Point: A Glucose Tolerance Test Is Important For Clinical Practice

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See Meigs et al. (p. 1845) and Stern et al. (p.

P O I N T - C O U N T E R P O I N T

Point: A Glucose Tolerance Test Is

Important for Clinical Practice

here is no doubt that clinical, symp- one would always miss those who have This is understandable, because it mea-
tomatic diabetes is a risk factor for isolated elevation of either fasting or 2-h sures the lowest glucose level during the
cardiovascular disease (CVD) and postchallenge glucose. This applies even day. This low variability makes it a poor,
all-cause mortality. It has also been shown to HbA1c, since in the case of isolated high insensitive screening test and increasingly
that the risk is graded across the entire fasting but low 2-h glucose or isolated poorer with age, whereas the 2-h post-
range of hyperglycemia (1,2). However, it high 2-h but low fasting glucose, the long- challenge glucose has sufficient variation
has been debated during the last decades term average would not show a clear ele- to distinguish between normal and ele-
whether asymptomatic, unrecognized di- vation in HbA1c. vated values.
abetes, or even a lesser degree of hyper- Many investigators have attempted to Type 2 diabetes and asymptomatic
glycemia, increases the risk of CVD and find the “corresponding” values of the hyperglycemia affect mostly the older seg-
death. Traditionally, investigators who other two by measuring only one of the ment of the population (6), even though it
studied the association between hyper- three glycemic parameters. It is probably may be increasingly seen in younger sub-
glycemia and the development of diabetic time to stop such efforts, because it will jects. The increase in hyperglycemia in
complications focused on fasting glucose not lead us anywhere. The colinearity the population with age is almost entirely
levels (3). Until the 1980s, the standards among these three may be high, as seen in due to the increase in 2-h glucose levels.
for measuring blood glucose concentra- the Pima Indians (12), but only in some In the developed countries, the preva-
tion varied, HbA1c was not available, and extreme situations in which people are lence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
consequently, the results between the very obese and sedentary or in a large pro- in 70-year-olds is ⬎20%, as compared
studies were conflicting. Now that we have portion that carries the diabetes suscepti- with ⬃5% prevalence of impaired fasting
data from the multitude of studies in which bility genes. This may also apply to glucose (IFG). The percentages are almost
recommended standards have been ap- Mexican Americans, including those similar for asymptomatic diabetes identi-
plied (4,5), it has been possible to get a studied in San Antonio, Texas (13). The fied by isolated 2-h hyperglycemia and
clearer picture of the matter. A plethora of results from the DECODA (Diabetes Epi- isolated fasting hyperglycemia, respectively.
recent studies from diverse populations demiology: Collaborative analysis Of Di-
have demonstrated that asymptomatic agnostic criteria in Asia) Study, on the How well does HbA1c predict
hyperglycemia is an independent risk fac- other hand, showed that in lean Asian mortality?
tor (6 –10). people, who show the same prevalence of A British study recently showed that CVD
diabetes as Europeans, much more peo- mortality increased with increasing
Determination of hyperglycemia ple have elevated postchallenge than fast- HbA1c ⬎5.8% (16). Unfortunately, no
Hyperglycemia, however, is not a simple ing hyperglycemia (14). other glycemic parameters were available
issue. Blood glucose has a strong diurnal Type 2 diabetes is characterized not in this study. The data from the Hoorn
variation; it also varies seasonally and only by fasting but also by postprandial study indicated that 2-h postchallenge
changes with age. Hyperglycemia can be hyperglycemia, and by nature, high post- glucose was a better predictor than HbA1c
determined at least in three ways by mea- prandial glucose levels are also present in for all-cause and CVD mortality (17). The
suring fasting glucose, postchallenge (or patients who have high fasting blood glu- results from the Framingham Offspring
postprandial) glucose, and HbA1c. The cose. Recent evidence suggests that high Study now confirm this finding (18). The
first is by definition the lowest glucose postprandial glucose may be of a greater data from the Finnish East-West study
level during the day, during a few early importance than had been thought previ- (follow-up of the Seven Countries Study)
morning hours. HbA1c indicates the mean ously (15). The current guidelines do not also support this (19). All three of these
glycemic level during a lengthy period of recommend the measurement of post- studies show that fasting glucose is clearly
time—several weeks or months— prandial glucose; rather, they recommend the least predictive glycemic parameter
summarizing both fasting and postpran- obtaining information by use of a glucose for mortality. Also, the earlier data from
dial glucose levels. Postchallenge glucose tolerance test, as the latter can be better the Islington study in the U.K. are in
level shows the magnitude of glucose ele- standardized. Even though the postchal- keeping with this notion (20).
vation (peak) after the glucose load, last- lenge glucose is not the same as postpran-
ing 1–3 h. If one eats the usual three meals dial glucose after a mixed meal, it can be Implications from findings from
a day, the postprandial glycemia usually used as a proxy for it. It is common to use prospective studies for the
lasts from 6 to 9 h a day (11). Even though nonphysiologic challenge tests in detect- measurement of glycemic parameters
there are moderate correlations between ing endocrinological abnormalities. The and prevention of CVD
these parameters of glycemia, in the gen- 2-h postchallenge glucose has been criti- The studies of Stern et al. (13) and Meigs
eral population they are independent to a cized for its higher variability compared et al. (18) both had major problems when
great extent. This means that none of with the fasting glucose. The fasting glu- attempting to evaluate the role of asymp-
them can be used alone to identify people cose level in a population does not in- tomatic hyperglycemia and postchallenge
who have asymptomatic diabetes, since crease with age, like 2-h glucose does. glucose as a risk factor for CVD. First of



all, both studies were relatively small and fined by a diabetic postglucose challenge and in type 2 diabetic patients, the early-
had a short follow-up. Thus, the number level of plasma glucose (ⱖ11.1 mmol/l) phase of insulin release is both delayed
of events was small and the studies were but a normal FPG level (⬍7.0 mmol/l) and blunted (28). The loss of early-phase
clearly underpowered for multivariate (24). Prospective studies carried out in insulin release during and after the pran-
analyses. Second, the study populations such subjects have revealed that this ab- dial phase has several deleterious effects
were relatively young, contributing to the normality is not only common but that it on normal glucose homeostasis: hepatic
low power and, more importantly, com- doubles the mortality risk (7,25). The glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis are
prising an incorrect target group to study Rancho Bernardo Study confirmed that, not inhibited sufficiently, and glucose up-
the effects of high postchallenge glucose in older women, isolated postchallenge take by muscle is insufficient. This leads
on CVD. The high postchallenge glucose hyperglycemia more than doubles the to the postprandial hyperglycemia ob-
is particularly a problem among older risk of fatal CVD (6). It is important to served in glucose-intolerant and type 2
people, and it predicts the risk in this seg- note that the importance of asymptomatic diabetic patients (29). It is important to
ment of the population, as also shown by postchallenge hyperglycemia is always acknowledge these pathophysiologic
Meigs et al. Authors of both articles note underestimated in prospective studies in changes since they point out that elevated
this problem, but only in passing. In which usually a single glucose testing is postchallenge/postprandial glucose is dif-
properly powered studies in which older done at baseline, since many people ini- ferent from elevated fasting glucose. In
people have also been included, such as tially having normal glucose tolerance addition, it seems to mark the earliest ab-
the DECODE study, 2-h postchallenge will develop abnormal glucose tolerance normalities that we can detect in clinical
glucose remained an independent predic- during the follow-up. Thus, by the time of practice. Our goal should be to provide
tor of CVD mortality after adjusting for the CVD event, many more of these sub- advice and help to our clients as early as
other risk factors (7,21). Third, the defi- jects have been exposed to hyperglycemia possible in order to stop or inhibit the
nition of a CVD event was very wide in than originally found at baseline. This was process leading to ␤-cell failure.
these two studies and included heteroge- elegantly illustrated by a very interesting
neous nonacute diseases. For instance, recent study from Sweden. It revealed
Stern et al. had only 22 CVD deaths out of that, of patients with acute myocardial in- Oral glucose tolerance test:
159 events (14%), of which the majority farction, 31% had asymptomatic diabetes implications for the prevention of
consisted of self-reported events (13). and another 35% had IGT when tested for type 2 diabetes
Thus, it is not possible to generalize these glucose tolerance (26). In comparison, The encouraging results from the recent
results to the prediction of acute CVD, 31% had hypertension, 34% were smok- trials to prevent type 2 diabetes (30,31)
CVD mortality, or total mortality. Fourth, ers, and 33% had history of angina pecto- call for immediate action. The potential to
the issue of colinearity, i.e., the well- ris. Even though this study cannot show prevent or significantly postpone the de-
known fact that glucose is part of the met- the causal relation between undiagnosed velopment of type 2 diabetes in high-risk
abolic syndrome, is not discussed, and glucose intolerance and myocardial in- subjects should not be overlooked. It is
the low power of the studies does not per- farction, the prevalence of glucose intol- important to note that these, like other
mit any stratified analyses to clarify this erance was far too high to be just a type 2 diabetes prevention trials, have
important matter. Finally, the issue of coincidence. Thus, another important been carried out in people with IGT.
prevalent diabetes is handled in a way that target group for testing for glucose intol- Thus, we have firm evidence that deteri-
would significantly reduce the impor- erance seems to be the patients with a new oration of elevated postchallenge glucose
tance of glucose in multivariate models. CVD event. can be delayed. In the current era of evi-
Stern et al. excluded subjects with preva- dence-based medicine, this unequivocal
lent diabetes at baseline, truncating their Early-phase insulin release and knowledge should be the strongest argu-
sample for glycemic parameters only, and postprandial hyperglycemia ment to test for glucose intolerance in
Meigs et al. included prevalent diabetes in Type 2 diabetes is characterized by two people known to be otherwise at high risk
their Framingham Risk Score that was ad- fundamental defects: insufficient produc- for type 2 diabetes. Obviously, preventive
justed for in multivariate analyses. Thus, tion of insulin by pancreatic ␤-cells and measures should be targeted to entire
the highest glucose values that are known reduced target-tissue sensitivity to the ef- populations, but, in addition, individual
to carry the highest CVD risk were not fects of insulin (insulin resistance). An management of high-risk subjects is also
included in the prediction of the outcome. important defect in insulin secretion is the necessary.
It is commonly agreed that screening impairment of early-phase insulin release,
for blood glucose in the general popula- which is always present in type 2 diabetic JAAKKO TUOMILEHTO, MD, MPOLSC, PHD
tion is not justified for several reasons. It patients and occurs early in the develop-
is possible to identify the target groups at ment of this disease (27). In normal indi- From the Department of Public Health, University of
Helsinki, and the Diabetes and Genetic Epidemiol-
a high risk of type 2 diabetes, to whom the viduals, the early phase is a burst of ogy Unit, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki,
search for asymptomatic diabetes can be insulin release that begins within minutes Finland.
restricted, even without any clinical or of a glycemic stimulus. Early-phase insu- Address correspondence to Jaakko Tuomilehto,
laboratory measurements (22,23). We lin primes tissues that are sensitive to it, in Diabetes and Genetic Epidemiology Unit, National
also know that without performing an particular liver tissue, which results in the Public Health Institute, Mannerheimintie
166, 00300 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: jaakko.
oral glucose tolerance test we would miss reduction of hepatic glucose output. tuomilehto@ktl.fi.
a large proportion of subjects who have In patients with IGT, the early-phase See Meigs et al. (p. 1845) and Stern et al. (p.
isolated postchallenge hyperglycemia de- insulin response to glucose is reduced, 1851).



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