Kuliah - SedPond PDF
Kuliah - SedPond PDF
Kuliah - SedPond PDF
Sediment pond
Types & application of sedimentation
• Excavated sedimentation pond
– Using bulldozer and/or backhoe
– Generally located off a natural drainageway
– Has been used in conjuction with the mine pit –
serving as preliminary settling basin
– Limited to applications in relatively flat terrain and
controlling surface runoff from small drainage areas
– The pond storing water for a long period of time -
reducing the available storage volume when a storm
event occurs
• Embankment and combination
embankment/excavated sedimentation pond
– Can be used in any type of terrain
– An embankment is constructed across the
– When upstream drainageway bed is excavated – a
combination embankment/excavated sed pond
– There is a possibility of embankment failure due
to poor construction
• Spillway type Sed pond
– Classified according to the type of principal and
emergency spillways
• Multiple pond system:
– The use of two or more sed ponds in a series
– Compartementalization of a single pond
– Concept: the occurence of staged settling
– Field application – more efficient in removing finer
• Physical/Chemical Treatment Pond
– The process of adding chemicals to enhance the
physical settling characteristics of the sediment
– The chemicals: coagulants or flocculants
– Physical/chemical treatment measures are required
for removal of fine sediments – to meet the effluent
– Used in conjunction with multiple ponds in a series
– Disadvantages: the use of chemicals adds to the
volume material settled, storage volume vs frequency
of maintenance
• Jika terdapat partikel halus, yang disebut koloid, berukuran 0,01
sampai 10 µm
• Partikel halus sulit diendapkan karena ukurannya sangat kecil dan
permukaannya bermuatan negatif sehingga saling tolak menolak
dan selalu stabil di dalam air
• Agar dapat diendapkan – muatan permukaan harus dibuat netral
dengan cara menambahkan ion positif seperti Na+ dari garam NaCl
• Penurunan muatan permukaan akan semakin besar apabila
menggunakan ion positif bervalensi 2 atau 3
• Koagulan yang banyak dipakai adalah Al3+ - dalam bentuk liquid
alum (Al2(SO4)3.14H2O) untuk rentang pH 5,5 sampai 6,5 dan Fe3+
dalam bentuk garam sulfat (Fe2(SO4)3.H2O) atau garam khlorida
(FeCl3.xH2O) untuk rentang pH antara 4-9
• Perlu pengadukan secara cepat supaya koagulan tersebar merata
• Untuk mempercepat pengendapan partikel dengan cara
menggumpalkan partikel – teraglomerasi membentuk partikel
yang lebih besar yang disebut flok
• Flokulasi akan berlangsung dengan baik jika terjadi kontak
langsung antara partikel – melalui proses pengadukan secara
lambat agar flokulan dapat tersebar merata di dalam air
V = C x CH x A
Dengan :
V = volume
C = runoff coefficient
CH= curah hujan untuk design storm duration tertentu
A = luas catchment.
Prosedur Rancangan Sedimentation Pond
4. Retention Basin
(Mengenal hukum Stokes dahulu)
Stokes Law
Stokes Law
Drag/Frictional Force = Fd
Buoyancy Force = U
Gravity Force = W
1 1
3p + =
Fd +U = W 6 6
Fd = W – U 1
3p = −
Fd = Fg 6
1 W
= −
Where :
• Assume particle is typical as a ball
• d = diameter of particle
• = dynamic viscosity of fluid, water in 20°C = 1.01 x 10-6 m2/s
• v = terminal velocity
• rs = density of particle
• rf = density of fluid
• g = gravity
Prosedur Rancangan Sedimentation Pond
4. Retention Basin
agar semua partikel dengan kecepatan pengendapan
≥ Vs dapat dibuang :
– Vs = ; ℎ = −
– = = ;
– = ;( ∶ 1,2)
Prosedur Rancangan Sedimentation Pond
5. Depth of storage
Penting :
• Ruang yang tersedia
• Panjang lebar = 3 : 1 (minimal)
• Hindari short circuit
Prosedur Rancangan Sedimentation Pond
Hitung surface run-off volume
V =C x CH x A
V = volume;
C = Run-off coeff.
CH = Curah hujan (T tertentu)
A = luas catchment