Assignment Weng 5
Assignment Weng 5
Assignment Weng 5
Financial performance is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its
primary mode of business and generate revenues. This term is also used as a general measure
of a firms overall financial health over a given period. Analysts and investors use financial
performance to compare similar firms across the same industry or to compare industries or
sectors in aggregate.
There are many ways to measure financial performance but all measure should be taken in
aggregate. Line items such as revenue from operations operating income or cash flow from
operations can be used as well as total unit sales. Furthermore the analyst or investor may
wish to look deeper into financial statements and seek out margin growth rates or any
declining debt.
The financial performance identifies how well a company generates revenues and
manages its assets, liabilities, and the financial interests of its stakeholders.
The Income Statement provides a summary of operations for the entire year. The income
statement starts with sales or revenues and ends with net income. Also referred to as the
profit and loss statement the income statement provides the gross profit margin, the cost of
goods sold, operating profit margin and net profit margin. It also provides an overview of the
number of shares outstanding as well as comparison against prior year performance.
The Cash Flow Statement is a combination of both the income statement and the balance
sheet. For some analysts the cash flow statement is the most important financial statement
because it provides reconciliation between net income and cash flow from operations,
investing and financing.