No Such Thing
No Such Thing
No Such Thing
A grocer solves a problem of how much pastry to order every day. His
profit depends on a demand that can be low, moderate, or high.
Values of the profit per day (in $) for these situations and for small, medium
or large order are shown in Table. The body of this table represents a
decision matrix.
Demand Low Moderate High
Small 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52
Large 34 44 54
Pengertian dan
Elemen-Elemen Keputusan
For that reason, probabilities are not used at the choice of the best
Small 50 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52 52
Large 34 44 54 54 Maximum
Hence, the maximax rule leads to the large order (the grocer hopes
that the demand will be high).
Maximin rule: wald criterion
The maximin rule (Wald criterion) represents a pessimistic
approach when the worst decision results are expected.
In Table, the smallest numbers in the rows are 50, 42, 34. Since
50 is the largest, the low order should be chosen (if order is low,
the $50 grocer‘s profit is guaranteed).
The more this index is near to 1, the more the decision maker is optimist. a
weighted average of the best payoff and the worst payoff is computed for
each alternative and the alternative with the largest weighted average
should be chosen
If we choose = 0.7 at determining the best size of the order in
Table, the weighted average (WA) of the largest and the smallest profit
for each size of the order has the following values:
Maximizing the weighted average of the largest and the smallest profit,
the small order should be selected
Minimax regret/savage criterion
Previous criterion can be criticized because they focus only on extreme
payoffs and exclude the other payoffs. An approach that does take all
payoffs into account is the minimax regret rule. This rule represents a
pessimistic approach used for an opportunity loss table.
The opportunity loss reflects the difference between each payoff and the
best possible payoff in a column. Hence, opportunity loss amounts are found
by identifying the greatest payoff in a column and, then, subtracting each of
the other values in the column from that payoff.
The values in an opportunity loss table can be viewed as potential ”regrets”
that might be suffered as the result of choosing various alternatives. Tthis
alternative has the “best worst”).
Demand Low Moderat High Row
Order e Maximum
Small 50 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52 52
Large 34 44 54 54
Small 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52
Large 34 44 54
Decision Making with Probabilities
Expected Value Approach
Small 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52
Large 34 44 54
In this case, the decision maker doesn´t know which state of nature will occur
but can estimate the probability of occurrence for each state.
This value is computed for each alternative, and the one with the highest EMV is
The EMV for various sizes of the order are as follows.
Note that the EMV of $50 will not be the profit on any one day. It
represents an expected or average profit. If the decision were
repeated for many days (with the same probabilities), the grocer
would make an average of $50 per day by ordering the small
amount of pastry.
The EMV criterion remains as the most useful of all the decision
criteria for decision making under risk. For risky decisions, a
sensible approach is first to calculate the EMV, and then to make
a subjective adjustment for the risk in making the choice.
Another method for incorporating probabilities into the decision
making process is to use expected opportunity loss (EOL).
Small 50 50 50
Medium 42 52 52
Large 34 44 54
the normative procedures we will present serve to aid decision
makers through the complexities of their decision problems. The
role of the decision maker is in no way denigrated; as we shall see,
his beliefs and preferences are of absolutely paramount
(Anderson, Dillon, and Hardaker p.3).
Pengertian dan
Elemen-Elemen Keputusan
Probabilitas Ekonomi
(1) Boom (0,63)
Probabilitas Ekonomi
Krisis (0,37) 250
Membeli Saham BAT
Probabilitas Ekonomi
Boom (0,63) 2.000
? (2)
Probabilitas Ekonomi
Membeli Saham BATA Krisis (0,37)
Probabilitas Ekonomi
Boom (0,63) 4.463
Probabilitas Ekonomi 185
Membeli Saham MLBI Krisis (0,37)