MECE 6357 Computational Fluid Dynamics Term Project Specifications
MECE 6357 Computational Fluid Dynamics Term Project Specifications
MECE 6357 Computational Fluid Dynamics Term Project Specifications
1. Submit a BRIEF PROPOSAL on fluid flow problem you wish to solve, or discuss it with me. This
should be related to a problem having a known analytical, physical, or other numerical solution
which can be used as guidance and for comparison with the obtained numerical results. Use Fluent
as the basis for your simulations; if you want to use other software, discuss it with me first. Those
of you taking the second semester of this course will be expected to tackle a more challenging
2. A careful survey of the existing literature related to this problem should be undertaken. Make use of the
science citation index (Web of Science) and other computerized library databases: Google Search
“uh web of science” and click on the second or third link. Review the physical and analytical
aspects of the problem and its solution as well as possible numerical solution techniques. The
writeup should include a critical evaluation of all your numerical solution attempts at each Stage.
IMPORTANT: For every reference paper you discuss or include in your Bibliography, be sure to
include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number for the paper as well as Number of
Citations. (See below for more info.)
3. Define a sequence of intermediate simulation problems leading up to your final goal. There will be 3
Stages and you will need to prepare reports to be turned in for each of these stages.
This should include the sections (see Page 3 for description) Introduction , Literature
Review , and Methodology , as well as Results for two preliminary simulations leading up to
your final goal. A preliminary Bibliography, and Table of Contents should be included. You
should perform a critical evaluation of your numerical solutions as described in 4. below.
Demonstrate how your success with these preliminary problems will build confidence in your final
You should now have new Results to present that are much closer to your final project
goal, or at least represent a significant advance over your Stage 1 report. You should continue
performing a critical evaluation of your numerical solutions as described in 4. below. Initiate the
Discussion section, including critical interpretations of your work so far, and an assessment of the
work remaining to complete your final report.
This should include updated, finalized versions sections from Stages 1 & 2 as well as a
Title Page and Abstract.
4. Make a critical evaluation of all the numerical solutions you have obtained. Your report and class
presentations should emphasize the most important computational and numerical aspects of
the problems you are simulating rather than just analyzing the results. Address the following
a. Does the solution behave in the manner you expected? How does it compare with the
analytical, physical, or other numerical solutions you have found in the
b. Does the solution converge in both space and time (or iterative convergence for
elliptic problems)? What is the order of accuracy? (See Section 3.9 in the text
and Class Notes for more details). Make quantitative plots clearly demonstrating
convergence in space & time as t , x 0 . Be sure to show what happens
and discuss the numerical behavior as the mesh or time step becomes too coarse.
c. For what values of the important parameters and/or imposed initial/boundary
conditions in the problem can you obtain accurate solutions? For what values do
the numerical methods breakdown? What is the nature of the breakdown in the
numerical solution?
5. Your report should be written in your own words. Be sure to clearly credit all references, and when
using material from another source verbatim, make sure it is included in quotation marks.
Plagiarism, or copying of material from a source without using quotes or giving proper credit is
unethical and may result in no credit for the project.
You may make use of internet CFD web sites such as Cornell University to learn how to do CFD.
However, if you do so, you must list them in your references. In addition, your report should
contain simulations and study examples different from those used on the CFD web sites, and the
analysis and interpretation should all be in your own words.
Late projects will have 10 points (out of 100) deducted per day past the deadline.
The DOI number is given on the WOS page that comes up when you mouse click on a title for more info on
that paper. Example:
DOI: 10.1017/S0022112098001116
Term Project Papers should have the following sections:
Title Page
One paragraph summary of key issues and conclusions in your paper
Table of Contents
List all key sections in paper with page numbers
Why are you interested in this topic?
What are the major issues addressed in your paper?
Why are they important?
Brief description of approach used in your paper.
Literature Review
A careful survey of the existing literature related to this problem should be undertaken.
Make use of the science citation index (Web of Science) and other computerized library
databases: Google Search “uh web of science” and click on the second or third link..
What are the seminal papers in this topic? What are the most cited? Summarize key
What techniques were used in obtaining the results reported in your literature review -
e.g. empirical, experimental, numerical, analytical?
Give details on methods you are using to obtain your results.
Describe the main fluid dynamical issues that are relevant to your chosen problem.
What have been the major engineering challenges?
What are the related major new developments from fluid dynamical research?
Use carefully selected tables and graphs fully commented to illustrate key results.
Use an Appendix to include important results which would interrupt main narrative flow.
Make sure the description of your results includes a logical, well-organized synthesis of
the key results from the literature you have chosen to compare with your results.
This section should include your critical interpretations of the previous sections and
Present your assessment of the questions your raised in the introduction.
Based on your review of the literature, which papers are strongest and weakest?
What are the limitations of the results in your project?
What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different methodologies?
How might these results affect other engineering problems in the future?
Summarize the justification for your choice of research project, and your main findings.
What are the limitations of your study and future implications?
Include all references that you used in a standard journal reference format.
Grading Guidelines
1. 10 pts Organization and presentation
5. 10 pts Compare with other solutions (Numerical, experimental, theoretical)
Examples of CFD Verification & Validation cases. None of these are appropriate as is for a term
project, but may be useful as some Stage 1 problems and may give you some ideas of where to
start looking.