Self-Control and Sacrifice 1 Running Head: Self-Control and Sacrifice
Self-Control and Sacrifice 1 Running Head: Self-Control and Sacrifice
Self-Control and Sacrifice 1 Running Head: Self-Control and Sacrifice
Eli J. Finkel
Northwestern University
While previous theories and research suggest that human behavior is automatically driven by
selfish impulses (e.g., vengeance rather than forgiveness), the present research tested the
sacrifice for their partner—to pursue the partner’s or the relationship’s interest at some costs
for the self. Four studies demonstrated that people with low, rather than high, self-control
reported greater willingness to sacrifice for their close others. Furthermore, Study 4
demonstrated that communal orientation is more strongly associated with sacrifice among
participants with low rather than high self-control. This moderational pattern supports the
relationship contexts. Taken together, these findings suggest that, under certain crucial
conditions in close relationships, gut-level impulses are more likely than deliberative
selfish and that it requires self-control to overcome this natural tendency and to act in a pro-
social manner (e.g., Baumeister, Heatherton, & Tice, 1994; Baumeister, Vohs, & Tice, 2007).
Interdependence theory, for example, suggests that people’s departure from self-interest
requires an effortful and deliberative process called transformation of motivation (Kelley &
Thibaut, 1978; also see Dehue, McClintock, & Liebrand, 1993). Thanks to transformation of
motivation, individuals frequently forego their immediate self-interested impulses and instead
Supporting this idea, previous research has shown that, when people do not engage in
transformation of motivation because they are under time pressure or low in self-control, they
are more likely to be selfish and not help strangers (DeWall, Baumeister, Gailliot, & Maner,
2008). They are also less likely to engage in pro-social behaviors such as accommodation,
forgiveness, and nonaggressive conflict-management (Balliet, Li & Joireman, 2011; Finkel &
Campbell, 2001; Finkel, DeWall, Slotter, Oaten, & Foshee, 2009; Pronk, Karremans,
work we challenge the assumption that human impulses are always selfish and instead propose
that in some specific contexts, for example in close relationships, impulsive responses are
more pro-social than the self-controlled ones. Specifically, we investigate the effect of self-
interest at some costs for the self. We hypothesized that, because close relationships are
generally characterized by a communal orientation (Clark, Lemay, Graham, Pataki, & Finkel,
2010; Mills, Clark, Ford, & Johnson, 2004), an impulsive (low self-controlled) decision would
Self-control refers to people’s ability to change their automatic responses and instead
act according to the requirements of the self or of the situation (e.g., Baumeister et al., 1994).
When people have low self-control, they tend to rely on the impulsive system, which is
responsible for behavior based on heuristics and associative mental representations. In contrast,
when people have high self-control, they tend to rely on the reflective system, which is
responsible for higher order mental operations that provide flexibility and control over the
impulsive system (Hofmann, Friese, & Strack, 2009; Strack & Deutsch, 2004).
resource, such that prior exertion of self-control on one task depletes the psychological
resources that are necessary for subsequent self-control tasks, leaving people in a state of self-
control depletion (Baumeister et al., 2007). When making decisions, people depleted of self-
control engage in quick, effortless information processing, and follow heuristics and habitual
processing, and correct for heuristics, by taking broader considerations into account (Fennis,
Janssen, & Vohs, 2009; Janssen, Fennis, Pruyn, & Vohs, 2008; Pocheptsova, Amir, Dhar, &
Baumeister, 2009).
Although previous research has mostly shown that low self-control promotes self-
interested behavior, it has also been shown that if heuristics favor pro-social behavior, depleted
participants are likely to be influenced by them and act accordingly. For example, Fennis et al.
(2009) found that depleted participants were more likely than nondepleted participants to
donate money to charity—because they relied more on contextual heuristics (i.e., liking,
Relationships with romantic partners or very close friends are typically characterized
by a strong communal orientation (Clark & Jordan, 2002; Mills et al., 2004). In communal
Self-control and Sacrifice 5
relationships, people feel responsible for each other’s welfare and desire to benefit the other
when in need; the default is to be responsive to each other’s needs without expecting
something in return. For example, in communal (vs. non-communal) relationships, people are
more likely to help each other (e.g., Clark, Ouellette, Powel, & Milberg, 1987) and to feel
happier about having done so (Williamson & Clark, 1992). Most people learn communal
behavior from their family (Clark & Jordan, 2002). We argue that when parents behave in a
caring and responsive manner with their partners and children, children develop strong
communal if-then contingencies (Mischel & Shoda, 1995) in the form of an internalized
association: “if close other is in need, then be helpful and responsive.” This learned
contingency ultimately becomes the default heuristic people adopt when observing close
others in need.
How does self-control influence the decision to promote the self’s vs. the close
other’s interests in communal relationships? Because individuals who are depleted of self-
control resources tend to rely on non-effortful and intuitive processing, we suggest that they
are especially likely to act in accord with their communal orientation heuristic. In contrast,
individuals whose self-regulatory resources are intact, when making a decision, tend to engage
in careful trade-off comparisons among the alternatives (Pocheptsova et al., 2009). As such,
we suggest that individuals with high self-control are likely not only to adopt a communal
orientation toward close others, but also to take into account multiple facets of the situation,
such as the pursuit of personal goals, self-respect concerns, fear of vulnerability, equity, and
reciprocity norms. Indeed, prior research has shown that people who prioritize relationship
well-being to the neglect of personal well-being tend to experience less self-respect and poorer
personal well-being than people who maintain balance between personal and relationship’s
needs (Helgeson & Fritz; 1998; Luchies, Finkel, Kumashiro, & McNulty, 2010; Kumashiro,
Rusbult, & Finkel, 2008). Thus, making sure not to neglect one’s personal needs, even within
close relationships, is likely to be a relevant issue for people, like those with high self-control,
Self-control and Sacrifice 6
who incorporate diverse features into their decision making. Therefore, in the current studies,
we tested the hypothesis that depleted participants should be more likely to choose to sacrifice
Research Overview
A pilot study tested whether people higher (vs. lower) in self-control are indeed more
attentive not to neglect personal needs and goals in relationships. In addition, four studies
investigated the role of self-control in willingness to sacrifice. In the first two studies, we
1) and in a laboratory task (Study 2). In Study 3, we manipulated impulsive decision making
with a time pressure paradigm in which participants made decisions involving sacrifice either
as quickly as possible or with no time pressure. Finally, in Study 4, we assessed trait self-
control and past sacrifice behavior in a sample of married couples and examined the potential
Pilot Study
Eighty-two participants (52 women; 20.70 years old, SD = 2.17) completed an 11-
item, Dutch version of Tangney, Baumeister, and Boone’s (2004) self-control scale (e.g., “I
wish I had more self-discipline”; 0 = not at all; 8 = completely; α = .70; Finkenauer, Engels, &
Baumeister, 2005) and a novel, 3-item measure of concern with personal goals when in
relationships (e.g., “Your personal needs should not be overlooked when you are in a
was positively associated with concern for personal needs in relationships (r = .26, p = .019).
Study 1
Study 1 examined how self-control influences the decision to sacrifice for a close
other. We manipulated self-control and measured two forms of sacrifice: active sacrifice
6.02). Data from 3 participants were excluded from the analyses for not following the
instructions. The average relationship duration was 64.43 months (SD = 60.22).
Measures and procedure. Participants came to the laboratory and were randomly
assigned to a depletion vs. non-depletion condition. Participants reported the name of their
partner (if they were in a relationship) or their best friend. Subsequently, participants watched a
7-minute video (without sound) and were asked to form an impression of a woman being
interviewed. During the video, some words appeared at the bottom of the screen for 10 seconds
each. In the depletion condition, participants were asked to actively ignore the words on the
screen, whereas in the non-depletion condition participants did not receive any specific
instruction regarding the words (e.g., Schmeichel, Vohs, & Baumeister, 2003).
modified version of a measure developed by Van Lange et al. (1997, Study 3). To assess active
sacrifice, we presented participants with four moderately undesirable activities and asked them
to which extent they would perform each activity for their close other (e.g., “Imagine that it
were necessary to go out with your partner/best friend’s boring friends in order to maintain and
improve your relationship. To what extent would you consider engaging in this activity?; 0 = I
would definitely not engage in this activity; 6 = I would certainly engage in this activity; α =
.77). To assess passive sacrifice, we presented participants with four moderately desirable
activities and asked them to which extent they would give up each activity for their close other
(e.g., “Imagine that, if you were to spend time with one particular friend whom your
partner/best friend does not like, it would harm your relationship. To what extent would you
consider giving up this activity?”; 0 = I would definitely not give up this activity, 6 = I would
participants reported greater willingness to actively and passively sacrifice when depleted (M
= 4.71, SD = 0.86 and M = 3.41, SD = 1.02, respectively) than when non-depleted (M = 4.10,
SD = 0.77 and M = 2.74, SD = 1.07, respectively), t(41) = 2.45, p = .019, ω² = .10, and t(41) =
Study 2
hypothetical scenarios. Study 2 aimed to replicate the findings of Study 1 with a laboratory
old, SD = 2.11). Couples were eligible if they had been dating longer than 4 months. The
Measures and procedure. Couples were randomly assigned to a depletion vs. non-
depletion condition. Upon arrival, members of the couple were separated and led to two
different rooms. We told participants that the experiment involved impression making, in that
the first part of the experiment investigated whether partners construct a similar or dissimilar
impression of other people. We asked participants to watch the same video of Study 1 and to
form an impression of a woman being interviewed. The real purpose of this task was to
Next, we told participants that, before reporting the impressions of the video, they had
to perform the second part of the experiment. In our cover story, the second part was concerned
with how strangers form an impression of them. We told participants that they and their partner
had to interact with a total of 12 strangers. The task consisted of approaching strangers and
saying: “I have an important job interview in a bit, do you think I’m dressed appropriately?”.
After this, we told the participants that the experimenter would approach the stranger and ask
Self-control and Sacrifice 9
for an evaluation of the participant. This task was designed to be moderately embarrassing and,
therefore, costly to perform. We also told all the participants that, because they had randomly
been chosen to be Partner A, they were the ones to decide with how many strangers they had to
interact and with how many strangers their partner had to interact. Participants were asked
“With how many strangers do you want to interact?” (13 options; e.g., 0 = 0 for me and 12 for
After participants made the decision, they were not asked to carry on the embarrassing task or
to reply to the questions about the video but were thanked and debriefed.
nonindependent, we analyzed our data using hierarchical linear modeling (Raudenbush &
Bryk, 2002). We represented intercept terms as random effects and represented slope terms as
1.68) than when nondepleted (M = 5.87, SD = 1.43), t(28) = 2.04, p = .051, ω² = .05.
Interestingly, one sample t-tests revealed that non-depleted participants tended to follow an
equity (or equality) norm; their mean did not differ from 6, indicating that they chose an equal
number of strangers for them and their partner, t(14) = -0.46, p = .653. In contrast, depleted
participants were more generous; they decided to interact with more than half of the strangers
Study 3
Research has shown that time pressure reduces the operation of controlled, analytical
processes, while enhancing the use of heuristics and intuitive processing (e.g., Bargh & Thein,
1985; Finkel et al., 2009; Payne 2001; Yovetich & Rusbult, 1994). In Study 3, we tested how
5.38). The average relationship duration was 63.45 months (SD = 67.81).
Measures and procedure. Participants were asked to report the name of their
romantic partner (if they were in a relationship) or their best friend. To assess willingness to
engage in small sacrifices for close others, we used a modified version of the Van Lange et al.
(1997) measure (Studies 1 and 2). First participants listed three of their favorite activities in
the evening that they engage in independent of their close other. Subsequently, for each
activity, we asked them “Imagine that this evening you have planned to engage in (Activity 1)
but (name of close other) now asks you to cancel your plan to help him or her with some
homework because tomorrow he or she has an exam (or something very important to deliver at
work). To what extent would you consider giving up your activity and instead help him or her
with the homework?” (0 = not at all; 6 = certainly; α = .70). Participants in the time pressure
condition were asked to reply to the questions as quickly as possible, or at least within four
seconds, participants in the no-time pressure condition were asked to take the time they needed
before answering.
reported being more willing to sacrifice (M = 4.98, SD = .81) than participants in the no-time
pressure condition (M = 4.38, SD = 1.08), t(79) = 2.85, p = .006, ω² = .08. Thus, participants
were more likely to sacrifice for a close other when they engaged in automatic rather than
Study 4
Study 4 had three aims. The first was to investigate whether self-control affects not
only the decision to sacrifice but also the behavior. In this study, we assessed whether
individuals low in self-control report having sacrificed more in their romantic relationship than
Self-control and Sacrifice 11
individuals high in self-control. The second aim was to show that individuals low in self-
control rely on communal orientation when sacrificing. In this study we assessed participants’
trait self-control, communal strength, and actual sacrifice behaviors in the relationship. The
strength of the communal orientation can vary according to the degree of responsibility that a
partner assumes for the other person’s welfare. We expected that, because individuals low in
self-control rely on their communal orientation to decide whether to sacrifice, their sacrifice
behavior would be influenced by the strength of their orientation. For individuals high in self-
control, who correct for their communal heuristic, communal strength would not predict
Finally, the third aim was to show that self-control affects sacrifice and forgiveness in
different ways. Previous research has shown that when a partner has made a transgression,
lack of self-control impairs the pro-social tendency of forgiving (Finkel & Campbell, 2001;
Pronk et al., 2010). Sacrificing and forgiving are two qualitative distinctive phenomena. We
suggest that when a partner commits a transgression, the harm that the partner has provoked
becomes salient in the situation. It takes self-control to override the focus on the harm done by
the partner and to take into consideration broader concerns (e.g., the general good time
partners have in their relationship). In contrast, we suggest that when partners in a communal
unrelated to any transgressive behavior (e.g., Mark’s desire to watch the football match and
Lisa’s desire to have him join her to visit her friends), the default is often to be responsive to
the other’s needs. Therefore we expected self-control to be negatively related to sacrifice but
survey at Time 3 of a five-wave longitudinal study. The mean age was 32.64 years old (SD =
Self-control and Sacrifice 12
4.57). The average relationship duration was 7.71 years (SD = 3.03), and they had been living
scale as in the pilot study (1 = not at all; 5 = very much; α = .72). To assess communal
orientation, participants completed a 4-item version of the Clark et al. (1987) Communal
Orientation scale (e.g., “When making a decision, I take other people’s needs and feelings into
account”; 1 = not at all; 5 = very much; α = .63). To assess sacrifice, participants were asked
“In the past month, how often have you sacrificed for your partner? How often have you
refrained from doing something that you felt like doing (e.g., cancel an appointment with
friends)?”; 1 = never; 5 = very often. Finally, to assess forgiveness, we used Brown’s (2003) 4-
item Tendency to Forgive Scale (e.g., “When my partner hurts or angers me, I am quick to
Analysis strategy. Because the data provided by two partners in an ongoing relationship
are nonindependent, we analyzed our data using hierarchical linear modeling as in Study 2
(Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). Data from one participant were excluded from the analyses for
being an extreme outlier in the Communal Orientation Scale (more than 3.5 SD below the
Key findings. To test the link between self-control and sacrifice, we regressed past
sacrifice onto self-control. Consistent with predictions, and with the results of Studies 1-3,
self-control was negatively associated with past sacrifice (β = -.15, t(187) = -2.96, p = .003).
Furthermore, we regressed past sacrifice onto self-control, communal orientation, and their
interaction. Results revealed a main effect of self-control (β = -.14, t(185) = -2.80, p = .006)
and a significant interaction (β = -.10, t(185) = -2.04, p = .043). Consistent with the
hypotheses, simple slope analyses revealed that for participants low in self-control (1 SD
below the mean), communal orientation positively predicted sacrifice (β = .17, t(185) = 2.36, p
Self-control and Sacrifice 13
= .019). In contrast, for people high in self-control (1 SD above the mean), the effect of
communal orientation was not significant (β = -.02, t(185) = -0.39, p = .700) (see Figure 2).
Finally, consistent with previous research, self-control was positively associated with
This study showed that low self-control individuals sacrificed more (but forgave less)
than high self-control individuals. Furthermore, they relied on their communal orientation
when deciding whether to sacrifice, whereas high self-control individuals did not.
Relationship partners often face situations in which they need to make a decision
between pursuing their self-interest and sacrificing to promote the well-being of their partner
or their relationship. Results from four studies revealed that, in communal relationships, the
impulsive response is often to opt to sacrifice for the close other. Studies 1 and 2 showed that
depletion of self-control promotes sacrifice for close others in both hypothetical scenarios and
in a laboratory task. Study 3 showed that when people need to make a decision under time
pressure (i.e., impulsively), they are more likely to decide to sacrifice than when they are not
under time pressure. Study 4 showed that, in ongoing romantic relationships, people with low
trait self-control tend to sacrifice more than people with high self-control. Furthermore, people
with low self-control especially sacrifice when their communal orientation is high. People with
high self-control do not rely on their communal orientation when deciding to sacrifice. Finally,
Study 4 showed that self-control affects sacrifice and forgiveness in different ways. As in
Studies 1-3, it is negatively related to sacrifice, but, as in previous research (Finkel &
The present findings illuminate one of the few cases in which self-control does not
favor, but inhibit, pro-social behavior. Our work contributes to the emerging literature
demonstrating that, under certain circumstances, self-control depletion may promote smooth
interpersonal interactions (Apfelbaum, Krendl, & Ambady, 2010; Apfelbaum & Sommers,
Self-control and Sacrifice 14
2009). An alternative explanation for our findings might be that individuals low in self-control
make sacrifices for their partner to avoid the effort required to engage in interpersonal conflict
(Stanton & Finkel, 2012) 3. Situations in which the interests of two partners do not correspond
can provoke conflicts, which can yield potentially exhausting discussions. By sacrificing,
partners avoid effortful communication while facilitating smooth interaction. However, in the
long-run, the unconditional tendency to sacrifice might backfire on people with low self-
control, who might be less able to maintain the balance between personal and relationship
concerns (Kumashiro et al., 2008). Future research should investigate which specific concerns
different people adopt to correct for the communal impulses. For example, avoidant individuals
A limitation of this work is that we have studied sacrifices that people confront daily
in a relationship (e.g., going out with the close other’s boring friends). We did not focus on
large sacrifices (e.g., moving to another country to promote the close other’s career) that are
likely to be less frequent in relationships. It might be that, when people face decisions on large
communal heuristic and might decide to sacrifice less than high self-control individuals. This
might occur because in those contexts, the large potential losses for the individual become
replicated in four studies that used different manipulations and measures of self-control (ego-
depletion, time pressure paradigm, trait self-control), using different measures of sacrifice
(scenarios, a laboratory task, reports of actual sacrifice in one’s relationship), and in different
automatic selfish impulses, the current work suggests that, under certain conditions, automatic
processes are more likely than deliberative processes to foster pro-social responses. In
communal relationships, the first impulse may frequently be to be responsive to the partner’s
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Self-control and Sacrifice 21
In all studies we explored possible main effects and interactions with participant sex.
moderated by couple well-being, which was assessed with the Dyadic Adjustment Scale
(Spanier, 1976). There was no evidence that our key processes were stronger among
individuals with high or low well-being, (β = .01, t(185) = 0.94, p = .348). Finally, we assessed
whether trait agreeableness moderated the relationship between self-control and sacrifice.
Agreeableness was assessed at wave 1 using 6 items of the Big Five Scale (Goldberg, 1992).
depleted participants had followed an equality norm like the non-depleted participants (i.e.,
choosing 6 for themselves and 6 for their partner), they would have encountered a conflict with
their partner.
Self-control and Sacrifice 22
Figure 1. Mean values of sacrifice as a function depletion vs. non-depletion condition, Study 2
Willingness to sacrifice
Self-control and Sacrifice 23
Low Communal
0.3 High Communal
Low self-control High self-control