Midterm Exam - Saeful Aziz (29118389) PDF
Midterm Exam - Saeful Aziz (29118389) PDF
Midterm Exam - Saeful Aziz (29118389) PDF
Capacity of OCR Capital cost (million Fixed cost per year Variable cost per
(documents/year) rupiahs) (million rupiahs) document
50,000 500 200 10,000
• See the table 75,000 700 250 10,000
100,000 1,000 300 10,000
NUMBER 3: Answers (a,c)
Weighted NPV Small
1,343.69 25%
Weighted NPV Small
1,919 25%
Weighted NPV Small
1,891 25%
NUMBER 3: Answers (b)
Capex mio IDR (500) Capex mio IDR (500) Capex mio IDR (500)
Revenue mio IDR 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Revenue mio IDR 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Revenue mio IDR 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
Total Cost mio IDR 700 700 700 700 700 Total Cost mio IDR 700 700 700 700 700 Total Cost mio IDR 700 700 700 700 700
Profit mio IDR - 550 550 550 550 550 Profit mio IDR - 550 550 550 550 550 Profit mio IDR - 550 550 550 550 550
Net Cash Flow mio IDR (500) 550 550 550 550 550 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (500) 550 550 550 550 550 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (500) 550 550 550 550 550
Cummulative CF mio IDR (500) 50 600 1,150 1,700 2,250 Cummulative CF mio IDR (500) 50 600 1,150 1,700 2,250 Cummulative CF mio IDR (500) 50 600 1,150 1,700 2,250
Present Value CF mio IDR (500) 478 416 362 314 273 Present Value CF mio IDR (500) 478 416 362 314 273 Present Value CF mio IDR (500) 478 416 362 314 273
Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (500) (22) 394 756 1,070 1,344 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (500) (22) 394 756 1,070 1,344 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (500) (22) 394 756 1,070 1,344
NPV mio IDR 1,344 - NPV mio IDR 1,344 - NPV mio IDR 1,344 -
NUMBER 3: Answers (b)
Capex mio IDR (700) Capex mio IDR (700) Capex mio IDR (700)
Revenue mio IDR 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Revenue mio IDR 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 Revenue mio IDR 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875
Total Cost mio IDR 750 750 750 750 750 Total Cost mio IDR 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Cost mio IDR 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Profit mio IDR - 500 500 500 500 500 Profit mio IDR - 875 875 875 875 875 Profit mio IDR - 875 875 875 875 875
Net Cash Flow mio IDR (700) 500 500 500 500 500 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (700) 875 875 875 875 875 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (700) 875 875 875 875 875
Cummulative CF mio IDR (700) (200) 300 800 1,300 1,800 Cummulative CF mio IDR (700) 175 1,050 1,925 2,800 3,675 Cummulative CF mio IDR (700) 175 1,050 1,925 2,800 3,675
Present Value CF mio IDR (700) 435 378 329 286 249 Present Value CF mio IDR (700) 761 662 575 500 435 Present Value CF mio IDR (700) 761 662 575 500 435
Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (700) (265) 113 442 727 976 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (700) 61 722 1,298 1,798 2,233 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (700) 61 722 1,298 1,798 2,233
NPV mio IDR 976 - NPV mio IDR 2,233 - NPV mio IDR 2,233 -
NUMBER 3: Answers (b)
Capex mio IDR (1,000) Capex mio IDR (1,000) Capex mio IDR (1,000)
Revenue mio IDR 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Revenue mio IDR 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 Revenue mio IDR 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Total Cost mio IDR 800 800 800 800 800 Total Cost mio IDR 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 Total Cost mio IDR 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300
Profit mio IDR - 450 450 450 450 450 Profit mio IDR - 825 825 825 825 825 Profit mio IDR - 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Net Cash Flow mio IDR (1,000) 450 450 450 450 450 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (1,000) 825 825 825 825 825 Net Cash Flow mio IDR (1,000) 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Cummulative CF mio IDR (1,000) (550) (100) 350 800 1,250 Cummulative CF mio IDR (1,000) (175) 650 1,475 2,300 3,125 Cummulative CF mio IDR (1,000) 200 1,400 2,600 3,800 5,000
Present Value CF mio IDR (1,000) 391 340 296 257 224 Present Value CF mio IDR (1,000) 717 624 542 472 410 Present Value CF mio IDR (1,000) 1,043 907 789 686 597
Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (1,000) (609) (268) 27 285 508 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (1,000) (283) 341 884 1,355 1,766 Cummulative PV CF mio IDR (1,000) 43 951 1,740 2,426 3,023
NPV mio IDR 508 - NPV mio IDR 1,766 - NPV mio IDR 3,023 -
NUMBER 4: Questions
A project has seven activities. Data about the project are shown in
the following table.
a. Construct the network diagram and determine the critical path when
normal activity times are used.
b. Compute the minimum total direct cost for each project completion
time of 23, 22, 21, and 20 weeks.
c. If the indirect costs for each project completion time are $400 (23
weeks), $350 (22weeks), $300 (21 weeks), and $250 (20 weeks),
please indicate the minimum total project cost duration.
Activity Immediate Normal time Crash time Normal cost Crash cost
predecessors (weeks) (weeks) ($) ($)
A --- 4 3 140 180
B A 5 3 70 100
C A 4 1 90 120
D A 3 2 90 150
• See the table E
G C, E, F 9 8 60 120
NUMBER 4: Answers (a)
a. Construct the network diagram and determine the critical path when normal activity times are used.
1 Float 1 1 Float 1
Normal Cost = NC ES 4 NC $70 EF 9 ES 9 NC $ 40 EF 14
Crash Cost per day = CC B 5 E 5
Crash Time Max = CM LS 5 CC $15 LF 10 LS 10 CC $ 5 LF 15
CM 3 CM 3
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 4 NC $90 EF 7 ES 7 NC $100 EF 15
D 3 F 8
LS 4 CC $60 LF 7 LS 7 CC $ 30 LF 15
CM 2 CM 5
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 4 NC $90 EF 7 ES 7 NC $100 EF 15
D 3 F 8
LS 4 CC $60 LF 7 LS 7 CC $ 30 LF 15
CM 2 CM 5
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 4 NC $90 EF 7 ES 7 NC $130 EF 14
D 3 F 7
LS 4 CC $60 LF 7 LS 7 CC $ 30 LF 14
CM 2 CM 5
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 4 NC $90 EF 7 ES 7 NC $160 EF 13
D 3 F 6
LS 4 CC $60 LF 7 LS 7 CC $ 30 LF 13
CM 2 CM 5
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 4 NC $90 EF 7 ES 7 NC $190 EF 12
D 3 F 5
LS 4 CC $60 LF 7 LS 7 CC $ 30 LF 12
CM 2 CM 5
0 Float 0 0 Float 0
ES 3 NC $90 EF 6 ES 6 NC $190 EF 11
D 3 F 5
LS 3 CC $60 LF 6 LS 6 CC $ 30 LF 11
CM 2 CM 5
c. If the indirect costs for each project completion time are $400 (23 weeks), $350 (22weeks), $300 (21 weeks), and $250 (20 weeks), please indicate the minimum total project cost duration.
Immediate Normal time Crash time Normal cost Selected Crash Times Weeks Selected Cost ($)
Activity Crash cost ($) Cost/weeks
predecessors (weeks) (weeks) ($) 24 23 22 21 20 24 23 22 21 20
Critical path A C D G H I L
Days 30 65 55 30 20 30 30 260
Variance 11 69 136 2.8 11 44 44 319
SD 18
Project Less than 260 days or less
Z = D - ET = 260 - 260 = 0
SD 18
• Current situation:
• Demand for newsprint expected to increase from 3,000,000 tons/paper
to 3,680,000 tons next year.
• Gap between demand and supply: -482.600
• 95% production is to fulfill the demand of newsprint paper, the
remaining 5% to fulfill special writing paper.
• About 50 of 75 technical measurement in the paper-making process
were made automatically by computerized process controls. The
remaining 25 measurements were made by a team of eight inspection
employees. There was a team for each of the three shifts. Theses
workers, all members of the Canadian Paperworkers Union, earned an
average of $ 22.65 per hour.
• Contribution per ton of newsprint = $ 80.
• Newsprint = 95% x 3,200,000 tons = 3,040,000 ton. Revenue = 3.040.000
x $ 80 = $ 243,200,000
• Revenue of special writing paper = $ 4,963,265
NUMBER 6: Answers (d)
• Root cause:
• Poor quality caused by manual measurement of 25 parameters during paper production.
• Late delivery caused by machine set up problem
No. Options Cost Revenue
1 Computerized all 75 measurements in paper-making process, enhance 450,000 +( 14 x 830,000 x 5) = 992,070 + (80 x 3,680,000) + (310 x
wood processing capacity and keep the special writing paper production 58,550,000 193,684) = 1,773,202,270
2 Eliminate the writing paper production (maintaining the existing 450,000 + (10 x 830,000) = 8,750,000 992,070 (80 x 3,680,000 x 5) =
capacity process) 1,472,992,070
• Alliant came up with guiding principles and a 10-point action plan to help introduce TQM to
the organization through quality management teams (QMT).
• Alliant was thorough in making sure their quality strategy was implemented systematically through
targeted programs and processes that would help their “organization achieve a competitive advantage
based on the management of quality“.
• They implemented the quality stategy well in the first year because after Petersdorf died in 1987, “quality
had already taken root” and “one of the board’s primary selectin criteria for Petersdorf’s replacement was
a commitment to total quality management”.
• In the second year of implementation, Alliant saw their most profitable year in the history of
the company.
• Four components of TQM strategy were implemented pretty well.
• CARES+ process “diffused rapidly across Alliant”; Were “making the transition from traditional planning to
quality improvement”; found quality planning process to be highly effective.
• EQUIP allowed employees to voice their ideas; helped communicate between employees, managers, and
• Quality Improvement Teams “prescribed specific analytical tools and walked a team from problem
statement through actions, results, and future plans”; drilled right to the core of performance issues;
applied statistical process control techniques to cash flow to bring the receivables range down.
• Critical Paths worked; was able to shorten length of hospital stay for coronary artery bypass graft surgeries
from 17 days to 13 days and reduced average costs from $41,863 to $35,843; saved Alliant almost $1
million in 1990; moves process along if everyone works with the same time frame in mind.
NUMBER 7: Answers (c)
• Yes,
• HELP would bring together Alliant’s hospitals and technically make
it one working unit by providing a single patient-oriented system
that had all data of a patient from every area of the hospital in one
computer making Alliant efficient, productive, and quality focused.
• This would allow information to be shared and eliminate all repeat
and unnecessary procedures and allow a shorter waiting time
because information would not have to be collected again. xvi. In
effect, HELP would improve quality.
NUMBER 7: Answers (e)
• Make sure that the process works for us rather than us work for
the process.
• Take everything one step at a time; analyze little by little instead
of taking in everything at once.
• Make sure everybody was on board with Total Quality
Management by restructuring the culture and climate in making
TQM more hospitable.
• Train managers with a familiar interface as that of HELP.
• This would help with a smooth short-term transition and involve fewer
• “Stabilize the existing infrastructure, lay the foundation for HELP, and
begin to make some progress on automating support for TQM”.
NUMBER 8: Questions
• As illustrated by the control charts in grahic, the data for the centerline from exhibit
3 shows much less variability for the data, as most of the observations fall within the
upper and lower control limits. On the other hand exhibit 6 data from the case
represents data collected after the implementation of Project Greenlight and shows
much more variability in the observations as they are significantly farther outside of
the control limits. Therefore, it can be concluded that the process mean before the
quality control change was more stable than after the change.
• Investigating the root cause of the problem is mandatory. Most of samples of Finger
Height measurement are out of control (as seen from above control charts). Polaroid
should investigate the cause of this problem so they can prevent the same problem
occurring in the future.
• Polaroid should ensure that the operators should adhere to the processes. They
should keep themselves off from tweaking in the machinery and follow the
standards. Standards will help in reducing variability thereby enhancing the quality.
• Some of the defects such as imperfect camera of user and films should also be
reciprocated. Films should mention tolerance of imperfection so that any issue
arising does not directly blame the quality of the films. Users should also maintain
their camera imperfections.