Exercise in The Management of Chronic Back Pain: Thomas E. Dreisinger, PHD, Facsm
Exercise in The Management of Chronic Back Pain: Thomas E. Dreisinger, PHD, Facsm
Exercise in The Management of Chronic Back Pain: Thomas E. Dreisinger, PHD, Facsm
include a tumor, cauda equina syndrome, infection, or recommend exercise to their back pain patients,23,24
spinal fracture. Although red flag pains require and the reasons why, other than lack of time, are
serious consideration, only 1%-4% of patients pre- somewhat unclear. Some general practitioners cite
senting with back pain have red flag conditions.7 patient interests overriding their clinical judgment,
Patients with red flag pain and those who might even when practitioners know the importance of
present with complicated and/or restrictive comorbid- recommending increased activity.25 This patient-prac-
ities in addition to back pain are beyond the scope of titioner conflict suggests a need for better methods of
this paper. communicating the value of being active. Skillful
practitioners are able to discover the patient’s own
INTRODUCTION motivations and align them with appropriately active
Exercise for health and disease management is treatment goals.26
not a new idea. Claudius Galen’s (129-210 AD) Good evidence supports the use of exercise-
influence regarding what has been called the ‘‘six directed therapy for patients with chronic back pain—
things non-natural’’ (clean air, healthy food, appropri- generally within the context of a rehabilitation set-
ate sleep, good working bowels, balanced passions, ting.21,27,28 When compared with other therapeutic
and proper exercise)8 informed physicians well into approaches, exercise demonstrates positive results
the 19th century to include exercise as an important by itself and in combination, for example, with
part of their medical practices.9 Not until the late cognitive interventions. Aggressive exercise is also
1800s, when western medicine and healthcare be- cost effective in reducing disability.29,30
came more focused on ‘‘sick care and disease,’’ did
the emphasis on health slip into the background of WHAT TO TREAT
medical practices.10 Pain may be the reason people seek medical care,
In the 1960s, the American population changed its but function rather than pain is treated in restorative
focus to overall well-being. Heart disease was a public physical therapy. Insurance companies in the United
epidemic, smoking and excessive alcohol consump- States do not pay for pain reduction—they pay for
tion were seen as deterrents to good health, and increases in function31 because pain cannot be
people began, once again, to take an interest in their effectively measured and treatment options are
own health. Although the focus on health seemed to limited to medication, cognitive intervention, or
be a new phenomenon, US society had only taken a surgery. Pain reduction may occur as the result of
break from a historical tradition of recognizing physical therapy, but functional improvement is the
physical activity as an important aspect of good goal both for the insurer and the clinician.
health.11 Exercise received much more emphasis as Function is objectively measurable and can be
healthcare began to find a balance within the monolith deliberately increased through treatment. Studies
of ‘‘disease management and rest’’ that had domi- have demonstrated the positive effects of aggressive
nated medicine in the United States for more than 80 exercise.29,30 Exercise has also favorably compared
years.11 with surgical intervention32-34 and in some cases
Today, exercise is recognized for its importance to eliminated the necessity for surgery.35 These findings
healthy lifestyles, longevity, quality of life, mental indicate that clinical therapy should include appropri-
health, and the management of many chronic ately aggressive exercise. Exercise is the centerpiece
diseases, including low back pain.12-16 Exercise is of treatment for the management of all complex pain
the only meaningful way to increase functional syndromes, including spinal pain.36
capacity.17 Questions about exercise relate to its
place (ie, alone or in combination with cognitive or TREATMENT
biopsychosocial strategies) rather than its value.18-20 A rational clinical treatment program should
Systematic reviews for the management of acute, contain 4 elements: (1) a pragmatic framework, (2) a
subacute, and chronic back pain have provided standardized assessment and treatment methodolo-
recommendations for more, rather than less, activity gy, (3) a common therapeutic protocol, and (4) a cost-
in recovery.21,22 Thirteen countries and 2 international effective model. Objectively measured therapeutic
groups, in addition to subgroups within professional exercise lends itself to this kind of structured
societies, insurance companies, and other stakehold- treatment program.
er agencies, have published clinical guidelines for the In a pragmatic framework, exercise should follow
management of low back pain.22 the principle of progressive overload (increasing
For the acute back pain patient, early activation intensity, frequency, or duration of movement to
towards normality that includes exercise should begin exceed normal activity levels). The exercise-science
in the primary care setting. Unfortunately, a large literature contains numerous evidence-based proto-
percentage of primary care physicians do not cols under the construct of progressive overload that
apply well to the clinical treatment for increasing cholesterol, blood sugar, and physical performance.
spinal function.12,37 Patients want to know how they are faring in
Standardized assessment and treatment method- rehabilitation. When they can be shown increases in
ologies are critical if functional improvement is to be endurance, strength, range of motion, or flexibility
measured in a meaningful way. Standardized tests over their baseline, they feel a sense of accomplish-
are available and should be applied for scientific ment—helpful for keeping patients motivated through
inquiry and for clear communication among clinical their course of treatment. Measurement can be used
colleagues. The American College of Sports Medicine both to encourage patients and to demonstrate they
publishes such testing and prescription methodolo- have plateaued and are no longer candidates for
gies.12,37,38 Alternately, if objective measurement is treatment. Measured exercise provides a broader and
simply for internal clinical use (eg, patient motivation more coherent clinical narrative from which therapeu-
or clinician communication), any number of fitness tic management may be refined.
testing resources (ie, for flexibility, endurance, and
strength) are available.39,40 CLINICAL OUTCOMES
Within physical therapy practices with more than The majority of measures reflecting changes in
one clinician, each clinician often assesses and treats back pain are patient reported in the following general
patients differently. A common therapeutic protocol categories: symptoms, function, and quality of life.
helps provide a foundation of treatment, enhancing a The use of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in
broader clinical understanding of patient care. Agree- clinical trials reflects the attention given to patients’
ment among clinicians, at the very least within a evaluation of their healthcare.
practice, to common therapeutic protocols can be In the late 1980s and early 1990s, few of these
very helpful. measures were available. Examples include analog
Cost effectiveness impacts society by decreasing pain scales, the Oswestry Disability Index (measure of
overuse of the healthcare system and medical function), and the Short-Form Quality of Life (SF-36)
procedures, as well as reducing the overall economic survey. The difficulty in quantifying nondichotomous
burden of medical care. Using a framework for data in spinal care has led to a proliferation of
creating efficiencies in the treatment of spinal care outcome measurement tools that, as Chapman
can have an impact on larger social issues. Social reported, ‘‘suggest a high degree of sophistication
cost factors are particularly important in the United . . . or a general helplessness in the face of over-
States where two-thirds of spinal costs are due to whelming odds’’ and an ‘‘incomplete resolution of the
decreased wages and productivity and healthcare is attempts at quantifying many aspects of ‘health-
rapidly approaching 18% of the GDP.41 related quality of life.’’’47 The difficulty in agreeing on
a common measurement criterion has created, in the
THE IMPORTANCE OF MEASUREMENT clinical setting, more opinion than fact.
Measurement as a means of clarifying under- Clinician-based outcomes (CBOs) are another
standing is a time-honored practice. Plato suggested kind of data. CBO assessments reflect objective
to Euthyphro, ‘‘Suppose that we differ about magni- physiologic or biomechanical changes such as
tudes, do we not quickly end the differences by endurance, muscle strength, range of motion, and
measuring? . . . And we end a controversy about measured activities of daily living (eg, functional
heavy and light by resorting to a weighing ma- capacity testing). They differ from PROs because
chine?’’42 they do not involve patient perceptions; rather, they
Mathematician and physicist William Thomson measure performance. CBO assessments provide
(Lord Kelvin) expressed it more bluntly, ‘‘When you objective evidence of restoration of function required
can measure what you are speaking about, and by third-party payers, in addition to timely feedback to
express it in numbers, you know something about it; the patient.
but when you cannot measure it, your knowledge is of Unfortunately, most clinicians do not use out-
a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.’’43 comes in their practices. Lee indicated that fewer than
Objective measurement should be used for 10% of all healthcare practices in the United States
multiple reasons. Normative data are highly valuable, collect any kind of outcomes data—either PRO or
leading to better clinical understanding and to further CBO.48
research. A second and often overlooked reason is
patient motivation. Humans are interested in where WHAT KIND OF EXERCISE?
they fit in to whatever category they find of interest. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Studies in the area of exercise compliance focus on only an estimated 13%-20% of people over the age of
this human aspect.44-46 Actuarial health tables provide 15 participate in regular lifestyle physical activity, with
data related to height, weight, body mass index, variations based on regional habitat.49 Chronic back
pain patients in general are less physically active than In addition, the weight lifted should provide enough
the majority of the population, meaning most chronic resistance to cause optimal adaptive changes in
back pain patients come to therapy with very low muscle. Although therapeutic programs emphasize
physical capacities from a lifestyle that is inhibited by patient performance of functional activities, muscles
the nature of their pain. The goal of therapeutic cannot be meaningfully strengthened through dy-
intervention is to return patients to the normal activities namic functional movements. For example, if a tennis
of daily living—sitting, rising, bending, twisting, lifting, player used a heavily weighted racquet to increase his
walking, and climbing—by enhancing strength, flexi- or her strength of service, the momentum of the swing
bility, endurance, and balance. Only resistance alone would put the joint, at the axis of rotation, in
(strength) training has been shown to result in danger. The intensity of resistance needed to mean-
increases in all 4 of these at the same time.50-53 ingfully strengthen the arm using a weighted racquet
Resistance training is safe, efficient, and easy to would risk significant injury because of acceleration/
quantify, and it has been shown to reduce kinesi- deceleration forces and directional changes in move-
ophobia,20 depression,54 vertebral fractures,55 and ment of the racquet. For safety reasons, a much less
recidivism rates.56 Resistance training also increases intense functional exercise load (ie, a normally
the integrity of connective tissue within the muscles, weighted tennis racquet) would need to be used.
joint cartilage, tendons, and ligaments and enhances Functional movement with the tennis racquet is
bone mineral content.57 Because of its multifactorial helpful for proprioceptive movement patterns but not
contribution to overall health in the chronic spinal for optimal strengthening.
patient, generalized resistance strengthening should Motivational issues also detract from gains in
be part of any rehabilitation program focused on function when patients are not given specific, mea-
functional restoration. surable goals. Therapy that is time based or centered
on unmeasured exercise provides little feedback to
the patient. Without specific strategic goals (pre-
Progressive overload has been called the mother
scribed exercise based on quantitative assessment),
principle of exercise training. The 3 elements of
most patients require cheerleading or they will
prescribed exercise are the activity’s frequency (how
perform exercise at the lowest level of their capacity.
often), intensity (how hard), and duration (how long).
Under the progressive overload principle, these 3 In home exercise programs, for example, without time
elements are manipulated to gradually increase the and distance guidelines, patients will engage in
amount of work performed until maximal exercise progressively less intense exercise.59 A parallel
potential is reached. Regardless of therapeutic activ- example is that of motivating students to learn.
ity, the principle of progressive overload governs the Instructors use any number of strategies to encour-
ability to increase one’s capacity to perform daily age successful learning, but without goal-oriented
living activities. Any exercise overload will cause strategies and feedback, most students will not do
functional capacity to increase, but adjusting intensity well.60 Similarly, without a program of measured
provides the biggest gains in performance capability. activity and demonstrated progress, patients find little
Applying greater resistance through progressive to motivate them to perform persistent exercise.
sessions results in increased lean muscle mass,
decreased body fat, and increased work capacity SPINAL STRENGTHENING
(function).58 Although the clinical literature reports of outcomes
If baseline measurements are recorded before of core stabilization exercises have been equivocal,61-64
patients begin a program of progressive exercise, lumbar extensor strengthening has been shown to be
patients readily see improvements during their clinical an effective (as good as or better than standard
restoration program, as well as their overall functional physical therapy) therapeutic tool.65,66 Lumbar exten-
improvement when they complete the program. sor strengthening is more valuable than the standard of
Exercise machines are the optimal way to deter- care because it provides measurable physiologic
mine the effects of progressive resistance exercises. adaptation to the therapy. Indeed, a progressive
They permit measurement of effort, both visually and resistance spinal strengthening exercise program has
physiologically. Exercise machines are also safe in been instituted within the Ochsner Health System (TE
that they limit free axial movement, thereby reducing Dreisinger, D Feurtado, J Karazim, unpublished data,
the potential for injury. Free weights are less 2013). The program’s preliminary outcomes have
expensive and also effective but their use must be demonstrated significant patient gains in measured
more carefully supervised. Strengthening exercise strength, range of motion, and patient-reported func-
should be performed slowly to minimize the possibil- tion, as well as decreases in disability scores for both
ity of injury from the acceleration forces of rapid lifting. lumbar and cervical patients.
Both computed tomography and magnetic reso- prescribed courses of treatment. Although indirect
nance imaging scans have revealed that lumbar measures (PROs) are typically present in clinical
extensors (and in particular the multifidus) show papers and clinical reviews, they are not often used
greater atrophic changes with more severe back in normal physical therapy practices. Adding direct
pain.67 Dickx et al, using a modified Roman chair, patient-performance measures (CBOs) creates a
induced pain in healthy backs by unilateral injection of much clearer clinical picture. The key to understand-
hypertonic solution that led to bilateral hypoactivity in ing the value of clinical practice and its predictable
both erector spinae and multifidi.68 Parkkola et al impact on patient treatment is objective measure-
showed that patients with chronic low back pain ment.
(CLBP) have greater fatty infiltration and less muscle
mass in their lumbar extensors.69 This muscle compo- REFERENCES
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