Introduction To The Processing of GPR-data Within REFLEXW: I.1 Import - General Use
Introduction To The Processing of GPR-data Within REFLEXW: I.1 Import - General Use
Introduction To The Processing of GPR-data Within REFLEXW: I.1 Import - General Use
In the following the processing of 2D-GPR data is discussed. Starting from the different
possibilities of data acquisition several filters are discussed later.
Normally the data will be acquired along 2D-profiles. The goal are equally spaced data with a start
and end coordinate and a traceincrement. This may be achieved by:
If the data are acquired based on a fixed time base, e.g. 100 traces every second, the correlation to
the distance is not given. In this case equally spaced markers (e.g. every 2 m) may be used for a
reinterpolation of the data. During the data acquisition these markers must be placed at distinct
intervals. A subsequent data processing step rescales the data from the time base to equally spaced
Within Reflexw this is done using the
processing option mark interpol under
The option allows an interpolation of the
data in X-direction on the basis of
markers to be set manually or to be
automatically extracted from the data
(suboption ReadMarker). After having
activated the option a table
appears which allows the
interactive input of the marker
positions in traces (trace nr.)
and the distance between
successive markers (marker
inc.). The program
recalculates the number of
traces between two set
markers based on the wanted
trace increment and the current
set distance between the two
markers (marker inc.) using
the following formula:
calculated tracenumbers =
marker inc. / trace increment. The
marker increment must be predefined
within the filter parameter group and can
be individually changed for each marker
position within the table input. The
traceincrement must be a multiple of
each marker increment. The program determines the corresponding number of traces between all set
markers after the selection and executes a recalculation of the traces between successive markers. If
more traces within the original profile between successive markers are availabe, some traces are
omitted. If less traces are availabe, some trace are added within each marker part until the wanted
number of traces are reached (the traces are simply added and not interpolated between successive
original traces as such an interpolation may significantly change the shape of the onsets). The data
before the first marker and behind the last marker are ignored (exception if the option keep last
traces is activated), i.e. the program assumes that the beginning and the end of the profile are always
indicated by a marker. Please note that the data are modified by the interpolation. The trace with the
last marker position is also included. Therefore the total number of traces is increased by 1.
Reflexw only accepts positive trace increment. If the profiles have been acquired in different
directions, e.g. using a meandering data acquisition, the
corresponding profiles must be flipped in distance direction.
This may be done directly during the import by entering a start
coordinate which is larger than the endcoordinate in profile
direction or using the processing option XflipProfile under
If GPS-data are present the flipping must be done after the
synchronization of the gps-data only as a processing step.
- Plotmode
- PointmodeScale
- EnergyDecay
- Dewow
- AmplitudeScale
The following Figure show the data plotted using the options shown above.
Many GPR data show a significantly very low frequency component either due to inductive
phenomena or possible instrumentation restrictions. This low frequency range must be removed
before applying any other digital filter algorithms. There exist many different ways.
A simple dewow filter acts within the time domain. A running mean value is calculated for each
value of each trace. This running mean is subtracted from the central point. As filter parameter the
time range for the calculation of the running mean value must be entered which should be set to
about one or two principal periods. A possible static shift will also be removed using this filter.
Alternatives to the dewow filter may be a high pass bandpass filter working either within the
frequency or time domain or a simple subtract DC-shift filter if only a constant value shall be
The Figure shows an example of the dewowing
process. The left trace shows the original data,
the middle trace has been filtered using the
dewow filter with a filter length of 25 ns and
the right trace has been filtered using a
bandpass filter working within the frequency
domain with cutoff frequencies of 5 and 150
Mhz respectively and an adequate tapering
The bandpass filter does not affect the signal
shape whereas the simple dewow filter slightly
changes the signal due to its non symmetrical
shape. Small precursors may occur (in some
cases also when using the bandpassfilter) which must be neglected when applying the next
processing step, the removal of the time base shift.
The bandpass filter may also be used in order to get rid of high frequency or monochromatic noise
(see Figure below).
An exact definition of time zero is nearly impossible. It is not a constant value but depends on the
surface material type and the antenna set up configuration (see Figure below).
comparison of the errors for the time zero correction when using a static correction (open
circles) and a dynamic correction (filled rectangles) for a high velocity (left panel) and a low
velocity contrast (right panel)
The waves will loose significant energy during travelling through the subsurface due to spherical
divergence and intrinsic and scattering attenuation. Therefore, these energy losses have to be
compensated. Several conditions have to be kept: The time series must have a zero mean value,
otherwise a significant DC offset especially at later times may occur. In addition the noise level at
greater times should be as small as possible.
It is possible to enter a manual gain value or to use a continuous gain function (see Figure below).
When manual gain values will be applied, rapid changes of the gain values should be avoided
because these may introduce unwanted artificial wavelets.
It is strongly recommended to use the same gain function for all profiles which shall be interpreted
together. This also holds true for 3D-data especially when looking at timeslices.
GPR data are often contaminated by clutter. The clutter mainly consists of the GPR system noise,
ground bounce, soil roughness scattering and reflection signals from external anomalies. The clutter
mostly appears as nearly horizontal and periodic ringing.
Clutter reduction is therefore one of the most important challenges as especially deeper or weak
events are often completely masked by this clutter.
The GPR system based coherent noise ringing can be easily eliminated using a simple background
removal (subtraction of an average trace) filter as the statistical properties of the clutter have only
weak variations along the distance axis (see following Figure).
The situation is much more complicated if the statistical properties of the clutter vary along the
distance axis due to different ground coupling and/or due to subsurface scattering. In this case more
sophisticated methods must be used. Two-dimensional filters like fk-filter or Radon transform,
predictive and deterministic deconvolution or eigenimage processing techniques are the most used
ones. For all these methods the definition of the filter parameters must be adapted at the individual
situation in order to keep horizontal events but to guarantee a high performance of ringing
elimination. Especially deconvolution and eigenimage processing require careful setting of the
entered parameters. A good compromise between easy use and performance may often be given by
the fk-filter or the subtracting mean in combination with a notch filter if the noise exhibits
monochromatic characteristics.
The following Figure shows the comparison of the raw data which include both system induced
coherent clutter and incoherent ringing due to the subsurface conditions. The background removal
fails in the elimination of the incoherent clutter but both the fk-filter and the subtracting mean
within a moving trace interval seem to be a sufficient approach. In addition the background removal
comparison of different methods for incoherent clutter reduction. The upper left panel shows the
original data, the upper right panel the background removal filtered, the lower left panel the
application of the fk-filter and the lower right panel the use of the subtracting average filter.
The waves coming to the receiver will be acquired vertically along the acquisition line and therefore
do not represent the correct positions of small scale diffractors or sloped reflectors. The goal of the
migration is the downward continuation of the acquired wavefield to their origin. The base for this
wavefield continuation is a given depth velocity model. During the migration process diffractions
will be concentrated and dipped layers will be moved to their correct place. The precondition for the
migration is a good knowledge of the underground velocity field. The velocities may be easily
examined using the interactive velocity adapation within Reflexw.
Standard migration is done for 2D-data. Fast algorithms exist for a constant velocity field (e.g. fk-
migration - see Figure above) but also the more sophisticated methods like the Finite Difference
approximation of the one way equation can be applied on standard PC’s with reasonable computer
time consumption. These methods also allow a 2D-velocity distribution (see also chap. II.7 - time-
depth conversion). The following Figure shows a synthetic example (FDTD method) including
diffractions and steep reflections. The model shown within the left panel serves as the base for a
forward simulation of a ZO-section (middle panel). The small elements within the first layer
produce diffractions which interfere each other that does not allow the individual identification. The
trough at about 10 m is characterized within the ZO section by two diffractions and a reflection
from the bottom. It is evident that only after migration (right panel) the structure elements have been
ZO simulation (middle panel) for a model including small diffractors and steep reflectors (left
panel). The right panel shows the migrated ZO section.
A 3D-migration is useful for a coarse 3D-datagrid with equal spacing in x- and y-direction. Due to
the large computer time for a complete 3D-migration methods with a constant migration velocity
(e.g. Kirchhoff migration) will be used by default.
The GPR-profile normally exhibits the same start time for all traces. Therefore it does not reproduce
the surface topography. As a consequence reflections which are more or less flat in reality may
exhibit significant curvatures due to the surface topography and the concomitant varying layer
thickness above.
If the topographic values have been
stored within the traceheaders (e.g.
when a GPS-system has been used) the
plotoption correct header elevations
may be used in order to display the
data including the topography (see
Figure right).
There are different other possibilities
to perform a topographic correction
within Reflexw. Al these methods may
be found under processing/static
correction/muting and they act as a
filter (the data will be changed - filled
up with zeroes above the topography).
The easiest ways is the option static
correction with the suboption move to
positive times. The topographic values
may be entered interactively by mouse
or within the table (two-way traveltime
Another possibility is the option
correct 3D-topography. The elevation
or depth values may have been stored
within the Reflexw traceheaders (see above) or may be read from an ASCII-file. Different
coordinate systems may be used for storing the topographic values.
A great problem is the often non-uniform energy feeding-in along a 2D-profile or for different 2D-
profiles which shall be interpreted together (e.g. creating time slices). The causes may be varying
ground conditions, equipment changes, use of multi antenna systems or differences in the field
acquisition. Whereas variations along the profile caused mainly by different coupling conditions can
be quite easily compensated using a trace normalization or a gain function in profile direction, more
sophisticated methods must be used when dealing with 3D-data especially when the interpretation is
based on time slices.
The Figures above show an example of a multi-grid survey using a 2-antenna system with different
energy characteristics. The left panel shows 2 parallel 2D-raw profiles (0.05 m increment) indicating
the different energy content. The right panel shows two time slices. The left time slice is based on
the raw data, for the right time slice an energy compensation has been applied at first. The
horizontal stripes on the left time slice are due to the different energy characteristics of the used 2
antennas. They may lead
to misinterpretation.
The right Figure was
acquired with only one
antenna but at different
conditions. Therefore
some areas show
different energy
distributions (left panel).
A careful normalization
allows an uniform
picture (right panel).
Depending on the used equipment and the existing ground conditions often not only a uniform
factor but a time varying curve must be determined for the compensation of the different energy
feeding-in. This may lead to an amplitude decrease of reflections which are only present in some
profiles (e.g. pipes which are orientated parallel to the acquired profiles). Therefore, such a
compensation must be used very accurately.
Sometimes surface multiples may occur if a near surface reflector is present with a strong velocity
contrast. Possible deeper reflection may be hidden by these multiples. The option suppress
multiples under processing/static correction allows to suppress those multiple reflections from the
surface. For that purpose the first reflection must be picked (preferably shifted to the very first
onset). The picks must be saved under the same filename as the current profile filename.
If using the processing option suppress multiples multiple reflection are first flattened based on the
picked primary reflection and then the subtracting average filter is applied within a choosable time
range around the flattened multiple.
Unwanted reflections from the borders of the investigation medium are often characterized by a
distinct slope which corresponds to medium or air velocity. Those structures can be easily removed
using a multichannel filter.
The most popular filter is the
so-called frequency-
wavenumber (F-K) filter
which works within the
frequency wavenumber
The Figure on the right
shows the raw data (left
panel) including a distinct
side reflection and the
filtered data (right panel). It
must be kept in mind that
other elements showing the
same slope will also be
removed using such a filter.
In most cases tapering must
be used in order to avoid
Another application of the fk-filter is the removal of horizontal stripes, e.g. due to a ringing (see
also chap. II.4). The definition of a velocity range to be removed or kept allows the elimation of
structures characterized by these distinct slopes (corresponding to velocities within time-distance
range). The horizontal stripes for example are located arount small kx values within the kx-range
corresponding to very high velocities. The Figure below shows the raw data (top panel) and the fk-
filtered data (lower panel) based on the filter parameters defined within the fk-filter menu. The
resulting filtered fk-range is displayed on the right. The clutter is quite well reduced.
A major problem in signal interpretation is the lack of resolution of overlapping events due to the
reverberation character of the signal. The main purpose of the deconvolution is to invert the
convolution process of the medium impulse response and the outgoing signal. The ideal outcome of
the filter is again the medium impulse response. Although this ideal cannot be usually achieved,
many different methods have been developed for different preconditions. One filter is named
Wiener filter which minimizes the differences between output and desired result. Other methods
work as direct inverse filter. In general deconvolution techniques are not very well suited for GPR
applications as the main preconditions like minimal phase, lag time zeros are normally not satisfied.
In many cases predictive deconvolution techniques or wavelet shaping may lead to better result. A
suitable filter strongly depends on the characteristics of the signal.
The following Figure shows an application of a wave shaping filter. The wave shaping filter allows
to convert the characteristic waveform of the profile to a new desired one. It is obvious that after the
shaping filter all signals exhibit a much clearer and sharper form leading to a better resolution in
time direction. The precondition is that a characteristic waveform ca be found which fits over the
complete time-distance range. Due to different coupling conditions and waveform changes during
the propagation this precondition is quite rarely satisfied. The spiking filter is a special case of this
filter which is designed to compress as much as possible the original wavelet into a spike (uniform
frequency distribution).
application of a wavelet shaping filter (left panel raw data, besides the filtered data, right panel:
one trace of the two datasets respectively).
The main goal of the predictive deconvolution is the suppression of multiples. The desired output is
a time advanced version of the input signal. To suppress multiples one has to choose a lag
corresponding to the two-way-traveltime of the multiple.
In the following synthetic radargrams have been created using a forward Finite Difference Time
Domain method (FDTD method) in order to examine the effectiveness of a predictive
deconvolution method for multiple and ghost removal.
The following Figure (left panel) shows an example with strong multiples coming from a very near
surface interface with very high velocity contrast. The used predictive deconvolution yields quite
good results (middle panel). The reverberating character of the signal could be reduced to a sharp
signal with only two maxima both for the primary onset and the reflections and therefore the
distinguishability has been significantly improved.
Some further investigations had been done introducing a ghost by bringing in a strong reflector
above the receiver line. The amplitudes of the ghost had been varied. Whereas the weak ghost can
be quite well eliminated using the predictive deconvolution, no good results have been achieved for
a ghost with amplitudes similar to those of the primary onset (see Figure below). After having
applied the predictive deconvolution the ghost is still visible although with smaller amplitudes
(middle panel). In addition the deconvolution process produces multiples.
In any case the methods always need an intensive adaptation of the filter parameters and a manual
check for possible artefacts.