DIP Dhar

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Government of India
Ministry of MSME

Brief Industrial Profile of Dhar District

Madhya Pradesh

Carried out by

MSME-Development Institute, Indore

(Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India,)
Phone 0731-2421659/037
Fax: 0731-2421540/723
e-mail: dcdi-indore@dcmsme.gov.in
Web- www.msmeindore.nic.in

1. General Characteristics of the District 3
1.1 Location & Geographical Area 3
1.2 Topography 4
1.3 Availability of Minerals. 4
1.4 Forest 4
1.5 Administrative set up 4
2. District at a glance 5
2.1 Existing Status of Industrial Area in the District Dhar 7
3. Industrial Scenario Of Dhar 7
3.1 Industry at a Glance 7
3.2 Year Wise Trend Of Units Registered 8
3.3 Details Of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises & Artisan Units 9
In The District
3.4 Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings 9
3.5 Major Exportable Item 11
3.6 Growth Trend 11
3.7 Vendorisation / Ancillarisation of the Industry 11
3.8 Medium Scale Enterprises 11
3.8.1 List of the units in Dhar & near by Area 11
3.8.2 Major Exportable Item 14
3.9 Service Enterprises 14
3.9.2 Potentials areas for service industry 14
3.10 Potential for new MSMEs 14
4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise 14
4.1 Detail Of Major Clusters 15
5. General issues raised by industry association during the course of 16
6 Steps to set up MSMEs 17

Brief Industrial Profile of Dhar District

1. General Characteristics of the District
The district of Dhar lays in the Malwa region of west Madhya Pradesh in central India.
The historic town of Dhar is an administrative headquarters of the district. It is surrounded by the
districts of Ratlam to the north, Ujjain to the northeast, Indore to the east, Khargone to the
southeast, Barwani to the south, and Jhabua to the west. It is part of the Indore and division of
Madhya Pradesh. Pithampur is a large industrial area under the Dhar District. The town is
located 908 ft above the sea level. It is situated amid beautiful lakes and trees barren hills and
possesses, besides its old ramparts, many fascinating buildings of both Hindu and Muslim
cultures, few of the temples have the remains of cultural and historical significance.
1.1 Location & Geographical Area.

Dhar is located in the Malwa region of western Madhya Pradesh state in central India. It is the
administrative headquarters of Dhar District. The town is located 33 miles (53 km) west of
Mhow, 908 ft (277 m) above sea level. It is picturesquely situated among lakes and trees
surrounded by barren hills, and possesses, besides its old ramparts, many interesting buildings,
both Hindu and Muslim, some of them containing records of cultural and historical importance

1.2 Topography
The Vindhya Range runs east and west through the district. The northern part of the district lies
on the Malwa plateau. The northwestern portion of the district lies in the watershed of the Mahi
River and its tributaries, while the northeastern part of the district lies in the watershed of the
Chambal River, which drains into the Ganges via the Yamuna River. The portion of the district
south of the ridge of the Vindhyas lies in the watershed of the Narmada River, which forms the
southern boundary of the district
1.3 Availability of Minerals.


1. Muram 454633
2. Dhoka Stone 442866
3. Stone Gitti 1077495
4. Sand 878427

1.4 Forest: - 1, 17,000 Hrcters.

1.5Administrative set up.

Dhar district is a district of Madhya Pradesh state in central India. The historic town of Dhar is
administrative headquarters of the district. Dhar district is divided into 5 sub-divisions: Dhar,
Sardarpur, Badnawar, Manawar and Kukshi. These sub-divisions are further divided in to 7
tehsils: Dhar, Badnawar, Dharampuri, Sardarpur, Manawar, Kukshi and Gandhwani. District is
having 669 Gram Panchayats & 1479 Villages.

2. District at a glance

S.No Particular Year Unit Statistics

1 Geographical features
(A) Geographical Data
i) Latitude 22 degrees, 36.0
minutes North
ii) Longitude 75 degrees, 18.0
minutes East
iii) Geographical Area Hectares 806533
(B) Administrative Units
i) Sub divisions 2011 Nos. 5
ii) Tehsils 2011 Nos. 8
iii) Sub-Tehsil 2011 Nos. -
iv) Patwar Circle 2011 Nos. 762
v) Panchayat Simitis 2011 Nos. 13
vi)Nagar nigam 2011 Nos. -
vii) Nagar Palika 2011 Nos. 1
viii) Gram Panchayats 2011 Nos. 762
xi) Revenue villages 2011 Nos. 18
x) Assembly Area 2011 Nos. 7
2. Population
(A) Sex-wise
i) Male 2011 Nos. 1,114,267
ii) Female 2011 Nos. 1,070,405
(B) Rural Population 2011 Nos. 1,1771,557
3. Agriculture
A. Land utilization
i) Total Area 2010-11 Hectare 819533
ii) Forest cover 2010-11 “ 120600
iii) Non Agriculture Land 2010-11 “ 174800
v) cultivable Barren land 2010-11 “ 14600
4. Forest
(i) Forest 2010-11 Ha. 117000
5. Livestock & Poultry
A. Cattle
i) Cows 2007 Nos. 205000
ii) Buffaloes 2007 Nos. 197000
B. Other livestock
i) Goats 2007 Nos. 325000
ii) Pigs 2007 Nos. 49000
iii) Dogs & Bitches 2007 Nos. 45000

iv) Railways
i) Length of rail line 2010-11 Kms NA
V) Roads
(a) National Highway 2010-11 Kms 90
(b) State Highway 2010-11 Kms 215
(c) Main District Highway 2010-11 Kms 565
(d) Other district & Rural Roads 2010-11 Kms NA
(e) Rural road/ Agriculture 2010-11 Kms NA
Marketing Board Roads
(f) Kachacha Road 2010-11 Kms NA
(VI) Communication NA
(a) Telephone connection 2010-11 NA
(b) Post offices 2010-11 Nos. NA
(c) Telephone center 2010-11 Nos. NA
(d )Density of Telephone 2010-11 Nos./1000 NA
(e) Density of Telephone 2010-11 No. per KM. NA
(f) PCO Rural 2010-11 No. NA
(g) PCO STD 2010-11 No. NA
(h) Mobile 2010-11 No. NA
(VII) Public Health NA
(a) Allopathic Hospital 2010-11 No. 1
(b) Beds in Allopathic No. 30
(c) Ayurvedic Hospital No. 47
(d) Beds in Ayurvedic No. -
(e) Unani hospitals No.
(f) Community health No. 15
(g) Primary health centers No. 52
(h) Dispensaries
(i) Sub Health Centers No. 15
(j) Private hospitals No. 396
No. NA
(VIII) Banking commercial
(a) Commercial Bank Nos. 52
(b) rural Bank Products Nos. 54
(c) Co-Operative bank Nos. -
(d) PLDB Branches Nos. 1
(IX) Education
(a) Primary school Nos. 3468
(b) Middle schools Nos. 681

(c) Secondary & senior Nos. 226

secondary schools
(d) Colleges Nos. 8
(e) Technical University Nos. 0

2.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in the District Dhar

Land Land Prevailing No of

No of No. of
S. Name of acquired developed Rate Per No of allotted
Vacant Units in
No. Ind. Area (In (In Sqm Plots Plots
Plots Production
hectare) hectare) (In Rs.)
M 2.80
1 Urban Ind. 5.763 5.128 73 73 0 71
F 1.40
2 309
3 46.00 3.00/LMI 42 NA NA 105
2 NA
4 543
5 Kheda 1.00 NA 3.50/LMI 1 NA NA 24
Total 52.763 5.128 --- 116 73 --- 1052
Source:- MPAKVN

3. Industrial Scenario of Dhar

3.1 Industry at a Glance

Sr Head Unit Particulars

1. Registered Industrial Unit No. 7292
2. Total Industrial Unit No. 7292
3. Registered Medium & Large Unit No. 116
4. Estimated Avg. No. of Daily Worker No. 12658
Employed In Small Scale Industries
5. Employment In Large And Medium No. 10678
6. No. of Industrial Area No. 5
7. Turnover of Small Scale Ind. In Lacs 24354
8. Turnover of Medium & Large Scale In Lacs 37400
Source: DTIC Dhar, MPAKVN

3.2 Year Wise Trend Of Units Registered


Dhar Dhar Dhar
Up to 1984-85 6 190 98 .08
1985-86 10 169 158.05
1986-87 19 365 310 .86
1987-88 313 2066 1271.28
1988-89 275 2327 654.23
1989-90 304 923 616.69

1990-91 418 1486 673.65

1991-92 176 380 165.78
1992-93 354 656 218.08

1993-94 249 639 141.37

1994-95 267 765 217.8

1995-96 284 611 203.86

1996-97 282 722 477.78

1997-98 344 985 605.96

1998-99 137 425 315.74

1999-2000 39 222 524.44

2000-01 55 209 39.57

2001-02 10 140 264.16

2002-03 46 115 123.28

2003-04 380 855 285

2004-05 341 1418 908.66

2005-06 318 722 580.9

2006-07 399 1045 975.71

2007-08 692 1264 494.24

2008-09 442 1941 1875.7

2009-10 471 1106 822.39

2010-11 661 1590 1710.12

Total 7292 23336 14324.44

Source: DIC DHAR

3.3 Details of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises and Artisan Units in the
20 Agro based 48 6192 677
22 Soda water Nil Nil Nil
23 Cotton textile 20 2782 578
24. Woolen, silk & artificial Thread Nil Nil Nil
based clothes.
25. Jute & jute based Nil Nil Nil
26. Ready-made garments & 11 987 242
27. Wood/wooden based furniture 8 120 98
28. Paper & Paper products 38 848 482
29. Leather based Nil Nil Nil
31. Chemical/Chemical based 96 9978 2568
30. Rubber, Plastic & petro based 88 25584 1071
32. Mineral based 22 1527 226
33. Metal based (Steel Fab.) 141 3312.6 449
35. Engineering units 94 1883.25 1423
36. Electrical machinery and transport 21 319.41 397
97. Repairing & servicing 155 74.15 482
01. Others 312 832.00 576
Auto component 29 2175 394
Packed drinking water 4 294 27
Electronic items 8 543 184

3.4 Large Scale Industries / Public Sector Undertakings

List of the units in Dhar & Near By Area

1) M/s National Steel & Agro Ind. lebad Sejwaya Dhar

2) M/s. R.S.A.L. Steel & Agro Ind. lebad Sejwaya Dhar
3) M/s. Bajrang Agro {Food&Oil Div.} Ind. Pvt. ltd. lebad Sejwaya Dhar .
4) M/s. Great Geliyan ltd. . lebad Sejwaya Dhar.
5) M/s Indore Tekurisia (ind)Pvt. Ltd. 110-C, Sector I, Pithampur
6) M/s Bunge India (P) Ltd. Plot no161, Sector-1, Pithampur
7) M/s Unichem Laboratories Plot no. 196&196-B, Sector-1, Pithampur
8) M/s Man Force Trucks (P) Ltd. Plot no.2-A, Sector-1, Pithampur
9) M/s Raymond Woolen Mill Ltd. Plot no.S-4/2, Sector-1, Pithampur
10) M/s Indo Borex & Chemicals Ltd. 43 to 48, Sector II, Pithampur
11) M/s Allied Asia Gears P Ltd. 95-100, Sector II, Pithampur
12) Indo Borex & Chemicals Ltd. 43,44,45,47-a,48,48 a,50, Sector II, Pithampur
13) M/s Lloyd Insulation (India) Ltd. Plot No. 102, Sector III, I/A Pithampur
14) M/s Mid India Power & Steel Ltd. Plot no. 153-A, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
15) M/s Panasonic Battery India co. Ltd. 112, Sector III, Pithampur
16) M/s L & T Case Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 157, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
17) Worth Parifarlas Pvt. Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
18) M/s Tata Steels Ltd. Plot no. 158, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
19) Luigong India P.Ltd. 163, Sector III, Pithampur
20) Mittal Corp Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
21) Maxworth Spining & Kniting Pvt. Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
22) M/s Dhar Cement Ltd. Ghandwani Dhar
23) Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd. Plot no. 400-412-A Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
24) M/s Gujarat Ambuja Support ltd. 406, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur
25) M/s Parasrampuria International Ltd. Plot No. 423-432, Sector III, I/A Pithampur
26) SKFB Ispat Ltd., Goel Cottex Ltd.
27) Essar Steel Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
28) M/s Girnar Fibre Ltd. 514A & 514B & 518 A, 523 & 524, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur

29) Shree Krishna Foods & Bevrages Ltd. Unit 2 Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
30) M/s Pratap Steel Rolling Mills Ltd. 601, Sector III, Pithampur
31) M/s Faith Food P.Ltd. Plot No. 659,660 , Sector III, I/A Pithampur
32) M/s Rishi Lasser cutting Ltd. 661TO663, Sector III, Pithampur
33) Primal Healthcare Ltd. Plot No. 67-70, Sector III, I/A Pithampur.
34) M/s Lakhani Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 70-B, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
35) Rohit Surfactants (p) Ltd. Plot no. 74 to 90 Sector-III Pithampur
36) M/s Texpro Films Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 78, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
37) M/s AL-Fahad omega Engg. Product Ltd. Plot no. M-40 to M-42, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
38) Avtec Ltd. Plot no. S-3/I, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
39) M/s PEB Steel Lloyd(I) Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 3-B, I/A,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
40) M/s. Allcargo Global Loqishics Ltd. Plot No-13 -B I/A,Kheda,Distt.Dhar

3.5 Major Exportable Item

1) G.P. G.C./ C.R./ Colour Cotted coil/ Sheet,
2) Cold Rolled Steel Coil/ sheet,
3) Soya De oiled Cake,
4) Auto parts
5) Types
6) Food items
7) Corrugated paper boards

3.6 Growth Trend: - 2-3%

3.7 Vendorisation / Ancillarisation of the Industry:- Nil

3.8. Medium Scale Enterprises

3.8.1 List of the Units in Dhar & Near By Area

1- M/s.D & H India Pvt. Ltd. . Sejwaya Dhar .


2- M/s. Tirupati Starch & chemicals . lebad Sejwaya Dhar .

3- M/s Indra orgenics Ltd. Vill. sandla Teh. Badnawar

4- M/s Mahle Migma Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 113, Sector-I Pithampur

5- M/s Bright Brothers Ltd. Plot no. 186, Sector-1, Pithampur

6- M/s Rajpack well Ltd. 602-A, 603, Sector I, Pithampur

7- M/s Pinnacle Industries Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 190, Sector-I Pithampur
8- M/s Shri Tirupati Balaji Agro Trading co. Ltd. 192, Sector I, Pithampur
9- M/s Porwal Auto Components 215, Sector I, Pithampur
10- M/s Design Automotive Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 25, Sector-I Pithampur
11- M/s Man Industries I Ltd. Plot no.257-B & 258-B, Sector-1, Pithampur
12- M/s Him Techno-forge. Ltd. Plot no. 264 to 268, Sector-I Pithampur
13- M/s Sicgil Industrial Gases Ltd. 366-367, Sector I, Pithampur
14- M/s Neokarp International Ltd. 63, Sector I, Pithampur
15- M/s Craftsman Automation P.Ltd. 808 D 808 E 808F Sector I, Pithampur
16- M/s Allied Asia Gears P Ltd. 95-100, Sector II, Pithampur
17- M/s Piramal Healthcare Ltd. 67-70, Sector II, Pithampur
18- M/s Mahima Fibers Ltd. 73, 74, Sector II, Pithampur
19- M/s Krati Agro Industries Ltd. 75-87, Sector II, Pithampur
20- M/s Kalpna Lamp Components Pvt. Ltd. 8, Sector II, Pithampur
21- M/s Caparo Engg. Ltd. 9-A, Sector II, Pithampur
22- M/s RPG Cellcom Ltd. Plot No. 101-A, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur
23- M/s Royal Weigh Bridge, 101-C, Sector III, Pithampur
24- M/s Janak Intermediate Ltd., 1018, Sector III, Pithampur
25- M/s Manoj Surgical Industries Ltd., Plot no. 106, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
26- M/s Sundaram Packaging (p) ltd., 111 TO 128 , Sector III, Pithampur
27- M/s Pithampur Poly Products Ltd. Plot no. 115, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar

28- M/s Rohit Surfactants P.Ltd. 123, Sect. III, I/A Pithampu
29- M/s Labh Ganga Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
30- M/s Pratibha Syntex (p) Ltd, 160, Sector III, Pithampur
31- M/s Badve Engg. Ltd. Plot no. 161, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
32- M/s Divyajyoti Exten. Ind. Ltd.,19-39 I.A. Pithampur –III
33- M/s AV Tech. Ltd. 1A-1C, Sect-III Pithampur
34- M/s Maya Spinners Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 21, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
35- M/s Tanmay enterprises 354-A, Sector III, Pithampur
36- M/s Jaideep Glass wire Pvt. Ltd. 406-408 I.A. Pithampur –III
37- M/s Patni Engineering Pvt. Ltd. 410, Sector III, Pithampur
38- M/s Signet Industries Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
39- M/s Healthico Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
40- M/s Alpa Laboratries Ltd. Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
41- M/s Sapna Polyway (p) Ltd. 482, Sector III, Pithampur
42- M/s Kisan Extrusions P.Ltd. Plot No. 52-53, Sector III, I/A Pithampur
43- M/s Usha Ispat Ltd. 528, Sector III, Pithampur
44- M/s Triveni Shinton Internation Ltd. 551, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur
45- M/s Triveni Shinton Internation Ltd. 551 to 554 & 557-559, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur
46- M/s Hello Aglo Food Ltd. 604, Sect. III, I/A Pithampur
47- M/s Rahul Detergent Pvt. Ltd. 65,S-4/3,S4/4, Sector III, Pithampur
48- M/s Commericial Engineer & Body Co. Ltd. 690, Sector III, Pithampur
49- M/s Rakesh Industries 732,Sector IIII, Pithampur
50- M/s P.J.Beverajes Ltd. Plot no. 76, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
51- M/s Power age Towers Ltd. 8, Sector III, Pithampur
52- M/s Bhanu Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Bisco House 9-A Manoramaganj A.B. Rd. Indore
801,Sec. III Pithampu
53- M/s Metalman Pipe Manuactruring co. Ltd. 802A- , Sector III, Pithampur
54- M/s Soni Ispat Ltd 805a, Sector III, Pithampur

55- M/s Vertax Techno soft Ltd. Plot no. 809A to 809E, Sector-III Pithampur Dhar
56- M/s Nainesh Food Pvt. Ltd. 83, Sector III, Pithampur
57- M/s Kissan Irigation Ltd. Plot no. 91 to110 Sector-III Pithampur
58- M/s Jaideep International Plot No. 1, I/A,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
59- M/s Saral Logistics Systems Pvt.Ltd. Plot No- 1-c Industrial Area,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
60- M/s Manish Agrotech Pvt.Ltd. Plotn No-90-91 Industrial Area,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
61- M/s Pratibha Sentex Ltd Plotn No-05 Industrial Area,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
62- M/s Trans World Textiles P.Ltd Plot no.13-A Industrial Area,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
63- M/s Mahle Migma P.Ltd.,. Plot No.9,10 &11 I/A,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
64- M/s Dabur India Ltd. Plot No.86-A I/A,Kheda,Distt.Dhar
65- M/s Gale India Ltd 1-G I/A Kheda
66- M/s Prakash Solver 91-B I/A Kheda
67- M/s Bharat Petrolium Corporatin Ltd. 6 & 7 I/A Kheda
68- M/s Bridge Stone India Pvt.Ltd. 12 I/A Kheda
69- M/s Rit Spen Synthetiks Ltd. Plot No- 02 I/A Kheda

3.8.2 Major Exportable Item

1. Sorbital,
2. Sodium Chloride,
3. G.P. G.C./ C.R./ Colour Coated coil/ Sheet,
4. Cold Rolled Steel Coil/ sheet,

3.9 Service Enterprises

3.9.2 Potentials Areas for Service Industry

N.H. 59 Ghatabillod. Dhar, N.H. Mahu Nimach Road , Badnawar Lebad etc.

3.10 Potential for New MSMEs

1) Food Processing
2) Agro Based Units
3) Ginning Units
4) Bag Print.
5) Steel rolling industry

4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise

4.1 Detail Of Major Clusters

Pithampur auto Cluster has been established by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GoI.

5. General Issues Raised By Industry Association during the Course Of


1. Poor infrastructure
2. Lack of technical know – how
3. Economic viability
4. Skilled labor
5. Financial constraint
6. Market constraint

6. Steps to Set Up MSMEs

Following are the brief description of different agencies for rendering assistance to the



Provisional Registration Certificate GM , DTIC Dhar; GM,

1. ( EM-1) & Permanent Registration DTIC Pithampur
Certificate ( EM-II)
Identification of Project Profiles, techno- Director MSME DI Indore
economic and managerial consultancy GM , DTIC Dhar, GM,
services, market survey and economic DTIC Pithampur
survey reports.
Land and Industrial shed GM , DTIC Dhar, GM,
DTIC Pithampur
Financial Assistance GM , DTIC Dhar GM
4. MPFC Dhar, GM, DTIC
For raw materials under Govt. Supply GM , DTIC Dhar, GM,
DTIC Pithampur
Plant and machinery under hire / purchase GM , DTIC Dhar
Power/ Electricity MPEB , Dhar, GM, DTIC
Technical Know –how. Director MSME DI Indore
8. , GM , DTIC Dhar GM,
DTIC Pithampur
9. Quality & Standard BIS
Marketing /Export Assistance Director MSME DI Indore
10. , GM , DTIC Dhar GM,
DTIC Pithampur
11. Other Promotional Agencies CEDMAP , MPCON

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