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The Case for …

Continuing Professional Development

…… or why you should read on!
I would like to share with you some thoughts This is where Continuing Profession Development
about The Welding Institute, of which you are a comes in. And this is where The Welding
member, and how it can help you in your future Institute can be of invaluable assistance.
career. There are three basic areas of
continuing personal development that
Once you have started to earn are covered –
money in your chosen career,
A. Learning new and wider technical skills and
whether in industry or academia,
there are several things that you
will have noticed. You will hopefully have more B. Evaluating and discussing trends and new
disposable income than when you lived at home developments in technology;
and went to school, or attended college or
C. Communicating technology.
university. You will have fewer holidays and less
free time than before. You have to assimilate new
methods of working, and you will want to progress These main areas are firstly you listening to
experts passing on their knowledge to you;
further in your chosen career, whether within the
firm you are currently employed or moving in the secondly exchanging and sharing knowledge to
future to one or more organisations in the same or build up a more extensive knowledge base; and
thirdly to help you when you are imparting the
a similar field of technology.
knowledge and expertise that you have to others.
For the last item, you should accept that your last
These are worth considering in greater detail.
formal education is a starting point in your search
for knowledge in your profession. Industry will
have a lot more information to download to you so A. Continued Learning
that you can operate at an increasingly higher This started with your schooling and any further
level than before, and usually greater rewards go full time education before taking up a place in
hand in hand with greater knowledge and industry, and perhaps continued with some of the
responsibility. So it is in your own interest to following:
develop as fully as you can.
 National Certificates and Diplomas, N/SVQs,
Another step you may have taken Advanced Modern Apprenticeships;
is to join the professional
 Higher degrees such as MA, MBA, MPhil,
institution covering your chosen
PhD, DSc;
sphere of work, be it engineering,
metallurgy, physics, chemistry or welding. And  Open University courses, Association of
that institution, as you apply to move to a higher Business Schools, the Open College;
grade, will want to check that you are a competent
professional, and part of that assessment will  Courses, such as those provided by TWI and
include their requiring confirmation that you have other professional institutions;
not stood still in your professional knowledge and  Employer supported in-house training and
development. external training courses;
So they will ask how you can demonstrate that  Attendance at exhibitions, conferences and
you have widened your knowledge since leaving seminars as observers, including those
your last place of formal education. While it is organised by TWI or other professional
useful to be able to say that your firm has sent institutions.
you to conferences and exhibitions as attendees,
or supported you as you have submitted technical All of these items are ways of
papers to journals and conferences covering increasing your personal knowledge
aspects of your subject, the former does not database. What you were taught at
usually come with documentary proof of your school and at college or university is
participation – at least as an attendee, A list of necessarily established and, in areas
conference authors will show you were expected will be somewhat out of date, knowledge. The
to be there (assuming you showed up on the day, cutting edge of knowledge is in the research
rather than spending the day on the beach departments of universities and advanced
instead). technology firms. This knowledge may be rapidly

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evolving, and may also be subject to of technology and potential avenues of further
confidentiality prior to formal publication or research of which you may not have previously
patenting, so sometimes it will not be possible to been aware or considered. Similarly in preparing a
speak about it outside the circle of those who are paper to present at a conference or seminar
involved on a need-to-know basis. entails a thorough assessment of all relevant
aspects of the work you are describing, so that
Certainly one of the aspects in this section is you are ready for any technical questions you may
keeping up to date with current developments in be asked.
research and industry. The Welding Institute
This will be equally important when making a
Sheffield branch started in 1938, just before the
presentation within your own organisation, where
Second World War and the problems with the US
the attendees will be well aware of many
Liberty ships breaking up at sea – which prompted
peripheral matters about the work you are
the fracture research of welded structures at
involved in, including any confidential aspects that
Cambridge University and later moved out to
would not be known to outside people attending
Abington Hall stables, to become the British
an external conference, and therefore you need to
Welding Research Association in 1946, and then
be prepared for those potentially more searching
The Welding Institute in 1961.
And just think of the advances in welding
When participating in technical
technology since those early days – there were no
committees, you are inputting
lasers, no high voltage electron beam guns, no
your knowledge and experience,
friction stir welding (and very little friction welding),
and sharing it with others around
no robotic welding devices, no automatic weld
the table. Here there will be a
control, etc. There was little structural plastic in
greater in-depth discussion about the topic and
use, so welding methods for that material were
the need to arrive at a consensus view of
not yet established. The design of arc electrodes,
proposals to be agreed by the committee. Again
torches and power units were quite primitive, and
you will need to be adequately prepared to
no high speed photography had yet helped in
support and perhaps defend your viewpoint, and
understanding the physics of weld pool motion
this can entail considerable background reading
and molten droplet transfer.
on your subject and ancillary aspects, in order to
verify that what you are suggesting is sensible
So over the years there has been a
and practical.
continuing need for all engineers,
but particularly those with a welding
Similarly with Institute branch meetings, where
and joining interest, to keep abreast
often an expert in a particular field of research or
of the latest developments for their
industry is the speaker, there will be a greater
own benefit and ultimately that of their firm, if and
opportunity to discuss and share experience than
when the new technology can be applied to their
at formal conferences with tight timescales with
own fabrication methods. The formal approach of
regard to the length of time for discussion periods
the CPD record is to verify that you have spent
after presentations. However, within The Welding
significant time in fulfilling this requirement.
Institute organisation, for example, there are also
the Technical Groups, which offer additional
B. Continued Evaluation opportunities for such exchanges of information
 Participation in conferences and seminars, on some specialised aspects of joining
especially when presenting a paper or technology. The current Technical Groups usually
demonstration; making formal presentations meet once or twice each year and cover the
at major in-house meetings following technical areas:
 Participation in technical committees,  TG1 Advanced Structures
including Welding Institute branches, TWI  TG2 Welding Processes
committees, IIW committees, British  TG3 Materials
Standards’ committees, Industry code of  TG4 Offshore Oil and Gas
practice committees  TG5 Pressure and Process Plant
 TG6 Structural Integrity
 Attendance and perhaps making
presentations at Welding Institute Technical  TG7 Polymers
Groups and Welding Institute branch  TG8 NDT & Condition Monitoring
meetings. These cover most aspects of the welding industry,
It may be asked why presenting a paper at an and the meetings offer insights into
external conference enables you to learn any the latest technology and any new
more. However, as with the literature survey in a or updated industrial standards.
PhD thesis, a wide search of available literature The programme of meetings is
about your research subject often reveals aspects regularly updated on The Welding

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Institute website. And remember that the Institute And as for the younger end of the education
branch committees welcome all grades of spectrum, there are sometimes opportunities to
membership, from associates to fellows – in fact a interact with schools and
diverse range of committee members will ensure colleges – and these
that a balanced programme of relevant topics can children are the future
be developed for the branch meetings. engineers and technology
specialists of the future. So to
C. Communication
inspire them to even think of a
 Imparting knowledge by coaching, teaching career in industry will demand different skills from
or lecturing, interacting with both in-house making presentations to intelligent and
and external people experienced adults. However, the voluntary work
that includes coaching the 6-a-side football team
 Learning or improving languages, computer would not count, as far as CPD points are
and presentation skills, all with a view to concerned, although you may very well enjoy the
improving your ability to communicate interaction with the children in any case.
 Relevant voluntary work, such as in schools
and colleges, local government, community Something for Newcomers and Old Hands
activities CPD is important to people who have just started
There is little point in compiling all work and remains important to those who have
the knowledge you have, if you are been working for many years. Your firm will value
not able to pass it on – at least to your contribution in proportion to the activities with
your successors, if not to wider which it can entrust you to organise and perform,
audiences. So the ability to educate and also as it can allow you interact with external
others in the techniques and methods of operating people and customers at an increasingly high
that you have developed or refined is also level. Thus for the internal promotion or change to
counted as important. The coaching may be on a a higher grade of job, you will need to
one-to-one basis, for example assisting in the demonstrate how much you have grown
tutoring of a graduate researching for a further intellectually and in practical knowledge. Very
degree, or helping a junior work colleague who often, when climbing the ladder of success in your
has recently joined the firm, in which you might be organisation, they will want to see your inter-
considered as the technical in-house expert. personal and organisation skills improve. Do not
pass up the chance of joining a Welding Institute
Teaching or lecturing usually involves an branch or technical committee, and
audience of more than one person, and may assist in organising future branch
include making a presentation about the technical activities – in the long term, it could
work you do or your firm does to a class year of be for your own good!
undergraduates, or to a college group, or at a
themed seminar where you are making several
presentations during the one day or longer If verifiable CPD is important for internal
meeting. Academia will often invite industrial promotion, it is even more important if you wish to
speakers for their students to join a new organisation. Your CV will be your
gain an idea of what it passport to an interview, and what you can
is like to work in include on that piece of paper will determine
industry, whether or not you are selected for interview.
information Most new employers, without the benefit of
about which in their normal cloistered academic internal feedback from section and department
world they would not otherwise have access to. managers as to your capabilities, will normally
want to see someone who is a self-starter and a
In order to function in these activities, you will self-motivator, and who has grown in his or her
need presentational skills. Nowadays this will chosen profession. Again the inclusion of
normally include the use of computer software, participating in Welding Institute activities, for
and you need to know how to create what you example, will demonstrate the ability of working
want to say in a series of slides, for example, in with other professionals as well as succeeding in
an efficient way. It may be that your firm operates attaining goals such as the finalising next year’s
in foreign countries, and while the indigenous programme of branch events.
people will probably have a grasp of English, for
you to interact with them at any level in their own CPD will also be important if you want to move up
language will be greatly appreciated – by them the ladder of professional membership of the
and by your firm. institution of which you are a member. This
progression will involve interviews covering many
aspects of your personal career and outside
interests, but the assessors will be particularly
interested in how you can demonstrate that you
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have kept up with technical developments in your The Welding Institute branch and technical
discipline. They are correct, for example, to meetings enable you to keep up with the latest in
expect a 40-year old to have a greater awareness technology – and if you are not up to date, you
and industrial experience than a 21-year old who can guarantee that some if not all of your
has just left his academic college or university and competitors will be.
is starting his first job. And to provide proof to
them, you will have a written CPD record card of And keeping abreast of technological
your attendances at technical meetings, Welding developments is not only important with regard to
Institute and otherwise. welding. If your branch has a joint meeting with
professionals from other disciplines, such as the
As an example, there was an engineer works different engineering and metallurgical societies,
colleague in his late twenties who wanted to then do not write off the meeting as being of no
transfer to a higher grade in the Institution of potential use to you. They will often give you an
Mechanical Engineers. There was insight into how other areas of industry are
no argument that he had been developing, and what new problems they are
gaining experience at work since encountering, and where possibly you may be
joining us and that he had able to assist them in overcoming them. More
developed on several fronts, but than that, the methods they have used to
when the examiners asked about surmount the different technical challenges in their
CPD he came to an abrupt stop. fields and which previously blocked their paths to
Yes, he had attended some conferences, but had progress may be of use to you – very often an
no proof of such activities, and it came as no idea can be altered and adapted into another
surprise to him when his elevation in grade was discipline and solve an unrelated problem. You
deferred. He asked me what he could do to should look at your CPD as potentially widening
remedy the situation and I said attending the local your horizons as well as improving your
Welding Institute branch meetings and knowledge of only your own technology.
maintaining an up-to-date CPD card would
undoubtedly help. But why not go the extra mile? An example of a CPD record is given below, and
The branch committee always welcomes new The Welding Institute issues CPD cards to
members, and he could suggest topics and members for them to use as a diary of meetings
organise speakers for some of the meetings – he they have attended. There are also electronic
might actually like the interaction. He did, and forms available, which makes life easier when
enjoyed participating in the organisation of the keeping computerised records of your
branch meetings schedule, and his new ideas development activities, but obviously this will not
were a breath of fresh air to the committee – be authenticated by a stamp verifying your
definitely a win-win situation. And when his next attendance, so the cards are still useful.
IMechE interview came up, he passed with flying
Now you have started in your chosen career, you
will wish to be considered as a professional in
your field of work. And one whose experience and
colours. CPD really works! grasp of technology has broadened since the
days of your formal education. CPD enables you
Also there is the professionalism with which you to demonstrate that you are still developing as an
are running your own life or that of your section or individual, as well as doing all of the above.
department. If you are a manager, as new
employees come into your sphere of operations,
they will bring in new experience and knowledge.
You should at least have some knowledge of their
activities and input, so keeping abreast of new
areas of work and technology is very important.

Example of CPD Form

Date Details of Activity Learning Follow up Hours Total Authentication

Include all development outcomes Make a note of the use Record your hours signature or
activities undertaken, not Give you own that you will make of the estimate of the official stamp*
only formal courses. assessment of new knowledge and of any hours spent in
Remember you should what you further work in the area useful
have both technical and learned which could be of benefit development
non-technical activities

Dr Richard Johnson, FWeldI, CEng

Vice Chairman of the Branch Management Committee PAG/037/CPD/Feb2013

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