Investigation of (BOF) Converter Slag Use For Agriculture in Europe
Investigation of (BOF) Converter Slag Use For Agriculture in Europe
Investigation of (BOF) Converter Slag Use For Agriculture in Europe
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Key words: Abstract – The goal of zero-waste is one of the main challenges of modern steel industry,
Slag; fertiliser; soil; crops; which over the past 20 years has been committed to increase the recovery and the use of
lysimeter; liming material; by-products generated during the ironmaking and steelmaking processes. Among the main
thomasphosphate; metals by-products generated during iron and steel production, such as slags, dusts and sludges,
slags constitute about 90% of the total. Slags are currently used in various fields (such as ce-
ment production, road construction, environmental recovery in landfill covers, as fertilizer
and soil conditioner, etc.) according to their chemical features, which depend on production
process origin. In Italy, in particular for example, BF (Blast Furnace) slag is used for cement
production while BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace) slag without iron (inert slag) is used as landfill
cover, in compliance with Italian legislation. In Germany, BF and BOF slag use as fertlisers
and liming materials has a long tradition. Although in recent years slag use has increased,
the application for agriculture purposes needs to be further investigated. Slag can be used
as a soil conditioner (high content of Ca and Mg), Si supply (improves the crops resistance to
pests and diseases), P fertilizer production and micro-nutrients supply. Use of slags can af-
fect human health and environment, because of heavy metal content, which can leache to
groundwater or be transferred to surface water. The assessment of risk to the environment
based on slag application requires further investigation. This represents an opportunity for
both the steel and fertilizer industries to promote natural resources savings, CO2 emission
reductions, landfill waste prevention as well as social awareness of sustainability of some in-
dustrial activities. The BOF slag has been shown to be useful as liming material for acidic soil
amendment and it can replace commercial fertilizers. Different effects on crop yields and
on soil parameters can be found, depending on soil characteristics and climate conditions.
In Middle Europe, with humid climate, lime losses through leaching of up to 0.5 t CaO/ha
have to be replaced with liming material to prevent acidification. Evaluation of long-term
field trials with slag liming materials can give information about the impact of slag applica-
tions on crop management and the environment. In Mediterranean regions, such as in Italy,
arable soils rarely show acidic characteristics. Alkaline soils from coastal areas are often rich
in sodium content, due to seawater intrusion and irrigation with saline water. The aim of
this research is also to investigate the application of BOF slag to these soils, in order to as-
sess the effect of Ca contained in slag in balancing negative Na effects. This paper is based
Received 28 January 2014
on the preliminary study and experiments carried out within an ongoing RFCS (Research
Accepted 18 April 2014
Fund for Coal and Steel) project.
n recent decades waste management has increasing costs. On the other hand, the goal
sludges. Large amounts of them have been special attention to BOF slag use for agri-
recovered or recycled over the years. By- culture purposes [4] and is based on the pre-
products can be internally recycled, but liminary study and experiments carried out
some by-products can also be converted into within an ongoing RFCS (Research Fund for
forms to be used in other industries [1]. Coal and Steel) project.
Nevertheless, some fractions continue to be
disposed in landfills. Due to technology
changes, new material specifications and 1 Legislation outline
more restrictive legislation, it has become ur-
gent to address the new issues arisen. The Slags are definitely not a waste, for both their
steel industry commitment is focused on chemical and physical properties and their
achieving the principle of resources conser- possible applications as valuable materials
vation and on enhancing the sustainability in different fields.
of ironmaking and steelmaking processes. Over the past 25 years, although the use
The challenge is to make by-products suit- of slags has been a consolidated practice,
able for internal reprocessing or use in other particularly in construction, the discussion
industries, in order to minimise their dis- has been focused on the slag classification
posal in landfills. This can be carried out by as a waste or as a by-product. After the
promoting effective research programmes revision of the Waste Framework Directive
and through a positive approach coming 2008/98/CE-WFD in 2008 [5], better defini-
from environmental regulators [2]. tions of waste and by-product have been in-
From the chemical point of view steel troduced in Article 5 (which defines the con-
slags are complex matrices consisting of ditions of criteria to classify a material as a
compounds usually similar to those present by-product) and Article 6 (which defines the
in the environment, such as oxides of Si, Ca, conditions that allow a material to cease to
Mg, Fe and Mn in complexes of calcium sil- be a waste). In light of these new clear defini-
icates, aluminosilicates and aluminoferite. tions, ferrous slags can be considered, as fol-
lows: as a by-product in its liquid state, with
According to Worldsteel Association [3]
or without further processing; as a waste, but
the BOF slag destinations are globally as fol-
it ceases to be waste after recovery measures.
lows: external recovery (58%), internal re-
The classification of ferrous slags is
covery (23%), internal landfill (11.5%), inter-
not uniform in European countries, as in
nal stockpile (7%).
some Member States are considered as by-
BOF slag can be recycled and, in many products, in others as wastes. For this rea-
plants all over the world, it is currently son there is the need to harmonize the Eu-
100% recycled. It can be used in many ap- ropean standards. On this subject Euroslag
plications, such as cement industry, as acidic developed in 2006 a position paper, aiming
soil conditioner, as marine environment- to show how slag is a product and not a
improving material, as railroad ballast and waste [6]. In 2011 it developed a position pa-
as concrete aggregate. Some chemical com- per concerning the classification of ferrous
ponents, such as S, P and Cr total can rep- slag based on prerequisites provided by the
resent problems for e internal BOF slag re- Waste Framework Directive [7].
cycling. Other components, such as F and Concerning the use of slag, the other
Cr(VI) can limit its external recycling, due to most representative European directives
the limitations imposed by the environmen- and regulations are, as follows: EU-Waste
tal legislation. This leads to increase in land- catalogue (2000), EU-Council Decision on
fill and consequently to increase in costs. the Landfill of Waste (2002), EU-Waste
Both external and internal recovery issues Shipment Regulation (2006), EU-REACH
of BOF slag require not only industrial and Regulation (2006), EU-Construction Prod-
market competences, but also research and uct Regulation (2011). In particular, the EC
technical solutions. Regulation No 1907/2006, concerning Reg-
By considering the possible uses of met- istration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Re-
allurgical slags, because of their chemical striction of Chemicals (REACH) [8], has im-
and physical properties, this paper pays posed to European producers and importers
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
the study of physical and chemical, toxico- resources and reduction of spaces needed
logical and eco-toxicological properties of for landfilling the slag fractions that are not
the substances produced or imported, in or- reused. Iron and steel slags have been al-
der to have a special registration dossier to ready used for a long time as fertilisers and
ECHA, the European Chemicals Agency. In liming agents in Northern Europe, such as
order to address the REACH registration of Germany and Scandinavia. Previous stud-
slag, the European steel industry, in agree- ies [9] have shown how BF and steel slags
ment with Eurofer, has formed the Consor- positively affect plant and crop yields; how-
tium RFSC (REACH Ferrous Slag Consor- ever the concentration of Cr and V increases
tium), which is scientifically driven by the in the soil, but they are bound in the top soil
German Institute FEhS (Research Institute without affecting the groundwater. This was
for Iron and steel slags). It aims at preparing the starting point for further investigation
a single registration dossier and at investi- on the long term effect. Along with long-
gating the behaviour of iron and steel slags term field trials using Thomas slag, BF and
on the human health and on the environ- converter slag, new field experiments with
ment, starting from the assumption that in converter and ladle slag applications have
general slags are not waste. been designed in Germany, in order to as-
According to the REACH Regulation, sess the liming effect of slags on soils and
it has been agreed to classify the slag as plants.
UVCB substance, namely as a substance of In Italy acidic conditions rarely occur on
variable composition, produced by a com- agricultural soil, while many agricultural ar-
plex reaction, in order to maintain a uni- eas in the coastal plains are characterized by
formity of classification and to expand the sodicity of soil and irrigation water, due to
field of investigation on toxicological and the intrusion of marine water. BOF slag (rich
eco-toxicological effects. Based on the data in CaO and MgO) was used to reduce the
already available, in order to achieve the ESP (Exchangeable Sodium Percentage) lev-
REACH registration, the RFSC Consortium els in saline-sodic soils. The aim is to lower
has subdivided the steel slags, depending the Na sorption of soil exchangeable com-
on their origin, into four families. Each fam- plex by addition of Ca and Mg. The experi-
ily is identified with its own CAS- and/or ment is carried out in lysimeters in order to
EINECS-numbers, as follows: the blast fur- evaluate also the risk of heavy metals leach-
nace (BF) slag, including ABS (Air-cooled BF ing in groundwater when BOF slag is ap-
Slag) and GBS (Granulated BF Slag), steel plied to the soil. This kind of experiment has
slags, including BOS (Basic Oxygen furnace not been carried out so far. Only laboratory
Slag), EAF C (Electric Arc Furnace slag, from leaching tests on slags have been made in
Carbon steel production), and EAF S (Elec- order to study the slag behaviours [10, 11].
tric Arc Furnace slag, from Stainless/high al-
The achieved results will be useful not
loy steel production), and finally SMS (Steel-
only to improve the knowledge of slag use
making Slag). The families SMS and EAF S
in agriculture, but also to better understand
include secondary metallurgical slag.
what the critical issues from the environ-
mental perspective are, in order to allow fur-
2 Overview of the project ther uses of iron and steel slags in other fields
The results presented in this paper have been of application, such as building industry and
derived from RFSR-CT-2011-00037 project road construction.
“Impact of long-term application of BF and The added value of this research con-
steel slags as liming materials on soil fer- cerns several research activities that have
tility, crop yields and plant health”. Aim- been carried out in different European coun-
ing at increasing the use of iron and steel tries, through the implementation of dif-
slags for agriculture purposes, it is focused ferent tests, depending on local conditions.
on the improvement of the environmental They are connected not only to the different
and economic aspects. This will contribute climate and soil conditions, but also to the
to make the European steel industry more local economic, environmental and legisla-
sustainable, through conservation of natural tive background of each involved country.
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Table 1. Soil exchangeable cations, cation ex- treatment (tap water irrigation without slag)
change capability (CEC) and exchangeable
with three replicates was set up. The D1
sodium percentage (ESP) after salt addiction.
and D2 doses were calculated in excess
Parameter Mean st. dev. n with respect to the stoichiometric Ca amount
Cae mg/kg 718.0 100.8 10 needed to reduce the ESP to a value be-
Mge mg/kg <20 <20 10 low 5%. Calcium can precipitate in the soil
Nae mg/kg 450.5 91.1 10 (e.g. as calcium carbonate or silicates) and
Ke mg/kg 216.6 8.4 10
be less available to exchange with Na on the
CEC meq/kg 99.5 21.3 10
ESP % 39.4 11.1 10 sorption sites.
At the end of May, tomato (var.
Riogrande) and potato (var. Almera)
in Mediterranean regions. Alkaline soils in seedlings were planted with a density of 6
some coastal areas are affected by sodicity, and 8 plants/m2 , respectively. Nitrogen and
due to sea water infiltration and irrigation K fertilisers were supplied at transplanting,
with saline water. ESP has been used as in- according to recommended doses for the re-
dicator of soil sodicity. Sodicity can directly gion and equivalent to 0.35 tons/ha of urea
affect crop growth, because of Na toxicity for and 0.86 tons/ha of potassium sulphate.
plants, and indirectly, acting as deflocculant During the growing season the volume
on soil colloids (e.g. clays). The trial carried of irrigation water was equal to 0.52 m3
out in Italy aimed at assessing the potential per lysimeter, corresponding to 520 mm
in reducing the sodicity through the use of and the total rainfall was 100 mm. NaCl,
BOF slag, coming from the ILVA steelworks, MgCl2 and MgSO4 were added to irriga-
the largest integrated steelworks in Europe. tion water in order to attain the salinity
A lysimeter trial has been set up, using differ- of 5 mS/cm. Drainage was sampled when
ent levels of BOF slag application on saline- 2 L were reached, corresponding to 5% of
sodic soils cultivated with tomato (Lycop- field capacity. For each sampling, after the
ersicon esculentum L.) and potato (Solanum drainage volume measurement, two sub-
tuberosum L.) crop and irrigated with saline samples were collected in acid-washed PTE
water. bottles in order to analyse major cations (Ca,
Each lysimeter is a polyethylene box of Mg, Na, K), nitrates (NO3 ), chlorides (Cl)
1.00 m depth and 1.00 × 1.00 m surface, and trace metals (Cr, CrVI and V). Electric
equipped with an automatic drip irrigation Conductivity (EC) and pH were measured at
system and a plastic tank to collect drainage the sampling time with portable devices. A
water. The soil texture is loamy sand, accord- field blank was also prepared for each sam-
ing to the USDA classification, and pH is pling. Samples were stored at 4 ◦ C before
slightly alkaline (around 7.5). analyses. In this paper the results concerning
Before planting, the soil was treated the drainage produced during the summer
with salt, in order to mimic saline-sodic season (only one significant rain event) are
conditions. According to a completely ran- presented.
domised experimental design with three During the harvest (on 4 September and
replicates (for a total of 24 lysimeters), the 10 October for tomato and potato, respec-
upper 25 cm of soil were mixed with solid tively) 5 replicates of the aboveground, roots
NaCl in a proportion of 1.5 g NaCl per kg of and edible part -biomass, were collected
soil. This proportion was calculated in order for each lysimeter. After collection the sam-
to achieve an ESP of almost 35% (sodic con- ples were oven-dried at 60 ◦ C until constant
ditions). After the treatment, 10 soils sam- weight. Weeds also were sampled and the
ples were randomly chosen and analysed for dry biomass determined. The analyses of
exchangeable cations from which ESP was metal content in the plant tissues are ongo-
calculated. The results are shown in Table 1. ing, for this reason here we present only the
Subsequently, three slag doses, D0, D1 production results.
and D2 (0, 3.5 and 7 mg/kg, respectively) In the early autumn, after the harvest
were manually supplied and mixed in the of the two crops, soils sampling was car-
upper 10 cm of soil. In addition, a blank ried out. For each lysimeter 3 samples were
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Table 2. Yields in a long-term grassland trial in St. Peter, Black Forest, Germany.
collected at two different depths (0−10 and the control treatment and a surplus of about
10−30 cm). A composite sample for each 10 dt D.M./ha compared to the Rockphos-
layer was air-dried and analysed for ex- phate fertilisation. As in the course of this
changeable cations, trace metals, anions and trial [13] the highest yields on the Thomas-
available P. phosphate treatments remained until now.
A two-way ANOVA has been performed Table 2 shows the nearly equal pH values
on the drainage concentrations, using crop in the soil of the treatments with additional
(2 levels) and dose (4 levels) as orthogo- liming, which are on a significant higher
nal factors. A three-way ANOVA has been level than soil pH without additional lim-
performed on soil data, using crop (2 lev- ing. Liming induced a significant yield in-
els), soil layer (two levels) and dose (4 lev- crease particularly with the treatments with
els) as orthogonal factors. Tuckey HSD Rockphosphate and the one without P fertil-
test has been used for the post-hoc means isation while there was no real difference in
comparisons. Data analyses of tubers and yields of the Thomasphosphate treatments
barriers production per plant, as well as with and without additional liming except in
above ground-biomass (AGB), roots weight 2012. P fertilisation with Thomasphosphate
and weeds biomass were carried out by one means also liming because of a neutralis-
way ANOVA and orthogonal contrasts con- ing value of this fertiliser of 45% CaO. The
sidering slag treatments as factor. higher yields in the treatments with addi-
All tests were performed with R sta- tional liming and the higher nutrient uptake
tistical software (version 2.12.0, R Founda- compared to the part without additional lim-
tion for Statistical Computing, http://www. ing caused a depletion of nutrients in the soil especially in phosphate.
The different yields resulted not only
5 Discussion from the better growth of plants, but also
from different phytosociological composi-
5.1 German field trials tions of the grassland which influenced also
the quality of the fodder (Tab. 3). The phos-
The long-term P fertilisation and liming in phate fertilisation particularly with Thomas-
the German long-term field trials had a phosphate had a positive effect on the ap-
strong effect on the yields of grassland and pearance of legumes, herbs and grasses of
arable crops. This was particularly clear in high fodder quality. The additional liming
the 60 years old field trial with Thomaspho- also stimulated the appearance of herbs
sphate in St. Peter (Tab. 2). The phosphate and legumes already shortly after start-
fertilisation had a positive influence on the ing the additional liming [14]. Based on
dry matter yields of the grassland. The per- the phytosociological composition of the
manent annual Thomasphosphate applica- sward and the yields a value numeral was
tion led to an increment of 30 dt grassland calculated. The highest number and the
dry matter/ha in comparison to the yield on highest fodder quality is still determined
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Table 3. Composition of grassland and yield fodder value numeral according to MOTT [15].
Table 4. Chromium contents in the soil profile of the long-term field experiment St. Peter (Black
Forest) 60 years after beginning of the trial.
on the Thomasphosphate treatment. Addi- In the field trial on the other grassland
tional liming improved the yield fodder site in Rösrath liming with both liming ma-
value numeral on all treatments. terials increased the dry matter yields of the
The continuous annual application of grown grassland (Tab. 5). From the unlimed
Thomasphosphate involved an increase of control to the highest lime application level
Cr in the soil. This field trial on permanent there is a clear slope of the growth curve as
pasture without soil cultivation opens the well in the last years yields as in the mean
possibility of further investigations of the yields of the total duration of 23 years. The
mobility of Cr in the soil profile. 60 years mean yields are significantly higher on the
after the initialising of the trial Cr was signif- treatment with disintegrated converter lime.
icantly enriched in the top soil (Tab. 4). This The liming effect on soil pH of both products
enrichment was detectable until a soil depth was similar. There are significant increases
of 25 cm on both liming treatments. The two of pH from the control to the first and to the
replicates of all three treatments with addi- second liming level but no significant differ-
tional liming are located on one side of the ences between the pH values of both liming
experiment. Obviously the geological origin materials on the same liming level.
of the soil is somewhat different and its Cr The analyses of soil samples from the
content is lower than in the soil of the trial field trial Rösrath (depth of 0 to 10 cm)
on the unlimed side. The displacement of the showed a clear increase of Cr in the plots
enriched Cr was probably caused by biotur- with converter lime application (Fig. 1). The
bation and less by leaching as this was ob- total Cr determined by means of alkaline
served in the soils of trials on arable land [9]. melt was about 90 mg/kg Cr and it was
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Table 5. Yields and soil pH values in a long-term grassland trial in Rösrath near Cologne, Germany.
120 120
80 80
60 Aqua regia 60
40 40
without lime
CaO 1 (Carbonate limestone)
20 CaO 1 (Converter lime disintegrated) 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Experimental year
Fig. 1. Total, aqua regia and NH4 NO3 extractable chromium in the soil of the liming trial on
grassland in Rösrath.
Table 6. Mean yields of total experimental time, yields 2012 and soil pH values in the long-term
field trial Essershausen on arable land.
blast disintegrated milled
without burnt carbonate furnace converter converter
Liming material
lime lime limestone lime lime lime
Ø kg CaO ha−1 a−1 0 740 740 740 740 740
Year Crop Yields (dt GE ha−1 a−1 ) Isd5%
2012 oats 67.8 71.3 79.5 77.4 70.1 78.5 9.9
Ø 1993–2012 71.7 76.4 77.0 78.7 78.6 79.0 1.8
Soil pH (CaCl2 )
2012 5.30 6.65 6.65 6.50 6.48 6.53 0.24
Ø 1993–2012 5.09 6.17 6.25 6.07 6.09 6.07 0.11
Vanadium Content (mg V/kg Soil)
70 Alkaline Melt
Without Lime Burnt Lime
Blast Furnace Lime Converter Lime disintegrated
50 Converter Lime milled
Aqua Regia Extraction
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Experimental year
Fig. 2. Total and aqua regia extractable vanadium in the soil of the liming trial on arable land in
the V content within the first 4 years with the right calculation: the bulk density, the
higher amounts of lime application. In the homogenous distribution of the applied lim-
following years with preservation liming of ing material in the plough layer or the vari-
about 500 kg CaO/ha* y, there was nearly no ability of the V in the reference soil. There
change of the V contents. is also the supposition that V and Cr in the
soil changes into bonding which are no more
With the amounts of applied liming ma-
extractable by aqua regia. This presumption
terials and fertilisers with their known con-
was expressed at the evaluation of analytical
tents of heavy metals the input of elements
data from other long-term field trials [9]. In
into the soil can be calculated. Figure 3
further analytical investigations of soil sam-
shows the calculated and measured V accu-
ples from the running long-term field tri-
mulation in the soil in relation to the V con-
als the answers to these questions will be
tents of the soils of the unlimed reference
treatment. As already seen in Figure 2 the
aqua regia extractable V showed an increase
in the first year which was nearly on the level 5.2 Italian trial
of the calculated increase. The calculated in-
crease of V was higher than the measured The results of the drainage analyses are
content. There are several uncertainties for listed in Table 7. The concentrations of
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Aqua Regia Extraction
Change of Vanadium Contents (mg V/kg )
Burnt Lime
BF Lime measured
8 BF Lime calculated
BOF Lime D measured
6 BOF Lime D calculated
BOF Lime M measured
BOF Lime M calculated
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Experimental year
Fig. 3. Calculated and measured changes of the aqua regia extractable vanadium contents in the
soil of the field trial in Essershausen.
Table 7. Mean values of the parameters measured in the drainage waters and relatives P value
from the ANOVA. C = control, D0 = saline irrigation water and slag dose = 0 mg kg−1 , D1 = saline
irrigation water and slag dose = 3.5 mg kg−1 , D1 = saline irrigation water and slag dose = 7 mg kg−1 .
0 = ***, 0.001 = **, 0.01 = *, 0.05 = .
Cr(VI) were always below the detection lim- the drainage of D0, D1 and D2 treatments
its (0.5 µg/l) and are not shown. with respect to the control (C). This is due
The pH was not affected by the treat- to the salts addition in the irrigation wa-
ments, while EC was affected by the crop and ter. Slag application did not produce any ef-
by the BOF slag levels. The controls (C) dif- fect on drainage waters (i.e no significant
fered significantly with the treatments (D0, differences among D0, D1 and D2), except
D1 and D2). This is due to the irrigation wa- for K and V. Particularly K concentration was
ter treated with salts. higher in D2 and D1 treatments compared to
The major exchangeable cations (except D0 and C; on the other hand, Cr and V con-
for K), Cr and Cl significantly differed be- centrations were higher in D2 compared to
tween the two crops, with lower concentra- the other treatments. Potassium was added
tions in the leachate of potato lysimeters. only as a fertiliser, not added with the slag
Major cations (Ca, Na, K, Mg) and Cl or irrigation water, at the same quantity for
concentrations were significantly higher in all treatments. An indirect effect was seen
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
Table 8. Mean values of the parameters measured in the soils and relatives P value from the ANOVA. C = control, D0 =
saline irrigation water and slag dose = 0 mg kg−1 , D1 = saline irrigation water and slag dose = 3.5 mg kg−1 , D1 = saline
irrigation water and slag dose = 7 mg kg−1 ; U = upper soil profile, L = lower soil profile; 0 = ***, 0.001 = **, 0.01 = *, 0.05
= . levels of probability.
with the slag application, possibly due to the water. The slag addition did not affect Nae
competition of bivalent cations on the soil and the estimated ESP did not show a sig-
exchange sites, which mobilised sorbed K. nificant decrease in D1 and D2 compared to
As V was added with the slag, the highest D0 (see Tab. 8), but only between lysimeters
amount of slag application produced higher treated with saline water and the control (C).
losses of V in the drainage water. As for drainage waters, Cr (VI) was always
Results of the soil analyses are listed in below the detection limit (0.2 mg/kg).
Table 8. While all parameters were affected The effect of crop on exchangeable
by one or more experimental factors, avail- cations was not significant, except for Mge ,
able P (Polsen ) was not affected by any of which is lower in the lysimeters planted with
them. potato. Results of drainage water showed
The exchangeable cations content (Cae , that tomato lysimeters leached more Mg.
Mge , Ke , Nae ) significantly differed, depend- This could be due to the higher capacity
ing on the treatments. Concerning Nae this of potato to take more of this cation than
is due to the saline irrigation water. Sodium tomato. The crop factor did not affect other
concentration in slag is very low, but it is cations. This is maybe due to the large
added in the water solution as NaCl. For amount provided by saline irrigation (Na),
Cae and Ke there was a clear effect of slag slag application (Ca) and fertilization (K).
application, with a higher Cae content in D2 Significant differences were detected in
treatment due to slag supply and a lower Mge , Ke , and Nae , according to the soil layer.
Ke content for the same treatment. This re- Especially Nae had high leaching from the
sult support the hypothesis of the competi- upper layer. This is consistent with the re-
tion for the sorption sites of bivalent cations sults achieved for the leachate. As Na is a
(Ca in particular) on monovalent K, con- monovalent cation with a small ionic radius,
sistently with what observed on drainage it is highly mobile in the soil. Consequently
T. Annunziata Branca et al.: Metall. Res. Technol. 111, 155–167 (2014)
ESP of the first layer attained a value of between control and saline condition (data
2.8%, which is similar to the value before not shown).
salt addition of 1.3%. The ESP of the lower Statistics did not show any significant
layer was still around 10%. The Na addition differences among treatments with regard
through the irrigation led to the enrichment to tubers production in potato, as well as
of the leachable pool and then it was gradu- stems and leaves biomass and total pro-
ally removed by the rainfall in early autumn. duced biomass.
A similar pattern can be observed for Cl.
For Nae the dose/profile interaction was
6 Conclusions
also significant. The Na content in the con-
trol lysimeters (C) is similar in the two pro- The German long-term field trials with BOF
files and is also similar to the initial con- or basic slag in comparison to reference lim-
tent of the soil before any addition (around ing materials or fertilisers showed that the
20 mg/kg), while in the lysimeters treated annual application of slag rates meeting the
with salts the two profiles showed very dif- demands did not impair yields of grassland
ferent Nae contents. or arable crops, but resulted in the highest
The concentration of Mge and Ke was yields and crop or fodder qualities. The re-
higher in the upper profile. As K was added sults of first soil and crop analyses did not
as potassium-sulphate and mixed in the top- give any indication of negative impacts on
soil, this could have produced a residual fer- soil fertility by long-term application of BOF
tilization effect at the end of the growing sea- slag, although significant increases of Cr and
son. Magnesium enrichment is possible due V contents in the soil can be detected. Further
to the different root uptake. The interaction investigations will help explain the bonding
crop x profile is significant for Mge , with a and its changes of these elements in the soil.
more pronounced difference between upper According to the first results of the Ital-
and lower profile for the tomato lysimeters. ian trial, it can be concluded that potato gen-
The interaction crop/dose is also signifi- erally uptook more cations (including trace
cant: the higher the slag dose the more pro- metals) than tomato. This preliminary con-
nounced is the depletion of Mge in the potato clusion has to be confirmed by the mass bal-
lysimeters, while this is not true for tomato ances (after the remaining drainage samples
lysimeters. will be analyzed) and with analyses of plant
Trace metals showed different behaviors. The analyses on drainage waters showed
Vanadium was significantly higher in the D2 significantly higher losses of V for the
lysimeters while Cr was not. The crop fac- lysimeters treated with the higher dose
tor was significant for Cr but not for V. The (7 g/kg) of slags.
lower soil content of Cr in the potato-planted The results suggest that although the slag
lysimeters is consistent with what was ob- application improved the exchangeable Ca
served in drainage water (lower content of in the soil, it did not counteract the effect
Cr in the drainage of potato) and with the of Na addition (sodicity) in the short term
hypothesis of a higher uptake of this crop. (i.e. only one application). No effect on crop
Also the interaction dose x crop is signifi- yields related to slag addiction were ob-
cant, highlighting a strong difference in the served. In addiction the added Ca competed
response of the two crops to trace metals with K for soil sorption sites resulting in des-
added with the slag. orption and leaching of K with higher slag
In crop production, orthogonal contrasts doses.
highlighted significant differences with re-
gard to berries dry weight (g/plant) when the
control was compared with saline condition. Acknowledgements
The slag treatments did not produce any ef- The work described in the present paper has been
fect. No significant differences were detected developed within the project entitled "Impact of
for roots and stems leaves production. To- long-term application of blast furnace and steel
tal biomass per plant showed differences slags as liming materials on soil fertility, crop
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