Matveyev About The Consrtuction of Training PDF
Matveyev About The Consrtuction of Training PDF
Matveyev About The Consrtuction of Training PDF
By L.P. Matveyev
This article on the theory of training presents the views of the well-known Moscow
Central Sports Institute Scientist, L.P. Matveyev, on the contemporary concepts of an
efficient construction of training programs, an optimal combination of general and
specific training and the problems involved in the distribution of training loads. The text
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Fizichesckoi KuItury, No. 12, December 1991. Re-printed with permission from Modern
Athlete and Coach.
The construction of training begins with a mental planning, prognosis and programming
of training that precedes its practical application. A rational construction is also expected
to make use of a cyclic control of training that is based on the work actually performed
and the parameters of the training results. At the same time it is important not to
overlook the two main aspects in the construction of training — the mental planning and
the practical application. Deviations in the practical application are unavoidable even in
the best plans. This makes the control measures important in order to make the
necessary adjustments.
The coach and the athlete can accept in their construction of training only the most
important scientific and practically proven principles that conform to and reflect the basic
objective laws of the training structure. Principles that are applicable only to specific
functionalsy st
emsorbi omechani calandbi oener get i
c al“own”l aws,asi mpor t
they are in their own domain, cannot pretend to qualify for the total specific training
Of course, the contemporary theory of training does by no means pretend to have all
the answers, although it can be said that it has in its present format succeeded in
solving the major problems in a rational construction of training to reach high level
performances, It has established certain correlations and tendencies in the training
processes, such as:
The many-sided preparation of athletes in combining different aspects of general
and specific preparations with each other, based on the dynamics of training
processes and their stages, phases and periods
The cyclic formation of training processes divided into micro-, meso-, and
macrocycles in which the dynamics of the large cycles corresponds to the
principles of form development (optimal readiness for high performances in a
given macrocycle).
It is regretful that the majority of publications over the last few decades have contained
very little information on the general principles of the construction of training.
Nevertheless, some sports (track and field, weightlifting, swimming etc) have made
progress and have produced factual information on the subject. The following text looks
at some of the problems that have emerged from the vital concepts of the construction
of training procedures.
Finding an optimal combination for general and specific preparations has been a
problem subject that has lately again attracted interest among sports scientists and
coaches. Because of its complications it appears necessary to look first at some of the
concepts used in the theory of training in order to avoid wrong interpretations:
Theterms“ gener al
”and“ speci f
ic”r eferabov eallt othefactt hatanef fi
preparation of an athlete is not unilateral but a complex many-sided process. It is
madeupf rom aposi tiv
ecombi nat ionoft hespor tspec i
cfact or
s( “speci
preparation), as well as indirect factors that help to promote the progress
gener al”pr eparati
on) .
The content of the general preparation is not determined by the specificity of the
chosen event, but rather by the need of specialization.
Today’sempi r
ical ands cient
fick nowledgeal lowsust ounder standt hemechani sm of
the mutual effects of the general and specific preparations. To this belongs the data
ableont he“ transf er”ofsev eralmov ementsk il
ls,thatr ef
lectt he development of
individual physical capacities (strength, speed, endurance), which are acquired as a
result from non-specific adaptations. All this indicates that the road to the top is not a
narrow specific path but should be tied to general preparation measures that allow full
exploi t
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onoft heat hlete’
spot ent i
alcapaci t
2. Exercises that are in their character close to the format and contents of the first
It is obvious that the first two groups belong to the specific and the third group to the
general category. However, a closer analysis and comparison of the exercises reveals
thatsev eralcan’ tbest ri
ct l
yclass i
edundert hegener alorspeci fi
ct rainingmeans.Thi s
is explained in table 1.
As can be seen, the exercise groups can be similar to the competition exercise
according to one symptom and different according to another symptom (groups IIa and
IIb). For example, the so called imitation exercises, that are widely used in technique
development, can be similar to the competition exercise as far as the movement activity
is concerned, but differ completely in the quality of the performance intensity. In
contrast, many cyclic exercises are different in their movement format (running,
swimming), but similar to the competition exercise as far as the endurance quality is
concerned. It appears that these exercises, combining general and specific symptoms,
can be classified as a mixed group, leaving group I as the only specific exercise group.
Only an escape from the stereotype of the established competition exercise guarantees
an improved performance. It allows exploitation of the different parameters of the
general and specific exercises together with the planned model of the new competition
exercises. This, and not the repetition of the established competition exercise, is
responsible for progressive performance improvements.
The contemporary theory of training has no adequate means to evaluate different load
parameters in training. How, for example, can we coordinate running loads with the
acyclic weight training loads in order to find a common integral load indicator? There is
no satisfactory answer to this question.
Another debatable question involves the order in which general and specific exercises
are performed in training. Should they be employed successively or in the parallel?
Some blame the contemporary theory of training for overlooking the in-parallel use of
different exercises, while others are convinced about the need to use exercises in a
certain succession. What is the truth? It appears that both sides have failed to pay
attention to the temporal facts of the training processes.
As can be seen the graphs represent the dynamics of the load volumes and intensities
in the described four exercise groups employed during the whole preparation period.
Unlike what was practiced in the past, the system also includes exercises that resemble
closely the demands of the forthcoming competitions. However, the use of these
exercises is limited, in particular during the first preparation phase where the
prerequisites for a new performance level are developed. Of course, the use of these
exercises is adjusted and adapted to individual needs.
Const ant l
yi ncreasedt r ai
ningl oadsi nt oday ’
shighper formancespor trequi reawel l
designed and rational planning to balance the increased loads with the realization of the
adaptation principles. The last assumes that the total load is adjusted to the adaptation
principles in which the load is essentially increased at the time when the initial
adapt ationchangest ot he“ dur abl
e”adapt ation.
This, in turn, means that the load dynamics in a large training cycle takes a wave-like
format (see Fig. 2).
Itcan’ tbedeni edt hatthel oaddy nami cshav eawav e-like format, although some
authors claim it to be different in cyclic events where the summary indicators of physical
work are supposed to be stable. Admittedly, some parameters, such as the total training
time, remain relatively stable, but this does not mean that the same is applicable to the
parameters of single exercises. After all, an athlete can only expect to repeat the
already achieved performances when the major parameters remain unchanged.
Another factor to be taken into consideration is the event specific wave-like dynamics of
the training loads. For example, the wavy pattern in the graph of the basic specialized
loads in the speed-strength events (Fig. 2, A) are far more prominent than in the
endurance events. The waves of the basic loads in aerobic and mixed aerobic-
anaerobic work are flatter because of the relatively restricted power output of these
basic exercises.
Under certain circumstances, dependent on the duration of the training cycle, the load
dynamics can take a non-wavy format. A graduated step by step, or some other format,
can therefore be justified in the framework of small and medium length training cycles.
This indicates that it is necessary to widen the factual analysis in order to find the most
appropriate variations for the application of training loads.