WP Pak Sigit PDF
WP Pak Sigit PDF
WP Pak Sigit PDF
E-mail: rizaldosuwandi@gmail.com
1. Introduction
As a government center, Jakarta has many historical heritages that stand in it, including old
buildings that fall into the category of cultural heritage due to their uniqueness, scarcity, and
role in the line of the nation's history. The rapid development of the Jakarta area as a center
of government as well as a business center makes the existence of these buildings threatened.
This is marked by the number of old buildings that are abandoned or not well maintained. One
of these buildings is Westzijdse Pakhuizen as a cultural heritage building that is currently
functioning as a Maritime Museum.
Westzijdse Pakhuizen is a former warehouse building that was founded in 1652 by the VOC
aimed at storing spices which were the main commodity of the VOC in its heyday. In addition,
along with the times, Westzijdse Pakhuizen also functioned as a warehouse during the Dutch
and Japanese colonization until in 1977 it was adapted into a Museum. This is intended to
preserve buildings in order to be sustainable in line with changing times. Preservation is not
only done to improve the quality of the city area physically, but also to maintain the stability
of the development of the area or building itself (Prof.Ir.Antariksa, 2015). Good preservation
must follow applicable procedures and regulations so as not to damage existing historical
values. Preservation of cultural heritage must go through 3 main processes in it, namely
inventory, documentation, and also intervention (Feilden, 2003).
Museum Bahari Museum Sejarah Jakarta
Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik Museum Wayang
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
As a museum, Westzijdse Pakhuizen became a museum with the lowest number of visitors in
the historical area of the Old City of Jakarta. Based on a survey conducted by the author on
June 25 - July 3, it was known that visitors were less satisfied with the condition of Wezijdse
Pakhuizen as a museum. This requires preservation so that this building can fulfill its function
as a maritime museum. The maritime museum itself means a museum to collect material in a
broad sense that is related to sea and shipping and reflects it into the importance of human
life in the times of development (Hicks, 2001).
On January 16, 2018, Westzijdse Pakhuizen experienced a fire that consumed 35% of the entire
building due to electrical system shortcuts in block C-3. This resulted in a decline in visitors of
17.3% (The Museum of Existence of the Librarian, 2019).
Based on these problems, the potential arising from Westzijdse Pakhuizen arises for
preservation. The preservation of Westzijdse Pakhuizen with the rehabilitation method is
intended to continue to use existing buildings with functions that change with the times for
the condition of the building to be maintained (Feilden, 2003). The condition of the building
which is a former warehouse of the VOC is under the protection of the Cultural Heritage Act
which for this reason needs to be maintained. Its function as a maritime museum also needs
to be maintained due to the social, geographical and historical aspects inherent in this
building. For this reason, rehabilitation of Westzijdse Pakhuizen as the Jakarta's most
important maritime museum is important.
2. Design Method
A. Design Method
The design method used in the design of Westzijdse Pakhuizen rehabilitation is using
conservation with rehabilitation whose steps are discussed in the book Conservation of
Historic Buildings (Feilden, 2003). In addition, another method is used to intervene in existing
buildings, namely Insertion, namely adding without breaking down (Ardiani, 2009). The
method carried out is based on the consideration of the existing condition of the existing
building as a warehouse function that has changed its function as a museum.
B. Design Strategy
Data collection methods are grouped into 2 types of data, namely primary data and secondary
data. In primary data collection there are 2 kinds of methods, namely the observation method
and the documentation method. The observation method is carried out by visiting locations
that have been carried out several times. The results of the observation are getting data in the
form of building conditions including related data on buildings after a fire accident. The
documentation method is done by documenting the condition of the existing building. The
picture taken is in the form of a museum building after a fire. In the secondary data collection
method is done by collecting data from journal studies, information from interviews of
building administrators and experts, and also a literature review of books about the
conservation of historic buildings.
D. Design Concept
The purpose of designing Westzijdse Pakhuizen rehabilitation is to maintain the historical
identity of Westzijse Pakhuizen as part of cultural heritage without violating the technical
guidelines for preserving cultural heritage buildings. The idea of a design concept by applying
the insertion approach is in response to getting a new function to maximize the function of the
museum and creating a conservation design of an integrated historical heritage building.
A. Intiutive Strategy
In accordance with the method of designing rehabilitation with insertion on Westzijdse
Pakhuizen, an intuitive strategy is needed to create a storyline from the design of a maritime
museum. Based on the data obtained by the author from various secondary sources, the
conclusion of a story is summarized in a table of historical traces of Jakarta.
From the table above, the author describes a story tempo of the museum which becomes an
outline of the tempo that will be passed by the visitors when making a visit to Westzijdse
The description of the tempo of the event shows the tone level for each part of the event that
will be told in this museum. Sunda Kelapa-Jayakarta as a port city will be a prologue or intro
of the museum's storyline due to its historical events which became the beginning of the
storyline. Furthermore, the change into the city of Batavia into a bridge will lead to the climax
of the contents of the museum. At the climax, the diversity of the archipelago's wealth from
the maritime side, especially what happened in the city of Jakarta, was the main objective. And
the contents of the exhibition will be closed with changes in the water transportation system
to become land transportation which also ends the glory of maritime affairs in the city of
Jakarta. The four parts of the historical trail will eventually be interpreted into the
architectural zone of the museum inside Westzijdse Pakhuizen.
• Design a virtual environment that helps convey messages to each individual museum
visitor. Things that affect this include the position of placing artifacts and grouping of
exhibition artifacts (Charitos, et al., 2001). The virtual environment is built by taking
into account the lighting, position and orientation of museum artifacts as well as the
physical structure of the exhibition space. Space-forming elements are divided into 3,
namely the base / floor area, wall / boundary plane, and ceiling / roof plane (Wilson,
1971). The use of screens on all three surfaces forming elements of space is intended to
maximize the visitor experience that is not limited to some museum artifacts. The
ceiling gives a picture of the sea surface that will give a shadow to the museum artifacts
that give an idea of the atmosphere under the sea. The wall part of the museum uses
curved elements as elements that clarify the continuity of the surfaces so that the
boundaries of the room angles become biased (Surasetja, 2008). Whereas the base /
floor section is a supporting activity in a building that determines as far as the
limitations of other elements in the room can be seen. This affects the experience of
visitors so that using the base area as a medium for describing the atmosphere of the
event that is trying to be built will affect the way visitors walk above the surface
(Surasetja, 2008).
• Visitor Interaction with functions and forms that give an overview of a historical event
that the visitor can experience or do activities in a particular event. Westzijdse
Pakhuizen has 19 original boat artifacts with 102 collections of navigation systems that
can be used as capital to interact with museum visitors.
Figure 6. Visitor Interaction with Artifacts
The laying of the museum zoning on Westzijdse Pakhuizen is based on the historical traces of
Jakarta which are the contents of the maritime museum in the design of Westzijdse
Pakhuizen's rehabilitation.
Based on the precedent analysis carried out in 3 different maritime museums, conclusions
were obtained from the similarities and differences of each of the presidential objects. A
precedent analysis was carried out by comparing three objects of the maritime museum
namely Titanic Belfast in Belfast Northern Ireland, the Danish National Maritime Museum in
Helsingor Denmark, and also the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam the Netherlands.
Based on this precedent, each building has an element that is highlighted to make visitors feel
the historical events that occur in the building when entering the room. Architectural form
that describes the meaning of events that occurred in the museum. The space program in the
three museums also shows similarities in the functions of the cafe / restaurant, office and
gallery spaces. So that it can be concluded that from the three museums it has three main
functions, namely the main room as a gallery / exhibition place of the contents of the museum
events, the entertainment function in the form of a cafe / restaurant for visitors to relax, and
also an office as a supporting function of the building manager.
Based on the comparative study analysis table above, it can be concluded that the three
buildings of the Titanic Belfast Museum, the Danish Maritme Museum, and the National
Maritime Museum are designed to maintain the authenticity of the shape of the building by
adding museum grooves that follow the intuitive strategy in it. All three are designed with a
connection between the original design of the building and the implementation of new
materials into the design of the building.
From the interior side, the building experienced a major change from the interior shape
changes to the use of materials so that it can accommodate its new function as a maritime
museum. On the exterior, the authenticity of the three buildings and the use of a connotation
meaning of a particular event. Broadly speaking, the three rehabilitation steps in the three
buildings prioritize continuity between the use of modern materials with original materials
and the use of form that adapts to certain events and even locations that support the formation
of the building itself.
Figure 8. Westzijdse Pakhuizen Rehabilitation Design
The design of the Westzijdse Pakhuizen rehabilitation design was obtained by taking an
insertion approach through a contrasting design method. The function of the building as a
museum can be adjusted with the addition of curved bulkhead spaces in the interior and also
the use of glass material on the exterior of the building to add a modern impression to the
building. For the design of Westzijdse Pakhuizen the author suggests the development of
integrated buildings with the surrounding area both in the area around the building and the
Old City area of Jakarta.
Author’s History
Rizaldo Suwandi was born in Jakarta on April 16, 1997. The author completed his high school
education at Ricci 1 High School in the field of Science in 2015. He currently has a busy life as
an architecture student at Bina Nusantara University.