PCHF Guidance Chapter 4-01-17 2018

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Contains Non-binding Recommendations

Draft-Not for Implementation

Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based

Preventive Controls for Human Food:
Draft Guidance for Industry1

This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA or we) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is
not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the
requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach,
contact FDA’s Technical Assistance Network by submitting your question
at https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/ucm459719.htm.

Chapter 4: Preventive Controls

Table of Contents
4.1 Purpose of this Chapter
4.2 Overview of Preventive Controls
4.3 Process Controls
4.3.1 Treatments lethal to biological hazards Use of Heat Treatment (Thermal Processing) as a Lethality Process
Control Use of High Pressure Processing (HPP) as a Lethality Process Control Use of Irradiation as a Lethality Process Control Use of Antimicrobial Fumigation as a Lethality Process Control
4.3.2 Use of Time-Temperature as a Process Control Use of Refrigeration as a Time-Temperature Process Control Use of Freezing as a Time-Temperature Process Control
4.3.3 Use of Product Formulation as a Process Control

This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Food Safety in the Center for Food Safety and
Applied Nutrition at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Underlined text in yellow highlights
represents a correction from the draft Chapter 4 that we issued for public comment in August 2016.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 1

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation Use of Water activity (a w ) as a Formulation Process Control Use of Acidity (pH) as a Formulation Process Control Use of Preservatives as a Formulation Process Control
4.3.4 Use of Dehydration/Drying as a Process Control
4.3.5 Use of Recipe Management as a Process Control for Food Ingredients
4.3.6 Use of Storage Conditions as a Process Control for Mycotoxins
4.3.7 Use of Physical Sorting as a Process Control for Mycotoxins
4.3.8 Use of Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Physical Hazards Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Metal Hazards Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Glass Hazards
4.4 Sanitation Controls
4.4.1 Use of Sanitation Controls for the Cleanliness of Food-Contact Surfaces
4.4.2 Use of Sanitation Controls to Prevent Allergen Cross-contact and Cross-
4.5 Food Allergen Controls
4.6 Supply-chain Controls
4.6.1 Supply-chain Controls for Pesticides
4.6.2 Supply-chain Controls for Drug Residues
4.6.3 Heavy Metals
4.6.4 Supply-chain Controls for Mycotoxins
4.7 Recall Plan
4.8 References

4.1 Purpose of this Chapter

The guidance provided in this chapter is intended to help you identify and implement preventive
controls. The PCHF requirements specify that you must identify and implement preventive
controls to provide assurances that any hazards requiring a preventive control will be
significantly minimized or prevented and the food manufactured, processed, packed, or held by
your facility will not be adulterated under section 402 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C 342) or misbranded under section 403(w) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C.
343(w)). (See 21 CFR 117.135(a)(1)). This chapter provides an overview of common
preventive controls that you could use to significantly minimize or prevent the occurrence of
biological, chemical, and physical hazards in food products and the food production
environment when the outcome of your hazard analysis is that one or more of these hazards
requires a preventive control.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 2

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

The guidance in this chapter also is intended to help you monitor the preventive controls that
you identify and implement. As appropriate to the nature of the preventive control and its role in
the facility’s food safety system, the PCHF requirements specify that you must establish and
implement written procedures, including the frequency with which they are to be performed, for
monitoring the preventive control, and to monitor the preventive controls with adequate
frequency to provide assurance that they are consistently performed. (See 21 CFR 117.145.)

This chapter does not provide all the details needed for identifying and implementing preventive
controls. You have the flexibility to identify and implement preventive controls from among all
procedures, practices, and processes that are available to you and that would provide
assurances that the hazard is controlled (i.e., significantly minimized or prevented).

4.2 Overview of Preventive Controls

Part 117 defines “preventive controls” as those risk-based, reasonably appropriate procedures,
practices, and processes that a person knowledgeable about the safe manufacturing,
processing, packing, or holding of food would employ to significantly minimize or prevent the
hazards identified by the hazard analysis that are consistent with the current scientific
understanding of safe food manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding at the time of the
analysis. (See 21 CFR 117.3.) Preventive controls include: (1) Controls at critical control points
(CCPs), if there are any CCPs; and (2) controls, other than those at CCPs, that are also
appropriate for food safety (See 21 CFR 117.135(a)(2)). The PCHF requirements specify that
preventive controls must be written. (See 21 CFR 117.135(b)).The PCHF requirements also
specify that preventive controls must include, as appropriate to the facility and the food: (1)
Process controls; (2) Food allergen controls; (3) Sanitation controls; (4) Supply-chain controls;
(5) Recall plan; and (6) Other controls. (See 21 CFR 117.135(c)).

Table 4-1 lists the sections in this chapter in which we address process controls, sanitation
controls, food allergen controls, supply-chain controls, and recall plans. Although Table 4-1
includes supply-chain controls, we intend to provide more information in our forthcoming
“Chapter 15 - Supply-Chain Program for Human Food Products.” See Chapters 6 through 14 of
this guidance for more detailed discussion of applicable preventive controls.

Table 4-1. Preventive Controls Addressed in this Chapter

Preventive Control Chapter Section

Process Controls 4.3
Sanitation Controls 4.4
Food Allergen Controls 4.5
Supply-chain Controls 4.6
Recall Plans 4.7

Table 4-2 lists the chapters in this guidance in which we provide additional details regarding
certain preventive controls.

Table 4-2. Other Chapters in the Guidance With Additional Information About Specific
Preventive Controls

Preventive Control Chapter

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 3

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Preventive Control Chapter

Heat Treatment Process Control 6

Time/Temperature Control Process Control 7

Formulation Process Control (e.g., water 8

activity, pH, and chemical preservatives)

Dehydration/Drying Process Control 9

Sanitation Controls 10

Food Allergen Controls 11

Preventive Controls for Chemical Hazards 12

Preventive Controls for Physical Hazards 13

Recall Plan 14

The PCHF requirements specify that you must validate that the preventive controls that you
identify and implement are adequate to control the hazard as appropriate to the nature of the
preventive control and its role in the facility’s food safety system. (See 21 CFR 117.160(a)).
The PCHF requirements also specify that validation of the preventive controls must be
performed (or overseen) by a preventive controls qualified individual. (See 21 CFR 117.160(b)
and the definition of a preventive controls qualified individual in 21 CFR 117.3.) You do not
need to validate: (1) Food allergen controls; (2) sanitation controls; (3) the recall plan; and (4)
the supply-chain program. You also do not need to validate other preventive controls, if the
preventive controls qualified individual prepares (or oversees the preparation of) a written
justification that validation of the other control is not applicable based on factors such as the
nature of the hazard, and the nature of the preventive control and its role in the facility’s food
safety system. (See 21 CFR 117.160(c).) We intend to discuss validation in “Chapter 16:
Validation of a Process Control.”

4.3 Process Controls

Process controls include procedures, practices, and processes to ensure the control of
parameters during operations such as heat processing, acidifying, irradiating, and refrigerating
foods. Process controls must include, as appropriate to the nature of the applicable control and
its role in the facility’s food safety system: (1) Parameters associated with the control of the
hazard; and (2) the maximum or minimum value, or combination of values, to which any
biological, chemical, or physical parameter must be controlled to significantly minimize or
prevent a hazard requiring a process control. (See 21 CFR 117.135(c)(1).) Process controls do
not include those procedures, practices, and processes that are not applied to the food itself,
e.g., controls of personnel or the environment that may be used to significantly minimize or
prevent hazards.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 4

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Examples of processing parameters that can have a minimum or maximum value (or
combination of values) include time, temperature, flow rate, line speed, product bed depth,
weight, product thickness or size, viscosity, moisture level, water activity, salt concentration, pH
and others, depending upon the process. If a process parameter does not meet a minimum or
maximum value (or critical limit), the process is not in control (i.e., a deviation has occurred) and
the potential for producing a product that presents a consumer-health risk exists.

Many process controls, such as the application of heat to a food to adequately reduce
pathogens, are applied in the same manner and for the same purpose as control measures
established within HACCP plans and applied at CCPs as recommended by the National
Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF, 1998) and the Codex
Alimentarius Commission (CAC, 2003). When a process control is applied to a CCP in a
HACCP plan, the maximum or minimum values (or combination of values) for the parameters
associated with the control of the hazard are called “critical limits.” Critical limits have been
defined by the NACMCF as a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical
or physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an
acceptable level the occurrence of a food safety hazard (NACMCF, 1998).

In addition to this guidance, a number of sources of scientific and technical information can be
useful in establishing process parameters or critical limits. Our guidance documents entitled
“Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance” and “Juice HACCP Hazards and
Controls Guidance” each have information that can be broadly applied to food products. Other
government agencies may also provide information through technical staff, regulations,
guidelines, directives, performance standards, tolerances, and action levels. For example, the
guidance documents entitled “Meat and Poultry Hazards and Controls Guide” (FSIS, 2005) and
FSIS Compliance Guideline HACCP Systems Validation (FSIS, 2015), provided by the Food
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has information that
can broadly be applied to food products, not just meat and poultry products subject to FSIS’
jurisdiction. As another example, EPA lists maximum pesticide residues limits (MRLs) and
tolerances in 40 CFR Part 180. (EPA, 2015) and provides Indexes to Part 180 Tolerance
Information for Pesticide Chemicals in Food and Feed Commodities on its website (EPA, 2016).
Trade associations, process authorities, industry scientists, university and extension scientists,
and consultants can provide expertise and guidance. For example, the Grocery Manufacturer’s
Association (GMA) has provided guidance on Control of Salmonella in Low-Moisture Foods
(GMA, 2009). Information can also be obtained from peer reviewed scientific literature. For a
more comprehensive list of resources, see the training materials provided by the Food Safety
Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA, 2016) In addition to (or in place of) information from such
resources, you also can conduct scientific studies for specific products in-house, at a contract
laboratory, or at a university to establish appropriate process parameters and associated

You should use care when applying information from any of these sources to processing
parameters for a specific product and process. Among other reasons, there may be important
differences between the application of processing parameters as discussed in these sources
how you would apply the processing parameters to your specific product and process. The
processing parameters and/or minimum or maximum values may need to be adjusted to
account for those differences. For example, the temperature (and time at that temperature)
necessary to kill microorganisms in a food product can depend on the fat level in that food

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 5

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Table 4-3 lists examples of the application of process controls to significantly minimize or
prevent ingredient-related and process-related biological, chemical, and physical hazards and
the section in this chapter that addresses each listed example.

Table 4-3 Common Process Controls

Process Control Hazard Examples Chapter

Subcategory Category Section
Lethal Treatments Biological • Heat treatments (also called thermal 4.3.1
treatments) (e.g., cooking, roasting,
• High Pressure Processing (HPP)
• Irradiation
• Antimicrobial fumigation (e.g., with
polypropylene oxide (PPO))
Time/Temperature Biological • Refrigeration 4.3.2
of Holding
• Freezing
Formulation Biological • Reducing the water activity 4.3.3
• Reducing the pH
• Adding preservatives
Dehydration/Drying Biological • Air-drying (forced air and heating) 4.3.4
• Freeze drying
• Spray drying
Recipe Chemical • Controlling the maximum level of food 4.3.5
Management ingredients
Storage Conditions Chemical • Controlling moisture during storage of 4.3.6
raw agricultural commodities
Physical Sorting Chemical • Reducing mycotoxin content through 4.3.7
sorting by color and physical damage in
raw agricultural commodities
Exclusion of Metal Physical • Using magnets 4.3.8
and Glass
• Using metal detectors
• Using sieves, screens
• Using X-ray systems

4.3.1 Treatments lethal to biological hazards

We use the term “lethality treatment” when referring to a treatment that is used to kill/destroy or
inactivate microorganisms. In general, when discussing bacterial pathogens in this document
we use the terms “kill” or “destroy” when discussing treatments lethal to vegetative cells and we
use the term “inactivate” when discussing treatments lethal to spores. Common lethality
treatments include: (1) Heat treatments (e.g., cooking, boiling, pasteurizing, baking, frying); (2)

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 6

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

HPP; (3) irradiation; and (4) antimicrobial fumigation. We discuss each of these in the following
sections of this chapter. Use of Heat Treatment (Thermal Processing) as a Lethality

Process Control

Heat treatment is a common lethality process control. Heat treatments generally fall into into the
following two categories:

Heat treatment that leads to commercial sterility: heat processing at high temperatures (> 212 F
(100°C)) under presssure with the objective of killing all forms of microorganisms, including the
spores of bacteria. The treated products are shelf-stable without refrigeration. (Lower temperatures
can lead to products that are shelf-stable in some cases, e.g., when the pH is low enough to prevent
growth of surviving sporeformers.)
• Heat treatment that reduces microbial pathogens but does not lead to commercial sterility: heat
processing at lower temperatures (e.g., 158°F (70°C) to 212°F (100°C)), with the processes designed
to kill the vegetative forms of microorganisms with little to no effect on the spores of bacteria. The
treated products are not shelf-stable and require controls such as refrigeration to control spores of
bacterial pathogens.
This chapter does not address heat treatments that lead to commercial sterility of “low-acid
canned foods.” Such treatments are subject to the requirements of 21 CFR part 113 (Thermally
Processed Low-Acid Foods Packaged in Hermetically Sealed Containers; commonly called
“Low-Acid Canned Foods (LACF)) because the microbial hazards in LACF are not subject to the
requirements for hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls. Note that although some
hermetically sealed containers (e.g., pouches and glass bottles) used to package thermally
processed low-acid foods generally would not be viewed as “cans,” the term “low-acid canned
foods” has been used for decades as a shorthand description for “thermally processed low-acid
foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers,” and we continue to use that term (and its
abbreviation, LACF) for the purposes of this guidance.

Pasteurization is an example of a lethal heat treatment that reduces microbial pathogens but
does not lead to a shelf stable product. Pasteurization typically is applied to foods to kill non-
sporeforming pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and pathogenic strains
of E. coli. One example is the pasteurization of grade “A” milk and milk products that is covered
by the 2015 Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) (FDA, 2015a). This chapter does not address
pasteurization of milk; if you pasteurize milk, you should refer to 21 CFR 1240.61 and the
specific requirements in your jurisdiction.

Thermal Destruction of Microorganisms

To design a lethal heat treatment for use as a preventive control, you should have a basic
understanding of thermobacteriology (i.e., the relationship between bacteria and heat), including
two key types of data and information:

• The kinetics of thermal inactivation or destruction of microorganisms, known as thermal death time
data and;
• The rate at which heating occurs within the food material, also known as heat transfer or heat
Immediately below, we describe basic concepts associated with thermal death time data and
heat transfer/heat penetration. For a more extensive review of thermobacteriology, including

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 7

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

graphical representations of the relationship of D values and z values to Thermal Death Time,
refer to Stumbo, Chapter 7 (1973).

Some terms and concepts used to describe the thermal destruction of microorganisms include:

• TDT (Thermal Death Time) is the time necessary to kill a given number of microorganisms at a
specified temperature. The TDT is obtained by keeping temperature constant and measuring the time
necessary to kill the amount of cells specified.
• D Value (the decimal reduction time) is the time required to kill 90% of the microorganisms. Another
way of expressing this is the time required at a specific temperature and under specified conditions to
reduce a microbial population by one decimal (see discussion below).
• z Value refers to the degrees in Farhenheit required for the thermal destruction curve to cross one log
cycle (i.e., for reducing the D value by a factor of 10).
Food processing experts evaluate treatments intended to kill or inactivate pathogens in food in
terms of “logs” of kill, where the term “log” is a shorthand expression of the mathematical term
logarithm. A logarithm is the exponent of the power to which a base number must be raised to
equal a given number. In thermobacteriology, the base number is usually 10. As an example,
the number 100 = 102 where the base number is 10 and the exponent is 2. Because the
exponent is 2, the number 100 = log 2. Likewise, the number 1000 = 103 = log 3. The important
thing to understand is that each “log” of kill is capable of causing a tenfold reduction in the
number of microorganisms that the treatment is designed to kill, i.e., the most resistant
microorganism of public health significance.

The decimal reduction time (D) is used synonymously with “log” in the context of
thermobacteriology. A 1-log or 1D process would be one that is capable of reducing the level of
the most resistant pathogen of concern in the food by 10 fold, e.g., from 10,000 cells of the
microorganism per gram of food to 1,000 cells of the microorganism per gram of food.
Importantly, it is not possible to technically achieve a level of reduction to zero, or “no
microorganisms”; instead, as a technical matter the probability of finding the organism becomes
less likely as the magnitude of reduction increases. Thus, a 5-log reduction process would be
one that is capable of reducing the level of the most resistant pathogen of concern in the food
by 100,000 fold, e.g., from 10,000 cells of the microorganism per gram of food to a probability of
1 cell in 10 g of food.

Table 4-4 provides examples of how food processing experts would describe the effect of lethal
heat treatments on microorganisms in foods using terms commonly associated with

Table 4-4. The concept of log reductions of microorganisms in foods

Initial number of the Log Decrease in most resistant Percent Final number of
most resistant reduction microorganism of public of change bacteria per
microorganism of (also health significance per gram gram of food
public health known as of food
significance per D)
gram of food
10,000 or log 4 1 10-fold 90% 1,000 or log 3
10,000 or log 4 2 10 X 10 = 100 fold 99% 100 or log 2
10,000 or log 4 3 10 X 10 X 10 = 1000-fold 99.9% 10 or log 1
10,000 or log 4 4 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 10,000-fold 99.99% 1 or log 0

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 8

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Initial number of the Log Decrease in most resistant Percent Final number of
most resistant reduction microorganism of public of change bacteria per
microorganism of (also health significance per gram gram of food
public health known as of food
significance per D)
gram of food
10,000 or log 4 5 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 99.999% 0.1 or log -1
10,000 or log 4 6 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 99.9999% 0.01 or log -2
1 4
Additional equivalent ways to express 10,000 include 10 , 10^4, and 10E4
2 -1
Additional equivalent ways to express 0.1 include 10 or 1 in 10.

Relative Heat Resistance of Microorganisms

Some microorganisms are more resistant to heat than other microorganisms and, thus, the
require more stringent heating conditions to kill or inactivate them. Table 4-5 shows the relative
heat resistance of common types of microorganisms.

Table 4-5. Relative Heat Resistance of Microbial Forms

Resistance to Heat Microbial Form

Highest Bacterial Spores
Moderate • Some Vegetative bacterial cells
• Cysts of Parasites
• Fungi, including fungal spores
Least • Some vegetative bacterial cells
• Viruses

As already noted, this chapter addresses relatively mild heat treatments that reduce microbial
pathogens but do not lead to commercial sterility. These relatively mild heat treatments are
used to reduce the number of vegetative cells of bacterial pathogens such as Listeria
monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes), Salmonella, and enteropathogenic E. coli, and the spores
of non-proteolytic strains of Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) and Bacillus cereus (B.
cereus). These processes are designed to ensure product safety by achieving a 6-log reduction
(6D). For a more detailed review of the relative heat resistance of food pathogens in mildly heat
processed foods, see Jay (1996), FDA (2000), and Farkas (2007).

Factors Affecting the Heat Resistance of Microorganisms

In addition to the inherent heat resistance of specific microorganisms (or life stages of
microorganisms, such as the spore stage), other factors associated with foods (such as water
activity, pH, salt content, fat, and protein) can affect the heat resistance of microorganisms.
Table 4-6 lists the most common factors that you should consider when designing a heat
treatment as a process preventive control.

Table 4-6. Factors That Influence the Heat Resistance of Microorganisms in Foods

Factor Effect on Microbial Heat Resistance

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 9

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Factor Effect on Microbial Heat Resistance

Water As the humidity or moisture goes down, in general the heat
resistance increases
Fat As the fat content increases, there is a general increase in heat
resistance of some microorganisms
Salts The effect of salt varies and depends on the kind of salt and
concentration. Some salts that decease water activity appear to
increase heat resistance of microorganisms while other salts that may
2+ 2+
increase water activity (e.g., Ca and Mg ) appear to decrease heat
Carbohydrates The presence of sugars can increase the heat resistance of
microorganisms due in part to the decrease in water activity.
However, the impact can be variable, particularly among sugars and
sugar alcohols.
pH Most microorganisms are more heat resistant near their optimum pH
for growth. Generally, as the pH increases or decreases relative to
this optimum pH, the microorganisms become more sensitive to heat.
Proteins Proteins have a protective effect and, thus, increase the heat
resistance of microorganisms.

Other factors that can influence the heat resistance of microorganisms include the numbers of
organisms, the age of the microorganisms, the temperatures at which microbial growth occurs,
the presence of inhibitory compounds, and the time-temperature combination utilized. For a
comprehensive compilation of data and research on the effect of food factors on the heat
resistance of food pathogens of public health concern, see ICMSF (1996).

Lethal Heat Treatments


Baking, boiling, roasting, steaming, and frying are conventional heating methods used for
cooking a wide variety of foods (e.g., cereal-grain products, vegetables, soups, sauces,
legumes, and assembled multi-component meals). Cooking is performed for two primary
reasons: to make food palatable and to make it safe by eliminating vegetative pathogens such
as Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, and enteropathogenic E. coli. This discussion focuses on the
food safety aspects of the cooking methods.

You should design a cooking process to target heat resistant vegetative pathogens, such as L.
monocytogenes. Typically, we recommend a thermal process that achieves a 5D to 7D
reduction for most cooking treatments. However, if the expected initial microbial load is low, a
less severe thermal process may be adequate. For cooking processes that target pathogenic
sporeformers such as C. botulinum type E and non-proteolytic types B and F (i.e., 194°F (90oC))
for 10 min), generally a 6D reduction in the level of contamination is suitable.

Table 3-D in Appendix 3 of this document provides 6D process times for a range of cooking
temperatures, with L. monocytogenes as the target pathogen. It is possible that higher levels of
destruction may be necessary in some foods, e.g., if you expect especially high initial levels of
the target pathogen.

Table 3-E in Appendix 3 of this document provides 6D process times for a range of heating
temperatures, with non-proteolytic C. botulinum type B (the most heat-resistant form of non-
proteolytic C. botulinum) as the target pathogen.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 10

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

There are a variety of ways to control the application of these cooking processes depending
upon the type of food and the method of delivery (e.g., boiling, steaming). For example, for
liquid and semi-liquid food products that are batch-cooked in a cooking vessel such as a kettle
agitated during the thermal process, the simplest way to control the process is to check the
internal temperature of the product at the end of the designated cooking time (i.e., check the
time-temperature parameters of the treatment). A dial thermometer with a long probe works
quite well. If the temperature is taken at or near the center of the cooking vessel, it is reasonable
to assume that all product in the cooking vessel is at or above that temperature, because foods
processed in this manner generally heat by convection or forced convection. You can monitor a
simple boiling heat process by visually observing and timing the boil. Usually, a temperature
distribution study is performed to ensure that no point in the cooking vessel is at a lower
temperature than the minimum value (or critical limit) for temperature required during the

Heating food with large particles, like vegetables in stews and some soups, occurs primarily by
conduction, rather than by convection. Particle size and consistency can greatly affect the rate
of heating at the center of the particle. You cannot control cooking processes for products with
large particles by periodically checking the internal temperature of some of the product particles
as they leave the cooker because you cannot verify that each particle reached the appropriate
temperature for adequate time. Therefore, you should establish the process scientifically and
validate it through a scientific study demonstrating that if the minimum/maximum values are met
for all the critical factors (e.g., cooking temperature, time, particle size) all particles will receive
an adequate heat treatment.

Normally, a study to validate a cooking process is performed by a person or group

knowledgeable in the design of thermal processes to determine the critical parameters required
for the heat process being applied to ensure that it delivers the desired reduction level (logs of
kill, as described in section of this chapter). A preventive controls qualified individual
must conduct (or oversee) such a study. See 21 CFR 117.180(a). (Because it is common
practice for these studies to be conducted by entities with special expertise in the area, the
preventive controls qualified individual likely will oversee, rather than conduct, the study.) Once
that study has been completed, the person conducting the study will provide a time and
temperature for the processor to monitor during processing, as well as any other parameters
that are critical to delivery of an adequate heat treatment, such as maximum particle size). You
can then monitor the time and temperature of the heat process to effectively ensure that all
product particles have achieved the desired internal temperature. It may also be necessary to
monitor other factors of the product or the process, such as the internal temperature of the
product before the start of the process--called the initial temperature (IT), particle size, or
relative humidity, where they affect the rate of heating. These factors, and their limits, will be
determined by the process design study.

For some products, such as soups or sauces, you may be able to monitor End-Point Internal
Product Temperature (EPIPT), a measurement of the internal temperature of the product at the
end of the heat process, instead of performing continuous time and temperature monitoring.
This approach is suitable if you have conducted a scientific study to validate that the EPIPT that
you have selected will provide an appropriate reduction (e.g., 6D) in the numbers of the target
pathogen in the slowest heating unit or portion of product under the worst set of heating
conditions covered by the scientific study. If you want to monitor EPIPT, you should:

• Conduct a temperature distribution study within the heating system to identify any cold spots;

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 11

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

• Conduct a heat penetration study that accounts for the slowest heating product under the worst case
heating conditions covered by the scientific study; and
• Identify other critical factors of processing and/or packaging that affect the rate of product heating
when scientifically establishing a heat process.
You should use the EPIPT as a monitoring technique only under those conditions that were
evaluated by the scientific study, with those conditions identified as process parameters with
minimum/maximum values (or critical limits) that are monitored as part of your process controls.
See “Chapter 6 – Use of Heat Treatments as a Process Control” in this guidance for additional
information about the EPIPT monitoring technique.

Other common forms of cooking that are used to produce commercially manufactured foods are
baking and roasting. These are essentially the same unit operation because they both use
heated air to alter the eating quality of foods. However, the term “baking” is usually used when
heated air is applied to flour-based foods or fruits, and the term “roasting” is usually used when
heated air is applied to meats, nuts, or vegetables. Baking and roasting operations use dry heat
in gas-fired or electric ovens. For some products such as bakery products, the effectiveness of
the dry heat in ovens is increased by the addition of steam for various cooking purposes.
Cooking equipment may be batch-type or continuous. In a continuous system the food is moved
through the cooking equipment by conveyor or auger systems. The methods of controlling and
monitoring the time-temperature parameters of these types of cooking processes will vary
depending upon whether it is batch-type or continuous process. See “Chapter 6 – Use of Heat
Treatments as a Process Control” for an example using baking as a preventive control.

Emerging Technologies Based on Thermal Effects

Microwave, radio frequency, ohmic heating, and inductive heating are heat-based processes
that can kill microorganisms by thermal effects. Microwave and radio frequency heating are
based on the use of electromagnetic waves of certain frequencies to generate heat in a material
through two mechanisms - dielectric and ionic. Ohmic heating is the process of passing electric
currents (primarily alternating) through foods or other materials to heat them. The heating
occurs in the form of internal energy generation within the material. Ohmic heating is
distinguished from other electrical heating methods either by the presence of electrodes
contacting the food (as opposed to microwave heating, where electrodes are absent), and
depends on frequency of the current and waveform (typically sinusoidal). Inductive heating is a
process of inducing electric currents within the food due to oscillating electromagnetic fields
generated by electric coils.

For any of these heat-based processes, the magnitude of time/temperature history and the
location of the cold points will determine the effect on microorganisms. The effectiveness of
these processes also depends on water activity and pH of the product. Although the shape of
the destruction or inactivation curves is expected to be similar to those in conventional heating,
the intricacies of each of the technologies need special attention if you plan to use them for
microbial destruction or inactivation. For instance, in microwave heating a number of factors
influence the location of the cold points, such as the composition, shape, and size of the food,
the microwave frequency, and the applicator design. The location of the coldest-point and
time/temperature history can be predicted through simulation software, and we expect that food
processors may be able to use these emerging technologies in the future.

For a detailed overview of these processing technologies, as well as alternative thermal

processing techniques, see Sun (2005).

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 12

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation Use of High Pressure Processing (HPP) as a Lethality Process


The pressure processing of foods for preservation was studied as early as the end of the 19th
century and the beginning of the 20th century in the United States by people like Hite (1899)
and Bridgman (1912). However the potential microbiological effects of HPP were not recognized
by the food industry until around 1985. HPP has recently received a great deal of attention in
the food, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. Japan has been a leader in this
technology, producing products such as jams, jellies, fruit juices, and yogurt.

Microorganisms vary in their sensitivity to high pressure. If you plan to use HPP, you should
consider the organism of concern, product characteristics and, whether the process is to result
in product that is to be refrigerated or that will be shelf stable. Destruction of the microorganism
is primarily caused by changes in the structure and permeability of the cell wall which causes
fluids to be forced into the cell.

Bacterial spores are well established as the most pressure-resistant biological forms known.
Spores resist inactivation by high pressure alone and most require the addition of heat or some
other mechanism to achieve appropriate levels of destruction. C. botulinum is one of the most
pressure-resistant and hazardous microorganisms, which is a challenge in the design of high-
pressure processes. Because of this, the best candidates for HPP continue to be acid foods and
foods that will be refrigerated following processing (which provide control of sporeformers).

High pressure processing of foods requires pressures of 400 to 700 MPa, or 4000 - 7000 bars
(58,000 - 101,000 psig). The unit of measure frequently used for HPP in the food industry is the
pascal (Pa) or megapascal (MPa, 1,000,000 Pa). Most commercial food industry applications
use pressures in the range of 600 to 700 MPa.

High pressure processing requires very specialized and costly equipment. Currently foods using
HPP are being processed by batch systems. For batch processing, the food is packaged in a
flexible or semi-flexible package, prior to placing the product in the HPP system, where the
product is placed into a chamber and immersed in water or some other pressurizing fluid, then
subjected to the high pressure for a time of 1 - 20 minutes, depending on the temperature and
pressure. The chamber would then be depressurized and the product removed. Applications
and the feasibility for commercialization for other HPP systems such as semi-continuous,
continuous, and pulsed HPP have been described elsewhere (FDA, 2000; Indrawati et al. 2003;
Z. Berk, 2009).

For a detailed review of the application and use of HPP as a process control, see FDA (2000
and 2001) and Hogan et al. (2005). Use of Irradiation as a Lethality Process Control

The application of radiation treatments to food for the purpose of improving safety (e.g. by
reducing or eliminating pathogenic bacteria) or extending shelf life by (e.g. by reducing or
eliminating spoilage microorganisms and insects) can use sources that have high enough
energy levels to cause ionization (the creation of ions by expulsion of orbital electrons from
atoms) or have lower energy levels that will not cause ionization. These are known as ionizing
and non-ionizing radiation, respectively. The most commonly used form of radiation to treat
foods as a lethality process control is ionizing radiation and the discussion in this section of this
chapter focuses on ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation in the form of lower energy

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 13

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

electromagnetic waves such as UV light and infrared heating can be used to treat foods similar
to that described for microwaves, radio frequency, and ohmic heating in the section of this
chapter entitled “Emerging Technologies Based on Thermal Effects” and will not be addressed
here. For more information on the application of infrared (IR) radiation in food processing
operations, see the review by Krishnamurthy et al. (2008). For more information on the
application and use of UV light in food processing, see the discussion by FDA (2000, 2001).

FDA is responsible for regulating the sources of radiation that are used to irradiate food (21
CFR Part 179 Subpart B). Irradiation is considered a food additive in the United States and, as
such, its use in foods requires premarket approval by FDA (21 CFR Part 179). There are three
sources of ionizing radiation approved for use on foods (21 CFR 179.26):

• Gamma rays – emitted from radioactive forms of the element cobalt (Cobalt 60) or the element
cesium (Cesium 137). Gamma radiation is also used routinely in medicine to sterilize medical and
dental products and for the radiation treatment of cancer.
• X-rays – produced by reflecting a high-energy stream of electrons into food off a target substance
(usually one of the heavy metals) using electron accelerators. X-rays are also widely used in
medicine and industry to produce images of internal structures.
• Electron beam – (or e-beam) is similar to X-rays and is a stream of high-energy electrons propelled
from an electron accelerator into food.
Some common terms that are used when describing the application of ionizing radiation in the
treatment of foods are:

• Dose (absorbed) – The amount of energy absorbed per unit mass of irradiated material.
• D 10 value – Amount of radiation required to reduce the population of a specific microorganism by 90%
(one log 10 cycle) under the stated conditions.
• Gray (Gy) - A unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation, equal to 1 joule/kg of absorbed energy.
• Electron volt (eV) – A unit of energy. One electron volt is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron in
passing through a potential difference of one volt in a vacuum.
The primary reason food irradiation is used as a lethal process control is to inactivate pathogens
and microorganisms that cause food spoilage (Farkas et al., 2014). The application of ionizing
radiation damages DNA and very effectively inhibits DNA synthesis and further cell division in
microorganisms that are exposed to these forms and levels of energy. The amount of radiation
energy used to bring about the control of microorganisms varies according to the radiation
resistance of the particular organism, which is often specific to the species level and the number
or load of the microorganisms present.

Radiation treatment at doses of 2–7 kiloGray (kGy), depending on the source of radiation and
the food, have been reported to effectively eliminate potentially pathogenic non-sporeforming
bacteria, including both long-time recognized pathogens such as Salmonella and S. aureus, as
well as more recently emerged pathogens such as Campylobacter, L. monocytogenes or E. coli
O157:H7, from suspected food products (Farkas, 1998). As an example, Table 4-7 provides a
summary of compiled data on the ranges of decimal reduction doses (D 10 values) for the most
important non-sporeforming pathogenic bacteria determined in various foods under various

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 14

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Table 4-7. D 10 Values (kGy) for Some Foodborne Non-sporeforming Pathogenic Bacteria

Bacteria Non-frozen food Frozen food

Vibrio spp. 0.02-0.14 0.04-0.44
Yersinia enterocolitica 0.04-0.21 0.20-0.39
Campylobacter jejuni 0.08-0.20 0.18-0.32
Aeromonas hydrophila 0.11-0.19 0.21-0.34
Shigella spp. 0.22-0.40 0.22-0.41
Escherichia coli O157:H7 0.24-0.43 0.30-0.98
Staphylococcus aureus 0.26-0.57 0.29-0.45
Salmonella spp. 0.18-0.92 0.37-1.28
Listeria monocytogenes 0.20-1.0 0.52-1.4
Adapted from Farkas et al., 2014

Bacterial spores are more resistant to irradiation than non-sporeforming bacteria. The spores of
C. botulinum types A and B are particularly resistant.

For illustrative purposes, Table 4-8 lists the approved uses of ionizing radiation for application
as a process control in food processing as of April, 2016. We adapted Table 4-8 from 21 CFR
179.26(b), which specifies the limitations on the approved uses of ionizing radiation for the
treatment of food and includes uses for purposes other than as a process control. For example,
21 CFR 179.26(b) also specifies limitations on the use of ionizing radiation for use in
disinfestation of arthropod pests in food. You should refer to 21 CFR 179.26 for the most
current limitations on the approved uses for the treatment of food using ionizing radiation.

Table 4-8. Approved Uses for the Treatment of Food Using Ionizing Radiation

Use Limitations
For control of Trichinella spiralis in pork carcasses or fresh, Minimum dose 0.3 kiloGray (kGy) (30
non-heat-processed cuts of pork carcasses kilorad (krad)); maximum dose not to
exceed 1 kGy (100 krad).
For microbial disinfection of dry or dehydrated enzyme Not to exceed 10 kGy (1 megarad
preparations (including immobilized enzymes) (Mrad)).
For microbial disinfection of the following dry or dehydrated Not to exceed 30 kGy (3 Mrad).
aromatic vegetable substances when used as ingredients in
small amounts solely for flavoring or aroma: culinary herbs,
seeds, spices, vegetable seasonings that are used to impart
flavor but that are not either represented as, or appear to be, a
vegetable that is eaten for its own sake, and blends of these
aromatic vegetable substances. Turmeric and paprika may also
be irradiated when they are to be used as color additives. The
blends may contain sodium chloride and minor amounts of dry
food ingredients ordinarily used in such blends

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 15

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Use Limitations
For control of food-borne pathogens in fresh (refrigerated or Not to exceed 4.5 kGy for non-frozen
unrefrigerated) or frozen, uncooked poultry products that are: products; not to exceed 7.0 kGy for
(1) Whole carcasses or disjointed portions (or other parts) of frozen products.
such carcasses that are “ready-to-cook poultry” within the
meaning of 9 CFR 381.l(b) (with or without non-fluid seasoning;
includes, e.g., ground poultry), or (2) mechanically separated
poultry product (a finely comminuted ingredient produced by the
mechanical deboning of poultry carcasses or parts of
For the sterilization of frozen, packaged meats used solely in Minimum dose 44 kGy (4.4 Mrad).
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration space flight Packaging materials used need not
programs comply with §179.25(c) provided that
their use is otherwise permitted by
applicable regulations in 21 CFR parts
174 through 186.
For control of foodborne pathogens in, and extension of the Not to exceed 4.5 kGy maximum for
shelf-life of, refrigerated or frozen, uncooked products that are refrigerated products; not to exceed 7.0
meat within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2(rr), meat byproducts kGy maximum for frozen products.
within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2(tt), or meat food products
within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2(uu), with or without non-fluid
seasoning, that are otherwise composed solely of intact or
ground meat, meat byproducts, or both meat and meat
For control of Salmonella in fresh shell eggs. Not to exceed 3.0 kGy.
For control of microbial pathogens on seeds for sprouting. Not to exceed 8.0 kGy.
For the control of Vibrio bacteria and other foodborne Not to exceed 5.5 kGy.
microorganisms in or on fresh or frozen molluscan shellfish.
For control of food-borne pathogens and extension of shelf-life Not to exceed 4.0 kGy.
in fresh iceberg lettuce and fresh spinach.
For control of foodborne pathogens, and extension of shelf-life, Not to exceed 4.5 kGy.
in unrefrigerated (as well as refrigerated) uncooked meat, meat
byproducts, and certain meat food products
For control of food-borne pathogens in, and extension of the Not to exceed 6.0 kGy.
shelf-life of, chilled or frozen raw, cooked, or partially cooked
crustaceans or dried crustaceans (water activity less than 0.85),
with or without spices, minerals, inorganic salts, citrates, citric
acid, and/or calcium disodium EDTA
Adapted from 21 CFR Part 179.26(b)

For additional information on processes, application, and equipment used in the ionizing
radiation treatment of foods see FDA (2004), Lacroix (2005), Fellows (2009a), Farkas and
Mohacsi-Farkas (2011) and FDA (2015b). Use of Antimicrobial Fumigation as a Lethality Process Control

In California, treatment processes for almonds must use technologies that have been
determined to achieve a minimum 4-log reduction of Salmonella in almonds (see 7 CFR part
981, Almonds Grown in California). The Almond Board of California (ABC) has processes in
place to review treatment processes for scientific adequacy. ABC has funded research projects
demonstrating that fumigation with propylene oxide (PPO) (a registered fumigant in the United
States for the reduction of bacteria, yeasts, and mold on raw nut meats) is an effective
treatment for achieving a minimum 4-log reduction of Salmonella in almonds (ABC, 2008).

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 16

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

4.3.2 Use of Time-Temperature as a Process Control

Temperature is an essential factor that affects the growth of bacteria. Bacterial growth can occur
over a wide range of temperatures from about 23°F (-5°C) to 194°F (90° C). Table 4-9 lists four
types of bacteria based on their temperature growth ranges.

Table 4-9. Temperature Ranges for the Growth of Microorganisms

Group Minimum Temperature Optimum Temperature Maximum Temperature

°C (°F) °C (°F) °C (°F)
Thermophiles 40 - 45 (104 - 113) 55 - 75 (131 - 167) 60 - 90 (140 - 194)
Mesophiles 5 - 15 (41 - 59) 30 - 45 (86 - 113) 35 - 47 (95 - 117)
Psychrophiles -5 - +5 (23 - 41) 12 - 15 (54 - 59) 15 - 20 (59 - 68)
Psychrotrophs -5 - +5 (23 – 41) 25 - 30 (77 - 86) 30 - 35 (86 - 95)

Thermophiles grow at hot temperatures above 131°F (55°C). Mesophiles grow at or near room
temperatures. Psychrophiles grow at or near refrigeration temperatures. Psychrotrophs are
capable of growth at refrigeration temperatures, but their optimal growth temperature is in the
mesophilic range.

Most pathogenic bacteria are mesophiles and their optimum growth temperature corresponds to
human body temperature (see Table 3-A of Appendix 3 of this guidance). Typically, the higher
the temperature (within the normal growth range), the more rapid the growth of the

It is not only the temperature that is of concern; it is the total time of exposure at temperatures
that allow growth that needs to be controlled. The most general recommendation is to hold cold
foods below 41°F (5°C) and to keep hot foods above 135°F (57°C). However, in some situations
it may not be possible to completely avoid product exposure to mesophilic temperatures. Use of Refrigeration as a Time-Temperature Process Control

Refrigeration works well for controlling the growth of most pathogenic bacteria. However, some
pathogens, like L. monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica, can grow at temperatures close
to freezing. Refrigeration has the added advantage of slowing down biological and chemical
processes that result in spoilage, oxidative rancidity, and other quality defects.

Control of temperature during storage can be accomplished in several ways, such as ice,
chemical coolant gel packs, and mechanical dry refrigeration (e.g., in a cooler).

Controlling temperature with ice or gel packs can be effective if there is an adequate amount of
ice or gel packs. Therefore, you should monitor the control by checking whether an adequate
amount of coolant is present on the product at all times, including when it is shipped and when it
is received and checking the temperature of the food with a thermometer or temperature
recording device.

For mechanical dry refrigerated storage in a cooler, if the ambient temperature can be related to
the product temperature, monitoring the temperature of the storage area will ensure that the
product temperature is under control. Ordinarily monitoring of the cooler requires use of
continuous monitoring instruments such as recorder thermometer charts, maximum-indicating
thermometers, and high temperature alarms.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 17

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation


When food is removed from refrigeration, the temperature of the food gradually increases and
can reach the temperature associated with the growth range specific to particular pathogens.
Bacterial pathogens go through a lag phase, where little or no growth occurs as the
microorganisms adjust to their new environment. Depending upon the ambient temperature, it is
possible that food can stay out of refrigeration for at least a couple of hours with no risk of
significant pathogen growth. As the product temperature approaches the growth range,
pathogens enter what is called the “log phase” (because they grow logarithmically). The object
is to prevent that from happening, ideally keeping pathogens in their lag phase. We call the
temperature range of concern (41°F (5°C) to 135°F (57°C)) the “danger zone.”

Traditionally, the rule of thumb for foods that will support microbial growth has been no more
than 4 hours in the danger zone (41°F (5°C) to 135°F (57°C)). Different pathogens have
different rates of growth at different temperatures, and the rate of growth will be affected by the
type of food and its inherent properties. Therefore, the actual maximum time that a product may
be safely held in the danger zone depends on a number of factors, including the type of
pathogens that are present and the ability of the food to support their growth. Guidance on this
issue is available in the US Food Code 2 (FDA, 2013) and in Table 3-B in Appendix 3 of this
document. You may set limits based on these factors or based on studies done on your own
specific food products, rather than relying on the 4-hour rule of thumb. Food inspectors should
also use these factors when they evaluate the significance of time - temperature abuse.

Control of time and temperature during processing may be more complicated than during
storage, because it involves information about the time and temperature exposure of the
product during production. You can obtain this information in a variety of ways, such as marking
units of product and tracking how long they remain at unrefrigerated temperatures; monitoring
the ambient temperature in a chill room operation; or monitoring product temperatures during
different phases of production. See “Chapter 7 – Use of Time/Temperature Control as a
Process Control” of this guidance for additional information about the application of time-
temperature holding conditions.

Cooling after Cooking

Cooling after cooking can be a critical function influencing the safety of a food (FDA, 2013).
Depending upon the food and ingredients, cooked foods can still have viable pathogenic
bacteria present. For example, the spores of sporeforming pathogens such as C. botulinum can
survive cooking processes. For non-sporeforming pathogens that are particularly heat tolerant
(such as L. monocytogenes), vegetative cells can sometimes survive the cooking process;
however, this should not be the case if you selected the appropriate target pathogen for control
by the applied process and you validated the control. More often, it is the spores of

The U.S. Food Code (FDA, 2013) is a model that assists food control jurisdictions at all levels of
government by providing them with a scientifically sound technical and legal basis for regulating the retail
and food service segment of the industry (restaurants and grocery stores and institutions such as nursing
homes). Local, state, tribal, and federal regulators use the FDA Food Code as a model to develop or
update their own food safety rules and to be consistent with national food regulatory policy. Although the
target audience for the U.S. Food Code does not include most food processing facilities, the U.S. Food
Code nonetheless contains scientifically-based information that you can use as a resource where
appropriate in establishing some preventive controls particularly regarding use of refrigeration to control
the growth of microbial pathogens.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 18

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

sporeforming pathogens (such as C. botulinum) that survive the cooking process if they are
present because temperatures that can only be achieved under pressure are usually needed to
inactivate spores. These spores will begin to germinate when the product temperature drops to
a temperature at which they can grow (usually below 135°F (57°C)) and will be present in the
food during storage. Some spores, such as those from non-proteolytic C. botulinum and some
strains of B. cereus, have the ability to germinate and grow at refrigeration temperatures,
although long times are required. Other spores that may be present in the food remain dormant
until the product is temperature-abused (i.e., held in the temperature range at which these
pathogens can grow). In such an event, pathogenic spores are able to germinate, grow, and
the resulting cells can possibly produce toxin due to the fact that most spoilage bacteria (which
may otherwise compete for growth) have been eliminated by the cooking process. For further
discussion on the importance of cooling food after cooking see Factors that Influence Microbial
Growth (Chapter 3 in the Evaluation and Definition of Potentially Hazardous Foods) (FDA,

If the cooking process is adequate to inactivate spores and the product is protected from
recontamination during cooling, the cooling step will not be critical. Situations where these
conditions exist are probably limited to certain pressurized steam processes.

Simply putting food in a refrigerator is not adequate to prevent microbiological growth. When
large volumes of hot food are cooled, it can take a long time, sometimes as long as 36 hours, to
chill the food to a point where pathogen growth is inhibited. The U.S. Food Code specifies the
application of a two part cooling protocol In order to cool foods safely and keep bacteria in the
lag phase. First, drop the temperature from 135°F (57°C) to 70°F (21°C) within two hours. The
temperature must be lowered through this range quickly because foodborne pathogens multiply
most rapidly between these temperatures. Second, after dropping the initial temperature to 70°F
(21°C), you can take up to additional 4 hours to get the product down to 41°F (5°C). FSIS also
recommends a two part cooling for meat and poultry, but uses slightly different temperatures:
“temperature should not remain between 130°F (54°C) and 80°F (27°C) for more than 1.5 hours
nor between 80°F (27°C) and 40°F (4°C) for more than 5 hours” (FSIS, 1999). Both these
protocols are adequate to minimize the potential for growth of foodborne pathogens.

A blast freezer is one of the best cooling methods. High velocity cold air can drop the
temperature of large volumes of hot food in less than an hour. The containers of food that have
been chilled can then be shifted to a holding cooler.

Cooling tunnels and spiral freezers are similar to blast freezers but are more compatible with
moving production lines. They use high velocity cold air, or liquid carbon dioxide or nitrogen for
rapid cooling. Products may be frozen before or after packaging depending upon the product
and package size.

Heat exchangers are used for cooling liquids like milk and juice after pasteurization. Lines
containing a coolant such as water or cold, raw product run adjacent to lines of hot, pasteurized
product. No actual exchange or co-mingling of coolant or raw product with heat-treated product
occurs. However, the cold raw liquid, for example, picks up heat from the hot, pasteurized juice.
This helps preheat the raw product and also helps precool the heat-treated liquid. See “Chapter
6 – Use of Heat Treatments as a Process Control” in this guidance for additional information
about heat exchangers.

Cook-chill operations are typically used in large institutional settings such as prisons, hospitals,
and schools as well as in food processing plants. Food is cooked in nylon reinforced plastic

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 19

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

bags or is cooked and then pumped into these bags. The bags are chilled in a tumble chiller that
tumbles the bags in ice water. This drops the temperature of large volumes of hot food quickly.
Typically, an ice tank where coils of refrigerant are run through the tank of water provides the
large volume of cold water needed.

Be advised that food can be recontaminated during the cooling process as a result of hand
contact, condensate drip, or contact with other foods. See “Chapter 10 – Sanitation Controls” in
this guidance for additional information about controlling the risk of recontamination. Use of Freezing as a Time-Temperature Process Control

Foods are microbiologically stable when held at temperatures below 17.6oF (-8oC). During
frozen storage, populations of viable microorganisms in most foods will decrease; however,
some microorganisms remain viable for long periods of time during frozen storage. Most
viruses, bacterial spores, and some bacterial vegetative cells survive freezing unchanged.
Some of the other microorganisms are sensitive to the freezing and thawing process (i.e.,
freezing, frozen storage, or thawing). Since multi-celled organisms (such as such as parasitic
protozoa, nematodes, and trematodes) are generally more sensitive to low temperatures than
are bacteria; freezing and frozen storage are good methods for killing these organisms in
various foods. This is especially important if consumers are likely to eat the foods raw or
undercooked. See Kennedy (2003) and Fellows (2009b) for a detailed review on the use of
freezing technologies in the preservation of foods.

4.3.3 Use of Product Formulation as a Process Control

Most food preservation techniques used by processors employ knowledge of factors (such as
water activity, pH, temperature, nutrients, chemical inhibitors, competitive microflora, and
atmosphere) that affect the growth of bacteria. For more information on how these factors affect
microbial growth, see International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods
(ICMSF) (1996, 2002), Jay (1996), and Zeuthen and Bogh-Sorensen (2003).

In this section of this chapter, we discuss two key factors that are frequently used as a
formulation process control – i.e., water activity and pH. We also discuss the use of
preservatives as a formulation process control. Use of Water activity (a w ) as a Formulation Process Control

Microorganisms need water to survive as well as to grow. Water activity (a w ) refers to the
availability of water to the organism. In general, microorganisms survive and grow better when
the water activity is high than when the water activity is low.

If you have a closed container of water, the air over the water becomes saturated with water.
The relative humidity is 100%, which equals a water activity of 1.0. Thus, water has a water
activity of 1.0. Foods are more complex systems than water, and the water can bind to
components of the food so not all the water in the food is available to microorganisms; thus, the
water activity of most food products is less than 1.0.

Water activity is directly related to the vapor pressure of the water in a solution. You can
determine water activity by measuring the equilibrium relative humidity of the air over the
solution in a closed container. Relative humidity divided by 100 equals the water activity:

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 20

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

(a w ) = RH/100
a w = p/p o

Foods vary in their water activity as shown in Table 4-10. Although you can measure the water
activity of your specific food if you have the appropriate equipment, for many purposes you can
rely on the water activity values shown in Table 4-10.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 21

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Table 4-10. Principal Groups of Foods Based on Water Activity (aw) (ICMSF, 1980)

Water Activity Food Groups

0.98 and above • Fresh meats and fish
• Fresh fruits and vegetables
• Milk and other beverages
• Canned vegetables in brine
• Canned fruit in light syrup
Below 0.98 to 0.93 • Evaporated milk
• Tomato paste
• Lightly salted pork and beef products
• Canned cured meats
• Fermented sausages (not dried)
• Cooked sausages
• Processed cheese
• Gouda cheese
• Canned fruits in heavy syrup
• Bread
Below 0.93 to 0.85 • Dry or fermented sausage
• Dried venison
• Cheddar cheese
• Sweetened condensed milk
Below 0.85 to 0.60 • Intermediate moisture foods
• Dried fruits
• Flour
• Cereals
• Jam and jellies
• Molasses
• Heavily salted fish
• Meat extract
• Nuts
Below 0.60 • Confectionery
• Chocolate
• Honey
• Dried Noodles
• Crackers
• Potato Chips
• Dried egg, milk and vegetables

Table 4-10 organizes the foods into five categories, based on their water activity. Table 4-11
further classifies these five categories into three categories – i.e., moist foods, intermediate-
moisture foods (often included in the low-moisture foods category), and low-moisture foods.
Moist foods (i.e., foods with water activity above 0.85) require refrigeration or another barrier to
control the growth of pathogens (see Table 4-11). Intermediate-moisture foods (i.e., foods with
water activities between 0.60 and 0.85) do not require refrigeration to control pathogens, but
they may have a limited shelf life because of spoilage, primarily by yeast and mold. The
microbiological stability of intermediate-moisture foods may depend on factors other than water
activity, such as reduced pH, chemical preservatives, heat treatments, or combinations of these,
even though the reduced water activity is of major importance. Low-moisture foods (i.e., foods
with a water activity below 0.60) have an extended shelf life, even without refrigeration.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 22

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Table 4-11. Classification of Foods and Control Requirements Based on Water


Water Activity Classification Requirements for Control

Above 0.85 Moist Foods Require refrigeration or another barrier to control the
growth of pathogens

Intermediate- • Do not require refrigeration to control pathogens

0.60 and 0.85 Moisture Foods
• Limited shelf life because of spoilage, primarily by
yeast & mold
Below 0.60 Low-Moisture Extended shelf life, even without refrigeration

See Table 4-12 for some examples of moist foods (water activities above 0.85). Most fresh
meats, fruits, and vegetables, and many dairy products, fall into this category. The big surprise
here is probably the bread. Most of us tend to think it is a dry, shelf-stable product. Actually, the
“crumb” (interior) has a relatively high water activity. It is safe because of the multiple barriers of
pH, water activity (the crust has a low water activity), and preferential growth by mold rather
than pathogens. In other words, the bread spoils before it becomes hazardous.

Table 4-12. Examples of High Moisture (High Water Activity (a w )) Foods

Moist Foods Water Activity (a w )

Lettuce 0.99
Apples 0.99
Milk 0.98
Bread 0.95

See Table 4-13 for some examples of intermediate-moisture foods (water activity between 0.60
and 0.85). Some unique products like soy sauce appear to be a high moisture product, but
actually are in the intermediate-moisture category because salt, sugars or other ingredients bind
the moisture. Because jams and jellies have a water activity that will support the growth of yeast
and mold, they are mildly heat-treated immediately before packaging to prevent spoilage.

Table 4-13. Examples of Intermediate Moisture Foods

Intermediate Moisture Foods Water Activity (a w )

Soy sauce 0.80
Jams 0.80
Molasses 0.76
Honey 0.75
Flour 0.70
Dried fruit 0.70
Candies 0.65

See Table 4-14 for some examples of low-moisture foods (water activity below 0.60).

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Table 4-14. Examples of Low-Moisture Foods

Low-Moisture Foods Water Activity (a w )

Dried noodles 0.50
Cookies 0.30
RTE Cereals 0.20
Crackers 0.10

Some of the intermediate and low water activity foods have naturally low water activity (e.g.,
molasses and flour). We do not discuss those foods because water activity does not have to be
controlled during processing.

Other intermediate and low water activity foods, like dried fruit, strawberry jam, crackers, soy
sauce, and dried noodles, start with a high water activity and, through processing, end up with a
reduced water activity. This section of this chapter focuses on these types of foods.

Control of Water Activity

Some products require careful control of water activity for food safety, while others do not. For
example, the production of jam does not need careful control of water activity for food safety
because the food would not thicken (and, thus, become jam) unless the water activity was
reduced through the addition of the necessary amount of sugar. On the other hand, dried fruit
products need careful control of water activity for food safety, because fruit products with a
variety of moisture levels could still appear to be “dried fruit.”

There are two primary ways of reducing water activity in foods: (1) product formulation (such as
by adding salt or sugar); and (2) dehydration (drying). In this section of this chapter, we discuss
reducing water activity by product formulation. In section 4.3.4 of this document, we discuss
reducing water activity by dehydration.

Every organism has a minimum, optimum, and maximum water activity for growth (see Table 3-
A in Appendix 3 of this document). Yeasts and molds can grow at low water activity; however
0.85 is considered the safe cutoff level for pathogen growth. Water activity of 0.85 is based on
the minimum water activity for S. aureus growth. For a detailed discussion and listing of the
minimal water activities for microorganisms of public health concern, see ICMSF (1996).

There are two basic ways for how you can approach product formulation that uses control of
water activity for food safety. One approach is to closely follow a scientifically established
process for formulation that ensures a water activity of 0.85 or below. The other approach is to
develop your own process for formulation and to validate it by taking finished product samples
and testing them for water activity. Use of Acidity (pH) as a Formulation Process Control

The term “pH” refers to a numeric scale used to describe acidity and alkalinity. The pH reflects
the concentration of hydrogen ions and is expressed mathematically as the negative logarithm
of the hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.

pH = (-log of the [H+])

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Microorganisms can only grow at certain pH levels (Table 4-15). Table 4-15 shows that mold
and yeast can grow over a broad range of pH, including very low pH. Table 4-15 also shows
that the pH range where bacteria can grow is more restricted in that bacteria don’t grow at very
low pH.

Table 4-15. Growth Limiting pH Ranges for Microorganisms

Type of Microorganism pH Range for Growth

Bacteria (Gram+) 4.0 to 8.5
Bacteria (Gram -) 4.5 to 9.0
Molds 1.5 to 9.0
Yeast 2.0 to 8.5

Table 4-15 classifies bacteria as “Gram positive” and “Gram negative.” In general, “Gram
positive” and “Gram negative” are designations associated with the cell walls of bacteria, and
how the bacterial cell walls appear under a microscope when a stain is used to see them. Gram
positive bacteria appear blue, and gram negative bacteria appear red.

Lowering the pH is considered primarily a method of inhibiting the growth of bacteria rather than
a method for killing bacteria. Although many microorganisms held at low pH for an extended
time will be killed, keep in mind that some pathogenic bacteria, and in particular E. coli
O157:H7, can survive acidic conditions for extended periods of time, even if their growth is
inhibited. For details on the minimum and maximum pH limits for bacterial pathogens, see Table
3-A of Appendix 3 of this document.

Foods with a natural pH of 4.6 and below are considered acid foods. Some foods are naturally
acidic, including most fruits (e.g., many peaches, pH 4.0; apples, pH 3.5). However, some
tropical fruits, including some pineapple, may fall in the pH range above 4.6, depending in part
on variety and growing conditions. Foods with a pH above 4.6 are said to be low-acid foods.
Examples of low-acid foods include protein foods (such as milk and eggs), most vegetables,
and starch based foods (such as bread and crackers).


Because an acid pH can inhibit the growth of many bacteria, acidification of foods is a common
formulation process control. Acidification is the direct addition of acid to a low-acid food.
Examples of foods that are acidified as a process control include pickled beets and peppers.
There are a variety of acids (such as acetic acid, lactic acid, and citric acid) that can be used to
acidify foods, depending on the desired attributes of the finished product.

We have established specific CGMP requirements for thermally processed low-acid foods
packaged in hermetically sealed containers (commonly called “low-acid canned foods” or LACF
(21 CFR part 113). We also have established requirements for acidified foods (21 CFR part
114). At the time when we established these regulations, the focus of these CGMP
requirements was the control of C. botulinum; when the pH of a food is 4.6 or below, spores of
C. botulinum will not germinate and grow. As a result, the pH of 4.6 is a dividing line for the
purpose of determining whether a food other than an acid food is subject to part 113 as an
LACF or part 114 as an acidified food. See 21 CFR 114.3.

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An acid food, such as tomatoes with a pH of 4.2, is not subject to either the LACF regulations or
the acidified foods regulations. Under the acidified foods regulations, “acidified foods” are low-
acid foods to which acid(s) or acid food(s) are added; they have a water activity greater than
0.85 and have a finished equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below (21 CFR 114.3(b)). The definition of
acidified foods provides that carbonated beverages, foods that are stored, distributed, and
retailed under refrigeration, and certain other foods are excluded from the coverage of 21 CFR
part 114 (21 CFR 114.3(b)).

Processors of acidified foods must register with FDA to obtain a Food Canning Establishment
number (21 CFR 108.25(c)(1)). Processors of acidified foods also must file a scheduled process
with FDA (21 CFR 108.25(c)(2)); the scheduled process is the process selected by a processor
as adequate for use under the conditions of manufacture for a food in achieving and maintaining
a food that will not permit the growth of pathogens. The scheduled process includes control of
pH and other critical factors equivalent to the process established by a competent processing
authority (21 CFR 114.3). Acidified foods must be so manufactured, processed, and packaged
that a finished equilibrium pH value of 4.6 or lower is achieved within the time designated in the
scheduled process and maintained in all finished foods; manufacturing must be in accordance
with the scheduled process (21 CFR 114.80(a)(1)). Sufficient control, including frequent testing
and recording of results, must be exercised so that the finished equilibrium pH values for
acidified foods are not higher than 4.6 (21 CFR 114.80(a)(2)). An equilibrium pH is achieved
when a natural pH balance has been reached by all ingredients - which can take several days in
foods with very large particulates (National Canners Association, 1968). You should refrigerate
products that require several days to reach equilibrium pH to prevent the growth of C. botulinum
or other pathogens.

There are several different methods of adding the acid to the product. One method is called
direct acidification, where predetermined amounts of acid and the low-acid foods are added to
individual finished product containers during production. With this method, it is important that the
processor control the acid-to-food ratio. This is probably the most common method used for
acidified vegetables. Another method of acidification is batch acidification. As the name implies,
acid and food are combined in large batches and allowed to equilibrate. The acidified food is
then packaged.

Acidified foods must be treated sufficiently to control spoilage microorganisms in addition to

vegetative pathogens. Although one reason is to prevent spoilage triggering economic loss, the
food safety reason is that the action of the spoilage organisms can raise the pH, compromising
the safety of the product because any spores of C. botulinum that are in the food can germinate,
grow, and produce botulinum toxin. The acidified foods regulation requires that you thermally
process the food to an extent that is sufficient to destroy the vegetative cells of pathogenic and
non-pathogenic microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under the conditions in
which the food is stored, distributed, retailed and held by the user. However, you may use
permitted preservatives to inhibit reproduction of non-pathogenic microorganisms in lieu of
thermal processing. (21 CFR 114.80(a)(1))

For further information on the use of acidification of foods as a process control, see 21 CFR part
114. The regulation provides detailed information on appropriate procedures to measure pH for

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During bacterial fermentation, acid-producing bacteria produce lactic acid, which reduces the
pH. Because the reduced pH can inhibit the growth of many bacteria, bacterial fermentation of
foods is a common formulation process control. Examples of low-acid foods fermented by
bacterial fermentation to a pH below 4.6 include fermented olives, fermented cucumber pickles,
cheeses, and sauerkraut. Molds are used to ferment some foods such as soy sauce, tamari
sauce, and other oriental foods, mainly for taste and other characteristics.

In practice, fermentation is an art. You need to encourage growth of favorable organisms and
discourage the growth of organisms that can cause spoilage. This is usually accomplished by
adding salt or a starter culture to the food, or in some cases slightly acidifying it. A starter culture
can be either yeast or bacteria.

In many fermented products, there is no process to eliminate the acid-producing bacteria. These
fermented products are kept refrigerated so that the culture bacteria and bacteria not killed
during the fermentation process do not spoil the product. Use of Preservatives as a Formulation Process Control

Preservatives can be used to prevent the growth of microorganisms – e.g., if a food product is
not thermally processed (or not thermally processed to an extent that is sufficient to kill the
vegetative cells of non-pathogenic microorganisms (such as spoilage microorganisms) that are
capable of reproducing in the food under the conditions in which the food is stored, distributed,
retailed and held by the user). Preservatives work by denaturing protein, inhibiting enzymes, or
altering or destroying the cell walls or cell membranes of microorganisms. Examples of products
that use preservatives as a formulation process control include acidified foods that are either not
thermally processed or only minimally thermally processed, hummus (which uses sodium
benzoate to inhibit yeast and mold), and many breads (which use calcium propionate to inhibit

Some of the more commonly used preservatives are:

• Acetic acid and its salts (e.g., sodium acetate, sodium diacetate), which is added to reduce bacterial
• Benzoates, which include benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate. Benzoates are
used primarily to inhibit yeast or mold. Also can inhibit bacterial pathogens (e.g., S. aureus, L.
• Natamycin is applied on cheese to inhibit the growth of fungi.
• Nisin is used as an antimicrobial agent to inhibit the outgrowth of C. botulinum spores and toxin
formation in a variety of pasteurized process cheese spreads.
• Propionates, which include propionic acid, and sodium, potassium and calcium propionates, are
used in breads, cakes, and cheeses to inhibit mold. Also can inhibit bacterial pathogens (e.g., S.
aureus, Salmonella).
• Sorbates, which include sorbic acid, and sodium and potassium sorbates. Sorbates are primarily
used to inhibit yeast and mold. Also can inhibit bacterial pathogens (e.g., E. coli O157:H7, L.

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• Sulfites, such as sulfur dioxide, are used in a variety of products including lemon juice, seafood,
vegetables, molasses, wines, dried fruit, and fruit juices. Sulfites are used primarily as an antioxidant
but also have antimicrobial properties.

Table 4-16 provides examples of how some of these commonly used preservatives are used.

Table 4-16. Preservatives Commonly Used in Conjunction with Main Groups of Foods in
the United States

Foodstuff Acetic Benzoates Natamycin Nisin Propionates Sorbates Sulfites


Fat Emulsions + + - - - ++ -
Cheese - (+) + + + ++ -
Vegetable ++ ++ - - - ++ +
Fruit products + ++ - - - ++ ++

Beverages - ++ - - - ++ (+)
Baked goods + - - - ++ ++ -
Confectionery - (+) - - - ++ -
Source: Adapted from Davidson and Branen 1993; Table 11 in Lück and Jager 1997, p 61
++ used frequently
+ used occasionally
(+) used in exceptional cases only
- not used

A food category that may benefit from the use of preservatives as a formulation process control
is fresh, refrigerated, RTE deli salads. This category of food, which is typically formulated with
multiple components, including spices and fresh vegetables, may experience a high bio-load at
the time of preparation if treated ingredients are not used. Maintaining quality (e.g., by
preventing spoilage by yeasts and molds) and ensuring product safety cannot always be
achieved by reducing pH (e.g., by using an acidified food as a salad dressing (such as
mayonnaise) or an acid food as a salad dressing (such as vinegar)). Antimicrobial substances
such as potassium sorbate and propionic acid are commonly used for a variety of RTE deli
salads to inhibit bacteria, yeast, and mold, extending the product shelf-life.

For further regulatory guidance on the use of antimicrobial substances, see FDA (1999). For a
comprehensive review on the application of antimicrobials, see Davidson, et al. (2005).

4.3.4 Use of Dehydration/Drying as a Process Control

Dehydration (which reduces water activity) is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. In
the United States, there are three primary methods of dehydration as a process control.

• Freeze-drying - used for a variety of products

• Forced air drying - used for solid foods like vegetables and fruit
• Spray drying - used for liquids and semi-liquids like milk

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Dehydrated/dried products are usually considered shelf stable due to their low water activity
(a w ) and, therefore, are often stored and distributed unrefrigerated. Examples of shelf-stable
dehydrated/dried food products include milk powders, powdered beverages, pasta, and dried
peas and beans.

If you use dehydration/drying as a process control, you should select a packaging material that
will prevent rehydration of the product under the expected conditions of storage and distribution.
Additionally, finished product package closures should be free of gross defects that could
expose the product to moisture during storage and distribution.

See “Chapter 9 – Use of Dehydration/Drying as a Process Control” of this guidance for

additional information on the use of dehydration/drying as a process control. For a detailed
overview of dehydration/drying technologies commonly used in the United States (including
freeze drying, forced air drying, and spray drying), as well as other dehydration technologies
such as drum drying and fluid bed drying, see Greensmith (1998) and Heldman and Lund
(2007). For a discussion on the effects of drying on microorganisms, see Jay (1996).

4.3.5 Use of Recipe Management as a Process Control for Food Ingredients

A food ingredient (such as a food additive, color additive, or GRAS substance) can be a
chemical hazard if it is added in excess of a maximum use level, regardless of whether the
maximum use level is established due to food intolerance (such as for sulfites) or is otherwise a
condition of safe use of a food additive, color additive, or GRAS substance. Control strategies to
prevent misformulation of food ingredients generally include recipe management to ensure that
excessive amounts are not added.

4.3.6 Use of Storage Conditions as a Process Control for Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain fungi (i.e., molds) that can infect and
proliferate on raw agricultural commodities (e.g., grains such as wheat and corn, peanuts, fruits,
and tree nuts) in the field and during storage. Contamination by toxigenic fungi during storage
and transportation is caused by improper drying or re-wetting of the crop from rain or
condensation. Thus, effective process controls involve correct drying and storage.

By far the most critical environmental factors determining whether a raw agricultural commodity
will support mold growth are temperature, moisture content, and time, and each of these
parameters can be manipulated and controlled to manage the prevention of mold growth in a
raw agricultural commodity. The principal process control for prevention of mold growth in
storage conditions is the control of moisture. Although low-temperature storage can help control
mold growth in some conditions, large-scale storage of raw agricultural commodities generally
takes place in structures that do not provide for low-temperature and, thus, low-temperature
storage generally is not a control measure for mold during the storage of raw agricultural

4.3.7 Use of Physical Sorting as a Process Control for Mycotoxins

In most cases, mycotoxins in raw agricultural commodities are present in a very small proportion
of individual seeds or kernels. As a result, removing the contaminated seeds or kernels
mechanically is a practical and effective process control to reduce the mycotoxin content of the
bulk raw agricultural commodity (West and Bullerman, 1991). Various techniques have been
devised, based on color and visual appearance of decay or damage, to separate out

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contaminated seeds during inspection processes. This may be manual or by more advanced
electronic instrumental selection.

4.3.8 Use of Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Physical Hazards Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Metal Hazards

Metal-to-metal contact during processing can introduce metal fragments into products. For
example, metal fragments can break off during mechanical cutting and blending operations, and
some metal equipment has parts that can break or fall off, such as wire-mesh belts. You can
control metal hazards by using physical separation techniques (such as magnets, sieves,
screens, or flotation tanks), by using electronic or X-ray metal detection devices, and by
regularly inspecting at-risk equipment for signs of damage.

The effectiveness of physical separation techniques depends on the nature of the product.
These measures are more likely to be effective in liquids, powders, and similar products in
which the metal fragment will not become imbedded.

The use of electronic metal detectors is complex, especially with regard to stainless steel, which
is difficult to detect. The orientation of the metal object in the food affects the ability of the
equipment to detect it. For example, if a detector is not properly calibrated and is set to detect a
sphere 0.08 inch (2 mm) in diameter, it may fail to detect a stainless steel wire that is smaller in
diameter but up to 0.9 inch (24 mm) long, depending on the orientation of the wire as it travels
through the detector. Processing factors, such as ambient humidity or product acidity, may
affect the conductivity of the product and create an interference signal that may mask metal
inclusion unless the detector is properly calibrated. You should consider these factors when
calibrating and using this equipment.

X-ray devices can also be used for metal detection. One advantage in using such a device is
that X-rays can detect non-metal foreign objects that may also be hazardous, such as glass

Preventive maintenance of equipment and periodically examining your processing equipment

for damage that can contribute metal fragments can be a useful control measure, particularly
when you have a piece of equipment that is prone to break, such as saw blades, or equipment
that has metal-to-metal contact. The success of this strategy depends in large part on the nature
of the equipment inspected and the frequency of the inspection. However, this approach will not
necessarily prevent metal fragments from being incorporated into the product in all cases, but
may enable you to separate products that may have been exposed to metal fragments. Visually
inspecting equipment for damaged or missing parts may only be feasible with relatively simple
equipment, such as band saws, small orbital blenders, and wire mesh belts. More complex
equipment that contains many parts, some of which may not be readily visible, may not be
suitable for visual inspection and may require controls such as metal detection or physical
separation techniques.

See “Chapter 13-- Preventive Controls for Physical Hazards” of this guidance for additional
information on the control of metal hazards.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 30

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Draft-Not for Implementation Exclusion Strategies as a Process Control for Glass Hazards

Glass fragments can be introduced into food whenever processing involves the use of glass
containers. Normal handling and packaging methods, especially mechanized methods, can
result in breakage. Ingesting glass fragments can cause injury to the consumer. Most products
packed in glass containers are intended to be a ready-to-eat (RTE) commodity that requires
minimal handling on the part of the consumer before eating, so that consumers have little
opportunity to detect glass inclusion.

This chapter addresses the hazard of glass fragments that may occur from the use of glass
containers. You should address the hazard of glass fragments originating from sources such as
overhead light fixtures through CGMPs.

You can help prevent glass from getting into your food products by periodically checking the
processing areas and equipment for glass breakage. In addition, the line operator can listen for
breakage and can look for broken glass on the floor. (You can enhance the utility of these
controls by painting the floor under the processing line in a color that highlights the container
glass.) These types of controls will not necessarily prevent glass fragments from being
incorporated into your product, but they can enable you to separate products that may have
been exposed to glass fragments from those that have not.

You also can help prevent glass fragments from getting into your food products by cleaning
empty containers before filling into the product package. You can do so by using water or
compressed air and inverting the container during or after cleaning. You should be mindful that
container cleaning may not fully control glass hazards in some processes that use automated
filling systems because this equipment can result in glass breakage during the filling and
capping process.

See “Chapter 13--Preventive Controls for Physical Hazards” of this guidance for additional
information on the control of glass hazards.

4.4 Sanitation Controls

CGMPs require sanitary operations (21 CFR 117.35) and sanitary facilities and controls (21
CFR 117.37). There are requirements applicable to the cleanliness of equipment and utensils,
including food-contact surfaces (21 CFR 117.40), and plant construction and design (21 CFR
117.20(b)). To comply with these CGMP requirements, sanitation procedures, practices, and
processes should take place every day in your facility.

Sanitation controls include procedures, practices, and processes to ensure that the facility is
maintained in a sanitary condition adequate to significantly minimize or prevent hazards such as
environmental pathogens, biological hazards due to employee handling, and food allergen
hazards. Sanitation controls must include, as appropriate to the facility and the food,
procedures, practices, and processes for the: (1) Cleanliness of food-contact surfaces, including
food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment; and (2) prevention of allergen cross-contact
and cross-contamination from insanitary objects and from personnel to food, food packaging
material, and other food-contact surfaces and from raw product to processed product. (See 21
CFR 117.135(c)(3).)

You determine which hazards require a sanitation control, rather than CGMPs, through your
hazard analysis. Thus, some – but not all - of your sanitation procedures, practices, and

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 31

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Draft-Not for Implementation

processes will be “sanitation controls”; other sanitation procedures, practices, and processes
will be CGMPs. For your sanitation controls to be effective, you should first assess the
sanitation procedures, practices, and processes that you will have in place to comply with the
CGMP requirements. For example, equipment design that ensures that all surfaces can be
accessed and cleaned is essential for the effective application of sanitation controls. Effective
sanitary design should consider factors such as whether equipment includes hollow bodies or
poorly developed welds and seams, as well as whether ease of disassembly allows adequate
access to all food-contact surfaces to ensure thorough cleaning and sanitation. Sanitary design
also applies to food facility structures (e.g., floors, walls, piping, and ceilings) to ensure effective
cleaning and sanitation practices. The required elements for cleaning – time, temperature,
mechanical force and chemical concentration – simply cannot be reliably applied if the
equipment and facility structural design does not allow adequate access (Marriott and Gravani,
2010). Due to this link between your CGMP procedures, practices, and processes and your
sanitation controls, your CGMP procedures, practices, and processes are sometimes called
“prerequisite programs.”

The nature of the processing conditions (i.e., wet or dry) required for the manufacture of a
particular product (such as a dry processing environment for spray dried milk powder, and a wet
processing environment for soft cheese) impacts the selection of the appropriate CGMP
sanitation procedures, practices, and processes or the appropriate sanitation control. For
example, moisture control is critically important in preventing contamination by an environmental
pathogen, such as Salmonella, in low-moisture products. Water in a dry processing
environment is one of the most significant risk factors for Salmonella contamination, because
the presence of water allows for pathogen growth leading to product contamination from the
environment or from insanitary food contact surfaces. Therefore, dry cleaning or controlled wet
cleaning practices should be considered for use as sanitation control measures in a dry
processing environment. Any time water is used for cleaning, the equipment should be
thoroughly dried before use. Wet processing operations are subject to wet cleaning. However,
water, in particular standing water, should be minimized even if facilities are wet cleaned. This
is particularly true for facilities that need to control L. monocytogenes because they are
producing RTE products exposed to the environment.

The nature of a bacterial pathogen (e.g., whether it is a transient or a resident strain of an

environmental pathogen) also impacts the selection of the appropriate CGMP sanitation
procedures, practices, and processes, or the appropriate sanitation control. (See section (Transient vs. resident facility-related environmental pathogens) in “Chapter 3-- Potential
Hazards Associated with the Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, and Holding of Human Food”
in this guidance for additional information about transient and resident strains of environmental

Table 4-17 lists examples of the application of sanitation controls to significantly minimize or
prevent biological and chemical hazards and the section in this chapter that addresses each
listed example.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 32

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Draft-Not for Implementation

Table 4-17. Examples of Sanitation Controls

Sanitation Control Examples Chapter Section

Cleaning food-contact • Applying a full wet clean with detergents 4.4.1
surfaces and sanitizers for Clean in Place and Clean
out of Place (CIP/COP)
• Applying controlled wet clean with minimum
water usage and wipe down (COP)
• Dry cleaning with vacuums, brushes, wipes
Control cross-contact / cross- • Using hygienic zoning for separation of 4.4.2
contamination process operations such as raw vs. Work-
in-Process (WIP) vs. finished product; wet
vs. dry; personnel and materials flow; air
• Using dedicated cleaning / sanitation
practices in designated hygiene zones (see
cleaning food-contact surfaces)
• Cleaning between different products
containing different allergens

See “Chapter 10 – Sanitation Controls” of this guidance for additional information about
sanitation controls. In addition to this guidance, a number of sources of scientific and technical
information can be useful in establishing sanitation controls. See Holah, 2014 and Marriott and
Gravani, 2010.

4.4.1 Use of Sanitation Controls for the Cleanliness of Food-Contact Surfaces

The CGMP requirements for sanitary operations include specific requirements for cleaning food-
contact surfaces. See 21 CFR 117.35(d). All food-contact surfaces, including utensils and
food-contact surfaces of equipment, must be cleaned as frequently as necessary to protect
against allergen cross-contact and against contamination of food (21 CFR 117.35(d)). Food-
contact surfaces used for manufacturing/processing, packing, or holding low-moisture food must
be in a clean, dry, sanitary condition before use (21 CFR 117.35(d)(1)). When the surfaces are
wet-cleaned, they must, when necessary, be sanitized and thoroughly dried before subsequent
use (21 CFR 117.35(d)(1)). In wet processing, when cleaning is necessary to protect against
allergen cross-contact or the introduction of microorganisms into food, all food-contact surfaces
must be cleaned and sanitized before use and after any interruption during which the food-
contact surfaces may have become contaminated (21 CFR 117.35(d)(2)). Where equipment
and utensils are used in a continuous production operation, the utensils and food-contact
surfaces of the equipment must be cleaned and sanitized as necessary (21 CFR 117.35(d)(2).

Part 117 does not define the term “cleaning.” In this guidance, we use the term “cleaning” to
mean removing the “soil”– i.e., bacteriological nutrients, such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins,

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 33

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Draft-Not for Implementation

and minerals”– that can build up on food-contact surfaces in the plant and processing
equipment. Part 117 defines “sanitize” to mean to adequately treat cleaned surfaces by a
process that is effective in destroying vegetative cells of pathogens, and in substantially
reducing numbers of other undesirable microorganisms, but without adversely affecting the
product or its safety for the consumer. (21 CFR 117.3) Although cleaning operations and
sanitizing operations often are conducted separately – and sequentially – some systems (such
as steam systems) both clean and sanitize the surfaces; we consider that such systems satisfy
the definition of ‘‘sanitize.’’ (See 80 FR 55908 at 55956.)

Table 4-16 describes three types of cleaning strategies that you can use to remove soil,
depending upon the processing conditions (wet or dry). Table 4-16 includes our
recommendations for using these cleaning strategies. See Appendix 4 of this guidance for more
details about these cleaning strategies.

Table 4-18. Types of Cleaning Strategies

Cleaning Strategy Description and Recommendations

Wet Cleaning Uses water-based and/or wet chemical cleaning solutions. When using
wet cleaning, you should avoid certain practices, e.g., excessive use of
water (e.g., floor is flooded with water), high pressure hoses. Instead,
you should use water on an as-needed basis. You also should
minimize and isolate your use of water to specific areas where possible.
Drying after wet cleaning helps to minimize growth of remaining
Dry Cleaning Does not use any water. Dry cleaning is the physical removal of
residues (e.g., food particles and dust) without water. You should
remove food residues by actions such as sweeping, brushing, scraping,
or vacuuming the residues from equipment surfaces and the facility
environment. Be careful to not distribute food particles to other
equipment or areas during removal.
Controlled Wet Uses a limited amount of water, generally for dry operations. Complete
Cleaning drying should follow immediately after the controlled wet cleaning. You
can move specific pieces of equipment out of the area to be wet
cleaned, sanitized, and dried and then return the equipment after the
area is cleaned.

After the surfaces are cleaned and rinsed you should sanitize food contact surfaces and other
areas as appropriate. You should use all sanitizers in accordance with the EPA-registered (or
similar registration in other countries) label use instructions, including approval for use in food

As noted in section 4.4, sanitation controls must include, as appropriate to the facility and the
food, procedures, practices, and processes for the cleanliness of food-contact surfaces,
including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment. (See 21 CFR 117.135(c)(3).)
Examples of sanitation controls related to the cleanliness of food-contact surfaces include
cleaning and sanitizing procedures, practices, and processes (including appropriate frequencies
for these procedures, concentrations of cleaning and sanitizing compounds, method of
application, and contact time) (Holah, 2014). See “Chapter 10 – Sanitation Controls” of this
guidance for a practical example of the application of cleaning and sanitizing of food-contact
surfaces as a preventive control for bacterial contamination.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 34

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

4.4.2 Use of Sanitation Controls to Prevent Allergen Cross-contact and


As noted in section 4.4, sanitation controls must include, as appropriate to the facility and the
food, procedures, practices, and processes for the prevention of allergen cross-contact and
cross-contamination from insanitary objects and from personnel to food, food packaging
material, and other food-contact surfaces and from raw product to processed product. (See 21
CFR 117.135(c)(3).)

Table 4-19 describes three common practices that you can use to prevent allergen cross-
contact and to prevent cross-contamination of foods from insanitary objects, poor hygienic
practices, different processing operations, and environmental pathogens.

Table 4-19. Common Practices to Prevent Allergen Cross-contact and Cross-


Practice Description
Hygienic Zoning Hygienic zoning for separation and segregation of process operations such
as raw vs. work-in-process vs. finished product; wet vs. dry; personnel and
materials traffic flow; air balance
Hygienic Zone Dedicated cleaning / sanitation practices within hygiene zones
Specific Cleaning
Allergen Specific Cleaning between different products containing different allergens

The objective of hygienic zoning is to reduce the potential for transient pathogens to enter
sensitive areas in the facility, such as packing areas where an RTE product is exposed to the
processing environment. Typically, this type of sanitation control is applied in facilities that
make RTE products.

You should determine the need for, and scope of, a hygienic zoning program based on your
facility, the products you make, and the outcome of your hazard analysis. For example, the
need for, and scope of, a hygienic zoning program are likely to be very different for a flour mill,
a facility that makes RTE refrigerated food, and a facility that makes canned acidified foods. In
determining the need for, and scope of, a hygienic zoning program, you should take into
account the structure of your plant, packaging, personnel and ingredient traffic flows, and any
cross over areas. You also should consider potential contaminants from raw materials, air flow,
support areas, and other activities taking place in the facility.

Some facilities implement hygienic zoning for quality reasons (e.g., to control mold
contamination); however, the sanitation controls that are the subject of this guidance need only
address food safety. See “Chapter 10 – Sanitation Controls” of this guidance for a practical
example for the application of hygienic zoning to prevent recontamination by environmental

4.5 Food Allergen Controls

Food allergen controls include procedures, practices, and processes to control food allergens.
Food allergen controls must include those procedures, practices, and processes employed for:
(1) Ensuring protection of food from allergen cross-contact, including during storage, handling,

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 35

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

and use; and (2) labeling the finished food, including ensuring that the finished food is not
misbranded under section 403(w) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 343(w)). See 21 CFR

Examples of procedures, practices, and processes to ensure protection of food from allergen
cross-contact are:

• Identifying and marking allergen-containing ingredients at receiving;

• Segregating and storing allergen-containing materials at receiving and warehousing;
• Scheduling production of products based on allergen-containing recipes;
• Physical separation of processes for non-allergen-containing and allergen-containing products;
• Sanitation and cleaning practices;
• Using full wet cleaning to remove allergenic materials prior to producing a non-allergen-containing
product on the same line;
• Using dedicated cleaning utensils and equipment for removing allergenic materials from food
processing equipment.

Examples of procedures, practices, and processes to label the finished food are:

• Performing label review for each new batch of labels received at the facility;
• Implementing procedures for application of correct label to product.
See “Chapter 11 - Food Allergen Controls” of this guidance for in-depth guidance on preventive
control strategies for food allergen hazards.

4.6 Supply-chain Controls

Supply-chain controls include the supply-chain program required by 21 CFR part 117, subpart G
(21 CFR 117.135(c)(4)). Subpart G specifies:

• The requirement to establish and implement a supply-chain program (21 CFR 117.405);
• General requirements applicable to a supply-chain program (21 CFR 117.410);
• Responsibilities of the receiving facility (21 CFR 117.415);
• Requirements for using approved suppliers (21 CFR 117.420);
• Requirements for determining appropriate supplier verification activities (including determining the
frequency of conducting the activity) (21 CFR 117.425);
• Requirements for conducting supplier verification activities for raw materials and other ingredients (21
CFR 117.430);
• Requirements for an onsite audit (21 CFR 117.435); and
• Requirements for records documenting the supply-chain program (21 CFR 117.475).
In this section of this guidance, we discuss the use of ingredient specifications as a supply-chain
control for several chemical hazards – i.e., pesticides, drug residues, heavy metals, and
mycotoxins. See our forthcoming “Chapter 15: Supply-Chain Program for Human Food
Products” for in-depth guidance on supply-chain controls.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 36

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Draft-Not for Implementation

4.6.1 Supply-chain Controls for Pesticides

Pesticides used in the growing of vegetables fruits, and grain crops include fungicides,
insecticides, and rodenticides that control pests found in growing environments. These may also
be used in manufacturing environments. If you determine through your hazard analysis that a
pesticide hazard requires a preventive control (e.g., due to residual pesticide level violations in a
particular raw agricultural commodity), and that control is applied by your supplier, you would
have a supply-chain program in which you would verify that your supplier controls pesticides.
You could have specifications for your supplier that pesticide levels in raw materials and other
ingredients must be within permitted levels and you could ask to review your supplier’s pesticide
control program. Your program could have verification activities such as periodic testing by you
or your supplier for pesticide residues.

4.6.2 Supply-chain Controls for Drug Residues

Drug residues due to the use of antibiotics or related drugs in livestock are principally a potential
concern for milk-based products. If you determine through your hazard analysis that a drug
residue hazard requires a preventive control, and that control is applied by your supplier, you
would have a supply-chain program in which you would verify that your supplier controls drug
residues to ensure that drug residues in raw materials and other ingredients are within permitted

4.6.3 Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are principally a concern in raw agricultural commodities grown in soils that are
contaminated either naturally or through industrial activity. If you determine through your hazard
analysis that a heavy metal hazard requires a preventive control, and that control is applied by
your supplier, you would have a supply-chain program in which you would verify that suppliers
source raw agricultural commodities from regions that do not have high levels of heavy metal
contamination in soil, and specifications that heavy metals in raw materials and other
ingredients will be within permitted levels.

4.6.4 Supply-chain Controls for Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain fungi (i.e., molds) that can infect and
proliferate on raw agricultural commodities (e.g., grains such as wheat and corn, peanuts, fruits,
and tree nuts) in the field and during storage. Critical environmental factors determining whether
a raw agricultural commodity will support mold growth are temperature, moisture content, and
time, and each of these parameters can be manipulated and controlled to manage the
prevention of mold growth in a raw agricultural commodity. As noted in section 4.3.7 of this
chapter, effective process controls for mycotoxins involve correct drying and storage as well as
physical sorting techniques to remove damaged or moldy raw agricultural commodities.

If you determine through your hazard analysis that a mycotoxin hazard requires a preventive
control, and that control is applied by your supplier, you would have a supply-chain program in
which you would verify that your supplier controls mycotoxins. You could have specifications
that mycotoxins in raw materials and other ingredients will be within permitted levels.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 37

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Draft-Not for Implementation

4.7 Recall Plan

For food with a hazard requiring a preventive control, you must establish a written recall plan for
the food. The written recall plan must include procedures that describe the steps to be taken,
and assign responsibility for taking those steps, to perform the following actions as appropriate
to the facility: (1) Directly notify the direct consignees of the food being recalled, including how
to return or dispose of the affected food; (2) Notify the public about any hazard presented by the
food when appropriate to protect public health; (3) Conduct effectiveness checks to verify that
the recall is carried out; and (4) Appropriately dispose of recalled food—e.g., through
reprocessing, reworking, diverting to a use that does not present a safety concern, or destroying
the food. See 21 CFR 117.139.

We recommend that you consult our general guidance on policy, procedures, and industry
responsibilities regarding recalls in 21 CFR part 7, subpart C (§§ 7.40 through 7.59) and FDA’s
Guidance for Industry: Product Recalls, Including Removals and Corrections (FDA, 2015c).

A recall can be disruptive to your operation and business, but there are several steps you can
take in advance to minimize this disruptive effect:

• Adequately code products to make possible positive lot identification and to facilitate effective recall of
all violative lots.
• Maintain such product distribution records as are necessary to facilitate location of products that are
being recalled. You should maintain such records for a period of time that exceeds the shelf life and
expected use of the product.

4.8 References
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pasteurization." http://www.almonds.com/sites/default/files/content/attachments/ppo-

Alzamora, S. M., M. S. Tapia, and J. Welti-Chanes. 2003. "Chapter 8: The control of water
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4/2003). Accessed December 12, 2011.

Davidson, P. M., and A. L. Branen. 1993. Antimicrobials in Foods, 2nd edition.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 38

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Davidson, P. M., J. N. Sofos, and A. L. Branen. 2005. Antimicrobials in Foods. 3rd Edition: CRC

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2015. "Regulation of pesticide residues on food."

Accessed June 23, 2016. https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-tolerances.

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Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2001. "Evaluation and definition of potentially hazardous
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Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2003. "Guidance for industry: Product recalls, including
removals and corrections." Accessed February 19, 2015.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2004. "Irradiation of food and packaging: An overview."

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2013. "Food Code." Accessed July 26, 2016.

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Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA). 2009. "Control of Salmonella in low-moisture foods."


Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 40

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

Hite, B. H. 1899. The effect of pressure in the preservation of milk. In West Virginia Agricultural
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Hogan, E., A. L. Kelly, and D. Sun. 2005. "Chapter 1: High pressure processing of foods: An
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Marriott, N. G., and R. B. Gravani. 2010b. "Chapter 9: Cleaning compounds." In Principles of

Food Sanitation, 141-164. Aspen Publications.

Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 41

Contains Non-binding Recommendations
Draft-Not for Implementation

National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). 1998. "Hazard
analysis and critical control point principles and application guidelines." Journal of Food
Protection 61 (9):1246-1259.

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Chapter 4 (Preventive Controls) - Page 42

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