Ali Imad Research Paper
Ali Imad Research Paper
Ali Imad Research Paper
1.1 Overview
In this era organization’s environment regulate the reasonable balance between
commitment and performance of the organization. The occasion of (gratitude and reward serving
(Oosthuizen, 2001) it is the duty of managers to motivate and gratitude employees and encourage
Employee’s job satisfaction is a key factor for management from both subjective and
research-based accounts in most of the recent corporations. Therefore past decade’s researches
on job satisfaction had created a considerable concern among investigators universally. It has
also reached to an argument as to which variables actually effect employees’ satisfaction with
their job, which in result leads to enrich the productivity in organizations (Westover & Taylor,
Most of the researchers claim that each and every business entity (Big, moderate or
small) has its own different way of inspiring its staff. Job satisfaction of workforces can be
generally classified into five different categories: need fulfillment, inconsistencies, value
The most significant and essential variable in work organizations and in organizational
behavior is job satisfaction. It is the common attitude of a worker to his/her job. The greater the
job satisfaction, the more the employees will embrace a positive approach to their jobs (Wang &
Feng, 2003) and they will be more loyal to the organization. Likewise, workforce with greater
job satisfaction would show a reduced tendency to search for a job and to quite the organization.
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Similarly, workers who find their necessities as unmet, raise in general dissatisfaction and
Through Business and Management Review, job satisfaction is a standout among the
This is the general condition of mind of a worker to his profession. The greater the employment
fulfillment, the more probable specialists will grasp an inspirational disposition toward their
The two important motivational aspects are extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, which effect
the employee’s opinions at very excessive extent and create workers mind about to support
organization fully. Interchange of support between organization and employees denotes as the
major base of business support theory in workers mind, which influence the employee’s job
satisfaction and reliability to the organization (Anh Ngoc Nguyen, Jim Taylor and Steve Bradley,
For the acknowledgement of employees Intrinsic rewards are found much helpful.
Literature has proved that the appraisal and encouragement or the reward system of the
workforce result in the greater worker job satisfaction and productivity. The organizations will
get the finest work from their workers whose workers have the observation that the organization
treats them in adequately well way. Further, the employees who are being well treated are more
involved with the work and more loyal to organization (Rhoades, L., Eisenberger, R. and Armeli,
S., 2001) and the organizations whose workers are being behaved like an electronic device will
resign from the organization or work less involved with the organization (Allen, D.G., Shore,
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Since unique factors had used to encourage the workforces, one of those is to appreciate
the work by uttering thanks. Intrinsic rewards had wider variety presented which rise job
satisfaction of workers. Some of those rewards derive in the shape of task Involvement, task
autonomy and task significance. These three main types of reward have their own advantages in
From many years the term job satisfaction had gained a noticeable part in literature of
social science. The large amount of researches have been accompanied on this topic by both
sociologists and psychologists. More than 3,200 articles have been assembled on the topic and
the figure stays to rise. The major aims for the marvelous concentration in this topic is the
certainty that job satisfaction has impact employee’s productivity in organization and advances
the effectiveness of organization. Other important cause for fame of this concept came from idea
that worker’s job satisfaction might has serious significances for the comfort of the employees in
terms of mental & physical health, as well as satisfaction in general with life (Locke, 1976).
In this era, organizations are facing numerous challenges but the most important is
regarding workers’ happiness. Workers spend their maximum time at work but still they are not
entirely satisfied with their work, therefore satisfaction is not only essential for workers
wellbeing but also for business wellbeing. (OB) Organizational behavior researchers had worked
a lot on creating the relation between employee’s behaviors and organization that will be
providing help to satisfy the needs of both on constantly basis. In the OB the term job
satisfaction has been studied extensively in literature. In early nineties, the concept of job
satisfaction has originated, when researchers has started to research on workers job duties
(Taylor, 1911).
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
1.3 Hypothesis
H1: Positive relation exists b/w Task Autonomy & Job satisfaction.
H2: Task Significance has a direct relation with the employees’ Job satisfaction.
employees. There are three main varieties of intrinsic rewards, rises satisfaction and overall
productivity of workers. These rewards are known task involvement, task autonomy and task
As intrinsic rewards has played a very fundamental role in improving the job satisfaction
and productivity of employees in the organizations since decades and always lead positively to
This research is based on a case study on the employees of Toyota Motor Corporation in
order to analyze that whether intrinsic rewards enhances the employee’s job satisfaction.
1.5 Definitions
01. Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is described in many possible manners. Some researchers believe that it is how
pleased an employee is by her or his work, in other verses, whether or not employee likes the
work or personal aspects or faces of works, like nature of job or supervision. Many believed it is
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
not as simple as this directs and as an alternative that multi-dimensional psychosomatic reactions
A result that provides satisfaction to an individual that comes from a well completed task. There
I. Task Autonomy
Task Autonomy states that a work place where few or limited amount of freedom or
independence is allowed while doing work or making decisions at their work place. It is refers to
the decentralization of authority to the employees by their supervisor or managers in doing their
tasks or making decisions to promote capability to perform work independently. It creates the
logic of responsibility.
It is the extent to which the importance is given to the tasks or work of employees so that they
feel the essentials of their task and emotionally attached with the organization which leads to
their job satisfaction. For instance, the significance of the workers’ task in work place.
Workers are task involved when they are interested in performing their tasks. This leads to the
higher motivation of employees. Task involved employees like to face different challenges while
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Rewards were explained as “potential sources of rewards to the worker" (Kalleberg, 1977). What
employees want to receive from work or what they perceive, is represented by rewards. Many
researches illustrate how rewards are essential determinants of job satisfaction of employees.
(Gerald & Dorothee, 2004) and (Clifford, 1985) originated; rewards are expressively linked to
proficiency & job satisfaction. Job satisfaction meant for employees is resulting in amount from
anything employees recognizes from work. Rewards influence the satisfaction of workforce
(Clifford, 1985).
Previous researches suggested that job rewards contain the whole job benefits. On the other side,
the efforts of (Kalleberg, 1977), had pointed queries about the way in which work related values
has impact on job satisfaction. In fact Kalleberg has distinguished between job rewards and work
values. Ultimately job values and job rewards are the extrinsic and intrinsic benefits that
employees receive from their work. (Kalleberg, 1977) and (Janet & Lacy, 1987) argued that both
these factors affect job satisfaction, but financial job rewards are more considerably associated to
job satisfaction in comparison with job value which is linked to intrinsic portion of job rewards.
Job rewards have been divided into categories, which are intrinsic & extrinsic rewards.
Intrinsic rewards can be categorized in to task significance, task involvement and task autonomy
(Clifford, 1985). Task significance indicates the extent to which task is supposed as an important
participation to the work processes. Where Task involvement states that the extent of which the
work is seemed challenging and curious. At last, Task autonomy speaks about the degree of
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
(Organizational efficiency track affected by the rewards in both negative and positive manners)
is kept in mind while designing rewards system. Organizational performance is influenced by the
Most studies has proved that rewards system has great importance for employee’s result in
productivity. But specific rewards are not mentioned for increasing productivity of organizations.
Rewards are generally defined to include all sorts of rewards. In which intrinsic rewards are non-
financial and having not physical exist rewards. For instance, recognition, appreciation,
acknowledgement, respect, professional growth, authority to immediate tasks are some of the
intrinsic rewards.
Commitment is a perception and belief of workers about receiving the organizational values and
objectives as their own values and objectives. To keep attached with organization, workers show
approval to organizational values and policies (Porter, L.W., Steers, R.M., Mowday, R.T. &
For integrating the commitment of workers intrinsic rewards have greater importance.
Organizations give the chances to workers because of their performance, for the
acknowledgement and recognition as a reward which in result the workers emotionally closed
with the organization due to being acknowledged. To construct the emotional and passionate
attachment among workforce towards organizational objectives, intrinsic and social rewards are
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Every business focuses on worker’s commitment created on worker’s perception about the care
from the business. Therefore workers feel they are acknowledged and recognized by their
management, workers feel committed and satisfied to the organizational interests. Employees’
attach to their work due to the outcome of organizational perception in their mind (Eisenberger,
Rewards are mainly considered stimuli which leads to employee’s job satisfaction (Lawler, E. &
Douglas, H., 1970). Rewards rise the performance of workers and organization (Ojokuku &
Sajuyigbe, 2009).
The working area of employees has different interconnected factors. Those factors are
enlightening the superiority of work life that comprises the understanding these dimensions and
factors that are linked to the job satisfaction. Number of researches had conducted on rewards
that are expressively linked to job satisfaction. Positive relation between reward and job
satisfaction survives and rewards are measured key aspect in defining job satisfaction of workers
(Clifford, 1985).
Main intrinsic rewards are the task involvement, task significance and task autonomy. Task
significance is one serious element in today’s economy in which workers do work that is useful
and helpful for other employees. Task Autonomy is amount of independence in arrangement of
job and firm processes that workers fulfill while doing work (Hackman, 1980). Task
involvement is limit of, how plentiful is work (Rehman, Khan, & Lashari, 2010).
Influence off intrinsic rewards such as task involvement, task significance & task autonomy on
job satisfaction has been examined in the literature. Job satisfaction is an optimistic emotional
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
sense and it derives from the contrast of expectation from what he actually gets from his job and
(Kalleberg, 1977) has raised the question about the job values and job satisfaction. Ultimately he
differentiates between job rewards and job values in his researches. Job values denotes the
approach and connection of a single towards his work. Job rewards are the intrinsic values which
Modifications in profession, social class and rewards presented by the proprietors to different
profession and level of workers. Autonomy in the work can rise motivation and satisfaction of
the employees. Satisfaction and motivation in the job increases the efficiency of the workers
The chance to study new things and additional freedom in the work have positive relation with
workers’ job satisfaction. Chance to learn newer things and autonomy in the work growths the
satisfaction of the workforces and intrinsic rewards are equivalent helpful for the workers
The separation of rewards (intrinsic) as task involvement, task autonomy, and task significance is
done via (Clifford, 1985). There is a positive effect of intrinsic rewards on job satisfaction.
(Donald & Sanjay, 2004) considered these variables of job satisfaction involvement, job
commitment and job characteristics. That research revealed that financial rewards for employees
are not significant in all kinds of situations. The reward other than economic also matters for the
job satisfaction of workers. The chances to learn and enhance skills are vital for job satisfaction
(Hunjra et al, 2010) delivered the proof that there is positive relation among autonomy, behavior
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
of leadership, work environment and job satisfaction. This research was held in banking regions.
The outcome told that in the work place more autonomy rises the job satisfaction of the workers.
Intrinsic rewards become motivation for workers and have major importance (John & Ron,
(Olagoke, 2010) has discussed about the helper care givers of public and tells that workers are
additional satisfied with the intrinsic rewards, such like self-growth and individual psychological
and emotional development. For workers, Job satisfaction is further linked to extrinsic rewards
(Rehman et al, 2010) has conducted research on intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and their
affiliation with worker job satisfaction. He has studied in the service industry that is electric
supply corporation. He originated; rewards are stronger determinant of worker job satisfaction.
He used these rewards task significance, task autonomy and task involvement to define the job
satisfaction of workers. He resolved with, there is major relation between workforce’s job
Additional significance, identity and autonomy rise the satisfaction of workers. By a great level
of task autonomy, women employees have expressively greater level of satisfaction rather than
male employees. Task autonomy is extremely associated with the job satisfaction of workers.
Providing additional autonomy at work place rises the satisfaction of the workforces. (Rebecca,
2006) considered the professors job satisfaction. He observed the relation between
acknowledgement and professor’s job satisfaction. He initiated that there is a direct relation
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Providing different tasks improves the motivation of workers. Motivated worker is most satisfied
and loyal with his/her job (Hertzberg, 1950). Surveyed and presented a report about workers’ job
satisfaction. That Society originated that autonomy, range of tasks and freedom enriches the
worker job satisfaction. There is a positive relation among task autonomy and job satisfaction. If
there is free will at work then workers are extremely satisfied and motivated with their job.
Different rewards like appreciation and task autonomy growths the satisfaction of the workers
The most significant and essential variable in work organizations and in organizational behavior
is job satisfaction. It is the common attitude of a worker to his/her job. The greater the job
satisfaction, the more the employees will embrace a positive approach to their jobs and they will
be more loyal to the organization. Likewise, workforce with greater job satisfaction would show
a reduced tendency to search for a job and to quite the organization. Similarly, workers who find
their necessities as unmet, raise in general dissatisfaction and become progressively concerned to
opposing places of occupation and frequently result in voluntary conclusion and organizational
More involvement in a work, contribution in making decision, opinion and sharing info with
staffs rise the job satisfaction. More participation in making a decision has positive and direct
relation with job satisfaction. And if there is a rise in contribution in work then there is a great
worker satisfaction towards job (Robert and Cindy, 2008 Intrinsic rewards are shadowed with
extrinsic rewards; influential element of satisfaction through all professional groups. Rewards
Agreeing to (Jenaibi, 2010) these rewards are the directions for associating worker satisfaction in
businesses, giving opportunities for sharing information and authorizing workers work boosts the
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
satisfaction of the workers (Linz, 2003), chatted regarding the job satisfaction between
employees. He has also established that workforces provide status; have new skills and chances
Task involvement: extent of how much work is exciting and puzzling. There were different
scholars that worked on intrinsic factors and recommended that these aspects has vast influence
on job satisfaction of workers. While extrinsic rewards are social for organizations. These
rewards denotes to those that could be resulting from collaboration with other employees on task
Frank relation opportunities on work place will rise satisfaction of workers and aim to resign
from the organization can be lower through task involvement (Luddy, 2005). Supervisor and
workers relation are significant determinant of job satisfaction, high amount of job satisfaction is
linked with respectable supervisor and worker’s relationship. While on the other side,
organizational rewards are the physical rewards (Wharton & Baron, 1991).
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
This study is based on examining the impact of intrinsic rewards (Task autonomy, Task
involvement and Task significance) on employees’ job satisfaction working in the organization.
In the organization if these rewards are being provided to the employees by the top management
or by their supervisors, so what will be the influence of these rewards on the job satisfaction of
the employees.
Task significance and Task involvement on the level of job satisfaction of the employees.
closed ended questions. The closed ended questions are asked based on Likert scale. Given
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
The instrument was pre-tested for identifying that weather there are any problems with the
instrument or was it easy to understand and answer the questions? Through pretesting we have
found that all employees felt very comfortable in answering and found the instrument exciting.
SPSS 17 version has been used for reliability and validity test. The findings from
Table 3.1
Task autonomy JOB
Task significance SATISFACTION
Task involvement
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
H1: Positive relation exists b/w Task Autonomy & Job satisfaction.
H2: Task Significance has a direct relation with the employees’ Job satisfaction.
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Above table 4.1 “descriptive statistics” shows the reliability of each variable i.e. 0.85 of job
satisfaction, 0.73 of task autonomy, 0.52 of task significance and 0.24 of task involvement. This
table also represents the Correlation, Mean and SD among questions of questionnaire.
H1: Positive relation exists b/w Task Autonomy & Job satisfaction.
36.6% variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variable that is
36.6%variation. Job satisfaction comes from task autonomy rather than task significance and task
involvement. This may be true in Pakistani environment where employees prefer to have
autonomous power to make decisions.
The significant value is 0.00 which is less than 0.05 therefore the model is significant.
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Y = -1.047 + 0.605X + e
H2: Task Significance has a direct relation with the employees’ Job satisfaction.
Collinearity Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Minimum
Correlation Tolerance VIF
Task significance and task involvement are excluded variables because the significance value of
task significance is 0.090 which is greater than 0.05 and the significance value of task
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
involvement is 0.222 which is also greater than 0.05 which represents that these two variables
H1: Positive relation exists b/w Task Autonomy & Job satisfaction.
H1: Has been accepted that Positive relation exists b/w Task Autonomy & Job satisfaction.
H2: Task Significance has a direct relation with the employees’ Job satisfaction.
H2: Has not been accepted that Task Significance has a direct relation with the employees’ Job
H3: Has not been accepted Task Involvement is directly related to Job satisfaction.
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Figure 4.1
Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Figure 4.2
Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized residual
Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Figure 4.3
Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Stronsly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q.NO.02 If I had the opportunity to start over again, I would choose the same type of work I
presently do.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
48 24 10 7 11
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Q.NO.03 Taking into consideration all things about my job, I am very satisfied.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
50 31 9 8 2
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Category 1 Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Atsongly Disagree
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Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
Q.NO.09 Sometimes I am not sure I completely understand the purpose of what I'm doing.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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Q.NO.11 I understand how my work role fits into the overall operation of this organization.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
QNO.14 I have little opportunity to use my real abilities and skills in the type of work I do.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
5.1 Conclusion
The most important issue which organizations are facing in today’s era is the job
productivity and performance. The workers job satisfaction leads them to work in the
organization as it is their work and employees have this felling that organizational goals are their
individual’s goals, for that employees work hard to achieve those objectives which organization
Literature has shown that many articles were written down and researches has been
conducted yet in this term i.e. job satisfaction. Different factors influence the job satisfaction of
Intrinsic rewards are categorized in three main categories i.e. 1. Task Autonomy: states
that the employees should be given little freedom at their work station which increases their job
satisfaction 2. Task Significance states that importance/value should be given to employees’ task
or work whatever they are doing in the organization and 3. Task Involvement states that involve
employees in the process of decision making, give them a chance to suggest the organization, it
This research has been shown that yes task autonomy rises the job satisfaction of
employees and employees welcome to have little independence at their work, the significance
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The influence of Intrinsic Rewards on the job satisfaction of employees
This research has reached to his conclusion, that intrinsic rewards have great importance
in rising the employees at their work place. Since it is difficult to measure intrinsic rewards
because these are intangible but still if these rewards are given to the employees they will have
this sense that they are given more autonomy, significance and chance to participate in the
About more than 3000 articles are submitted regards the job satisfaction of employees.
And most of the researches shown that yes intrinsic reward is an important variable to rise job
satisfaction of workers.
Organizations should do this practice at their work satisfaction because this will affect
their overall performance and it will also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of an
Our research first hypothesis was accepted that yes task autonomy has a positive and
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Number of recommendations that can be considered and done for future researches are,
Selection of sample should be circulated more, rather than on one particular area. The
Other variables should also be considered in order to get more appropriate outcomes. For
instance, the future research can be done for analyzing the other variables that effects the
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“The Impact of intrinsic rewards on job satisfaction of employees”
Name Experience ( ) years
Occupation Signature
Strongly Strongly
S.No. Questions Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Generally speaking, I am satisfied with
this job.
If I had the opportunity to start over again,
02 I would choose the same type of work I
presently do.
Taking into consideration all things about
my job, I am very satisfied.
I have a good deal of freedom in the
performance of my daily task.
I make most work decisions without first
consulting my superior.
I am not able to make changes regarding
my job activities.
I make my own decisions in the
performance of my work role.
My work is a significant contribution to
08 the successful operation of the
Sometimes I am not sure I completely
understand the purpose of what I'm doing.
My work is really important and
worthwhile to organization.
I understand how my work role fits into
the overall operation of this organization.
I do not feel a sense of accomplishment in
the type of work I do.
My work provides me with a sense of
personal fulfillment
I have little opportunity to use my real
abilities and skills in the type of work I do
15 My work is interesting and challenging
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