinner so that there is an equal chance of
landing on any of these four colours.
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Which spinners have the same chance of stopping on 3?
2. Consider spinner B. List the numbers, in order from least likely to most likely, on
which the spinner could stop.
3. Consider spinner C. List the numbers, in order from least likely to most likely, on
which the spinner could stop.
N7M10 | Identify events as more or less likely or equally likely to happen 3
© Department of Education WA 2010
Revised October 2016
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Chance and data:
• Chapter 3: Understand chance
o Key understanding 2: There are special words and phrases we use to describe
how likely we think things are to happen. p.20
o Key understanding 3: We can compare and order things by whether they are
more or less likely to happen. p.30
o Key understanding 5: We can use numbers to describe how likely something is to
happen. p.52
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4
Question 1
Jenny buys the following drinks in cups:
2 colas, 2 lemonades, 1 milkshake and 1 orange juice.
Additional questions
1. Which drinks have the same chance of being taken?
2. If Billy took a cola drink, what is the chance of Jenny taking a cola drink after him?
3. Who had the greater chance of taking a cola drink, Billy or Jenny? Explain why.
1 in 3 Shade one
1 in 4
1 in 7
1 in 8
Additional questions
1. In total, how many marbles are there in the bag?
2. What is the chance of choosing a blue marble?
3. What is the chance of choosing a red marble?
4. Some of the blue marbles are replaced by green marbles so that the number of red
and green marbles is the same. What is the chance of choosing a blue marble now?
Shade two
From which two boxes would Melissa have the same chance of taking
out a ?
1 1 1 1
30 6 5 4
Additional questions
1. From which box would Melissa have the best chance of taking out a pyramid?
2. From which box would Melissa have the best chance of taking out a sphere?
3. Melissa emptied all of the shapes from the boxes into one big bag. What would be the
chance of taking out a ball from the bag?
4. Two of the boxes are emptied into one bag and the other two boxes into another bag.
Which boxes will be put together so that the chance of getting a is the same for
both bags?
Shade one
Additional questions
1. Is there another way of writing the correct answer?
2. What is the probability of rolling a total of five or nine?
3. If the total is eight, what is the probability one die showed a five?
4. If a six-sided die and a 10-sided dice were thrown at the same time, which totals
would have the best probability of occurring? (Use the table below which shows the
possible totals for a six–sided and 10 sided die.)
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Chance and data:
• Chapter 3: Understand chance
o Key understanding 5: We can use numbers to describe how likely something is
to happen.
o Key understanding 6: Sometimes we list and compare all the possible things that
could happen to predict how likely something is to happen.
Question 1 Question 2
Jenny buys the following drinks in cups: Eva put some coloured marbles in a bag. There were twice as many blue
2 colas, 2 lemonades, 1 milkshake and 1 orange juice. marbles as red, and there were half as many green marbles as red. There
are 8 red marbles.
She had to choose one without looking.
What is the chance of her choosing a green marble?
1 in 3
Shade one
1 in 4 bubble.
1 in 7
1 in 8
Billy takes one drink.
What is the chance that he takes a cola?
1 in 2 1 in 3 1 in 4 1 in 6
Shade two
From which two boxes would Melissa have the same chance of taking
out a ?
Question 4
Shade one
3 3 3 3
10 36 11 12
Graphs have their own conventions and students need structured activities that require them
to describe or recount information provided in a graph. Even reading bar graphs requires that
students read labels properly and read frequencies and measures from a range of scales,
including reading between calibrations. Students seem to respond to graphs intuitively and
can read them without specific instruction, eg where bar graphs refer to the heights of
children. Perhaps the most difficult for students to read are those that involve two variables
and when the graph’s appearance doesn’t directly match the idea it represents. Students
should learn to write brief stories to describe what is represented by such graphs. The aim is
for students to understand that such graphs are intended to help us get a feeling for how
variables relate to each other; they are not pictures of situations.
Plots and graphs are used to represent one variable data where the frequency or
measurement is the thing that varies, as in line plots, stem plots, pictographs, bar graphs,
histograms and pie graphs. With the exception of pie graphs these are based on columns or
rows, each labelled with a category or group, where the length of a column or row represents
the frequency or measurement associated with that category or group.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and Data:
• Chapter 5: Collect and process data (part B)
o Key understanding 1: We can display data visually; some graphs and plots show
how many or how much is in each category or group.
o Background notes p. 207.
o Did you know? p. 187.
• Chapter 6: Interpret data
o Key understanding 1: Graphs, tables and diagrams display data about the real
world, although they are not pictures of the real world. We need to learn how
to read them. p.214
For further ideas for activities see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and data.
• Estimating values p. 221 • Collecting graphs (1) (2) p. 222
• Double bar graphs p. 221 • People graph p. 222
• Statements/collecting graphs p. 221 • Eating patterns p. 223
Question 1
Skill: Students read information from a pictograph where each symbol represents more than
one item.
Answer key: F
Additional questions
1. How many more people chose Dockers than Lions?
2. Write three different questions that could be answered by the information in the
3. Would it be reasonable to represent the information in a column graph? Explain why.
What about a line graph, scatter graph or a pie chart?
Additional questions
1. Which year group has the least number of girls?
2. Write two other questions that could be answered by using the data in the graph.
3. Use the information about Vale School to draw another graph which shows the total
number of students in each year level.
4. Write two questions that are more easily answered by looking at your new graph than
the original graph.
Question 3
Additional questions
1. Bill had a higher score than Rob but took a shorter time than Jacob. Place a point on
the graph to represent Bill’s time and score.
2. Sally’s score was lower than Pat’s score and she took a longer time than Pat. Place a
point on the graph to represent Sally’s time and score.
3. Xu and Rob had the same score but Rob took a longer time than Xu. Place a point on
the graph to represent Xu’s time and score.
N7M12 | Interpreting data presented in graphs 3
© Department of Education WA 2011
Revised October 2016
Question 4
Additional questions
1. Draw column graphs that could represent the other three pie graphs.
What assumptions did you make?
Curriculum references
Department of Education and Training Western Australia 2005, First Steps in Mathematics:
Chance and data:
• Chapter 5: Collect and process data
o Key understanding 1: We can display data visually; some graphs and plots
show how many or how much is in each category or group. p.140
o Background notes p.207
• Chapter 6: Interpret data
o Key understanding 1: Graphs, tables and diagrams display data about the
real world, although they are not pictures of the real world. We need to learn
how to read them. P.214
Question 1 Question 2
Finding mean
The concept that a single number can represent a set of data is a complex one and students
need a wide range of experiences with different data to explore the relationships to
understand the mean. Working out these averages using a ‘formula’ (add all the values and
divide by the number of values) is unlikely to help students understand their meaning.
Exploring sets of data can help them develop a sense of what is ‘typical’ of it. Initially
students will concentrate on individual pieces of data and find it hard to make sense of
questions that ask them to consider measures of the group as a whole. They may pick the
largest number when asked about what is ‘typical’ or ‘average’, or list the complete set of
scores. Later they may invent measures that make sense, eg suggesting that a typical score
on a game was “between 0 and 7” or “it’s mostly 3 or 4”. Over time they should come to
understand the distinction between the three common measures of average: mode, median
and mean. They should also informally investigate the effects of outliers (pieces of data that
are very different from the rest) and zero scores.
For further related information see First Steps in Mathematics: Chance and data:
• Chapter 5: Collect and process data (part B)
o Key Understanding 6: We can use words and numbers to summarise features of
a set of data.
Question 1
Additional questions
1. What was the maximum number of trees planted in one month?
2. What was the range of the number of trees planted in one month?
3. What type of graph would be best suited to represent the information in the table?
Why? What labels would you choose for the axes of this graph?
Question 2
Additional questions
1. Another town registered the same average (mean) rainfall over the same time period
of five days. However, the rainfall received for each of the five days at the second
town was quite different to that received at the first town. What might have been the
rainfall received on each of the five days at the second town?
2. Represent the information for both sets of rainfall on a graph. Choose a scale for the
axis so that 8.4 mm and 8.8 mm are shown accurately.
Additional questions
1. Ben added five more jelly beans to each of the packets.
How did the new mean change?
2. If 20 more jelly beans are added only to the first packet, what would happen to the
3. Compare the situations in Questions 1 and 2 by considering three things:
a. the total number of jelly beans, and
b. the average number of jelly beans, and
c. the number of jelly beans in each of the four packets.
What is the same and what is different?
Demonstrate that if the total number of jelly beans stays the same, but the number of
jelly beans in each of the four packets is changed, the average stays the same.
Question 4
Skill: Students use knowledge of how mean is calculated to answer a related question.
Answer key: C
Additional questions
1. Explain what you understand by the term mean (average).
2. How does knowing how to calculate the mean help you answer this question?
3. If the mean (average) is 34 does that mean that all of the original scores have to be
34? Why or why not?
4. Explain why adding 40 would give a mean of 35.
Question 1 Question 3
Question 2 Question 4