PSV Oil-Free SOP
PSV Oil-Free SOP
PSV Oil-Free SOP
Producint and Testing Safety Valves Oil- and Grease-
Free Design (QM Standard Operating Procedure) page 1
This LESER company standard is used as a production and testing instruction.
The Process
1 Planning
Oil- and grease-free valves up to DN 65 are planned for the set-up working space (work sheet
number 222) where there are also tests and assembly. The oil- and grease-free valves are
mounted in the assembly area and tested for sealing in the official acceptance testing space from
DN 80.
2 Providing Materials
The warehouse personnel brings the all of the components provided for washing. The assembly
personnel picks up the washed parts and assesses them as per Point 5.
a) wash the components by spraying them for a washing time of 6 minutes and at a bath
temperature of 80°C.
use the cleansing additives of degreasing concentrate VRX81, article number 1103.
supplier: Wigol W. Stache GmbH, chem. Fabrik Textorstr. 2, 6520 Worms.
Only ferritic and austentic materials may be washed with degreasing concentrate VRX81.
Only steel casting (GS), cast iron with lamella graphite (GG) or spheroidal graphite (GGG)
may be liquid phosphorated.
d) Dry the components with rotating condensation. Drying time approximately 3 minutes.
After drying, the parts should be moved out of the washing machine and blown off immediately with
oil-free compressed air so that none of the components of the water remain. The personnel have to
place the cleaned component parts in clean red stacking boxes wearing fabric gloves. The
assembly personnel picks up all of the component parts and does checks 100% if they are free of
oil and grease.
End of LWN
LESER processed: Gi edition: 18.02.04
GmbH & Co. KG approved: refer to ÄM 5252 replaces edition: 04.02.03
Producint and Testing Safety Valves Oil- and Grease-
Free Design (QM Standard Operating Procedure) page 2
6 Assembly
After the cleaned components have been released, they are assembled in the work room for
valves free of oil and grease with safety valves up to DN 65 (work sheet no. 222). The pressure
setting (with air free of oil) and sealing test are also made there along with official acceptance for
the company accepting. Safety valves with rated widths greater than DN 65 are assembled at an
especially cleaned assembly location in the assembly hall and then set at a testing table in the
testing room exclusively for valves free of oil and grease (using nitrogen). All of the tools have to
be cleaned to be free of oil and grease. Section 4 applies to handling and transport.
End of LWN
LESER processed: Gi edition: 18.02.04
GmbH & Co. KG approved: refer to ÄM 5252 replaces edition: 04.02.03
Producing and Testing Safety Valves Oil- and Grease-
Free Design (QM Standard Operating Procedure) p. 3
9 Seals Used
Asbestos-free seals with BAM acceptance (for instance, in conformity with LESER company
standard 026.01).
a) a coating of rust film is permissible with valves of not made of corrosion-resistant material
b) they shall be marked with a sticker in conformity with LESER company standard 617.01:
(This sticker does not exempt the plant operator of his obligation / responsibility to select
the materials for fitting in conformity with Section 28 of the Accident Prevention Regulations
on Oxygen (VGB 62) Section 13)
c) packaging in hose foil in conformity with LESER company standard 617.01 adding drying
agents in conformity with DIN 55473.
d) Implementing this company standard meets the specifications listed in the following:
End of LWN
LESER processed: Gi edition: 18.02.04
GmbH & Co. KG test note: refer to ÄM 5252 replaces edition: 04.02.03