Re: Inhibition of Judge Estrada
Re: Inhibition of Judge Estrada
Re: Inhibition of Judge Estrada
Re: Inhibition of Judge Bienvenido R. Estrada, Regional Trial Court, Branch 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan,
in Civil Case No. SCC-1822
G.R. NUMBER & DATE: A.M. No. 98-1-32-RTC. July 29, 1998
NATURE OF CASE: Court’s Resolution regarding Judge Estrada’s decision to inhibit himself from the
Umengan Estate v Rural Bank of Binmaley
DOCTRINE/PRINCIPLE: Inhibition of Judges
Judge Estrada inhibited himself from the “The Umengan Estate v Rural Bank of Binmaley on the
ground that he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Rural Bank of Labrador – one of the
o Court required Judge Estrada to explain why no disciplinary sanction should be imposed on him
for holding a position in the Rural Bank of Labrador
o In his answer, he said that he resigned in the Board effective May 31, 1997
o Upon investigation, OCA informed the court that Judge Estrada was transferred to the Judiciary
some time in May 17, 1994
Petitioner’s Arguments:
Respondent's Arguments:
FALLO: WHEREFORE, Judge Bienvenido R. Estrada is hereby REPRIMANDED with the WARNING that
repetition of the same or similar acts for which he is being reprimanded will be dealt with more severely.