Reproduction MCQss
Reproduction MCQss
Reproduction MCQss
Answer: C) Estrogen secreted by the placenta is not synthesized Answer: A) Gamma radiation destroys the cells undergoing the most
from basic substrates in the placenta.Instead, it is formed almost rapid rates of mitosis and meiosis, thegerminal epithelium of the
entirely from androgenic steroid compounds that are formed in both testes. The man described is said to have normal testosterone
themother’s and the fetus’s adrenal glands. These androgenic levels,suggesting that the secretory patterns of gonadotropin-
compounds are transported by the blood to theplacenta and releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone arenormal and that his
converted by the trophoblast cells to estrogen compounds. Their interstitial cells are functional. Because he is not producing sperm,
concentration in thematernal blood may also stimulate hair growth the levels ofinhibin secreted by the Sertoli cells would be maximally
on the body. suppressed, and his levels of follicle-stimulatinghormone would be
54. What is the cause of menopause? strongly elevated.
A) Reduced levels of gonadotropic hormones secreted from the Good luck!
anterior pituitary gland - Monerah Alsalouli
8. Spermatogenesis is regulated by a negative feedback control B) A medication that blocks the smooth muscle receptors for nitric B) The level of sympathetic stimulation to the arterioles supplying
system in which follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the oxide the corpora cavernosa decreases
steps in sperm cell formation. What is the negative feedback signal C) A medication that increases the release of nitric oxide C) Resistance of the arterioles supplying the corpora cavernosa
associated with sperm cell production that inhibits pituitary D) A testosterone-like androgen compound increases
formation of FSH? E) An inhibitor of beta-adrenergic nervous system receptors D) Formation of nitric oxide in the endothelial cells of the arterioles
A) Testosterone supplying the corpora cavernosa is stimulated by the increase in
B) Inhibin
Answer: E) Emission is elicited by reflexes mediated by the beta- parasympathetic nervous system activity
C) Estrogen
adrenergic nervous system. Beta adrenergicantagonists interfere E) Resistance of the venules draining the sinuses of the corpora
D) Luteinizing hormone
with the reflex. None of the other choices is involved. cavernosa increases
Answer: B) The Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules secrete 24. Why is milk produced only after delivery, not before?
inhibin at a rate proportional to the rate ofproduction of sperm cells. A) Levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone Answer: C) The only true choice is the increase in arteriolar
Inhibin has a direct inhibitory effect on anterior pituitary secretion of are too low during pregnancy to support milk production resistance in the vasculature supplying thecorpora (C). The others
FSH. FSH binds to specific receptors on the Sertoli cells, causing the B) High levels of progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy will tend to maintain erection (B, D, E). (A), reduction in arterial
cells to grow and secrete substances that stimulate sperm cell suppress milk production pressure, willhave a negligible effect.
production. The secretion of inhibin thereby provides the negative C) The alveolar cells of the breast do not reach maturity until after 34. Neonates that are kept in 100% oxygen incubators for several
feedback control signal from the seminiferous tubules to the delivery days become blind when they are removed from the incubator, a
pituitary gland. D) High levels of oxytocin are required for milk production to begin, condition referred to as retrolental fibroplasia. What is the
12. A professional athlete in her mid-20s has not had a menstrual and oxytocin is not secreted until the baby stimulates the nipple explanation for the loss of sight?
cycle for 5 years, although a bone density scan revealed normal A) The high concentration of oxygen stimulates the growth of fibrous
skeletal mineralization. Which of the following facts elicited during Answer: B) Although estrogen and progesterone are essential for tissue into the retina
the taking of her medical history may explain these observations? the physical development of the breastduring pregnancy, a specific B) The high concentration of oxygen causes rupture of blood vessels
A) She consumes a high-carbohydrate diet effect of both these hormones is to inhibit the actual secretion of in the retina, resulting infibrous infiltration of the vitreous humor
B) Her grandmother suffered a hip fracture at age 79 milk. Eventhough prolactin levels are increased 10-to 20-fold at the C) The high concentration of oxygen retards the growth of blood
C) Her blood pressure is greater than normal end of pregnancy, the suppressive effects ofestrogen and vessels in the retina, but when the oxygen therapy is stopped, the
D) Her plasma estrogen concentration is very low progesterone prevent milk production until after the baby is born. fall in oxygen concentration stimulates an overgrowth of blood
E) She has been taking anabolic steroid supplements for 5 years Immediately after birth, thesudden loss of both estrogen and vessels in the retina and vitreous humor, which later become
progesterone secretion from the placenta allows the lactogenic densely fibrous and block the light from the pupil
Answer: E) Anabolic steroids bind to testosterone receptors in the effect ofprolactin to promote milk production. D) The high concentration of oxygen destroys the retinal neurons
hypothalamus, providing feedbackinhibition of normal ovarian 27. A 30-year-old woman is breast-feeding her infant. During
cycling and preventing menstrual cycling, as well as stimulation of suckling, which of the following Answer: C) Too much oxygen in the incubator stops the growth of
osteoblastic activity in the bones. hormonal responses is expected? new blood vessels in the retina. Then whenoxygen therapy is
16. In order for male differentiation to occur during embryonic A) Increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the stopped, an overgrowth of blood vessels occurs, with a great mass of
development, testosterone must be secreted from the testes. What supraoptic nuclei vessels growingall through the vitreous humor. Later the vessels are
stimulates the secretion of testosterone during embryonic B) Increased secretion of ADH from the paraventricular nuclei replaced by a mass of fibrous tissue, causingpermanent blindness.
development? C) Increased secretion of oxytocin from the paraventricular nuclei 37. Men who take large doses of testosterone-like androgenic
A) Luteinizing hormone from the maternal pituitary gland D) Decreased secretion of neurophysin steroids for long periods are sterile in the reproductive sense of the
B) Human chorionic gonadotropin E) Increased plasma levels of both oxytocin and ADH word. What is the explanation for this finding?
C) Inhibin from the corpus luteum A) High levels of androgens bind to testosterone receptors in the
D) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the embryo’s Answer: C) During suckling, stimulation of receptors on the nipples Sertoli cells, resulting in
hypothalamus increases neural input to both thesupraoptic and paraventricular A) overstimulation of inhibin formation
nuclei. Activation of these nuclei leads to the release of oxytocin B) Overstimulation of sperm cell production results in the formation
Answer: B) Human chorionic gonadotropin also binds to luteinizing andneurophysin from secretion granules in the posterior pituitary of defective sperm cells
hormone receptors on the interstitial cellsof the testes of the male gland. Suckling does not stimulate thesecretion of appreciable C) High levels of androgen compounds inhibit the secretion of
fetus, resulting in the production of testosterone in male fetuses up amounts of ADH. gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, resulting in
to the time ofbirth. This small secretion of testosterone is what 30. Following ejaculation, arterial blood flow into the corpora the inhibition of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating
causes the fetus to develop male sex organs instead offemale sex cavernosa decreases back to the normal resting level resulting in the hormone release by the anterior pituitary
organs. flaccid state. What is the best explanation for this decrease in blood D) High levels of androgen compounds produce hypertrophic
20. A man is taking a number of medications, one of which appears flow? dysfunction of the prostate gland
to be interfering with the emission phase of the sexual act. Which of A) Systemic arterial pressure decreases due to absence of sexual
the following medications could cause this problem? stimulation Answer: C) Testosterone secreted by the testes in response to
A) A medication that prolongs the duration of action of nitric oxide luteinizing hormone (LH) inhibits hypothalamicsecretion of
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), thereby inhibiting anterior Answer: C) Oxytocin is secreted from the posterior pituitary gland
pituitary secretion ofLH and follicle-stimulating hormone. Taking and carried in the blood to the breast,where it causes the cellsthat
large doses of testosterone-like steroids also suppresses surround the outer walls of the alveoli and ductile system to
thesecretion of GnRHand the pituitary gonadotropic hormones, contract.Contraction of these cells raises the hydrostatic pressure of
resulting in sterility. the milk in the ducts to 10 to 20 mm Hg.Consequently, milk flows
41. Two days before the onset of menstruation, secretions of follicle- from the nipple into the baby’s mouth.
stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) reach their 52. Which blood vessel in the fetus has the highest Po2?
lowest levels. What is the cause of this low level of secretion? A) Ductus arteriosus
A) The anterior pituitary gland becomes unresponsive to the B) Ductus venosus
stimulatory effect of gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) C) Ascending aorta
B) Estrogen from the developing follicles exerts a feedback inhibition D) Left atrium
on the hypothalamus
C) The rise in body temperature inhibits hypothalamic release of Answer: B) Blood returning from the placenta through the umbilical
GnRH vein passes through the ductus venosus.The blood coming from the
D) Secretion of estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin by the corpus placenta has the highestconcentration of oxygen found in the fetus.
luteum suppresses hypothalamic secretion of GnRH and pituitary 55. During the week following ovulation, the endometrium increases
secretion of FSH in thickness to 5 to 6 millimeters. What stimulates this increase in
Answer: D) Estrogen and, to a lesser extent, progesterone secreted A) Luteinizing hormone
by the corpus luteum during the lutealphase have strong feedback B) Estrogen from the corpus luteum
effects on the anterior pituitary gland to maintain low secretory C) Progesterone from the corpus luteum
rates of bothFSH and LH. In addition, the corpus luteum secretes D) Follicle-stimulating hormone
inhibin, which inhibits the secretion of FSH.
45. Levels of transcortin are elevated in a pregnant woman. Which Answer: C) Progesterone secreted in large quantities from the
of the following laboratory findings would be expected in this corpus luteum causesmarked swelling andsecretory development of
patient? the endometrium.
A) Increased total (protein-bound plus free) plasma cortisol 4. A young woman is given daily injections of a substance beginning
concentration on the 16th day of her normal menstrual cycle and continuing for 3
B) Increased free (non–protein-bound) plasma cortisol concentration weeks. As long as the injections continue, she does not menstruate.
C) Decreased total plasma cortisol concentration The injected substance could be which of the following?
D) Decreased free plasma cortisol concentration A) Testosterone
E) Little or no change in total plasma cortisol concentration B) FSH
C) An inhibitor of progesterone’s actions
Answer: A) Cortisol is highly bound to plasma proteins, particularly D) A prostaglandin E2 inhibitor
transcortin. Increased plasma levels oftranscortin, such as occur E) HCG
during pregnancy, tend to decrease free cortisol concentration, but
feedbackresults in increased adrenocorticotropic hormone Answer: E) HCG has the same stimulatory effect as LH on the corpus
secretion, which stimulates cortisol secretion until freeplasma levels luteum. Administration of HCG wouldcause the corpus luteum to
of the steroid return to normal levels. Thus, in a steady state, total continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone, preventing
plasma cortisolconcentration (bound plus free) is elevated, but free degradation of the endometrium and onset of menstruation
cortisol concentration is normal.
48. In order for milk to flow from the nipple of the mother into the
mouth of the nursing infant, which of the following must occur?
A) Myoepithelial cells must relax
B) Prolactin levels must fall
C) Oxytocin secretion from the posterior pituitary must take place
D) The baby’s mouth must develop a strong negative pressure over
the nipple
E) All of the above