This document contains questions about HTML and XML tags, attributes, and their usage. It asks the student to provide examples of URL and IP addresses, suggest appropriate tags and attributes for specific web page requirements, identify errors in code snippets, explain features and differences between HTML and XML, and write code to create lists, text areas, and tables.
This document contains questions about HTML and XML tags, attributes, and their usage. It asks the student to provide examples of URL and IP addresses, suggest appropriate tags and attributes for specific web page requirements, identify errors in code snippets, explain features and differences between HTML and XML, and write code to create lists, text areas, and tables.
This document contains questions about HTML and XML tags, attributes, and their usage. It asks the student to provide examples of URL and IP addresses, suggest appropriate tags and attributes for specific web page requirements, identify errors in code snippets, explain features and differences between HTML and XML, and write code to create lists, text areas, and tables.
This document contains questions about HTML and XML tags, attributes, and their usage. It asks the student to provide examples of URL and IP addresses, suggest appropriate tags and attributes for specific web page requirements, identify errors in code snippets, explain features and differences between HTML and XML, and write code to create lists, text areas, and tables.
2. Shambhavi has to design two web pages with following specifications: i. One web page should have an unordered list. ii. Another web page should have background “Yellow” in colour. 3. Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attribute(s) for the above specifications. 4. Albert works as a website developer in Global Website Designers company. Currently he has created following tags in XML: <STUDENT>...</STUDENT> <Student>....</Student> Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code? Are these same same or different? 5. Which tag is used to display a horizontal rule on a web page ? 6. Identify the error in the following HTML code. Rewrite the correct code. <UL TYPE = “a” START = 4> 7. “With XML you invent your own tags.” Explain this statement with the help of example. 8. After typing the HTML code using a text editor, how do you see how it would look as a web page ? 9. „„With XML there are no predefined tags‟‟ – Explain in brief with the help of an example. 10. Kristen has typed the following text in the address bar: Identify and differentiate the URL and Domain name with reference to the example given above. 11. Jennifer wants to write html code to create an ordered list starting with “c”. Help her in writing the code.Write any two advantages of xml over html. 12. Name two tags that are present in every HTML code. 13. (d) What is wrong in the following HTML code? <UL TYPE = "a" START = 4> 14. Write two features of XML. 15. Which tag/attributes of HTML are used to (i) Insert a picture in the web page. (ii) Insert an empty line in the web page. (ii) Give two attributes of Table element of HTML. 16. Which HTML tags are used for making a table and adding rows in a HTML document? (d) How is <UL> tag different from <OL> tag of HTML? 17. Differentiate between HTML and XML. 18. Which HTML tags are used for making a table and adding rows in HTML document? (d) How is <OL> tag different from <UL> tag of HTML? 19. Write one property of <table> element in HTML. 20. Write code in HTML to display following contents using list. III. Rahul IV. Ketan V. Mahima VI. Shalin 21. Write HTML code to produce a text area with 10 rows and 30 columns? 22. Differentiate among <UL>, <OL> and <DL> tags in HTML? 23. Compare XML Valid and Well Formed documents with example? 24. Write the output for the following HTML code: a) <Body><ul type = “Circle”> <li> Type A questions<ol> <li> Q1 <li> Q2 </ol> <li> Type B questions </ul> b) <Form> <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="onions"> like green onions<BR> <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="cookies"> like cookies<BR> <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="kimchee"> like kim chee<BR> </Form> c) <Body> <Table border =1> <TR> <td> A <td> B</TR> <TR> <td rowspan=2 colspan=2>C <td> D</TR> </Table>