Sweat So You Don't Forget
Sweat So You Don't Forget
Sweat So You Don't Forget
We examined the impact of taking exercise breaks, non-exercise breaks, or no breaks on learning among
first year Introductory Psychology students. Three 5-minute breaks were equally distributed throughout a 50-
minute computer-based video lecture. The exercise breaks group performed a series of callisthenic exercises; the
non-exercise breaks group played a computer game; the no breaks group watched the lecture without breaks.
Mind-wandering questions measured attention during the lecture. Exercise breaks promoted attention through-
out the lecture compared to no breaks and non-exercise breaks, and resulted in superior learning when assessed
on immediate and delayed tests. The exercise breaks group also endorsed higher ratings for narrator clarity and
perceived understanding than the other two groups. This is the first study to show that exercise breaks promote
attention during lecture and improve learning in university students.
We remember what we attend to but our attention has a limited on a lecture declines as the lecture proceeds (Bunce, Flens, &
capacity (Engle, 2002). The appropriate allocation of attention Neiles, 2010). The net effect of reduced on-task attention dur-
during an effortful task, such as listening to a lecture, is criti- ing a lecture is reduced memory performance, which can impair
cal for durable learning to occur (Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977). academic performance (Wammes, Seli, Cheyne, Boucher, &
However, as time on task increases, minds naturally wander Smilek, 2016). As lectures remain the primary point of con-
from a selected activity; not surprisingly, the tendency to focus tent delivery in most university courses, determining strategies
Author Note
Barbara Fenesi, Kristen Lucibello and Jennifer J. Heisz, Department of from McMaster University’s Science Media Lab for help with experimental
Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; Joseph A. Kim, Depart- materials. Funding for this project was provided by Social Sciences and Human-
ment of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behavior, McMaster University, Hamilton, ities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC #430-2017-00616) to JJH.
Canada. ∗ Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jennifer J.
The authors would like to thank Michelle Ogrodnik, Kaaran Gupta and Amy Heisz, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street
Pachai for invaluable contributions during data collection, as well as the Intro- West, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
ductory Psychology course coordinator, Michelle Cadieux, and Greg Atkinson
includes both in-class and online components and thus the Perceptions. Immediately after viewing the lecture, partici-
lecture used in this study represents how the course material pants provided subjective ratings of the lecture with respect to
is authentically delivered. Participants were accustomed to their perceptions of difficulty, engagement, interest, understand-
viewing such online lectures; however, they had not previously ing of the content, and narrator clarity using a 7-item Likert scale
viewed this particular lecture, which was scheduled to appear (see Appendix 1 for description of subjective measures). Two
later in the course. questions were used to assess each construct, and the average rat-
Exercise and non-exercise breaks. The exercise breaks ing was used in the analysis. Prior research examining exercise
consisted of five 50-s experimenter-led callisthenic exercises breaks during classroom instruction reported that children per-
(jumping jacks, heeltaps, high knees, split jumps, and hamstring ceived the classroom time as being more enjoyable, and teachers
kickers) separated by a 10-s rest. Since the experimenter had to perceived greater participation and engagement from their stu-
lead the exercise sessions, this precluded the study from being dents following the exercise breaks (Camahalan & Ipock, 2015;
blinded. This was done to ensure consistency in data collection Mulrine, Prater, & Jenkins, 2008). The novelty of the present
across conditions. study is that we evaluated both perceptions and performance
The non-exercise breaks consisted of playing the computer indicators to provide a more comprehensive assessment of learn-
game, Bejeweled, on the same computer as the video lecture ing (Moullin, 2004). Exercise breaks were expected to produce
for an equal time period as the exercise breaks. In pilot test- a better learning experience as evidenced by higher perception
ing (N = 15), Bejeweled was rated as the most enjoyable among ratings.
four computer game options (Bejeweled = 39%, Pacman = 25%, Physical activity level. Participants completed the Physi-
Tetris = 19%, Pong = 17%). Other non-exercise breaks, such as cal Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire (Tremblay
web browsing, viewing social media, or listening to music were et al., 2007) to verify no group differences in physical activity
disqualified because of the potentially arousing effects of the prior to the study. Physical activity was derived from partici-
emotional content (Scherer & Coutinho, 2013) and variance pants’ response to the following question: “How many minutes
in enjoyment across participants. Sitting silently was also dis- per week do you engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activ-
qualified as a non-exercise break because of the potential for ity?”
rumination on the lecture material or life events (Schwarzer,
1996). Procedure
Arousal. A pilot protocol was conducted to assess the accu-
racy of carotid artery monitoring by pairing it with a heart rate Participants were randomly assigned to exercise breaks
(HR) monitor and comparing the two values. There was no (N = 26), non-exercise breaks (N = 23), or no breaks (N = 28).
significant difference between the values provided by the two We randomized using the free online randomizer tool (random-
methods, t(5) = 0.16, p = .88. Given that HR monitors require an ization.com), which applies the method of randomly permuted
under-the-clothes chest band and a properly synced wrist moni- blocks. Figure 1 provides a schematic of the experimental
tor, the carotid artery method was chosen to minimize participant design. During each experimental session, approximately four
burden and optimize data collection efficiency. participants, who were assigned to the same experimental group,
watched the computer-based form perception lecture using
Attention. We used a validated mind-wandering question
individual laptops with attached headsets. For exercise or non-
for classroom research (Wammes, Boucher, Seli, Cheyne, &
exercise breaks groups, three 5-minute breaks were distributed
Smilek, 2016). The question read, “Which of the following
approximately every 17 min. This time interval structure is sim-
responses best characterizes your mental state just before this
ilar to work done by Ma et al. (2014), where 4-min exercise
screen appeared?” The answer options were (1) on task, (2)
breaks were introduced after 20 min of classroom instruction.
intentionally mind wandering, or (3) unintentionally mind wan-
Participants in the no breaks group watched the lecture continu-
dering. There were a total of three mind-wandering questions:
ously without a break. A mind wandering question was presented
baseline (after the first part of the lecture), Time 1 (after the sec-
before each break or at a similar time point in the lecture for the
ond part), and Time 2 (after the final part). Prior work by Szpunar,
no breaks group.
Khan, and Schacter (2013) relied on a single mind-wandering
Immediately following each break and at the very beginning
question at the end of the experimental session. In the present
and end of the initial experimental session, participants mea-
study, the three mind-wandering questions were distributed
sured their heart rate (HR) by applying their middle and index
equally throughout the lecture to more accurately capture mind
fingers to their carotid artery for 15 s (note that participants were
wandering without relying on retrospective judgment. To min-
trained to use this method prior to the experiment). We multiplied
imize interference during learning, mind-wandering questions
the recorded value by four to determine the number of beats per
occurred prior to each break (except for controls, who did not
minute. The control group provided HR measures at similar time
receive a break but were administered the mind-wandering ques-
points as the exercise and non-exercise breaks groups, and this
tion at a similar time point during the lecture).
was done immediately after responding to each mind-wandering
Learning. Learning was evaluated using a 30-question question.
multiple-choice test that was answered immediately following Learning was assessed by a comprehension test that was
the lecture. Participants returned 48 h later to complete a delayed administered immediately after the lecture. The test questions
test with different questions, matched for content and difficulty. were drawn from the Introductory Psychology course test bank.
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics for Mind Wandering Questions Across Groups
On task 19 18 18 12 16 7 19 16 11
Off task 6 7 7 10 6 15 9 12 16
Unintentional 6 6 5 7 6 10 9 11 13
Intentional 0 1 2 3 0 5 0 1 3
Note. Collapsed mind wandering is represented by number of participants endorsing on-task versus off-task attention at each mind-wandering question: Baseline
(covariate), Time 1 (T1), and Time 2 (T2). Pre-collapsed mind wandering is represented by number of people endorsing each mind-wandering options.
Figure 2. Attention during lecture and learning of the lecture material. (A) As the lecture progressed, exercise breaks prevented a reduction in on-task attention
compared to non-exercise breaks or no breaks. Proportion of participants reporting on-task attention controlling for baseline attention was used to illustrate attention
differences across groups, although statistical analyses were conducted on dichotomous mind-wandering values (0 = on-task, 1 = off-task). Error bars represent ± SE.
(B) Exercise breaks resulted in better test performance on both immediate and delayed assessments than non-exercise breaks or no breaks. For illustrative purposes,
immediate and delayed test performances were normalized into a z score using the mean (46.1%) and standard deviation (10.5%) for the immediate test. This was
done to normalize performance to the average so that it would improve generalizability and also to anchor the delayed performance to the immediate test. Error bars
represent ± 1 SE.
(Figure 2B). This was supported by a main effect of Group, F(2, points of the lecture across groups (controlling for baseline dif-
73) = 9.34, p < .001, η2p = .20. Post hoc independent-samples t ferences in learning from Lecture Part 1). There was a main
tests confirmed that group differences were driven by higher effect of Group, F(2, 73) = 4.82, p = .011, η2p = .12, as previously
test scores for exercise breaks compared to non-exercise breaks, revealed by the omnibus ANOVA reported above. Importantly,
Cohen’s d = 1.1; t(47) = 4.07, p < .001, and no breaks, Cohen’s there was no effect of Time, F(1, 73) = 0.93, p = .34, η2p = .13,
d = 1.2; t(51) = 3.90, p < .001, with a large magnitude of effect. or interaction between Group and Time, F(2, 73) = 0.98, p = .38,
Test scores for the non-exercise breaks and no breaks groups η2p = .26.
were not significantly different from each other, t(48) = 0.25, Spearman’s correlations (Table 4) revealed that heightened
p = .81. physiological arousal from exercise was associated with learn-
An ANCOVA was conducted to determining whether differ- ing as assessed by both immediate and delayed tests but was only
ences in learning on the immediate test emerged at different associated with on-task attention near the end of the lecture as
Table 3 and the no breaks group, t(46) = 2.49, p = .017. There were no
Descriptive Statistics for Untransformed Learning Outcomes group differences with respect to perceived difficulty, interest, or
Exercise breaks Non-exercise breaks Control engagement.
having no breaks at all. Although this is in line with our hypothe- In conclusion, this is the first study to demonstrate the ben-
sis that heightening physiological arousal from exercise is a key efits of exercise breaks on learning extend to older students
component in the initiation of refocused attention and learning, by inducing a state of physiological arousal promoting on-task
it is possible that other non-exercise breaks may be equally bene- attention and memory. Engaging students in physical exercise
ficial through alternative mechanisms. One possibility is that the breaks during classroom instruction may promote their ability
computer game played during the non-exercise break may have to optimally engage their attentional resources and thus become
acted as a second cognitive task as opposed to a cognitive break. better learners.
Switching between two cognitive tasks can deplete attention and
impair performance for both tasks (Rogers & Monsell, 1995; Conflict of Interest Statement
Wylie & Allport, 2000); thus, alternating between the lecture and
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
the cognitive game may not be equivalent to other non-exercise
breaks that are not as cognitively demanding, such as mind-
Author Contributions
fulness meditation (Lutz, Slagter, Dunne, & Davidson, 2008;
Semple, 2010). There is also some evidence that including low- All authors contributed equally to the generation of ideas,
stakes quizzes during a lecture can reduce mind wandering and experimental design, analysis, and reporting. KL led data col-
boost performance (Szpunar et al., 2013), thus offering an alter- lection.
native method for promoting attention and learning distinct from
exercise breaks. Appendix 1.
Another alternative explanation is that the change in context
Subjective Perception Measures
that was specific to the exercise breaks group (i.e., completely
moving away from the computer screen) may be a key con- Please rate your agreement with the following statements
tributor to helping learners sustain their attention and improve based on the scale indicated:
their comprehension rather than physiological changes due to
exercise. A non-exercise breaks condition that alters the break 1 = absolutely disagree
context so that attention is removed from the learning envi- 2 = mostly disagree
ronment (i.e., computer screen) but is also non-exercise in 3 = somewhat disagree
nature would evaluate this alternative hypothesis. Identifying 4 = neutral
non-exercise breaks that could produce similar attentional and 5 = somewhat agree
6 = mostly agree
learning gains would have a practical benefit for students or 7 = absolutely agree
learning environments under which physical exercise may be
restricted. Furthermore, the study’s findings have the poten-
tial to inform the structure of massive open online courses Perceived Interest
(MOOCs) that require students to view extended video lectures
on a computer screen. Perhaps breaking up content delivery with 1. I found the material presented in this lecture to be interesting
prompted short exercise breaks will foster learning in both the 2. The material captured my interest
classroom and online environments.
While this study provides an important step toward under- Perceived Understanding
standing how exercise breaks improve attention and learning in
1. I found that the presentation style helped me to understand
an academic setting, there are limitations which warrant fur-
the lecture material
ther study. It may not be feasible to perform these exercises in
2. I found that I had a meaningful understanding of the material
all university lectures, especially classrooms with space restric-
tions. Future research should evaluate whether exercises that
require less physical space can generate similar attention and
Perceived Narrator Clarity
learning benefits. Also, determining the optimal dose of exer-
cise break (e.g., 1, 2, 3 breaks) and the interaction with lecture 1. The narrator clearly communicated the material
duration (e.g., 1-hour class, 3-hour class) will be essential for 2. I understood what the narrator was saying with minimal effort
incorporating exercise break prescriptions into the educational
curriculum. Although mind-wandering questions are the princi- Perceived Difficulty
ple research tool for capturing state attention, the limitation of
this introspective measure must be acknowledged. Furthermore, 1. The lecture material has a high level of difficulty
this sample consisted of more females than males. Although 2. The information was difficulty to understand
sex may impact the effect of exercise on physical outcomes
(Hands, Parker, Larkin, Cantell, & Rose, 2016), there is no Perceived Engagement
evidence to suggest that sex would alter the impact of exer-
cise on these cognitive outcomes in young adults (Hülya Aşçı, 1. I found the lecture engaging
2009). 2. The lecture captured my attention
Wammes, J. D., Seli, P., Cheyne, J. A., Boucher, P. O., & Smilek, D. Received 25 October 2016;
(2016). Mind wandering during lectures II: Relation to academic
received in revised form 11 October 2017;
performance. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology,
2(1), 33–48.
accepted 30 January 2018
Wylie, G., & Allport, A. (2000). Task switching and the measurement Available online 5 April 2018
of “switch costs”. Psychological Research, 63(3–4), 212–233.