Clear+Your+Beliefs+eBook+v 4 0 PDF
Clear+Your+Beliefs+eBook+v 4 0 PDF
Clear+Your+Beliefs+eBook+v 4 0 PDF
What prevents you from being happy right now? Your beliefs.
Why don’t you do what you know you need to do? Your beliefs.
What’s the cause of much of your suffering? Your beliefs.
Clear Your Beliefs is a technology for inner transformation that you can
use to change or improve any aspect of your life. Do you want more
abundance and flow? Would you prefer to change the kind of work you do? Do
you crave more love and satisfaction in your relationship? Do you want to shift
and eliminate bad moods and uncomfortable feelings? If so, learn to clear
your beliefs.
You’ve probably heard this idea: “Your beliefs create your reality.”
It turns out that this is literally true – although not in the way most people
think about it. Beliefs are more than just thoughts or ideas about what’s true.
I’m using the word in this new way: Beliefs are the building blocks of our
experiences – the internal infrastructure of who we are, how you show up, and
how you interact with the world.
The Clear Your Beliefs program is a proven methodology for freeing yourself
from unwanted experiences by dissolving the core beliefs that keep you stuck
in repeated patterns you don’t like.
The process we use in the Clear Your Beliefs program is called The
BeliefCloset Process®. It came to me as an inspiration more than a decade ago.
Since that time, I’ve helped thousands of people free themselves from inner
blocks and barriers. It’s been used to renew failing relationships, to change
jobs and careers, to lose weight, to purchase houses, to open up to deeper love
and inner peace, and more.
The process can be used in all these ways because it shifts your life at the
causal level – where your experiences are caused. When you clear the
beliefs that interfere with your life, the interference disappears.
I’ve trained hundreds of therapists, coaches, and healers around the world to
use the BeliefCloset Process in their practice, and we’ve received hundreds of
testimonials like this one:
The Clear Your Beliefs program will help you remove whatever stands
between you and your goals – and the greatest dreams you have for your life.
You’re probably familiar with this experience: You decide to move forward
in your life, to initiate something new, and you’re immediately confronted by
doubts, inner conflict, and critical voices in your head. You may feel blocked,
or stopped in your tracks. You decide to give up because it’s easier than
fighting with them. You may think, “That’s probably true. I’ll never succeed.
Why bother trying?”
You get excited by what’s possible, then problems and issues appear. Your
forward progress gets halted. You do something else instead.
The problem may appear to be external to you: You don’t have the resources
you need, or other people start interfering with your plans. You have to deal
with uncooperative institutions, or regulations. Lawyers warn you about the
risks, and accountants tell you that you can’t afford to make the investment.
It’s as if the world has conspired to keep you stuck, preventing you from
having what you really want.
Here’s another secret: The only difference between successful people and
those who aren’t successful is this: Successful people have ways and methods
to deal with the normal and natural resistance, blocks, and barriers that come
up automatically. Unsuccessful people get stopped by them.
Do you want an amazing life? Here’s one key that will open many locks:
Learn how to deal with the resistance, blocks, and reactions as natural
phenomena. Learn how to change the beliefs that have caused them to appear.
Then, simply delete them, one by one. With that skill, nothing can stand in
your way (except other beliefs, which you can then eliminate, one by one…).
The BeliefCloset Process is like a magic wand. I can easily and quickly
change any aspect of my life by changing my beliefs. Not only inside myself,
in my attitude and energy level, but other people are treating me differently.
It’s as if they are saying “Yes” to me, where they were saying “No” before.
— T. S., Business Owner, Yukon, Canada
If you’re suffering from pain, hardships, or regrets from the past, you can use
this process to let them go and move on. If you’re worried about your future,
you can use this process to free your energy, change your behavior, and alter
your future. You can open the doors to new opportunities and adventures, and
manifest your greatest dreams for your life.
Is this a magic pill that will suddenly make your problems disappear?
Sadly, no.
Houses don’t build themselves. You have to use your intelligence, will and
physical power to move objects around and put them into the right place. You
have to use the right tools, in the right way, one piece at a time. If you’re
looking for a magic formula that doesn’t require any work on your part, this
isn’t that. However, if you’re willing to dive in and do some redecorating,
we’ve got the tools ready for you.
The Clear Your Beliefs program invites all aspects of you – mental,
emotional, physical, and spiritual – to work together to transform your
psychological set point: the inner structure of your personality.
Your basic personality was set into place during your first five or six years of
life. It’s now buried in the basement – in your subconscious mind. The Clear
Your Beliefs program takes you by the hand and walks you down the stairs and
guides you, one step at a time, to begin that overwhelming process of cleaning
out the basement.
When you turn your attention inward to examine your own experience, you can
see that your experience is multisensory and multidimensional. (If you’re not
sure, spend a few minutes writing down a complete description of any single
experience, leaving nothing out.)
Beliefs are also multidimensional and multisensory. They’re made from the
same experience-stuff.
Does it make sense that if you wanted to delete an old belief, you’d have to
use a process that is also multisensory and multidimensional?
Many belief-change techniques use conscious thoughts to break beliefs apart.
You can recognize the belief as not true, for example, but conscious thoughts
rarely touch the subconscious mind, which is where your beliefs are stored.
If you cut a weed off at ground level, it just grows back. Beliefs are similar –
they keep re-appearing over and over unless you pull them up by the roots,
down underground in your subconscious mind.
During the Clear Your Beliefs program, we invite your subconscious mind
to come out and play!
Consider this: when you sleep, your subconscious mind paints your dreams by
playing with time, space, objects, people and even your identity. It uses
pictures, scenes, memories, metaphors, and archetypes to create wild and
unusual scenarios that constantly change and shift.
After you eliminate a belief from the core of your psyche, you’re left in a
spacious, hyper-aware state. You recognize yourself as the Creator of your
life. From this space, you can plant a new belief in the garden of your mind.
These new seeds grow the life, and experiences, you want to have.
I Love this Process! I have been able to make higher goals and really go for them.
I’m getting things done that I’ve put off for YEARS. I feel like I’m experiencing life
instead of standing on the sidelines. I have hope again about my Life. I know I can
create whatever I want. I like all parts of myself without judging them. And I can see
the whole picture instead of being on the inside with all the drama. In summary, I’m
much happier & have more laugh-out-loud moments.
~ Julie O’Keefe, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Why Some Problems And Issues Keep Persisting
Why haven’t you been able to change the deepest problems and issues of
your life? There’s a good reason: You haven’t gotten to the causal level of
your consciousness – the actual cause of the problems. To do that, you need to
find the core beliefs that are shaping your view of yourself and the world.
Ask yourself these questions, based on where you are right now:
1. What do I want? (This is your destination.)
2. How can I get it? (This is your path.)
3. What’s in my way? (These are your obstacles.)
You want your life to be better – or different. You have a long list of needs,
wants and desires. (We all do.) You can envision a better life where you have
more of what you want – and less of what you don’t want.
This desire motivates you to explore new territory. You’re a seeker. All great
discoveries come from this inner drive to change, improve, and make a better
Some people have a strong will, and they can accomplish anything they set
their mind to.
Most of us, however, run into blocks and barriers whenever we decide to
change our life for the better. We’re blocked from moving forward by what
appears to be “reality:”
• I want a great relationship, but I can’t find the right partner.
• I want a better job, but there aren’t any goods one.
• I want to make more money, but the economy stinks.
• I want more clients, but I hate doing marketing.
• I want to lose weight, but I can’t stay on my diet.
• I want to move my project forward, but I’m not taking action.
Here’s some quick relief: It’s not your fault. Most of the beliefs you
have were programmed into you by other people, who thought you
needed them to survive.
Most of your beliefs were indoctrinated into you by your parents, teachers,
friends, and culture.
Regardless of their source, old beliefs have prevented you from living your
life as a full expression of your True Self.
What could you accomplish if you were free from the limitations,
blocks, and barriers that now hold you back from expressing
your true magnificence and your unique life purpose?
Have you studied the Law of Attraction? It states that the circumstances you
find yourself in (and the situations that happen to you) are created (or attracted
to you) by what you believe about yourself and the world. Wouldn’t it be a
good idea to get in control of your thoughts and beliefs?
Know Thyself
The words Know Thyself were inscribed at the entrance to the ancient
temple of Apollo at Delphi, in Greece. It’s still good advice!
Human awareness and behavior have been studied for thousands of years, but
there’s a major problem: When you study the mind, you have to examine it
with your mind. You can only see your beliefs through the lens of your own
To get out of this conundrum, you must first study the nature of beliefs
themselves. Then you can pick up each of your own beliefs and examine them
Becoming an investigator into your own beliefs is like the job of a jewel miner
working underground, complete with hardhat and headlamp. As you dig deeper
into your subconscious mind, you can find the reasons why you are the way
you are, and why the same patterns keep repeating in your life. As you bring
each rough crystal to the surface, you can cut and polish it, turning it into
something shining and valuable.
This is a good analogy for what you’ll be doing in the Clear Your Beliefs
program: discovering old beliefs hidden underground, bringing them up to the
light, and turning them into something valuable for your life. When you do so,
you become the master of your fate rather than a victim of it.
When you discover a subconscious belief, you can examine it in detail, see
where it came from, and feel how it has affected you throughout your life. You
can then make a conscious decision whether to keep it or discard it.
You won’t delete all your beliefs – only the ones that:
• Harm you
• Harm others
• Hold you back from expressing your magnificence
• Interfere with the manifestation of your Life Purpose
• Limit you, or your life, in any way
As you study your beliefs and how they affect your reality, your
perspective gets broader and higher. New possibilities open.
It’s as if you’ve spent your whole life with a local street map. One day,
someone hands you an international atlas filled with maps of the world. Your
point of view shifts. New worlds open. You can now see where you are, and
decide where you want to go. New perspectives offer new freedoms.
You may be saying: “Okay, I get it. My beliefs create my reality.
So how can I change my beliefs?”
All that’s required is to delete the beliefs that create what you don’t want
in your life, and replace them with beliefs that create what you do want.
With each shift, your life turns more and more toward success, love, happiness,
health and purposeful work.
Do you remember how good it felt when a childhood friend knocked on your
door and asked if you could come out and play? Your subconscious mind is
like a playful child. It enjoys make-believe, imagining and creating. The
Clear Your Beliefs program is fun, creative and playful. Come on out and play!
What Are Beliefs Anyway?
Most people think of beliefs as repeated thoughts, convictions, or mental
constructs – a way to describe what’s true about the world.
Beliefs are an essential building block of human experience. They are like
the Lego blocks we used to build things when we were kids. Beliefs are the
construction material we use to build our thoughts, experiences, perceptions,
and emotions.
We’re pointing to the wiring underneath the circuit board – this is the way the
mind is structured. Beliefs actually create and shape our experiences.
I’ve got some good news and some bad news about your beliefs.
You began to accumulate beliefs while you were in the womb. Your body
grew inside your mother’s electromagnetic and electrochemical field. You
knew, felt and sensed her emotional state. If she felt fear or stress, you were
bathed in those chemical hormones, which gave you the same feelings.
You got your first sense of the world while still inside your mother’s belly: “I
am safe. I am wanted.” Or: “I am not safe. I am not wanted.” Of course, you
didn’t yet have words or language, so these “beliefs” were a rich mix of body-
based sensations, reactions, and feelings.
After being pushed out of your safe womb-home into the bright and
dangerous world, your only job was to survive. As an infant, you were like a
tiny scientist trying to figure out how to navigate in a new world – where
nothing is known or certain. So you observed your parents (or caregivers)
carefully in order to get your needs met.
Your brain contains millions of mirror neurons that enable you to feel, mimic
and copy what you see around you. Mommy smiled down at you, and you
smiled back. She made sounds, and you tried to reproduce them.
As soon as you joined your new family, your parents and caretakers began
to load you up with their beliefs. “What a darling little girl.” “Her name is
Sandra.” “She is so cute!” For the first four or five years, your subconscious
mind operated as a recording device. Every belief was loaded directly into you,
without resistance: “I am a darling little girl. My name is Sandra. I am so cute!”
As you grew, you were taught, via rewards and punishments, how to perform
to your parent’s expectations: “Here’s how to do it.” “No, that’s wrong.”
“What a good student you are!” “Don’t ever do that again!”
Everyone wanted to help you look, talk and be like them. They generously
helped you fit in – programming you with their beliefs.
Then, you went to school. And another structured set of beliefs got laid in:
• “The doggie says ‘bow-wow.”
• “If you don’t sit still, you’ll get in trouble.”
• “It’s better to be smart than dumb.”
• “Girls should be nice.”
• “If you want to speak, raise your hand.”
• “Some animals are dangerous.”
• “Pilgrims were good. Indians were dangerous.”
• “This is the right way to behave. That’s the wrong way.”
You were expected to accept religious beliefs on faith – and never question
them. In the past (and even today), those who questioned religious authorities
were ostracized, tortured or killed. People learned that questioning beliefs is
dangerous – you can get pushed out of the group. To the ego, this is a fate
worse than death. It takes great courage to question your religious
You were indoctrinated by those who loved you. Your parents and
caregivers wanted you to believe as they believed – and for good reason. They
wanted you to survive, and thrive. Their beliefs had worked for them, so they
believed that the same beliefs would work equally well for you. From their
point of view, their beliefs were simply: “What is true.”
Indoctrination means that doctrines
(beliefs) are poured into you.
Young children see their parents as their Creators. They aren’t capable of
recognizing that their parents are confused, dysfunctional, or psychologically
damaged people. Consequently, when they have a series of bad experiences,
most children conclude, “There’s something wrong with me,” or “I am not
lovable.” Children naturally blame themselves when bad things happen.
This is the source of much of our negative self-esteem.
Coming To Your Own (False) Conclusions
From time to time, you figured things out on your own. You came to your
own conclusions about yourself, and the world, and you programmed
yourself with your new beliefs:
• If I act just like those kids, I’ll be popular.
• Nobody likes me.
• I don’t belong.
• I’m all alone.
• It’s better to be pretty than smart.
• I want to be famous and rich.
• I don’t believe in an old man with a beard in the sky.
Although your conclusions made sense at the time, they were still beliefs, and
they still limited you. All beliefs are limiting, in that they define the world
in one way, and limit your vision of the whole. The world is far more
complex that we can know, and it can be seen in thousands of different ways.
Any way of viewing the world is a limited view.
Was it true that you were left alone as a child? Yes, some of the time, but not
all the other times. Is it true that it’s better to be famous and rich? Yes, for
some people. For others, being rich and famous is a terrible burden that causes
misery and unhappiness. No matter the subject, it’s never just one way. All
beliefs are limiting beliefs.
As you grew and developed, each belief created by your mind, and every
belief you took on from someone else, was like a single snowflake in a
Tiny and unique, it landed in your subconscious, and began to clump together
with other, similar beliefs. As you learned about the world, the older beliefs
got pushed down into your subconscious mind by the new ones landing on top.
Your belief-pile grew, stacking up higher and deeper.
Over your lifetime, you accumulated tens of thousands of beliefs. You live
with the weight of this collection. You may feel it in your shoulders, your face,
your attitude, or throughout your whole body.
Now, you see the world through your beliefs. Everything looks consistent,
and it makes some kind of sense. You rarely question your fundamental beliefs
because they are transparent to you. “That’s just the way life is,” you say to
yourself. “That’s just how I am.”
A Message to Inner Explorers
You’ve already explored the inner realms. You’ve worked with therapists,
practiced yoga and meditation, and attended transformational workshops. You
already know that change is possible. You’ve moved yourself forward, step by
You’ve freed yourself from bad habits, created better relationships, and
developed a healthier lifestyle. When you examine the progress you’ve made
thus far, you may notice that your greatest growth involved changes in your
old beliefs.
You may also recognize that some of your patterns haven’t changed, in spite of
all your efforts. Some of your bad habits still haunt you. You can fall into old
ways of thinking and acting even though you know they’re not good for you
(or those around you).
Beliefs are deeply ingrained. They’re sticky. Until they’re permanently deleted,
they continue to operate in the background. With the Clear Your Beliefs
program, you can free yourself from those sticky old programs, and live the
life you are meant to live.
Beliefs are the programs that make up your
Human Operating System…
and it’s time for an upgrade!
“I’ve worked on removing my subconscious beliefs for the past 11 years, but
no matter how many modalities I tried, one was stuck in place: “I’m not good
enough.” It was like a skipping record, a stinky skunk, a houseguest that
wouldn’t leave. In only one session with you, I realized why I put it there at the
age of 14. I was suddenly able to communicate with it, and delete it. A week
later, I feel different – like I can do anything, like I deserve everything.”
~ Martha Brannen, Lake Forest, IL
Most of us have heard this idea: “You create your own reality.” If this is true,
then if you don’t like your reality, can you simply change it?
You cannot control another person, because you’re not in charge of THEIR
personal universe. They are.
But you can influence them. Influence is a method of creation in the Social
Universe, which includes you AND other people. Other methods of creation in
the social universe include exchange (e.g., money and barter), dominance and
control, negotiation, requests, promises, and agreements. Economics, politics,
and the law are part of the social universe. So are the fields of Psychology and
This world was created before we got here. We can’t create matter, but we can
shape it, cut it, join it, and decorate it. We can create art and architecture out
of nature’s already existing materials. And to do so requires some Social
Universe exchange and negotiation. It begins with your unique vision in your
Personal Universe.
Many people get confused when they hear, “You can create your own
reality.” It’s true in the Personal Universe. You can create any experience you
want to have – in your mind, in your imagination, or in the real world. But to
create something in the physical or social worlds, you also need to master the
arts of creation in each of those distinct universes.
You may not change your circumstances (or the world itself) by changing your
beliefs, because they involve other people. But you will certainly change your
viewpoint – and doing so expands your options for dealing with your
Yes, you can change your reality. First, learn how. Then, do the
Deleting your old limiting beliefs is easy with the Clear Your Beliefs
program. But it’s not a one-time process. It takes time – and consistent work –
to process the thousands of negative and limiting beliefs you accumulated
during your lifetime.
When Michelangelo was asked, “How do you carve those incredibly life-like
sculptures out of marble?” He is reported to have replied, “I simply remove
whatever isn’t the sculpture, chip by chip.”
This is what you will do inside your BeliefCloset – remove the stuff that’s
not you – so your natural True Self can shine forth.
When you work with a Clear Your Beliefs Coach, he or she will guide you into
your own subconscious storage area. You’ll examine your beliefs, decide
which ones no longer serve you, and discard them, eliminating them
permanently from your life.
If you don’t clean out the old beliefs before you install new ones, you’re
just adding to a messy pile of conflicting beliefs in your subconscious mind.
Instead, use the Clear Your Beliefs program to clean out negative beliefs first.
Then, when you install positive beliefs that are right for you, the results will
amaze you.
What would it be worth to you if you could get results like these?
And what does it cost you to NOT clear what’s in your way?
Beliefs Beneath the Surface
If you study anything deeply enough and look for underlying principles,
you’ll find beliefs beneath the surface. Here are some intriguing thoughts
about our collective and cultural beliefs:
The simple answer is yes, but it requires some work. It’s like shoveling
thick snow that’s accumulated from many snowstorms. There’s a lot of work to
do – but it can be done. You can live the life of your dreams – if you’re
willing to do some shoveling.
This isn’t some kind of magical thinking, or new age nostrum. This is the
integration of proven ideas by thousands of top thinkers and esoteric explorers
throughout history.
Clear Your Beliefs technology is built on top of a strong foundation of the
science of consciousness, including psychology, neurology and spiritual
practices. It’s simply a better methodology – one that works quickly,
efficiently, and permanently.
Clear Your Beliefs is an easy, fun, and effective process that helps you remove
barriers that have held you back from doing what you need to do to become
successful – with ease and grace.
In addition to creating your view of the world, beliefs also create your
feelings, sensations, and emotions. Each belief creates its own unique
energetic signature that you can feel in your body. The language spoken by the
subconscious mind includes feelings, body sensations, and images. The Clear
Your Beliefs program utilizes this natural language of the subconscious mind,
tapping into its tremendous healing power.
If you want to plant a garden, you first clear the ground of rocks and weeds.
You turn the soil and amend it. Then you plant the flowers and vegetable seeds
you want to grow. Before planting a new belief, you have to clear out the
old beliefs, and create space for planting something new. Then, your new
belief can grow in your life and produce the fruits you’ve always wanted.
In the Clear Your Beliefs program, this clearing-and-planting process happens
easily, and joyfully. When you master your beliefs, you become the creator
of your own reality.
Your answer to the question, “What can I do?” is a description of the core
beliefs you hold about your capabilities and your limitations. Your answer
to the question, ”What do I deserve?” describes your self-worth, and what you
allow yourself to have.
For example, if you say, “I’ll never learn to play the piano,” you’re right. If
you say, “I can learn to play the piano,” you’re right. Your belief in your
limitation makes it so. This is how your beliefs create your reality.
If anything in your life is painful, or a problem, consider the
experience as an invitation to examine your beliefs.
• What causes pain in your life? Your beliefs.
• What causes fear or doubt to show up? Your beliefs.
• What causes you to explode in anger at times? Your beliefs.
• What causes you to react to things when they go wrong? Your beliefs.
• What causes all the good stuff in your life to happen? Your beliefs.
Some of your beliefs are useful and are very good for you.
For example, the belief, “I can do anything I put my mind to,” is a very
positive and empowering belief. It provides you with self-esteem. It removes
limitations. It encourages you to persevere until your goals are achieved. This
is a belief you want to keep – because it serves your life. Don’t throw away
what works or what feels good! You are always at choice in the process. You
decide what you want to believe.
When you change your beliefs, you alter your experience of the world. At
the same time, you alter your view of yourself. You’ll say, “I feel like a
different person.” And indeed, you are.
When you install new, empowering beliefs, everything shifts: your attitude,
your posture, your demeanor, your ability to express yourself, and the
way you interact with others.
Changing your core beliefs is a way to relieve your own suffering. You
become a shining example of what is possible. You become a wiser, more
loving, open-hearted person, which has a direct impact on others – it lightens
their suffering, too.
As you work through the program, it dawns on you that every person has
created their own reality through their beliefs. And since beliefs can be
changed easily, your compassion for others expands. This is a direct
method for improving the world – one belief at a time.
Are you ready to pop a few of your old beliefs?
Clearing your beliefs is easy, effective, and fun. Its impact is profound and
The best way to experience the Clear Your Beliefs program is with a trained
Clear Your Beliefs Coach. He or she will help you determine what beliefs are
causing the problems and pain in your life, and will customize your sessions to
you and your unique needs. After a series of coaching sessions, you’ll be able
to use the process on your own, transforming your own life, one belief at a
If you’re ready to jump in to the Clear Your Beliefs program, CLICK HERE,
and you’ll be taken to the website with complete information about the
program. You can purchase the program by itself, or add customized coaching.
“Clear Your Beliefs enabled me to look behind my issues and feelings, down
to their roots. The issues I’ve had my whole life slowly dissolved with each
session. Everything is easier to deal with now.”
— T. S., bookkeeper, Charlotte, North Carolina
You need to find out whether this program is right for you (and
whether you’re right for the program). So…
In this audio clip, you’ll explore one of the most common (and pernicious)
beliefs that most of us carry from our childhood: “There’s something wrong
with me.”
What if you could completely eliminate this belief, and the feeling, from
your life forever? What would you be capable of?
When you join the Clear Your Beliefs program, you’ll have the opportunity to
discard this belief, and many others like it.
When you plant a new belief in your subconscious mind, it begins to operate
just like your old belief did – automatically, as a reality-creating machine.
You’ll notice a subtle shift in your life. Something uncomfortable that used to
be there is now gone. Something good has taken its place.
In each session of the Clear Your Beliefs program, I take you through the
BeliefCloset Process, where you’ll completely eliminate old beliefs, and
replace them permanently with new, empowering beliefs. If you work with a
Clear Your Beliefs Coach, they will follow up with you after you listen to each
recorded class. They’ll take you deeper into the core of your own subconscious
mind, and help you clear whatever’s in your way.
People who attended the original Clear Your Beliefs program paid hundreds of
dollars for the program. We’re able to offer the recorded program to you for
only $147. You get all seven class recordings, Q&A sessions, two incredible
bonus interviews, and a complete set of transcripts. A Guidebook will walk
you through the program, one step at a time. To find out more, click here.
What’s Next?
The following exercise, Belief Self-Diagnosis, will help you learn more about
your own beliefs, especially the beliefs that interfere with your life. Self-
awareness is always the first step in transformation.
After you’ve completed the exercise, you’ll have a clearer picture of the work
you have to do – either through the Clear Your Belief program, or through
other methods of transformation. It’s also great preparation for your work with
a Clear Your Beliefs Coach, if you decide to work with one.
“I’ve been using the BeliefCloset Process for many years in my psychotherapy
practice. It leads my clients to quick discoveries, insight, and change, often with
lyricism and poignancy. Exploring one’s beliefs is gentle and profound, and it
produces rich material for reflection. I am grateful for this process, and will
continue to work with it both in my practice and in my own personal growth.”
~ Martha Bear, Psychotherapist, Auburn, Maine
Belief Self-Diagnosis
This exercise will help you expose your subconscious beliefs to your conscious
mind. At the end of the exercise, you can choose the beliefs you want to
change in the Clear Your Beliefs program.
Begin by saying to yourself, “What I believe about myself is…” Let your
thoughts flow and keep your pen moving. Don’t judge your beliefs, argue with
them, or censor them. Just allow whatever comes up to be written down. Write
down all of them, even if they sound stupid, strange, or not really mine.
When your subconscious talks, it’s a good time to listen. Give yourself a few
minutes to write freely on each question.
On another sheet of paper, write each of the beliefs you circled, then answer
the following questions about each one:
When you meet with a Clear Your Beliefs Coach, you can use your answers to
customize your individual sessions to you and your life.
Your Clear Your Beliefs Coach will work with you to refine your new beliefs so
they fit and serve you in the best way possible. Creating new beliefs is a skill that
improves with practice. As your new beliefs begin to operate, your True Self
and your full magnificence will shine forth in the world.
Now, next to each old belief, write down a belief you would prefer to have. Then
ask, “Could I make it even better? Juicier? More empowering?” See if you can
improve it to the point where believing it would make you feel fantastic. Continue
to explore your beliefs as they come up in your life. Different circumstances
and people will stimulate different old beliefs to emerge.
Continue Your Transformation
Choose What’s Right For You
If you’d like to learn more about the Clear Your Beliefs program, click this link:
During the Clear Your Beliefs program, you’ll pull out old beliefs hidden in the
back of your BeliefCloset, try them on to see if they still fit your life, and discard
the ones that hold you back from your greatness. Then, you’ll replace them with
snazzy new empowering beliefs that free your mind and heart, heal the past, and
open new possibilities for your future.
Your life is created by the choices you make, moment by moment. You can close
this eBook now and avoid the difficulty of changing your beliefs. Or, you can take
action and move your life one step closer to your dreams. Which path will you
choose? We hope you choose what’s right for you.
If you received value from this eBook, feel free to share it with your friends,
family members, and colleagues. Point them to,
where they can register and get their own copy.
The Clear Your Beliefs program is a tool you can use to create your own life from
the inside out. Take the next step. You’ll see fast, permanent relief from old
patterns, struggle, and pain, and you’ll learn how easy it is to create more love,
success, and happiness in your life.
Thank you for reading this book. You have my support and my best wishes
for your journey of discovery. Contact me if I can answer any questions or be
of service. And please let me know of your progress.
Lion Goodman
Creator of the Clear Your Beliefs Program
Lion Goodman
Petaluma, California
Email Lion