GSTR1 Excel Workbook Template V1.5 June 19

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Goods and Services Tax

Invoice & other data upload for creation of GSTR 1

Introduction to Excel based template for data upload in Java offline tool

s The Offline tool comes bundled with MS Excel Template and a java tool. This Excel workbook template has 19 data entry worksheets, 1 master sheet and 1 Help Instruction sheet i.
worksheets. The 19 data entry worksheets are named: b2b, b2ba,b2cl,b2cla, b2cs,b2csa, cdnr, cdra,cdnur,cdnura, exp,expa, at,ata, atadj, atadja, exemp, hsn and doc in which day-to-da
transaction required to be reported in GSTR 1 can be recorded or entered by the taxpayers. At desired interval, the data entered in the MS-Excel worksheet can be uploaded on the GS
the java offline tool which will import the data from excel workbook and convert the same into a Json file which is understood by GST portal. (
s It has been designed to enable taxpayers to prepare GSTR 1 in offline mode (without Internet). It can also be used to carry out bulk upload of invoice/other details to GST portal.
s The appearance and functionalities of the Offline tool screens are similar to that of the returns filing screens on the GST Portal.
s Approximately 19,000 line items can be uploaded in one go using the java tool. In case a taxpayer has more invoice data, he can use the tool multiple times to upload the invoice dat

Data can be uploaded/entered to the offline tool in four ways:

1. Importing the entire excel workbook to the java tool where data in all sections (worksheets) of the excel file will be imported in the tool in one go.
2. Line by line data entry by return preparer on the java offline tool.
3. Copy from the excel worksheets from the top row including the summary and header and pasting it in the designated box in the import screen of the java offline tool. Precautio
columns including headers should be in the same format and have the same header as of the java offline tool.
4. Section by section of a particular return - using a .CSV file as per the format given along with the java tool. Many accounting software packages generate .CSV file in the specified
same can be imported in the tool.

Understanding the Excel Workbook Template

a) It is always recommended to download the excel workbook template from the GST portal only.
b) The taxpayer can fill the excel workbook template with different worksheet for the applicable sections of the return and then import the excel file to the java tool. Data has to be fill
sections (worksheets) applicable to him and the others may be left blank.
c) The data in the excel file should be in the format specified below in respective sections.
d) In a case where the taxpayer does not have data applicable for all sections, those sections may be left blank and the java tool will automatically take care of the data to be filled in t
sections only.

e) For Group import (all worksheets of workbook) taxpayer need to fill all the details into downloaded standard format GSTR1_Excel_Workbook_Template-V1.2.xlsx file

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 1

Goods and Services Tax

f) User can export Data from local accounting software loaded in the above format as .CSV file and import it in the java tool to generate the file in .Json format for bulk. Warning:
accounting software should generate .CSV file in the format specified by GST Systems.
g) In all the worksheets except hsn, the central tax, integrated tax, and state tax are not required to be furnished in the excel worksheets but would be computed on the furnished rate an
value in the java offline tool. The taxpayer can edit the tax amounts calculated in the java tool if the tax collected values are different.

h) In the "doc's worksheet, the net issued column has not been provided, this value will be computed in the java offline tool based on the total number of documents and the number of
documents furnished in this worksheet.

The table below provides the name, full form and detailed description for each field of the worksheets followed by a detailed instruction for filling the applicable worksheets
marked with asterisk or star are mandatory.

Worksheet Name Reference Field name Help Instruction

Details of invoices of Taxable supplies made to other registered taxpayers
Enter the GSTIN or UIN of the receiver. E.g. 05AEJPP8087R
1. GSTIN/UIN of Recipient* that the registration is active on the date of the invoice from G

2. Name of Recipient Enter the name of the receiver

Enter the Invoice number of invoices issued to registered rec
that the format is alpha-numeric with allowed special charac
3. Invoice number * and dash(-) .The total number of characters should not be mo

4. Invoice Date* Enter date of invoice in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g. 24-May-201

Enter the total value indicated in the invoice of the supplied

5. Invoice value* services- with 2 decimal Digits.

6. Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
b2b B2B Supplies
7. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
Please select Y or N , if the supplies/services are subject to ta
8. Reverse Charge* reverse charge mechanism.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 2

b2b B2B Supplies
Goods and Services Tax

Select from the dropdown whether the supply is regular, or to

9. Invoice Type* unit/developer with or without payment of tax or deemed exp
Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies
10. E-Commerce GSTIN* through an e-Commerce operator.
Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
11. Rate* applicable.
Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
12. Taxable Value* item - with 2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be com
GST valuation provisions.

13. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.

Amended Details of invoices of Taxable supplies made to other registered taxpayers

Enter the GSTIN or UIN of the receiver. E.g. 05AEJPP8087R

that the registration is active on the date of the invoice from G
1. GSTIN/UIN of Recipient*

2. Name of Recipient Enter the name of the receiver

Enter the Original Invoice number of invoices issued to regi
recipients. Ensure that the format is alpha-numeric with allo
3. Original Invoice number * characters of slash(/) and dash(-) .The total number of charac
be more than 16.

Enter Orginal date of invoice in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g. 24-M

4. Original Invoice Date*
Enter the Revised Invoice number of invoices issued to regis
recipients. Ensure that the format is alpha-numeric with allo
5. Revised Invoice number * characters of slash(/) and dash(-) .The total number of charac
be more than 16.

b2ba B2BA Supplies

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Goods and Services Tax

Enter date of invoice in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g. 24-May-201

b2ba B2BA Supplies 6. Revised Invoice Date*

Enter the total value indicated in the invoice of the supplied

7. Invoice value* services- with 2 decimal Digits.

8. Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
Please select Y or N , if the supplies/services are subject to ta
9. Reverse Charge* reverse charge mechanism.
If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
10. Applicable % of Tax Rate "65%" from dropdown; else blank.
Select from the dropdown whether the supply is regular, or to
11. Invoice Type* unit/developer with or without payment of tax or deemed exp

Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies

12. E-Commerce GSTIN* through an e-Commerce operator.
Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
13. Rate* applicable.
Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
14. Taxable Value* item - with 2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be com
GST valuation provisions.
Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.
15. Cess Amount

Invoices for Taxable outward supplies to consumers where

a)The place of supply is outside the state where the supplier is registered and
b)The total invoice value is more that Rs 2,50,000

Enter the Invoice number of invoices issued to Unregistered

the other State with invoice value more than 2.5 lakh. Ensur
1. Invoice number* format is alpha-numeric with allowed special characters of s
dash(-) with maximum length of 16 characters.

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Goods and Services Tax

2. Invoice Date Enter date of invoice in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g. 24-May-201

Invoice value should be more than Rs 250,000 and up to two
3. Invoice value*

If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra

4. Applicable % of Tax Rate "65%" from dropdown; else blank.
B2C Large
5. Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the applic
Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
6. Rate* applicable.

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

7. Taxable Value* item -2 decimal digits, The taxable value has to be computed
valuation provisions.
Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.
8. Cess Amount

Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies

through an e-Commerce operator.
8. E-Commerce GSTIN

Amended Details of Invoices for Taxable outward supplies to consumers where

a)The place of supply is outside the state where the supplier is registered and
b)The total invoice value is more that Rs 2,50,000

1. Original Invoice number* Enter the Original Invoice number of invoices issued to Unr
Recipient of thedate
Enter Original other State with
of invoice invoice value moreE.g.
in DD-MMM-YYYY. than24-
that the format is alpha-numeric with allowed special charac
and dash(-) with maximum length of 16 characters.
2. Orginal Invoice Date

Version 1.2 b2cla © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 5

Amended B2C Large
Goods and Services Tax

3. Revised Invoice number* Enter the Revised Invoice number of invoices issued to Unre
4. Revised Invoice Date Recipient of the
Enter Revised other
date State with
of invoice invoice value moreE.g.
in DD-MMM-YYYY. than24-
that the format is alpha-numeric with allowed special charac
5. Invoice value* Invoice value should be more than of
250,000 and up to two
b2cla Amended B2C Large and dash(-) with maximum length characters.
6. Original Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the applic
If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
7. Applicable % of Tax Rate

8. Rate* Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
9. Taxable Value*
decimal digits,
total Cess The taxable
amount value has to be computed
valuation provisions.
10. Cess Amount

Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies

11. E-Commerce GSTIN through an e-Commerce operator.
Supplies made to consumers and unregistered persons of the following nature
a) Intra-State: any value
b) Inter-State: Invoice value Rs 2.5 lakh or less In the Type column, enter E if the supply is done through E-
1. Type*
else enter OE (other than E-commerce).
Select the code of the state from drop down list for the applic
2. Place of Supply(POS)*

3. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
Enter the combined (State from dropdown;
+ Central tax) else blank.
or the integrate
4. Rate*
b2cs B2C Small

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Goods and Services Tax
b2cs B2C Small
Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
item -2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be computed
5. Taxable Value* valuation provisions.

Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.

6. Cess Amount

Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies

7. E-Commerce GSTIN through an e-Commerce operator.

Amended Details of Supplies made to consumers and unregistered persons of the following nature
a) Intra-State: any value
b) Inter-State: Invoice value Rs 2.5 lakh or less
1. Type* In the Type column, enter E if the supply is done through E-
else enter OE (other than E-commerce).
2.Financial Year Select the financial year

3.Original Month Select the Month

Select the code of the state from drop down list for the applic
4.Original Place of Supply(POS)*

5.Revised Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the applic
If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
b2csa Amended B2C Small "65%" from dropdown; else blank.
6. Applicable % of Tax Rate

Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate

7. Original Rate*

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

8. Taxable Value* item -2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be computed
valuation provisions.

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Goods and Services Tax

9. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.

Enter the GSTIN of the e-commerce company if the supplies
through an e-Commerce operator.
10. E-Commerce GSTIN

Credit/ Debit Notes/Refund vouchers issued to the registered taxpayers during the tax period. Debit or c
issued against invoice will be reported here against original invoice, hence fill the details of original invoi
was furnished in B2B,B2CL section of earlier/current period tax period.
Receiver GSTIN/UIN

2. Name of Recipient Enter the name of the receiver

Enter original invoice number Reported in B2B section of ea
3. Invoice/Advance Receipt Number* period/current tax period or pre-GST period against which c
is issued. Incase of refund voucher please enter the related ad
original invoice/advance receipt date in DD-MMM
4. Invoice/Advance Receipt date* 24-May-2017.
5. Note/Refund Voucher Number* Enter the credit/debit note number or the refund voucher num
Enterthe format is alpha-numeric
credit/debit with allowed
note/Refund voucher date in special charac
6. Note/ Refund Voucher date* and dash(-)
May-2017. of maximum length of 16 characters.

7. Document Type* In the document Type column, enter "D" if the note is Debit
if note is credit note or enter "R" for refund voucher.
cdnr Credit/ Debit Note Select the applicable reason for issue of the document.
8. Reason For Issuing document*

9. Place of Supply* Declare the place of supply based on the original document.
10. Note/Refund Voucher value* Amount should be with only up to 2 decimal digits.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 8

cdnr Credit/ Debit Note

Goods and Services Tax

If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra

"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
11. Applicable % of Tax Rate

12. Rate* Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
13.Taxable value* Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
decimal Digits,
total Cess The taxable value has to be computed
valuation provisions.
14. Cess Amount

Select whether the credit/debit note is related to pre-GST sup

15. Pre GST

Amended Credit/ Debit Notes/Refund vouchers issued to the registered taxpayers during the tax period.
note issued against invoice will be reported here against original invoice, hence fill the details of original
which was furnished in B2B,B2CL section of earlier/current period tax period.

Receiver GSTIN/UIN

2. Name of Recipient Enter the name of the receiver

Enter original invoice number Reported in B2B section of ea

3. Original Invoice/Advance Receipt Number* period/current tax period or pre-GST period against which c
is issued. Incase of refund voucher please enter the related ad
original invoice/advance receipt date in DD-MMM
4. Original Invoice/Advance Receipt date* 24-May-2017.
Enter the original credit/debit note number or the refund vou
5. Original Note/Refund Voucher Number* Ensure that the format is alpha-numeric with allowed specia
slash(/) and dash(-) of maximum length of 16 characters.
Enter original credit/debit note/Refund voucher date in DD-M
6. Original Note/ Refund Voucher date* E.g. 24-May-2017.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 9

cdnra Amended Credit/ Debit Note
Goods and Services Tax

7. Revised Note/Refund Voucher Number* Enter the revised credit/debit note number or the refund vouc
Enter that thecredit/debit
format is alpha-numeric with allowed
note/Refund voucher date in specia
8. Revised Note/ Refund Voucher date* slash(/) and dash(-)
E.g. 24-May-2017. of maximum length of 16 characters.
cdnra Amended Credit/ Debit Note
9. Document Type* In the document Type column, enter "D" if the note is Debit
if note the
Select is credit note or
applicable enter for
reason "R"issue
for refund
of the voucher.
10. Reason For Issuing document*

11. Place of Supply* Declare the place of supply based on the original document.
Amount should be with only up to 2 decimal digits.
12. Note/Refund Voucher value*
If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
13. Applicable % of Tax Rate

Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate

14. Rate*

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

15.Taxable value* item -2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be computed
valuation provisions.
Enter the total Cess amount.
16. Cess Amount

Select whether the credit/debit note is related to pre-GST sup

17. Pre GST

Credit/ Debit Notes/Refund vouchers issued to the unregistered persons against interstate invoice value i
Rs 2.5 lakh

1. UR Type* Select the type of supply to Unregistered Taxpayers (UR) ag

2. Note/Refund Voucher Number* document
Enter has been issued.Select
the credit/debit note number"EXPWP" or "EXPWOP"
or the refund voucher numf
3. Note/ Refund Voucher date* export
that the
Enter /"B2CL" for supplies
format is alpha-numeric
credit/debit to consumers for
with allowed
note/Refund voucher dropdown
date in special base
and dash(-)
May-2017. of maximum length of 16 characters.
4. Document Type* In the document
"EXPWP" TypeExport
represents column, enter
with "D" ifand
payment the "EXPWOP"
note is Debit
if note is credit note
Export without payment. or enter "R" for refund voucher.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 10

Goods and Services Tax

Enter original invoice number Reported in B2B section of ea

period/current tax period or pre-GST Period against which cr
5. Invoice/Advance Receipt Number*
is issued. Incase of refund voucher please enter the related ad
voucher number.
6. Invoice/Advance Receipt date* Enter the original invoice/advance receipt date in DD-MMM
7. Reason For Issuing document* 24-May-2017.
Select the applicable reason for issue of the document from t
8. Place of Supply Declare the place of supply based on the original document.
cdnur Credit/ Debit Note for unregistered Persons 9. Note/Refund Voucher value* Amount should be up to 2 decimal digits.

10. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
Enter the combined (State from dropdown;
+ Central tax) else blank.
or the integrate
11. Rate*

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

12.Taxable value item -up to 2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be com
GST valuation provisions.

13. Cess Amount

Enter the total Cess amount.

14. Pre GST

Select whether the credit/debit note is related to pre-GST sup

Amended Credit/ Debit Notes/Refund vouchers issued to the unregistered persons against interstate invo
more than Rs 2.5 lakh

Select the type of supply to Unregistered Taxpayers (UR) ag

1. UR Type* document has been issued.Select "EXPWP" or "EXPWOP" f
export /"B2CL" for supplies to consumers for dropdown base
"EXPWP" represents Export with payment and "EXPWOP"
Export without payment.
Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 11
Goods and Services Tax

2. Original Note/Refund Voucher Number* Enter the original credit/debit note number or the refund vou
Ensure that thecredit/debit
Enter original format is alpha-numeric with allowed
note/Refund voucher date inspecia
3. Original Note/ Refund Voucher date*
slash(/) and dash(-)
E.g. 24-May-2017. of maximum length of 16 characters.
4. Revised Note/Refund Voucher Number* Enter the revised credit/debit note number or the refund vouc
Ensure that thecredit/debit
Enter revised format is alpha-numeric with allowed
note/Refund voucher date in specia
5. Revised Note/ Refund Voucher date* slash(/) and dash(-)
E.g. 24-May-2017. of maximum length of 16 characters.

In the document Type column, enter "D" if the note is Debit

if note is credit note or enter "R" for refund voucher.
6. Document Type*

7. Original Invoice/Advance Receipt Number* Enter original invoice number Reported in B2B section of ea
period/current tax invoice/advance
Enter the original period or pre-GST Period
receipt against
date which cr
8. Original Invoice/Advance Receipt date* is issued. Incase
24-May-2017. of refund voucher please enter the related ad
voucher number.
9. Reason For Issuing document* Select the applicable reason for issue of the document from t
cdnura Amended Credit/ Debit Note for unregistered
Persons Declare the place of supply based on the original document.
10. Place of Supply

Amount should be up to 2 decimal digits.

11. Note/Refund Voucher value*

10. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
Enter the combined (State tax + Central tax) or the integrate
12. Rate*

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

item -up to 2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be com
13.Taxable value GST valuation provisions.

14. Cess Amount

Enter the total Cess amount.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 12

Goods and Services Tax

15. Pre GST

Select whether the credit/debit note is related to pre-GST sup
exp Export Exports supplies including supplies to SEZ/SEZ Developer or deemed exports
In the Type column, enter WPAY if the Export is with paym
else enter WOPAY.

1.Export Type*
2. Invoice number* Enter the Invoice number issued to the registered receiver. E
format is alpha-numeric with allowed special characters of s
invoice inlength
DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g. 24-May-201
of sixteen characters.
3. Invoice Date*
Enter the invoice value of the goods or services- up to 2 dec
4. Invoice value*

Enter the six digit code of port through which goods were ex
5. Port Code
refer to the list of port codes available on the GST common p
Enter the unique
not required reference
in case number
of export of shipping bill. This info
of services.
available at the timing of submitting the return the same may
and provided later.
6. Shipping Bill Number
Enter the date of shipping bill. This information if not availab
7. Shipping Bill Date
timing of submitting the return the same may be left blank an
8. Applicable % of Tax Rate If theThis
later. supply is eligible
is not requiredtoinbe taxed
case at 65%ofofservices.
of export the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
Enter the applicable integrated tax rate.
9. Rate

Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for

item -up to 2 decimal Digits, The taxable value has to be com
10. Taxable Value
GST valuation provisions.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 13

Goods and Services Tax

Amended Exports supplies including supplies to SEZ/SEZ Developer or deemed exports

In the Type column, enter WPAY if the Export is with paym

1.Export Type*
else enter WOPAY.
2. Original Invoice number* Enter the Original Invoice number issued to the registered re
that the format is alpha-numeric with allowed special charac
3. Original Invoice Date* Enter original
and dash(-) date
with of invoice
maximum in DD-MMM-YYYY.
length E.g. 24-M
of sixteen characters.
4. Revised Invoice number* Enter the revised Invoice number issued to the registered rec
5. Revised Invoice Date* that
Enterthe formatdate
revised is alpha-numeric with allowed special
of invoice in DD-MMM-YYYY. charac
E.g. 24-M
expa Amended Export and dash(-) with maximum length of sixteen characters.
6. Invoice value* Enter the invoice value of the goods or services- up to 2 dec
7. Port Code Enter the six digit code of port through which goods were ex
Entertothethe list ofreference
unique port codes available
number on the GST
of shipping bill.common
This infop
available at the timing of submitting the return the same may
8. Shipping Bill Number and provided later.
Enter the date of shipping bill. This information if not availab
9. Shipping Bill Date timing of submitting the return the same may be left blank an
10. Applicable % of Tax Rate If theThis
later. supply is eligible
is not requiredtoinbe taxed
case at 65%ofofservices.
of export the existing ra
"65%" from dropdown; else blank.
11. Rate Enter the applicable integrated tax rate.
12. Taxable Value Enter the taxable value of the supplied goods or services for
item -up to 2for
Tax liability arising on account of receipt of consideration decimal
whichDigits, Thehave
invoices taxable
beenhas to beincom
issued th
1. Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
2. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
at Tax liability on advances "65%"tax from dropdown;
3. Rate* Enter the combined (State + Central tax) else blank.
or the integrate
4. Gross advance received* Enter the amount of advance received excluding the tax porti
5. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.
Amended Tax liability arising on account of receipt of consideration for which invoices have not been is
same tax period.
1.Financial Year Select the financial year

2.Original Month Select the Month

ata Amended Tax liability on advances Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
3. Original Place of Supply(POS)*

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 14

Goods and Services Tax
ata Amended Tax liability on advances

4. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
5. Rate* Enter "65%"tax
the combined (State from dropdown;
+ Central tax) else blank.
or the integrate
6. Gross advance received* Enter the amount of advance received excluding the tax porti
7. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.
Adjustment of tax liability for tax already paid on advance receipt of consideration and invoices issued i
1. Placefor
of the supplies.
Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
2. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
atadj Advance adjustments "65%"taxfromCentral
dropdown; else blank.
3. Rate* Enter
period and(State
invoices +are tax)during
declared or the integrate
this tax p
4. Gross advance adjusted* amount is excluding the tax portion
5. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount to be adjusted
Amended Adjustment of tax liability for tax already paid on advance receipt of consideration and invoic
the current Year
1.Financial period for the supplies. Select the financial year
2.Original Month Select the Month
3. Original Place of Supply(POS)* Select the code of the state from drop down list for the place
atadja Amended Advance adjustments
4. Applicable % of Tax Rate If the supply is eligible to be taxed at 65% of the existing ra
Enter "65%"taxfromCentral
dropdown; else blank.
5. Rate* earlierthe
period and(State
invoices +are tax)during
declared or the integrate
this tax p
6. Gross advance adjusted* amount is excluding the tax portion
7. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount to be adjusted
Details of Nil Rated, Exempted and Non GST Supplies made during the tax period

1. Description Indicates the type of supply.

2.Nil rated supplies Declare the value of supplies made under the "Nil rated" cate
exemp Nil Rated, Exempted and Non GST supplies supply
3.Exempted Declaretype selected
the value in 1. above.
of supplies madeThe amount
under to be declared
the "Exempted "ca
(Other than Nil rated/non-GST supply type selected in 1. above.
4.Non GST Supplies Declare the value of supplies made under the "Non GST" cat
HSN wise summary of goods /services supplied supply
the selected in 1. above. This column is to capture a
tax period
1. HSN* Enter the HSN Code for the supplied goods or Services. Min
2. Description* required
Enter thetodescription
be mentioned in supplied
of the the tax invoice andServices.
goods or consequently
3. UQC* becomes
Select the applicable Unit Quantity Code from the drop abov
a mandatory field if HSN code is not provided dow
4. Total Quantity* Enter the total quantity of the supplied goods or Services- up
hsn HSN Summary Digits.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 15

Goods and Services Tax

hsn HSN Summary 5. Total Value* Enter the invoice value of the goods or services-up to 2 deci
6. Taxable Value* Enter the total taxable value of the supplied goods or service
7. Integrated Tax Amount decimal
Enter theDigits.
total Integrated tax amount collected/payable.
8. Central Tax Amount Enter the total Central tax amount collected/payable.
9. State/UT Tax Amount Enter the total State/UT tax amount collected/payable.
10. Cess Amount Enter the total Cess amount collected/payable.
Details of various documents issued by the taxpayer during the tax period
1. Nature of Document* Select the applicable document type from the drop down.
2. Sr. No From* Enter the invoice/document series start number.
docs List of Documents issued
3. Sr. No To* Enter the invoice/document series end number.
5.Total Number* Enter the total no of documents in this particular series.
6.Cancelled No of documents cancelled in the particular series.

Common mistakes in filling Excel template

1. GSTIN of supplier/E-commerce should be a valid one. State code of supplier GSTIN and E-Commerce GSTIN should be the same.
2. Duplication of invoices with the same tax rate shouldn’t be there-otherwise System throws error as "Non duplicated invoices were added & these invoices are duplicated" at the time
3. Amount should be only up to 2 decimal digits
4 Ensure that filling of excel should be strictly as per sample data to avoid errors.
5. Copy paste data from the excel template not including the header rows 1 to 4 will throw an error.
6. The work sheet name in the excel file of return data prepared by the return preparer should be the same as mentioned in the sample excel template.
7. Master data sheet provides the inputs allowed in the mentioned data field. Inputs in the master data sheet have been used for the drop down lists in the worksheets.

Special Instructions
1) To facilitate the declaration of date in the specified format "dd-mmm-yyyy", ensure the system date format of your computer is "dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy".
2) For invoices containing multiple line items invoice level details like GSTIN/UIN, Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Place of Supply should be repeated for all the line items, in the
3) Taxable Value, Rate and cess amount as applicable to the line items may be different in the same invoice.
4) On successful import of the data from the excel file to the offline utility tool, the tool takes care of proper placement of the same in the return format
5) In the worksheets on the combined (central tax+state tax) tax or integrated tax rate has to be mentioned. The java tool will calculate the central tax, state tax or integrated tax. The
6) In this first version worksheets are not being provided for uploading amendment details as these are not expected in the first GST return. Those will be provided in the next version.

7) In the top of each excel worksheet , there is a summary row which gives the count or total of the key columns to help in reconciliation.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 16

Goods and Services Tax

8) The worksheets for furnishing exempt supplies details and issued documents details are being provided in this excel workbook template however the data cannot be impor

9) The worksheets have some data as example. Please delete the data from all worksheets before use.

10) The number mentioned in bracket in the top most row in each data entry worksheet refer to the corresponding table number in the notified GSTR 1 format. For example in b2b wo

11) This excel workbook template works best with Microsoft Excel 2007 and above.

12) Ensure that there are no stray entries in any cell of the sheets other than return related declaration under the indicated column headers.

13) It is advisable that separate excel sheets be prepared for each month with the name having month name as a part of it's name. In case of multiple uploads for a month, the file nam
14) In case of JSON files created by the offline tool , if the taxpayer is frequently importing invoice data in a tax period, he should name the different created JSON file of a part of a
15)Before importing the excel file in the offline tool for a particular tax period, it is advisable that the taxpayer should delete if any existing data of that tax period by clicking "Delete
16) If one uploads the JSON file for a tax period with the same invoice number but differing details again, the later invoice details will overwrite the earlier details.
17) In case of other sections where the consolidated details have to be furnished, the details of whole section furnished earlier would be overwritten by the later uploaded details.
18) In case of b2b worksheet, if the invoice has been selected as subject to reverse charge, the top summary row excludes the value of cess amount as it is not collected by the supplier

Term/ Acronym Description

Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification
GSTN Goods and Services Tax Network
HSN Harmonized System of Nomenclature

B2B Registered Business to Registered Business

Registered Business to Unregistered

Place of Supply of Goods or Services – State
code to be mentioned
UIN Unique Identity Number
GSTR1 GST Return 1
GST Goods and Services Tax
UQC Unit Quantity Code

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 17

Goods and Services Tax

elp Instruction sheet i.e. total 21

oc in which day-to-day business
be uploaded on the GST Portal using

details to GST portal.

upload the invoice data.

offline tool. Precaution: All the

V file in the specified format and the

ool. Data has to be filled in the

he data to be filled in the applicable

1.2.xlsx file

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 18

Goods and Services Tax

t for bulk. Warning: Your

n the furnished rate and taxable

nts and the number of cancelled

applicable worksheets. The fields


r. E.g. 05AEJPP8087R1ZF. Check

e of the invoice from GST portal

ssued to registered recipients. Ensure

allowed special characters of slash(/)
cters should not be more than 16.

YYY. E.g. 24-May-2017.

voice of the supplied goods or

down list for the place of supply.

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.
rvices are subject to tax as per

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 19

Goods and Services Tax

supply is regular, or to a SEZ

t of tax or deemed export.
ompany if the supplies are made

al tax) or the integrated tax, as

goods or services for each rate line

ble value has to be computed as per


r. E.g. 05AEJPP8087R1ZF. Check

e of the invoice from GST portal

nvoices issued to registered

pha-numeric with allowed special
total number of characters should not

MM-YYYY. E.g. 24-May-2017.

nvoices issued to registered

pha-numeric with allowed special
total number of characters should not

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 20

Goods and Services Tax

YYY. E.g. 24-May-2017.

voice of the supplied goods or

down list for the place of supply.

rvices are subject to tax as per

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.
supply is regular, or to a SEZ
t of tax or deemed export.

ompany if the supplies are made

al tax) or the integrated tax, as

goods or services for each rate line

ble value has to be computed as per

ssued to Unregistered Recipient of

re than 2.5 lakh. Ensure that the
special characters of slash(/) and

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 21

Goods and Services Tax

YYY. E.g. 24-May-2017.

250,000 and up to two decimal digits.

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.

down list for the applicable place of

al tax) or the integrated tax rate, as

goods or services for each rate line

ue has to be computed as per GST


ompany if the supplies are made

nvoices issued to Unregistered

ice value moreE.g.
MMM-YYYY. than24-May-2017.
2.5 lakh. Ensure
allowed special characters of slash(/)
6 characters.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 22

Goods and Services Tax

nvoices issued to Unregistered

ice value moreE.g.
MMM-YYYY. than24-May-2017.
2.5 lakh. Ensure
allowed special characters of slash(/)
250,000 and up to two decimal digits.
6 characters.
down list for the applicable place of
65% of the existing rate of tax, select
down; else blank.

al tax) or the integrated tax rate, as

goods or services for each rate line
ue has to be computed as per GST

ompany if the supplies are made

ply is done through E-Commerce or

down list for the applicable place of

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

al tax) else blank.
or the integrated tax rate.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 23

Goods and Services Tax

goods or services for each rate line

ue has to be computed as per GST


ompany if the supplies are made

llowing nature

ply is done through E-Commerce or


down list for the applicable place of

down list for the applicable place of

65% of the existing rate of tax, select
down; else blank.

al tax) or the integrated tax rate.

goods or services for each rate line

ue has to be computed as per GST

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 24

Goods and Services Tax

ompany if the supplies are made

ax period. Debit or credit note

tails of original invoice also which

d in B2B section of earlier

period against which credit/debit note
ase enter the related advance receipt
ipt date in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g.

he refund voucher number. Ensure

date in special characters of E.g.
DD-MMM-YYYY. slash(/)

D" if the note is Debit note, enter "C"

fund voucher.
f the document.

he original document.
cimal digits.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 25

Goods and Services Tax

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.

al tax) or the integrated tax.

goods or services for each rate line
ue has to be computed as per GST

related to pre-GST supplies.

uring the tax period. Debit or credit

he details of original invoice also

d in B2B section of earlier

period against which credit/debit note
ase enter the related advance receipt
ipt date in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g.

mber or the refund voucher number.

c with allowed special characters of
h of 16 characters.
voucher date in DD-MMM-YYYY.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 26

Goods and Services Tax

ber or the refund voucher number.

with allowed
date in special characters of
h of 16 characters.

D" if the note is Debit note, enter "C"

f the voucher.

he original document.
cimal digits.

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.

al tax) or the integrated tax.

goods or services for each rate line

ue has to be computed as per GST

related to pre-GST supplies.

rstate invoice value is more than

ed Taxpayers (UR) against which the

he or "EXPWOP"
refund for Ensure
voucher number.
ers for
allowed dropdown
date in special based onoforiginal
DD-MMM-YYYY. slash(/)
E.g. 24-
D" ifand
ment the "EXPWOP"
note is Debitrepresent
note, enter "C"
fund voucher.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 27

Goods and Services Tax

d in B2B section of earlier

eriod against which credit/debit note
ase enter the related advance receipt

ipt date in DD-MMM-YYYY. E.g.

f the document from the dropdown.
he original document.

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

al tax) else blank.
or the integrated tax rate.

goods or services for each rate line

ble value has to be computed as per

related to pre-GST supplies.

gainst interstate invoice value is

ed Taxpayers (UR) against which the

WP" or "EXPWOP" for
ers for dropdown based on original

ment and "EXPWOP" represent

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 28
Goods and Services Tax

mber or the refund voucher number.

with allowed
date inspecial characters of
h of 16 characters.
ber or the refund voucher number.
with allowed
date in special characters of
h of 16 characters.

D" if the note is Debit note, enter "C"

fund voucher.

d in B2B section of earlier

eriod against
ipt date which credit/debitE.g.
in DD-MMM-YYYY. note
ase enter the related advance receipt

f the document from the dropdown.

he original document.


65% of the existing rate of tax, select

down; else blank.
al tax) or the integrated tax rate.

goods or services for each rate line

ble value has to be computed as per

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 29

Goods and Services Tax

related to pre-GST supplies.

e Export is with payment of tax or

registered receiver. Ensure that the

special characters of slash(/) and
YYY. E.g. 24-May-2017.
n characters.

r services- up to 2 decimal Digits.

which goods were exported. Please

on the GST common portal. This is
hipping bill. This information if not
e return the same may be left blank

ormation if not available at the

me may be left blank and provided
port the existing rate of tax, select
down; else blank.

goods or services for each rate line

ble value has to be computed as per

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 30

Goods and Services Tax


e Export is with payment of tax or

ed to the registered receiver. Ensure
allowed special characters of slash(/)
xteen E.g. 24-May-2017.
d to the registered receiver. Ensure
MM-YYYY. special characters
E.g. of slash(/)
xteen characters.
r services- up to 2 decimal Digits.
which goods were exported. Please
on the GST
hipping bill.common portal. This
This information is
if not
e return the same may be left blank

ormation if not available at the

me may be left blank and provided
port the existing rate of tax, select
down; else blank.
goods or services for each rate line
beenhas to beincomputed
issued the same as
down list for the place of supply.
65% of the existing rate of tax, select
al tax) else blank.
or the integrated tax rate.
excluding the tax portion.
oices have not been issued in the

down list for the place of supply.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 31

Goods and Services Tax

65% of the existing rate of tax, select

al tax) else blank.
or the integrated tax rate.
excluding the tax portion.
and invoices issued in the current
down list for the place of supply.
65% of the existing rate of tax, select
al else
or the integrated tax rate.
lared this tax period. This

sideration and invoices issued in

down list for the place of supply.

65% of the existing rate of tax, select
al else
or the integrated tax rate.
lared this tax period. This


der the "Nil rated" category for the

der to be declared
the "Exempted here should
"category for the

der the "Non GST" category for the

column is to capture all the supplies
goods or Services. Minimum digit
oice or
oods andServices.
consequently to be reported
e isfrom
de not provided
the drop above.
goods or Services- up to 2 decimal

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 32

Goods and Services Tax

r services-up to 2 decimal Digits.

plied goods or services- up to 2

om the drop down.

particular series.
cular series.

duplicated" at the time of import.


ll the line items, in the absence of the same

or integrated tax. The tax payer can edit the

ed in the next version.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 33

Goods and Services Tax

data cannot be imported from the excel to th

or example in b2b worksheet "Summary For

a month, the file name may be classified as

SON file of a part of a month/tax period b
d by clicking "Delete All Data" tab in the
uploaded details.
llected by the supplier.

Version 1.2 © 2016-17 Goods and Services Tax Network 34

Summary For B2B(4)
No. of Recipients No. of Invoices Total Invoice Value
29 179 6848572.26
Applicable % of
GSTIN/UIN of Recipient Receiver Name Invoice Number Invoice date Invoice Value Place Of Supply Reverse Charge Tax Rate Invoice Type E-Commerce GSTIN Rate
05ADPPN1706J1ZH SB 00000586 29-Jun-19 58590.00 05-Uttarakhand N Regular 5.00
05ADPPN1706J1ZH SB 00000587 29-Jun-19 49612.50 05-Uttarakhand N Regular 5.00
06AADFP8833H1Z3 SB 00000490 8-Jun-19 20475.00 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AADFP8833H1Z3 SB 00000553 24-Jun-19 20265.00 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AADFP8833H1Z3 SB 00000574 26-Jun-19 10342.50 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AANPA3740J1ZU SB 00000532 15-Jun-19 59372.25 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AANPA3740J1ZU SB 00000533 15-Jun-19 44068.50 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AANPA3740J1ZU SB 00000577 28-Jun-19 37012.50 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AANPA3740J1ZU SB 00000578 28-Jun-19 37012.50 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06AANPA3740J1ZU SB 00000579 28-Jun-19 37012.50 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06ABXPK5599GIZU SB 00000554 24-Jun-19 52080.00 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
06ABXPK5599GIZU SB 00000588 29-Jun-19 11865.00 06-Haryana N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000414 1-Jun-19 31792.95 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000419 1-Jun-19 21147.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000444 4-Jun-19 66882.38 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000445 4-Jun-19 73316.25 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000447 4-Jun-19 49077.01 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000487 7-Jun-19 43191.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000488 7-Jun-19 42693.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000511 13-Jun-19 54363.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000512 13-Jun-19 54663.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000513 13-Jun-19 67680.38 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000514 13-Jun-19 44388.76 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000516 15-Jun-19 68079.38 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000519 15-Jun-19 39102.01 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000520 15-Jun-19 46683.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000521 15-Jun-19 39501.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000534 17-Jun-19 57755.25 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000535 17-Jun-19 30224.25 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000538 18-Jun-19 43553.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000539 18-Jun-19 64139.26 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000540 18-Jun-19 53116.88 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000542 18-Jun-19 41895.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000545 20-Jun-19 45336.38 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000552 24-Jun-19 58603.13 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000555 24-Jun-19 48378.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000556 24-Jun-19 45336.38 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000570 26-Jun-19 21645.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000571 26-Jun-19 52368.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000572 26-Jun-19 50772.75 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000573 26-Jun-19 32319.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000589 29-Jun-19 40299.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAACH0566P1ZB SB 00000590 29-Jun-19 51770.26 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000491 8-Jun-19 58905.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000492 8-Jun-19 57435.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000493 8-Jun-19 48930.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000494 8-Jun-19 58380.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000495 8-Jun-19 56647.50 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAAFO5649M1ZU SB 00000582 29-Jun-19 22837.50 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AADCK4469R1ZR SB 00000415 1-Jun-19 29925.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AADCK4469R1ZR SB 00000416 1-Jun-19 35490.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAZFA6965D1ZX SB 00000496 10-Jun-19 13129.20 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAZFA6965D1ZX SB 00000517 15-Jun-19 65782.50 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AAZFA6965D1ZX SB 00000537 18-Jun-19 51012.15 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AECPJ2833E1ZX SB 00000484 6-Jun-19 28984.20 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AFSPG5841C1ZG SB 00000546 20-Jun-19 20107.50 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AJJPS6684G1ZL SB 00000498 10-Jun-19 35875.35 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
07AJJPS6684G1ZL SB 00000583 29-Jun-19 21210.00 07-Delhi N Regular 5.00
08AAFCK0521Q1ZC SB 00000486 7-Jun-19 49510.65 08-Rajasthan N Regular 5.00
09AADFB4300R1ZC SB 00000580 28-Jun-19 62685.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09AADFB4300R1ZC SB 00000581 28-Jun-19 48720.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09AADFB4300R1ZC SB 00000585 29-Jun-19 12705.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09AAEFS5331E1ZC SB 00000413 1-Jun-19 23196.60 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09AALCS5947C1Z1 SB 00000557 25-Jun-19 58117.50 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09AALCS5947C1Z1 SB 00000558 25-Jun-19 65100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000456 5-Jun-19 40425.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000457 5-Jun-19 13860.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000458 5-Jun-19 13860.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000459 5-Jun-19 13860.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000460 5-Jun-19 16170.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000461 5-Jun-19 23100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000462 5-Jun-19 23100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000463 5-Jun-19 23100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000464 5-Jun-19 23100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000465 5-Jun-19 25410.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000466 5-Jun-19 23100.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000467 5-Jun-19 18900.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000468 5-Jun-19 9450.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000469 5-Jun-19 26250.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000470 5-Jun-19 26250.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000471 5-Jun-19 23625.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000472 5-Jun-19 21000.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000473 5-Jun-19 21000.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000474 5-Jun-19 21000.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000475 5-Jun-19 21000.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000476 5-Jun-19 21000.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000477 5-Jun-19 14700.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000478 5-Jun-19 18480.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000479 5-Jun-19 18480.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000480 5-Jun-19 18480.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000481 5-Jun-19 27720.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000482 5-Jun-19 27720.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000483 5-Jun-19 49560.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000515 13-Jun-19 11007.15 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000548 21-Jun-19 47670.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000549 21-Jun-19 40162.50 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ABOPA5318A1Z2 SB 00000591 29-Jun-19 10605.00 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
09ACAPJ7376G1ZF SB 00000497 10-Jun-19 16642.50 09-Uttar Pradesh N Regular 5.00
10AAECC3515D1ZJ SB 00000446 4-Jun-19 81060.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAECC3515D1ZJ SB 00000536 17-Jun-19 81060.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000499 11-Jun-19 49665.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000500 11-Jun-19 58800.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000501 11-Jun-19 40425.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000502 11-Jun-19 37695.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000503 11-Jun-19 53550.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000504 11-Jun-19 67410.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000505 11-Jun-19 56542.50 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000506 11-Jun-19 54915.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000507 11-Jun-19 53865.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000508 11-Jun-19 52080.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFD8444F1ZS SB 00000509 11-Jun-19 56332.50 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAGFN5651A1ZX SB 00000412 1-Jun-19 20790.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAYPA0431B1ZL SB 00000422 4-Jun-19 50820.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
10AAYPA0431B1ZL SB 00000423 4-Jun-19 65625.00 10-Bihar N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000522 15-Jun-19 51135.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000523 15-Jun-19 59850.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000524 15-Jun-19 50610.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000525 15-Jun-19 52080.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000526 15-Jun-19 39165.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000527 15-Jun-19 40005.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000528 15-Jun-19 44205.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000529 15-Jun-19 39165.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000530 15-Jun-19 31080.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000531 15-Jun-19 17062.50 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
17AEXPA6871L1ZR SB 00000576 28-Jun-19 22890.00 17-Meghalaya N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000421 4-Jun-19 18603.40 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000485 7-Jun-19 51720.42 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000510 12-Jun-19 43141.90 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000518 15-Jun-19 30772.88 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000575 27-Jun-19 59002.12 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
19AAICS8050P1ZK SB 00000584 29-Jun-19 9875.26 19-West Bengal N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000559 25-Jun-19 65205.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000560 25-Jun-19 65835.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000561 25-Jun-19 69825.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000562 25-Jun-19 58485.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000563 25-Jun-19 46935.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000564 25-Jun-19 25882.50 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000564A 25-Jun-19 53025.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000565 25-Jun-19 51030.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000566 25-Jun-19 48615.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000567 25-Jun-19 58065.00 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000568 25-Jun-19 60637.50 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
20AAMCS0116N1ZI SB 00000569 25-Jun-19 51082.50 20-Jharkhand N Regular 5.00
23AAKFS3252J1Z5 SB 00000547 20-Jun-19 31395.00 23-Madhya Pradesh N Regular 5.00
23AHKPB6248C1ZS SB 00000417 1-Jun-19 49623.00 23-Madhya Pradesh N Regular 5.00
23AHKPB6248C1ZS SB 00000418 1-Jun-19 49623.00 23-Madhya Pradesh N Regular 5.00
23AHKPB6248C1ZS SB 00000420 3-Jun-19 19901.70 23-Madhya Pradesh N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000424 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000425 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000426 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000427 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000428 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000429 4-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000430 4-Jun-19 59999.64 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000431 4-Jun-19 61545.78 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000432 4-Jun-19 27300.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000433 4-Jun-19 27300.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000434 4-Jun-19 27300.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000435 4-Jun-19 27300.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000436 4-Jun-19 21840.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000437 4-Jun-19 21840.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000438 4-Jun-19 27300.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000439 4-Jun-19 16380.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000440 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000441 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000442 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000443 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000448 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000449 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000450 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000451 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000452 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000453 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000454 4-Jun-19 30240.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000455 4-Jun-19 26460.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
27AABCP4336L1Z8 SB 00000489 7-Jun-19 28350.00 27-Maharashtra N Regular 5.00
29AAACT5016A1ZT SB 00000544 19-Jun-19 26250.00 29-Karnataka N Regular 5.00
29AEUPJ4677G1ZR SB 00000543 19-Jun-19 4204.20 29-Karnataka N Regular 5.00
29AEUPJ4677G1ZR SB 00000551 22-Jun-19 4042.50 29-Karnataka N Regular 5.00
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
6522680.50 0.00

Taxable Value Cess Amount

Summary For B2BA Original details
No. of Recipients No. of Invoices
0 0

GSTIN/UIN of Recipient Receiver Name Original Invoice Number

Total Invoice Value

Original Invoice date Revised Invoice Number Revised Invoice date Invoice Value
Revised Details

Applicable % of
Place Of Supply Reverse Charge Tax Rate Invoice Type E-Commerce GSTIN
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00 0.00

Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount

Summary For B2CL(5) HELP
No. of Invoices Total Inv Value Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Invoice Number Invoice date Invoice Value Place Of Supply Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount E-Commerce GSTIN Sale from Bonded WH
Summary For B2CLA Original details
No. of Invoices

Original Invoice Number Original Invoice date Original Place Of Supply

Revised Details
Total Inv Value
Applicable % of
Revised Invoice Number Revised Invoice date Invoice Value Tax Rate
Details HELP
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00

Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount E-Commerce GSTIN Sale from Bonded WH
Summary For B2CS(7) HELP
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Type Place Of Supply Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount E-Commerce GSTIN
Summary For B2CSA Original details R

Financial Year Original Month Place Of Supply

Revised details
Total Taxable Value
Applicable % of
Type Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value
Total Cess

Cess Amount E-Commerce GSTIN

Summary For CDNR(9B)
No. of Recipients No. of Invoices No. of Notes/Vouchers
17 25 44

GSTIN/UIN of Recipient Receiver Name Invoice/Advance Receipt Number Invoice/Advance Receipt date Note/Refund Voucher Number Note/Refund Voucher date Document Type Place Of Supply
07AAAFO5649M1ZU 00000491 8-Jun-19 SR 00000094 12-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAAFO5649M1ZU 00000491 8-Jun-19 SR 00000111 25-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000537 18-Jun-19 SR 00000097 13-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000537 18-Jun-19 SR 00000098 13-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000537 18-Jun-19 SR 00000099 13-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 0000037 3-Apr-19 SR 00000100 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000517 15-Jun-19 SR 00000101 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000537 18-Jun-19 SR 00000102 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000496 10-Jun-19 SR 00000103 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000517 15-Jun-19 SR 00000104 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AAZFA6965D1ZX 00000517 15-Jun-19 SR 00000107 14-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AJJPS6684G1ZL 00000583 29-Jun-19 SR 00000092 8-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
07AJJPS6684G1ZL 00000583 29-Jun-19 SR 00000115 27-Jun-19 C 07-Delhi
08AAFCK0521Q1ZC 00000486 7-Jun-19 SR 00000105 17-Jun-19 C 08-Rajasthan
09AACCR6099R3Z9 000002911 18-Feb-19 SR 00000113 26-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AACCR6099R3Z9 000002911 18-Feb-19 SR 00000114 26-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AAEFS5331E1ZC 00000266 1-May-19 SR 00000083 1-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AAEFS5331E1ZC 00000309 8-May-19 SR 00000083 1-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AAEFS5331E1ZC 00000413 1-Jun-19 SR 00000109 17-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AAMFV7991F1ZD 00000143 15-Apr-19 SR 00000096 11-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09ABAFM3164C1ZL 00000166 19-Apr-19 SR 00000095 12-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09ACAPJ7376G1ZF 00000497 10-Jun-19 SR 00000093 12-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09ACGPG4854Q2ZX 0000012 1-Apr-19 SR 00000084 3-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09ACGPG4854Q2ZX 0000012 1-Apr-19 SR 00000085 3-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
09AFZPJ1543B1ZD 00000269 1-May-19 SR 00000112 25-Jun-19 C 09-Uttar Pradesh
10AAECC3515D1ZJ 00000536 17-Jun-19 SR 00000108 20-Jun-19 C 10-Bihar
10AAGFD8444F1ZS 00000508 11-Jun-19 SR 00000126 28-Jun-19 C 10-Bihar
10AAGFD8444F1ZS 00000509 11-Jun-19 SR 00000126A 28-Jun-19 C 10-Bihar
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000298 7-May-19 SR 00000086 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000298 7-May-19 SR 00000087 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000298 7-May-19 SR 00000088 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000380 24-May-19 SR 00000089 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000380 24-May-19 SR 00000090 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
20AABFK0810H1Z7 00000380 24-May-19 SR 00000091 3-Jun-19 C 20-Jharkhand
23AAKFS3252J1Z5 00000301 7-May-19 SR 00000110 20-Jun-19 C 23-Madhya Pradesh
23AHKPB6248C1ZS 00000389 27-May-19 SR 00000106 15-Jun-19 C 23-Madhya Pradesh
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000116 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000117 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000118 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000119 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000120 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000121 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000123 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000430 4-Jun-19 SR 00000124 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
27AABCP4336L1Z8 00000431 4-Jun-19 SR 00000125 28-Jun-19 C 27-Maharashtra
Total Note/Refund Voucher Value Total Taxable Value Total Cess
662399.35 654531.50 0.00
Applicable % of
Note/Refund Voucher Value Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount Pre GST
5281.50 5.00 5030.00 N
5250.00 5.00 5000.00 N
6142.50 5.00 5850.00 N
5565.00 5.00 5300.00 N
5932.50 5.00 5650.00 N
49717.50 5.00 47350.00 N
35595.00 5.00 33900.00 N
27930.00 5.00 26600.00 N
12705.00 5.00 12100.00 N
20317.50 5.00 19350.00 N
5126.63 5.00 4882.50 N
4931.33 5.00 4696.50 N
8085.00 5.00 7700.00 N
6300.00 5.00 6000.00 N
4837.88 5.00 4607.50 N
6433.88 5.00 6127.50 N
37273.00 5.00 35498.00 N
12444.50 5.00 11852.00 N
9922.50 5.00 9450.00 N
25410.00 5.00 24200.00 N
9922.50 5.00 9450.00 N
16890.30 5.00 16086.00 N
5835.38 5.00 5557.50 N
5302.50 5.00 5050.00 N
19446.00 5.00 18520.00 N
7192.50 5.00 6850.00 N
52080.00 5.00 49600.00 N
38482.50 5.00 36650.00 N
7402.50 5.00 7050.00 N
26197.50 5.00 24950.00 N
16275.00 5.00 15500.00 N
32025.00 5.00 30500.00 N
10185.00 5.00 9700.00 N
11445.00 5.00 10900.00 N
19687.50 5.00 18750.00 N
46935.00 5.00 44700.00 N
2593.50 5.00 2470.00 N
3780.00 5.00 3600.00 N
2730.00 5.00 2600.00 N
7560.00 5.00 7200.00 N
9450.00 5.00 9000.00 N
9450.00 5.00 9000.00 N
7560.00 5.00 7200.00 N
11340.00 5.00 10800.00 N
12289.20 5.00 11704.00 N
Summary For CDNRA O
No. of Recipients No. of Notes/Vouchers
0 0

GSTIN/UIN of Recipient Receiver Name Original Note/Refund Voucher Number

Original details
No. of Invoices

Original Note/Refund Voucher date Original Invoice/Advance Receipt Number

Original Invoice/Advance Receipt date Revised Note/Refund Voucher Number
Revised details

Supply Type
Revised Note/Refund Voucher date Document Type
d details
Total Note/Refund Voucher Value Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Note/Refund Voucher Value Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount

Summary For CDNUR(9B)
No. of Notes/Vouchers No. of Invoices Total Note Value
0 0 0.00

UR Type
Note/Refund Voucher Number Note/Refund Voucher date Document Type Invoice/Advance Receipt Number Invoice/Advance Receipt date Place Of Supply Note/Refund Voucher Value
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount Pre GST
Summary For CDNURA Original details
No. of Notes/Vouchers

UR Type
Original Note/Refund Voucher Number Original Note/Refund Voucher date
Original details
No. of Invoices

Original Invoice/Advance Receipt Number Original Invoice/Advance Receipt date

Revised details

Revised Note/Refund Voucher Number Revised Note/Refund Voucher date Document Type
Total Note Value

Supply Type Applicable % of

Note/Refund Voucher Value Tax Rate Rate
Total Taxable Value Total Cess
0.00 0.00

Taxable Value Cess Amount Pre GST

Summary For EXP(6) HELP
No. of Invoices Total Invoice Value No. of Shipping Bill Total Taxable Value
0 0.00 0 0.00
Applicable % of
Export Type Invoice Number Invoice date Invoice Value Port Code Shipping Bill Number Shipping Bill Date Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value Cess Amount
Summary For EXPA Original details
No. of Invoices

Export Type Original Invoice Number Original Invoice date

Revised details
Total Invoice Value

Revised Invoice Number Revised Invoice date Invoice Value Port Code
Revised details
No. of Shipping Bill
Applicable % of
Shipping Bill Number Shipping Bill Date Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value
Total Taxable Value

Cess Amount
Summary For Advance HELP
Received (11B)
Total Advance Received Total Cess
0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Place Of Supply Tax Rate Rate Gross Advance Received Cess Amount
Summary For Amended Tax
Liability(Advance Received) Original details Revised

Applicable % of
Financial Year Original Month Original Place Of Supply Tax Rate
Revised details HELP

Total Advance Received Total Cess

0.00 0.00

Rate Gross Advance Received Cess Amount

Summary For Advance HELP
Adjusted (11B)
Total Advance Adjusted Total Cess
0.00 0.00
Applicable % of
Place Of Supply Tax Rate Rate Gross Advance Adjusted Cess Amount
Summary For Amendement
Of Adjustment Advances Original details Revised d

Applicable % of
Financial Year Original Month Original Place Of Supply Tax Rate
Revised details HELP

Total Advance Adjusted Total Cess

0.00 0.00

Rate Gross Advance Adjusted Cess Amount

Summary For Nil rated, exempted and non HELP
GST outward supplies (8)
Total Nil Rated Supplies Total Exempted Supplies Total Non-GST Supplies
0.00 0.00 0.00
Description Nil Rated Supplies Exempted(other than nil Non-GST Supplies
rated/non GST supply)
Summary For HSN(12) HELP
No. of HSN Total Value Total Taxable Value Total Integrated Tax Total Central Tax Total State/UT Tax Total Cess
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HSN Description UQC Total Quantity Total Value Taxable Value Integrated Tax Amount Central Tax Amount State/UT Tax Amount Cess Amount
Summary of documents issued during the tax period (13) HELP

Total Number Total Cancelled

0 0
Nature of Document Sr. No. From Sr. No. To Total Number Cancelled

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