Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen: Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) by Trichodermaviride
Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen: Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) by Trichodermaviride
Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen: Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) by Trichodermaviride
Native isolates of groundnut stem rot casual organism, SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc. were collected from major
groundnut growing areas of Tamil Nadu. Selected isolates were screened, characterized and identified the virulent
isolate. Several native fungal antagonists were isolated against SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc. Among the isolates
threeTrichodermaviride and one Trichodermaharzianum isolate were found to have antagonistic effects on groundnut
stem rot pathogen. Morphology and spore structure of isolated antagonists were studied under Light microscopy, the
Original Article
antagonistic activities of Trichodermaviride were found to be effective in reducing the mycelial growth, sclerotial
formation and germination. The scanning electron microscopy revealed significant inhibition of S.rolfsii by complete
parasitization of germinating sclerotia and malformation of sclerotia. The Trichodermaviride treated cultures were
shown reduced mycelial growth (83.06%) and reduced sclerotial production (86.31%). The colonization behavior studies
revealed that the speed of overgrowth on pathogen was high (grade 5.00) in GNTV1, GNTV2 and GNTH1 than other
isolate. The higher propagulelysis was observed in all the isolates. The antimicrobial components of Trichodermaviride
were also found to be inhibited the growth activities of the pathogen. This study provides a theoretical and practical
explanation of an antagonist explored for control of stem rot caused by S. rolfsii.
KEYWORDS: Sclerotium Rolfsii , Trichoderma Viride, Groundnut Stem Rot & Biological Control
Received: Jan 02, 2019; Accepted: Jan 22, 2019; Published: Jan 28, 2019; Paper Id.: IJBRDJUN20192
Groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) is an important oilseed crop of India and it is cultivated in about
41,52,500 hectares and produce 70,77,397 MT with an average yield of 1,704 kg/ha. In spite of their important
positions in the national agricultural economy and the multiplicity of crops and crop growing situations, the
countries out of oilseeds are lagging far behind the requirement. The groundnut production is constrained by
various factors and the major constraints include as frequent drought stress, low input use and socio-economic
infrastructure and higher incidence of disease and pest attack. Though the groundnut is attacked by number of
diseases, the soil borne fungal disease, stem rot caused by Sclerotiumrolfsiiis a potential threat to groundnut
production and it causes yield losses over 25 %. The wide host range, profile growth and ability to produce
persistent sclerotia contribute the large economic losses associated with the pathogen. Understanding the pathogen,
developing and relay on single antagonism become challengeable and give way to explore and identify the suitable
alternate antagonist against the disease. There are well known antifungal biocontrol agents that inhibit several plant
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pathogenic fungi.
Six isolates of T. viride and four isolates of T. harzianum were screened against S. rolfsii by dual culture method
(Dennis and Webster, 1971a). An actively growing 9 mm PDA culture disc of the test antagonists was cut using sterilized
cork borer and placed at one end of the sterile Petri dish containing 20 ml of sterilized PDA medium previously poured and
solidified under aseptic condition. A 9 mm mycelial disc of S. rolfsii was placed opposite end of the plate 1.5 cm away
from the edge of the plate and incubated at room temperature (28 ± 2◦C). The Petri dishes were maintained for each
antagonist separately. The medium inoculated with the pathogen alone was served as control. When the control plate
reached full growth, the radial growth of the pathogen and inhibition zone was measured in the other treatments. The results
were expressed as per cent inhibition over control by using the formula of Pandeyet al. (2000). The overgrowth of
antagonists over the pathogen was measured seven days after incubation. The overgrowth and zone of inhibition were
measured and expressed in cm.
The best isolates of T.viride (GNTV1, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV4,) screened by dual culture as in above were
taken for further studies. A 9 mm mycelial disc of each isolate was inoculated at the centre of the PDA medium and incubated
at room temperature. The linear growth was measured after 48 h and 72 h of incubation. For bio-mass production a 9 mm
mycelial disc of each isolate of T.viride was inoculated to 100 ml conical flask containing 25 ml of sterilized PDB. After
seven days of incubation, the mycelial mat was filtered through a Whatman No.41 filter paper and the dry weight was
estimated. The other characters such as colony colour, days taken for sporulation were also observed.
A 9 mm mycelial disc of Sclerotiumrolfsii and T.viride isolates of, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV4 were placed
opposite to each other near the periphery of the Petridish. The plates were incubated at room temperature. The colonization
behaviour of the isolate was assessed by using the grades 1 – 5.
Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen 11
Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) By Trichodermaviride
From the zone of interaction of the T.viride antagonists (GNTV1, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV4) and the pathogen
five numbers of five mm discs were excised (Sclerotiumrolfsii) and plated on PDA. Based on the survival nature and lysis of
S .rolfsii a grading system of 1 to 5 was used to express the propagulelysis.
Time taken by the antagonist or the pathogen after contact both in dual culture plates was assessed as speed of
over growth using the class 1- 4.
Inhibition zone was measured in dual culture plates of Sclerotiumrolfsii and T.virideand it was categorized into
four classes.
Class 4 = > 5 mm
Isolates of T.viride (GNTV1, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV4) were tested for their effect on germination of
sclerotia in natural soil plates. Fifty gram of field soil, adjusted to 80% moisture content was evenly distributed in Petri
dishes and slightly compacted. Before placement on the soil, sclerotia were immersed for 24 hours in culture filtrates of the
isolates of T.viride separately. Sclerotia (20 numbers per plate) were equally placed on the soil surface and pushed into the
soil gently with glass rod so that only their tops remain exposed. Plates were incubated at room temperature for seven days
and examined for its germination. (Henis et al.,1984).
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Effect of volatile metabolites produced by T.viride (GNTV1, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV4,) on mycelial growth of
S. rolfsii was studied by Paired Petri dish technique (Laha et al., 1996). A 9 mm mycelial disc of four day old culture of
T.viride isolates was placed on PDA medium in a Petri dish. The top of each Petri plate was replaced with bottom of PDA
plates inoculated centrally with 9 mm diameter mycelial disc of S.rolfsii and inverted over the antagonists T.viride plates and
sealed with Para film and incubated at room temperature for four days. PDA plates inoculated with the pathogen alone and
paired with PDA plate without bio-control agents served as control. Three replications were maintained in each treatment.
The mycelial diameter of the pathogen was measured after incubation of four days and expressed as per cent inhibition over
Cultures of T. viride were grown at 28±2◦C in Pigment Production Medium (PP) Peptone-20g/l, Glycerol-20g/l,
NaCl-5g/l, KNO3-1g/l, pH-7.2, Distilled Water-1litre). The cultures were grown in Pigment production broth for five days
and were centrifuged at 5000 rpm and the supernatants were adjusted to pH 2.0 with conc. HCl and it was extracted with
an equal volume of benzene. The Benzene layer was subjected to evaporation in water bath. After evaporation, the residues
were resuspended in 0.1N NaOH.
Cultures of T. viride were grown in 100ml of Pigment Production broth for four days on a rotary shaker at 30◦C.
The fermented broth was centrifuged at 3500 RPM for five minutes in a tabletop centrifuge and the supernatant was
collected. It was acidified to pH 2.0 with 1N HCl and then extracted with an equal volume of ethyl acetate. The ethyl
acetate extracts were reduced to dryness in vacuo. The residues were dissolved in methanol.
Effect of Benzene Fraction and Ethyl Acetate Fraction on the Growth of S. Rolfsii
The crude residues of Benzene fraction and ethyl acetate fraction were evaluated at 0.1% and 0.5% concentration
for their inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii by poisoned food technique (Schmitz, 1930).
The fungal antagonists having high rhizosphere competence was screened by taking rhizosphere soils from
different locations against the groundnut stem rot S. rolfsii. The four native isolates of T.viride (Ground nut
Trichodermaviride) viz., GNTV1, GNTV2, GNTV3 and GNTV 4 were found to be effective against S. rolfsii (Table 1).
This is in accordance with the study of Anand Singh and HarikeshBahadur (2004) who reported eight isolates of different
species of Trichoderma and two isolates of Gliocladiumvirens were effective isolates for stem rot management.
Characterization and Colonization behavior were studied to find out effective fungal antagonist against S.rolfsii.
The isolate GNTV1 recorded highly ramified mycelium with dark green colonies and sporulated earlier 2.5 days
(than other isolates 3-4 days) with higher mycelial growth of 90 mm within 48 hours which are preferred for a competent
antagonist (Table 2). In respect of S. rolfsii inhibition, the earlier study by Weindling (1932) demonstrated the similar
results with fungal antagonist Trichodermas pp. Therefore the native fungal antagonist GNTV1 was taken as promising
agent against S. rolfsii. Saritaet al.,2018 reported
Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen 13
Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) By Trichodermaviride
T. harzianumis very effective in reducing the radial growth of S. rolfsii. The further studies on antagonistic
activities of GNTV1revealed that, it had positive antagonistic characters like highest mycelial growth inhibition of
83.06per cent over control and minimum production of sclerotia (28.04 numbers/ plate). Dwivedi and Ganesh Prasad
(2018) reported S. rolfsii may be controlled through biological agents (Trichodermaharzianum, T.viride T.asperellum)
The culture filtrate of Tv1 inhibited the growth of the pathogen (87.05%) as well as sclerotial germination
(62.50%) to a greater extent than others. Uma Maheswari et al., 2002 observed the similar results of T. viride control
measures. Srinivasulu et al., (2005) observed the mycelial interaction between Trichoderma spp. and S.rolfsii and found
that highest inhibition of mycelial growth (52.22 per cent) was recorded in case of T.hamatum followed by T.viride (44.11
per cent).
Effect of volatiles and antibiotics of fungal antagonist against S. rolfsii was studied. GNTV1 was compared with
other isolates and found to be reducing mycelial growth of S. rolfsii by 53.41 per cent (Table 3) (Table 4). The fungicidal
effect of volatile metabolites of T. viride was already proved. Srinivasulu et al., (2005) reported that, all the three
Trichodermasp. i.e., T. viride, T. hamatum and T. harzianum are very effective in producing volatile substances against S.
rolfsii. Among crude antibiotic and ethyl acetate fraction eluted and tested, the crude antibiotic isolated from
GNTV1recorded higher inhibition of 13.67 per cent which was 3.67 per cent more than the ethyl acetate fraction.
Several native fungal antagonists were isolated against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.Among the isolates
threeTrichoderma viride and one Trichoderma harzianum isolate was found to have antagonistic effects on groundnut
stemrot pathogen. Morphology and spore structure of isolated antagonists were studied under Light microscopy, the
antagonistic activities of Trichodermaviride were found to be effective in reducing the mycelial growth, sclerotial
formation and germination. The scanning electron microscopy revealed significant inhibition of S.rolfsii by complete
parasitization of germinating sclerotia and malformation of sclerotia. The Trichoderma viridetreated cultures were shown
reduced mycelial growth (83.06%)and reduced sclerotial production (86.31%). The colonization behavior studies revealed
that the speed of overgrowth on pathogen was high (grade 5.00) in GNTV1, GNTV2 and GNTH1 than other isolate. The
higher propagulelysis was observed in all the isolates. The antimicrobial components of Trichoderma viride were also
found to be inhibited the growth activities of the pathogen.
1. Anandsingh and HarikeshBahdursingh. 2005. Control of collar rot in mint (Menthaspp) caused by Sclerotiumrolfsii using
biological means. Cur. Sci., 87(3): 362-366.
2. Bell, D.K., H.D. Wells and C.R. Markham. 1982. In vitro antagonism of Trichodermaspp. against six fungal plant pathogens.
Phytopathology, 72: 379-382.
3. Dennis, C. and J. Webster. 1971. Antagonistic properties of species of Trichoderma I. Production of non-volatile antibiotics.
Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 57: 25-39.
5. Henis, Y., J.A. Lewis and G.C. Papavizas. 1982. Penetration of sclerotia of Sclerotiumrolfsii by Trichoderma spp.
Phytopathol., 73: 1043-1046.
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6. Laha, G.S., J.P. Verma and R.P. Singh. 1996. Effectiveness of fluorescent pseudomonads in the management of sclerotial wilt
of cotton. Indian Phytopathol., 49 (1): 3-8.
7. Pandey, K.K and J.P. Upadhyay. 2000. Microbial population from rhizsophere and non –rhizosphere soils of pigeonpea
screening for resisdent antagonist and mode of mycoparasitism. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol., 30(1): 7-10.
8. Sarita, Shankar Soyal and R.S.Ratnoo. 2018. Bio-efficacy and management of stem rot (Sclerotiumrolfsii) of groundnut with
different fungicides and bioagents.Indian Journal ChemSci.,6(5): 492-495
9. Schmitz, H. 1930. Poisoned food technique Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Analyst, 2: 361.
10. Srinivasulu, B., K. V. Krishna kumar., K. Aruna., J. Krishna prasadji and D. V. R. Rao. 2005. In vitro antagonism of three
Trichoderma spp. Against SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc., a collar- rot pathogen in elephant foot yam. J. Biol. Control, 19 (2):
11. Weindling, R. 1934. Studies on a lethal principle effective in the parasitic action of Trichodermalignorumon Rhizoctoniasolani
and other soil fungi.Phytopathol., 24: 1153-1179.
Biological Management of Groundnut Stemrot Pathogen 15
Sclerotium Rolfsii (Sacc.) By Trichodermaviride
Table 3: Effect of Volatile and Non Volatile Compounds of T.viride on the Growth of S. rolfsii
Mycelial Per cent Reduction
S. No Isolates
Diameter (cm)* Over Control
1 T. viride (GNTV1) 4.16 53.41
2 T. viride (GNTV2) 4.33 51.51
3 T. viride (GNTV3) 6.67 25.30
4 T. harzianum (GNTH1) 6.83 23.51
5 control 8.93 -
CD (P=0.05) 2.06 -
* Mean of three replications
Antibiotics = 2.79
Concentration =1.76
AxC = 3.95