normally ascribed to fluids include density , compressibility (sometimes specified in terms of the so-
called second viscosity coefficient ), and dynamic viscosity . In general, the motion of fluids is extremely
complicated, including highly nonlinear phenomena like turbulence, and cannot be described exactly.
However, in simple geometries and when certain simplifying properties hold, some fluid mechanical
systems are amenable to exact solutions.
The Navier-Stokes equations are the fundamental partial differential equations that describe the fluid of
incompressible fluids. For low Reynolds number (an important dimensionless parameter depending on
flow speed, size of the fluid system, and viscosity that characterized the qualitative type of fluid motion
that will occur), the inertia term in these equations is smaller than the viscous term and can therefore
be ignored, leaving the so-called equation of creeping motion. In this regime, viscous interactions have
an influence over large distances from an obstacle. For low Reynolds number flow at low pressure, the
Navier-Stokes equation becomes a diffusion equation. The flow of a fluid at low Reynolds number,
where the viscous forces are much larger than the inertial forces is known as Stokes flow, and its
equations are the Navier-Stokes equations with the inertia (left sides of equations 2-4) and body force
terms equal to zero. For high Reynolds number flow, the viscous force is small compared to the inertia
force, so it can be neglected, leaving Euler's equation of inviscid motion.
The problem of Stokes flow around a sphere can be solved exactly, as was first done by Stokes (1851).
The boundary conditions of fluid mechanics include the no-slip condition, which requires that the fluid in
contact with a container's walls be at rest
where U is the velocity of the wall, n is the normal vector, and is the unit normal vector. The no-
transfer condition requires that no fluid can be transferred through walls
Euler's Equation of Inviscid Motion, Fluid, Navier-Stokes Equations, Newtonian Fluid, Reynolds Number,
Stokes Flow, Viscosity
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