Aduncum L.) UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN HAMA Sitophilus Zeamais M
Aduncum L.) UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN HAMA Sitophilus Zeamais M
Aduncum L.) UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN HAMA Sitophilus Zeamais M
(Test of Some Concentration of Betel Leaf Forest Powder (Piper aduncum L.)
to Control
Sitophilus zeamais M. Pest on Corn Seed in the Storage)
Corn seed in the storage can be experience quality and quantity in July 1st
2017 decrease. In fact, it was caused by Sitophilus zeamais M. pest. The level of
S. zeamais M. damage at corn seed could be over than 30%. This research was
aimed to find the best concentration betel leaf powder to control S. zeamais M. on
corn seed in the storage. Research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pests
Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau from October until December 2015. The
research used a Randomized Completely Design (RCD) consisting of 5 treatments
and 4 replications. The treatments tested were giving some concentration of betel
leaf powder around 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g / 100 g of corn. Data were analyzed by
analysis of variance. The result of that variance was tested further by Duncan's
New Multiple Range Test. The result showed that S. zeamais M. which was given
the betel leaf powder with different concentration showed the initial time of death,
lethal time 50, daily mortality, total mortality, depreciation and accretion
individual seed weight S. zeamais M. was different. The betel leaf powder with a
concentration of 8 g/100 g of corn could control the S. zeamais M. pest.
Konsentrasi tepung daun sirih hutan (%) Rata-rata awal kematian (jam)
0 720,00 e
2 386,50 d
4 308,50 c
6 204,50 b
8 85,25 a
Keterangan: Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf kecil yang sama berbeda tidak nyata
menurut uji DNMRT pada taraf 5%
(a) (b)
Konsentrasi tepung daun sirih hutan (%) Rata rata LT50 (jam)
0 720,00 c
2 720,00 c
4 660,00 c
6 516,50 b
8 342,00 a
Keterangan: Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf kecil yang sama berbeda tidak nyata
menurut uji DNMRT pada taraf 5%
Konsentrasi tepung daun sirih hutan (%) Rata-rata mortalitas total (%)
0 0,00 a
2 12,50 b
4 52,50 c
6 57,50 c
8 75,00 d
Keterangan: Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf kecil yang sama berbeda tidak nyata
menurut uji DNMRT pada taraf 5% setelah ditransformasi arcsine √y/100
Konsentrasi tepung daun sirih hutan (%) Rata-rata penyusutan berat biji (%)
0 1,35 b
2 1,35 b
4 1,32 b
6 1,17 ab
8 0,85 a
Keterangan: Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf kecil yang sama berbeda tidak nyata
menurut uji DNMRT pada taraf 5% setelah ditransformasi arcsine √y/100