Cash Budget
Cash Budget
Cash Budget
To find out if the company will be in need of cash in the accounting period and to have an
estimate of how much is needed and at what particular period that need will arise, a cash budget
must be prepared. A cash budget shows the expected cash receipts and disbursements for an
accounting period. It can be prepared on a monthly or a quarterly basis for a year.
The cash budget has the following parts:
1. Cash receipts. This includes collections from receivables, proceeds from loans or issuance
of new shares of stocks and advances from stockholders.
2. Cash disbursements. This section includes payments to suppliers and other service
providers, payments for loans and cash dividends.
3. Net cash flow for the period. This is computed by deducting cash disbursements from the
collection for the period. This provides information regarding the excess cash or cash
deficit for the period.
4. Target cash balance. No business can operate without cash. This target cash balance is
the amount of cash that management wants to maintain at all times given its present level
of operations, stability of cash flows, and the macroeconomic and political conditions.
There are primary and secondary reasons for holding cash which will be discussed later.
5. Cumulative excess cash or funding requirements. This is the most important part of the
cash budget where the possible funding requirements are shown on a cumulative basis.
This part of the cash budget is very important in planning because if the management
cash estimate the amount of cash they will need in the future and when it will possibly
arise, this early, management can identify the possible sources of cash. Planning the
possible sources of cash in advance will save the company financing costs and the
unnecessary stress for managers.
A good problem to deal with is cumulative excess cash. If the company has excess cash,
then management can decide where to invest the excess funds to generate more
investment income for the company.
Given the above assumptions, a cash budget can now be prepared for 2015.