University of Guayaquil Faculty of Medicina Technical Ingles I Group Topic
University of Guayaquil Faculty of Medicina Technical Ingles I Group Topic
University of Guayaquil Faculty of Medicina Technical Ingles I Group Topic
• Lady cerezo
• Annie Guevara
• José Pacheco
• Claudia Aguilar
• Mercedes Perero
Teacher Name:
Lcda. Tania Crespo Vaca Mgs.
FACE .............................................................................................................................................. 3
MOUTH.......................................................................................................................................... 5
NOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 6
EARS .............................................................................................................................................. 8
EYES ............................................................................................................................................... 9
The human body is topographically divided into three parts:
In general, the 8 bones of the skull are:
Palatino (2)
Vómer (1)
Lacrimal or unguis (2)
Lower turbine 3
Zygomatic or malar bone (2)
Maxillary (1)
Jaw (1)
Nasal bone (2)
All these bones will serve as a protective shield for the organs inside the head.
The parts of the face are: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. That my classmates comment on it
in more detail.
The face offers numerous cavities in which it houses the organs of the senses.
The upper part of the head is covered with skin and, in general, with hair and this set is
called scalp.
All the bones that form the head are fixed, without joint movement, except the so-called
mandible, whose most prominent central point is called the chin.
of general knowledge The head and neck are mainly irrigated by the carotid and
subclavian arteries. And its branches
The mouth is the first portion of the alimentary canal that
receives food and produces saliva. The oral mucosa is
the mucous membrane epithelium lining the inside of the
It is divided into two sections: the vestibule, the area between the cheeks and the teeth,
and the oral cavity proper. The latter section is mostly filled by the tongue, a large muscle
firmly anchored to the floor of the mouth by the frenulum linguae. In addition to its
primary role in the intake and initial digestion of food, the mouth and its structures are
essential in humans to the formation of speech.
Specialized membranes form both the gums, which surround and support the teeth, and
the surface of the tongue, on which the membrane is rougher in texture, containing many
small papillae that hold the taste buds.
The human nose is the most protruding part of the face. It bears the nostrils and is the first
organ of the respiratory system. It is also the principal organ in the olfactory system. The
shape of the nose is determined by the nasal bones and the nasal cartilages, including the
nasal septum which separates the nostrils and divides the nasal cavity into two.
The main function of the nose is respiration, and the nasal mucosa lining the nasal cavity
and the paranasal sinuses carries out the necessary conditioning of inhaled air by warming
and moistening it. Nasal conchae, shell-like bones in the walls of the cavities, play a major
part in this process. Filtering of the air by nasal hair in the nostrils preven ts large particles
from entering the lungs. Sneezing is a reflex to expel unwanted particles from the nose
that irritate the mucosal lining. Sneezing can transmit infections, because aerosols are
created in which the droplets can harbour pathogens.
Several bones and nasal cartilages make up the bony-cartilaginous framework of the nose,
and the internal structure. The nose is also made up of types of soft tissue such as skin,
epithelia, mucous membrane, muscles, nerves, and blood. In the skin there are sebaceous
glands, and in the mucous membrane there are nasal glands.
The framework of the nose is made up of bone and cartilage which provides strong
protection for the internal structures of the nose. The arrangement of the cartilages allows
flexibility through muscle control to enable airflow to be modified.
External nose
The nasal ridge (nasal dorsum) is the border between the root and the tip of
the nose
the nasal bones and the nasal cartilages are the septal, lateral, major alar,
and minor alar cartilages
In ancient times, Orientals felt a great devotion to the ears and were convinced that the
longer they were, the greater the degree of wisdom of those
who possessed them.
The ear is the outer part of the ear, made up of cartilage and
skin. It is the part of the body that is clearly perceived by
others, where it is shown as a protuberance implanted on
each side of the skull.
Its main function is to detect the vibrations through the sounds, and later it takes it to the
inner zone of the ear, or auditory system.
The ears in humans have an involuntary and very reduced mobility, while in animals it is
different, since they can be dissected very quickly to the place where the sounds come
The ears have different parts that are, from the inside to the outermost part:
• Tragus or drink. The tragus or tragus is the cartilaginous, tongue-shaped structure that
is in the region that connects the ear to the head.
• Antitragus or antitrago. It is the small and triangular structure that is opposite the
tragus, under the antehélix.
• Shell. It is the depression that we can observe in the central part of the ear. It is a structure
that acts as a funnel and directs the vibrations of sound to the auditory canal.
• Antihélix. The antihelix is the structure that borders the shell and runs through the ear
parallel to the helix. The antihelix allows the shell to have more depth.
• Anthelix pit. The pit of the antihélix is a depression that is the upper part of the ear, at
the end of the helix.
Some specialists claim that the two ears do not hear the same sounds equally. That is, the
left perceives the music better and the right is better prepared to listen to the voice of the
Its structure and folds are not random. Its unique shape helps the sound waves of the
environment are captured and conducted to the eardrum.
The view is the most used of the 5 senses.
The eye is the main organ of the visual system, which captures the images seen and
converts them into an electrical signal to the optic nerve.
This signal is "translated" by the brain, the visual cortex, which sends us the processed
image and allows the interpretation of our environment.
In the human being, the eye is an organ that detects light and is the basis of the sense of
sight. Its function is basically to transform the light energy into electrical signals that are
sent to the brain through the optic nerve. It works in a very similar way to that of most
vertebrates and some mollusks; it has a lens called crystalline, which is adjustable
according to distance; a "diaphragm", which is called a pupil, whose diameter is regulated
by the iris, and a tissue sensitive to light, which is the retina. Light penetrates through the
pupil, crosses the lens and projects onto the retina, where it is transformed, thanks to cells
called photoreceptors, into nerve impulses that are transferred, through the optic nerve, to
the brain.
The organ of vision is composed of the eyelids, eyeballs, the lacrimal apparatus and the
external eye muscles. The eyeball measures about 25 mm in diameter and is held in place
by the extraocular muscles. The binocular vision, with the participation of both eyes,
allows us to appreciate the images in three dimensions.
The outer layer, which includes the sclera (thick, resistant and white) and in the
anterior part the transparent cornea.
The middle layer includes choroid, which contains abundant blood vessels, and
the connective tissue of the ciliary body and the iris.
The inner layer is called the retina, in which the light-sensitive cells (rods and
cones) are found, covered by an outer layer of cubic epithelial cells containing
melanin. Externally, the retina rests on the choroid; internally, it is in contact with
the vitreous humor.