I. General methods
o A. Phenol extraction of DNA samples
o B. Concentration of DNA by ethanol precipitation
o C. Restriction digestion
o D. Agarose gel electrophoresis
o E. Elution of DNA fragments from agarose
o F. Kinase end-labeling of DNA
o G. Bacterial cell maintenance
o H. Fragment purification on Sephacryl S-500 spin columns
II. Random subclone generation
o A. Sonication
o B. Nebulization
o C. Random fragment end-repair, size selection, and
o D. DNA ligation
o E. Competent cell preparation
o F. Bacterial cell transformation
o G. Microcentrifuge tube transformation
III. Methods for DNA isolation
o A. Large scale double-stranded DNA isolation
o B. Midiprep double-stranded DNA isolation
o C. Miniprep double-stranded DNA isolation
o D. Large scale M13RF isolation
o E. Single-stranded M13 DNA isolation using phenol
o F. Biomek-automated modified-Eperon isolation procedure for
single-stranded M13DNA
o G. 96 well double-stranded template isolation
o H. Genomic DNA isolation from blood
IV. Methods for DNA sequencing
o A. Bst-catalyzed radiolabeled DNA sequencing
o B. Radiolabeled sequencing gel preparation, loading, and
o C. Taq-polymerase catalyzed cycle sequencing using fluorescent-
labeled dye primers
o D. Taq-polymerase catalyzed cycle sequencing using fluorescent-
labeled dye terminator reactions
1. Terminator Reaction Clean-Up via Centri-Sep Columns
2. Terminator Reaction Clean-Up via Sephadex G-50 Filled
Microtiter Format Filter Plates
o E. Sequenase[TM] catalyzed sequencing with dye-labeled
o F. Fluorescent-labeled sequencing gel preparation, pre-
electrophoresis, sample loading, electrophoresis, data collection,
and analysis on the ABI 373A DNA sequencer
o G. Double-stranded sequencing of cDNA clones containing long
poly(A) tails using anchored poly(dT) primers
o H. cDNA sequencing based on PCR and random shotgun cloning
V. Additional methods
o A. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
o B. Purification of PCR fragments for cloning
o C. Preparation of SmaI-linearized, dephosphorylated double-
stranded M13 replicative form cloning vector
o D. Synthesis and purification of oligonucleotides
o E. Rapid hybridization of complementary M13 inserts
o Solutions
o Primers
o Taq Cycle Sequencing Reagent Preparation
o Oligonucleotide universal primers used for DNA sequencing
o Listing of M13 (pUC) cloning sites
o Commonly used restriction enzymes and assay buffers
o Bacterial Transformation and Transfection
o Units and formulas
o DNA mobility in gels
o Codon chart and amino acid symbols
o Biomek configuration for single stranded DNA isolation
o Consensus sequences in nucleic acids
o References
I. General methods
A. Phenol extraction of DNA samples
3. Remove about 90% of the upper, aqueous layer to a clean tube, carefully
avoiding proteins at the aqueous:phenol interface. At this stage the aqueous
phase can be extracted a second time with an equal volume of 1:1 TE-saturated
phenol:chloroform, centrifuged and removed to a clean tube as above but this
additional extraction usually is not necessary if care is taken during the first
phenol extraction.
4. Place the tube in a Savant Speed-Vac and dry the DNA pellet for about 5-10
minutes, or until dry.
6. It is advisable to aliquot the DNA purified in large scale isolations (i.e. 100
ug or more) into several small (0.5 ml) microcentrifuge tubes for frozen storage
because repeated freezing and thawing is not advisable.
A. General rules
Most nucleic acids may be precipitated by addition of monovalent cations and
two to three volumes of cold 95% ethanol, followed by incubation at 0 to -70
degC. The DNA or RNA then may be pelleted by centrifugation at 10 to 13,000
x g. for 15 minutes at 4degC. A subsequent wash with 70% ethanol, followed
by brief centrifugation, removes residual salt and moisture.
or alternatively
2. Add 2.5 volumes of cold ethanol/acetate solution to the nucleic acid solution
to be precipitated.
B. Oligonucleotides
Add one-tenth volume of 3M NaOAc, pH 6.5, and three volumes of cold 95%
Add one-tenth volume of 1M NaOAc, pH 4.5, and 2.5 volumes of cold 95%
The standard and preferred way to remove proteins from nucleic acid solutions
is by extraction with neutralized phenol or phenol/chloroform. Generally,
samples are extracted by addition of one-half volume of neutralized (with TE
buffer, pH 7.5) phenol to the sample, followed by vigorous mixing for a few
seconds to form an emulsion. Following centrifugation for a few minutes, the
aqueous (top) phase containing the nucleic acid is recovered and transferred to
a clean tube. Residual phenol then is removed by extraction with an equal
volume of water-saturated diethyl ether. Following centrifugation to separate
the phases, the ether (upper) phase is discarded and the nucleic acid is ethanol
precipitated as described above.
A 1:1 mixture of phenol and chloroform also is useful for the removal of
protein from nucleic acid samples. Following extraction with
phenol/chloroform, the sample should be extracted once with an equal volume
of chloroform, and ethanol precipitated as described above.
C. Restriction digestion
Note: The volume of the reaction depends on the amount and size of the DNA
being digested. Larger DNAs should be digested in larger total volumes
(between 50-100 ul), as should greater amounts of DNA.
Refer to the vendor's catalog for the chart of enzyme activity in a range of salt
concentrations to choose the appropriate assay buffer (10X High, 10X Medium,
or 10X Low Salt Buffers, or 10X SmaI Buffer for SmaI digestions). Restriction
enzymes are purchased from Bethesda Research Laboratories, New England
Biolabs, or United States Biochemicals.
3. Carefully remove the tape and the gel casting combs and place the gel in a
horizontal electrophoresis apparatus. Add 1X TAE electrophoresis buffer to the
reservoirs until the buffer just covers the agarose gel.
4. Add at least one-tenth volume of 10X agarose gel loading dye to each DNA
sample, mix, and load into the wells. Electrophorese the gel at 150-200 mA
until the required separation has been achieved, usually 0.5-1 hour (100-120
mA for low gel temperature agarose), and cool the gel during electrophoresis
with a fan. Visualize the DNA fragments on a long wave UV light box and
photograph with a Polaroid camera.
DNA fragments are eluted from low-melting temperature agarose gels using an
unpublished procedure first developed by Dr. Roe. Here, the band of interest is
excised with a sterile razor blade, placed in a microcentrifuge tube, frozen at
-70degC, and then melted. Then, TE-saturated phenol is added to the melted
gel slice, and the mixture again is frozen and then thawed. After this second
thawing, the tube is centrifuged and the aqueous layer removed to a new tube.
Residual phenol is removed with two ether extractions, and the DNA is
concentrated by ethanol precipitation.
Four strains of E. coli are used in these studies: JM101 for M13 infection and
isolation (4), XL1BMRF' (Stratagene) for M13 or pUC-based DNA
transformation (5), and ED8767 for cosmid DNA transformation (6-8). To
maintain their respective F' episomes necessary for M13 viral infection (9),
JM101 is streaked onto a M9 minimal media (modified from that given in
reference (1) plate and XL1BMRF' is streaked onto an LB plate (1) containing
tetracycline. ED8767 is streaked onto an LB plate. These plates are incubated at
37degC overnight. For each strain, 3 ml. of appropriate liquid media are
inoculated with a smear of several colonies and incubated at 37degC for 8
hours, and those cultures then are transferred into 50 ml of respective liquid
media and further incubated 12-16 hours. Glycerol is added to a final
concentration of 20%, and the glycerol stock cultures are distributed in 1.3 ml
aliquots and frozen at -70degC until use (1).
1. Streak a culture of the bacterial cell strain onto an agar plate of the respective
medium, listed below, and incubate at 37degC overnight.
E. coli strain Agar Medium/Liquid Media
XL1BMRF' (Stratagene) LB-Tet
JM101 M9
ED8767 LB
2. Pick several colonies into a 12 X 75 mm Falcon tube containing a 2 ml
aliquot of the respective liquid media, and incubate for 8-10 hours at 37degC
with shaking at 250 rpm.
3. In general, it is best to use a strain lacking Mcr and Mrr systems when
cloning genomic DNA from an organism with methylcytosine such as
mammals, higher plants , and many prokaryotes.(11)
C600 - F-, e14, mcrA, thr-1 supE44, thi-1, leuB6, lacY1, tonA21, l-
-for plating lambda (gt10) libraries, grows well in L broth, 2x
TY, plate on NZYDT+Mg.
-Huynh, Young, and Davis (1985) DNA Cloning, Vol. 1, 56-110.
DH1 - F-, recA1, endA1, gyrA96, thi-1, hsdR17 (rk-, mk+), supE44,
relA1, l-
-for plasmid transformation, grows well on L broth and plates.
-Hanahan (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557-580.
XL1Blue-MRF' - D(mcrA)182, D(mcrCB-hsdSMR-mrr)172,endA1, supE44, thi-1,
recA, gyrA96, relA1,
lac, l-, [F'proAB, lac IqZDM15, Tn10 (tetr)] -For plating or glycerol
stocks, grow in LB
with 20 mg/ml of tetracycline. For transfection, grow in tryptone broth
containing 10 mM
MgSO4 and 0.2% maltose. (No antibiotic--Mg++ interferes with
tetracycline action.) For picking
plaques, grow glycerol stock in LB to an O.D. of 0.5 at 600 nm (2.5
hours?). When at 0.5, add
MgSO4 to a final concentration of 10 mM.
SURE Cells - Stratagene - e14(mcrA), D(mcrCB- hsdSMR-mrr)171, sbcC,
recB, recJ, umuC::Tn5
(kanr), uvrC, supE44, lac, gyrA96, relA1, thi-1, end A1[F'proAB,
lacIqDM15, Tn10(tetr)].
An uncharacterized mutation enhances the a - complementation to give a
more intense blue color
on plates containing X-gal and IPTG.
GM272 - F-, hsdR544 (rk-, mk-), supE44, supF58, lacY1 or ÆlacIZY6,
galK2, galT22, metB1m, trpR55,
-for plasmid transformation, grows well in 2x TY, TYE, L broth
and plates.
-Hanahan (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557-580.
HB101 - F-, hsdS20 (rb-, mb-), supE44, ara14, galK2, lacY1, proA2,
rpsL20 (strR), xyl-5, mtl-1,
l-, recA13, mcrA(+), mcrB(-)
-for plasmid transformation, grows well in 2x TY, TYE, L broth
and plates.
-Raleigh and Wilson (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 9070-
JM101 - supE, thi, Æ(lac-proAB), [F', traD36, proAB, lacIqZÆM15],
restriction: (rk+, mk+), mcrA+
-for M13 transformation, grow on minimal medium to maintain F
episome, grows well in 2x TY,
plate on TY or lambda agar.
-Yanisch-Perron et al. (1985) Gene 33, 103-119.
XL-1 blue recA1, endA1, gyrA96, thi, hsdR17 (rk+, mk+), supE44,
relA1, l-, lac, [F', proAB,
lacIqZÆM15, Tn10 (tetR)]
-for M13 and plasmid transformation, grow in 2x TY + 10 µg/ml
Tet, plate on TY agar + 10 µg/ml
Tet (Tet maintains F episome).
-Bullock, et al. (1987) BioTechniques 5, 376-379.
GM2929 - from B. Bachman, Yale E.coli Genetic Stock Center (CSGC#7080);
M.Marinus strain; sex F-;
(ara-14, leuB6, fhuA13, lacY1, tsx-78, supE44, [glnV44], galK2, galT22,
l-, mcrA, dcm-6, hisG4,[Oc],
rfbD1, rpsL136, dam-13::Tn9, xyl-5, mtl-1, recF143, thi-1, mcrB,
MC1000 - (araD139, D[ara-leu]7679, galU, galK, D[lac]174, rpsL, thi-1).
obtained from the McCarthy
lab at the University of Oklahoma.
ED8767 (F-,e14-[mcrA],supE44,supF58,hsdS3[rB-mB-], recA56,
galK2,galT22,metB1, lac-3 or lac3Y1 -
obtained from Nora Heisterkamp and used as the host for abl and bcr
DNA fragments larger than a few hundred base pairs can be separated from
smaller fragments by chromatography on a size exclusion column such as
Sephacryl S-500. To simplify this procedure, the following mini-spin column
method has been developed.
2. Prior to use, briefly vortex the matrix and without allowing to settle, add 500
ul of this slurry to a mini-spin column (Millipore) which has been inserted into
a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.
5. To check the DNA fragment sizes, load 3-5 ul of each eluant fraction onto a
0.7% agarose gel that includes as controls, 1-2 ul of a PhiX174-HaeIII digest
and 2 ul of unfractionated, nebulized DNA saved from step 4 above.
6. The fractions containing the nebulized DNA in the desired size ranges
(typically fractions 1 and 2) are separately phenol extracted and concentrated
by ethanol precipitation prior to the kinase reaction.
Bruce A. Roe, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Univ
1. Prepare the following DNA dilution, and aliquot 35 ul into ten 1.5 ml
microcentrifuge tubes:
DNA 100 ug
10X TM buffer 35 ul
sterile ddH2O q.s.
Final Volume 350 ul
2. To determine the optimal sonication conditions, sonicate the DNA samples
in five of the tubes in a Heat Systems Ultrasonics W-375 cup horn sonicator set
on 'HOLD', 'CONTINUOUS', and maximum 'OUTPUT CONTROL' = 10
under the following conditions:
Tube No. 10 second bursts
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
We have recently learned that the Genome Center at Washington
University and the Sanger Center set the OUTPUT CONTROL to the
lowest possible settings. Because at present we use the Nebulizer (see the
next section below), we have not investigated this further.
2. Cool the DNA samples by placing the tubes in an ice-water bath for at least 1
minute between each 10 second burst. Replace the ice-water bath in the cup
horn sonicator between each sample.
4. Based on the fragment size ranges detected from agarose gel electrophoresis,
sonicate the remaining 5 tubes according to the optimal conditions and then
place the tubes in a ice-water bath.
B. Nebulization
You can purchase Nebulizer, Number 4101 or 4101UO, from a local supplier,
whose name you can obtain by calling the manufacturer:
IPI Medical Products Inc.
3217 North Kilpatrick
Chicago, IL 60641
phone: (773) 777-0900
The president of IPI is Walter Levine so if you have any troubles ordering them
be sure to ask for him and/or to tell them that these devices are:
1. You have to cover the hole where normally the mouth piece gets attached to;
cover that hole with a cap QS-T from ISOLAB Inc. (Drawer 4350 Akron, OH
44303, 100 caps for $ 9.50).
2. The other problem that may occur is that the nebulizer leaks where the hose
for the nitrogen gets attached. It seems that Nalgene tubing (VI grade 3/16" ID)
seals better that the tubing which comes with the nebulizer. The nebulizer
might still leak somewhat at the top, you can't avoid that.
Nebulizer Summary:
top piece with a plastic cap. To prepare for fragment end-repair, the nebulized
DNA typically is divided into four tubes and concentrated by ethanol
2. Prepare the following DNA sample and place in the nebulizer cup:
DNA 50 ug
10X TM buffer 200 ul
sterile glycerol 0.5-1 ml
sterile ddH2O q.s.
2 ml
3. Nebulize in an ice-water bath at 30 psi for 2.5 minutes for plasmid, or 8-10
psi for 2.5 minutes for BACs, PACs, fosmids or cosmids.
4. Briefly centrifuge at 2500 rpm to collect the sample by placing the entire unit
in the rotor bucket of a table top centrifuge (Beckman GPR tabletop centrifuge)
fitted with pieces of styrofoam to cushion the plastic nebulizer.
5. Distribute the sample into four 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes and ethanol
precipitate. Resuspend the dried DNA pellet in 35 ul of 1X TM buffer prior to
proceeding with fragment end-repair.
3a. Add 5 ul of agarose gel loading dye and apply to separate well of a 1% low
gel temperature agarose gel and electrophorese for 30-60 minutes at 100-120
4a. Elute the DNA from each sample lane, ethanol precipitate, and resuspend
the dried DNA in 36 ul of sterile ddH2O and add 4 ul of 10X denaturing buffer.
There should be five tubes for sonicated fragments and four tubes for nebulized
5a. Incubate at 70degC for 10 minutes, and place the samples in an ice-water
6a. Add the following reagents for the kinase reaction and incubate at 37 degC
for 10-30 minutes:
10 mM rATP 1 ul
10 X kinase buffer 5 ul
T4 polynucleotide kinase 1 ul (30 U/ul)
Final Volume 47 ul
T4 polynucleotide kinase (70031) from United States Biochemicals.
7a. Pool the kinase reactions, phenol extract, ethanol precipitate, and resuspend
the dried DNA fragments in 40 ul of 10:0.1 TE buffer. This yields a typical
concentration of 500-1000 ng/ul.
Alternatively the end-repair and phosphorylation steps can be combined:
3b. Add 5 ul of agarose gel loading dye and apply to separate well of a 1% low
melting temperature agarose gel and electrophorese for 30-60 minutes at 100-
120 mA.
4b. Elute the DNA from each sample lane, ethanol precipitate, resuspend in 10
ul of 10:0.1 TE buffer.
D. DNA ligation
2. Include control ligation reactions with no insert DNA and with a known
blunt-ended insert (such as AluI digested cosmid).
There are two main methods for preparation of competent bacterial cells (14)
for transformation, the calcium chloride and the electroporation method. For
the calcium chloride method, a glycerol cell culture stock of the respective E.
coli strain is thawed and added to 50 ml of liquid media. This culture then is
preincubated at 37degC for 1 hour, transferred to an incubator-shaker, and is
incubated further for 2-3 hours. The cells are pelleted by centrifugation,
resuspended in calcium chloride solution, and incubated in an ice-water bath.
After another centrifugation step, the resulting cell pellet again is resuspended
in calcium chloride to yield the final competent cell suspension. Competent
cells are stored at 4degC, for up to several days.
1. Thaw a frozen glycerol stock of the appropriate strain of E. coli, add it to an
Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml of pre-warmed 2xTY (1) media, and pre-
incubate in a 37degC water bath for 1 hour with no shaking. Further incubate
for 2-3 hours at 37degC with shaking at 250 rpm.
3. After centrifugation, decant the supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in
one-half volume (20 ml) of cold, sterile 50 mM calcium chloride, incubate in
an ice-water bath for 20 minutes, and centrifuge as before.
4. Decant the supernatant and gently resuspend the cell pellet in one-tenth
volume (4 ml) of cold, sterile 50 mM calcium chloride to yield the final
competent cell suspension.
3. The competent cells then should be placed at -70degC and can be stored
4. To use competent cells for transformation, remove from freezer and thaw for
a few minutes at 37degC. Place on ice, add plasmid DNA and incubate for one
hour as in the standard transformation procedure. Then heat shock at 42degC
for 2 minutes, cool briefly, add 1 ml of 2xTY and incubate for 1 hour at
37degC before spreading on plates.
Electroporation Protocol
4. Distribute the 1 liter of cells into four 500 ml Sorval (GS-3) centrifuge
bottles and centrifuge at 5000 rpm at 4 degrees C for 10 minutes.
Note: Steps 5-9 should be performed in the cold room and typically ~600 ml of
ice cold sterile water and 150 ml of ice cold sterile 10% glycerol are required
for manipulating the cells from a 1 liter growth.
5. Resuspend each pellet in 100 ml of ice cold sterile double distilled water and
combine the resuspended pellets into two Sorval centrifuge bottles (i.e each
bottle then will contain 200 ml of resuspended pellet).
4. Turn on the Bio Rad E. coli Pulser and set the current to 2.5 KV by pushing
the "Lower" and "Raise" bottoms simultaneously twice.
6. Charge by pressing the "Charge" bottom until you hear the beep.
9. Spin the cells in BECKMAN table-top centrifuge for 8 minutes at 2500 rpm
10. Resuspend the cells in 200 ul fresh YENB and add 30 ul of 20 mg/ml
XGAL and 30 ul of 25 mg/ml IPTG
Rakesh C. Sharma and Robert T. Schimke, "Preparation of Electro-competent
E. coli Using Salt-free Growth Medium", Biotechniques 20, 42-44 (1996).
For DNA transformation (14,15), the entire DNA ligation reaction is added to
an aliquot of competent cells, which is mixed gently, and incubated in an ice-
water bath. This mixture then is heat-shocked briefly in a 42degC water bath
for 2-5 minutes. At this point in the transformation, the method varied slightly
depending on whether the cloning vector is M13-based or pUC-based.
3a. Add the following reagents to the heat shocked transformation mixture:
Non-competent cells 0.2 ml
IPTG (25 mg/ml H2O) 25 ul
x-gal (20 ml/ml DMF) 25 ul
lambda top agar 2.5 ml
4a. Mix by briefly vortexing, and then quickly pour onto the surface of a pre-
warmed lambda agar plate.
5a. Allow 10-20 minutes for the agar to harden, and then invert and incubate
overnight at 37degC.
3b. Add the following reagents to the heat shocked transformation mixture, add
1 ml of fresh 2xTY and incubate in a 37degC water bath for 15-30 minutes.
4b. Collect the cells by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes, decant the
supernatant, and gently resuspend in 0.2 ml of fresh 2xTY.
5b. Add 25 ul IPTG (25 mg/ml water) and 25 ul x-gal (20 mg/ml DMF), mix
and pour onto the surface of a pre-warmed LB-Amp plate. Spread over the agar
surface using a sterile bent glass rod or sterile inoculating loop.
6b. Allow 10-20 minutes for the liquid to diffuse into the agar, and then invert
and incubate overnight at 37degC.
3b. Add 1 ml of fresh 2xTY to the cells and incubate for 15-30 minutes at 37
degC. Spread approximately 50 ul on L plates containing antibiotic using a
sterile glass spreader. Incubate the plates overnight at 37degC.
2. Transfer 1 ml of the culture into a 1.5 ml tube and centrifuge for 5 min at
room temperature. Use 1 tube of culture per DNA sample to be transformed.
3. Decant supernatant, and resuspend the cell pellet in 500 ul (1/2 volume) of
sterile, cold 50 mM calcium chloride. Gently vortex if necessary.
5. Centrifuge as before, decant and resuspend the competent cell pellet in 100
ul (1/10 volume) of calcium chloride.
10. For lacZ containing vectors add 25 ul of 20 mg/ml IPTG (in water) and 25
ul of 24 mg/ml X-Gal (in DMF).
11. Add 2.5 ml of soft top agar to each sample, vortex and quickly pour onto
the surface of a TYE-AMP agar plate. Allow at least 15-30 min. for the agar to
The method used for the isolation of large scale cosmid and plasmid DNA is an
unpublished modification (16) of an alkaline lysis procedure (17,18) followed
by equilibrium ultracentrifugation in cesium chloride-ethidium bromide
gradients (1). Briefly, cells containing the desired plasmid or cosmid are
harvested by centrifugation, incubated in a lysozyme buffer, and treated with
alkaline detergent. Detergent solubilized proteins and membranes are
precipitated with sodium acetate, and the lysate is cleared first by filtration of
precipitate through cheesecloth and then by centrifugation. The DNA-
containing supernatant is transferred to a new tube, and the plasmid or cosmid
DNA is precipitated by the addition of polyethylene glycol and collected by
centrifugation. The DNA pellet is resuspended in a buffer containing cesium
chloride and ethidium bromide, which is loaded into polyallomer tubes and
subjected to ultracentrifugation overnight. The ethidium bromide stained
plasmid or cosmid DNA bands, equilibrated within the cesium chloride density
gradient after ultracentrifugation, are visualized under long wave UV light and
the lower band is removed with a 5 cc syringe. The intercalating ethidium
bromide is separated from the DNA by loading the solution onto an
equilibrated ion exchange column. The A260 containing fractions are pooled,
diluted, and ethanol precipitated, and the final DNA pellet is resuspended in
buffer and assayed by restriction digestion as detected on agarose gel
During the course of this work several modifications to the above protocol were
made. For example, initially cell growth times included three successive
overnight incubations, beginning with the initial inoculation of 3 ml of
antibiotic containing media with the plasmid or cosmid-containing bacterial
colony, and then increasing the culture volume to 50 ml, and then to 4 l.
However, it was observed that recombinant cosmid DNA isolated from cell
cultures grown under these conditions, in contrast to recombinant plasmid
DNA, was contaminated with deleted cosmid DNA molecules. However, these
deletions are avoided by performing each of the three successive incubations
for eight hours instead of overnight, although a slight yield loss accompanied
the reduced growth times.
4. Add a total of 140 ml of alkaline lysis solution (70 ml for each bottle), gently
mix, and incubate for 5 minutes in an ice-water bath.
5. Add 105 ml of 3M NaOAc, pH 4.8 (52.5 ml for each bottle), cap tightly,
gently mix by inverting the bottle a few times, and incubate in an ice-water
bath for 30-60 minutes.
7a. Pool the cleared supernatants into to a clean beaker, add one-fourth volume
of 50% PEG/0.5 M NaCl, swirl to mix, and incubate in an ice-water bath for 1-
2 hours.
10a. Transfer the sample into 35 ml polyallomer centrifuge tubes, remove air
bubbles, seal with rubber stoppers, and crimp properly.
13a. To remove the ethidium bromide, load the DNA sample onto an
equilibrated 1.5 ml Dowex column, and collect 0.5 ml fractions. Equilibrate the
Dowex AG resin (BioRad) by successive centrifugation, resuspension, and
decanting with 1M NaOH, water, and then 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 until the
Dowex solution has a pH of 7.6.
14a. Pool fractions with an A260 of 1.00 or greater into 35 ml Corex glass
tubes, add one volume of ddH2O, and ethanol precipitate by adding 2.5
volumes of cold 95% ethanol. Incubate at least 2 hours at -20degC, centrifuge
at 10,000 rpm for 45 minutes in the RC5-B using the SS-34 rotor. Gently
decant the supernatant, add 80% ethanol, centrifuge as before, decant, and dry
the DNA pellet in a vacuum oven.
7b. Pool the supernatants from step 6 into 500 ml bottles and add DNase-free
RNase A and RNase T1 such that the final concentration of RNase A is 40
ug/ml and RNase T1 is 40 U/ml. Incubate in a 37degC water bath for 30
9b. Resuspend each DNA pellet in 20 ml 10:1 TE buffer, and add 40 ml of de-
fined diatomaceous earth in guanidine-HCl (100 mg/ml) to each bottle. Allow
the DNA to bind at room temperature for 5 minutes with occasional mixing.
Centrifuge at 9,000 for 10 minutes in the RC5-B using the GS3 rotor.
12b. Decant the supernatant and dry the pellet in a vacuum oven.
13b. Resuspend the pellet in 20 ml of 10:1 TE buffer, and elute the bound DNA
by incubation at 65degC for 10 minutes with intermittent mixing.
16b. Resuspend the dried DNA pellet in 2 ml of 10:0.1 TE buffer and assay for
concentration by absorbance readings at 260 nm or by agarose gel
Note: This procedure is the method of choice for isolating double stranded
plasmid-based templates for the Sequenase Dye-Labeled Terminator
Sequencing Reactions.
11. Resuspend the pellet in 0.6 ml of 10:1 TE buffer, and elute the bound DNA
by incubation at 65degC for 10 minutes with intermittent mixing.
The standard method for the miniprep isolation of plasmid DNA includes the
same general strategy as the large scale isolation. However, smaller aliquots of
antibiotic containing liquid media inoculated with plasmid-containing cell
colonies are incubated in a 37degC shaker for 12-16 hours. After collecting the
plasmid containing cells by centrifugation, the cell pellet is resuspended in a
hypotonic sucrose buffer. The cells are successively incubated with an RNase-
lysis buffer, alkaline detergent, and sodium acetate. The lysate is cleared of
precipitated proteins and membranes by centrifugation, and the plasmid DNA
is recovered from the supernatant by isopropanol precipitation. The DNA is
crudely checked for concentration and purity using agarose gel electrophoresis
against known standards. A typical yield for this method of DNA isolation is
10-15 ug of plasmid DNA from a 6 ml starting culture.
Note: This is a typical mini-prep until step 7, where in step 7a you would
precipitate the template and use it for Taq Cycle Sequencing with the Dye-
Labeled Primers, or in step 7b proceed with the diatomaceous earth purification
for Taq Dye-Labeled Terminator Cycle Sequencing Reactions. For Sequenase
Dye-Labeled Terminator Sequencing Reactions use the Midi-prep procedure
detailed above.
2. Harvest the cells by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes in the Beckman
GPR tabletop centrifuge and decant the supernatant. The cell pellets can be
frozen at -70degC at this point.
7a. Precipitate the DNA by adding 1 ml of 95% ethanol, and resuspend the
dried DNA pellet in 100-200 ul 10:0.1 TE buffer. Electrophorese an aliquot of
the DNA sample on a 0.7% agarose gel to crudely determine the concentration
and purity.
9b. Pour the well mixed samples into the wells of the Prep-A-Gene manifold
and filter through at 8 in. Hg until all the liquid is filtered through.
10b. Wash the samples four times with 250 ul of diatomaceous earth-wash
buffer, using a repeat pipette, allowing all of the liquid to filter through
between washes.
11b. Reduce the vacuum to 5 in. Hg before turning the vacuum off at the
stopcock. Without unscrewing the black clamps, release the white clamps and
place the collection rack with clean 1.5 ml screw-capped tubes into the
manifold. Clamp the manifold with the white clamps, and apply 300 ul of 10:1
TE buffer heated to 65degC and pull the eluted DNA through at 5 in. Hg. After
the liquid has filtered through, raise the vacuum to 10-12 in. Hg, and let the
membrane dry for 1 minute.
12b. Turn off the vacuum at the stopcock and remove the collection rack
containing the tubes. Ethanol precipitate the DNA and resuspend the dried
DNA pellet in 30 ul of 10:0.1 TE buffer.
1. Prepare an early log phase culture of JM101 by inoculating an Ehrlenmeyer
flask containing 50 ml of 2xTY with a glycerol stock of JM101 and pre-
incubating for 1 hour in a 37degC water bath, with no shaking. Pick a plaque
representing the desired M13 clone into four 1.5 ml aliquot of early log phase
JM101, and incubate according to the procedure displayed in Figure 1 to result
in 4 liters of M13-infected bacteria.
3. Resuspend the cell pellets in a total of 120 ml (30 ml for each bottle) of 1X
STB buffer by gently teasing the pellet with a spatula. Add a total 24 ml of
lysozyme solution (6 ml for each bottle), gently mix, and incubate for 5
minutes in an ice-water bath.
4. Add 48 ml of 50:2:10 TTE buffer (12 ml for each bottle) and 2 ml of RNase
A (10 mg/ml) (0.5 ml for each bottle), gently mix, and incubate in an ice-water
bath for 5 minutes.
6. Add 6 ml of 5 mg/ml ethidium bromide, and cesium chloride such that the
final concentration of cesium chloride is 1 g/ml.
7. Transfer the sample into 35 ml polyallomer centrifuge tubes and top off with
a 1:1 solution of 100:10 TE buffer and cesium chloride, remove air bubbles,
seal with rubber stoppers, and crimp properly.
9. Visualize the ethidium bromide stained DNA under long-wave UV light, and
remove the lower DNA band using a 5 cc syringe and a 25 gauge needle. (It
may be helpful to remove and discard the upper band first).
10. To remove the ethidium bromide, load the DNA sample onto an 1.5 ml
Dowex AG (BioRad) column, equilibrated as before, and collect 0.5 ml
11. Pool fractions with an A260 of 1.00 or greater into 35 ml Corex glass tubes,
add one volume of ddH2O, and ethanol precipitate by adding 2.5 volumes of
cold 95% ethanol. Incubate at least 2 hours at -20degC, centrifuge at 10,000
rpm for 45 minutes in the RC5-B using the SS-34 rotor. Gently decant the
supernatant, add 80% ethanol, centrifuge as before, decant, and dry the DNA
pellet in a vacuum oven.
This isolation procedure (23) is the method of choice for preparation of M13-
based templates to be used in Sequenase[TM] catalyzed dye-terminator
reactions. A pre-incubated early log phase JM101 culture is prepared by
transferring a thawed glycerol stock into 50 ml of liquid media and incubating
for 1 hour at 37degC with no shaking. M13 plaques are picked with a sterile
toothpick and placed into 1.5 ml aliquots of the early log phase JM101 culture,
which are incubated in a 37deg C shaker for 4-6 hours. After incubation, the
bacterial cells are pelleted by centrifugation and the viral containing
supernatant is transferred to a clean tube. The phage particle are precipitated
with PEG, collected by centrifugation, and the pellet is resuspended in buffer.
The phage protein coat is denatured and removed by one phenol and two ether
extractions. After ethanol precipitation, the dried DNA pellet is resuspended in
buffer, and the concentration and purity crudely are assessed by agarose gel
electrophoresis against known standards.
1. Prepare an early log phase culture of JM101, as above, and pick M13-based
plaques with sterile toothpicks into 12 X 75 mm Falcon tubes containing 1.5 ml
aliquots of the cells. Incubate for 4-6 hours at 37degC with shaking at 250 rpm.
6. Extract the DNA with phenol and twice with ether, as discussed above, and
then ethanol precipitate.
The entire procedure will require 9 rows of P250 tips (counting from the center
of the Biomek tablet towards the left) for the isolation of 48 templates
(48ISOL). The reagent module should contain PEG-2000, Triton-Tris-EDTA,
and ethanol-acetate, respectively.
4. The Biomek will distribute two 250 ul aliquots of viral supernatant per
sample into the wells of a 96-well flat-bottomed microtiter plate (Dynatech).
The Biomek then will add 50 ul of 20% PEG/2.5 M NaCl solution to each well,
and mix by pipetting up and down.
5. Cover the plate with an acetate plate sealer and incubate at room temperature
for 15 minutes.
6. Pellet the precipitated phage by centrifuging the plate at 2400 rpm for 20
minutes in a Beckman GPR tabletop centrifuge. Remove the plate sealer and
drain the PEG from the plate by gently draining upside down on a Kimwipe.
7. Return the plate to the tablet, and the Biomek will robotically add 200 ul of
PEG:TE rinse solution to each well. Cover the plate with a plate sealer,
centrifuge, and drain, as above.
8. Return the plate to the tablet, and the Biomek will add 70 ul of TTE solution
to each well. Remove and gently agitate to resuspend.
9. The Biomek then will robotically pool the contents from each pair of wells
into 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes.
10. Incubate the tubes at 80degC for 10 minutes to denature the viral protein
coat and then centrifuge briefly to reclaim condensation.
11. Ethanol precipitate the DNA by adding 500 ul ethanol/acetate to each tube,
as described above.
1. Pick individual shotgun clones off a plate with a steril tooth pick and deposit
each separately into 96 well block containing 1.75 ml of TB media per well.
Keep toothpick in media for about 5 minutes to allow the cells to defuse into
the media, remove the toothpicks, cover the 96 well block with the loose fitting
lid, and allow the cells to grow for 24 hours in the 37degC shaker/incubator at
350 rpm.
3. After thawing the cells, add 100ul TE-RNAse-A solution containing RNAse
T1, mix by pipetting up and down 4-5 times to resuspend the cell pellet and
then incubate in the 37degC incubator/shaker for 5 minutes at 350 rpm to mix
more thoroughly.
4. Remove the block from the incubator/shaker and then add 100ul of alkaline
lysis solution. Shake the block by hand to mix the reagents and then incubate at
room temperature for 1 hour with intermittent swirling. 5. Then add 100ul of
either 3M potassium or sodium acetate, pH 5, and place the block in the
37degC shaker/incubator for 5 minutes at 350 rpm to thoroughly mix and shear
genomic DNA to reduce the viscosity of the solution. Place the block at
-20degC for 30 minutes.
6. Centrifuge the block in the GPR centrifuge at 3000 rpm at 4degC for 30
7. Carefully remove 200 ul of the supernatant from each well in the 96 well
block with the 12 channel pipetter and transfer them to a v-bottom microtiter
plate, being careful not to transfer any cell debris.
9. Prior to adding the fluorscent terminator cycle sequencing reaction mix, the
dried templates should be stored at -20degC. An additional 75 ul of the
supernatant is transfered to a Robbins PCR reaction tube (in 96 well tube
format) and precipitated with 200 ul of 95% ethanol, washed three times with
70% ethanol, and stored dry at -20degC for future use.
2. Harvest cells by centrifugation at 1800 rpm for 7 min. Pour off supernatant
and allow pellets to drain inverted. Cell pellets may be frozen at this point if
3. Turn on Biomek, begin the program DSISOL2 and set up the Biomek as
indicated in the configuration function on the screen. Specifically, you should
put TE-RNase solution in the first module, alkaline lysis solution in the second
reagent module and 3 M KOAc, pH 4.8 in the third module.
4. Place the 96 well block containing cells onto the Biomek tablet at the
position labeled "1.0 ml Minitubes". Place a Millipore filter plate in the
position labeled "96well flat bottomed microtitre plate".
6. First the Biomek will add 100 ml TE-RNase solution to the cell pellets and
mix to partially resuspend.
7. Next, the biomek will add 100 ml alkaline lysis solution to the wells of the
filter plate.
8. The biomek then will mix the cell suspension again, transfer the entire
volume to the filter plate containing alkaline lysis solution, and mix again. Set
up the filtration apparatus with a clean 96 well block to collect the filtrate
(wash and reuse the block used for growth).
9. The biomek will add 100 ml 3M KOAc, pH 4.8 to the wells of the filter plate
and mix at the sides of the wells. Some choose to place the filter plate at
-20degC for 5 minutes at this point. Transfer the filter plate to the QiaVac
Vacuum Manifold 96 and filter using water vacuum only (do not do a harsh
filtration as the plates are fragile and will loose their seal). This will typically
take less than 20 minutes.
10. The supernatant collected in the 96 well block is the crude DNA and must
be ethanol precipitated before use by the addition of 1 ml 100% ethanol and
incubation at -20degC for at least 30 minutes.
12. Decant and wash with 500 ml 80% ethanol and centrifuge for an additional
5 minutes at 3000 rpm.
13. Decant the supernatant, drain inverted on a paper towel. Dry under vacuum.
Genomic DNA isolation is performed according to the FBI protocol (27). After
the blood samples (stored at -70degC in EDTA vacutainer tubes ) are thawed,
standard citrate buffer is added, mixed, and the tubes are centrifuged. The top
portion of the supernatant is discarded and additional buffer is added, mixed,
and again the tube is centrifuged. After the supernatant is discarded, the pellet
is resuspended in a solution of SDS detergent and proteinase K, and the mixture
is incubated at 55deg C for one hour. The sample then is phenol extracted once
with a phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol solution, and after centrifugation the
aqueous layer is removed to a fresh microcentrifuge tube. The DNA is ethanol
precipitated, resuspended in buffer, and then ethanol precipitated a second time.
Once the pellet is dried, buffer is added and the DNA is resuspended by
incubation at 55degC overnight, the genomic DNA solution is assayed by the
polymerase chain reaction.
Protocol (updated 10/30/98)
2. Thaw the frozen samples, and to each 1 ml sample, add 0.8 ml 1X SSC
buffer, and mix. Centrifuge for 1 minute at 12,000 rpm in a microcentrifuge.
5. Add 375 ul of 0.2M NaOAc to each pellet and vortex briefly. Then add 25 ul
of 10% SDS and 5 ul of proteinase K (20 mg/ml H2O) (Sigma P-0390), vortex
briefly and incubate for 1 hour at 55degC.
10. Add 20 ul 2 M sodium acetate and mix. Add 500 ul of cold 100% ethanol,
mix, and centrifuge for 1 minute at 12,000 rpm in a microcentrifuge.
11. Decant the supernatant and rinse the pellet with 1 ml of 80% ethanol.
Centrifuge for 1 minute at 12,000 rpm in a microcentrifuge.
12. Decant the supernatant, and dry the pellet in a Speedy-Vac for 10 minutes
(or until dry).
3. Remove 2.5 ul aliquots for each reaction into the four base-specific
termination mixes (either short or long), already pipetted into a V-bottomed
microtiter plate (Dynatech).
5. Stop the reactions by the addition of 4 ul of agarose gel loading dye and
incubate for 5-7 minutes at 100degC.
1. To denature the DNA and anneal the primer, incubate the following reagents
in a boiling water bath for 4-5 minutes and rapidly cool the reaction by
plunging into an ethanol/dry ice bath.
3 ug plasmid DNA
5 ng oligonucleotide primer
q.s. sterile ddH2O
9 ul
2. Incubate the reaction in an ice-water bath for 5 minutes, and then add the
following reagents:
2 ul Bst reaction buffer
2 ul Bst nucleotide extension mix
0.5-1 ul [alpha]-32-P-dATP or [alpha]-35-S-dATP
1 ul diluted Bst polymerase (0.1 U/ul)
15 ul
[alpha]-32-P-dATP (PB 10384) and [alpha]-35-S-dATP (SJ 1304) from
3. Proceed with the sequencing reaction as described above in steps 2-5 for
single-stranded templates
B. Radiolabeled sequencing gel preparation, loading, and
electrophoresis (26,29)
1. Prepare 8 M urea, polyacrylamide gels according to the following recipe
(100 ml), depending in the desired percentage:
4% 5% 6%
urea 48 g 48 g 48 g
40% A & B 10 ml 12.5 ml 15 ml
10X MTBE 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml
ddH2O 42 ml 39.5 ml 37 ml
15% APS 500 ul 500 ul 500 ul
TEMED 50 ul 50 ul 50 ul
Urea (5505UA) is from Gibco/BRL.
2. Combine the urea, MTBE buffer, and water and incubate for 5 minutes at
55deg C and then stir to dissolve the urea.
3. Cool briefly, add the A & B, mix, and degas under vacuum for 5 minutes.
4. While stirring, add the APS and TEMED polymerization agents and then
immediately pour in between two taped glass plates with 0.15 mm spacers.
(Prior to taping, the notched, front glass plate should be treated with a small
amount of silanizing reagent and then rinsed with ddH2O).
5. Insert the well forming comb, clamp, and allow the gel to polymerize for at
least 30 minutes.
6. Prior to loading, remove the tape around the bottom of the gel and the well-
forming comb. Assemble the vertical electrophoresis apparatus by clamping the
upper and lower buffer chambers to the gel plates, and add 1X MTBE
electrophoresis buffer to the chambers.
7. Flush the sample wells with a syringe containing running buffer, and
immediately prior to loading each sample, flush the well with running buffer
using gel loading tips.
9. Load 1-2 ul of sample into each well using a Pipetteman with gel-loading
tips, and then electrophorese according the following guidelines (during
electrophoresis, cool the gel with a fan):
termination electrophoresis
reaction polyacrylamide gel conditions
short 5%, 0.15 mm X 50 cm X 20 cm 2.25 hours at 22 mA
long 4%, 0.15 mm X 70 cm X 20 cm 8-9 hours at 15 mA
long 4%, 0.15 mm X 70 cm X 20 cm 20-24 hours at15 mA
10. After electrophoresis, remove the buffer wells, the tape, and pry the gel
plates apart. The gel should adhere to back plate. Blot the gel to a 40 cm X 20
cm sheet of 3MM Whatman paper, cover with plastic wrap, and dry on a
Hoefer gel dryer for 25 minutes at 80degC
11. Place the dried gel in a cassette and expose to Kodak XRP-1 film.
12. Develop the film for 1-5 minutes in Kodak GBX developer, rinse in
distilled water for 30 seconds, fix in Kodak GBX fixer for 5 minutes, and then
rinse again in distilled water for 30 seconds. Allow the film to air dry.
Once the above mixes are prepared, four aliquots of single or double-stranded
DNA are pipetted into the bottom of each 0.2 ml thin-walled reaction tube,
corresponding to the A, C, G, and T reactions, and then an aliquot of the
respective reaction mixes is added to the side of each tube. These tubes are part
of a 96-tube/retainer set tray in a microtiter plate format, which fits into a
Perkin Elmer Cetus Cycler 9600. Strip caps are sealed onto the tube/retainer set
and the plate is centrifuged briefly. The plate then is placed in the cycler whose
heat block had been preheated to 95deg C, and the cycling program
immediately started. The cycling protocol consisted of 15-30 cycles of seven-
95degC denaturation
55degC annealing
72degC extension
95degC denaturation
72degC extension
95degC denaturation, and
72degC extension, linked to a 4deg C final soak file.
At this stage, the reactions frequently are frozen and stored at -20degC for up to
several days. Prior to pooling and precipitation, the plate is centrifuged briefly
to reclaim condensation. The primer and base-specific reactions are pooled into
ethanol, and the DNA is precipitated and dried. These sequencing reactions
could be stored for several days at -20degC.
1. Pipette 1 or 2 ul of each DNA sample (100 ng/ul for M13 templates and 200
ng/ul for pUC templates) into the bottom of the 0.2 ml thin-walled reaction
tubes (Robbins Scientific). Use the 1 ul sample for A and C reactions, and the 2
ul sample for G and T reactions. Meanwhile, preheat the PE Cetus
Thermocycler 9600 to 95degC (Program #2).
5. Briefly centrifuge the plate to reclaim condensation. Pool the four base
specific reactions into 250 ul of 95% ethanol.
6. Precipitate the sequencing reactions, and store the dried samples at -20deg C.
One of the major problems in DNA cycle sequencing is that when fluorescent
primers (1) are used the reaction conditions are such that the nested fragment
set distribution is highly dependent upon the template concentration in the
reaction mix. We have recently observed that the nested fragment set
distribution for the DNA cycle sequencing reactions using the fluorescent
labelled terminators (8) is much less sensitive to DNA concentration than that
obtained with the fluorescent labelled primer reactions as described above. In
addition, the fluorescent terminator reactions require only one reaction tube per
template while the fluorescent labelled primer reactions require one reaction
tube for each of the four terminators. This latter point allows the fluorescent
labelled terminator reactions to be pipetted easily in a 96 well format. The
protocol used, as described below, is easily interfaced with the 96 well template
isolation and 96 well reaction clean-up procedures also described herein. By
performing all three of these steps in a 96 well format, the overall procedure is
highly reproducable and therefore less error prone.
4. Proceed with the spin column purification using either the Centri-Sep
columns or G-50 microtiter plate procedures given below.
1. Gently tap the column to cause the gel material to settle to the bottom of the
2. Remove the column stopper and add 0.75 ml dH2O.
3. Stopper the column and invert it several times to mix. Allow the gel to
hydrate for at least 30 minutes at room temperature. Columns can be stored for
a few days at 4ûC; longer storage in water is not recommended. Allow columns
that have been stored at 4ûC to warm to room temperature before use. Remove
any air bubbles by inverting the column and allowing the gel to settle. Remove
the upper-end cap first and then remove the lower-end cap. Allow the column
to drain completely, by gravity. (Note: If flow does not begin immediately
apply gentle pressure to the column with a pipet bulb.)
6. Remove the column from the wash tube and insert it into a Sample
Collection Tube.
7. Carefully remove the reaction mixture (20 ml) and load it on top of the gel
material. If the samples were incubated in a cycling instrument that required
overlaying with oil, carefully remove the reaction from beneath the oil. Avoid
picking up oil with the sample, although small amounts of oil (<1 ml) in the
sample will not affect results. Oil at the end of the pipet tip containing the
sample can be removed by touching the tip carefully on a clean surface (e.g.,
the reaction tube). Use each column only once.
9. Dry the sample in a vacuum centrifuge. Do not apply heat. Do not overdry. If
desired, reactions can be ethanol precipitated.
1. Add dry Sephadex G-50 to the Millipore (cat.# MACL 096 45) 45 ul Column
2. Remove the excess of resin from the top of the Column Loader with the
scraper supplied.
7. Once the minicolumns are swollen in MultiScreen plates, they can be sealed
with saran wrap and stored in the refrigerator at 4 deg C for several weeks. A
batch of plates also can be stored in the refrigerator at 4 deg C for several
weeks in a sealed plastic container with a damp towel to assure the plates are
kept moist.
8. When needed, the matrix containing filter plate is taped over a microtiter
plate and centrifuged for 2 minutes at 1500 RPM in a Beckman GS-6R to pack
the columns and to remove any access buffer.
Using the 96 well format microtiter plate filters for dye-terminator clean-
9. Discard water that has been collected in the lower microtiter plate.
10. Place the collection microtiter filter plate on top of a microtiter plate to
collect sample and tape sides so they do not fly apart during centrifugation.
13. Dry the collected effluent in a Speed-Vac for approximately 1-2 hours.
3. To each reaction, add the following reagents and incubate for 10 minutes at
37degC. (For more than one reaction, a pot of the reagents should be made).
7 ul ABI terminator mix (401489)
2 ul diluted Sequenase[TM] (3.25 U/ul)
1 ul 2 mM a-S dNTPs
22 ul
The undiluted Sequenase[TM] (70775) from United States Biochemicals is 13
U/ul and should be diluted 1:4 with USB dilution buffer prior to use resulting in
a working dilution of 3.25 U/ul.
4. Add 20 ul 9.5 M ammonium acetate and 100 ul 95% ethanol to stop the
reaction and vortex.
3. Add the following reagents to each reaction, vortex, and briefly centrifuge:
3 ul 8 uM primer
9 ul ddH2O
4 ul MOPS-Acid buffer
28 ul
4. To each reaction, add the following reagents and incubate for 10 minutes at
37degC. (For more than one reaction, a pot of the reagents should be made).
4 ul 10X Mn[2+]/isocitrate buffer
6 ul ABI terminator mix
2 ul diluted Sequenase[TM] (3.25 U/ul)
1 ul 2 mM [alpha]-S-dNTPs
22 ul
The undiluted Sequenase[TM] from United States Biochemicals is 13 U/ul and
should be diluted 1:4 with USB dilution buffer prior to use resulting in a
working dilution of 3.25 U/ul.
8. Dry the DNA for 5-10 minutes (or until dry) in the Speedy-Vac.
F. Fluorescent-labeled sequencing gel preparation, pre-
electrophoresis, sample loading, electrophoresis, data
collection, and analysis on the ABI 373A DNA sequencer
Prior to sample loading, the pooled and dried reaction products are resuspended
in formamide/EDTA loading buffer by vortexing and then heated at 90degC. A
sample sheet is created within the ABI data collection software on the
Macintosh computer which indicated the number of samples loaded and the
fluorescent-labeled mobility file to use for sequence data processing. After
cleaning the sample wells with a syringe, the odd-numbered sequencing
reactions are loaded into the respective wells using a micropipettor equipped
with a flat-tipped gel-loading tip. The gel then is electrophoresed for 5 minutes
before the wells are cleaned again and the even numbered samples are loaded.
The filter wheel used for dye-primers and dye-terminators is specified on the
ABI 373A CPU, also where electrophoresis conditions are adjusted. Typically
electrophoresis and data collection are for 10 hours at 30W on the ABI 373A
that is fitted with a heat-distributing aluminum plate in contact with the outer
glass gel plate in the region between the laser stop and the sample loading wells
After data collection, an image file is created by the ABI software which
related the fluorescent signal detected to the corresponding scan number. The
software then determined the sample lane positions based on the signal
intensities. After the lanes are tracked, the cross-section of data for each lane
are extracted and processed by baseline subtraction, mobility calculation,
spectral deconvolution, and time correction. On the Macintosh computer, the
collected data can be viewed in several formats. The overall graphics image of
the gel can be displayed to assess the accuracy of lane tracking, and the data
from each sample lane can be viewed as either a four-color raw fluorescent
signal versus scan number, as a chromatogram of processed sequence data, or
as a string of nucleotides. After processing, the sequence data files are
transferred to a SPARCstation 2 using NFS Share.
2. Prior to loading, remove the tape from around the entire gel and carefully
clean the outer surface of the gel plates with hot water. Rinse the glass with
distilled water and then with ethanol, and allow the ethanol to evaporate.
3. Assemble the gel plates into an ABI 373A DNA Sequencer by placing the
plates on the ledge in the bottom buffer well and clamping the gel into place
with the black clamps attached to the laser stop.
4. Check the glass plates by closing the ABI lid and selecting "Start Pre-run"
and then "Plate Check" from the ABI display. Adjust the PMT on the ABI
display ("Calibration", "PMT") so that the lower scan (usually the blue) line
corresponds to an intensity value of 800-1000 as displayed on the Macintosh
computer data collection window. If the baseline of four-color scan lines is not
flat, reclean the glass plates.
4. Attach the top buffer and the alignment brace, and fill both buffer wells with
1X MTBE electrophoresis buffer. Affix the aluminum heat distribution plate by
setting it on the laser stop against the glass plates.
5. Pre-electrophorese the gel for 10-30 minutes by choosing "Start Pre-run" and
"Pre-run Gel".
9. Begin the electrophoresis (30 W for 10 hours) run by selecting "Start Run"
on the ABI display and by choosing "Begin Data Collection" from the
controller box within the ABI data collection software on the Macintosh.
10. After data collection, the ABI software will automatically open the data
analysis software, which will create the imaged gel file, extract the data for
each sample lane, and process the data. Check the imaged gel file for sample
tracking, and then transfer the results folder containing the sequence trace files
to a SPARCstation 2 where the hard disk is mounted on the ether-netted
Macintosh computer via NFS Share.
3. Add the three poly(dT) anchored primers (2 pmol of each) and immediately
place the mixture on ice. Neutralize the solution by adding 5 ml of 5 M
ammonium acetate pH 7.0.
4. Precipitate the DNA by adding 150 ml of cold 95% ethanol and wash the
pellet twice with cold 70% ethanol.
5. Dry the pellet for 5 minutes and then resuspend in MOPS-Acid buffer.
6. Anneal the primers by heating the solution for 2 minutes at 65oC followed
by slow cooling to room temperature for 15-30 minutes.
The following is a rapid and efficient method for sequencing cloned cDNAs
based on PCR amplification (14), random shotgun cloning (1,3,15), and
automated fluorescent sequencing (16). This method was developed in our
laboratory because once the sequence of a genomic DNA containing cosmid is
obtained and putative exons are predicted, the corresponding cDNAs should be
sequenced in a timely manner. However, the presently implemented directed
cDNA sequencing strategies, i.e. primer walking (17) and exonuclease III
deletion (18), are both time consuming and labor intensive, while the
alternative, i.e. randomly shearing the intact plasmid followed by shotgun
sequencing (1,3,15), leads to a significant number of clones containing the
original cDNA cloning vector rather than the desired cDNA insert.
The amplification of DNA fragments using the polymerase chain reaction (33)
is performed in either the Perkin-Elmer Cetus DNA Thermal Cycler or the
Perkin-Elmer Cetus Cycler 9600, by adding the following reagents to either a
0.2 ml thin-walled tube or a 1.5 ml tube, respectively: a small amount of the
template DNA molecule (typically cosmid, plasmid, or genomic DNA), the two
primers flanking the region to be amplified, nucleotides, buffer, and Taq DNA
polymerase. The cycling protocol consisted of 25-30 cycles of three-
temperatures: strand denaturation at 95degC, primer annealing at 55degC, and
primer extension at 72deg C, typically 30 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds
for the DNA Thermal Cycler and 4 seconds, 10 seconds, and 60 seconds for the
Thermal Cycler 9600, respectively. For reactions performed in the DNA
Thermal Cycler, the reaction mixtures are overlaid with two drops of mineral
oil prior to temperature cycling to eliminate liquid evaporation and
condensation. This is not necessary for the Thermal Cycler 9600, which is
equipped with a heated lid, maintained at 100degC, that closely contacted the
sample tube caps and eliminated liquid evaporation and condensation. After
PCR, aliquots of the mixture typically are loaded onto an agarose gel and
electrophoresed to detect amplified product. In some instances where the yield
from a single PCR is insufficient, the reaction is ethanol precipitated,
resuspended, and an aliquot is used as template for a second round of PCR
3. Abort the soak file program and begin thermal-cycle program #43 for the
amplification. This program has 25 cycles of a three temperature program and
is linked to a 4degC soak file, which will hold indefinitely:
95degC for 1 minute
It should be noted that several other methods to purify the DNA fragments for
cloning have been investigated. These included standard ethanol-acetate
precipitation (1), a 50% ethanol precipitation (35), spin-column purification
(36), and precipitation with polyethylene glycol (PEG) (37). The first three
methods did not remove sufficient unincorporated primer, and, during the
subsequent ligation of the DNA fragment, the primers apparently competed for
the blunt ended vector during ligation because the efficiency of ligation was
significantly lower and the vast majority of recombinant clones contained only
primer derived inserts. Precipitation by polyethylene glycol resulted in only an
extremely small DNA pellet, removing the PEG supernatant is difficult, and
yields of PCR product were variable.
1. Ethanol precipitate the PCR reaction by adding 2.5 volumes of 95% ethanol
containing 0.12 M sodium acetate, pH 4.8.
4. Elute the DNA from the gel by standard freeze-thaw methods, followed by a
phenol extraction and concentrate by ethanol precipitation.
Several small batches of M13RF double stranded DNA are mixed with buffer,
SmaI restriction endonuclease, and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIAP)
and incubated for 2-4 hours at 37degC. The reactions then are pooled, ethanol
precipitated, and resuspended in buffer to yield a final concentration of about
10 ng/ul. After characterization to determine the optimal concentration for
shotgun cloning ligations and to assess the efficiency of SmaI digestion and
CIAP dephosphorylation, aliquots of linearized vector are stored frozen at
3. Pool the reactions, phenol extract, ethanol precipitate, and resuspend the
dried DNA in 10:0.1 TE buffer to a final concentration of 10 ng/ul.
2. When possible the 3' end of the primer contained either a G or a C residue.
1. Synthesize the oligonucleotide on either the ABI 392 or the Beckman Oligo
1000 automated DNA synthesizers according to manufacturers' instructions
2a. After the cycles of base addition are complete, the ABI 392 automatically
detaches the synthesized oligonucleotide from the solid support by adding of
ammonium hydroxide and transfers the mixture into a 1.5 ml screw cap
microcentrifuge tube.
2b. For the Beckman Oligo 1000, to detach the oligonucleotide from the solid
support remove the column and affix it to a screw cap tube containing 1 ml of
concentrated ammonium hydroxide, and with a syringe attached to the fluted
end of the column, draw the ammonium hydroxide into the column. Allow this
assembly to remain at room temperature for at least one hour, no longer than
two hours, and after about 30 minutes mix the solution with the syringe. Push
the liquid out of the column with the syringe into the tube.
4. Transfer 100 ul aliquots of the mixture into 9 microcentrifuge tubes, add 1.25
ml of n-butanol (46), vortex twice for 10 seconds, and centrifuge at 4deg C for
10 minutes at 13,000 rpm.
5. Decant and dry in the Speed-Vac until dry (at least 2 hours or overnight).
6. Add 115 ul of 10:0.1 TE buffer into the first tube, resuspend by pipetting up
and down, and then transfer into the second tube, etc, until the dried
oligonucleotide in all nine tubes is contained in one tube in about 100 ul.
1. Primers were synthesized on an ABI 392 DNA Synthesizer [1] at the 1uM
synthesis scale with the final detritylation and the end/cleave program DMT
ON,AUTO (END-CE) employed (i.e. no final detritylation step, automatic
cleaving of the oligo from the column delivering a final volume of 2 ml conc.
ammonium hydroxide). The final base to be added is the Aminolink-2 diamine
used to couple the fluorescent dye to the oligonucleotide primer. The procedure
employed for the synthesis and purification of the aminolinked-primers is as
a. Edit the primer sequence into the synthesizer the final 5' end base being the
Aminolink-2 e.g.. 5' 5CA GGA AAC AGC TAT GAC C 3', the 5 representing
the Aminolink-2 reagent placed in the bottle 5 position.
b. Dissolve the Aminolink-2 in 3.3 ml dry acetonitrile and place it in the bottle
5 position.
e. Remember to place a 2 dram vial at the outlet port for collection of the
synthesized oligo.
f. When the synthesis and cleaving steps are complete remove the vial, which
should contain 2 ml of solution, cap it tightly and leave at 70deg C for 12 hrs.
to remove the base protecting groups.
g. Precipitate the DNA using the method of Sawadogo and Van Dyke in which
to 1 part DNA/ammonium hydroxide solution 10 parts of n-butanol is added.
This is best achieved by aliquoting the DNA solution into 20x1.5ml ependorf
tubes of about 100 ul each and adding 1.25 ml n-butanol to each tube, vortex
each for 10 sec then centrifuge for 20 min at 13K and 40degC.
h. Pour off the supernatant is poured off, drain the tube on a paper towel for 5
minutes then dry the pellet in a Savant Speed-Vac for at least 2 hrs (overnight
preferable to be certain that no ammonium hydroxide or n-butanol remains).
i Combine two samples into one (therefore the 20 microcentrifuge tubes are
combined resulting in 10 tubes) by dissolving one of the two samples in 40 ml
of 1M NaCl and transferring it into the second tube. Further wash the first tube
with 32 ml of 1M NaCl and again transfer to the second tube giving a total
volume of 72 ml.
iii Add a further 84 ml 95% Ethanol, vortex and then leave at -20degC for 30
minutes to precipitate.
vi Centrifuge the precipitated samples for 20 minutes at 13K and 4degC, pour
off the supernatant and dry the samples in a Savant Speed-Vac for 15 minutes.
2. The next step in the synthesis of the labeled primers is the coupling reaction
between the fluorescent dye and the aminolinked-oligonucleotide primer
followed by its eventual purification. The four dyes named FAM, JOE, ROX
and TAMRA come from ABI, each as a solution in 60 ml DMSO. These dyes
(which once diluted must all be used) are further diluted with 440 ml DMF to
give a final volume of 500 ml (50 ml/reaction) and are therefore enough for 10
reactions each. Therefore it is best to prepare 4 x 1uM columns worth of
aminolinked-oligonucleotide primers as described above which then will be
distributed into 40 x 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes, 10 reactions for each dye.
The following procedure was therefore employed to prepare the fluorescently
labeled primers from the aminolinked-oligonucleotides:-
c. Add to each of the four dyes 440 ml DMF (to give a final volume of 500 ml),
then briefly vortex and centrifuge.
e. Pool each of the 10 samples together and elute through a G-25 column to
remove any unreacted dye as follows:
i Prepare four G-25 columns by eluting with 100 ml 0.1M NH4OAc (dilute
from 8.0M stock).
ii Apply each sample to the column and elute with 0.1M NH4OAc collecting
the leading colored band, the second colored band being the unreacted dye.
iii Aliquot the primer fractions into approximately 400 ml lots and precipitate
with 1 ml of ethanol/acetate at -20degC for 2 hrs.
iv Centrifuge the samples for 20 minutes at 4degC and 13K, pour off the
supernatant and dry the samples in a Savant Speed-Vac.
f. To purify the dye labeled primers from the unlabeled primers the samples
were electrophoresed on a 20% polyacrylamide gel as follows:-
i For each of the three primers JOE, ROX and TAMRA prepare one, and for
FAM prepare two 0.3 mm/20% polyacrylamide gel with 10 wells each capable
of holding a minimum of 25 ml.
. iii Apply 25 ml of dye solution to each of the 10 wells of the respective gels
and electrophorese at 2500 V, 22-25 mA for 2.5 hrs.
iv Pry the gels apart and with a razor blade, cut away the colored material,
place in a large falcon tube with 2 ml 1X TAE (dilute from 20X stock) and
leave overnight at 37degC.
v Remove the solution and aliquot evenly into two of approximately 1 ml each
and then wash the residue with 2 ml 0.1M NH4OAc (dilute from 20X stock).
vi Desalt each of the two samples for each of the four dye labeled primers by
eluting with 0.1M NH4OAc through a G-25 column (prepared as above)
collecting again the colored band.
vii Pool the fractions, measure the A260 and Ax (FAM, 494 nm; JOE, 527 nm;
ROX, 586 nm; TAMRA, 558 nm) (the A260 in the 0.1 cm cuvette with the UV
lamp and the Ax in the 1 cm cell with the VIS lamp) and then aliquot the
solutions into 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes, 300 ml per tube. Record the total
volume to calculate the OD (see appendix).
1. The Beckman Oligo 1000 DNA synthesizer can also be used to synthesize
the primers at the 1uM scale In this case the Aminolink-2 reagent is again
dissolved in 3.3 ml of dry acetonitrile and then quickly transferred to the
Beckman X bottle and placed on the X port.
2. Remove vial from 55deg. C water bath and place on ice for 10 to 15 minutes.
Transfer the sample to three siliconized microfuge tubes and dry under vacuum
for 6-10 hours (until completely dry).
6. Remove the top glass plate and cover the gel with Saran Wrap. Carefully lift
the Saran Wrap and the gel off of the bottom glass plate. Flip the gel over and
cover the other side with a second sheet of Saran Wrap. Visualize the DNA
bands by UV shadowing and photograph. A 17-mer will migrate halfway
between the BP and XC dye bands. (Note: BP=8 nt, XC=28 nt for a 20% gel)
Outline the oligonucleotide bands with a marker.
7. Excise the oligonucleotide bands from the gel and place each gel slice in a
siliconized 0.5 ml microfuge tube. Add enough TAE or water to cover the gel
slice (approximately 200 ul) and place in a dry 37degC incubator overnight.
8. Pool the eluant from all tubes and desalt on a small G-25 column (1 to 2 ml
bed volume). Read the absorbance at 260 nm of all fractions. Pool the peak
fractions, and re-measure the absorbance. Oligonucleotides may be used
directly, or diluted for sequencing or labeling reactions, frozen in small aliquots
or dried.
E. Rapid hybridization of complementary M13 inserts
3. Visualize DNA bands under UV light. Positives will run slower as a duplex
5x Hind/DTT buffer:
Mix equal volumes of 10x Hind with 0.1 M DTT. Store at 4degC.
10x Hind buffer:
0.5 ml 2M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 0.7 ml 1M MgCl2, 0.35 g NaCl,
distilled water to 10 ml. Store at -20oC
0.1 M DTT:
154 mg dithiothreitol in 10 ml distilled water. Store at -20oC.