Carga y Prueba Sistema Piloto Del Acumulador Cat-988k
Carga y Prueba Sistema Piloto Del Acumulador Cat-988k
Carga y Prueba Sistema Piloto Del Acumulador Cat-988k
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Configuration: 988K Wheel Loader LWX00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY
C18 Engine
Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pressure and hot oil.
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system after the
engine has been stopped. Serious injury can be caused if this pressure is
not released before any service is done on the hydraulic system.
Make sure all of the attachments have been lowered, oil is cool before
removing any components or lines. Remove the oil filler cap only when
the engine is stopped, and the filler cap is cool enough to touch with
your bare hand.
Dry nitrogen is the only gas approved for use in the accumulators. The
charging of oxygen gas in an accumulator will cause an explosion. An
explosion can be eliminated by using nitrogen gas cylinders with
standard CGA (Compressed Gas Association, Inc.) No. 580 connectors.
When nitrogen gas is ordered, make sure to order the cylinders with
CGA No. 580 connectors.… 1/2
17/5/2019 988K Wheel Loader LWX00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C18 Engine(SEBP5756 - 47) - Documentation
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair
of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.
Table 1
Pilot Oil Accumulator Pre Charge Pressure
Machine Preparation
Prepare the machine for testing by completing the procedure that is specified in the Service Manual module
Testing and Adjusting, "Machine Preparation for Troubleshooting" for the machine that is being serviced.
Charging Procedure
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS5464, "Accumulator Discharging and Charging Procedures" for the required
tooling, and the testing and charging procedure.
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All Rights Reserved.
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