Induced Pore Pressures During Pile-Driving Operations
Induced Pore Pressures During Pile-Driving Operations
Induced Pore Pressures During Pile-Driving Operations
A theory for estimating the maximum pore pressures induced On présente une théorie pour évaluer les pressions inter
by pile driving is presented. Theoretical results are compared stitielles maximales produites durant le battage de pieux. Les
with measurements carried out at three sites, and some published résultats théoriques sont comparés aux valeurs expérimentales
data. The maximum pore pressures may be estimated with mesurées en trois sites différents. La théorie proposée permet
reasonable accuracy by the method proposed. Its magnitude d’évaluer de façon assez précise la pression interstitielle maxima
depends on the stress history and pore-pressure characteristic dont la valeur est fonction des caractéristiques de l’argile et
of the clay, but is independent of pile dimensions. Within a radial est indépendante des dimensions du pieu. A l’intérieur de la
failure zone of the soil surrounding the pile, the pore pressures zone radiale de rupture, la pression interstitielle est constante
are constant; outside this zone they decrease rapidly with dis tandis qu’à l’extérieur de cette zone, elle décroit rapidement en
tance from the pile. The pore pressure generally increases with fonction de la distance du pieu. En général, la pression intersti
depth resulting from increase in effective overburden stress. tielle augmente avec la profondeur à cause d’une augmentation
There is no direct summation of pore pressures within the de la contrainte effective. Enfin, on n’a observé aucune augmenta
failure zone of a pile owing to the driving of adjacent piles. tion de la pression interstitielle, dans la zone de rupture, due au
battage de pieux adjacents.
where (A u/p)m is the maximum pore pressure ratio and p is The sensitivity of the clay varies from 4 to 6 . Consolida
the consolidation pressure. Hence, tion tests showed that the clay is normally consolidated.
Four series of triaxial tests with pore-pressure measure
Aum = Aua + A Mg ments were performed on samples isotropically consolidated,
and one series of tests was carried out on samples cut
= [(I - Ko) + ( A u / p ) my 1{ . (3 ) horizontally. The pore-pressure ratios (Aw//7) m are plotted in
It is seen, therefore, that the estimation of the pore Fig. 3 against consolidation pressure for both vertical and
pressure set up as a result of pile driving involves the
determination of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest and ^ ^ R ange of effective overburden pressure
5. / CU. ft.
X D. H.O. Vone
h- D E S C R IP T IO N
O - Un confined Comp. w W
,w i
O Trioxio 1 Comp. j_ -
lb ./ sq.ft.
EL. 1 *
573- 3 G .L 2 00 400 600 800 20 40 60
00 O R G A N IC
V e ry S o ft
L o o se
190 _ 1 14 2
1 10 5
— G.l. Vane
1 08-2
V —cx
~1T~ > 115 5
fig. 4. (a) locations of piezometers; (b) distribution of induced
7~ 04 \ __Q 1 1 3-7
pore pressures, Wallaceburg.
~8~ ¿i \ t— o- 1 14 7
S o il to F ir m 1 15-7
together as possible (6.5 in. edge to edge) with one group of
To I 17 2
piezometers in between so as to study the effect of the second
pile on the pore pressures set up by driving the first pile.
II 1 8
Three piezometers were installed 20 ft away from the test
116 2
site to determine the groundwater conditions and possible
' c 115 1
fluctuations during the test.
Existing Ground -
TIME (hours) SOFT
f ig . 5. Results of pore-pressure measurements, Wallaceburg.
P3 P2U“PIi
3 ft from the piezometer tip, then increases very rapidly
when the pile passes by the tip. The maximum pore pressure
for piezometers close to the pile is registered some 2 0 min
after the pile reaches the piezometer tip. This delay is
probably due to the time response of the piezometers. For
piezometers at farther distances from the pile, some small
effect of the redistribution of pore pressures from regions of SAND a GRAVEL
high pressures to regions of low pressures is present.
The pore pressures at different depths and distances
induced by driving each pile are presented in Table I. In
Fig. 4b, the results for piezometers 35 ft deep are plotted f ig . 6 . Locations of piezometers and pile-driving
against distance from the piles. The sharp drop in pore sequence, Ghost River.
pressures between 1.5 and 2.0 ft from the pile is evident,
suggesting the existence of a failure zone of high pore pres tario. The soil stratigraphy is shown in Fig. 6 , and some
sures around the pile as postulated in the theory. The pore relevant soil properties may be found in Fig. 7. Artesian
pressures set up by the second pile are only about 30 per pressures were measured in all strata. A series of triaxial
cent of those due to the first pile within the failure region. tests was carried out on samples taken from the varved clay
However, outside this zone the summation of pore pressures stratum. The pore pressure ratio ( Au/p)m was found to be
is 100 per cent. These results are of considerable theoretical 0.65. The varved clay is slightly overconsolidated.
Attempts to recover undisturbed samples from the silt
TABLE I. RESULTS OF PORE-PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS, stratum were unsuccessful. Consequently, no triaxial tests
were performed. However, both the standard and cone
penetration tests showed that the silt is very loose except
Piezometers A n (lb/sq. in)
near the bottom of the stratum. The behaviour of the silt
Distance (in.) Due to driving during shear is probably similar therefore to that of the silt
Depth laminae in the varved clay stratum. Since the triaxial samples
No. (ft) Pile A Pile B Pile A Pile B Total Calculated
of varved clay are composed of more than 70 per cent of silt,
K -l 25 G.O G.O 7.2 3.5 it is not unreasonable to assume that the ratio (A u/p)m of
107 \ 0 Q
K-4 25 7.5 14.0 7.5 1.6 9.1 / 99 the silt is of the same order of magnitude.* The coefficient
K -2 35 5.0 5.0 12.6 5.G 18.2 ) of earth pressure at rest is taken as 0.4.
K -5 35 7.5 17.5 15.5 1.8 17.3 |_ 14.0
K -7 35 20.0 20.0 14.4 2.1 16.5 J Instrumentation
K-8 35 26.0 26.0 5.3 4.9 10.2
50.0 2.7 2.6 5.3
Piezometers were installed at a test pile outside the
K-9 35 50.0
K-10 35 98,0 98.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 excavation and at the excavation to observe the pore pres
sures resulting from driving a cluster of piles. The locations
and practical significance. It immediately suggests that when of the piezometers are shown in Fig. 6 .
a cluster of piles is driven, the pore pressures due to each At the test pile (10 BP 42 steel H -pile), seven piezometers
individual pile will not sum up directly, but will remain were installed. Piezometers P -l, P-2, P-3, and P-4, were
constant at a maximum value. This fact will be illustrated placed at a depth of 20 ft at distances of 2, 4, 8 and 15 ft
in another case record subsequently. from the centre of the pile. P-5, P -l, P -6 and P-7 were put
The calculated maximum pore pressures at 25 and 35 ft down at 10, 20, 30, and 40 ft depths at equal distances of
are respectively, 9.9 and 14.0 lb/sq.ft. and are shown in 2 ft from the pile. At the pier excavation, six piezometers
Table I. The calculated values agree reasonably with the were placed at Elevation 839, 25 ft below the bottom of the
measured pore pressures induced by the first pile. excavation.
C A S E 2, G H O S T R IV E R
*Tests carried out on a fine very loose sand by Bjerrum, Kring-
The site at which measurements were carried out was stad, and Kummeneze (1961) showed similarly high pore pres
approximately 20 miles east of Matheson in Northern On- sure ratios.
EX C E S S PO RE W ATER PR ESSU RES Au ( lb / s q .in .) rated energy of 22,500 ft-lb, but no increase in pore pressure
was observed. These observations illustrate further that the
pore pressures are predominantly strain-controlled.
The predicted and measured induced pore pressures at
different depths are shown in Fig. 7 for piezometers 2 ft
away from the centre of the pile. Data from measurements
in the pier excavation are also plotted in the same figure.
The calculated and measured values are in reasonable agree
ment. The measured pore pressure at 40-ft depth is too low
because of the elapsed time required for splicing of the pile
at 36 ft. Some dissipation of pore pressure must have
occurred during this period. The artesian pressures existing
at the site are also plotted in the same figure.
Fig. 8 shows typical results recorded in piezometers E-3,
E-4, and E -6 at the excavation during the driving of a cluster
of piles. The numerals indicate the sequence of pile driving
corresponding to those shown in Fig. 6 . The piles were
driven at a fairly rapid rate, but the figure shows that a
certain value of pore pressure was not exceeded. In fact the
maximum value attained is approximately the same as that
found in the driving of a single pile as shown in Fig. 7. It is
clear, therefore, that within the failure zone of an individual
pile there is no direct summation of pore pressures due to
adjacent piles in a piled foundation.
C A SE 3, W A B I R IV E R , N E W L IS K E A R D
The results of this study lead to the following conclusions,
applicable to normally consolidated and very slightly over
consolidated clays or loose silts.
1. The maximum induced pore pressure by driving a
single pile may be estimated with reasonable accuracy by the
method described.
2. The magnitude of the maximum induced pore pressure
depends on the pore pressure ratio (A u/p)m, and the initial
state of stress in the ground, but is independent of the
dimension or type of pile.
3. As a result of the increase in effective overburden
pressure, the induced pore pressures increase with depth at
the same radial distance from the pile. For the case records
studied herein, the maximum induced pore pressure varies
from 1.0 to 1.3 times the initial effective overburden stress
in the ground.
4. Within the failure zone of the soil surrounding the pile,
the induced pore pressures are maximum and equal. Driving
of adjacent piles only increases the pore pressure slightly.
Outside this zone, the induced pore pressures by driving
adjacent piles sum up directly until the maximum value is
f i g . 9. (a) layout of piles and piezometers; (b) distribution of attained. Therefore, the maximum pore pressures induced by
pore pressures, Wabi River. driving a number of piles in a pile foundation may be
The varved clay is slightly overconsolidated. The ratio 5. Outside the failure zone of a pile, the pore pressure
(Au/p)m determined from specimens cut horizontally from decreases rapidly with distance. At a distance approximately
tube samples is 0.42. The coefficient of earth pressure at rest 16 times the diameter of the pile, the pore pressure is prac
was found to be 0.5. Details of results of triaxial tests will be tically negligible. This result has been reported by Bjerrum
reported elsewhere (Lo, 1964). and Johannessen (1 9 6 0 ), and Milligan, et al. (1 9 6 2 ).
Results of Field Measurements ACKNOW LEDGM ENTS
The increase in pore pressure due to pile driving is plotted The field work was carried out by Messrs. A. Barsvary,
against distance from the centre of the pile in Fig. 9b. It is B. Ghadiali, H. Szymanski. The authors are indebted to
clear from the figure that the induced pore pressures increase Mr. H. W. Adcock, Assistant Deputy Minister (Engineering)
with depth at the same radial distance from the pile. The for permission to publish this paper.
short dotted lines indicate the estimated maximum induced
pore pressures at depths of 29 ft and 37 ft. The agreement REFERENCES
between calculated and observed values is not unreasonable. B je rr u m , L., J. B r i n c h H a n s e n , and R. S e v a l d s o n (1958).
Similar results as those shown in Fig. 8 at the Ghost River Geotechnical investigations for a quay structure in Horten.
site were obtained when the foundation piles were driven. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publ. No. 28, pp. 1-17.
These results are therefore not presented herein. B j e r r u m , L., S . K r i n g s t a d , and O . K u m m e n e z e (1961). The
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The soft clay has a sensitivity of approximately 3. (A u/p)m B j e r r u m , L., and K. Y. Lo (1963). Effect of aging on the shear
may therefore be assumed to be 0.6 and K0 is probably 0.5. strength properties of a normally consolidated clay. Géo
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Lo, K. Y. (1961). Stress-strain relationship and pore-water
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may be taken as 0.7 and K n assumed to be 0.6. The estimated Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 219-24.
values of A«m are 7.5 and 9.6 tons/sq.m ., respectively. Since --------- (1963). Discussion on “Study of failure envelope of
the closest piezometers were 1 m away from the pile, the soils” by T. H. Wu, A. K. Loh, and L. E. Malvern. Proc.
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