Intelligence 21 Century
Intelligence 21 Century
Intelligence 21 Century
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Intelligence in the 21st Century
Prof.Dr.Sait Yılmaz
Changing Paradigms of Intelligence in the 21st Century
According to historians, the 20th century was the yüz century of intelligence.. For
many states intelligence
they formed official institutions and spied on each other. At the end of the century
Western countries reorganized their intelligence agencies and opened them to public
they sent liaison personnel to other countries. 20th century technology intelligence
radio, radar, solid state electronics, satellites, computers and internet
dash. In recent years, new search engines for open source intelligence and
Added semantic web. International intelligence methods and means
It is development. There are bio-scientific revolutions ahead of us and
and fusion of information in place of the intelligence
Waiting. True intelligence is about the future and what will happen in the future
1 . In the intelligence of the future, not only institutions and methods, but
and concepts of bureaucratic character will also change. Much more intelligence
With the use and integration of intelligence will be experienced but the same
will become increasingly different, dissuasive and difficult to define. Intelligence
intelligence work of those that will become widespread and transformed
will be difficult to say. More uncertain and complex security of the future
It would be more difficult to develop an intelligence theory within the environment.
Increased flow of information, intelligence organizations to overwhelm due to
has started 2 . The decision making process of information technology in such cases
It is quite clear that it will not simplify, it will actually make it more complicated.
The world is increasingly engaged in an ambiguous power struggle and low intensity
different dimensions of conflicts have advanced technology in actions and conflicts
it will encourage the use of weapons and may cause mass deaths. Communication
technology improvements; displacement of economic advantages
circulation and expansion of terrorist networks; facilitating social breaks,
The increasing sensitivity of countries dependent on technology, the more difficult
more need for population, more advanced combat systems and immediate recovery
feeding needs. This general information about the future of intelligence
we can make your expectations
- The national intelligence paradigm will eventually become invalid,
reform will not be enough to ensure compliance, new intelligence agencies and
- New areas of expertise and understanding will emerge in intelligence work.
- Some important resources and methods used today will lose their importance.
- New actors will emerge in the production and supply of intelligence.
- There will be no intellectual monopoly with the emergence of a competitive
understanding environment.
1 Robert M Clarck, Intelligence Analysis, A Target-Centric Approach, CQ Press,
(Washington, DC,
2007), 172.
2 War Academies Command, Wars and Strategies in the Past and 21st Century,
(Yenilevent-Istanbul, 2002), 184.
3 Wilhelm Agrell, The Next 100 Years? Reflections on the Future of Intelligence in
Duyvesteyn, Ben de Jong, Joop van Reijn: The Future of Intelligence Challenges in
the 21st Century,
Routledge, (New York, 2014), 144-145.
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- The fragile world of knowledge will increase the importance attached to reliability.
The life of communication and transport technology and methods is further
influenced by
In the 21st century, propaganda and psychological warfare are the most important
method. The dominant powers threaten their interests.
the security and threat theses they produce on this basis to other actors.
they will establish and maintain their hegemonia to the extent they can adopt.
the multiplier of power that increases the influence of political, military power is
propaganda and psychological warfare.
Target countries, communities or groups through propaganda and psychological
Threats directed against them as if their security, interests
and “consent bu to such policies.
Or attempts by the dominant powers to erode national policies and
forces that oppose the operations of the
is used to wear out by means. Greed, paranoia, fanaticism
and competition-induced irregularities open to exploitation of nation-state structures.
makes. Offensive intelligence functions media and news sources
as well as the means of communication and transportation. Presence of implicit
it damages democracy and does not lead to the formation of a people-run state,
Disguised activities that seem to have lost their intensity after the Cold War
an important argument for the intelligence services of the states struggling global
as it increases its effectiveness. Implicit activities, specific after the Cold War
to be used in special operations against states, such as “democracy” and “state
new methods. Disguised operations in the future
there are four main reasons why it forms the basis of policy 4
(1) Many enemies, threats and pending challenges are still in the security
(2) The covert bureaucracies established are trying to find new roles
will continue.
(3) Disguised operations have attracted the management for past reasons.
will continue to create options.
(4) Post-Cold War security environment new for covered operations
offers opportunities and objectives. Implicit activities after September 11, 2001
especially focused on the fight against terrorism.
The most important task in the field of economic intelligence is the intelligence
It is reduced. The application of the intelligence wheel for economic intelligence,
cooperation and counter intelligence activities in the field of economic intelligence
services. Acquisition of a state in the field of economic intelligence
the most important measure required; an economic intelligence system. Later
an aggressive economic activity against the economic intelligence activities
intelligence policy. To achieve this, economic and industrial
especially economic and commercial activities against states engaged in intelligence
the implementation of sanctions and international and bilateral agreements.
undertaking non-reciprocity of economic espionage
4 John Jacob Nutter, CIA's Dark Operations: Implicit Operations, Foreign Policy and
Actual Publishing, Trans .: Ahmet SARACOGLU, (Istanbul, 2005), 497-498.
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Technology and Intelligence
Due to technological developments in aircraft since the 1920s
During the Cold War and even until September 11, 2001, security experts
his understanding was about olmak controlling the air ‟. This is what happened with
the information revolution
understanding has evolved because we are increasingly speaking of “information
and intelligence.. 21.
century wars politics and power, trade and industry, art and culture, science and
In such areas will be done for information on the internet. New conflicts in the world
Between fast and slow countries that will not be influenced by East-West or North-
It will be. In wars, robots will be replaced by human beings.
resources will be cut, the dimensions and limits of war will become infinite. Satellite
use of technology, especially economic systems
has become more important. Our competitors now determine the superiority of the
technologies to gather, develop, analyze and distribute intelligence
will create our capabilities. To outperform our competitors
we need to develop a unified and address-specific intelligence system. For defense
required; remote control systems, long range accuracy,
changes in intelligence capabilities of maneuvering and shift forces;
It is completed. Shorter decision on the superiority of intelligence provided by
science and technology
closer cooperation and intelligence between operations and intelligence.
21st century, the technology provided by means of surveillance, monitoring and
will be the listening age. Potentially competing countries and institutions depend on
they will enter the race to produce the technologies that suit them. technology
increase the efficiency of the intelligence gathering means, especially space-based,
technological superiority in the field of visual and visual intelligence
will become an important force multiplier in the field. Every signal that goes into
can be listened to. Significant improvements in space-based capabilities
and high-resolution image acquisition will be provided at lower costs 5
As a result of technological developments, the concept of confidentiality has
changed and
penetration made easy. More flexible intelligence to react quickly
capabilities will be needed. Advances in technology are primarily targeted
will make a significant contribution to the efficiency of implicit operations with the
development of opportunities;
punishment, assassination, sabotage, search and rescue operations such as
with the opportunities it provides. GPS or satellite
routing devices and satellite communications are used by many countries.
contexts. On the other hand, global media such as the media and the Internet
dissemination, new studies in this field; new tool for psychological action
and the emergence of methods.
Technology is just a tool that adds power and no matter how far it goes,
will continue to be the most important element of future life. Advanced technological
the use of intelligence, the tools and the results and methods are still very clear
It is not. Rather than the methods and tools that are often used,
The sensations created hide the work in the back rooms. Electronic environment
everything is listened to or read, which is recorded on magnetic tapes and from there
translation, analysis and valuation. After this process
5 Zalmad Khalilzad, Ian O. Lesser, O. Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century:
Regional Futures and
US Strategy, (Washington DC, 1998), 21. Public Eye, Scientific American, (August
1996), 18.
Charles Lane, The Satellite Revolution, The New Republic, Vol.215, No.7, (August
12, 1996), 22.
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again, but stored on different disks, summaries and indexes to the decision authority
the upgrade them. This means computer and communication technology. These
computer systems
content, strengths, compatibility, flexibility, and more.
connections are part of technical intelligence. Other technological (biotechnology,
microelectronics, nanotechnology and material technology); DNA, blood and
development of genetic analysis, identify the substances harmful to public health
new sensors, espionage and cybercrime increase, nanotechnology and products
the design
can create
It is evaluated. The developments in the military technology are especially related to
the sensor network.
increased ability to strike, such as a closer relationship between intelligence and
developments. Change intelligence understanding in the long run
important technological expectations are 6
- By 2030, 90 billion devices will be connected to the Internet, everything will be
connected to each other,
quitting the internet will be a crime. Today's second generation of cops replaced
robots that monitor and record each environment as a crime scene.
intervening police system.
- From the 2040s onwards, criminals will be monitored with chips placed in the brain,
he will be arrested not only for his crimes, but also for the crimes he will commit.
- From 2050 onwards, the evolution of human beings is controlled by DNA data
biocrimonology studies to prevent the reasons that cause people to commit crimes
It will be introduced.
- Nuclear states and the use of nuclear materials for terrorist purposes
In 2060, 25% of the world's states will
programs will replace nuclear weapons in 2080, more implicit weapons of mass
- One of the most important phenomena that threatens all humanity is climate
change and
global warming, ozone depletion, desertification and
environmental problems, such as large migrations and the reduction of potable water
It will be.
Cyber & Open Intelligence
Land, iron, oil in the previous centuries, instead of the 21st century strategic
the “information imiz that we can sell, store, and still hold the resource
It will be. Information; wealth and power, control the lives of others, surprise
methods. Computers, information networks and satellites increasingly
determine industrial production and modern weapon technology 7
. Cyber ways
economic espionage will gain priority in intelligence. The NSA is explicitly the only
It is clear that there is direct access to the digital lives of the whole world, not
More computers moving intelligence from street to desk
There have been improvements in technology. The term is now a period of
espionage with computers.
Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSN have been in the US for a long time.
intelligence, without any legal basis about you
access to your information. Do it with terror or child porn
they do it under the guise of humanitarian reasons such as struggle. Digitization
two major impacts on security; disappearance of distances and disappearance of
private information,
6 Sait Yılmaz, World after 2070; Human 2.0,, (April 22, 2015).
7 Alvin and Heidi Tofler, War and Anti-War in the Dawn of the 21st Century.
Harmanci, Sabah Books, (Istanbul, 1994), 181.
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to obtain or play all kinds of information in electronic environment. Today
our bank transactions, transactions under the mask of anti-terrorism law,
pages we visit on the internet, chats, health status, travel,
telephone conversations are recorded and monitored. Your phone with new spyware
remote control, even when turned off
microphone is recorded without your knowledge, conversations, pictures or
your video is being taken. Microphones built into your car within the OnStar system
Your conversations with
By using software programs, you can track the beats on your
Your private information is saved. Your transactions on the Internet, the phones you
may have been tracked for a long time or at least to your
entered. PRISM program is constantly expanding, services such as Hotmail or
your accounts are under control. If Apple, Google or Microsoft
the best way to avoid being tracked is via smartphones.
to get rid of. In the near future, it will be necessary to put the black boxes in the cars,
billions of cameras will be used in public places.
will follow, your DNA samples will be kept around the world, private life will end. Prior
computer keyboard, maus will be removed, direct brain-machine interaction will be
this development will also be used in brain control. Everything is recorded on the
Since even your socks have IP no.
everyone will be able to track your full identity, location and status.
be able to follow in time. Without security, freedom is vulnerable, but
security without freedom is the regime of repression. When Snowden exposes, the
United States
The biggest sadness of intelligence revealed that illegal monitoring methods of
not the emergence of these methods because of learning the behavior of target
had changed. Leaving a digital trail behind us in the near future
we will not be able to work, travel, communicate.
The importance of open source intelligence continues to increase in the coming
you will. For example, kaynak akademik academic resource that you
can not reach with a click
run out 8
. The continuous flow of information in the intelligence services
its inability to analyze has led to some kind of fel analysis paralysis.. Intelligence of
the new era
activities; Instead of collecting everything without any discrimination, such as a
vacuum cleaner,
it should be able to collect information or make analyzes by choosing. With this
together, open intelligence does not contribute much to the gizli top secret ‟world.
Open source information provided via the Internet is becoming more intense
intelligence gatherers complain about the lack of useful information rather than
. The development of information technologies paves the way for open intelligence.
private companies or companies that have money after
they will begin to use intelligence processes. Some companies even
intelligence images. This process
also for decentralized, horizontal structures for intelligence collection and analysis.
and the trend will increase in this direction.
Intelligence Services
8 Stephen C. Mercado, Sailing in the Sea of OSINT in the Information Age, Studies
in Intelligence,
No. 3,
publications / CSU-studies / studies / vol48no3 / article05.html
9 James R. Clapper, How 9/11 Transformed The US Intelligence Community, Wall
Street Journal, (7
September, 2011).
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Intelligence is no longer just a playground for intelligence agencies,
various private, public, collective and commercial agents are increasingly involved.
Intelligence agencies are bilgi comprehension verification tan and
knowledge management organizations. Intelligence in the new era
services, leaving only the static location that collects and analyzes information,
active in the establishment and development of democracy and legal rules in
will have a dynamic structure taking roles. Former intelligence organizations; very
they were large, central and very pro-privacy. Such organizations,
as in the economy, it has become obsolete in intelligence. Just like big companies
the institutions of the intelligence world to question the basic functions and functions
had to do so. As the security market moves and expands, new emerging
new products will be needed to resolve issues 10
Intelligence professionals for the 21st century operations, practical but innovative,
develop a system that will provide fast but quality information that will affect the
These structures, where innovation and creativity will come to the fore, adapt rapidly
to new situations.
all the experience and talent both in and out of the organization
It will use. This was the end of the 20th century when
a new structure in a very short time in the war
11 . Intelligence should be like a weapon system; gather resources when needed
should be able to maneuver, adapt to traditional and kinetic systems. This
so innovative and bold thinking is necessary. All of this is complicated and
the importance of distinguishing, protecting and controlling information in the field of
uncertain operations
It should be remembered. Once again, the intelligence of the intelligence
adapting to the conditions and needs of the environment, the new situation requires
to make intellectual and structural changes. So adapt with outdated
is to make sensible choices in between. If this is not done
first you lose control of the environment and eventually they begin to control you.
The complexity of the turbulent environment, with an unlimited number of opponents,
complex structure. Intelligence in a new security environment
organizations must be more fluent and horizontal. New tasks and complexity
If the workload imposed is not reduced by bureaucratic obstacles,
It will admit. The strategic importance of the works is sometimes the most
may require real-time tracking from the top. For example, the
effects of repression or hitting a target with unmanned aerial vehicle
monitoring of the status of the top state leaders at the National Situation Center for
Intelligence organizations are constantly changing and in search of new
while adapting to technologies, they acquire new faces. Intelligence
services „who we are responsible for monitoring aram is looking for the answer.
Therefore, various geopolitical theories emerged after the Cold War
it will gain meaning in terms of intelligence. New intelligence tasks country
security, economy, space, cyber-space, media operations and abroad
a wide range from supporting diplomacy to covert activities.
It is changed. Intelligence capabilities, functions, policies and organizations vary
comply with the requirements of the security environment. Intelligence services
10 Toffler, supra, (1994), 153.
11 Gregory F. Treverton, The Future of Intelligence Changing Threats, Evolving
Methods, in Isabelle
Duyvesteyn, Ben de Jong, Joop van Reijn: The Future of Intelligence Challenges in
the 21st Century,
Routledge, (New York, 2014), 25.
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first, to adapt itself to a cultural change and new situations.
they need to be organized. This change will question the system, instead of the
status quo.
has created a need for a staff that will find alternative futures
. Priority
wide range of intelligence services.
procedures. The power is increasingly directed to non-state actors (NGOs,
organizations, etc.) are shifting.
It is necessary to review the organizational structures of the intelligence services.
multi-country intelligence, which has strong traditions, cadres and loyalty in itself.
organizations. They developed their own solutions from their world. This
sometimes worse than they want to warn you for bureaucracy and political reasons.
they had consequences. Today, horizontal information users for inter-organizational
We are in a period. Post-September 11 developments highlight the four functions of
13 pulled out ; external intelligence, implicit activity, counter intelligence and internal
intelligence. Internal and external
the distinction between threats is gradually disappearing. Theory after Cold War
The word kelime against en is probably the most common word that intelligence
services will use in their reports.
It will be. Counterintelligence, counter terrorism, counter narcotics and
counterarmament, modern
services to prevent attacks on their state.
important activities. Weber-style structuring of intelligence services, production
time, money and quality loss due to bureaucratic obstacles
hierarchical structure between intelligence analysts and decision makers.
and the active participation of decision makers in the production process.
However, the fact that analysts and decision makers come together to politicize
rather than supporting politicians in decision-making,
they could not solve the problem of intelligence production in support of their
Since it is important to present the best product to the political decision-maker,
Horizontal integration should be ensured in a timely and accurate manner.
Changes in power concepts and power distribution future intelligence
services. New rules of the game for intelligence service
Can be listed as follows;
- Informing the policy maker rather than collecting confidential information.
- Eroding hard targets with spherical coating.
- Ability to translate in all languages, primarily in 28 languages.
- Focus on two levels of state (sub-state intelligence).
- Cultural intelligence is essential.
- Jeouzaysal and time limitation.
- Global open intelligence make power multiplier.
- Gaining counter intelligence chess.
- Solve the conflict of efficiency between human & technical intelligence.
- Establishing a decentralized information bank (NGO, Private, etc.).
- For intelligence; “Value = Content + Conditions + Speed” formula.
- Gathering intelligence to cover information gaps rather than priorities.
12 Deborah G. Barger, Toward A Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, Rand
Corporation, (Arlington / VA,
2005), 3-4.
13 Barger, supra, (2005), 108-109.
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- Needs-based production & capabilities
- Giving more importance to strategic intelligence.
- Effective budget management.
- The influence of public intelligence on public diplomacy.
- Analysts working as managers.
- Multilateral expense sharing for international cooperation.
One of the biggest challenges of intelligence organizations in the future
distribution. Intelligence organizations of today and tomorrow to solve puzzles
less engaging in magical problems that are not easy to answer or secrets
will be. Intelligence analysts now measure the range of enemy missiles,
focus on perception management rather than analytical problems such as submarine
routes and
will work closely with the collector for information that is important for perception.
Intelligence analyzer,
rivals, terrorists, riots, social movements, religious
fanatics will be perceptive-constructive. Therefore, to use open resources
should be a good communicator who can engage with biased decision-makers.
Analysts and decision
transmitters should work together to build facts (not reconstruction). understanding
intelligence analyst with a field of value, politician with a field of value and other
donors should come together and write stories to tell people the truth.
So intelligence is no longer just a process that supports policy, but analysts
they also became policy-makers with the function of creating perception. This new
It also expands the scope of the intelligence community. However, perception
in a democratic society, the public can tell the truth, transparency and
legitimacy issues. On the other hand, intelligence and politician
While the ties between them become so constant and close,
politicization and public control.
will become the subject.
Militarization of Intelligence
It may be in the international arena and has been experienced in the past.
The most economic and effective way to deal with security risks is through
compelling diplomacy.
supported methods and hidden battles. The secret of politics in the 21st century
and the implicit methods and new advantages of the technology; and
methods will continue. International power of intelligence functions
more widespread and effective use in the fight against implicit operations and low
Intense conflicts will sometimes become widespread through changes. Intelligence
functions provided by the forces that shape the security environment
will open the door to global activity, multi-polar and often covered in competition
an international environment will continue. Intelligence
functions and advanced technology with the system of alliances
will play the world leadership. Military power is the only way to deal with such
diplomacy supported by intelligence functions
or forms of intervention are more appropriate. These developments; countries
have more effective and improved structures, facilities and methods.
show that they should be. Today political-strategic and economic
military-strategic intelligence rather than intelligence. This intelligence
orientation. Intelligence has not only become civilian, it has become very specialized
in the last 20 years, but
On the other hand, it became green.
Page 9
The description of the intelligence paradigm of the 2000s was made in the post-
September 11 period.
He was commencing. Intelligence should be suitable for a specific field and tactical
use. September 11
After 2001, the CIA began joint missions with the traditional military
it turned into soldiers. Soldiers in the darkness of American foreign policy in teams
in their cavities. Military-intelligence for the new American method of warfare
complex was created. In many battles marching apart and parallel, special
forces and intelligence officers should work side by side. Contractor confidential to
private companies
the task of establishing espionage networks and dictators in the region, unreliable
improved cooperation with intelligence services and proxy combat forces 14 . US,
terrorism secret
discovered the armed unmanned aerial vehicle (Predator) as the most important
means of war and
he still couldn't put anything near him. Intelligence services in the US
militarized and even their structures shifted to a military model; more central and top
leadership. Open source of human intelligence with the use of traditional espionage
ie agent
intelligence will be less valuable, social media intelligence will expand 15
Cyber warfare, drone and robots, specialized warfare, technology-powered
small groups will change the nature of the war.
Irregular battles; physical, intellectual and moral.
The modern war is experiencing a double vision crisis. The first is the problem of
intellectual vision.
He does not want to admit that he is facing a real technological revolution. Other
the problem area is the unresolved problems created by new technologies;
command and control
and the intelligence crisis. US fight against terrorism after two major wars in 5 years
Air operations against ISIS, special force operations and CIA deputy
wars. The resort is “smart defense” but it is a lot of money and a lot
Doesn't mean strong army. To see new situations in advance, to adapt
has the intelligence and training to overcome operational difficulties
It is to be. However, intelligence services with structures dating from the Cold War
it needs new approaches to struggle. Offensive for 21st century intelligence
hunter strategy is necessary, but this is not only about hunting terrorists,
working with the intelligence and security services and considering local sensitivities.
It requires 16 . At the stage of global terrorism, new, aggressive and Orthodox
requires non-tactics
17 . Although the CIA is an intelligence agency, the US
It was one of the main agents in the fight against terrorism 18 . For this purpose
covered activity tool
box (psychological warfare, information warfare, deception, political-economic and
operations). Paramilitary programs in recent years
In the training-equip, targeted killing programs came to the fore.
Priority of Intelligence; counterterrorism
According to the international security community,
the nature, and thus the objective of intelligence, largely non-state nation-states
actor Non-state actors were the primary targets. Nation-states are geographical.
within a certain geography and the address is clear. They have a long story and
14 Mark Mazetti, The Way Of The Knife, The CIA, The Secret Army, And A War At
The Ends Of The
Earth, Penguin Books, (New York, 2013), 4-5.
Jane Harman, Disrupting the Intelligence Community, Foreign Affairs, March-April
16 Cogan Charles, Hunters not Gatherers: Intelligence in the 21st Century,
Intelligence and National
Security 18, Nr. 2 (Summer 2004), 316.
17 William Akin, The Secret War, Los Angeles Times, (27 October 2002).
18 Commission on the 9-11 Terror Attacks, Intelligence Policy, Staff Statement No.7,
(Washington DC,
Page 10
intelligence, based on these stories to work to guide their leaders
It makes. Without a story, a new knowledge is simply empty. Interstate relations
hierarchical and bureaucratic, threat based. States' interests and objectives
to understand defense skills; tanks, missiles, size of the army, etc.
Terrorists (individuals, networks and organizations) are different in every way from
They're small structures, but even a suicide bomber can have big consequences.
The transformation,
Fluent and difficult to collect intelligence about hidden structures. He doesn't have
they are only there. Terrorists are often hidden within a public and about them
you should not harm the freedom of the civilian population while collecting
information. Very little about them
There is or no story. Since September 11, 2001, the hierarchy of Al Qaeda
Network, actions, ideology.
All these developments have an impact on intelligence organizations and
gives importance to studies. The first impact will be on the “intelligence iğ we are
talking about today.
the question of whether you would mean the same thing in 20 years with the concept
of “secret intelligence da.
Is the answer. Secret intelligence is the information that someone else doesn't want
you to know.
success. For this reason, agents are still being trained, in foreign countries
personnel are used and private communications are monitored electronically.
Information and
communication technologies companies still play an important role in international
They are playing. They established the infrastructure of revolutions in the Arab
movements 19 . for example
In Syria, opposition groups have benefited from companies (Google Map Maker).
map, provide human resources (crowd-sourcing program) and regime
they learned all the connections and locations of their members to their families.
approved by Google editors in the hands of opponents locally.
Name lists were 20
. Protesters, thanks to Google only electronic maps
they did not change, they gave the streets and streets their names. Thus, a possible
Through Google, they have developed a legitimate map for the peace agreement.
When the Syrian government complains to Google at the UN,
(!) Said they received from sources 21 . Insurgents and technology companies
in the Middle East, South Asia and Latin America.
They are playing.
The threats of the 21st century are now more than non-state actors,
terrorists, insurgents, extremists, organized crime, cyber
hackers, pirates. In the field of communication and communication
technological developments threaten hunger, famine, human rights, immigration,
diseases, etc.
made visible. Again in order to convince national governments in foreign policy
people will be used. For this purpose, the güvenlik persuasion ”method as a regional
security tool
innovative approaches. Specialized, high-tech confidential
activities can play a role in supporting local movements. Global public opinion,
emerged as a really important factor that strategists should consider
It stands out. Global communication makes “copying” possible. Instant and intensive
global communication; countries, their citizens (or other countries).
citizens) should hear, see, read, know and believe.
Erosion. Technology of people's life
the privacy of private life, while improving the quality of life and transforming the life
of society
was the subject.
19 Sims, ibid, (2014), 58.
20 Column Lynch, Syrian Opposition Seeks to Wipe the Assad Name Off the Map -
via Google,
Washington Post, (14 February 2012).
21 Lynch, ibid, (14 February 2012).
Page 11
Privatization of Intelligence
Since the 17th century, private companies have
Or the Standard Oil of the Americans).
Today, technology companies and country sovereignty and self-defense
Retrieving. There is no doubt that these companies are intertwined with the
intelligence services.
but even this is inadequate because even more
they are used as a more effective silah intelligence weapon undan than the group of
states. Never in history
they became a power multiplier in international politics. Cold War
There was a very big, very slow and very tough opponent during the reign. If today
we do not have the ability to take decisions and act faster than our competitors.
Private commercial companies and academic partners can help governments move
will help. Intelligence in the Cold War meant confidential information and
it was the job of the intelligence services to obtain this information that the party kept.
The information collected is a
and then reported to the higher authorities through secret channels. Today this
the system is neither adequate nor acceptable. Using the private sector as a
We are in a period. For example, a commercial company in space with an image
from China
illustrates a military aircraft parked at the airport. Outsourcing
not to break down to the private sector. With the commercial and academic world
strategic partnerships and joint projects.
It is used. Official and private intelligence manufacturers and consumers for different
they are increasingly intertwined. From news analysis to public diplomacy, from
joint projects are applied to deception.
After September 11, 2001, there was a silent revolution in US intelligence society
many large-scale jobs, outsourcing
Was given to companies. The basic functions of the intelligence services are now
private companies.
is performed by. In 2007, the US government roughly 2.8 trillion dollars
Of the estimated $ 1 trillion is spent on the job security federal budget 22 . US "de
the number of employees of private contracting companies is more than 7.5 million;
four times more. In the US, where the budget deficit exceeded US $ 10 trillion, the
Companies are given half a trillion dollars a year 23
. Published in May 2007
It was observed that 70% of the budget of ODNI went to contracts. The NSA's work
Without companies it is not possible. Pentagon's new intelligence unit
70% of CIFA 24 (Anti-Terror Field Action ) personnel
element is. 51% of the DIA employees in 2007 were in the same situation. The
situation in the CIA
it was no different. 50-60% of the CIA workforce, especially the National Secret
Service (NCS) and human
intelligence department employees belong to private companies 25 . Private
company employees, CIA
Pors Green Porsuks içindeki, hiring spies from covert operations in Iraq;
They have provided many sensitive services. Human intelligence on behalf of the
the intelligence services of other countries and
shared with other departments of the government. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Booz
Intelligence professionals of Hamilton, SAIC and other companies, ODNI and other
integrated into the analytical departments of intelligence services.
22 Christopher Hellman, US Security Spending: How Much Do We Really Spend ?,
Center For Arms
Control and Non-Proliferation, (Oct. 1, 2007),
spending / articles / how_much_do_we_spend /.
23 Shane Scott, Ron Nixon, In Washington, New York Times,
(Feb. 4, 2007).
24 CFA: Counterintelligence Field Activity.
25 Raelynn J. Hillhouse, Outsourcing Intelligence, The Nation, (July 24, 2007).
Page 12
Security and intelligence companies create a lot of innovations every day.
they began to become actors mentioned in the political arena. Lobbying or
employees in the management of these companies under
most of them are former intelligence services or special forces employees.
every day a transfer news from the intelligence world to the business world became
Since the budget details of the intelligence services are confidential,
It is not possible to say clearly that he is a company member. Contractor company
The use has become increasingly imperative from being an option. Increasingly legal
and legal
The line between non-use of power also disappeared. National security or
The main purpose of intelligence is to develop national interests. However, private
companies are increasingly
intelligence, security and defense policies. Private companies
intelligence in the field of intense interest in the determination of these interests
shareholders began to have a voice. State-owned private intelligence companies
it is being discussed how much staff, knowledge and expertise can control 26
. This
it may allow foreign sources to penetrate confidential information.
Surveillance and surveillance due to the relationship between intelligence
organizations and large companies
The role of monitoring in disguised operations
has become. In the US and Europe, the company is boiling about business
Intelligence services and in particular intelligence companies
find new markets after investment consultancy jobs and camouflage their outlook
lobbying, security and crisis management. Significantly
retired personnel in private companies
thinking of forbidding him to leave.
New Trends in Intelligence Functions
Intelligence, covert operations, propaganda and protective security capabilities;
a more prominent element of national security measures as intelligence functions
has become. Intelligence as a human endeavor today as it was yesterday
It remains. Organizations and technologies are developing new tools and methods
but the old-fashioned ones continue to be too valid to be ignored
It is. There are cases where low technologies alone are not enough and
therefore, all kinds of intelligence tools to complement each other to use
It is difficult. Intelligence planning process in the information age
mandatory implementation. More flexible, more harmonious and more responsible
A planning process should be established. Change fields for intelligence are as
sortable 27
- Collection,
- Evaluation,
- Warning,
- Security,
- Distribution,
- Budget and Programs,
26 Janine R. Wedel, Is the intelligence Community Out of Control? Washington Post,
(July 25, 2010).
27 Douglas H. Dearth, Intelligence in the 21st Century Re-focuing Intelligence to
Shape Strategic
The Joint
Page 13
- Organization,
- Human power,
- Compliance,
- Radical solutions.
Assessments of collection capabilities are as follows;
HUMINT; It's as important as it used to be because technology can't go anywhere.
The primary purpose of intelligence is to learn the intent of the target. Provide drape
documentation is becoming increasingly difficult. Espionage is becoming more and
more digital. Agent
type is changing.
SIGINT: has become one of the most important power multipliers. Custom
use a critical ability.
IMINTA; role is changing, statistics are no longer important. Commercialized
attention should be paid to their impact on operational security.
OSINT; not all useful information is clear, not all confidential information is useful.
It is important but difficult to investigate the reliability of resources.
US intelligence technical intelligence, especially GEOINT, SIGINT and MASINTa
As HUMINT is increasingly on the lost side
trying to read from communications, newspapers or measured emissions 28
Without this, it is difficult to confirm the opponent's intentions and capabilities.
The same problem is experienced in the field of tactical intelligence. Operational of
the 21st century
While the need for intelligence increases dependence on unmanned aerial vehicles,
intelligence is following the opposite trend. Behind most intelligence failures
Lack of HUMINT lies. The role of secret intelligence is transforming in the 21st
The place of intelligence and security issues in politics and public awareness about
this issue
Figure 1: New Balance of Intelligence
Robert David Steele, The Evolving Craft of Intelligence, in Robert Dover, Michael
Goodman, and
Claudia Hillebrand (eds.). Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies, Routledge,
(Oxford, 2013).
Analysis and evaluation; figures are no longer important
usage is decreasing. What we look for, what we are looking for in a large pile of
information matters
28 Gabriel Margolis, The Lack of HUMINT: A Recurring Intelligence Problem, Global
Security Studies,
Volume 4, Issue 2, Spring 2013, p.4-7.
Page 14
is becoming. Analyzing non-state actors with different skill sets
It requires. Instead of olmak being adequate ”,“ timely information ”, sometimes“
subject specific bilgi
intelligence ”stands out. Cultural intelligence should be developed.
Plenty of intelligence resources, real-time for operational needs
The need for information necessitates the integration of intelligence. Information
it is not intelligence unless they see it and is therefore potentially useless.
Developing their own specific methods of intelligence services, collection and
It is difficult. By integrating new technologies for collection resources and analysis
specialization should be developed. For today's complex intelligence products,
business and
informal continuation of cooperation and partnerships with academia
It is impossible.
The way we process information should also change. Universally a lot of information
is ordinary
It is open to all intelligence services as people and through the Internet
stability is followed. While there are reliable private companies, intelligence
gathering, processing and
the idea of leaving the task of presenting to the authorities alone is now over. This
There are great advantages of cooperations.
Long-term analysis and basic investigations are in the process of decline. Applied
The daily demands for policy support are now
goes beyond. Resources and analytics for long-term analysis
programs are inadequate. Investment in analysis should be increased. Strategic
monitoring and
anti-terrorism needs beyond classic budgetary practices and border controls
It raises. National security, internal security, crime and corruption, space and aviation
technology, advanced materials, biographical information, military doctrine and
there is not enough analysis capability to analyze the huge stack of information
acquired. Open
As resources increase, culture, history and language become more important. Real
for intelligence analysts will quickly search for information from foreign sources,
classify, store and re-add machine translation capabilities
must have.
Since the Second World War, weather forecasts are an intelligence function.
It was seen. Today, this function is seen as a public service. However, in the field of
change needs can bring new task divisions.
Intelligence analysis is still an intellectual business and occurs in the brain of
Intelligence is increasingly pessimistic. Bob Gates once said
The demiģt; When the CIA analyst stops sniffing the flowers, he's always around for
a funeral.
should look. If the policy maker is not optimistic, he cannot do his job. Based on
inductive, visionary, deductive, with a pessimistic outlook on the present world,
we are in one of two understandings that sees the world as optimistic as it imagines.
Intelligence does not produce policy, but when it is done right, it determines its
boundaries, its contribution
This is.
Warning intelligence; signs should be developed for early warning. Risk
is the essence of the problem. Alert intelligence is becoming increasingly tactical, but
sometimes all warnings
can be strategic.
Security; security has become more important than ever and paranoia
began to mix with. Economic security has prevented physical security. Intelligence
Opposing and Counter Espionage are becoming digital.
Distribution; paper products are being replaced and informal conversations are
taking place.
Timeliness is becoming more important than content. Both our and the opponent's
decision making
Page 15
We have to act according to the system. The classification with the degree of privacy
becomes minimal
It is coming.
Budget and programs; The life of the technology has become limited to months.
As dependency on companies increases, governments must act as businessmen.
Organization; Mi should we be organized as we think, organized
we should think as we are in conflict. Their location is always
The biggest obstacle to protecting and bureaucrats.
Human power; Keeping quality staff while training and professionalism stand out
or recruitment requires special incentives and satisfaction. Supply of native
the need creates sensitivity.
Compliance; necessary for strategic U-turns, in line at sharp edges
play is compulsory but troublesome.
Radical solutions; the reform will not come from within, the civil servant system
should be abolished.
In an environment of constant crisis but not in paranoia
operational durability required. Intelligence does not save bad politics,
must go.
Intelligence deals with reducing uncertainty, which means that as uncertainty
the need will also increase. Increased uncertainty environment after the Cold War
contrary to the alleged complex relations, the need for intelligence increased. 21.
In the 18th century, intelligence became more important for world politics than ever
Gulf War, September 11, 2001 attacks, Afghanistan and Iraq after the war
Color Revolutions and Arab Movements
security and international relations within academic and popular media
in terms of importance. Increasingly added for future crises and conflicts
and new intelligence capabilities. War as the change in threat
The changes in the field also necessitate changes in the intelligence society.
Today's questions are; anti-terrorism intelligence
how other activities affect other areas, early warning is still the primary priority of
whether the effects of the changing nature of the war on intelligence, the Middle East
contribution of regional intelligence to conflict management;
how to use the most effective means of crisis management in democracies
Military restrictions on intelligence. Desired information for intelligence and security
the nature of information is increasingly opposed to governments and organizations
of individuals and the state
It is shifting towards external actors. This need from travels to banking transactions
penetrate their personal information through SIGINT or HUMINT.
It requires. Thus, besides the moral importance of the protection of personal
information about more and more people using state-of-the-art technology
collection, penetration of private accounts, information mining “
toplum fear of society is increasing. Today, the world, international monitoring and
human hunting
it is still in the process of determining the state awareness and our response to stop.
Another point that attracted attention after the Cold War is that the nation states have
they are not the only actors in international relations and even some of their
non-state actors voluntarily or compulsorily.
Intelligence services, both these organizations and the new action against these
developed strategies. In particular, intelligence gathering and implicit activities
These organizations are utilized during the execution of the project. After the Cold
Page 16
commercial companies, non-governmental organizations, non-governmental
organizations, charities,
including voluntary organizations and missionary schools.
with different methods against intelligence services that extend its network with non-
official agents
struggle. The three basic dynamics of intelligence agencies are the same; who is the
what he wants, when he wants. Intelligence users are mainly country leaders and
advisers, policy makers and technical intelligence.
analysis. Intelligence professionals for the 21st century operations, practical
but innovative, fast, but with a system of quality information that will influence the
It should develop. Intelligence should be like a weapon system; gather resources
when needed
should be able to maneuver, adapt to traditional and kinetic systems.
An intelligence that moves in the right direction, doesn't get in the way, focuses on
long term
system and power projection. Now the 21st century paradigm
restructuring in order to capture, adapt, and take advantage of opportunities.
it is time to go and find new methods that are difficult to understand. Predicting the
the best way is to design the future ourselves. Intelligence falls in front of the country
opening, that is, preparing the future.İstihbarat_Eylül2017.pdf
Post-Modern Intelligence
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sait Yılmaz
July 21, 2017
Cold War intelligence was founded on state intelligence; human and technical
by means of intelligence, confidential information would be obtained. Today, the
multi-function (collection, analysis, implicit operations, etc.)
companies, hackers, proxy groups).
95% can be collected from open sources. Moreover, the increasing flow of
information such as avalanche, intelligence
because of overloading. So much data
In addition to the fact that there is no storyline, the intelligence
forcing mining and other information processing processes. During the Cold War
intelligence; the 'real' technical warnings' that have been obtained
It was based. New, where uncertainty is greater, information is analyzed more
In the period where the focal point of intelligence, subjective and the main purpose of
the target where,
there were 'possible' political warnings' about why and when a crisis could lead.
Real intelligence is about the future and is about what will happen at a future time 1
In the intelligence of the future, not only institutions and methods, but private and
concepts in character will also change. Much more use of intelligence and
With the integration of intelligence will become more widespread in every sector of
social life
but it will become increasingly different, dissuasive and difficult to define. Briefly,
intelligence will both undergo transformation, as well as the intelligence work done
will be difficult to say. Strategy in the Cold War depends on too much intelligence
and the intelligence organization was an intelligence factory working with the Fordist
method. Today
If your goal is to depend on intelligence, because your goal is not deter, avoid. This
Therefore; penetrate terrorists, potential competitors, their tendencies and
We have to. Intelligence is no longer a process, but a war. On the other hand,
intelligence is increasingly becoming the function of the state, the focus of Modernist
the role of non-state actors in intelligence functions is irreversible
is increasing.
The quest for intelligence continues to be a permanent problem area for theory
It is. Intelligence organizations need to work in changing and accelerating working
to find new concepts and methods to adapt. concept
work not only provides a solution to the challenges faced,
It should also meet the need for a post-war meta-theory. Your future is more
and developing an intelligence theory within a complex security environment will be
more difficult.
Although intelligence workers are prone to Realism, the social
theories should be utilized. Post-Modern theory, new security for intelligence
It offers valuable analytical tools as well as a different perspective on the
As a matter of fact, the value of these means is seen in military sociology studies.
The modern intelligence concept meets all the needs of the contemporary
intelligence environment.
provide a comprehensive concept framework and
resources and methods to be adapted to the new period
Therefore, it is an essential working area. Post-Modernism, the uncertainty we are in
will help us understand the environment more and develop new policies.
1 Robert M. Clarck, Intelligence Analysis, A Target-Centric Approach , CQ Press,
(Washington, DC,
2007), 172.
Page 2
it has an important social theory potential. Because the most important changes in
the social field
and social methods are now replaced by reflexive methods.
It helps us better understand Post-Modern's view of the world, utopia and
studies in the field of dystopia
has a very important and necessary contribution to deepen. This
after presenting a framework on the Modern and Post-Modern world view
I will give you clues to the basics of post-modern intelligence.
Modern World and Social Sciences
According to the natural sciences, social sciences
they began to develop and changed everything, a century in which everything was
the 'most'.
They are the product of the 19th century. The emergence of social sciences in this
century and different
disciplines, the formation of Modernism originating from England and Capitalism
directly associated with its emergence. Social sciences, seemingly innocent effort,
Although it is a field of activity that produces information for the problems of
he often stayed away and acquired hidden roles. Social sciences, 19th century
the body of Western societies
- Covering the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production,
- Establishing a theoretical framework for the superiority of the West over the East,
- The West came up with the function of legitimizing world sovereignty.
Social sciences are European, carry European identity and passport,
activating and legitimizing Westernism (Eurocentrism) ideology
has assumed a role 3 . Euro-centered as an instrument of Western sovereignty
social sciences, the most important constructive element of ideology,
has maintained its ideological watchdog for two centuries 4
. Countless times humanity faces today
the ideological weapon of Capitalism, which is the basis of evil, socio-ecological
and social sciences as a means of legitimation; exploitation, looting and plunder
function. We mean that the states that are the foundation of the modern world
all the techniques he used to reign over
based on concealed camouflages; facts about exploitation and oppression
consciously kept out of sight 5
. Social sciences, such as globalization
a process that builds an order solely for the benefit of the sovereign powers of the
trying to hide that. The owners of globalization through social sciences
trying to cover the contradictions of the social world. Social scientists, the path of
with; who cannot understand the reality and course of the social world;
severed, alienated, destroyed consciousness, lost the ability to think,
indexed itself to consumption, imprisoned in the stomach, flocked and massed
they design a world of people.
Information structures are not separate from the basic movements of the modern
world system.
The legitimacy and functioning of the political, economic and social structures of the
the item. Historically, structures of knowledge are most relevant to the continuity of
the current world system.
2 Sedat Şenermen, Retention of Reason with Historical Practices Locking, Nergiz
Publications, (İstanbul, 2017),
3 Sezgin Kızılçelik, Globalization and Social Sciences , Anı Yayıncılık, (Ankara,
2012), 205-206.
4 Fikret Baskaya, The Dark Balance of Globalization , Maki Press Publication,
(Ankara, 2009), 184.
5 Maurice Duverger, Introduction to Social Sciences in Terms of Methodology ,
Trans: Ü.Oskay, Bilgi Yayınevi,
(Ankara, 1973), 92.
Page 3
developed ways to contribute. Information contained in the modern world system
The three basic elements of the structures are as follows:
- Modern university system,
- Epistemological (philosophy of knowledge) separation between the so-called two
cultures (East-West),
- Special mission of the social sciences.
The qualitative one initially evaluated together with imperialism and colonialism
studies, which produced the knowledge of the indigenous to the West, muqtah,
telling the story of the other
it served as a vehicle. The first half of the 20th century was dominated by the
positivist view. This
period, between 1945-1970, social processes, social control
Many qualitative studies have been conducted to understand the mechanisms.
Ethnometodology 7
8 , this period in which critical theory and feminist debates raised the voice,
symbolic interactionism, structuralism, Neo-Marxism, semiology 9 and ethnic studies
different research techniques with the development of oriented theories (in a sense
There was a new era (1970-1980) that opened the door to strategies. Case studies,
research strategies that extend to embedded theories suggest historical,
biographical, ethnographic
began to take off. In this period, the boundaries between social sciences and
He was blurred. From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, qualitative
While there is a representation crisis in the studies, the researches and the way of
writing these researches
gained a form of reflexive look. Critical theory and feminist studies,
it was discussed that validity, reliability and objectivity were far from reality and
The importance of experimental ethnographic writing, the theories described in the
This period, in which it is argued that it can be read from stories, is also referred to
as “Post-Modern da.
identified. In this period, the place of great narratives; local, small and specific
received research focusing on the problem or situation.
The great narratives of the modern world emerged in utopias. "Utopia"
means kel a place that does not exist, içerisinde but over time “a good place is ideal.
place ”. Post-Modernity is called dystopia.
It is not the opposite or the other of modernity. Dystopia, losing its opposite to a
it is the remnant of modern self-destruction. Social scientists (political scientists,
economist, historian, anthropologist, orientalist)
especially sociologists have played great roles in realizing its utopia.
Sociologists, civilization, democracy, human rights as a means of Western
concepts such as emancipation
they tried to cover the truth by editing. New World with 1980s
Order, Americanization, Alliance of Civilizations, End of History, Late Capitalism,
Modernism, Localization and Neo-Liberalism
Introduced by 10
. Today presented as a means of wars and political repression
democracy development, development stories, colorful revolutions, moderate Islam,
social sciences and the contributions of the most sociologists.
has. However, every step towards the realization of the utopia
6 Immanuel Wallerstein, European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power , Trans:
S.Önal, Aram Publication, (Istanbul, Turkey)
2007), 68.
7 Ethnometodology; sociology of everyday life.
8 Phenomenology; to capture the essence within the phenomenon by studying
phenomena and data of consciousness.
9 Semiology; all processes involving the interpretation, production or understanding
of signs.
is a science based on systematic examination of factors.
10 Sener, supra, (2017), 98.
Page 4
in fact, almost all utopias brought humanity closer to dystopia.
dystopia. For example utopian design set out to create a Rose Revolution
but the result was blood and tears. Dystopias, promising system in utopia
instead, they draw tomorrows where dark clouds collapse. Basically all
wars, occupations, massacres are designed for a better future (utopia) but
they eventually create a bad day (dystopia). Sociologists 'to do with destruction'
Modernism, described as “creative destruction da in its own wreck
inhabit 11
Socialism of Modernism
Modernity and its economic form, Capitalism,
exploitation, oppression, state violence, war, genocide, disease, famine, ecological
destruction, crisis and
He laid the groundwork for the dark side of the utopian imagination full of debt.
20th century, mafia and gangs touring arms, drugs, prostitution and violence
increased, the state
social order in which institutions such as the family and a certain sanctity are corrupt.
uncovered. Leaders, politicians, elites and more who hold power from the past to the
the main task of businessmen and information disseminators,
mechanism was to improve efficiency. According to the Shock Doctrine; social
mek disasters (war, political)
crisis, natural disaster) ”to turn the opportunity, even to ask is essential 12
. War, education, health,
religion, entertainment, family, marriage institution, population birth, death, social
memory, history, gender
issues that affect individual and society in general
it changed according to the imagined social order and the tendency of the governing
In some administrations, these concepts were harshly suppressed and
those who did not comply were severely punished. In others, to manage them
a utopian atmosphere of society was created. Individuals were uniformized,
mechanized, and individualized.
lost their properties. War, holy war, religion, nationalism,
as an indicator of patriotism, masculinity, courage, maturity, agility, strength and
transferred and glorified. Individuals or characters lined up to go to war,
they tried to prove themselves. Similarly, executive power, education
as a means of endocrination and instilled his own thought. Strength in hands
banned books, ignored philosophy, a history of its own
chose education. Manages and manipulates other issues other than war and
Powerful in the modern world, to protect the existence of the system, different
admitted. The structure that governs the society, preserving its existence, individuals
according to the system
to shape, to provide ideal, utopian order, social engineering or society
manages society through engineering methods 13
. Accept the resulting dystopia
different methods are followed. In some dystopia dystopic targets
it is achieved through tolerance, sweet language and freedom. In some dystopias
violence, uniformity and the forbidden mind. Such methods
then, transferred fictional management; totalitarian, oppressive, despotic,
authoritarian, monolithic
or dictatorship. These applications are designed to
some individuals living in the order. Character,
Zygmunt Bauman, Postmodernism and Discontent , Trans .: İ.Türkmen, Detay
(Istanbul, 2000), 32.
12 Özgür Taburoğlu, Disasters: The World Surrendering to the Earth , East West
Thought Magazine, Year: 20,
Issue: 80, March, April, May 2017, 51.
13 Emrah Atasoy, Utopianism, A General and Critical Perspective on Utopia and
Dystopia , East West
Thought Magazine, Year: 20, Issue: 80, March, April, May 2017, 61.
Page 5
comprehend how the system works over time. Awareness and awakening by
external influences
search for identity. Ultimately, a longing for a meritocratic society order
starts. A unique identity independent of the dogmatic structure of the system,
tries to develop personality . This conflict has occurred in several ways.
results 15
- The governing structure suppresses and controls the individual. Taking control
then by applying some methods, the individual can normalize again or
consent to normal. With the secret agents he put in this society,
This type of characters can cause dangerous, confidential, illegal information flow
plays an important role in providing. Normalized individual, re-system
begins to accept and appreciate this time. With what a possible uprising
will continue to live obedient knowing that will result. In fact, only when alone
He has taken off a mask and is waiting for a day to act again.
At this point, the success and system of the system
the ability to protect management.
- Another possible consequence is to control the dystopic individual.
if it fails, it goes to destruction or causes it to be excluded from society. management
the threat is tried to be eliminated by using all opportunities. Management in a sense,
he preys and destroys the individual he deems dangerous. Thus, the survival of the
system was maintained
It happens. However, in dystopic systems, the individual is destroyed, but his
ideology, real understanding and
The hope lives on other characters. So even though it is physically destroyed, it is
could not be destroyed.
Picture 1: Product of Modern Society Engineering; Utopia & Dystopia?
The society that has lost hope, the external addresses outside the governor
Engineering. Hope utopia remedy
14 Tom Moylan, Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian
Imagination, Peter Lang AG,
(2014), 231.
15 Atasoy, supra, (2017), 62-63.
Page 6
society. Therefore, from art to pedagogy in the world,
utopia in many fields from architecture to sociology, history to social engineering
studies are conducted and the utopia perception is emphasized.
As a result, Modernity is an unfinished project. Modernity
project remains a waste society 16 . However, the greatest of mankind
one of his abilities is the power to start things that he cannot stop. These are wars,
the new and the great
The starting. This is a black hole in the universe of the remaining posts. Thus
of pessimism, frustration, loneliness, fragmentation, chaos, pain and deaths
thinkers in this environment is dominated by dystopia. Because what happened
After seeing the pain, the devastating events, the frustrations, people, citizens and
they are concerned about warning, warning and criticizing societies. made
In the imaginary community order presented in dystopic studies usually the individual
/ main character
and the system. In this conflict, power balance, hegemonic
factors such as discourse, epistemological superiority, manipulative attitude gain
A new perspective on the information world as a way to solve the modern world
are being developed. This is the basis of Post-Modernism.
Knowledge and Power in the Modern World
Like all utopias, Modernism itself is a desire for certainty. modernity
the idea of order becomes more rigid with the existence of all kinds of uncertainty
that it cannot rule.
It draws a boundary as it solidifies. Every modern state has both external and
internal drawbacks.
the perception of the enemy that he creates drags the utopia into a paranoia and
determinism, redefined boundaries, constantly re-created internal and external
Brings enemies along. According to Benedict Anderson; nation, an imagined political
and communities; he was also given both sovereignty and limitation.
is an imagined community . In other words, the state system we live in today, society
structure, nationalism, almost all the borders we have drawn, for our wars,
our dying is always the product of a dream. At the center of the criticism
power takes place. This is a paranoid power that is afraid of its citizens. Your own
and to prevent individual freedoms in order to ensure its continuity. Even
thoughts, emotions and bodies take control. All kinds of resistance opportunities
aims to eliminate. Individuals who are oppressed are no longer citizens but
each machine is a victim 18
. The masses in the dystopia
it becomes indifferent and this results in the dissolution of society itself. People
they have become indifferent to values but a threat to these values
if they do not feel it, the resulting unrest may spread throughout the
can produce results 19
. Dystopian society, isolated with a hyper-modern domination
the destruction of others after being forgotten or forgotten. Actually
living in the world, seizing the human body and freedom of understanding of the
politics of bio-politics
totalitarianism prevails.
16 Mesut Hazır & Talha Deveci, Life is a Dystopia, A Utopia from Modernity to
Society in Dystopia Dichotomy, Journal of East-West Thought, Year: 20, Issue: 80,
March, April, May
2017, 113.
17 Benedict Anderson, Imaginary Communities, Origins and Spread of Nationalism ,
Trans .: İ.Savaşır, Metis
Publications, (Istanbul, 2011), 21.
18 Pınar K. Üretmen, Foucault's Power and Concept and Agamben's State of
Emergency Opening , East
Journal of Western Thought, Year: 20, Issue: 80, March, April, May 2017, 143.
19 C. Wright Mills, Sociological Tahayyül , Trans: Ö.Küçük, Hil Publications,
(İstanbul, 2016), 23.
Page 7
It is a life, and now it is the intertwined feature of every ideological view.
where he lost 20
Modernity's rigorous rationality and
its connection to technological efficiency is related to the ability to supervise
This modern vision, also known as 'Cartesian perspective', is a distance away.
connected to a rationalist project to rule the world.
. This
rational vision assumes the function of 'non-living absolute eye'. This eye, corporate
forces living in different environments (such as rooms, houses, factories, schools,
developed in the modern era and
interpreted as a growing form of surveillance 22
Today surveillance; social media and personal
As the concentration of data protection discussions shows,
expanded. Everyday life is becoming more and more
While the control of the police brings the end of privacy, the police state's concrete
controlled by virtual space and digital systems.
Inspection and surveillance in the modern world have become a part of everyday life.
Disciplinary society that modernity tries to create, keeping individuals in fixed spaces
electronic and digital control in the post-modern society.
systems have been dominant.
In the dystopias, the powers have to produce the information, the existing knowledge
as it wishes.
control or eliminate. Internet as a means of communication,
a democracy and expression since its introduction by societies
freedom was offered as an apostle. In later times, the work is said too much
it was not like. Because political powers cannot intervene
they did not want to endure the existence of the medium and soon
They took their places. One of the biggest advantages of the society through the
one is the ability to access some of the information hidden by political powers.
Another function of power is the reproduction of reality. Foucault, power
to incorporate objects and concepts into the right-wrong game through
It indicates. Political power is about what is right and wrong about a concept.
generates information. By problematizing sexuality, for example,
and distributes these truths by medical, psychiatric or religious means. Sexuality,
sovereignty over the body. Knowledge is now a phenomenon of power
contributed to it by supporting power 23 . Scientists
their work is expected to support power instead of being impartial. This system
it becomes operative with the desire of power everywhere and constant surveillance.
No one knows when they're being watched, but to live with the feeling of watching at
any moment.
continues. Therefore, he tries to pay attention to his movements. After a while
it turns into subjects that supervise itself. This, the power to control every moment,
it creates a space that is very convenient in its application of the aim of maintaining
the pressure at all times.
People who think they are being spied on at any moment, a normality that the power
deems appropriate
try to stay within the framework. Thus, instead of external pressure, power is an
internal one.
20 Producer, supra, (2017), 164.
21 Kevin Robbins, Culture and Policy of Image and Vision , Trans .: N.Türkoğlu,
Detay Publications, (Istanbul, Turkey)
1999), 45.
22 Jon Orr, Cinema and Modernity , Trans: A. Bahçıvan, Ark Publications, (Ankara,
1997), 84.
23 Michel Foucault, The Eye of Power - Power and Knowledge , Trans. Ergüden,
Detail Publications, (Istanbul, 2003),
Page 8
control mechanism. Power produces the information, normal and abnormal
It establishes its sovereignty by identifying and observes at any moment makes this
domination continuous 24
Thought police are always after you,
you may be denounced and accused of being disliked. Notices are encouraged,
those who are treated as “heroes..
Famous sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920), intellectualization and rationalization
In a world dominated by scientific processes, scientific development
it fell; that 'meaning' in collective and individual life is disabled and backward
that only the instrumental priorities of the present time remain; in other words
indicates that the spell is broken 25
. Such a state of knowledge is
the rationality criteria on which politics is based never
indicates no spill. The basis of these criteria, knowing, producing emotions,
the field
their field
while this definition is always rejected in practice. 21st century
The dystopia that he hosted, no longer concealment of this rejection, contradiction
it can be understood due to its unmaskability and deferrability. The provision of
academic life at a time when emotions assumed to be under
it is located in the heart of dystopia with its social and political extensions.
Ultimately, the socio-political extensions of such an academy
lockdown, the virtue of personality and thus expel the citizen from the scene
Gaining visibility with. Today, with the breakthroughs in communication technology,
time is destroyed by the end of geography and time and
There is a crisis of representation in the perception of space. When the rhythm of the
time was never
globalization process, cyber space gaining importance and knowledge
with the electronic circulation, social relations
It is stripped. With the overcoming of the space-time barrier, our world has shrunk
has become computer-centric. The encirclement of daily life by the cyber world
It shakes the sense of belonging provided through the space. Quick information and
fluidity and time-space compression resulting from consumption of the individual,
the ability to understand and cope with the reality around him
It has been tarnished.
Post-Modern World; Utopia-Dystopia, Gas Information
According to post-modern theory, we are talking about three types of worlds;
Traditional (Modern
), Modern and Post-Modern.
(1) In traditional societies, an individual is a member of an eternal cosmic order
already established.
falls into, finds all the roles given. Without questioning those roles as the time comes
live in harmony and die. In such a society to the world and society
There is no utopia. The ideal society, usually attached to the depictions of the
religious universe
examples are found 26 . Everything is determined by the ancestors and the
ancestors and indigenous
It is in place. Intertwined with the cosmos, this individual and society does not need
the discourse of 'good life'.
An already defined good life will be lived and gone. Heaven, by human
it is not a place to be created, but after a righteous life
is the one to be won. Religion is not dissociated with science or clergyman with
Even life and death are not separated. Death is everywhere and comes from.
Imaginary focus,
24 Producer, supra, (2017), 158-159.
25 Transmitted by Alan Woolfolk, Disenchament and Rebellion in Alphaville, Steven
M. Sanders (Ed.) The
Philosophy of Science Fiction, Lexington, Kentucky, The University Press of
Kentucky, 2008, 196.
26 Krishan Kumar, Utopianism , Trans: A.Somel, Imge Bookstore, (Ankara, 2005),
Page 9
It is determined by God and it is not the individual or society that determines it.
In summary, a traditional society does not produce utopia and
it would not attempt to design the entire world accordingly . One for all times
creating heaven is the work of God, and courage to it requires deification.
(2) The emergence of the nation-state in Europe in the 17th century
It is considered to begin with the emergence. Although the basic elements of
modernity are controversial
generally; often become state, industrial economy, capitalism and class system
It covers. Modernity, according to its own claim, is an irregular, uncertain
chaos begins to work society. Multiple and heterogeneous entity area as chaos
modernity, designer modernity. Modern society has its own
it needs the other and resort to violent coverage and exclusion.
The other of the Modern is not the Post-Modern, but the traditional, and it ignores the
(3) Humanity is now in the Post-Modern era before and after the Modern
and this period will come in the long run with radical social changes.
Significant economic and technological changes, impact on social structures and
It is. Macro level; political and economic systems of industrial period
fragmented and capital intensive production, information intensive from urbanized
It is being restructured towards dispersed and global systems. Master of the new era
The elements are as follows;
- Post-industrialization; the balance between labor and economic value
The factory is shifting from product to information intensive service sector. This
The term also represents the transition from machine technology to intellectual
- Post-Fordism; The mass production model arising from the Taylorist ideal
workers, while products are differentiating and entering more specific markets.
less involved in the production process.
- Globalization; changes in the field of social, economic and information global
scale, the state; modern units such as companies, education and health institutions.
can no longer control.
Probably the bottom of the crises that capitalism has experienced in the last two
hundred years
wave is shaken by a phase. The socio-political phenomena of Liberal Modernity
The irrationalization of contradictory-uncontrolled-knowledge of the utopia of
modernity / reason
We are being pushed towards the dystopia embodied in the non-use trio. This is
order, with a particular form of capitalist organization, draws the limits of living
to the extent that it is directly or indirectly linked to a particular political unit.
deadlock, instead of knowing only for a particular country, the case, for collective
to the extent that it operates through the practice of knowing, within the dynamics of
It is hosting. This dystopia, the trio of account-control-rationalization in the 20th
established by the academic knowledge of the market / business / study knowledge
In the 21st century, academic knowledge and the knowledge of the moment are
locked into the moment.
can be defined as identification.
Education in the West still flows through the universities of Fordist Capitalism
Weberian walks through the combination of responsibility and ethics of Kantian
The dystopia of modern academy can be explained as follows; locked to the moment
left, not stretched, not extended, not spoken on,
27 Charles Taylor, Secular Age , Trans: D.Körpe, Is Bank Cultural Publications,
(Istanbul, 2014), 41.
28 Daniel Bell, The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society , Basic Books, (New York,
1999), 34.
Page 10
obsolete, hence unaccumulated, untransmitted information; gaseous information
. Time-
academic knowledge in space jamming (how many publications per time)
was largely geared to consumption and hence the permanence was forgotten, the
knowledge became gas
convicted. The introduction of foundation / state universities into capital markets or
with mutual invitations; academic knowledge, quality and quantity of production, neo-
free-market order and increasingly Post-Fordist production, namely Anglo-American
pinned to the model.
Thanks to Utopia, human beings do not lose hope and optimism.
He worked. However, wars, economic crises, environmental factors,
technological developments and inhuman events lead to the shaking of utopian
It has opened. Even the idea that utopian thought was naive became widespread.
as a result, more pessimistic society, frustration, failure and
describing the social reality of "dystopia", it has emerged as the anti-utopia type 30
The idea of utopia has existed for centuries, and many new perspectives
enabled. Dystopian society is released in a universe of “posts“. dystopia
As Post-Modernity, the journey ending before reaching the destination, without
fading flower,
Dried fruit in the branch. Post-Modernity is the end of social; spill
masses, not masses. They are unresponsive, the power of neutrality to be neutral.
In dystopias, friends quickly turn into enemies, enemies turn into friends, and an
enemy (the other)
is very easy to determine. The society cannot hold its own destiny, unrest and
indifference. Accepting (or accepting) living in fears
a society that is fed by these fears and its existence depends on it.
a scene of society in which the mechanisms have a say. This
is a forgetting civilization in uncertainty. People struggle in agony,
sinks Post-Modern subject, the momentum and speed of the global network
property. Post-Modern hero, fluid and flexible
the collective memory sense and holistic view.
in an amorphous universe whose angles are damaged,
enters into a mobility. The world we live in is now a heterotopia
a large number of scrappy worlds overlapping in an impossible place, or
It is placed side by side or superimposed with each other, although not commonly
measured 31
Post-Modernity and Post-Modernism
The concept of Post-Modern first appeared in the 1930s. 1950s and 60s
It was used to explain cultural developments in the West. In the late 1970s, a
began to become social theory 32
. In relation to social sciences, Post-Modernism,
objectively opposes the scientific method, depending on the circumstances of the
truth and culture
he claimed it could change. Post-Modernity, which he wrote for the first time in 1979,
In the report, Jean François Lyotard brought up, drawn and defined the limits
is a concept 33 . Although this definition has been discussed for many years,
based on time. Lyotard, modernist era of the great beliefs, commodities
he states that narratives and great utopias are no longer valid. What is Post-
is still a very controversial issue. Everyone of Post-Modernity and Post-Modernism
There is no complete definition accepted by. What is interesting is Post-Modernism,
29 Simten Coşar & Leyla Bektaş-Ata, The Dystopy of the Modern : The Neoliberal
Understanding with Ethnography , East West Thought Magazine, Year: 20, Issue:
80, March, April, May 2017, 75.
30 Atasoy, ibid., (2017), 55.
31 David Harvey, Hope Places , Trans: Z. Gambetti, Metis Publications, (Istanbul,
2008), 64.
32 Perry Anderson, The Origins of Postmodernity (London: Verso 1998);
33 Jean François Lyotard, Postmodern Status , Trans .: İ.Birkan, Bilgesu Publishing,
(Istanbul, 2013), 16.
Page 11
the epistomological assumptions of the modern approach and the methodological
methods. In other words, knowledge and knowledge in intelligence theory
concepts, finds all kinds of truth meaningless and ultimately
it is also against modern policy recommendations 34 . So let alone an intelligence
a realistic intelligence focused on supporting
it seemed difficult to even contribute to the concept. But in the last twenty years
studies have yielded unexpected results.
Post-Modernism draws attention to the existence of multiple identities. Basic five
Post-modern theme include;
- End of great narratives; Post-Modernism, modern society and knowledge
rejects large, unified theories. Instead of alternative explanations and more parts
piece suggests world views. Modernism's linear and progressive understanding of
historical development
rather, it reveals a story in fragile and chaos.
- Stop searching for absolute facts; Post-Modernism rejects objective truth and
instead, it focuses on the role of the researcher. From observations to find the truth
rather than reading social and linguistic structures in the creation of knowledge.
- Lost centers and vague identities; Post-Modernism, most of Modernism
The basic fact of the individual identity is different. Post-Modernism, female / male,
reconstruct structures of social identity from opposite poles such as man / machine,
local / global
advocate taking into consideration. Technological, social and economic in
contemporary society
changes affect these contrasts.
- Fluent boundaries; The solid-edged boundaries of modernists disappear. Big
at the narrative level, competing Modernist approaches (political-economy,
determinism, social construction, Liberalism & Marxism)
is replaced by explanations. Empirical level; states, regions, cultures and
as a result of economic, technological and social change
is becoming more blurry.
- Knowledge economy; economists and cultural theorists
and production is less mass in post-industrial societies.
agree. These developments are more of a dissolution of society.
network hierarchical structures and interactive personal
from the media to ending corporate loyalty and increasing autonomous information
brings a trend.
Post-Modern concept framework art, commerce, social relations and management
as applied to many social areas. Recent discussions for the military
It also provided a useful perspective for the intelligence services. scientists
to the Post-Modern army through today's Modern-based military institutions
They worked on the concept, analysis made 35 . One-dimensional analytical of the
Cold War
rather than a structuring, a concept based on the changes after 1990
changes in the roles, duties and structure of the armed forces within
It was thought. These changes have now led to a decline in the role of the nation-
state in conflicts.
and a period in which Western armies became increasingly marginalized from their
own societies.
34 Pauline M. Rosenau, Postmodernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads
and Intrusions
Princeton University Press, (Princeton, 1992), 3.
35 Bernard Boëne, ' A Tribe among Tribes: Postmodern Militaries and Civil-Military
Relations?' , XIV th
World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, 26 July - 1
Aug. 1998, 1.
Page 12
came. Most military sociologists worked for this adaptation but initially
there was little agreement between them. Two important scientists involved in the
it maintains a conservative structure, ie it opposes changes against Modernity.
he insisted. However, over time, the army strikingly
albeit at an initial level, it was seen to have a different structure 36
. Western armed
close historical and institutional relations between the forces and the intelligence
looking at it, discussions over the Post-Modern army shifted into the field of
intelligence. Already
He was the representative of the modern, bureaucratic state in two structures. Post-
Cold War roles and
the tasks were similar for military and intelligence agencies. However, for the
intelligence community
a purely military perspective could not be considered. There were two important
First, the emergence of the two institutions was not simultaneous. Today's armed
It was a relative evolution of a culture from centuries ago. Modern Western
was born in the middle of the 20th century. Second, the reason for the existence of
knowledge / intelligence production, post-modernism, rather than the trends
more would be affected. Because these trends are based on the nature of
information and information
the institutionalization of the activities required radical transformation.
Post-Modern Intelligence.
Post-Modern intelligence to understand where to go primarily from intelligence
It is necessary to make a due diligence. Intelligence, just like the state and the army
their structure is also a product of Modernity and even later than others.
In the modern era, states have become bureaucratic nation-states, industrialized and
it has acquired massive combat capabilities. However, contemporary Western
intelligence, the Second
Complex bureaucratic structures, strategies and tactics, doctrines after World War II
processes and cultures, such as the emergence of professional people
It formed. During the Cold War, the modern Western intelligence society, a garrison
a permanent intelligence bureaucracy capable of global surveillance within the state
. This intelligence society and other modern state institutions and Capitalist
it had the characteristics of institutions. For example, the wheel concept with
intelligence production,
It was taken from the Fordist production model. Most intelligence agencies are
hierarchical and
bureaucratic organizational structures were close to the Weberian bureaucracy
model. Intelligence
organization and activities of the Turkish society to the geopolitical and technical
needs specific to the Cold War.
had arranged. Three important features of the Cold War that steered intelligence
I had;
- The perceived threat was more ideological and, in its scale and reputation,
process and professionalism.
- Due to the solid and military nature of the target, intelligence efforts are hidden and
technical, military and scientific
He asked.
- Although there were some surprises during the Cold War, the geopolitical
predictable, and the main intelligence task, the strategic and military assets of the
monitoring and keeping predictability within certain limits.
These features of the Cold War, modern intelligence and society away from the
36 Bradforth Booth and David R. Segal, ' Are Post-Cold War Militaries Postmodern?'
, XIVth World
Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, 26 July - 1 Aug.
1998, 2.
37 Christopher Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence
Community, Heinemann
Press, (London, 1985), 17.
Page 13
Shaped their organization 38 . The end of the Cold War was the end of the Soviet
and the nature of the threat has changed due to
brought pressure to change and reform. Reform discussions; information revolution,
transnational and
Added the effects of developments such as the emergence of non-state threats.
Radical reform
pressures, though often with new evolutionary understanding of Realism and a new
role in intelligence.
a process of adaptation to the tasks was experienced. Intelligence organizations
regional problems they focus on, terrorism and organized crime.
They're headed. On the one hand, technological advances have led to the use of
open resources.
on the other hand, it brought technology-based applications within the organization.
With this
together, the reforms were aimed at geopolitical developments and budgetary
therefore, they could not go beyond being temporary measures. Intelligence
organizations quickly
the concern that it has always lagged behind in developing and unpredictable
today continues. What is needed is a larger and not yet familiar
approach to the creation of a new concept for intelligence agencies and intelligence
The ends may be hidden within the Post-Modern theory.
To understand the possible contribution of Post-Modernism to contemporary
we can make a summary 39
- The fragmentation of goals, roles and tasks; Great narrative of intelligence
It ended with the collapse of the Soviets. Now the intelligence community; multiple,
overlapping and
often trying to understand the opposite narratives. Just like Post-Modern literature
to hear the voices of social groups that have been marginalized and so far excluded
started. Thus, Post-Modern intelligence, pre-marginalized goals
began to explore. The focus of the Cold War was the USSR.
slow and linear developments appearing in the security environment
comfort. Today, the intelligence community is dynamic in a chaotic world.
understand the nonlinear developments caused by the elements of systems
It is difficult.
- Puzzles not secrets ; Defines the problem of Cold War intelligence, looking for
he knew the truth and would direct the intelligence work accordingly. Contemporary
intelligence is
he doesn't know exactly what he's after, even if he knows the truth.
- Identification; Who against whom for the intelligence service during the Cold War
was not difficult to understand. Today, governments, non-state actors, multinational
companies are structures where intelligence is produced and used, and
location is not easy to determine.
- Fluent boundaries; Western intelligence long ago UKUSA signal intelligence
(Echelon) had already entered the path of globalization. However, the Cold War
At the time, countries had clear and impermeable borders. In the contemporary
environment, this
The limits become fluid and permeable. Horizontal one hand generating information
and intelligence
information networks compete with vertical state structures, while loyalty and
The professional expertise within the intelligence organization is melting. Hidden
technologies and
the shift in the area of expertise to the private sector or commercial technology and
more and more intelligence is being used in the field of intelligence.
- End of the intelligence factory; Intelligence production classic industrial
38 Michael Herman, ' Diplomacy and Intelligence', Diplomacy & Statecraft 9/2 (July
1998), 1–22.
39 Andrew Rathmell, Towards Postmodern Intelligence, Intelligence and National
Security, (2002),
17: 3, 97-98.
Page 14
was part of the concept. Information and communication technology and social
The information economy, which is realized, also covers the scope of the intelligence
as in the army.
How should the intelligence be in the post-modern environment? Post-Modern
intelligence, captive past and no truth written in capital letters
it tries to depict only the circumstances in which it is bound.
Thus, it tests how much the utopias overlap with the truth. the Reality
to give a better view, gives up all the usual logic constructions. Thus,
it moves away from duplicating copies that move and think in a single direction.
It reverses traditional relations, understanding of history, view of nature and world
It sets free moral and conscientious values. Only your enemy
instead of a hate wheel where the target is considered, a new information system,
it transitions to a completely different ethical landscape where classification is
Post-Modern Intelligence Application
With the introduction of Post-Modern understanding in Post-Modern intelligence
Four related examples are used.
Information Revolution. Cyber and digital technologies, social with converter
economic and political structures continue to change and the end of this revolution
we can't see where it will go yet. Intelligence of information and communication
There were many reflections to the world. Especially those in the field of organization
and culture
attracted attention. The information revolution, the factory that emerged just after the
Industrial Revolution
intelligence structures such as companies and the armed
It is changing. The old structure is hierarchical, task-based, intensive with middle
managers and
it was a relatively inflexible system. Information and communication technologies
the modern structure is more horizontal, network-based, more flexible and task-
oriented 40
. Information
and the reflections of developments in the field of communication are so extensive
collecting them in a concept area is not easy. Knowledge in capital and business
industry, while the intelligence world is becoming more and more
cultural and structural transformation.
Open source information . Open source information, geopolitical information
the freedom of information and communication revolution to gather, merge and
it made it easier to distribute. Moreover, the target in the new period
the growth of the field, the intelligence services of the existing data banks fashion
past. All these developments, open source intelligence studies
and many intelligence questions through open sources.
started to be answered. However, the open source environment raised some basic
For example, what is intelligence in an open source environment? Since intelligence
is classified,
What is the added value to intelligence products? Open source environment, satellite
TV channel
information from a combat unit or video from a satellite.
timely, accuracy and
How will the reflection on traditional principles such as completeness? Open
sources; information
horizontal, transnational, non-classified information networks and intelligence
between banks and individuals.
structures require new structures. These horizontal networks are sometimes special
integrations, compartments and degrees of confidentiality.
Intelligence operations. Among the trends described above, in particular
aggressive intelligence operations and perception management; long-term
40 Savvas A. Katsikides, The Societal Impact of Technology, Aldershot, (Ashgate
1998), 37–49, 73-84.
Page 15
scientific knowledge at the level of cultural, psychological and political
It will require. For intelligence that can be mobilized in these areas, all aspects are
taken into account
will take a multi-faceted approach and understand the goal of building language and
social issues
need to be In order to obtain such information, the intelligence
structures, rather than the main work of intelligence structures will be consulted.
Therefore, different methods and methods are required for intelligence collection and
It will be. For defense intelligence operations or strategic information provision,
real-time cyber monitoring, including comprehensive, public, private and
transnational networks
It will be used. In addition to traditional intelligence structures, this
together, it will make it necessary for the sector to share information beyond the
borders of the country.
Dynamic change. Horizontal and social behaviors
chaotic dynamic change requires more systematic attention. The first reason for this,
A less predictable and more complex view of the post-Cold War era
that is to say, unexpected changes gain a norm. On the other hand, physics
developments in information theory and complexity theory
provides a framework for understanding and conceptualizing chaotic events 41
In addition, the information revolution and the other important military and media
developments have increased the speed of decision making. Political and military
monitoring, engagement
the link between being, making decisions and taking action,
Intelligence is an alternative to predicting, predicting and defining a possible future.
help us find methods. Intelligence analyzer for forecast and trend analysis
develop alternative thinking structures. Thus intelligence, constant change
can follow in the footsteps of the truth 42
. Post-Modern theory, changing environment and intelligence
it provides different perspectives in understanding and defining its nature. Thus new
change in organization, process and application to adapt to the period
trends. Intelligence society, despite political and institutional traditions,
change through “intent” rather than the pitfalls of scientific and technological
will adapt to the waves 43
. Post-Modern analyst, sometimes bureaucratic and cultural
Despite the barriers, the usual cause of intelligence failures
be able to challenge the structure and processes. Chaotic world environment for
The three main reflections on the basis of concept are as follows;
- the concept of knowledge industry; intelligence understanding industry
understand the true nature. In the digital age, now the intelligence factory
understanding of the end
and changing processes and cultural norms.
- Lost centers and flowing borders; Identities in the new intelligence world
While mutating constantly, there is only one answer to who the intelligence customer
They do not. Like the intelligence environment, organizational structure and
individuals are constantly changing and
vague appearance. Identities for intelligence officers in the Cold War model
the prominent personalities firmly connected and prominent. Today, horizontal
is now more preferred. Regardless of the subject and source
are trying to reach.
41 David Alberts and Thomas J. Czerwinski (Eds.), Complexity, Global Politics and
Security, National Defense University, (Washington DC, 1997), 41.
42 Douglas H. Dearth, ' New Directions for Intelligence ' by Douglas H. Dearth and
Royal Thomas
Goodden Strategic Intelligence: Theory and Application, US Army War College,
Carlisle Barracks,
(Washington DC, 1995), (note 5), 385–400.
43 Charles Leadbeater, Living on Thin Air, Viking, (London, 1999), viii.
Page 16
- Acceptance of the reality of change; continuous change dynamic, vertical
is in a non-accelerating trend. This is the political, social, technological and
economy. Rather than analyzing these reflections
understanding is the most difficult part of following Post-Modern developments. Post-
changes in the intelligence process, especially collection, evaluation and forecasting
functions are affected.
Post-Modern intelligence is more difficult to describe than difficult to find remedy
means. There are three main reasons for this difficulty. Primarily Post-Modern
it is not a framework compatible with its elements. Post-Modern Frame Full
in practice, it can create confusion rather than understanding the situation.
On the other hand, Post-Modern thought is more about short-term geopolitical
It focuses on long-term social transformations. Therefore, more historical
broad reflections of certain events caused by generic social forces in the process
for explanation. In doing so, from Modern to Post-Modern, a long
adopts the transition period. Intelligence for itself in these historical changes
it must carefully distinguish between necessary and non-essential. Finally, today
state structures, armies and intelligence organizations
because it is in a hierarchy; Post-modern intelligence, contemporary era
function within the sharp edges of social, political, economic and technological
must be aware of what they see. These contradictions, the challenges facing
contemporary intelligence
understanding and reform needs. Understanding these contradictions, Post-
It will also help shape the working concept of modern intelligence. if
If the framework of post-modern intelligence is carefully drawn,
to formulate remedies and to change that affect contemporary intelligence.
we will be able to adapt. To sum up, now the benefits of the Post-Modern approach
challenges to post-modern intelligence.
It is time to reveal the possible reflections.
Post-Modern Strategic Intelligence Model
Intelligence in the face of a static and hierarchical threat during the Cold War
Many of the analytical tools, methods and processes developed to
it is also used against a wide range of threats. However, intelligence
organizations (the intelligence community as a whole) understand new threats and
develops alternative analysis techniques to monitor change. Post-Modern
In the world, the product of the modern state is the role of state in international
relations and in particular the security of the state.
are challenged by non-actors. Private sector, pressure groups, civil
many non-state structures, such as community organizations,
is trying to break the monopoly on intelligence issues. In these developments, new
diversification of security issues and the emergence of
the difficulty of intelligence agencies to find solutions to all of these is also effective.
It is. All of these effects on intelligence organizations and understanding and
traditional intelligence understanding is very difficult. Non-state actors of intelligence
and understanding and combating non-traditional threats and risks.
the need for innovation as the organization is obvious. For this purpose, different
studies are carried out.
Alfred Rolling describes the security as new, electronic and globalized.
Post-Modern strategic intelligence model for the environment. Conventional method
Two major innovations of this model in which it was revised scenario prediction
models and mosaic
Page 17
It is a method. As shown in Figure 2, the model consists of eight separate stages.
- It all starts with the vision and assignment of the policy maker,
determine the purpose and strategy. Intelligence separates them into small tasks
determines the required work. Starts daily business using intelligence methodology.
- In the second stage, the analyst will present to the politician the next morning the
day before
prepare information and discussion (daily briefing). Briefing becomes short and
focuses on the subject of the previous day and the subject of today. Face to face or
electronic briefing 15-20 min. takes.
Figure 2: Strategic Intelligence - Post-Modern Method
Source: Alfred Rolington, Strategic Intelligence For the 21st Century, Oxford
University Press,
(Oxford, 2013), 11.
- the third stage of the model; 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
the intelligence agencies, law enforcement and commercial
mobile information, intelligence and question and answer service is provided to
users. These are constantly
updated, users always penetrate the current information in the area they need
they are allowed.
- Fourthly; intelligence wheel and linear intelligence analysis inside
questioning and asking specific questions to policy makers for intelligence gathering
and generation;
orientation. Thus, the methods and techniques applied
the politician is required to respond more to the intelligence needs.
44 Alfred Rolington, Strategic Intelligence For the 21st Century , Oxford University
Press, (Oxford,
2013), 11-12.
Page 18
- In the fifth stage, long-term understanding and future, goals and objectives
There is a 'strategic planning process' for the planning of operations aimed at This
traditional, long-term, strategic approach is used for planning. Scenarios and
With the mosaic network method, prejudices and fixed glances are tried to be
- In the sixth phase, to understand the potential future outcomes
scenarios are developed. The different groups formed discuss by playing different
Different results are formed by forming three or four separate groups, generalist and
expert oriented,
three or four different future images are produced. Groups are both relative and
radical changes.
- Following the cultural background and prejudices of the policy maker and analyst
intelligence, mosaic method,
The process is transformed into a puzzle of past, current and strategic perspective.
especially to be understood; how the enemy sees the truth,
the purpose and why the result is separated from your perspective and how.
Figure 3: Continuous, Interactive, Connected Process
Source: Alfred Rolington, Strategic Intelligence For the 21st Century, Oxford
University Press,
(Oxford, 2013), 170.
- The final stage of the process is for the planning meeting to be held every 4-6
needs. Here, the problems of different intelligence methods and solutions
how to take forward.
All the players of the process do face-to-face
they are in electronic contact and their work subjects are constantly
Page 19
According to historians, the 20th century was the 'century of intelligence'. Many
states need intelligence
and spied on each other. 20th century technology
us as a means of intelligence radio, radar, solid-state electronics, satellites,
and internet. Today, while modern institutions are dimmed; power, increasingly non-
actors (NGOs, terrorist organizations, etc.). Intelligence organizations
in the search for change and adaptation to new technologies,
they are getting new faces. On the other hand, even foreseeing a very near future
identity has become blurred. Intelligence in the age of terror
services 'who are responsible for monitoring' is looking for the answer. Intelligence
organizations, above all, adapt to a cultural change, new situations
need to be organized in such a way that This change, the system
needs a staff that will question, find alternative futures instead of status quo
has removed 45
. The search for an alternative future will benefit from social theories, utopia-
It is at the center of Post-Modern understanding with dystopian relations. The end of
the modern world
the deep crisis of the state, capitalism and industrialization
It is within. The result is post-modern waste society and the end of utopias or
It is the world. Utopians focus on the problems of the present, not the future,
they design the 'ideal' in the world they create based on today's problems.
Dystopias are more contemporary than narrative of the future world.
It points to the dark tunnel in which the world entered. The world we live in is literally
is a dystopic environment. -What to fight for? raised the question
It raises. Where there is no utopia to wait, always
It is dystopian. Dystopias, unlike utopias, do not tell the present, but the future, in fact
alarm. Therefore, to avoid the negativities of the modern world and
to post-modern intelligence and social scientists to rewrite the future
Great work falls.
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