Fe Unit 1
Fe Unit 1
Fe Unit 1
The field and laboratory studies carried out for obtaining the necessary information
about the subsoil characteristics including the position of ground water table are known
as soil exploration.
To obtain the information about the stratigraphy (study of arrangement of strata) and
physical properties of the soil at site including the ground water table conditions of
site which may be required for the safe and economic design and execution of the
engineering work.
3. What are the methods of soil exploration? Or What are various methods of site
exploration? (Nov/Dec 2010)(Nov/Dec 2016)
It consists of the geological study of the site and site reconnaissance. During the visit the
study of local topography, excavations, cuttings, drainage patterns, and other natural
factors like streams, flood marks , etc. are made.
5. What is detailed investigation? (Dec 2012)
It is to determine the nature, sequence and thickness of various subsoil layers. Lateral
variations of soil layers, physical properties and ground water table positions are also
Making and advancing of bore holes by the process of drilling is known as boring.
It depends on the following factors:
a) Nature of soil.
b) Position of water table
c) The ease and accuracy with which the changes in the soil and ground water
conditions can be determined.
d) Disturbances of soil samples that are to be taken.
a) Disturbed samples.
Representative samples
Non – representative samples
b) Undisturbed samples.
The natural soil structure gets modified or destroyed during the sample operation.
With suitable precautions, natural moisture content and the proportion of mineral
constituents can be preserved this types of sample is known as Representative samples
Representative samples are useful for identifications.
In addition to the alteration in the original soil structure, soils from the other layers get
mixed up and the mineral constituents get altered this type of sample is known as Non-
representative sample
Non-representative samples are of no use
11. What are undisturbed samples?
Undisturbed soil samples are the one in which the original soil structure and the
material properties are preserved.
a) Penetrometer test, b) Pressuremeter test, c) vane shear test, d) plate load test and
e) Geophysical methods.
a) Standard penetration test, b)Dynamic cone penetration test and c)static cone
penetration test (or Dutch cone test)
A site investigation report is the collection of the investigated data, exploration and
testing programme reports which may be required for long term or ongoing observations.
If required recommendations related to design and construction may also be suggested.
1) Investigation, 2) borehole logs 3) final and laboratory results, 4) analysis of the data,
5) recommendations and 6) preferences.
17. What are the corrections to be applied for the N-Value obtained from the STP?
18. What is inside clearance, outside clearance, area ratio and recovery ratio?What
is its use? (May 2009/May 2012)(Nov/Dec 2013) Explain the terms inside clearance,
outside clearance for a sampler (Nov/Dec 2014)
Area ratio:= 2
19. What is significant depth of exploration? (May 2004) (or) What is meant by
significant depth of investigation? (Nov/Dec 2014)
Depth of exploration is done till a suitable foundation material is found which can
withstand the load transferred to the soil from the structure within the permissible
limit of settlement. This depth is known as “Significant Depth of Exploration”.
20. List the important parameter to fix the significant depth of exploration. (May
Significant Depth of exploration should be carried to a depth such that the net increase in
soil stress due to load of the structure is less than 10 % of the average contact pressure.
21. What are the factors affecting the sample disturbances? (Dec 2008)
Dimensions of the cutting edge and the sampling tube, the characteristics of non-return
valve and the wall friction are the major factors affecting the sample disturbances.
22. Write the function of bentonite slurry in rotary drilling method of boring (May
Bentonite slurry or drilling mud is forced under pressure through the drill rod and
it comes up bringing the cuttings to the surface.
Bentonite slurry is also used for eliminating the friction on the driving rods.
Rock Quality Designation (RQD). It is the ratio of the total length of the core recovered
to the length of the sampler used.
24. Define Bore log and what are the uses of bore log repot? (Dec 2012) (or) Write
the uses of bore log report. (Nov/Dec2015)
Information on subsurface conditions obtained from the boring operation is
typically presented in the form of a record, commonly known as Bore Log or bore log
Uses of Bore log report:
Bore Log is useful in describing or classifying the various soil and rock types
encountered, data regarding the ground water table and the list of methods used in
g iv e n
Di 40m m
Do 42m m
2 2
Ar 2
2 2
1 0 .2 5 % 1 0 %
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Thus, the sample obtained from the sample is considered as a disturbed sample
28. What is the objective of site exploration? (May/June 2013)(Apr/May2018)
29. List the field tests commonly used in subsurface investigation?(Nov/Dec 2013)
30. What are the two common test used for determining the bearing capacity of the
The depth at which suitable foundation material is found which can withstand the load
transferred to the soil from the structure within the permissible limit of settlement.
This depth is known as “Significant Depth of Exploration”.
34. How do you decide the depth of exploration? List the factors you will
consider.(Apr/May 2015)
The depth of exploration at the start of the work may be decided according to the
following guide rules, which may need modification as exploration proceeds:
1. Isolated spread footing or raft: One and a half times the width.
2. Adjacent footings with clear spacing less than twice the width: One and a half
times the length.
3. Pile foundation: 10 to 30 metres, or more, or at least one and a half times the width
of the structure.
4. Base of the retaining wall: One and a half times the base width or one and a half
times the exposed height of face of wall, whichever is greater.
5. Floating basement: Depth of construction.
6. Weathering considertions: 1.5 m in general and 3.5 m in black cotton soils.
The increase in volume of granular substance when its shape is changed, because of
greater distance between its component particles is called dilatancy.
36. What are the limitations of Static Cone Penetration Test? (May/June 2016)
This test is unsuitable for gravelly soil & soil for having SPT N value greater
than 50.
Also in dense sand anchorage becomes to cumbersome & expensive & for such
cases Dynamic SPT can be used.
This test is also unsuitable for field operation since erroneous value obtained due
to presence of brick bats, loose stones etc.
The field and laboratory studies carried out for obtaining the necessary
information about the subsoil characteristics including the position of ground
water table are known as soil exploration.
The scope is to obtain the information about the stratigraphy (study of
arrangement of strata) and physical properties of the soil at site including the
ground water table and its positions.
Methods of exploration: Subsoil explorations is carried out in two stages,
(A)Preliminary Exploration (General exploration)
The primary aim of general exploration is to get an approximate picture of the
subsoil condition at a relatively low cost.
The information so obtained should suffice for the design and execution of minor
and routine engineering works.
General exploration is also recommended where detailed exploration may prove
very expensive.
General exploration is thus able to give information about the following
Depth, extent and composition of soil strata
Depth of rock
Groundwater level
Engineering properties
Approximate values of strength and compressibility of soil strata
Preliminary selection of foundation type.
(B)Detailed Exploration:
Detailed exploration follows as a supplement to general exploration when large
engineering works, heavy loads, complex and costly foundations are involved.
The method consists of driving a casing pipe usually through a heavy drop
hammer supported on a tripod and pulley.
Water is forced under pressure through a hollow drill rod which may be rotated or
moved up and down inside the casing pipe.
The lower end of the drill rod, fitted with a sharp cutting edge or chopping bit,
cuts the soil.
The soil thus cut gets mixed with water and floats up through the annular space
between the casing pipe and the drill rod
The slurry flowing out provides an indication of the soil type.
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The change in soil strata can be surmised from the rate of progress and the slurry
flowing out.
In this method, heavier particles of different soil layers remain under suspension
in the casing pipe and get mixed up.
Because of this, the samples recovered from the wash water are of no value.
Samples of the soil should be obtained through suitable samplers after the
borehole has been cleaned.
Wash boring can be conveniently used even below water table in practically all
types of soil except hard soils or rock.
This method cannot be used for hard soil and rock
samples recovered from the wash water are of no value.
In this method we get only disturbed samples
3. Write a detailed note on the types of sampler used in the soil exploration.(May
2009/May 2013) (or) Explain the arrangements and operation of stationary piston
sampler. State its advantages over other samplers. (May/June 2106)
Soil samples are classified into three categories: open drive samplers, piston samplers,
and rotary samplers.
This sampler consists of a seamless open-end steel tube with a cutting edge.
The tube is connected to the drill rod by means of a head.
The sampler head provides vents to permitwater and air to escape during sampling
and also has a check valve to retain the sample during the withdrawal of the
A piston sampler has two parts: a) sampler cylinder b) piston system. The piston
cylinder is activated separately which fits tightly in the sampler cylinder.
Till the completion of the sampling, the piston is kept in the same level in the as
the cutting edge of the sampler.
At the required depth the piston is kept in position and the sampler alone is pushed
into the soil independently and thus cutting the sample out of the soil.
The negative pressure developed above the sample during the sliding of the
sampler from the piston holds back the samples during the withdrawal.
After the sample is collected both the piston and the sampler tube are removed at
the same time.
Piston sampler is useful in sampling saturated sands and soft & wet soils.
The presence of the piston prevents rapid squeezing of the soft soils into the tube
and reduces the disturbance of the sample.
Block or chunk samples are obtained from the open excavations like test pits,
rafts, etc.
For chunk samples the soil should possess minimum cohesion.
During excavation, a sample of 40 X 40 cm block is left undisturbed.
From this block, a cube of 30 X 30 X 30 cm cube is made by trimming with aknife
or trowel.
An open-ended box is slide into the sample and the gap between the sample and
the box is filled with dry sand.
The end of the box is filled with paraffin wax.
4. Explain in detail about the number and disposition of the trial pits required. Also
explain depth of exploration.(May 2008)
The number and disposition of the trial pits should reveal the major changes in the
thickness, depth or properties of the strata at the site and immediate surroundings.
The number of bore holes depend on the extent of site, uniformity of strata, nature
of the structure and the loading diagram.
In large sites, geological study is made to determine the number of boreholes or
trial pits.
For compact building sites of area around 0.4 hectare, one bore hole at the center
and one at each corner will be sufficient.
For smaller areas one bore hole at the center will be sufficient.
For larger areas,sounding and penetration tests are conducted to find the
penetration resistance. Based on the penetration resistance, the area is divided into
50 m or 100 m grid patterns for trial pits.
Depth of exploration
It is done till a suitable foundation material is found which can withstand the load
transferred to the soil from the structure within the permissible limit of settlement.
This depth is known as “Significant Depth of Exploration”.
It depends on the type of structure,size, shape and position of the loaded areas,
intensity of loading, soil profile and soil properties.
As a general rule boring should be carried to a depth such that the net increase in
soil stress due to load of the structure is less than 10 % of the average contact
The drill rods should be of standard specification and should not be in bent
The split spoon sampler must be in good condition and the cutting shoe must be
free from wear and tear.
The drop hammer must be of the right weight and the fall should be free,
frictionless and vertical. The height of fall must be exactly 750 mm. Any change
from this will seriously affect the N value.
6. Explain static cone penetration test. (or) Explain with neat sketches about STP
and SCPT?(Nov/Dec 2013)(Apr/may2018)
The static cone penetration test normally called as the Dutch cone penetration test (CPT)
is the most popular of the penetration tests.
The popularity of the CPT can be attributed to the following three important factors:
General introduction of the electric penetrometer providing more precise
measurement and improvement in the equipment allowing deeper penetrations.
The need for penetrometer testing in suit technique in offshore foundation
investigation in view of the difficulties in achieving adequate sampling quality in
marine environment.
The addition of other simultaneous measurement to the standard friction
penetrometer such as pore water pressure and soil temperature.
At field SCPT is widely used of recording variation in the in-situ penetration
resistance of soil in cases where in-situ density is disturbed by boring method &
SPT is unreliable below water table. The test is very useful for soft clays, soft silts,
medium sands & fine sands.
This type of penetrometer consists of a 600 cone with a base diameter of 35.6mm
(section area 10cm2. A sound rod is screwed to the base. Addition rod of one meter length
each is used.these rods are screwed or attached to bear against each other. The sounding
rod move inside mantle tubes. The diameter of the mantle tube is just sufficient for the
By this test basically by pushing the standard cone at the rate of 10 to 20 mm/sec
in to the soil and noting the friction, the strength is determined.
After installing the equipment as per IS-4968, part III
The sounding rod is pushed in to the soil and the driving is operated at the steady
rate of 10 mm/sec approximately so as to advance the cone only by external
loading to the depth which a cone assembly available.
For finding combine cone friction resistance, the shearing strength of the soil qs,
and tip resistance qc is noted in gauge & added to get the total strength.
This test is unsuitable for gravelly soil & soil for having SPT N value greater than
Also in dense sand anchorage becomes to cumbersome & expensive & for such
cases Dynamic SPT can be used.
This test is also unsuitable for field operation since erroneous value obtained due
to presence of brick bats, loose stones etc.
Describe the principal and procedure of conducting sub soil exploration study using
seismic refraction method (Nov/Dec 2017)
In this method, shock waves are created into the soil at their ground level or
certain depth below it by exploding small charges in the soil or by striking a plate
on the soil with a hammer.
The radiating shock waves are picked up by the vibration detector (alsocalled
geophone, or seismometer), where the time of travel gets recorded.
Either a number of geophones are arranged along a line, or the shock producing
device is moved away from the geophone to produce shock waves at given
ρ= 2 D (E/I)= 2 DR
p = mean resistivity (ohm-cm)
D = distance between electrodes (cm)
E = potential drop between outer electrodes (volts)
I = current flowing between outer electrodes (amperes)
R = resistance (ohms)
To correctly interpret the resistivity data for knowing the nature and distribution of
soil formations, it is necessary to make preliminary trial or calibration tests on
known formations.
The depth of exploration is roughly proportional to the electrode spacing.
For knowing the horizontal changes in the sub-soil, the electrodes, kept at a
constant spacing, are moved as a group along the line of test.
This method is known as resistivity mapping.
For studying the vertical changes, the electrode system is expanded, about a fixed
central point, by increasing the spacing gradually from an initial small value to a
distance roughly equal to the depth of exploration desired. The method is known
as resistivity sounding.
Soil Sampling
In general soil samples are categorized as shown in fig
Disturbed samples:
Natural structure of soil get partially or fully modified and destroyed.
With suitable precaution natural water content is preserved
Maintain the original proportion of the various soil particle intact
Obtained by direct excavation, augers and thick walled samplers.
Used for mechanical analyzers, water content determination, index properties test, compaction and
These are stored and transported such that the original composition is preserved.
Undisturbed Sample:
It retains as closely as practicable the true insitu structure and water content of the soil.
For undisturbed sample the stress changes cannot be avoided.
The following requirements are looked for:
No change due to disturbance of the soil structure,
11. Write short notes on selection of foundation based on soil condition. (Nov/Dec
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12. Explain in detail the salient features of bore hole report.(Or) Describe the
salient features of a good sub-soil investigation report. (M/J-2016)(N/D
2016)(Apr/May 2018)
Information on subsurface conditions obtained from the boring operation is
typically presented in the form of a boring record, called bore hole report.
A continuous record of various strata identified at various depth of the boring is
Description or classification of the various soil and rock types encountered, and
data regarding ground water level have to be necessarily given in a manner on the
A field log will consists of this minimum information, while lab log might include
test data presented alongside the boring sample actually tested.
Sometimes a subsurface profile indicating the conditions and strata in all borings
in series is made.
This provides valuation information regarding the nature of variation or degree of
uniformity of strata at the site. This helps in delineating between good or poor
The standard practice of interpolating between boring to determine conditions
surely involves some degree of uncertainity.
18. How do you decide the depth of exploration? List the factors you will consider.
(April/May 2015) (Q.No:34, Pg.No:9)
19. Write the uses of bore hole report. (Nov/Dec 2015)(Q.No:24, Pg.No:6)
20. What is mean dilatancy? (Nov/Dec 2015)(Q.No:35, Pg.No:10)
21. What are the limitations of Static Cone Penetration Test. (May/June 2016)(Q.No:36,
22. What are the methods of soil exploration? Or What are various methods of site
exploration?(Nov/Dec 2010)(Nov/Dec 2016)(Q.No:3, Pg.No:1)
23. What are the information obtained in general exploration? (Nov/Dec-2016)
(Q.No:37, Pg.No:10)