A Semi Verbal
A Semi Verbal
A Semi Verbal
B. Content Standards : The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties
of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
C. Performance Standards : The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic methods
in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
D. Learning Competency : The learner translates English phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa.
I.Objectives :At the end of the session, the students will be able to:1. understand how each mathematical phrases be
translated into mathematical expressions and vice versa 2. translates English phrases to mathematical phrases and
vice versa. 3. gained confidence and greater idea on translating verbal phrases to mathematical expressions and vice
A. References: Teaching Guide pp. 118-120,Grade 7 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, pp.214-218B.
Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, Worksheets, Colored cards, marking pen, manila paper,masking tape
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Classroom Management
• Checking of Attendance
•. Reminders
b. Review
• Ask the students about the topics that was discussed last meeting. What was our lesson yesterday?
Do you have any questions about the topic that was discussed yesterday?
c. Motivation
Introduce Game “ Famous Number”. Let the students form by group and think of “Famous Number”, numbers that
are use in movie titles, books, computer games, etc. The most numbers listed in a group will be declared winner.
d. Lesson ProperIntroduction
A. Introduce to the learners that learning algebra is a little like learning another language. The first step in
learning to “speak algebra” is learning the definitions of commonly used words and then being able to translatefrom
plain English to the “language” of algebra.
Activity 1: “ In other words...” This time,give strips of paper written the commonly used phrase/s for the different
fundamental operations and let them fill in thetable on the board.Ask: 1. What are the words that are used to indicate
addition?subtraction?multiplication?division? C. Show to the learners one at a time each mathematical expression in
strips of cartolina for them to state into verbal phrases.D. Demonstrate how to translate verbal expressions to algebraic
expressions. Discuss the linkage betweensome of the vocabulary words and their definition: quotient: quantity. Quotient
comes from a word meaning “how many times.” When you divide you are finding how many times one quantity goes
into another. Havestudents find correlations between other words. example: triple:triangle (three sides) ; twice:twin
Organize the class into five groups to perform this given activity. Prepare a set of mathematical expressions and another
set ofverbal phrases on strips of paper and put each in a separate envelope. Let each group match each mathematical
expression intoverbal phrase.There will be remaining phrases that never match to any of the expressions, so ask them to
translate them intomathematical expressions. Let them present their work by group.
Ask How each mathematical phrases be translated into mathematical expressions and vice versa. ?What are
the common errors in writing algebraic expressions?In how many ways you can translate mathematical expressions and
vice versa?
Integration A.Round up
Ask: what helped you understand easily the process of translating verbal phrases into mathematical expressions and
vice versa?
B. Application
Let the students make an individual list of algebraic expressions for at least 5 and translate each into verbal phrases.
C. Evaluation:
Paper-pencil test :Translate verbal phrases into mathematical expressions and vice versa.A. Translate the following into
mathematical expressions.
1. 5x – 4 _________________________________________________________
2. 3 (X + 6) _________________________________________________________
3. x + 2y _________________________________________________________
D. Assignment
Prepared by:
Diana R. CalansinginAdviser
Submitted to: