Greychrondex 42
Greychrondex 42
Greychrondex 42
2 (5/15/01) (MASTER)
compiled by Steven B. Wilson --Tamerlain@AOL.Com
An attempt has been made to be both thorough with regard to material, and accurate with regard to
content. It is possible in this incarnation, that some materials (especially early Dragon Magazines)
have not been included. The goal of the original GreyChrondex was to keep a running record of the
dated material on Greyhawk® released in official TSR , and WotC, Greyhawk products, considered
"canon" material by WotC's Team Greyhawk (1997-1999 group).
The material herein spans from dated materials from 1981 to 2001 (from 9025 World of Greyhawk
Folio, 1981 to the Living Greyhawk Journal #3, Spring, 2001). Where conflicting dates have been
presented, all dates and reference to conflict have been included. I have also included date conversion
charts. Updated versions of the GreyChrondex (version 4.0+) are planned sporadically. These versions
will include material occurring after the end of canonical Greyhawk (anything after Die, Vecna, Die by
Bruce Cordell and Steve Miller). Note that while this compilation is extensive, it is not "complete."
WotC's conception of canon has changed since Team Greyhawk disbanded, and many products (such
as Len Lakofka's L3, "Deep Dwarven Delve") are now considered canon by WotC/Hasbro. Versions
after 4.0 will include these materials.
This volume was originally intended only for the use of Team Greyhawk members. Neither paper or
on-line version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC, or TSR. This resource
is meant to be used by DM's in developing their campaigns and is not to be sold, reproduced, or re-
posted. Greyhawk® , and the characters and locations presented herein associated with this game
setting are properties of Hasbro/WotC, originally created by E. Gary Gygax.
The original paper volume of the GreyChrondex (1.0) is dedicated to Roger Moore, Lisa Stevens, Kij
Johnson, Sean Reynolds, Steve Miller, Anne Brown, Harold Johnson, and, of course, my on-line
compadre, Erik Mona…Team Greyhawk 1997-1999, and was made for the Team Greyhawk
"Summit," October 19-21, 1998. The on-line version is dedicated to the many Greyhawk fans that kept
this setting alive when it was in mothballs, and to the new fans to come in the "Living Greyhawk® "
presented by the RPGA. For the "official" dates, see Roger Moore's "The Adventure Begins" and the
RPGA's Greyhawk sourcebook, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, and WotC,’s Gazetteer. I would
additionally like to thank the creative efforts of two people very important in Greyhawk’s ressurection,
Gary Holian and Fred Weining for their contribution on the Net and in the Gazeteer.
(The Kingdom of Kunda lasts for a little over 1200 (11374 [37])
c -800 Keraptis battles and defeats Aegwareth, Elder Great Rift, White 11434 [3]
Druid, for control of White Plume Mountain Note: Plume Mountain
would be later if the –730 –720 date is correct (Bandit
Thingizzard, Witch of the Fens, already dwelling Great Rift, White 11434 [15]
in The Great Swamp, north of White Plume Plume Mountain
Mountain (Bandit
c –730- –720 Keraptis driven out of his kingdom, goes below Great Rift, White 9027 [11] [assumed]
White Plume Mountain Plume Mountain
Note: Could conflict with c –1100 date, and Kingdoms)
could change c – 1500 and c –800 dates
-720 CY Anatal, northernmost Touv fort, constructed (689 Hepmonaland 11374 [47]
TC [figured])
-644 CY First year of Oerid Reckoning system (1 OR) Oerdian 9578 [13], 117435 [23]
Homeland (Ull?) [assumed]
c –600’s Development of Blowgun by Olman and/or Suel of Amedio Jungle 11374 [65]
the Amedio
Note: This is probably Olman. Suel didn’t come
to the Amedio for another couple of centuries
-594 CY Birth of Lyzandred (2066 BH) 9580 [2]
-554 CY Lyzandred discovers a portal to a demiplane which 9580 [2]
enhances his quest to neutralize strong magical
items (2106 BH)
-534 CY Lyzandred completes his transformation into a lich 9580 [2]
state (2126 BH)
-490 CY Assassination of Emperor Tloqasikukuatl of Amedio Jungle 11374 [65]
Chetanicatla, emperor of the Amedio Olman
empire, by priests of Zotzilaha (OL 316)
-485 CY Beginning of Bakunish/Suloise War (5031 SD) [Suloise Empire] 9025 [5], 1015 [9], 117424 [3]
(Sea of Dust),
(Emperor Ad-Zol sends 9000 troops across the [Baklunish (11374 [2])
mountais to punish the black-haired northerners. Empire] (Ekbir,
Bakluni Padishah Ramif sent similar number to Tusmit, Zeif,
meet these troops. Battle of Fields of Padyr fought Paynim Lands,
to inconclusive end.) Ull)
-466 CY First Employment of Humanoid Mercenaries in [Suloise Empire] 9025 [5], 1015 [9]
Baklunish/Suloise War (5050 SD) (Sea of Dust)
c –465 Council of Oerdian Hetman, heeding shamanic Oerdian 9577 [55]
advice, begin migrating into the Eastern Flanaess Homeland (Ull?)
(180 OR)
-458 CY Oerid migrations east at peak point (187 OR) Western Flanaess 9025 [5], 1015 [9]
Oerid migrations move into Ket (187 OR) Western 9577 [55]
Flanaess, Ket
-447 CY Suloise Migration begins (5069 SD) Eastern Flanaess, 9025 [5], 1015 [9]
Amedio Jungle,
Sheldomar Valley
-446 CY Commoners and a few noble houses of the Suloise Eastern Flanaess 11374 [2]
move across the Harsh Pass to the east (5070 SD)
-445 CY Zellif, son of the last Suel Emperor, and his Tilvanot 11374 [3]
followers begin settling Tilvanot Peninsula (SD Peninsula (Scarlet
5071) Brotherhood)
-425 CY Founding of the Scarlet Brotherhood (5091 SD) 9253 [105]
(Kevali Mauk presents his vision of the (11374 [2])
Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign to the Suloise
Council of Nobles)
After almost 500 years of prospering, the Olman Amedio Jungle 11374 [64]
Amedio city-states went to war. Tamoachan was
destroyed in the magical warfare in one day. (381
OL [figured])
-422 CY Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire [Baklunish 9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9578 [14],
Empire] (Ekbir, 117424 [3] (ref.)
Tusmit, Zeif,
Paynim Lands,
Ull), [Suloise
Empire] (Sea of
Axe of the Dwarven Lords lost 2011A [156]
c –358 Founding of Niola Dra by nobles of the Suel Sheldomar Valley 117435 [64]
House, Neheli (Keoland)
-350 CY An unnamed Suel house reaches Matreyus Lake Amedio Jungle 11374 [64]
and the Olman ruins of Elatalhuilhle and restores
it. (456 OL/5166 SD [figured])
c –344 Suel clans settle on the western shore of Wooly Wild Coast 9577 [55]
Bay (lost Suel city of the Suss) (c 300 OR/c 5172
SD [figured])
-342 - -442 Sometime during this period, the Good Hills Union Keoland LGJ 15 [19] (assumed)
CY of humanity and demi-humans forms.
-342 CY Kingdom of Keoland founded by Oerdian and Suel Keoland 9577 [55,56], 117424 [3]
(303 OR) (assumed), 117435 [64]
-216 CY Lord Mikar, scion of House Garasoth, becomes the [Aerdy] ([Great 117435 [23]
first grand prince of Aerdy (428 OR) Kingdom])
169 CY Muratree and companions begin making "Star ??????? 9579 [2]
Note: Might conflict with c 50-200
170 CY City of Tolanok (originally Olman, but later settled Hepmonaland 11374 [49]
by Touv) rendered barren (1577 TC [figured])
(Vegetation withered by high priests of Meyanok)
(11374 [54])
174 CY Muratree dies when his attempts to transform into 9579 [2]
a lich fail.
189 CY County of Urnst (northern Urnst) established as a C. of Urnst 117435 [123]
protectorate by Overking Jirenen of Aerdy
D. of Urnst 117435 [125]
Southern Urnst lords sell all holdings to the Great
Kingdom, the Duchy of Urnst is established from
these lands.
193 CY Creation of the Quarry Garden at Junre by order of ?????? 9253 [27]
Countess Llyra
Overking Jirenen disbands Senate of Urnst and D. of Urnst 117435 [125]
allows authority of the Duchy of Urnst to be placed
in the hands of a Duke selected by native Suloise
198 CY Comet appears over Flanaess. Note: This 2023 [91], 9579 [2], 9580 [2]
conflicts with the appearance of the comet in
213 CY (see)
200 CY Building of Greyhawk City’s walls Greyhawk 9577 [58]
Leukish constructed by this time by Great D. of Urnst 117435 [125]
c 200 Waning of Great Kingdom’s power [Great Kingdom] 9025 [10], 1015 [22]
More self determined rule in Ferrond Ferrond 9025 [10], 1015 [22]
203 CY Order of the Knight Protectors of the Great [Great Kingdom] 117435 [158]
Kingdom shaken by Sir Kargoth’s pact with the
forces of evil, when he unleashes a demonic terror
upon the Great Kingdom. The abomination was
destroyed, but Kargoth sways 13 of the order to
follow him. They become the first of the so-called
“Death Knights” (Also called Demonic Knights of
205-220 CY Zenith of Hardby under Gynarch Jik Jonnosh Hardby 9577 [56], 9577 [58] [assumed]
(Hardby conquers and burns seven pirate towns (11621 [32] [assumed])
north of Safeton. Claims all lands within 10
leagues of the north shore of Wooly Bay. Note: In
text placed in "early part of the third century")
209-254 CY Surge in trade in Greyhawk City. Textile industry Greyhawk 9577 [58]
develops, meatpacking begins.
209 CY Assassination of the Landgraf of Selintan and the Greyhawk 9577 [58]
garrison commander of Greyhawk. The next
officer in line, Ponjes the Bull, leads the
"Expulsion of Evil" (burning of evil temples,
massacre of worshippers) Ponjes appointed new
Landgraf of Selintan, but used the title Mayor of
Imperial The Age of Great Sorrows is thought to represent
Decline the beginning of the decline of the Great Kingdom,
although the Empire would last for many centuries,
213 CY to it began losing holding and influence during this
360 CY time
213 CY Age of Great Sorrow Commences [Great Kingdom] 9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9577 [58],
9579 [2], 117435 [14]
(Death of Overking Jiranen, his son Malev (117435 [23])
auctioned off the throne to the highest bidder, his
cousin Zelcor. A comet, prophesied by Selvor the
Younger some 15 years earlier, was a sign that
ushered in the Age.) NOTE: Other sources
place this comet as having appeared 15 years
earlier, see 198 CY
Aerdian soldiers withdrawn from Greyhawk City Greyhawk 9577 [58]
215 CY First appearance of Wastri the Hopping Prophet, Scarlet 11374 [4]
assumed to be one of the original followers of Brotherhood
Kevelli. The Brotherhood declares him "an impure
creature." (5730 SD)
219 CY During the 16th Processon of Belssing in Ekbir, the Ekbir 117435 [43]
Cup and Talisman of Al’Akbar were stolen by
“elves as tall as men” (Valley Elves?) (2878 BH)
221 CY The Lerara find the Mother Crystalmist Dragon 241 [45]
233 CY House Naelax regains throne of North Provence, North Province 117435 [74]
after death of Herzog Atirr Movanich. Some (North Kingdom)
indicate that payment to Overking Zelcor I made
Naelax’s ascension possible.
237 CY The Duke of Urnst moves his capitol from Seltaren D. of Ursnt 117435 [125]
to Leukish and establishes the castle of
Shorewatch, in Nesserhead just east of Leukish
252 CY Overking Toran II removes the Holy Censor of [Medegia], [Great 117435 [81]
Medegia, chief administrator of the Courts on Kingdom]
behalf of the Celestial Houses and Overking of the
Great Kingdom from office, as Pholtusians fall out
of favor with the House of Rax, because of the
perception that the religion is attempting to create
theocratic control through the courts. The new
Holy Censor is from the priesthood of Zilchus.
Pholtusians began abandoning inner Aerdian lands
mid-250’s House Naelax grows more powerful, possibly with North Province 117435 [74]
the aid of their close connection to the worship of (North Kingdom)
c 254-256 Karamos, mayor of Dyvers, commissions and Dyvers 11621 [16] [assumed]
builds The Catacombs
c 254-261 Omt the Hairy, son of Ponjes the Bull, carries on Greyhawk, 9577 [58] [assumed]
secret negotiations with King Thrommel I Furyondy
c 254-270 Voll establishes independence from Furyondy as Veluna Ivid [LSF] [assumed]
Tenh establishes independence from Great Tenh, [Great Ivid [LSF] [assumed]
Kingdom Kingdom]
Perrenland re-established independence Perrenland Ivid [LSF] [assumed]
Note: Conflicts with 400_CY
254 CY Skirmishes bordering on all out war occur between Furyondy, [Great 117435 [46]
Ferrond and Great Kingdom Kingdom]
Ferrond establishes independence from Great Furyondy 9398 [3], Ivid [LSF], 9578 [9],
Kingdom as Furyondy 9577 [18], 9577 [58], 117435
[23, 77, 103]
Voll establishes independence from Great Veluna
Kingdom as Veluna
Thrommel I crowned in Dyvers Furyondy 1064 Atlas [4,25], 9398 [3],
(Dyvers serves as first capitol of Furyondy) [6]
(11621 [6], 117435 [41])
(Heir to Viceroy Stinvri) (OR 898)
(9025 [10], 1015 [22], 117435
Nobles along the north shore of the Nyr Dyv refuse Shield Lands, 117435 [103]
to recognize Thrommel, and refuse to support Furyondy, [Great
Rauxes. The “Shield Lands” declare Kingdom]
Soldiers from Great Kingdom garrisoned in Greyhawk, 9577 [58]
Greyhawk City and Hardby Hardby, [Great
The migration of Pholtusians from the Great The Pale, 117435 [82]
Kingdom increases with the independence of Nyrond, [Great
Furyondy, citing religious persecution. Most travel Kingdom]
through Nyrond and settle in the western valleys of
the Rakers among the Flan in a semi-independent
Flannae state.
Tribesmen from Quagland continue to serve in the Quagland 117435 [86]
Furyondian army. (Perrenland),
260 CY Great Kingdom ends opposition to Furyondy Furyondy 117435 [46]
independence, although it takes almost another
century for the Aerdian Court of Essences to
recognize Furyondian independence formally.
261 CY Aerdian troops withdrawn from Greyhawk City Greyhawk, [Great 9577 [58]
262 CY Zagig's year of birth Note: This is very unclear. Greyhawk 11261 [32] [assumed]
The reference indicates that Greyhawk and
Hardby had troops withdrawn the same year
(either 261 CY or 277? See 278 CY)
277 CY Aerdian troops withdrawn from Hardby Hardby 9577 [58]
c. 278-286 Viscounty of Salinmoor founded during this time Keoland LGJ 15 [16] [assumed]
asan adjunct possession of the Rhola of Gradsul
c 278-578 Hardby's government develops, shifting from a Hardby 11261 [32] [assumed]
Gynarchy to a shared form of government
(Gynarchy "Despot" sharing power with an
alliance of merchants and traders)
278 CY Zagig's year of birth Note: This is very unclear. Greyhawk 11261 [32] [assumed]
The reference indicates that Greyhawk and
Hardby had troops withdrawn the same year
(either 261 CY or 277? The term "last quarter
of the century" seems to favor this date. See 262
Gillium I “The Mad” of House Neheli crowned in Keoland LGJ 15 [11]
Keoland (Last of the Middle Kings)
281 CY Coronation of Prince Olinstaad Corond of the P. of Ulek 117435 [121]
Principality of Ulek. Olinstaad moves his capital
from Haven hill to Gryrax.
283 CY The Building of Chendl (927 O.R. [figured]) Furyondy 9253 [83]
Note: Attributed to Thrommel III, this is in
error, should be Thrommel I
286 CY The King of Keoland, last of the line of House Keoland 117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]
Neheli, dies without issue. (Gillium I “The Mad”)
Tavish I of Gradsul takes throne Keoland 11743 [121]
c. 304 Trade war between Dyvers and Veluna, ultimately Veluna, Dyvers, 117435 [129]
decided in Veluna’s favor, but caused a rift Verbebonc,
between Veluna and Furyondy Furyondy
305 CY Zagig Yragerne and an adventuring party enter 9580 [2]
Lyzandred the Mad’s Cairn, Zagyg is tutored by
Highport founded in order to exploit mineral riches Pomarj 117435 [88]
of the Pomarj
310-360 CY Shield Lands become unified Shield Lands SOURCE?
310 CY Greyhawk City falls into a slump due to heavy Greyhawk 9577 [58]
taxation by the Overking and other problems
311 CY Discovery and subsequent loss of an Orb of Hellfurnace Dragon 230 [12]
Dragonkind in the Hellfurnaces by a group of Mountains
316-326 CY Ekbir closes its borders to pilgrims and wanderers Ekbir 117435 [43]
(2975-2985 BH)
316 CY The Scarlet Brotherhood establishes relations with 11374 [4]
the Suel Barbarian lands of the north. (SD 5831) Ice Barbarians
(117435 [55])
(It is probably shortly after this time that the
Brotherhood agents poison King Cralstag of the
Cruski, and are, in turn, slain by Cralstag’s heir,
Upheval in the south brings large groups of mixed Ull, Ekbir 117435 [43]
Oerdian/Baklunish refugees from Ull into Ekbir
(2975 BH)
Geoff peacefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Geoff 117435 [48]
320 CY Nomads appear in the North 9025 [5], 1015 [9],
Note: It is unclear if this refers to the Horse and
Tiger Nomads, or the Brazen Horde, but given
11743 probably the former.
(117435 [35])
(The Relentless Horde sweeps across the
Northlands) (117435 [86, 114 {ref}])
346 CY Death of Tavish I (“The Great”) of Keoland. His Keoland 117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]
eldest son, Tavish II “Blackguard” of House
Rhola is crowned.
347 CY Elraniel Tesmarien becomes one of the People of ??????? 1064 CB [80]
the Testing
Note: See 584 CY
348 CY Tavish II makes “Wealsun Proclamation” asserting Keoland 117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]
hegemony of Keolandish rule of the entire
Sheldomar Valley. Ulekki States (117435 [121])
(Prince Corond refuses to join other Ulekki heads
of state in disavowing proclomation)
349 CY Schism in the Order of the Hart caused by Northwestern 1056 Hart [2]
priorities in spending. Three orders develop. Flanaeass
350-360 CY Keoland’s armies press into Ket and Veluna from Bissel, Keoland, 9578 [10], 9577 [18], 117435
Bissel. Ket, Veluna [32]
(Keoland invades Ket and defeats nomads with the (117435 [67] [ref])
help of mercenary companies from the Quaglands.)
c 350-360 Kingdom of Keoland at peak Keoland 9025 [12], 1015 [27]
Note: See 358 CY
350 CY Gran March serves as the staging ground for the Gran Mach, 117435 [50]
Second Expeditionary Army of Keoland for Keoland
invading Veluna
King Tavish II of Keoand marches army across Keoland, Veluna 117435 [130]
Lorridges and Kron Hills into the southern and
western holdings of Veluna. King Avras I of
Furyondy protests, but does not aid Veluna
mid 4th Buccaneers of the Azure Sea and Jekela Bay began Sea Princes 117435 [101]
century CY harassing the coastline
Much of the western lands of Verbebonc occupied Verbebonc, 117435 [132]
by Keoish forces Veluna
mid-300’s Establishment of the Knights of the Holy Shielding Shield Lands 117435 [159]
351 CY Zagyg steps aside as Despot. The gynarchs elect Hardby LGJ 15 [26]
the first ruling Despotrix of Hardby.
355 CY Second Expeditionary Force of Keoland conquers Veluna, Keoland 117435 [130]
Devarnish and takes the Crook of Rao. Canon
Turgen IV of Mitrik drafts and enacts the Treaty of
Devarnish that cedes Fals Gap, the great wWestern
Road and several southern Fortresses to Keolan in
exchange for halting the invasion.
c. 356-357 The Battle of Redspan. Tenha cavalry route Tenh 117435 [112] [assumed]
Aerdian forces, Tenh duke ends fealty to Aerdian
356 CY Sundering of Aerdy, Rax-Nyrond; Junior branch Nyrond 9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9253 [47],
establishes Kingdom of Nyrond; Western branch 1064 Atlas [5, 31], 9398 [58],
declared itself free and elected one of their own as Ivid
king [LSF] 1, 9578 [9],
9577 [18, 59, 102], 117424 [3],
(Overking Portillan could not keep his cousin from 117435 [14, 77, 82]
breaking with the Malachite throne) (117435 [23])
(This rebellion marks the beginning of the decline
of the Heironean faith in the Great Kingdom)
(114423 [44])
Barbarians from the North invade the Aerdy’s North Province 117424 [3]
North Province, forcing the Overking to divert (North Kingdom)
troops from the western front thus insuring
Nyrond’s survival.
(117435 [90])
(Allied host of Frutzii and Schnai threaten to North Povince
overwhelm Bone March and Ratik and sweep into (North
the North Province. The Rax Overking Portillan Kingdom), Bone
diverts a force headed to contest Nyrond to counter March, Ratik,
the barbarian invasion. This is successful, but at a Frost and Snow
great cost.) Barbarians
358 CY Order of the Hart begans building Castle Hart at 1056 Hart [2]
junction of Veng and Crystal Rives
Kingdom of Keoland at peak Keoland 9025 [5], 1015 [9]
(King Tavish III of Keoland killed in battle, King 9025 [12], 1015 [28], 117435
Tavish IV crowned king) [65]
(The barons of the Pomarj break with the prince of (117435 [88]) [assumed]
Note: This conflicts with the CY 440-460’s uniting
of the Pomarj under Prince Erkin as the Kingdom
of Drachensgrab.
464 CY Keoish navy sinks the Sea Prince in the Battle of Keoland, Sea 117435 [101]
Jetsom Island Princes
465 CY Volte, the Blue Dragon, driven from the Stark 9386 [23]
Mounds by a band of wizards and paladins aided
by Schemely, a Greyhawk Dragon
(by trap set by Zagig Yragerne set long ago) (9577 [60])
(117435 [130])
The Citadel of Eight falters. Serten is slain at the Verbebonc LGJ 05 [5]
Battle of Emridy Meadows. None of the other
members of the organization are present.
Founding of Tika Town as a mining camp in Geoff Geoff 11413 [80]
Stalman Klim leaves Suderham Pomarj 11621 [121]
Prelude to Events that set stage for the Greyhawk Wars (570- 117435 [15]
570 CY - 581
c 570’s Circle of Eight foils plans of Iggwilv Verbebonc, 9577 [61]
570-571 CY Rule of Justinian in the Duchy of Urnst, a devotee D. of Urnst 117435 [125]
of the school of Skepticism that questioned the
divinity of the gods. Justinian raised temple taxes
300% on his ascension to office.
570 CY Nine demi-gods [including Iuz] imprisoned Greyhawk 9025 [12], 1015 [27], 1064
beneath Castle Greyhawk are freed Atlas [5, 28], 9399 [3], 9578
[10], 9577 [6, 19, 61], 117424
(by Lord Robilar) [4]
(117435 [15], LGJ 05 [10])
(by Lord Robilar, Quij and Riggby)
(9578 [24], 9577 [99])
(Wastri released [6085 SD])
(11374 [5])
Robilar attempts to murder Iuz upon freeing him Greyhawk 117435 [63]
from Zagig’s trap, but fails.
Iuz “returns” to Oerth, taking residence in Iuz 117435 [62]
Dorakaa, exterminating most “independent” lords
in his lands. Their bones, along with those of the
other “unfaithful” he murdered, form the basis of
the Road of Skulls.
Belvor IV ignores freeing of Iuz Furyondy 1068 AB [4]
Oswaldon "The Fat" purchases the town of Ivid [NL-Carnifand] 1
Nerof Gasgol becomes Lord Mayor of Greyhawk Greyhawk 9577 [62]
Note: Seems to conflict with the Beggar War
information in 571_CY
After the dissolution of the Citadel of Eight, LGJ 05 [6]
Mordenkainen begans considering the formation of
the Circle of Eight based on the philosophies of
neutrality and arcana.
(Coldeven) Mordenkainen gifts an unknown sword to an LGJ 05 [5]
unknown personage to help start a series of events
that will help evil devour itself
c 570 Death of the First "False Keraptis" at White Plume White Plume 11434 [4]
Mountain Mountain, Bandit
Note: conflicts with 571_CY Kingdoms
571 CY Conflict between Thieves’ Guild and Beggar’s Greyhawk 9577 [61, 121]
Guild in Greyhawk City
Great Burn in Greyhawk City occurs Greyhawk 9577 [61, 121]
"Keraptis" reappears in White Plume Mountain White Plume 11434 [9]
Note: conflicts with c_570_ Mountain (Bandit
A great, mysterious fire burns the western half of Celadon Forest 117435 [139]
the Celadon forest (within Nyrond,
D. of Urnst)
Temple Coalition Revolt in the Duchy of Urnst in D. of Urnst 117435 [125]
response to the raizing of the Temple of Zilchus
and high taxes. Most churches withdraw from
Urnst and declare the duke and his advisors
“heretics.” Justinian dies later that year of wounds
gained in a battle with Bright Desert dervishes of
which no cleric would heal him.
Mordenkainen forms the Circle of Eight. Its initial Greyhawk LGJ 05 [6]
members include Bigby, Otto, Rary, Nystal,
Drawmij, Bucknard and others.
577 CY – 581
c 577-578 Spidesa, Holy Censor of Medegia named Imperial [Medegia], [Great Dragon 63 [16]
Constable of Great Kingdom Kingdom]
577 CY Pietain Morvannis arrives in Greyhawk, and begins Greyhawk 1043 FFF [67]
making his name at "the Pit."
Expedition of the Archmage of Willip lost in Blackmoor 1064 Atlas [23]
Royal Mint of Rel Mord moved to Womtham ??????? 9398 [77]
Iuz commissions 40 galleys to be built at Dorakaa Iuz Dragon 56 [19]
Duke Eyeh II of Tenh killed in Battle of Rockegg Tenh, Hold of Dragon 56 [21]
Pass against Hold of Stonefist Stonefist
Great Beast Hunt held by Rovers/Weigwier Rovers of the Dragon 56 [21]
Cruski and Schnai treaty. Schnai give up the lands Ice Barbarians, Dragon 57 [14]
south of Glot along the east coast to Cruskii Snow Barbarians
Battle of Loftwood---combined Ratik/Frutzii force Ratik, Frost Dragon 57 [15]
destroy humanoid forces under the Vile Rune orcs Barbarians
of the Bone March
Chelor III, of the South Province, gains all lands South Province Dragon 57 [15], 117435 [111]
from Glorioles to Hestmark Highlands to point (Ahlissa), Sunndi
where the Flamni joins the Thelly
Rieuwood is the site of a major battle in which the South Provence, 117435 [141]
South Provence fails to further extend its conquests Sunndi
Several naval battles between Onnwal and South South Province Dragon 57 [16]
Province (Ahlissa),
Sea Barons defeat a fleet of seven Barbarian Sea Barons Dragon 63 [16]
Rediscovery of the Passage of Slerotin Yeomanry 9577 [38]
Note: Conflicts with 576 CY
Peak of Wastri "The Hammer of Demihuman’s" Sunndi 11374 [5]
campaign against demihumans and unbelievers in
the south of Sunndi (6093 SD)
“Prince” Zeech, renegade Shield Lands lord, Shield Lands, 117435 [27]
breaks his ties with the Shield Lands and forms the Bandit Kingdoms
Bandit Kingdom Principality of Redhand
(The Glorioles Army, under Chelor III, push all the (117435 [111])
way to Pitchfield and lay waste to central Sunndi)
Ivid’s Aerdi Army marches towards Chathold in Almor 1068 AB [13] [assumed]
Ivid’s Northern Army enters Adri Forest near Edge [Great Kingdom] 1068 AB [13] [assumed]
Grand Field Force of the South Province marches South Province 1068 AB [13] [assumed]
into Iron Hills (Ahlissa)
Osson’s Raid [Great Kingdom] 1068 AB [14] [assumed]
Battle of Rieuwood, Ossan decimates Glorioles Sunndi 1068 AB [14] [assumed],
Army 117435 [141]
(117435 [145])
(Dwarves and humans fleeing from Sterich settle in
the Good Hills) (117435 [146])
(by a naval force from the Lordship of the Isles (117435 [66, 72])
under control of the Scarlet Brotherhood)
Cantona falls to orcs ???? 1064 CB [57]
(Part of the southern hill country [of the Cairn (117435 [144])
Hills] once owned by the Duchy of Urnst was
ceded to Greyhawk)
(11374 [6])
(Scarlet Brotherhood’s peace proposal [6099 SD])
Note: Synonymous with "Day of Great Signing"
585 – 590 CY
Year of Peace 585 CY 117435 [16]
585-588 CY Earldom of Sterich retaken from the giant and Sterich 9577 [35]
humanoid armies
585-591 CY Doomgrinder’s "sails" moves one degree Greyhawk 9578 [50]
585 CY Nyrondal raid on Prymp Nyrond Ivid [SP-Prymp] 1
Ratik starts ambitious castle building program Ratik 1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]
A large school of Dolphins appear in Relmor Bay Relmor Bay 1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]
Lake Quag runs with "blood" Perrenland 1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]
"Plague" of Midmeadow ?????? 1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]
Canon Hazen aquires Crook of Rao from Drax of Rel Astra, Veluna 1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]
Rel Astra
"Winter of Hunger" in northern Nyrond Nyrond 1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]
Construction on the River Road/Main Road near ??????? 1064 CB [15]
Greyhawk Militia render help to woodsmen of the Greyhawk, Wild 1064 CB [44]
Gnarley Forest Coast
Peren Striaken joins Ryell Pass garrison ?????? 1064 CB [83
Ahlhamazad becomes member of Circle of Eight Greyhawk 9578 [22]
Note: Conflicts with 586 CY
Theodain Eriason becomes first demi-human Greyhawk 9578 [22]
member of the Circle of Eight
Note: Conflicts with 586 CY
Warnes Starcoat elected to the Circle of Eight Greyhawk 9578 [23]
Note: Conflicts with 586 CY
Furyondian Knights of the Hart call for the Furyondy, 9577 [36], 11621 [6], 117435
annexation of Verbebonc and Dyvers Verbebonc, [132]
(Magister Margus, Lord of Dyvers recalled from
office for failing to address Furyondian situation) (11821 [6], 117435 [42])
(117435 [29])
(Lady Katarina named Knight Commander of the
reestablished government of the Shield Lands)
War to retake Geoff begins Geoff 9577 [35]
Murder of guildmaster of Docker’s and Greyhawk 9577 [77]
Wharfman’s Union of Greyhawk, replaced by his
oldest son, Screel Dorfman
Beggarmaster Gaspar disappears from Greyhawk, Greyhawk 9577 [126]
and is replaced by Simeon Hellwater
Three great cranes built by dwarven engineering Hardby 11621[34]
and Gynarch magic in the north end of the Dock
District in Hardby
Knights of the Dispatch mount a violent offensive Geoff 117435 [49, 141]
into Geoff from Hochoch into Oytwood. Although
they were victorious against a small army of lesser
giantkin, the effort was inconclusive and costly.
Theocrat Ogon Tillit leads Palish forces (with Tenh, the Pale 117435 [82]
Tenha converts) and recaptures eastern Tenh from
Iuzian forces.
(Needfest) Wilfrik’s bastard half-elf son, Langard of the Verbebonc 9577 [37]
Gnarley Border, is installed as Viscount of
(Coldeven) Keoish forces have reclaimed “the whole of 117435 [108]
civilized Sterich.”
(Mid-Year) Iuz loses control of Sevvord Redbeard of Hold of
9578 [12], 9577 [22-23], 117435
Stonefist, Hold of Stonefist renamed Stonehold Stonehold, Tenh [16]
(Sevvord gathers Fists from across Tenh, kills all
(117435 [109, 113] [ref])
clerics of Iuz within reach, leaves rearguard to
occupy Calbut and returns to Stonehold, driving
barbarians back from Kelten and securing the pass,
and the returns to Vlekstaad)
(End) Belvor succeeds in reconquering lost territory Furyondy 9578 [12], 117424 [5], 117435
(Reclamation of all of Furyondy from Iuz)
(9577 [21], 117435 [62])
589-590 CY Gromond opens Gromond’s Rope and Leather in Geoff 11413 [68]
Pest’s Crossing sometime during this period.
589-591 CY Invasion of trolls from the Troll Fens into the Pale Theocracy of the 117424 [13] (assumed)
589 CY Signing of the Solnor Compact, a defensive Rel Astra, 9577 [29]
(month/time alliance between Rel Astra, Ountsy and Roland Ountsy, Roland
Elven Ship reported seen in the Densac Gulf 9577 [29]
(In the Hold of Sea Princes, monks of the Scarlet (117424 [5], 117435 [16])
Sign fall on each other in a bloody Civil War)
(117435 [102])
(Ancient Temple discovered in the Hellfurnaces
that causes schism between the western Herdsmen
of the Brotherhood and their kin in Monmurg
which triggers a war of assassination among the
nation’s Brotherhood leaders. The extreme heat of
the summer contributes to unrest among the native
population and slaves. The “Black Brotherhood”
utilized Hepmonaland slave forces to run rampant
through the streets of Monmurg)
Gerda Hollardel replaces retiring father, Bodmi Greyhawk 9577 [64, 95]
Hollardel, as Guildmaster of Jewlers and
Gemcutters and as Oligarch in Greyhawk
Stimtrin Cannasay, Representative of the Union of Greyhawk 9577 [64, 118]
Merchants and Traders replaces Laup Cobrun as
Oligarch in Greyhawk
Attempted assassination of Carmen Halmaster, Greyhawk 9577 [115]
high ranking member of Greyhawk’s Union of
Merchants and Traders and former Oligarch
Sunndi chooses not to join the United Kingdom of Sunndi 11374 [7]
Ahlissa (6104 SD)
Scarlet Brotherhood fortifies its closest Hepmonaland 11374 [7] [assumed]
Hepmonaland ports to help maintain blockade of
Tilva Strait.
Scarlet Brotherhood loses control of parts of the Hold of the Sea 11374 [7, 63]
Hold of Sea Princes. They keep the Flotsam, Princes
Jetsom, Fairwind, Port Toli and Monmurg, but lose
the rest of the territory to rebellious slaves, free
Holders and humanoid mercenaries
Sister Arinohal appointed Mother of Purity in Scarlet 11374 [19]
Scarlet Brotherhood (2nd term) (6104 SD) Brotherhood
Force of Goblins attacks Safetown and is defeated Wild Coast 9577 AM [2], 11621 [46],
Reynard, bandit chief of the Tangles, captured and Bandit Kingdoms 117435 [30]
slain by forces of the insane Earl Aundurach
Chief Strongbow, centaur opponent of Rary, found Bright Desert 117435 [38]
murdered in his quarters
Loftin Graystand, Mayor of Highfolk, retires. He Highfolk 117435 [53]
is followed by the young Tavin Ersteader, rumored
former apprentice to Prince Melf Brightflame
Freeholder Marius Lindon elected Spokesman for Yeomanry 117435 [135]
the Yeomanry League
(1 Planting) Permanent state of war between Furyond and Iuz Furyondy 9577 [21]
declared by Belvor
(Growfest) Sunndi declares itself independent Kingdom of Sunndi 9578 [12], 9577 [29], 117435
Sunndi, Count Hazendel declared Olvenking [16, 111]
(Spring) Armies of Furyondy disbanded Furyondy 9577 [21]
(Wealsun) Lady Xenia Sallavarian, betrothed to Lynwerd, Nyrond 9577 [31], 117435 [78]
struck down in magical attack
(11621 [53])
(Greyhawk Mountaineers attack Cantonia)
Stalman Klim returns to Earth Dragon's temple Pomarj 11621 [120]
Overking Xavener directs that a new path for the North Kingdom 117435 [24]
Windmarch (a trade route from Chathold to
Nulbish and Pontylver to Eastfair) be established
Full scale assaults by the Bone March over the Blemu Hills, 117435 [37]
Blemu Hills into Knurl is attempted, but Ratik Bone March,
holds Ratik
Irongate and Mayor Cobb Darg extend support to Irongate, Onnwal 117435 [58, 80]
the freedom movement in Onnwal. Sister
Kuranyie, ruling representative of the Scarlet
Brotherhood in Scant, has asked for relief forces to
reconquer Onnwal. The Brotherhood, being
occupied elsewhere, has not granted her request.
Ongoing naval warfare breaks out between the Lordship of the
Lordship of the Isles and the free ports on the Isle, Irongate,
Azure Sea, the latter supported Gradsul and the Sunndi, Keoland
Iron League
Querchard, Marquis of Sterich disappears in Sterich 117435 [108]
Istivin. His wife, Marchioness Resbin Dren
Emondav, rules Sterich in his absence
Amphibious monsters from the Vast Swamp, aided Sunndi 117435 [111]
by clerics of Wastri increase raids on Sunndi.
Interrogation of captured clerics indicates that
Wastri might be contemplating an invasion.
Hazenedel orders increased fortification of the
southeastern frontier.
Adventurers in appear in Dark Gate near the Yeomanry 117435 [135]
cavernous tunnel in the Yeomanry with a strange
dark metal that disentigrates within days
Raids from the Jotens threaten Loftwick, Yeomanry 117435 [135]
Freeholder Lindon sets about strengthening
A child of a Reyhu bandit reemerges after being Bandit Kingdoms 117435 [147]
lost in the Lake Aqal region for two months. She
tells of benign, long-featured men who walk on
air. Two parties enter the lake region within the
week to find allies. Neither returns.
(Early) Expeditionary force from Keoland captures Keoland, Hold of 9577 [32], 11374 [7], 117435
Westkeep in the Hold of the Sea Princes (SD 6105) the Sea Princes [66, 102], LGJ 15 [19]
(Late) An entire company of Robilar’s best Paynim and “Bright 117435 [38]
nomad guards vanish while investigating a Kingdom,”
necropolis in the Bright Desert. Rary orders Bright Desert
Robilar’s personal guard to find the lost soldiers,
Robilar, in anger, kills a blue dragon (Volt?)
considering an alliance with Rary. Robilar and
Rary patch up their differences.
(Needfest 1) King Lynward restructures Nyrond’s provinces Nyrond 117435 [75]
In all instances the designation [assumed] means that the entry gives probable cause for the date in the
GreyChrondex, e.g. "Ten years ago," or "a Century ago" where the comparison base date is known, or
the event is directly connected to a dated event.
The designation "c" before a date indicates the same information, but is generally used when the date
is "fuzzy" (circa), that is, the events could have happened in a range of years.
The designation [figured] means that a non-CY date has been converted to the CY standard.
Text marked in green indicates material that was not considered "canonical" by Team Greyhawk, but
that is found in TSR/WotC/Hasbro products, articles, etc. related to Greyhawk, and may easily be used
with the setting. Text marked in red indicates WotC/Hasbro 3E material (see above). And text marked
in purple indicates WotC’s RPGA “Living Greyhawk” material.
In instances where a location name has changed (e.g. the North Province becoming the North
Kingdom), the new name follows the old name in parenthesis. This is also true in cases where a
location “belongs” to another region as when a forest is within a kingdom. In cases where a location
no longer exists as a political entity in any form, the location is indicated by brackets (e.g. the Great
Kingdom, Medegia, the Suel Empire, etc.). In instances where a name or entity changed, but the entity
into which it changed no longer exists, the second entity is enclosed in both parenthesis and brackets
(e.g. The Kingdom of Aerdy becoming part of the Great Kingdom).
Sources for the GreyChrondex
Ivid the Undying, TSR Online (TSR/AOL Online Area), 1996; WotC page, Greyhawk download area,
Abbreviations of Chapter Headings for Ivid the Undying used in the Greychrondex:
ME=The Millenium Empire
LSF=A Long Slow Fall
TBC=The Turmoil Between Crowns
IL=Ivid’s Legacy
BE=The Beginning of the End
PL=Power in the Land
BtC=Beyond the Capital
R=Rauxes NP=North Province
NL=The Naelax Lands
SB=Sea Barons
RM=The Ruins of Medegia
SP=South Province
AL=The Almorian Lands
All materials cited except for the Oerth Journal and Shadis publications are properties of
WotC/Hasbro. Oerth Journal is a publication of the Council of Greyhawk. Shadis is a
publication of the Alderac Entertainment Group. Greyhawk is owned by WotC/Hasbro.
The equivalences:
from SD: Take latest SD date and subtract 5515 (5519 SD = CY4 [5519-5515])
from OC: Take latest OC date and subtract 4462
from BH: Take latest BH date and subtract 2659 (2660 BH = CY 1 [2660-2659])
from FT: Take latest FT date and subtract 2150
from TC: Take latest TC date and subtract 1407
from OL: Take latest OL date and subtract 805
from OR: Take latest OR date and subtract 644
to SD: Take CY date and subtract it from 5516 (CY –1=5515 SD [5516-1])
to OC: Take CY date and subtract it from 4463
to BH: Take CY date and subtract it from 2660 (-554 CY = 2106 BH [2660-554])
to FT: Take CY date and subtract it from 2151
to TC: Take CY date and subtract it from 1408
to OL: Take CY date and subtract it from 806
to OR: Take CY date and subtract it from 645
from SD: Take the earliest SD date and subtract 5516 (SD 5515 = -1 CY [5515-5516])
from OC: Take the earliest OC date and subtract 4463
from BH: Take the earliest BH date and subtract 2660 (BH 2106 = CY -554 [2106-2660])
from FT: Take the earliest FT date and subtract 2151
from TC: Take the earliest TC date and subtract 1408
from OL: Take the earliest OL date and subtract 806
from OR: Take the earliest OR date and subtract 645
As a general rule of thumb, it is easiest to convert all dates to CY and then change them to
another calendar date when trying to compare dates of two Non-CY calendars.
D&D Set
D&D Supplement 1: Greyhawk
D&D Supplement 2: Blackmoor
1st Edition
Player's Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide
G1, Stedding of the Hill Giant Chief
G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King
D1, Descent Into the Depths of the Earth
D2, The Shrine of the Kuo-Toa
D3, Vault of the Drow
S1, Tomb of Horrors
B1, In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
T1, The Village of Hommlet
S2, White Plume Mountain
Deities & Demigods Cyclopedia
The World of Greyhawk Folio
The Rogue's Gallery
C1, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachen
S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Q1, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
C2, The Ghost Tower of Inverness
Fiend Folio
L1, The Secret of Bone Hill
A1, Slave Pits of the Undercity
A2, Secret of the Slaver's Stockade
A3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slavelords
A4, Into the Dungeons of the Slavelords
I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City
S4, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
U1, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
N1, Against the Cult of the Reptile God
U2, Danger at Dunwater
WG4, The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
Monster Manual II
L2, The Assassin's Knot
UK1, Beyond the Crystal Cave
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set
EX1, Dungeonland
EX2, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror
U3, The Final Enemy
UK2, The Sentinel
UK3, The Gauntlet
WG5, Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
Unearthed Arcana
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
WG6, The Isle of the Ape
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
WG 7, Castle Greyhawk
Crossover 1st to 2nd
Greyhawk Adventures hardback
WG9, Gargoyle
WG8, Fate of Istus (parts non-canon)
WG10, Child's Play
The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set
2nd Edition
Dungeon Master's Guide (2nd Ed)
Player's Handbook (2nd Ed)
WG11, Puppets
WG12, Vale of the Mage
WGA1, Falcon's Revenge
WGA2, Falconmaster
WGR1, Greyhawk Ruins
WGA3, Flames of the Falcon
Castles Boxed Set (Castle Hart Book)
WGA4, Vecna Lives
WGS1, Five Shall Be One
WGS2, Howl From the North
Greyhawk Wars box game set
FOR2, Drow of the Underdark
DMGR 4, Monster Mythology
PHBR 5, Complete Book of Elves
From the Ashes boxed set
WGR2, Treasures of Greyhawk
WGR3, Rary the Traitor
WGQ1, Patriots of Ulek
RQ3, From the Shadows (ref)
War Captain's Companion boxed set (SJ)
Complete Spacefarer's Handbook (SJ)
SJR 6, Greyspace
Book of Artifacts
DMGR 5, Creative Campaigning
PHBR10, Complete Book of Humanoids
WGR4, The Marklands
WGR5, Iuz the Evil
WGR6, The City of Skulls
WGM1, Border Watch
ALQ4, Secrets of the Lamp (ref)
Encyclopedia Magica, vol. I
Encyclopedia Magica, vol. II
Encyclopedia Magica vol. III
Encyclopedia Magica vol. IV
Night Below: An Underdark Campaign
Ivid the Undying (TSR's AOL area)
Rod of the Seven Parts boxed set
Return of the Eight
The Adventure Begins
Player's Guide to Greyhawk
The House on Summoner's Court (OJ#7/Shadis 50)
Ill Omens (pre-Living Greyhawk)
Star Cairns
The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
The Doomgrinder
Return to the Tomb of Horrors boxed set
Vecna Reborn (Ravenloft)
Return of the Pick-Axe (pre-Living Greyhawk)
The Shattered Circle
Return to the Keep of the Borderlands
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
The Scarlet Brotherhood
Against the Giants
Return to White Plume Mountain
Bastion of Faith
L3, Deep Dwarven Delve
(2nd to 3rd transition)
Die, Vecna, Die (multi-setting)
3rd Edition (end of "canonical" Greyhawk)
Dungeons & Dragons Gazetteer
Player’s Handbook (3E)
Dungeon Master’s Guide (3E)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Fright at Tristor