Edited by: E.A. Ott, J.R. Groh, A. Banik, I. Dempster, T.P. Gabb, R. Helmink, X. Liu, A. Mitchell, G.P. Sjöberg, and A. Wusatowska-Sarnek
TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2010
Goals of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Power Systems Initiatives include power
generation from coal at 60% efficiency, which requires steam conditions of up to 760 °C and 35
MPa, so called Advanced Ultra Supercritical (A-USC) steam conditions [1]. Higher efficiency
will translate to reduced CO2 production for the same amount of energy produced, thereby
facilitating a reduction in green house gas emissions, or if combined with carbon capture and
sequestration, there will be less CO2 to capture and sequester. General usage of the terms
subcritical, supercritical (SC), ultra-supercritical (USC), and A-USC for coal power plants is as
follows: subcritical at below 22 MPa, SC at above 22.1 MPa and 538 to 565 °C, USC at above
565 °C, and A-USC above temperatures where nickel base superalloys must be used, ~675 °C
[1]. Nickel base superalloys are required in A-USC conditions due to high temperature creep
strength requirements in these pressurized systems.
Cast versions of Ni-based superalloys are needed for use as casing or valve components for A-
USC steam turbines. The full size castings are substantial: 2-5,000 kg each half and on the order
of 100 mm thick. The large component sizes combined with the high strengths of the alloys
makes fabrication by forging impractical. Traditionally wrought alloys were selected due to their
superior weldability, especially in thick sections.
These cast nickel alloys must also possess excellent steam oxidation resistance because these
components must last for a minimum of 20 years in A-USC steam power plants. The research
presented here evaluates the steam oxidation resistance of three cast and homogenized alloys,
based on Haynes 263 (H263), Haynes 282 (H282), and Nimonic 105 (N105), in comparison with
wrought commercial versions of the same alloys. The experimental castings were quite a bit
smaller than the turbine components, but section size was retained and cooling rate controlled to
produce equivalent microstructures. A multi-step homogenization heat treatment was
developed to better disperse the alloy constituents to reduce segregation and improve mechanical
The materials used in the research will be discussed with emphasis on the techniques used to
fabricate the cast and homogenized alloys. Then the experimental techniques used to expose the
alloys to steam at 760 and 800 °C will be provided with the results presented in terms of
oxidation kinetics and resulting microstructures. The paper will conclude with a discussion on
the merits of each of the three cast alloys as a structural material in A-USC steam conditions.
Three alloys are the focus of the research. The cast alloys are based on H263, H282, and N105.
The nominal and actual alloy compositions are shown in Table I.
Each of the alloys was cast with a nominal superheat of 50 °C above the liquidus into a 100mm
diameter mold to emulate the slow cooling in the full scale casting. After casting and sampling
for chemistry, each was subjected to a computationally optimized homogenization heat treatment
[6-7]. This was important because the castings were found to be inhomogeneous due to non-
equilibrium solidification resulting in localized regions poor in Cr and Al (potentially impacting
oxidation resistance) as well as Al, Ti and Mo (potentially impacting strength). Post
homogenization the castings were given their recommended aging heat treatment. The
effectiveness of the homogenization cycle was evident in the microstructure [6] as well as in the
creep performance [8] which was found to be comparable to the wrought versions of the alloys.
All of the cast and homogenized alloys were peak aged prior to oxidation testing. The wrought
H282 and N105 alloys were also peak aged prior to oxidation testing. The wrought H263 was
solution annealed.
The steam oxidation resistance of the cast and homogenized alloys, in comparison with wrought
alloys, was measured by exposing coupons of each alloy to steam at 760 and 800 °C. The
coupons were 1-2 mm thick and were polished to a 600 grit surface finish. The water used to
produce the steam was deaerated with Argon prior to entering the furnace. The samples were
removed for mass change determination after every ~250 hours. Each time the samples were
removed from the furnace, the furnace was allowed to cool over several hours prior to sample
removal. Each time the samples were inserted into the furnace, the furnace was reheated at
approximately 50 °C per hour. Some of the samples were removed from exposure testing after
1000, 2000, and in one case, 2500 hours of total time at temperature.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine cross-sections of exposed samples,
primarily with back-scattered electron (BSE) detection for compositional contrast (lighter
elements appear darker, heavier elements appear brighter). Statistics of the amount of external
scaling and internal oxidation were obtained from a series of 30 images, at magnifications
ranging from 3000× to 7000×, across one side of the cross-sectioned sample. In cases where
magnification higher than 3000× was used (due to thinner scales requiring higher magnification
to make accurate measurements), the next site was chosen by scrolling along the cross-section in
the 3000x frame. Each 3000× frame was approximately 80 µm across, so the statistics were
gathered across approximately 0.24 cm of surface (30 × 80 µm). At each of the 30 locations, the
thickness of external scale and depth of internal oxidation were measured at consistent locations
relative to each image. The maximum observed depth of internal oxidation in the image was
also recorded.
Also of interest were differences in grain boundary precipitates between the cast and
homogenized alloys compared with their wrought analog. Scanning electron microscopy of
grain boundaries in the interior of the samples, well away from the surface, was performed both
prior to steam exposure and after steam exposure, to differentiate between those microstructural
features inherent to the casting from those due to steam oxidation exposure.
Oxidation results, in terms of mass change kinetics, are shown in Fig. 1. For H263 and H282,
there were no significant differences between the cast and homogenized material and the
wrought alloys. This is in contrast to N105, where the cast and homogenized material exhibited
much greater mass gains than the wrought versions of the same alloy.
760 °C 800 °C
1.4 1.4
H263 H263
760 C 800 C Cast & Homogenized
1.2 1.2
(dashed lines)
0.6 Wrought
0.6 (solid lines)
(solid lines) 0.4
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time, hr Time, hr
H282 1.4
760 C 800 C
Mass Change, mg/cm2
Wrought Wrought
0.2 (solid lines) (solid lines)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time, hr Time, hr
1.4 1.4
N105 N105
760 C 800 C
1.2 1.2
Cast & Homogenized
Mass Change, mg/cm2
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 Wrought
(solid lines) 0.2 (solid lines)
0.0 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time, hr Time, hr
The data in Fig. 1 was fitted to parabolic rate kinetics using Eq. 1, where kp is the parabolic rate
constant, ∆M is the mass change per unit area, and t is time.
∆M 2
kp = (1)
In some cases the data fit parabolic kinetics better after an initial period of time than starting at
t=0. Initial oxidation may be non-parabolic [5], and excluding some of the initial mass change
data can improve the determination of kp. To quantify the decision to obtain kp after an initial
period of time, the F-statistic (using the Linest function in Excel) was used. Each curve in Fig. 1
was examined with the F-statistic using all the data. Subsequently, all but the first data point
(0,0) was analyzed, then all but the first two data points, and so on, up to using just the final four
data points. The data set with the maximum F-statistic was used to obtain kp. The kp data are
presented in Table II and are the weighted averages of the two or three curves for each condition
in Fig. 1.
In Table II the “Last N Points” columns show the extent of limiting the data set with the F-
statistic. The 1000 hr test periods had a maximum of 5 data points and the 2000 hr test periods
had a maximum of 9 data points (the value at a time of 0 and then 4 or 8 250 hr time increments).
A few tests ran longer and so have a higher number of data points. The F-statistic analysis
resulted in only one data point being eliminated from the analysis—the 0 time point for one of
the wrought N105 tests. The number of data points were also used as a weighting factor (along
with the standard deviation) to obtain average kp values, as shown in Eq. 2.
n N i k p,i
i=1 σ i2
average k p = n (2)
i=1 σ i
In Eq. 2, n is the number of oxidation samples (or lines in Fig. 1) grouped together to be
In terms of microstructural differences, Figs. 2-4 show the cross-sections of H263, H282, and
N105, respectively, after 1000 hours of steam exposure. For H263 in Fig. 2, external chromia
scales with internal oxidation of Ti and Al were observed in every case. The internal oxidation
was more pronounced (deeper and thicker) in the cast and homogenized alloys than in the
wrought alloys, and was more extensive at 800 °C than at 760 °C. Similar results were found for
H282 in Fig. 3.
For N105 in Fig. 4, the cast and homogenized samples developed a chromia scale with extensive
internal oxidation of Al and Ti. For wrought N105, there were two types of structures found—
one with a similar chromia external scale with internal oxidation of Al and Ti, and one with a
very thin alumina external scale. This was true even at 800 °C even though Fig. 4 only shows
the chromia scale region. Alumina scales are much more protective of the base alloy and result
in less mass gain than chromia scales. Thus the differences in oxidation kinetics seen in Fig. 1
for N105 result from a significant fraction of the surface being protected by an alumina scale.
The differences in microstructures seen in Figs. 2-4 are quantified in Table III. For H263, the
external scales (cast and homogenized verses wrought) are similar in terms of average thickness
and standard deviation. Internal oxidation is generally more pronounced in the cast and
homogenized alloys than in the wrought alloys, both in terms of average values (with the
exception of 1000 hr at 760 °C) and maximum depth observed.
Cast and Homogenized Wrought
760 °C
800 °C
Table III for H282 shows thicker external scales and deeper internal oxidation (both in terms of
the average and maximum depth observed) in the cast and homogenized alloys than in the
wrought alloys.
Table III for wrought N105 shows much more variation (in terms of the standard deviation
percentage, std %) than any of the other alloys for both external scales and internal oxidation.
This is consistent with Fig. 4 and the observation of regions with very protective and thin
alumina scales and some regions with thicker chromia scales and internal oxidation. The
thickness of the external scale and the depth of internal oxidation grew quite rapidly with time,
more than doubling in thickness with a doubling of exposure time. This indicates that the areas
protected by alumina external scales were shrinking with time. To support this, Fig. 5 shows the
internal oxidation measurements after 1000 and 2000 hours after they have been ordered from
smallest to largest and displayed in a probability plot. With time the curves for each temperature
shift more to the left (less alumina coverage) than they shift upwards (internal oxidation depth
increasing). This could be indicative of insufficient transport of Al to the surface to maintain the
alumina scale. At these temperatures, grain boundary diffusion would predominate over lattice
diffusion and would be grain size dependant. The cast and homogenized alloys have much larger
grain sizes than the wrought alloys and this would explain why the external alumina scales did
not develop on them.
Table III for the cast and homogenized N105 shows very small standard deviation for internal
oxidation, indicating that the depth of internal oxidation is rather uniform. In all cases the cast
and homogenized N105 showed more external scaling and internal oxidation than the wrought
Differences between the cast and homogenized alloys, compared with wrought alloys, go beyond
grain size differences. Figures 6-8 show the internal microstructures of H263, H282, and N105,
respectively, both before and after 1000 hours of steam exposure at 800 °C.
In Fig. 6 for H263, aging for 1000 hours at 800 °C resulted in increased grain boundary
precipitation. The aged grain boundaries are decorated with light and dark precipitates. Energy-
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) indicated that the light precipitates were Mo-rich carbides
and the dark precipitates were Cr-rich carbides. The precipitates were too small to get accurate
compositional chemistries beyond these general chemistry indications. The amount of
precipitates on the cast and homogenized grain boundaries was much greater than those formed
on the wrought grain boundaries. This is likely the result of the limited grain boundary area in
the cast material as opposed to differences in chemistry between the wrought and cast versions
(Table I).
In Fig. 7 for H282, aging produced little difference in grain boundary precipitates. The light
precipitates were again Mo-rich carbides. In cast H282, the larger dark precipitates were Ti-rich
carbides. The smaller dark precipitates (and the precipitates in the cast and homogenized
sample) were Cr-rich carbides. Aging did induce the formation of very fine precipitates within
the grains.
In Fig. 8 for N105, aging produced little differences in either grain boundary precipitates or
within the grain. The cast and homogenized grain boundaries contained light Mo-rich carbides
and dark Ti-rich and Cr-rich carbides. Only dark Cr-rich carbides were observed on the wrought
N105 grain boundaries.
Figure 5. Probability plot of the internal
oxidation found for wrought N105 after
exposure in steam for 1000 and 2000 hr.
The cast alloy creep results are compared to the typical wrought alloy performance in Fig. 9.
The overall results of the three alloys fell in order of gamma prime content with N105 having the
best creep performance followed closely by H282. For all three alloys, it was found that the cast
versions performed comparably to their wrought counterparts. This is due in part to the
homogenization heat treatment [6-7] given each alloy prior to peak aging. Without this heat
treatment, critical strengthening elements such as Al, Ti, and Mo would be concentrated either in
the dendrite cores or interdendritic regions of the cast material. This cast structure is broken in
wrought alloys up during ingot preheat and hot working operations. The effectiveness of the
homogenization heat treatment is also apparent when comparing the microstructures of the cast
to the wrought alloys (Figs. 6-8) which appear similar. Of course, another feature of the cast
microstructure favoring creep performance is the large grain size.
The development of high creep strength and steam oxidation resistant cast alloys for use in A-
USC steam turbines is required to meet the need of some of the large components that comprise
the turbine. Three wrought alloys, H263, H282, and N105, were selected for the development of
cast versions through the use of advanced casting and homogenization heat treating procedures.
The steam oxidation resistance of the cast and homogenized versions of these alloys was
compared with commercial wrought versions of the alloys.
For H263, an external scale of chromia and internal oxidation of Al and Ti was found for both
the cast and homogenized alloys and the wrought alloys. The overall mass gain and parabolic
kinetics were similar. The depth of internal oxidation was greater in the cast and homogenized
alloys. More Mo-rich and Cr-rich carbides were found along the grain boundaries of the cast and
homogenized alloys.
100 H282
Stress (ksi)
21000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000
LM = T[K](C[20]+log(t))
Figure 9. Comparison of the cast alloys (data
points) to the average wrought alloy creep
performance is shown in the plot above.
For H282 an external scale of chromia and internal oxidation of Al and Ti was found for both the
cast and homogenized alloys and the wrought materials. The overall mass gain and parabolic
kinetics were similar. The depth of internal oxidation was greater in the cast and homogenized
alloys. More of both Mo-rich carbides and Cr-rich carbides were found along the grain
boundaries of the cast and homogenized alloys. In addition, Ti-rich carbides were found along
the grain boundaries of the cast and homogenized alloys, which were not observed in the
wrought alloys.
For N105 the wrought alloys exhibited lower oxidation kinetics than the cast and homogenized
alloys. This occurred because some of the surface of the wrought alloys was covered by a very
protective alumina scale. Where the alumina scale was not present, a chromia scale was present
with internal oxidation of Al and Ti underneath it. The chromia scale and internal oxidation was
found throughout the cast and homogenized alloys. The fraction of the surface protected by the
alumina scale decreased with time. The cast and homogenized grain boundaries contained Mo-
rich carbides, Ti-rich carbides, and Cr-rich carbides. Only the Cr-rich carbides were observed on
the wrought N105 grain boundaries.
The creep performance of the cast alloys compared favorably with the averages for the respective
wrought alloys with the ranking lining up with the levels of gamma prime content. The
favorable level of cast alloy performance was likely due to the combined effect of the
homogenization heat treatment given the alloys and the large grain size of the cast material.
2. Haynes International, “Haynes 263 Alloy” (H-3047D, Kokomo, IN: Haynes International,
3. Haynes International, “Haynes 282 Alloy” (H-3173, Kokomo, IN: Haynes International,
4. Special Metals Corporation, “Nimonic Alloy 105” (SMC-081, Huntington, WV: Special
Metals Corporation, 2007).
5. P. Kofstad, High Temperature Corrosion (New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Science, 1988),
7. P.D. Jablonski and C.J. Cowen, “Computationally Optimized Homogenization Heat Treatment
of Metal Alloys,” filed with the U.S. Patent office, August, 2009.
8. P.D. Jablonski et al., “Addressing Materials Processing Issues for Steam Turbines: Cast
Versions of Wrought Ni-Based Superalloys” (Paper presented at the TMS Annual meeting,
Seattle, Washington, 14-18 February 2010).