Cagayan de Oro City - PLATE NO.
Cagayan de Oro City - PLATE NO.
Cagayan de Oro City - PLATE NO.
Cagayan de Oro City
___________________ SCORE
Promptness. Submit the plate on
DATE DUE : time. (20 pts)
Neatness. Calculations are organized
and written clearly and neatly with
___________________ minimal corrections/erasures. (20 pts)
Figures. Scaled figures are presented
GROUP NO. : with set of engineering calculations.
Engineering drawing principle is applied
_________ in presenting figures/sketches. Figures aid
in explaining the details of the
calculations. (15 pts)
Synthesis. Solutions must contain
synthesis. Synthesis is a discussion which
consists of reasoning from self-evident
proportion, laws or principle to arrive a
precise answer and solution. It may be
interspersed with numerical calculations
SUBMITTED BY : or written at the end of the solution.
Answers are also summarized and
labelled. (30 pts)
________________________ Individual Work. Are encouraged to
STUDENT consult one another or the instructor
regarding the problems encountered in the
process or working the laboratory.
However, the final work must reflect a
final work without doubt. The instructor
will not tolerate any attempt to cheat,
SUBMITTED TO : however minor in may be. An attempt to
cheat will result to zero (0) grade in the
laboratory for both the offender and the
student who allows his or her work to be
ENGR. MARK HEINTJE A. CUANAN copied. (15pts)