Corrosion PDF
Corrosion PDF
Corrosion PDF
• Introduction
• Cause
• Theories of corrosion
• Types of corrosion
• Factors affecting corrosion
• Corrosion control
Few corrosion cases in daily
Corrosion: The loss of materials(metal and
alloys) or its useful properties, by chemical or
electrochemical interaction with its
1. Rusting of iron.
2. Formation of green layer on copper surface.
Corrosion vs Rusting?
i) Oxidation Corrosion
2M 2Mn+ + 2ne- (oxidation)
n/2O2 + 2ne- nO2- (reduction)
2M + n/2O2 2Mn+ + nO2-
Metal oxide
b) Unstable film-
Metal oxide Metal + O2
O2 Metal oxide
e.g. in Au and Ag
c) Volatile film- oxide layer volatilizes leaving the
underlying metal surface for further attack.
E.g. molybdenum oxide (MoO3) is volatile.
O2 metal oxide
Yellow rust
(ii) In limited supply of oxygen: In limited supply of
oxygen, black magnetite Fe3O4 or ferroferric oxide is
Fe(OH)2 Fe2O3.FeO.6H2O
Wet corrosion Dry corrosion
•It takes place in presence of water It takes place in absence of liquid or
• or an electrolyte. electrolyte. Gases and vapours are
• the corrodants.
3) The Acid Theory – applicable particularly to
rusting of iron
2Fe + O2 + 4CO2 + 2H2O 2Fe(HCO3)2
2Fe(HCO3)2 + H2O + [O] 2Fe(OH)CO3+2CO2+ 2H2O
2Fe(OH)CO3 + 2H2O 2Fe(OH)3 + 2CO2
[I] Galvanic Corrosion (Bimetallic corrosion):
E.g. Zinc and copper couple
More reactive Zn Zn2+ + 2e- At anode
Less reactive Cu2+ + 2e- Cu At Cathode
Factors affecting galvanic corrosion:
(i) Potential difference between the two metals
(ii) Relative area of cathode and anode
ECS is based upon the electrode potential which This series is based on actual
is determined by using Nernst equation corrosion rate
It gives no idea about the position of alloys It gives clear idea about the position of
Protects the underlying base metal sacrificially. Protects the underlying base metal
due to its noble character and
higher corrosion resistance.
This is known as anodic coating as the reduction This is known as cathodic coating as
potential of coating metal is less than that the reduction potential of coating
the base metal. Metal is more than that of the base
Zn, Cd, Al are generally used as sacrificial coating Ni, Ag, Cr, Pb, Au etc. are generally
used as noble coating
E.g. Galvanised iron i.e. coating of Zn E.g. coating of Sn on Fe
on Fe.
5. Inorganic non-metallic coatings
i. Chemical dip coating or surface conversion
ii. Anodized oxide coating
6. Organic coatings