Lesson Plan FINAL
Lesson Plan FINAL
Lesson Plan FINAL
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students should be able to:
a. Identify the fundamental arms and feet positions of dance
b. Appreciate and execute different skills involved in the dance
c. Perform movement sequence using the fundamental arm and feet positions.
III. Procedure
a. Daily routine
Checking of attendance
b. Recall/ review
The teacher will recall the last topic about ethnic dances.
c. Lesson proper
1. Motivation
The teacher will play a music entitled “La Jota Moncadena”. While
listening to the music, the students will identify the pictures of different
folk dances in front.
2. Discussion
What is folkdance?
Philippine folk dances involve expressive movements of the arms
and feet. These movements came from the fundamental arms and
feet positions.
Demonstrate the Fundamental Arm Positions
1. Raise your arms to a circle in front of your body as if you
are holding a big invisible ball.
2. Open your arms from the first position out to your sides in
a graceful curve.
3. Raise one arm overhead while the other hand remains in
second position, keeping your arms curve and your hands
4. With one arm raised overhead, bring your other arm in
front of your chest in a half circle.
5. Raise both arms overhead. Your arms should be curved and
the palms of your hands are facing down.
Demonstrate the Fundamental Feet Positions
1. Bring your heels close to touch but your toes apart.
2. Slide your one foot to the side until your feet are about
shoulder width apart.
3. Bring the heel of one foot to touch the instep of the other
4. Slide the foot infront of you so that it is directly infront of
the other.
5. Slide the foot infront of you and bring the heel of one foot
to touch the toe of the other.
3. Application
Each group will perform the Fundamental of arms and feet positions.
4. Generalization
Before we perform some of Philippine Folk Dances, it is best to
start with the basic steps. We must learn fundamentals of arms and
feet position for us to easily perform different Folk Dances.
5. Evaluation
All students must define the position that I will perform in front.