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A N S I C 5 7 * 3 2 * 1 0 88 0724350 0 0 0 4 6 8 9 3
ANSI C57.12-10-1988

for transformers -
230 k V and below
833/958 through 8333/ 1O 4 17 kVA, single-phase,
and 7501862 through 60 000/80 000/100 O00 kVA, three-phase
without load tap changing;
and 3750/4687 through 60 000/80 OOO/ 100 O00 kVA
with load tap changing - safety requirements

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
American Approval of a n American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the re-
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Standard Consensus is established when, in the judgmentof the A X 3 Eoard of StandardsReview,
substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Sub-
stantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanim-
ity, Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered,and that a concerted
effort be madetoward their resolution.
The use ofAmerican National Standardsis completely voluntary: their existence does not
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The American National Standards Institute does notdevelop standards and will in no cir-
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American National Standards Institute

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Copyright O 1988 by American National Standards Institute, Inc

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COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Revision and Consolidation of
I) ANSI C57.12.10-1977, C57.12.10a-1978,
and C57.12.30-1977

American National Standard

for Transformers -

230 kV and Below

8331958 through 8333/ 1O 4 17 kVA, Single-phase,
and 7501862 through 60 000/80000/100 O00 kVA, Three-phase
without Load Tap Changing;
and 3750/4687 through 60 000/80 000/100 O00 kVA
with Load Tap Changing - Safety Requirements

Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved June 4,1987

American National Standards Institute, Inc

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Foreword (This Foreword is not p& of American National Standard (257.12.10-1988.)
American National Standard C57.12.10was first approved in 1958 and representedthe
It originally encompassed transformers
first product standard for power transformers.
501 through 10 O00 kVA with a maximum voltage of67 O00 volts. Successive revisions
gradually expanded the scope, and subsequently a companion standard,ANSI C57.12.30,
was addedfor power transformers with load-tap-changing equipment.
This standard is a revision and consolidation ofANSI C57.12.30-1977, Requirements for
Load-Tap-Changing Transformers230 O00 Volts and Below, 3750/4687 through60 OOO/
80 OOO/lOO O00 kVA, Three-Phase;ANSI C57.12.10-1977 and C57.12.10a-1978, Re-
quirements for Transformers 230 O00 Volts andBelow, 833/958 through 8333/10 417
kVA, Single-phase, and750/862 through 60 000/80 000/100 O00 kVA, Three-phase.
Some of the changes in this revision are the:
(1) Combining of ANSI C57.12.10-.1977 and C57.12.30-1977into s single document.
(2) Reorganizing ofthe data included in the two previous documents to eliminate
repetition of much almost-identical data. Construction features are now described only
(3) Reorganizing to better recognize small three-phase power transformers (750-2500
kVA) with distribution insulationlevels (see Tables 8 and 9), and reduced construction
features (see Table 11, “Basic Standard” Construction Features, 750-2500 Distribution
It is anticipated that thissimpler, briefer section on construction will eventually makethe
conversion to primary use of metric system international dimensions simpler and easier.
Other changesin the 1988revision include numerouseditorial changes to update informa-
tion and references. A few nominal systemvoltages have been revised slightly to conform
to thevoltages of ANSI C84.1-1982, .and are coded to indicate those whichare recognized
in ANSI C84.1-1982, Voltage Ratingsfor Electric Power Equipment(60 Hz). Manual
taps have been changed to thevery commonly used two 2.5-percent taps above and two
2.5-percent taps below rated highvoltage. Paralleling systems for load-tap-changingtrans-
formers have been added as an “other” item. Recommended accuracyclassifications of
bushing current transformersfor relaying service have been added. The percent imped-
ance values of 60-150 BIL have been .added. The percent impedancevalues of 60-150
BIL transformers have been reduced. The standard connection for shipment of series/
multiple windings (when provided)was determined to be the “multiple” connection.
In addition to these changes, many minor updating items and changes intended to im-
prove format, organization, clarity, and brevityhave been introduced.
This standard is a voluntary consensus standard. Its useis mandatory only when required
by a duly constitutedlegal authority orwhen specified in a contractualrelationship.
To meet specialized needs and to allow innovation, specific changes are permissible
when mutually determined by the user and the producer, provided such changes do not
violate existing laws and are considered technically adequatefor the function intended.
When this document is used on a mandatory basis, the words “shall” and “must” indicate
mandatory requirements, and the words “should” and “may” refer to matters that are
recommended and permitted, respectively, but are not mandatory.
Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcomed. They should be sent
the National Electrical Manufacturers Association,2101 L Street, W ,Washington, DC

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
ANSI C 5 7 * 1 2 * 1 0 88 0 7 2 4 1 5 0 0004673 O W

The standardwas processed and approvedfor submittal toANSI bythe Accredited

Standards Committeeon Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57. Committee ap-
proval ofthe standard does notnecessarily imply that all committee members voted for
its approval. Atthe time itapproved this standard,the C57 Committee had the following

R. Ensign, Chair
K. Linsley, Vice Chair
C. H. White, Secretary
Organization Represented . Name of Representative
Electric Light and Power, .............................. W.Cole
G. Gunnels
P. Orehek
D. Soffrin (Alt)
J. Sullivan (Alt)
A. Velazquez
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ................. J. Bonucchi
O. Compton
J. Dutton
R. Ensign
F. Huber, JI (Alt)
L. McCormick
W. Neiswander
H. Smith (Alt)
B. Stanleigh
H. Tucker
National Electrical Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. Cacalloro (Alt)
P. Dewever (Alt)
J. Douglas
W. Kendall
K. Linsley
G. Mayall
W. McNutt
J. Nay (Alt)
T. Reback
D. Strang (Alt)
R. Uptegraff, Jr
Tennessee Valley Authority. ............................ L. Smith
Testing Laboratory Group. ............................. W. O’Grady
R. Seelbach
ViS. Department of Agriculture -
Rural Electrification Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Arnold, Jr
U.S. Department of Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Torgerson
US. Department of the Interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Cook, Sr
U.S. Department of the Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Stickley

Subcommittee C57.12.1on Power Transformers, which developed

and approved this
standard had the followingmembers:

K. Linsley, Chair R. Alton L. Long

C. H. White, Secretary S . Bennon J. McGU
E. Cook, Sr W.McNutt
C. Dixon P. NeIson
J. Douglass D. Peacock
J. Dutton W. Richter
G. Gunnels L. Smith
R, Hollister (Alt) D, Soffrin
O. Keller H. Stickley
H. Light R. Toler
K. Linsley D. Torgerson

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
1. Introduction. Scope. and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Scope ................................................ 7
1.3 Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 MandatoryRequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Part A: “Basic Standard” Ratings, Characteristics. Construction.and Routine Tests
2 . Referenced and Related Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1Referenced American National Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2RelatedStandard ........................................ 8
3 . Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 . RatingData ............................................... 8
4.1 Usual Service Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2Kilovolt-AmpereRatings ................................... 8
4.3 Kilovolt-AmpereandVoltageRatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4.4Insulation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.5 Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Impedance Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.7Top-LiquidTemperature-RangeLimits ......................... 8
4.8 RoutineTests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 . Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1 Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 Bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3 Lifting. Moving. and Jacking Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.4 Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.5GroundPads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.6 Polarity. Angular Displacement. and Terminal Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.7 Liquid Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.9 Auxiliary Cooling Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.10 Power Supply for Transformer Auxiliary Equipment and Controls . . . . . . . 19
6 . Basic Construction Features - Load-Tap-Changing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.1 Load-Tap-Changing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2 Arcing TapSwitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.3 Motor-Drive Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.4 PositionIndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.5. Control Equipment and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.6 Automatic Control Equipment Operating Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7 . Alarm Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Part B: “Other” Requirements That May Be Specified for Some Applications

8 . Other Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1OtherKilovolt-AmpereRatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8.2 Other High-Voltage Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.3 Other Winding Ratings and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.4 Other Basic Impulse Insulation Levels (BILs) and Impedance Voltages . . . . .2 4

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
9 Other Construction Features. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.1Other Bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.2 Other Neutral Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.3 Terminal Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.4 Junction Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.5 Disconnecting Switches with Interlocks and Terminal Chambers . . . . . . . . .27
9.6ThroatConnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
9.7 Temperature and Liquid-Level Indicator Contacts and Wirings . . . . . . . . . . 29
9.8CurrentTransformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
9.9 Provision for Future Forced-Air Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.10 Pressure-Type Relay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.1 1 Moving Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.12 Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.13 Other Oil Preservation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.14 Other Insulating Liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.15 Other Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.16 Other Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9.17 “Other” Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10. Other Construction Features- Load-Tap-Changing Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . .31
10.1 Terminal Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.2 Paralleling Circuit and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.3 Omission of Automatic Load-Tap-Changing Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
10.4 Lightning Surge Voltage Protectorfor Motor Power Supply. . . . . . . . . . . .31
Table 1 Kilovolt-AmpereRatings.Self-cooled (OA) .................... 9
Table 2 Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings. Self-Cooled (OA). Forced-Cooled
First.Stage. and Forced-Cooled Second-Stage Three-phase
(With. or Without. Load TapChanging). 12 000-
100000kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Table 3 Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Single-phase
Transformers. 833-8333 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 4 Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Three-phase
Transformers. Without Load TapChanging 750-10 O00 kVA . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 5 Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratingsfor Three-phase
Transformers With LoadTap Changing. 3750-10 O00 kVA . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 6 Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Three-phase
Transformers Withor Without Load Tap Changing. 12 000-
60 O00 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l 1
Table 7 High-Voltage Winding Insulation Levels of Single-phase Transformers . . . 11
Table 8 High-Voltage Winding Insulation Levels of Three-phase Transformers . . . 11
Table 9 Low-VoltageWinding Insulation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 10 BILs and Percent Impedance Voltages at Self-Cooled(OA) Rating . . . . .12
Table 11 “Basic Standard” ConstrÙction Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 12 Single- and Three-phase Self-cooled (OA) and Forced-Air-Cooled
(FA) Ratings 750-12 500 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Table 13 Other (Nonpreferred) Three.Phase. Self-cooled (OA). Forced-Cooled
First.Stage. and Forced-Cooled Second-Stage Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings
(With. or Without. Load Tap-Changing). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Table 14 Range of Other High-Voltage Ratings for Single- and Three-phase
Transformers. 95-650 kV BIL (Applicableto 750-10 O00 kVA.
OA Rating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table 15 Range of Other High-Voltage Ratings for Thee-Phase Transformers,
150-900 kV BIL (Applicable to 12 000-60 O00 kVA, OA Rating) .., . ,25
Table 16 High-Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratingsfor Series-Multiple
Low-Voltage Ratingsfor Single-phase Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table 17 High-Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratingsfor Series-Multiple
Low-Voltage Ratings for Three-phase Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
Table 18 Other BILs and Associated Percent Impedance Voltagesat
Self-cooled (OA) Rating (With, or Without, Load TapChanging) . . . . . . 2 7
Table 19 “Other” Construction Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 20 Recommended Accuracy Classification of Bushing Current
Transformers for Relaying Service .......................... 30
Figure 1 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 2 Bushing Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 3 Provision for Jacking (Transformers above 2500 kVA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 4 Angular Displacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 5 Position Indicator for Load Tap Changer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 0
Figure 6 Contact Wiring and Wire Color Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,29
Figure 7 Simplified Schematic of CurrentCircuit for
Paralleling Two Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services
A N S I C57*12.10 8 8

American National Standard

for Transformers -

230 kV and Below

833/958 through 833311O 1417 k:VA, Single-phase,
and 750/862 through 60 000/80 000/100 O00 kVA, Three-phase
without Load Tap Changing;
and 375014687 through 60 000/80 OOO/ 100 O00 kVA
with Load Tap Changing - Safety Requirements

1. Introduction, Scope, and Organization 1.3 Organization. This standardis divided into two
1.1 Introduction. This voluntary consensus standardis (1) Part A. “Basic Standard” ratings, characteristics,
intended foruse as a basis for performance, interchange- construction, and routine tests
ability, and safety of equipment covered, and to assist (2) Part B: “Other” ratings, construction, and tests
in the proper selection of such equipment.
1.4 Mandatory Requirements. When this standard is
used on a mandatorybasis, the words “shall” and
1.2 Scope. This standardcovers certain electrical, di-
“must” indicate mandatory requirements, andthe
mensional, and mechanical characteristics and takes
words “should” and “may” referto matters that are
into consideration certain safety featuresof 60-Hz,
recommended and perniitted, respectively,but not
two-winding, liquid-immersed transformers rated as
follows, andused for step-down purposes:
(1) 833/958 through 8333/10 417kVA, single- Note: TheForeword of this standard describesthe circum-
phase; 750/862 through10 000/12 500kVA, three- sfances under which the document maybe used on a manda-
tory basis.
phase; highvoltage, 2400 through 138O00 volts; low-
voltage, 480 through 36 230 volts; without load tap
changing Part A: “Basic Standard” Ratings, Character-
Note: A subgroup of the above groupis also identified as istics, Construction, andRoutine Tests
three-phase transformers750-2500 kVA, with distribution
BIL characteristics.
2. Referenced and Related Standards
(2) 12 000/16 000/20O00 through 60 000/80 OOO/
100 O00 kVA, three-phase; highvoltage, 23 O00 2.1 Referenced American National Standards. This
through 230 O00 volts; low voltage, 4800 through standard is intended for use in conjunction with the
36 230 volts; without loadtap changing following American National Standards.When the
(3) 3750/4687 through 10 000/12500 kVA, three- referenced standards are superseded by revision
a ap-
phase; highvoltage, 6900 through 138O00 volts; low proved by the American National Standards Institute,
voltage, 2400 through 36 230 volts; with load tap Inc, the latest revision shall apply:
(4) 12 000116 000/20 O00 through 60 000/80 OOO/ ANSI B1 .l-1982, Unified Inch Screw Threads(UN and
100 O00 kVA, three-phase; high voltage, 23 O00 UNR Thread Form)
through 230 O00 volts; low voltage, 4800 through ANSI C-57.12.70-1978, Terminal Markings and Connec-
36 230 volts; with load tap changing tions for Distribution andPower Transformers
It is not intended that this standard shall apply to
dry-type, regulating, pad-mounted, secondary-network, ANSI (34.1-1982, Electric Power Systems and Equip-
furnace, rectifier, ormine transformers. ment (60 Hz) - Voltage Ratings

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services

ANSIlASME B1 -20.1-1983, Pipe Threads, General Pur- 4.4 Insulation Levels.Basic impulse insulation levels
pose (Inch) (BILs) for transformers shall be as listed in Tables 7
through 9.
ANSIlIEEE 21-1976, General Requirements and Test
Procedure for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings
4.5 Taps
ANSIlIEEE 24-1984, Performance Characteristics and 4.5.1 High Voltage Winding Taps for Deenergized
Dimensions for OutdoorApparatus Bushings Operation.The following four high-voltage rated kVA
ANSIlIEEE 100-1984, Dictionary of Electrical and taps shall be provided: two (2) 2.5 percent above rated
Electronics Terms voltage, and two (2) 2.5 percent below rated voltage.
Voltages and currents should be listed in accordance
ANSIlIEEE C37.90.1-1974, Guide for Surge Withstand with 7.1.
Capability (SWC) Tests 4.5.2 Taps for Load-Tap-Changing Transformers.
ANSIlIEEE C57.12.00-1987, General Requirements When a load-tap-changing transformer is specified, load-
for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulat- tap-changing equipment shall be furnished t o provide
ing Transformers approximately +IO-percent automatic adjustment of
the low-voltage winding voltage in approximately 5/8-
ANSIlIEEE C57.12.80-1978, Terminology for Power percent steps, with sixteen steps above and sixteen
and Distribution Transformers steps below rated low voltage. The transformer shall
ANSI/IEEE C57.13-1978, Requirements for Instru- be capable of delivering rated kilovolt-amperes at the
ment Transformers rated low-voltage position and on all positions above
rated low voltage. The transformer shall be capable of
ANSIlIEEE C57.92-1981, Guide for Loading Mineral- delivering low-voltage current corresponding to rated
Oil-Immersed Power Transformers low voltage at all positions below rated low voltage.
2.2 Related Standard. The following standard is listed
for information only and is not essential for thecom- 4.6 Impedance Voltage
pletion of the requirements of this standard: 4.6.1 Percent Impedance Voltage. The percent h-
pedance voltage at theself-cooled rating as measured
ANSIlIEEE C57.12.90-1987, Test Code for Liquid-
on the ratedvoltage connection shall be as listed in
Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Trans-
Table 10.
formers, and Guide for Short-circuitTesting of Dis-
4.6.2 Tolerance on Impedance Voltage. The toler-
tribution and Power Transformers
ance shall be as specified in ANSIlIEEE (257.12.00-
4.6.3 Percent Departure of Impedance Voltage on
3. Terminology
Taps for Deenergized Operation.The percent departure
of tested impedance voltage on any tap from the tested
Standard transformer terminology in ANSIlIEEE
C57.12.80-1978 shall apply. Other electrical terms are impedance voltage a t rated voltage shall not be greater
defined in ANSIlIEEE 100-1984. than the total tapvoltage range expressed as a percent-
age of the rated voltage.
Note: This does not apply to load-tapchanging taps.
4. Rating Data
4.7 Top-Liquid Temperature-Range Limits.The trans-
4.1 Usual Service Conditions. Service conditions shall former shall be suitable for operation over a range of
be in accordance with ANSIlIEEE C57.12.00-1987. top-liquid temperatures from -2OOC to t105°C, pro-
vided the liquid level has been properly adjusted to the
4.2 Kilovolt-AmpereRatings
4.2.1 Kilovolt-ampere ratings are continuous and indicated 25OC level.
based on notexceeding either a 65OC average winding Note: Operation at these temperatures may causethe mechani-
cal pressure-vacuum bleeder device(5.7.2) to function torelieve
temperature rise by resistance or an80°C hottest spot excessive positive or negative pressures.
temperature rise, as covered in ANSIlIEEE C57.12.00-
4.8 Routine Tests
4.2.2 Kilovolt-ampere ratings shall be as listed in
4.8.1 “Routine Tests” shall be made in accordance
Tables 1 and 2.
with ANSIlIEEE (257.12.00-1987.
4.3 Kilovolt-Ampereand Voltage Ratings. Kilovolt- 4.8.2 On load-tap-changing transformers, additional
ampere and voltage ratings for self-cooled transformers routine tests for load-tap-changing transformers listed
shall be as listed in Tables 3 through 6. in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1987 shall be made.

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table 1 - Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings, Self-Cooled(OA)

Three-phase @VA)
Without Without With
Load Tap Changing Load Tap.Changhg Load Tap Changing
833 750 -
1250 1 O00 -
1667 1500 -
2 2500 O00 -
500 2 3333 -
3 750 3 5090
5 6667 O00 5 O00
7 500 7 8333
- 10 O00 10 O00

Table 2 - Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings,

Self-Cooled(OA), Forced-Cooled First-Stage, and
Forced-Cooled Second-Stage Three-phase
(With, or Without, Load Tap Changing),
12 000-100 O00 kVA
OA FirstStage Second-Stage
12 O00 16 O00 20 O00
15 O00 20 O00 25 O00
20 O00 26 G67 33 333
25 O00 33 333 4 1 667
30 O00 40 O00 50 O00
37 500 50 O00 62 500
50 O00 66 667 83 333
60 O00 80.000 100 O00

Table 3
833-8333 kVA
Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Single-phase Transformers,
Low-Voltage Ratings (V)
6900/11950K 940Y 14 400124
2400/416OY, 8355123 085PW 23 55SW -
2520/4360Y, 7560/13090Y,34 12 600, 500,
4800/8320Y, 7620113 200Y, 13 200, 19 920134 5OOY
- 13 800
High-Voltage 480 5040/8720Y 7970113 800Y 14 400 20 920/36 230Y
OT) Self-Cooled (OA) Kilovolt-AmpereRatings (kVA)
2400/416OY 833 - - - -
4800/832OY 833 - - - -
6900/11950Y, 833,1250 833-2500 - - -
6930/12 OOOY, - - - - -
7200/12 470Y, - - - - -

7620/13 200Yj - - - - -
7970/13 800Y - - - - -
12 000,13200, - - - - -
13 800 - - - - -
23 O00 833,1250 833-2500 833-2500 - -
34 500 833,1250
833-2500 -
46 O00 833,1250 833-8333
833-2500 833-8333 -
69 O00 - 833-8333
833-2500 833-8333. -
O00 2500-8333- 2500
138 O00 2500-83332500-8333
2500-8333 - 2500

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampere ratings separated by a dash indicate that all the infervening ratings lisfed in Table 1are included.
Kilovolt-ampere ratings separated by a comma indicate that only those listed are included.
(3) Bold type-voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type-voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

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A N S I C57.32-LO BB 0724350 0004700 4


Table 4
Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings
750-10 O00 kVA
for Three-phase Transformers, Without Load Tap Changing
Low-Voltage Ratings (V)
24 940GrdY/14 O00
12 470Y17200,
2400,2520 4800,5040, 13 090Y/7560, 13 800, 34 500,
High 48OY/277, 4160Y/2400,
200Y/7620, 12 000,12 600, 34
500GrdY/19 920,
Voltage 4360Y/2520
480 8720Y/5040 800Y/7970,
13 13 200,14 400 36 230GrdY/20
(v) (kVA)
2400 750-1500 - - - -
4160,4800 750-1500 - - - -
6900,7200 750-2500 1000-3750 - - -
12 O00 750-2500 1000-7500 - - -
12 470 - - - - -
13 200 - - - - -
13 800 - - - - -
23 O00 - 1000-7500 1000-10 O00 1000-10 O00 -
34 500 - 1000-7500 1000-10 O00 1000-10 O00 1000-10 O00
46 O00 - 1500-7500 1500-10 O00 1500-10 O00 1500-10 O00
69 O00 - 1500-7500 1500-10 O00 1500-10 O00 1500-10 O00
115 O00 - 5000-7500 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00
138 O00 - 5000-7500 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampere ratings-separatedby a dash indicate that all the intervening ratings listed in Table 1are included.
(3) Bold type - voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type - voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.

Table 5
Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings
3750-10 O00 kVA
for Three-phase Transformers with Load Tap Changing,
Low-Voltage Ratings CV)
24 940GrdY/14 400
12 47OY/7200,
2400,2520, 34 800, 1313
4800,5040, 090Y/7560, 500,
High 4160Y/2400, 832OY/480Oy 200Y/7620,
13 12 000,12 600, 5OOGrdY/19
34 920,
Voltage 4360Y/2520
8720Y/5040 13
13 200,14 400 24 940GrdY/14
400 36 230GrdY/20
0 Self-Cooled (OA) Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings (kVA)
6900,7200 3750 - - - - -
12 000, 3750-7500 - - - - -
12 470 - - - - - -
13 200 - - - - - -
13 800 - - - - - -
23 O00 3750-7500
3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 - - -
34 500 3750-7500
3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 - -
46 O00 3750-7500
3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 - -

69 O00 3750-7500
3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 3750-10 O00 - -
115 O00 5000-7500
5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00
138 O00 5000-7500
5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00 5000-10 000 5000-10 O00 5000-10 O00

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampere ratings separatedby a dash indicate that all the intervening ratings listed in Table 1 are included.
(3) Bold type -voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type - voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982:


COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

Licensed by Information Handling Services

Table 6
Range of Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings
for Three-phase Transfomers
With, or Without, Load Tap Changing,12 000-60 O00 kVA
~~ _ _ ~

LowVoltage Ratings (V)

12 47OYl7200,
13 000,12
12 600, 34 500,
Hi&- 832OY14800, 13 200Yf7620,
8720Y/5040 13 800Y/7970 14 400
23OGrdY120 920
o Self-cooled (OA) Kilovolt-AmpereRatings (kVA)
23 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-30O00 - - -
34 500 12 000-15O00 12 000-30 O00 000-30
12 O00 - -
46 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-30O00 12 000-30O00 - -
69 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-30 O00 000-30
12 O00 - -
115 O00 12 000-15O00 12000-60 O00 12000-60 O00 12000-60 O00 12000-60 O00
138 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-60O00 12 000-60 O00 12 000-60 O00 12 000-60O00
161 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-60 O00 12 000-60 O00 12 000-60O00 12 000-60O00
230 O00 12 000-15O00 12 000-60 O00 12000-60 O00 12 000-60 O00 12000-60 O00
(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampereratings separated by a dash indicate that aU the intervening ratings listed in Table 2 are included.
(3) Bold type -voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type -voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.

Table 7 Table 8
High-Voltage Winding Insulation Levelsof High-Voltage Winding Insulation Levelsof
Single-phase Transformers Three-phase Transformers
Basic Impulse Basic Impulse Insulation Level (kv)
High-Voltage Ratings Insulation Level
(v) (kv) High-Voltage Ratings Distribution Power
(v) Transformers Transformers
2400/4160Y I5

4800/832OY 95 45 2 400 60
6900f11950Y 110 4 160 60 75
7200112470Y 110 4 800 60 75
7620/13 200Y 110 6 900 95 75
12 O00 95
110 75 7 200
13 200 110 12 O00 110 95
13 800 110 110 95 13 200
23 O00 150 110 95 13 800
34 500 200 23 O00 150 125
46 O00 200 250150 500 34
69 O00 350 46 O00 - 250
115 O00 450 69 O00 - 350
138 O00 550 115 O00 - 450
138 O00 - 550
Notes: 161 O00 - 650
(1) Allvoltages are A unless otherwise indicated. 230 O00 - 750
(2) Bold type - voltages listed in ANSI ‘284.1-1982.
(3) Italics type - voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982. Notes:
(1) Allvolfages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Distribution BILs only applicable to non-load-tap
changing transformers,


“ ””
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A N S I C 5 7 - 1 2 * 1 0 B8 0724150 0004702 B


Table 9
Low-Voltage Winding Insulation Levels
Voltage Ratings (V) Basic Impulse Insulation Level (kV)
Distribution Power
Single-phase Three-phase Transformers Transformers
480 45 30
2400,2520 60 45
4160Y/2400,4360Y/2520, 60 75
4800/83201,.5040/8720Y 6900,7200,7560, 75 95
6900/11 950Y,7200/12 470Y, 12 000,12 600,13 200,13 800, - 110
7560113 090Y,7620/13
200Y 1 4 400,12
7970112 8OOYJ2 000, 200Y/7620,13
13 800Y17970
12 600,13 200J4 400,
13 800
14 400124 940Y 40024 940GrdYl14 - 150
34 500 34 500 - 200
19 920134 SOOY 500GrdYl19
920, - -
20 920136 230Y 36 230GrdY/20 920 - -
(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Distribution BILs only applicable to non-load-tap-changingtransformer.
(3) Bold type - voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type -voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.

Table 10
BILs and Percent Impedance Voltages at Self-Cooled(OA) Rating
Without Load Tap ChangingWith Load Tap Changing
Low Voltage Low Voltage
BIL VoltageV2400V2400
and V 480 (kW Above and Above
5.75* 60-110 5.5* -
150 6.75 6.5 7.0
200 7.5 7.25 7.0
5 7.75 250 8.0
350 - 8.0 8.5
450 - 8.5 9.0
550 - 9.0 9.5
650 - -' 9.5 10.0
750 - 10.0 10.5

*For transformers greater than 5000kVA self-cooled, thesevalues shall be the

same as those shown for 150kV HV BIL.

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

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A N S I C57.32.30 8 8 0724350’0004703 T


Accessories Locations Section

Tap-changer operating handle S1, S4, See Ref 5.1.1
“Liquid-levelindicator s1 5.1.2
“Liquid-temperature indicator s1 5.1.3
Drain and filter valves s1 5.1.5
Nameplate s1 5.4
“Pressure-vacuum gage s1 5.1.4
Jacking facilities S e e Ref 5.3.4
- Ground pad(s) See Ref 5.5
?Load-tap-changing equipment S1 or S2 6
?Auxiliary cooling control s 1 o1 s 2 5.9

- *Not furnished for transformers with distribution BIL charac

teristics 200 kV and below.
?When furnished

Note: Some designs include accessories and wiring connections as part of the load-tap-changingequipment
assembly. When this is the case, accessories maybe located in the same segment as the load tap changer
and may be viewed parallel to thesegment centerline.

Figure 1

5. Construction signed to thevoltage ratingproviding the maximum

ratio of transformation.
5.1 Accessories. The accessories shall be as listed in 5.1.2 Liquid-Level Indicator.A magnetic level gage
Figure 1. with vertical face shallbe mounted on the side of the
Accessories listed in 5.1.1 through 5.1.5 shallbein- tank in segment 1and shall be readable to a person
cluded and located asahown in Figures 1 or 2. s€andingat thelevel of the base.
See Table 11 for information on accessories and The gage shall have a dark-face dialwith light mark-
construction featuresto be provided on transformers ings and a light-colored indicating hand. The diameter
of varioussizes. of the dial (inside bezel) shall be:
5.1.1 Tap Changer. A tap changer for de-energized (1) 82.6 mm (3-1/4 inches) f 6.4 mm (1/4 inch)
operation with the operating handle brought out when the 25’C liquid level is 2.44m (96 inches) or less
through the side of the tank in segment 1 or 4 at a above the bot€omof the base
height convenient to thetransformer design, shall be (2) 140 mm (5-1/2 inches) f 12.7 mm (1/2 inch)
provided. If fordesign reasons it cannot be located in when the 25’C liquid level is more than 2.44 m (96
segment 1 or 4, it maybe located in the sidewall of one inches) above the bottomof the base.
of the other segments. Dial markings shall show the 25’C level and the
The tap-changer handleshall have provision for pad- minimum and maximumlevels.
locking, and shall provide visible indication of the tap The words “Liquid Level” shalt be on thedial or on
position without unlocking.A hole witha minimum a suitable nameplate adjacent thereto.
diameter of 9.5 mm (318 inch) shall be provided for The 25’C liquid level shall also be shown by suitable
the padlock. permanent markingson thet.ank or by an indication on
The plate indicating tap-changer position shall be the nameplate of the distance from the liquid level to
marked with letters or Arabic numerals in sequence. the highest point of the handhole or manhole flange
The letter “A” or theArabic numeral “1” shall be as- surface.


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A N S I C 5 7 - 3 2 - 3 0 B8 0724350 0004704 3


The change in liquid level per 10°C change in tem- Transformers above 2500 kVA shall have an upper
perature shall be indicated on thenameplate. filter valve located below the 25°C liquid level in seg-
5.1.3 Liquid-Temperature Indicator. A dial-type ment 1. Thesize of the upperfilter valve shall be
thermometer shall be mounted on the side of the tank 25.4 mm (1 inch), and the upper filter valve shall have
in segment 1, 25.4-mm (1-inch) threads (in accordance with ANSI/
For mounting heights 2.44 m (96 inches) or less ASME B1.20.1-1983) with a pipe plug-inthe openend.
from the bottom of the base, the face of the thermom-
5.2 Bushings. The insulation level of line bushings shall
eter shall be mounted in a vertical plane; and for
be equal to or greater than the insulation level of the.
mounting heights greater than 2.44 m (96 inches), the
windings to which they are connected.
face shall be at anang1.6 of 30 degrees from the vertical.
The insulation level of the low-voltage neutral bush-
The thermometershall be direct-stem-mounted in a
ing on three-phase transformershaving a Y-connected
closed well at a suitable level to indicate the top-liquid
low-voltage winding shall be the same as that of the
temperature. For dimensions of the well, see ANSI/
low-voltage line bushings for windings 15 kVand be-
IEEE C57.12.00-1987.
low. For windings above 15 kV, a 15-kV neutral bush-
The thermometer shall have a dark-face dial with
ing with 110-kV BIL shall be provided.
light markings, a light-colored indicating hand, and an
Unless otherwise specified, bushings shall be
orange-red maximum indicating hand, with provision
mounted on thecover and located as shown in Figure 2.
for resetting. The diameter of the dial (inside bezel)
5.2.1 Electrical characteristics of outdoor trans-
shall be 114 mm (4-1/2 inches) k 25.4 mm (1 inch).
former bushings shall be as listed in ANSI/IEEE
The dial markings shall cover a range of 0°C to 120°C.
C57.12.00-1987 for bushings with a nominal system
The words “Liquid Temperature’’ shall be on the
voltage of 8.7 kV and below; or as listed in ANSI/IEEE
dial or ona suitable nameplate mounted adjacent to
21-1976 andANSIlIEEE 24-1984 for bushings with
the indicator.
nominal system voltage of 15 kV and above.
5.1.4 Pressure-Vacuum Gage. A pressure-vacuum
5.2.2 Bushings €or use with outdoor power trans-
gage shall be provided for transformers above 2500 formers shall have dimensions as listed in ANSI/IEEE
kVA, or above 200 kV BIL. 21-1976 and ANSI/IEEE 24-1984.
The diameter of the dial (inside bezel) shall be 88.9
5.2.3 Four cover bushings shall be provided for
mm (3-1/2 inches) f 6.4 mm (1/4 inch). The gage shall
each permanently connectedY-winding on three-phase
have a dark-face dial with light-colored markings and
a light-colored pointer, and it shall be located either in
segment 1 or in thathalf of segment 4 that is adjacent 5.3 Lifting, Moving, and Jacking Facilities
to segment 1. 5.3.1 Safety Factor. Lifting, moving, and jacking
The scale range for the pressúre-vacuum gage shall facilities shall be designed to provide a safety factor of
be between 10 psi (69 kPa), positive and negative. 5 . This safety factor is the ratio of the ultimatestress
5.1.5 Drain and Filter Valves. A combination drain of the material used to theworking stress. The working
and lower filter valve shall be located on theside of the stress is the maximum combined stress developed in
tank in segment 1. This vahe shall provide for drainage the lifting facilities by the static load of the cor-ipo-
of the liquid to within 25.4 mm (1 inch) of the bottom nent being lifted.
of the tank.
The drain valve shall have a built-in 9.5-mm (3/8-
inch) sampling device, which shall be located in the /
side of the valve between the main valve seat and the
pipe plug.
The sampling device shall be supplied with a 7.9-mm
(5/16-inch) - 32 male thread for the user’s connection
and shall be equipped with a cap.
The size of the drain valve shall be 25.4 mm (1 inch)
for transformers through 2500 kVA and 50.8 mm
(2 inches) for thelarger kilovolt-ampere ratings, and
the drain valve shall have tapered pipe threads(National
Pipe Thread), (in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1-
1983), witha pipe plug in the open end. Note: For single phase transforfners, omif H,, X,, and
Transformers through 2500 kVAshall have a 25.4- neutral bushings.
mm (1-inch) upper filter plug, or cap ,located above
the maximum liquid level in segment 1. Figure 2 - Bushing Arrangement

J . \
I ”-”

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. ANSI C 5 7 . 1 2 * 3 0 88 E 0 7 2 4 3 5 0O 0 0 4 7 0 5 3 M


Table 11
“Basic Standard” Construction Features
kVA, OA Ratings
Without Load Tapchanging With Load Tap Changing
750-2500 750-10000
Section Items BILs
5.1 Accessories
5.1.1 Tap-Changer - s S S S
5.1.2 Liquid-Level S S S S
5.1.3 Liquid-Temperature S S S S
5.1.4 Pressure-Vacuum Gage S S S S
5.1.5 Drain and Filter S S
S. S S
Valves (or Conn)
5.2 Bushings S S S
5.3 Lifting, Moving, and S S S S
Jacking Facilities
5.3.4 Jacking Facilities S S S S
5.4 Nameplate S S S S
5.5 Ground Pad(s) S S S S
5.6 Polarify, Angular S S S S
Displacement, and
Terminal Markings
5,7.1 Oil Presemation S S S S
5.7.2 Pressure-Vacuum S s S S
5.8 Tanks S S S S
5.9 Auxiliary Cooling A A A A
5.9.1 Controls for Auxil- A A A A
iary Cooling Equipment
5.9.2 Fans A A A A
5.9.3 Pumps - A - A
5.10 Auxiliary Equipment A A A A
Power Supply
6 Load-Tapchanging - - S S
6.1 Load Tap Changer - - S S
6.2 Arcing Tap Switch - - S S
6.3 Motor-Drive Mechanism - - S S
6.4 Position Indicator . - - S S
6.5 Operation Counter - - S S
6.6 Automatic Control - - S S

“S” indicates “standard”

“A” indicates “available when specified”


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5.3.2 Lifting Facilities. Lifting facilities shall be pro- 5.5 Ground Pads
vided for lifting the cover separately and, also, for lift- 5.5.1 A tank-grounding pad shall consist of a cop-
ing the core and coil assembly from the tankusing four per-faced steel pad or a stainless-steel pad without cop-
lifting cables. per facing, 2 inches X 3-1/2 inches (50.8 mm X 88.9
Facilities for lifting the complete transformer (with mm), with two holes horizontally spaced on 44.5-mm
the cover securely fastened in place) shall be provided. (1-3/4-inch) centers and drilled and tapped for12.7-
Lifting facilities shall be designed for lifting with four mm (1/2-inch) -13 Unified National Coarse thread
vertical slings. (For large transformers the use of spread- W C ) (as defined in ANSI B1.1-1982). Minimum
ers or a lifting beam may beinvolved.) The bearing sur- thickness of thecopper facing shall be 0.4 mm (0.015
faces of thelifting facilities shall be free fromsharp inch). Minimum threaded depth of the holes shall be
edges and shall be provided with a hole having a mini- 12.7 mm (1/2 inch). Thread protection for theground
mum diameter of 20.6 mm (13/16 inch) for guying pad shall be provided.
purposes. The ground,pad shall be welded on thebase or on
5.3.3 Moving Facilities. The base of the transformer the tank wall near the base. If the base is detachable,
shall be of heavy plate or have members forming a rect- the ground pad shall be located on the tankwall.
angle that will permit rolling or skidding in the direc- 5.5.2 Transformers 2500 kVA and smaller shall be
tions of the centerlines.of the segments. provided with one ground pad available for connection
The points of support shall be so located that to a neutral (if present) or near the low-voltage (LV)
the center of gravity of thetransformer as prepared bushings.
for shipment will not fall outside these points of 5.5.3 Transformers larger than 2500 kVA shall have
support when the base is tilted 15 degrees or less one ground pad located toward the extreme left of seg-
from the horizontal, with or withoutoil in the trans- ment 1 and another diagonally opposite in segment 3,
former, located in such a way as not to interfere with the jack-
Provision shall be made on oradjacent to thebase ing facilities,
for pulling the transformer parallel to the centerline
of segments 1 and 3, and to thecenterline of seg- 5.6 Polarity, Angular Displacement, and Terminal
ments 2 and 4. Markings
The base shall be constructed so that the external 5.6.1 Polarity. All single-phase transformers shall
edges on all four sides are rounded or slope upward at have subtractive polarity.
an angle of approximately 45 degrees. 5.6.2 Angular Displacement. The angular displace-
5.3.4 Jacking Facilities. Jacking facilities shall be ment between high-voltage and low-voltage terminal
located near the extremeends of the junctionsof the voltages of three-phase transformers with A-A con-
nections shall be O degrees.
For transformers above 2500 kVA, dimensions and The angular displacement between high-voltage and
clearances for jacking provisions shall be as shown in low-voltage terminal voltages of three-phase trans-
Figure 3. formers with Y-A or A-Y connections shall be 30
degrees, with thelow voltage lagging the high voltage
as shown in Figure 4.
5.4 Nameplate. The nameplate shall conform to the Phasor relations shall be as shown inFigure 4.
requirements of nameplate C as described in ANSI/ 5.6.3 Terminal Markings. External terminals shall
IEEE C57.12.00-1987. It shall be located in segment be marked inaccordance with ANSI C57.12.70-1978.
1 near the centerline and near eye level. It may be The high-voltage and low-voltage bushing arrangements
located in segment 2 when load-tap-changing equip- shall be as shown in Figure 2.
ment is located in segment 2.
Foi load-tap-changing transformers, the words “load- 5.7 Liquid Preservation
tap-changing transformer” shall be used instead of the 5.7.1 Sealed-Tank System. A sealed-tank system
word “transformer.” shall be provided.
Note: A sealed-tank system is one inwhich (1) the interior of
Voltage and current ratings shall be given as follows: the transformer will be sealed from the atmosphere throughout
a top liquid temperature rangeof 100°C and (2) the gas plus
o to 99.9 to nearest 0.1 liquid volumewill remain constant so that the internal gas pres-
100 to to nearest 1 sure will not exceed 10 psi (69 kPa) gage positive or 8 psi (55.2
kPa) gage negative.
1 O00 to 9 999 to nearest 5
10 O0099to to nearest 10 5.7.2 Pressure-Vacuum Bleeder. A pressure-vacuum
1O0 O00 and greater to nearest-25 bleeder device set to operate at themaximum operat-

. ,
. / /“
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Weight 35,000 lb Weight 35,000-65,000 lb Weight over65,000 lb

(15,900 kg) or Less (15,900-29,500 kg) (29,500 kg)
A 88.9 mm 3-112 in A 127 mm 5 i n 457 A mm 18 in
B 63.5 mm 2-112 in B 63.5 mm 2-1/ B 102 mm 4 i n
E 686 mm in 27 E 686 mm 27 in E 508 mm 20 in
F 127 mm 5 i n F 127 mm 5 i n F mm
127 5 i n
G mm
76.2 3 i n G 76.2mm 3 i n G 76.2mm 3 i n
H. 127 mm 5 i n H 127 nun 5 i n H 127 mm 5 i n
(1) Dimensions E, F, G, and H are free clearances.
(2) Where required in manufacturer's standard designs, any dimensions may be in excess of those shown.
(3) E applies to nonremovable coolers only.
(4) Weight includes completely assembled transformer and fluid.

Figure 3 - Provision for Jacking (Transformers above2500 kVA)

HI A, x,Ax3

Figure 4 - Angular Displacement


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ANSI C S ~ * L ~ * IB8
J OW 0724350 OOOq708 7


ing pressures (positive and negative) indicated on the self-cooled (OA) rating, the equipment for automatic
nameplate shall be furnished on transformers 2500 control of auxiliary cooling equipment fortransform-
kVA and larger with power transformer BILs, ers controlled from thewinding temperature shall con-
A pressure-vacuum bleeder device shall not be fur- sist of
nished on transformers 2500 kVA and smaller with dis- (1) A winding-temperature simulator device with a
tribution transformer BILs. thermal element mounted in a well and responsive to
the simulated winding hottest spot temperature of the
5.8 Tanks transformer.
5.8.1 Maximum operating pressures (positive and The winding-temperature simulator shall be a dial-
negative) for which the transformer is designed shall be type instrument and shall be mounted on theside of
indicated on the nameplate. The completely a-ssembled the tank insegment 1. For mounting heights of 2.44 m
transformers shall be designed to withstand, without (96 inches) or less from the bottom of thebase, the
permanent deformation, a pressure 25 percent greater face of the instrument shall be mounted in a vertical
than themaximum operating pressure. plane. For mounting heights greater than 2.44m (96
5.8.2 Tanks shall be designed for vacuum filling inches), the face shall be at anangle of 30 degrees from
(external pressure of one atmosphere, essentially full. the vertical.
vacuum) in the field (1) on all transformers with high- The instrument shall be direct-stem-mounted ina
voltage insulation levels of 350kV BIL and above and closed well at a suitable level. The dimensions of the
(2) on all transformers rated 10 O00 kVA and above, well shall be as specified in ANSIlIEEE C57.12.00-
regardless of BIL. 1987.
5.8.3 A welded main cover shall be provided. Hand- The instrument shall have a dark-facedial with light
holes or manholes shall be provided in thecover. Hand- markings, a light-colored indicating hand, and an
holes, if circular, shall be a minimum of 9 inches (229 orange-red m a x k u m indicating hand, with provision
mm) in diameter. Ifrectangular, they shall be atleast for resetting. The diameter of the dial (inside bezel)
114 mm (4-1/2 inches) wide and shall have an area of shall be 114 mm (4-1/2 inches) f 25.4 mm (1 inch).
at least 41 900 mm2(65 square inches). Manholes, if The dial markings shall cover a range of 0°C to 18OoC.
circular, shall be a minimum of 38 1mm (1 5 inches) in The words “Winding Temperature” shall be on the
diameter. If rectangular or oval, they shall have mini- dial or ona suitable nameplate mounted adjacent to
mum dimensions of 254 mm X 406 mm (10 inches X the simulator.
16 inches). The simulator shall have three sets of alarm contacts
A pressure-relief device shall be provided on the in accordance with 7.1,and with factorytemperature
cover for transformers above 2500 kVA or above 200 settings as follows:
kV BIL. Function Contact
5.8.4 In load-tap-changing transformers, if the arc-
1 Supply power to first-bankcooling
ing tap switch has components thatinvolve direct arcing . 2 Supply power to second-bank cooling
in liquid, these components shall be located in a com- 3 Initiate alarm or actuate relay
partment sealed in such a way as to prevent transfer of
liquid to any other compartment or to the main tank. (2) A manually operable switch connected in paral-
lel with the automatic control contacts and enclosed in
5.9 Auxiliary Cooling Equipment a weather-resistant cabinet located on theside of the
5.9.1 Control of Auxiliary Cooling Equipment tank in segment 1, at a height not greater than 1.52 m The equipment for automatic controlof (60 inches) above the base.
auxiliary cooling equipment controlled from the top- A switch for automaticand manual control.
liquid temperature shall consist of: A relay for controlshall be mounted on the side of
(1) A thermally operated control device with the the transformer in segment 1.
thermal element mounted in a well and responsive to 5.9.2 Fans. Fan motors shall be 240 volts, 60 Hz,
the top-liquid temperature of the transformer; single phase, without centrifugal switch, and shall be
(2) A manually operable switch connected in paral- individually fused or otherwise thermally protected.
lel with the automatic control contacts and enclosed in If the power supply for 240-volt single-phasemotors
a weatherproof cabinet locatedon the side of the tank is not available, provision shall be made to accommo-
of segment 1, ata height not greater than 1.52 m (60 date anothersingle-phase motor supply voltage in ac-
inches) above the base. cordance with ANSI (284.1-1982, not inexcess of 600 When specified, or for transformers with volts.
forced-cooled ratings of 133percent or’greater of the Note: See9.9 for provision for futurefans.

. .

18 -.

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A N S I C 5 7 * 1 2 * 1 0 d B I0721.1150 0001.130’7 O W


5.9.3 Pumps. Pump motors shall be 240 volts, 60 (1) A single-phase, 60-Hz motor without centrifugal
Hz, single phase, without centrifugal switch, andshall switch suitablefor operation from a 240/120-volt,
be individually fusedor otherwise thermally protected. three-wire source.
Pump facilities shall include valves to allow removal
Note: Thepower source forthe motor drive and for operating
of the pump with minimum loss of insulating oil. forced-air-cooling fans (whenfans are included) shall be 2401
5.10 Power Supply for Transformer Auxiliary Equip- 120 volts,t h e e wire, single phase,60 Hz, with maximum volt-
age to ground not to exceed 150 volts.This power sourceshall
ment and Controls.The power supply voltage for the be provided by the user and shall be separate from the trans-
transformer auxiliary equipment and controls should former,
be specifiedand provided by the user. It should be in
accordance with ANSI C84.1-1982. (2) A hand crank or spoke-type handwheel for
The voltage rating for auxiliary equipmentand con- manual operation ofthe driving mechanism shall be
trols supplied withthe transformer should also be in provided. The hand crank or spoke-type handwheel
accordance with ANSI C84.1-1982. shall be electrically interlockedto prevent operation by
the motor while the crank or spoke-type handwheelis
engaged. A place for storing the hand crankor spoke-
6. Basic Construction Features - Load-Tap- type handwheel, if detachable, shallbe provided.
Changing Equipment Note: Themanual handcrank operationis not designed to be
suitable for operationof the loadtap changer under load.
6.1 Load-Tap-Changing Equipment.The load-€ap-
changing equipment shall consist of a liquid-immersed (3) Mechanically operated electric limit switches
arcing tap switch or atap selector and an arcing switch, and mechanical stops shall be
provided on thedrive
a motor mechanism, and automatic controldevices mechanism to prevent overtravel beyondthe maximum
located in segment 1 or 2. raise and lower positions.
6.2 Arcing Tap Switch. The arcing switch, or tap selec- 6.4 Position Indicator.A position indicator for the
tor and arcing switch, shall have the following features: load tap changer with maximum andminimum indicat-
(1) Components of the arcing tap switch that in-
ing hands and provision for resetting fora person stand-
volve direct arcing in liquid shall be located in one or
ing at thebase of the transformer shallbe provided.
more liquid-filled compartments witha removable
The indicator shallbe readable from thebase of the
bolted cover, or covers, for access to such components
transformer and shallbe so located that it can be read
without opening the main tank orlowering the liquid
while the load tap changer is operated by hand. The
in the main tank.Covers weighmgmore than 20.4kg
position indicator shallbe marked inaccordance with
(45 pounds) shall be hinged and removable. Covers
the following:
weighing 20.4 kg (45 pounds) or lessshallhave handles.
(I) The normal (rated low-voltage) position shall be
Provision shallbe made for the escape of gas produced
located on the vertical centerlineof the dial, preferably
by the arcing. at the topof the dial, and shall be indicated by the
(2) A drain valve of the ball type shall be located in letter “N.”
the bottom of each oil-filled compartmentto provide (2) The raise range, when referred to the regulated
complete oil drainage. Thesize of the drain valve shall (low-voltage) circuit, shall be located on the right-hand
be 25.4 mm (1 inch), and the drain valve shall have
portion of the dial. A large letter “R”(Raise), appear-
25.4-mm (1-inch) tapered pipe threads (National Pipe
ing only once, shall be located in the right-hand half
Thread) in accordance withANSI/ASME B1.20.1-1983,
with an arrow indicatingthe direction of raise. The six-
with a pipeplug in the open end. The drain valve shall
teen tap positionsin theraise range shall be marked,
have a built-in 9.5-mm (3/8-inch) sampling device, and a number shall appear opposite at least every
which shallbe located on theside of the valve between
fourth position. Number 16 shall be the highest voltage
the main valve seat and thepipe plug. The device shall
position (see Figure 5). -
be supplied with a 7.9-mm-1.3(5116-inch-32) male
(3) The lower range, when referred to theregulated
thread for theuser’s connection and shaU be equipped
(low-voltage) circuit, shall be located on the left-hand
with a cap.A 25.4-mm (1-inch)filling plug shall be
portion of thedial. A large letter“L,” (Lower), appear-
located in the top of each oil-filled compartment.
ing only once, shall be located in the left-hand half
(3) A magnetic liquid-level gage with a vertical face
with an arrow indicating the direction of lower.The
shall be mounted on theside of each oil-filled compart-
sixteen tap positionsin thelower range shall be marked,
ment. For details see 5.1.2.
and a numbershall appear oppositea t least every
6.3 Motor-Drive Mechanism.The motor-drive mecha- fourth position. Number 16 shall be thelowest voltage
nism shall have the following features: position (see Figure 5 ) .


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Note: This figure is intended to present a schematic rather

than a pictorial illustration of the dial face. For detailed specifi-
cations, see 6.4

Figure 5
Position Indicator for Load Tap Changer

6.5 Control Equipment andAccessories. Control de- (2) A device suitable for providing a time delay in
vices to facilitate manual andautomatic control of the the range from atleast 15 seconds to 90 seconds in
load-tap-changing equipment shall be provided. both theraise and lower directions. (The time delay
6.5.1 Enclosure. A weather-resistant cabinet shall applies only to thefirst required change, i? more than
be provided for housing the automatic controland re- one change is required to bring the voltage within the
lated devices. The cabinet shall be equipped with bandwidth setting.) The difference between the actual
breather, hinged doors, and provision for entranceof time delay and the marked value at anysetting shall
up to three38.1-mm (1-1/2-inch) conduits in the bot- not exceed ?r20 percent when initiated with no stored
tom. Thedoors shall provide access to the controland delay in an integrating-type circuit.
accessory devices and shall have provision for padlock- (3) A line-drop compensator to permit compensa-
ing consisting of matching holeshaving a minimum tion for the line drop caused by load-current fluctua-
diameter of 9.5 mm (3/8 inch). tions.
6.5.2 Devices and Accessories. The following de- Line-drop compensation adjustmentshall be in the
vices and accessories shall be mounted in the cabinet: range of at least 24 volts at any phase angle except the Automatic control equipment including: fourth quadrant (-R, -X). Where independent R and X
(1) A voltage-sensingdevice with provision for volt- controls are provided, each shall have a maximum set-
age level and bandwidth adjustment. ting of at least 24 volts. The difference between the
Voltage setting range shall be from at least 108 volts actual compensation voltage and the marked value of
to 132volts. The difference between the actual band- any setting of either the resistance or thereactance ele-
width centervoltage and themarked value at any set- ment of the compensator, expressed as a percentage of
ting over the range shall not exceed 1 percent. 120 volts, shall not exceed one percent with rated
Total bandwidth setting range shall be from atleast current flowing through the compensator.
1.5 volts to 3 .O volts. The difference between the (4) Switching to provide for automatic operation
actual bandwidth voltage and the marked value shall and for nonautomatic raise-lower operation withinter-
not exceed A10 percent of the marked value set. mediate off positions.


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ANSI C57.12-LO B B W 0 7 2 4 1 5 0 00047LL 7 W


(5) Terminals for reading the voltage supplied to For A-connected windingsthe current transformers
the automatic control equipment bythe voltage source. shall be suitable for use with a line-drop compensator’s
(6) Provision for isolating facilitiesthat pCrmit the voltage supply that is connected line to line, XI -X2.
application of a testvoltage to adjust the voltage level
and bandwidth. 6.6 Automatic Control Equipment Operating Require-
(7) Provision for insertion of a circulating current ments
input to provide for parallel operation bythe circulat- 6.6-1 Environment. The operating temperature of
ing current method. This isolated current input shall the control equipment may range from -3OOC to
essentially duplicate the reactanceinput of the line- t65”C. The humiditymay range from zero to 100per-
drop compensator withits control set on24 volts. The cent relative humidity. The altitude mayrange up to
sensitivity need not be adjustable. 9900 feet (3000 m).
This inputshall provide avoltage that adds vectori- 6.6.2 Accuracy, Burden, and Response Time
ally with the voltage placed on the controldevice volt- Accuracy and Burden. The automatic
age sensing input. With a current of 0.1 amperes, in control equipment shall have an overall accuracy with-
phase with thevoltage input, passing into theparalleling in *1 percent when used with avoltage source that
input, thevoltage that adds to thevoltage input shall shall be provided by theuser and thatis external to the
be shifted 90 degrees, With this same current rotated transformer. Thisvoltage source shall be 0.3accuracy
90 degrees, the sensitivity ofthe voltage setpoint class with a totaloperating burden that shall include a
should change 12 volts 20 percent. voltage-sensing device and all other devices connected An operation counter to register the thereto in accordance with ANSI (37.13-1978. The
accumulated number of tap-changer operations per- burden imposed òn thevoltage source bythe automat-
formed. ic load-tap-changer control equipmentshall not exceed Protective devices consisting of 60 volt-amperes.
(1) Overcurrent automatic-trip temperature-com- Response Time.A step change in applied
pensated air circuit breaker with manual reset, for con- voltage of 0.75 volt from outsidethe band to within
trol of the voltage circuit to the controldevices the band shall cancel anyraise or lower signal within
(2) Overcurrent automatic-trip temperature-com- 0.3 second.
pensated air circuit breaker with manual reset, for con- 6.6.3 Accuracy Considerations. The accuracy with
trol of the power circuit to thecontrol devices which controldevices of a load-tap-changing trans- A screw-base lamp socket with a switch former can mainfain desired voltage is dependent upon
and a convenience outlet for a 120-volt,single-phase a number of varying factors, principalamong which are
60-HZsupply. variations in ambient temperatures, frequency, trans- A heater with a manual switch. former load, and tap-changer position.
6.5.3 Parallel Operation,Space shall be provided for Accuracy is affected in varying degrees by the effects
mounting the equipment required for parallel opera- of each of these variationson theindividual partsof
tion by the circulating-current method. the control.
6.5.4 Transformers. The manufacturer shall furnish For determining the accuracy of a load-tap-changing
current transformers, and the user shall furnish a volt- control, only the combination of control parts and
age transformer for the supply of power to the control varying factors thatsignificantly affectthe accuracy
circuit. The current transformer or transformers shall are included.
deliver not less than 0.15 ampere andnot more than For determining the accuracy of the control, the
0.20 ampere to thecircuits of the paralleling equip- percent error isbased on thefollowing reference con-
ment when the power transformer is operating at the ditions: ambient temperatureof 25”C,rated frequency,
maximum continuous ratingfor which it is designed, tap changer on neutral anddelivering rated output volt-
including increases that C a n be obtained by normal cool- age, zero load current exceptthat line-drop compensa-
ing modifications. tion errors are based on rated current (0.2 ampere).
The currenttransformers shall deliver to theline- Each individual error is stated in terms of its effect
drop compensator a currentthat is in phase withthe on the response ofthe control. Errors causing the con-
line-drop compensator’svoltage supply at unity power trol to hold an output voltage higher than thereference
factor. value are “plus errors.” Errorscausing the control to
For Y-connected windings the currenttransformers hold the outputvoltage level lower than thereference
shall be suitable for usewith the line-drop compensa- values are “minus errors.”
tor’s voltage supply that is connected line to neutral, The effect of each principalvarying factor is consid-
XI -Xo (Figure 4). ered separately with the values of the other factors


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ANSI C57-32.LO 88 U 072Y350 0004732 O

held constant. Theoverall error for determiningthe imately 25"C, with zero current in the primary of the
accuracy is obtained by taking the sum of the selected current supply.
individual errors, each determined independently.For The control shallbe energized for at least one hour
this purpose errors relateto thedivergence of this sum before making the first reading and should remain con-
from the vqltage level setting, with the voltage band- tinuously energized throughout the test.
width presumed to be zero. If the controlis of an electromechanical design, and
Neither the sum of the positive, nor the sum of the if a mechanical support isprovided for thevoltage sen-
negative errors, of the following errors to be used in ac- sitive element, the mechanical support should notbe
curacy determination may exceed0.7 percent: removed until after therelay is energized, andthe me-
(1) Error of the control due to variations in control chanical support should be replaced before the relay is
operating temperature from -30°Cto t65"C. deenergized.
(2) Error of the control due tofrequency variatior Errors shall be determined by subtracting the voltage
of k0.25 percent from the rated frequency of the eqdip- level for reference conditions fromthe voltage levels
ment. for test conditions and expressing the difference in a
(3) With the reactance compensation set to zero percentage of 120 volts.
and with 100 percent in-phase load current,the error Tests for Temperature Error. These tests
in magnitude of the resistive component is definedas shall be made at rated frequency withthe line-drop
the difference betweenthe actual rise of output voltage compensator set at zero. The frequency shall be held
and the 12-volt expectedrise as the resistance compen- constant within plusor minus 0.1 percentof the rated
sation is moved from zero t o t 1 2volts, value.
(4) With the reactance compensation set to zero The temperature rangeto which the control equip-
and with 1O0 percent load currentat 90-degree lagging, ment shall be subjected shall be that of the interior of
the phase error of resistance compensation is defined as the control equipment enclosure, which corresponds to
the difference between the actual rise of output voltage an ambient temperaturerange of minus 30°C to plus
and the 0.6-volt expected rise as the resistance com- 40°C. That is, the control shall have a temperature
pensation is moved from zero to t 12 volts. range from minus 30°Cto plus 65'C for full accuracy,
(5) With the resistance compensation set to zero with the ability to withstand enclosure temperature
and with 100percent in-phase load current,the error of 80'C without loss of control, and with accuracy no
in phase angle of reactance compensation is defined as worse than double the statednumber.
the difference between the actual rise of output volt- Measurements of accuracy of the relay should be
age and the 0.6-volt expected rise as the reactance com- made at temperatures not more than 20°C apart
pensation ismoved from zero t o t 1 2volts. throughout therequired temperaturerange.
(6) With the resistance compensation setto zero During the tests, the air temperature surrounding
and with 100percent load current at 90-degree lagging, the control device shall be held constant and uniform
the magnitude error of reactance compensationis de- within plus or minus 1"C of each of the temperatures
fined as the difference betweenthe actual rise of out- at which the measurements are made.Each tempera-
put voltage and the 12-volt expectedrise as the reac- ture should be maintained constant for a sufficient
tance compensation is moved from zero to 12volts time (at least one hour) forthe control device to reach
lagging. thermal equilibrium before taking a test reading.
6.6.4 Determination of Accuracy of Control De- Tests for Frequency Error in Voltage
vices by Test, This section outlines procedures for de- Control Device. These tests shall be made at a constant
termining values of the errors upon which the accuracy ambient temperature of approximately 25'C, with the
of control devices as defined in this standardis based. line-drop compensator setat zero. Measurementsof
Accuracy tests aredesign tests, but they are not made voltage level should be taken over a sufficient range of
on every unit. The accuracy defined in this standard frequencies to accurately determine the error over the
shall be maintained within specified limits by quality specified range of rated frequency, plusor minus 0.25
control tests. percent.
The voltage or current applied for tests shall have Tests for Errors in Line-Drop Compensa-
a constant wave form, preferably sinusoidal in shape, tion. The auxiliary current transformer and the line-
with a distortion factor not exceeding 0.03 as defined drop compensator maybe tested in combination,
in ANSIlIEEE 100-1984. or they may be tested separately and the combined Tests for Errors in Voltage.The control accuracy determined by calculation or tests forthe
device shall be set for a voltage level of 120 volts, at conditions outlined in for tests in combi-
rated frequency and an ambient temperature of approx- nation.


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A N S I C 5 7 - 3 2 * 1 0 88 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 000‘4713 2 9


The combined accuracy may be determined by test-

ing the compensator with current transformershaving
either (1) the same phase angles and available ratios as where:
those with which itis used, or (2) the extreme phase
VI = theoretically correct voltage level with 1.O per
angles and changes in ratios permitted by production
unit currentin primary of the current supply
tests for the currentsupply design, which are combined
V, = voltage level with zero primary current(= 120
to produce maximum error.
Tests shall be made a t the constantfrequency of ap-
V, = calibrated valuein volts of the resistance ele-
proximately rated value and a constant ambient tem-
ment for 1.O per unit primary current
perature of approximately 25OC.
V, = calibrated value in volts ofthe reactance ele-
For convenience in testing, primary ampere-turns
ment for 1.O per unit primary current
equivalent in magnitude andphase angle may be sub-
stituted for actual primary ampere-turns inthe current
The setting and precautions outlined in6.6.4.1 for $J = c o r 1 (power factor)
the controldevice should be observed when testing the
current supply and compensatorin combination. 6.6.5 Test for Surge Withstand Capability. The auto-
When the current supplyis tested separately, ratio matic control equipmentshall be capable of passing the
and phase angle tests shall be conducted in accordance surge withstand capability test specified in ANSIlIEEE
with ANSI C57.13-1978. C37.90.1-1974.
Where in 6.6.3 and reference is made to
unity power factor and zero power factor is it presumed
that these values will be attained as closely as facilities
permit. Errors not exceeding 3 degrees are permitted 7. Alarm Contacts
but must beconsidered when calculatingthe theoret-
ically correct result. Nongrounded alarm contactsshall be-suitable forin- Test Procedure terrupting:
(1) Voltage level setting shall be set at 120volts. (1) 0.02-ampere direct-current inductive load
Line-drop compensationvoltage resistance andreac- (2) 0.20-ampere direct-current noninductive load
tance elements shallbe set to zero volts.The voltage (3) 2.5-ampere alternating-current noninductive or
level required to balance the controldevice ismeasured inductive load
with zero current inthe primary of the currentsupply. (4) 250 volts maximum in allclasses
(2) The resistance element ofthe compensator shall
be set at theposition marked at 50 percent of the full
voltage range (12 volts on a 24-volt compensator), and
the reactance element shall be set at zero. Part B: “Other” RequirementsThat May Be
(3) A test shall be made holding 100 percent of Specified for Some Applications
rated current in the primary of the currentsupply (or (See Part A for “Basic Standard” Electrical
equivalent) at 1.O power factor anda t 0.0 power factor and Mechanical Requirements)
lagging with respect to the potentialtest terminal’s out- Note: Certain specified applications havetransformer require-
put voltage. The actual change involtage level from ments not covered in Part A. Part B comprises descriptionsof
zero primary current to 100 percent primary current the most frequently used requirementsfor such transformers,
They shall be provided only when specified in conjunction
shall be determined. with Part A requirements.
(4) The theoretically correct voltage levels at 100
percent primary current shall be computed in accor-
dance with
(5) The reactance element of the compensator shall 8. Other Ratings
be set on theposition marked as 50 percent of the full
voltage range (12 volts on a 24-volt compensator) and 8.1 Other Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings. When specified,
the resistance elementshall be set at zero, Steps 3 and forced-air-cooled (FA) kilovolt-ampere ratings for sin-
4 above shall be repeated. gle- and three-phase transformersshall be as shown in
(6) The theoretically correct voltagelevel shall be Table 12 for 10 O00 kVA and smaller and inTable 13
calculated as: for 12 O00 kVA and larger.


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Table 12
Single- and Three-phase, Self-Cooled (OA) and
Forced-Air-Cooled (FA) Ratings,750-12 500kVA
SinglePhase (kVA) Without Load Tap Changing With Load,TapChanging
833 958 750 862 - -
1 250 1437 1 O00 1 150 - -
1667 1917 1 500 1 725 - -
2 500 3 125 2 O00 2 300 - -
3 333 4 167 2 500 3 125 - -
5 O00 6 250 3 750 4 687 3 750 4 687
6 667 8 333 5 O00 6 250 5 O00 6 250
8 333 10 417 7 500 9 375 7 500 9 375
- - 10 O00 12 500 10 O00 12 500

Table 13
Other (Nonpreferred) Three-phase, Self-Cooled (OA),
Forced-Cooled First-Stage,
and Forced-Cooled Second-Stage Kilovolt-Ampere
Ratings (With, or Without, Load Tap Changing)

OA Second-StageFirst-Stage
18 O00 24 O00 30 O00
21 O00 28 O00 35 O00
24 O00 32 O00 40 O00
27 090 36 O00 45 O00
40 O00 53 333 66 667
45 O00 60 O00 75 O00

8.2 Other High-Voltage Ratings.When specified, high- 8.3.1 Y-Connected Three-phase High-Voltage
voltage ratings for single- and three-phase transformers Windings
may be selected from the range of other high-voltage (1) Three-phase transformers with Y-connected
ratings listed in Tables 14 and 15. These are ratedhigh high-voltage windings should have the low-voltage wind-
voltages (line-to-line) and are alternatesto thehigh- ings A-connected and be used at a line-to-line voltage
voltage ratings given in Tables 3 through 6. corresponding to the insulation levels shown in Tables
The rated voltage shall be the mid-tapvoltage, and 14 and 15. Neutral insulation levels may be as covered
all performance characteristicsshall be based on the in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1987.
rated voltage. (2) Y-connected highvoltage windings may be used
Four rated kilovolt-ampere equallyspaced voltage on three-phase transformers, providedthat thelow-volt-
taps, two above rated voltage and two below rated volt- age winding ispermanently A-connected, for theratings
age, shall be provided forhigh voltages selected from described in Tables 14 and 15.
Tables 14 and 15. The total tapvoltage range shallnot 8.3.2 Series-Multiple Low-Voltage Ratings. Series-
exceed 10 percent. multiple low-voltage ratings for thevoltage and kilovolt-
The percent taprange shall be calculated as follows: ampere ratings are listed in Tables 16 and 17.
Transformers designed with series-multiple low-volt-
Percent tap range age ratings shall be shipped withthe low-voltage wind-
- (maximum tap voltage - minimum tap voltage) 100 ings connected formultiple operation,unless otherwise
rated tap voltage specified.
8.4 Other Basic Impulse Insulation Levels(BILs) and
8.3 Other Winding Ratings and Connections.When Impedance Voltages. When specified, other BILs and
specified, any of the otherwinding ratings and connec- associated impedance voltages shall be provided, as
tions listed in 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 shall be provided. shown in Table 18.


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Table 14
Range of Other High-Voltage Ratingsfor Single-
and Three-phase Transformers,9 5 4 5 0 kV BIL
(Applicable to 750-10 O00 kVA, OA Rating)
Basic High-Voltage Ratings from Range of Other
Impulse Insulation Tables 2 and 3 (V) High-Voltage Ratings,
Level Line to Line
(kv) Single-phase Three-phase o
4800/832OY 95 6 900,7200 6600- 8750
110 690011 1 950Y, 12 000, 11 000- 14 750
470Y, 13 200,
200Y, 13 800,
12 000,13 200,13
23 150 O00 23 O00 24 400- 16
500 34 200 200 36 700- 25 34 500
46 250 O00 46 O00 37800- 46000
69 350 O00 69 O00 700-121 56 O00
450 115 O00 115 O00 110000-145000
138 550 O00 138 O00 132000-145000
650 - " 132000-145000

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Voltages separated by a dash indicate that all intervening volfages are included. Voltages
separated by a comma indicate that only those listed are included.
(3) Bold type - voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type -voltages not listed in ANSI (34.1-1982.

Table 15
Range of Other High-Voltage Ratingsfor
Three-phase Transformers,150-900 kV BIL
(Applicable to 12 000-60 O00 kVA, OA Rating)
Basic Range of Other
Impulse Insulation High-Voltage Ratings,
Level High-Voltage Ratings Line to Line
W ) cv) o
150 23 O00 16 400- 24 600
200 34 500 25 700- 36 200
250 46 O00 37 800- 46 O00
350 69 O00 56 700-121 O00
450 115 O00 110 000-145 O00
550 138 O00 132 000-1 69 O00
650 161 O00 153000-242000
750 230 O00 153 000-292 O00
825 - 21 9 000-242 000
900 - 219000-242000

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Voltages separated by a dash indicate that all intervening voltages are


COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute
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Table 16
High-Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Series-Multiple
Low-Voltage Ratings for Single-phase Transformers
High-Voltage Ratings (V)
7200112 470Y
Basic 7620113 200Y
- Impulse Insulation 12 200,13 200, 23 O00
Level 800,23
13 000, 34 500 34 500
(kV) 34 500,46 000, 46 O00 46000 115 O00
Low-Voltage Ratings Series 69 O00 138000
o Connection Connection
24001416OY X 4800/832OY, 75 95 833-2500 - - -
2520f4360Y X 5040f8720Y
24001416OY X 7200112
110 470Y, 75 - 833-2500 - -
252Of436OY X 7560f13090Y
7200112 470Y X 110
14 400 110 - - 833-3333

(1) All voltages are A unless otherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampereratings separated by a dash indicate that all the intervening ratings listed in Table 1 are included.
(3) Bold type - voltages listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type - voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.

Table 17
High-Voltage and Kilovolt-Ampere Ratings for Series-Multiple
Low-Voltage Ratings for Three-Ph'ise Transformers
High-Voltage Ratings (V)
34 500
46 O00
Basic Impulse 69 O00
Insulation Level 115 O00
138 O00
46 O00 11.5 000, 161 O00
Series-Multiple Multiple Series 23 000 34 500 69 O00 138 O00 230 O00
Low-Voltage Ratings Connec-
(V) tion tion Kilovolt-AmpereRatings ( N A )
2400 X 4800, 60 75 1000-7500
5000-7500 -
2520 X 5040
2400 X 7200, 60 95 - 5000-7500
1000-7500 -
2520 X 7560
416OYl2400 X 832OYl4800, 75 1000-7500
951500-7500 5000-10000 -
4360Yf2520 X 8720Y/5040
416OY/2400 X 12 47OYl7200,
75 110 - 1000-7500
1500-7500 5000-10000 -
4360Y/2520 X 13 090Y/7560
110 95 7200
400 X 14 - 1000-10000

(1) All voltages are A-unlessotherwise indicated.
(2) Kilovolt-ampere ratings separated by a dash indicate that all the intervening ratings listed in Table 1are included.
(3) Bold type - voltageslisted in ANSI C84.1-1982.
(4) Italics type - voltages not listed in ANSI C84.1-1982.


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A N S I C 5 7 - 1 2 * 1 0 B B U 0 7 2 4 1 5 0 0004717 T


Table 18 (b) With a neutral bushing of the same voltage

Other BILs and Associated Percent Impedance class as that of the winding to which it is connected
Voltages at Self-Cooled (OA) Rating 9.2.3 Constructions for Neutral Terminations. Neu-
(With, or Without, Load TapChanging) tral terminations, when furnished in accordance with
9.2.1 and 9.2.2, shall be provided onein of the follow-
Percent Impedance Voltage
ing constructions:
BIL Without
Load With Load Tap (1) Cover-mounted
(kW Changing
(2) When the transformer construction is in accor-
10.00 650 9.50 dance with 9.4,9.5, or 9.6:
825 10.25 10.75
11.0 900 10.50 (a) Cover-mounted
(b) Located in the junction box,terminal cham-
ber, or throat, respectively

9. Other Construction Features - General. 9.3 Terminal Board. Onlyone of the following types
(See Table 19.) of terminal boardsmay beselected for a transformer:
(1) A terminal board that provides for a series-multi-
9.1 Other Bushings. Where distribution insulation ple connection for transformers listed in the appropriate
levels are specified, the electrical characteristics of rating table.
bushings shall be as listed for distribution apparatus (2) A Y-A terminal board that provides angular dis-
in ANSIlIEEE (257.12.00-1987. placements as shown in Figure 4 for transformers with
three-phase windings of110 kV BIL (15 kV nominal
9.2 Other Neutral Terminations.When specified, other
system voltage) or less. The other winding of the trans-
neutral terminations shall be providedas listed in 9.2.1,
former shall be permanently A-connected,
9.2.2, and 9.2.3.
9.2.1 Neutral Termination of Y-Connected High-
Voltage Windings. Whenspecified, designated neutral 9.4 Junction Boxes. Junction boxes may be provided
terminations of Y-connectedhigh-voltage windings for thecable entrance forwindings of 11O kV BIL (1 5
shall be one of the following: kV nominal systemvoltage) or less. (See 9.2.3 when The neutral shall be ungrounded and not neutral termination is required.)
accessible. Note: Certain kilovolt-ampere and voltage ratings may impose The neutral shall be brought through the design limitationson the availability or location of these items.
cover in segment 2. 9.4.1 The high-voltagejunction boxshall eitherbe Provision for a future high-voltage neutral mounted:
bushing shall be made on thecover in segment 2. A (1) On the side of the tank insegment 2, or
fully insulated neutral shallbe brought t o a terminal (2) On the cover in segment 3.
board for isolated neutral operation of the transformer. 9.4.2 The low-voltagejunction box shall either be High-voltage windings of transformers mounted:
with a Y-A terminal board supplied in accordance with (1) On the side of the tank in segment 4, or
9.3(2) shall be available in oneof the following con- ‘(2) On the cover in segment 1, provided no high-volt-
structions: age junction box is on the cover.
(1) Neutral ungrounded and not accessible
(2) Neutral brought through the cover in segment 2 9.5 Disconnecting Switches with Interlocks and Termi-
9.2.2 Neutral Termination of Y-ConnectedLow- nal Chambers. Disconnecting switches with interlocks
Voltage Windings. Whenspecified, one of the following and terminal chambers maybe provided for the cable
neutral terminations of Y-connected low-voltage wind- connection forwindings of 1 O1kV BIL (1 5 kV nominal
ings shall be provided: system voltage) or less. (See 9.2.3 when neutral termi-
(1) Permanently Y-connected low-voltage windings nation is required,)
shall have the low-voltage neutralbushing furnished as
provided for in 9.1 Note: Certain kilovolt-ampere and voltage ratings may impose
design limitationson the availability or location of these items.
(2) Low-voltage windings of a three-phase trans-
former with alow-voltage Y-A terminal board supplied 9.5.1 The high-voltage terminal chamber shall be
in accordance with 9.3(2)shall be provided in one of mounted on theside ofthe tank in segment 2.
the following constructions: 9.5.2 The low-voltage terminal chamber shallbe
(a) Without neutral bushing mounted on theside of the tank insegment 4.


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Table 19
“Other” Construction Features
kVA, OA Ratings
Load Tap Changing
With Load
Tap Changing
Section Items 750-10000
9.1 Other Bushings A - - -
9.2 Other Neutral Terminations A A A A
9.2.1 YConnected HV Windings A A A A
9.2.2 Y-Connected LV Windings A A A A
9.2.3 Constructions for Neutral A A A A
9.3 Terminal Board A A A A
9.4 Junction Box G15 kV A A A A
9.4.1 HV A A A A
9.4.2 LV A A A A
9.5 Disconnecting Switches A A A A
915 kV
9.5.1 HV Terminal Chamber A - A -
9.5.2 LV Terminal Chamber A A A A
9.6 Throat Connectiona15 kV A - A -
9.6.1 HV Throat A A -
9.6.2 LV Throat A A A A
9.7 Settings and Wiring of A A A A
Indicator Contacts
9.7.1 Settings A A A A
9.7.2 wiring A A A A
9.7.3 Other Temperature A A A A
9.8 Current Transformers A A A A
9.8.1 Bushing-Type Current A A A A
9.8.2 Terminal Blocks A A A A
9.9 Future Forced-Air Cooling A A A A
9.9.1 Top-Liquid Temperature A A S S
9.9.2 Winding Temperature Control A A A A
9.10 Pressure Relay A A A A
9.11 Moving Facilities (Wheels) >2500 kVA A A A
9.12 Surge Arresters A A A A
9.13 Other Oil Preservation >5000 kVA A c5000 kVA A
9.14 Other Insulating Liquid A - A -
9.15 Other Tanks -Bolted Cover A A A A
9.16 Other Loading A A A A
9.17 “Other” Tests, per ANSI/IEEE A A A A
10. Other Construction - Load-Tap- - - A A
Changing Transformers
10.1 Terminal Blocks A A A A
10.2 Paralleling Circuit and Operation - - A A

“S” indicates “standard”

“A” indicates ‘‘available, whenspecified”

COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute

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3 r d SWITCH



Figure 6
Contact Wiring and Wire Color Coding

9.6 Throat Connection. A throat connection or con- The liquid-temperature indicator alarm contacts
nections may be provided for windings of 110 kV BIL shall be adjustable over a range of 65°C to 110°C.
(15 kV nominal system voltage) or less. (See 9.2.3 The winding-temperature simulator contacts shall
when neutral termination is required.) be adjustable over a rangeof 95°C to 125°C.
Note: Certain kilovolt-ampereand voltage ratings may impose 9.7.2 Contact Wiring and Wire Color Coding. Con-
design limitationson the availability or location of these items. tacts shall be wired with cable having the color coding
shown in Figure 6 or with cable having permanent
9.6.1 The hìgh-voltage throat shall either be located:
(1) On the side of the tank insegment 2, or
9.7.3 Other Temperature Instruments. When speci-
(2) On the cover in segment 3, provided a low-volt-
fied, eye-leveltemperature instrumentsshall be provided.
age throat is not on thecover.
9.6.2 The low-voltage throat shall either be located: 9.8 Current Transformers
(1) On the side of the tank in segment 1 or 4, or 9.8.1 BushingType Current Transformers (orProvi-
(2) On the cover in segment 1, provided a high-volt- sion for Their Addition inthe Future). Bushing-type
age throat is not on the cover. current transformers shallbe multiratio with taps as
specified by ANSIlIEEE (37.13-1978, and withrelay
9.7 Temperature and Liquid-Level Indicator Contacts accuracy class (full winding) as listed in Table 20.
and Wirings There shall be a maximum of two current transform-
9.7.1 Contacts for liquid-level indicators and tem- ers perbushing, not including current transformersfor
perature indicators shall be in accordance with7.1. winding-temperature simulators. Transformers withdis-
The liquid-level indicatoralarm contacts shall be tribution BIL characteristics shall have a maximum of
nonadjustable and shall be set to close at the minimum one current transformer perbushing, not including cur-
safe operatinglevel of the liquid. rent transformers for winding-temperature simulators.


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Table 20
Recommended Accuracy Classification of Bushing
Current Transformers for Relaying Service
Bushing Insulation Bushing Current
Class, Transformer Accuracy Class at
kV Ratio Full Winding Ratio
46 and Below 600:5 C200
12005, 2000:5, 3000:5 C400
4000:5 and higher C800
69 6005 c200
1200:5 C400
2000:5 and higher C800
Above 69 6005 C400
12005 and higher C800

All secondary leads shall be brought to an outlet 9.10 Pressure-Type Relay. A pressure-type relay shall
box. Provision shall be made for short-circuiting. be provided for theindication of transformer faults.
Provision shall be made on transformers 2500 kVA
and larger for removing bushing-type current trans- 9.1 1 Moving Facilities. Flanged wheels for a 1.435-
formers from the transformer tank without removing meter (56-1/2-inch) rail gage for motion parallel to the
the tankcover. centerline of segments 1 and 3 shall be available for
When provisions for theaddition of future current 2500 kVA and larger transformers.
transformers are required, the user shall so specify. 9.12 Surge Arresters. The following types of construc-
9.8.2 Terminal Blocks. A nonsplit terminal block tion are available for surge protection:
shall be provided in a weatherproofenclosure of the (1) Provision only for the mounting of surge ar-
nonsplit type, located near the transformer base in resters.
segment 1 , for terminating contacts specified in 9.8.1 (2) Mounting complete with surge arresters.
and currenttransformer secondaries (two leads per (3) A surge arrester ground pad consisting of a tank
current transformer) specified in 9.9.1. grounding pad (in accordance with 5.5)that is mounted
near the top of the tank and that maybe specified for
9.9 Provision for Future Forced-Air Cooling each set of arresters - except that individual ground
9.9.1 When class OA transformerS.are to have pro- pads may be supplied where the separation of the ar-
vision for future forced-air cooling and the control of rester stacks is such that individual pads for grounding
the forced-air equipment is to be by the winding tem- each phase arrester represent better design.
perature, the following equipment shall be provided:
(1) the necessary mechanical arrangement Note: Material for connecting surge arresters to live parts and
to ground pads is not included in 9.13(1) through 9.13(3).
(2) a thermally operated winding-temperature con-
mal element mounted in a well 9.13 Other Oil Preservation Systems. When specified,
(3) provision for mounting the controlcabinet other systems of oil preservation shall be provided on
transformers rated above 5000 kVA as follows:
(4) provision for mounting the fans
(1) Inert-gas pressure system. An inert-gas pressure
9.9.2 When class OA transformers are to have pro- system is a system in which by means of a positive
vision for future forced-air cooling and the controlof pressure of inert gas maintained from a separate inert-
the forced-air equipment is tobe by the winding tem- gas source and reducing valve system, the interior of
perature, thefollowing equipment shall be provided: the transformer shall be sealed from the atmosphere
(1) the necessary mechanical arrangement through a top-oiltemperature range of 100°C. The
(2) a thermally operated winding-temperature con- internal gas pressure ihall not exceed 8 psi (55.2 kPa)
trol device with the thermal element mounted in a well
(3) a heating coil (2) Conservator or expansion-tank system. A con-
(4) a low-voltage current transformer servator or expansion-tank system is a system that by
(5) provision for mounting the controlcabinet means of anauxiliary tank partly filled with oil and
(6) provision for mounting the fans connected to the completely filled main tank, seals
Note: Information concerning fans and controls isgiven in 5.9. the oil in the main tank from the atmosphere through


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a top-oil temperaturerange of 100°C. The internal 10.2 Paralleling Circuit and Operation. Figure 7 shows
top-oil pressure in the main tank shall not exceed 5 psi a simplified schematic forthe circulating current paral-
(34.5 kPa) gage. leling of two transformers. The following defines part-
(3) Gas-liquid seal system. A gas-liquid sealsystem of this schematic:
is a system in whichthe interiorof the transformer, (1) I,, with terminals 5 and 6, are the paralleling
by meansof an auxiliary tank or tanks thatprovide a current inputs to thetwo control devices,
liquid seal operating on themanometer principle, shall (2) T, is a circulating current sensitivitydevice.
be sealed from the atmosphere-through a top-liquid Other means are available to accomplish the variable
temperature range of 100°C, andthe gas plus liquid sensitivity that is necessary to prevent tap-changer
volume shall vary such that theinternal gas pressure hunting at oneextreme, or to prevent failure ofthe
will not exceed 5 psi (34.5 kPa) gage, positive or two tap changers to come together at or near the same
negative. tap at the other extreme,
9.14 Other Insulating Liquid.When specified, another (3) When specified, Kc is a current relayto detect
suitable insulating liquid shall be furnished instead
of excessive circulating current, blockthe tapchanger,
mineral oil. and sound an alarm.
(4) Contacts 52a/I, 52b/I, 52a/II, 52b/IIare on the
Note: Some “otherinsulating liquids” may’have technical circuit breakers tying transformers I and II to theload
limitations (such as voltage) that may
limit their scope of bus.
( 5 ) Contacts 24a and 24b are on abreaker used to
9.15 Other Tanks. When specified, a bolted main cover divide the bus and permit independent operation of
shall be provided. one or both transformers.
9.16 Other Loading. ANSIlIEEE C57.92-1981 pro- Note: Thecircuit breaker contacts are shown in thebreaker
vides guidance and information concerning loading un- closed position.
der various conditions,some of which may be limited
by thecapability of the ancillary components ofthe (6) The first horizontal conductor hasa current
transformer. When specified, ancillary components and analogous inangle and magnitude to thereactive cur-
other construction features(cables, bushings, tap rent circulating throughthe two transformers.
changers, iiquid expansion space, andthe like, shall be (7) The second line has a balance current which
supplied in such away that they in themselves will not forces the two load currents to be identical. Therefore
limit the loading to less than thecapability of the any difference mustflow through the circulating cur-
windings. rent path.
Note: ANSI (37.92-1981is nota standard. It provides the best (8) If onetransformer, say #II, is taken out of serv-
known general informationfor loading transformers under ice by opening breaker52/11 then half of the #I load
various conditions based on typical winding insulation systems current is forced to flow through thehalf-current-loop.
and is based upon the bestengineering information available
at the time of preparation. It discusses “limitations”of ancillary In this way transformer control #I sees half the load
components other than windings that may limit thecapabiuty current that itsaw previously and the proper amount
of transformers to meetits guidelines. of line-drop compensation inthe #I control is main-
9.17 “Other” Tests. When specified, “Other” Tests as tained.
described in ANSIlIEEE (557.12.00-1987 shallbe per- (9) The same configuration, grounding points, etc,
formed. must be maintained if transformers areto be success-
fully paralleled.

10. Other Construction Features - Load-Tap- 10.3 Omission of Automatic Load-Tap-Changing

Changing Equipment Control. When specified, automatic load-tap-changing
control shall be omitted.
10.1 Terminal Blocks. In a load-tap-changing trans-
former, terminal blocksshall be provided in theload- 10.4 Lightning Surge Voltage Protectorfor Motor
tap-changing control cabinet for terminating contacts Power Supply. When specified, a lightning surge ar-
specified in 9.8.1 and current transformer secondaries rester shallbe provided for surge protection of load-
(two leads per current transformer)specified in 9.9.1. tap-changing motor power supply.


7- i f
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6. T,



3 7

-43P8 43P
IX 2 1.p
AI 41 dl n


e 4
4! e
L 1



-- II

Note: 52 and 24 contacts are shown in the breaker closed position; 43P in the parallel position.

Figure 7
Simplified Schematicof Current Circuit for Paralleling Two Transformers

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