High Pressure Carbamate Condensor Leak
High Pressure Carbamate Condensor Leak
High Pressure Carbamate Condensor Leak
Conductivity in the system is measured online condensate had a direct relation with the
in two locations – the turbine condensate and desorber outlet conductivity.
the desorber outlet (C802). Routine monitoring From December 2011 until May 2012, the
of the system is done using the turbine turbine condensate conductivity and
condensate meter, the desorber outlet meter, and desorber conductivity increased above the
the steam drum, V-904A/B blowdown lab limit of 15 and 20 μS/cm·s, respectively.
analysis. On June 18, 2012, the hydrolyzer level
transmitter was replaced. The desorber
conductivity returned back to its normal
Background History and value of less than 15 μS/cm·s, however the
Observation turbine condensate conductivity did not
The background and history can be summarized
in the following points:
In December 2011, the hydrolyzer level Leak Detection Methodology
transmitter malfunctioned, resulting in
turbine and desorber conductivity increasing All observations in the previous paragraph
above the limit of 10 and 15 μS/cm·s, indicated a leak in the system. The following
respectively (turbine condensate and steps were taken to identify the leak:
desorber conductivity are normally less than 1. List all the possible causes.
10 and 15 μS/cm·s, respectively). 2. Trace the leak.
Until May 2012, it was observed that 3. Prepare an action plan.
increasing conductivity in the turbine
pH Conductivity NH3 CO2 Poly. (Conductivity)
300 250
Low Load
NH3 & CO2 pick up
pH & Conductivity
S/U after
unplaned S/D 150
150 Normal Operation
0 0
Conductivity had increased sharply during the conductivity was possibly due to presence of
low load period due to fluctuation in the corrosion products in the crevice, which
differential pressure across the HPCC. After partially blocked the leak point.
increasing the plant load, the reduction in
Figure 5. Initial pinhole leak where cavity Figure 7. The welded repair area
Findings and Results
The equipment in SAFCO-2 has been operating
under close monitoring with a known leak,
keeping leakage as a benchmark. The continued
operation and planning has been based on a
similar experience with the SAFCO-3 HPCC.