Sr. Secondary Exam: Paper
Sr. Secondary Exam: Paper
Sr. Secondary Exam: Paper
Ajmer, Rajasthan
Aglasem Career Aglasem Schools
Tear Here
No. of Questions 30
No. of Printed Pages 07
Candidate must write first his / her Roll No. on the question
paper compulsorily.
4) {OZ àíZm| _| AmÝV[aH$ IÊS> h¢, CZ g^r Ho$ CÎma EH$ gmW hr {bI| &
`hm± go H$m{Q>E
For questions having more than one part the answers to those
parts are to be written together in continuity.
5) àíZ nÌ Ho$ {hÝXr d A§J«oOr ê$nmÝVa _| {H$gr àH$ma H$s Ìw{Q> / AÝVa /
{damoYm^mg hmoZo na {hÝXr ^mfm Ho$ àíZ H$mo ghr _mZ| &
If there is any error / difference / contradiction in Hindi &
English versions of the question paper, the question of Hindi
version should be treated valid.
6) IÊS> àíZ g§»`m A§H$ àË`oH$ àíZ
A 1-13 1
~ 14-24 2
g 25-27 3
X 28-30 4
Section Q. Nos. Marks per
A 1-13 1
B 14-24 2
C 25-27 3
D 28-30 4
7) àíZ H«$_m§H$ 24, 27, 28, 29 d 30 _| AmÝV[aH$ {dH$ën h¢ &
Question Nos. 24, 27, 28, 29 and 30 have internal choices.
IÊS> - A
1) AmH$m[aH$s¶ Ed§ AmZwd§{eH$ ê$n go gmZ Ordm| H$mo ³¶m H$hm OmVm h¡? [1]
What are the morphologically and genetically alike individuals called?
SS42Bio. 837
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4) AmB© dr E$ H$m nyam Zm {b{I¶o& [1]
Write the full form of IVF.
6) ³bmBZ o$ëQ>a {gÊS´>mo go J«{gV ì¶{º$ H$m OrZ àmê$n ³¶m hmoVm h¡ ? [1]
What is the genotype of a person having klinefelter syndrome.
8) O¡d {dH$mg Ho$ "A§Jmo H$s Cn¶mo{JVm AZwn¶mo{JVm Ho$ {gÕmÝV' H$m à{VnmXZ {H$gZo {H$¶m& [1]
Who propounded the biological evolution theory of use and disuse of organs.
10) gy¶© go AmZo dmbr nam~¢JZr {d{H$aU gOrdm§o H$mo {H$g àH$ma à^m{dV H$aVr h¡? [1]
How do ultraviolet rays coming from sun affect the living organisms.
13) ~r Q>r Ûmam CËnÞ Bt Ord{df go ~ogrbg Vmo Zhr aVm h¡, O~ {H$ H$sQ> a OmVo h¡& ³¶m|? [1]
The Bt toxin produced by Bt does not kill bacillus but kills insect. Why?
IÊS> - ~
14) ewH«$mUw OZZ {H$go H$hVo h¡? ewH«$ OZZ H$s {H«$¶m H$m AmaoIr¶ {Zê$nU H$s{O¶o& [1+1=2]
What is spermiogenesis? Demonstrate diagrammatically the process of
15) AZwboIZ {H$go H$hVo h¢? S>r EZ E | AZwboIZ B©H$mB© Ho$ ^mJ ³¶m h¡? AZwboIZ {H«$¶m | BZH$m
¶moJXmZ ³¶m h¡? [½+½+1=2]
What is transcription? What are the different parts of a DNA transcription unit?
What is their role in the process of transcription?
16) AmH¥${V {dkmZ (AmH$m[aH$s) AmYma na O¡d {dH$mg H$s {H«$¶m CXmhaU g{hV gPmB¶o& [2]
With the help of examples explain the process of biological evolution on the
basis of morphological evidences.
17) nmXn àOZZ Ho$ w»¶ MaU H«$e: {b{I¶o& BgH$s Cn¶mo{JVm ~VmB¶o& [1+1=2]
Write down in sequence the main steps of plant breeding. What is its importance?
18) ^y{ H$s CËnmXH$Vm ~T>mZo Ho$ {bE Amn {H$gmZ H$mo ³¶m gbmh X|Jo? gPmB¶o& [2]
What suggestion will you give a farmer to increase the productivity of his field?
19) Am¡Úmo{JH$ CËnmXm| | gyú Ordm| H$s ^y{H$m {H$pÊdV no¶ nXmW© Ho$ g§X^© | gPmB¶o& [2]
With reference to fermented beverages explain the role of microbes in Industrial
20) nm[aV§Ì | H$m~©Z MH«$ H$m dU©Z H$s{O¶o& H$m~©Z MH«$ H$m AmaoIr {Zê$nU ~ZmB¶o& [1½+½=2]
Explain carbon cycle in ecosystem. Give a linear diagram of carbon cycle.
SS42Bio. 837
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21) AZwHw$bZ {H$go H$hVo h¡? H$m{¶©H$s¶ AZwHw$bZ H$mo Vw§JVm ~rmar Ho$ CXmhaU go gPmB¶o&[½+1½=2]
What is adaptation? Explain physiological adaptation taking an example of
altitude illness.
22) gpîQ> H$s H$moB© Mma [deofVmE§ ~VmB¶o& ghnamonH$m[aVm H$mo {dñVma go gPmB¶o& [1+1=2]
Give four attributes of a population. Explain in detail the process of Mutualism.
23) AnKQ>Z {H$go H$hVo h¡? BgHo$ MaU {b{I¶o& EH$ ñWbr¶ nm[aV§Ì | AnKQ>Z MH«$ H$m AmaoIr
{Zê$nU H$s{O¶o& [½+½+1=2]
What is decomposition? Write down its steps. Give a diagrammatic representation
of decomposition cycle in a terrestrial ecosystem.
24) O¡d {d{dYVm H$s j{V Ho$ Mma H$maU ~VmB¶o& {dXoer Om{V¶m| Ho$ ñWmZr¶ ê$n go ñWmnZ Ho$ $bñdê$n
ñWmZr¶ Om{V¶m| na Xþîà^md gPmB¶o& [1+1=2]
O¡d{d{dYVm H$m g§ajU {H$VZr àH$ma go {H$¶m OmVm h¡? {H$gr Ord H$mo {dbmonZ Ho$ g§H$Q> go ~MmZo
Ho$ {b¶o {H$g àH$ma go g§ajU H$a|Jo?
Give four causes of loss in biodiversity. Explain the adverse effects on native
species on invasion of Alien species in a habitat.
How is conservation of biodiversity done? How will we conserve an animal to
save it from extinction.
IÊS> - g
25) nr gr Ama VH$ZrH$ H$m Cn¶moJ H$aVo hþE bm^H$mar OrZ H$m àdY©Z {H$g àH$ma {H$¶m OmVm h¡? {MÌ
H$s ghm¶Vm go gPmB¶o& [2+1=3]
How is the amplification of gene done using the technique of PCR? Explain
with the help of diagram.
26) {M{H$Ëgm | O¡d àm¡Úmo{JH$s Ho$ Cn¶moJ H$m ³¶m hËd h¡? O¡d àm¡Úmo{JH$s mZd BÝgw{bZ Ho$ CËnmXZ
| {H$g àH$ma ghm¶H$ h¡? [1+2=3]
What is the importance of biotechnology application in medicine? How does
biotechnology help in the production of human insulin.
27) "S>r EZ E EH$ AmZwd§{eH$s nXmW© h¡&' BgH$s nwpîQ> hf} Ed§ Mog Ho$ à¶moJ Ûmam H$s{O¶o& à¶moJ H$m
Amao{IV {MÌ ~ZmB¶o& [2+1=3]
"S>r EZ E H$m AY© g§ajr à{VH¥${V¶Z hmoVm h¡&' ¡WyogoëgZ d ¢«$H${bZ ñQ>mb Ho$ à¶moJ Ûmam BgH$s
nwpîQ> H$s{O¶o& à¶moJ H$m AmaoIr {MÌ ~ZmB¶o&
'DNA is a genetic material.' Prove it with the help of Hershey - Chase experiment.
Draw a linear diagram of the experiment.
'DNA replicates semiconservatively'. Prove it with the help of Matthew Meselson
and Franklin stall experiment. Draw the linear diagram of the experiment.
IÊS> - X
28) mXm ¶w½moX²{X² Ho$ [dH$mg H$s {H«$¶m {dñVma go gPmB¶o& BgH$m {MÌ ~ZmB¶o& [3+1=4]
bKw ~rOmUwYmZr H$s g§aMZm gPmVo hþE BgHo$ {d{^Þ ñVam| Ho$ H$m¶© ~VmB¶o& {^{Îm nVm] H$mo àX{e©V
H$aVo hþE EH$ bKw~rOmUwYmZr H$m Zmm§{H$V {MÌ ~ZmB¶o&
Explain in detail the process of development of female gametophyte. Draw
Explain the structure of microsporangium and write the functions of its different
layers. Draw diagram of microsporangium showing wall layers.
29) {ZåZ {~ÝXþAm| Ho$ AmYma na ES²>g amoJ H$m dU©Z H$s{O¶o - [½+½+1+1+1=4]
i) amoJOZH$ H$m Zm
ii) amoJ H$s nwpîQ> hoVw narjU
iii) amoJ Ho$ àwI bjU
iv) amoH$Wm Ho$ Cnm¶
v) níM {dfmUw H$s à{VH¥${V¶Z H$m {MÌ
SS42Bio. 837
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{ZåZ {~ÝXþAm| Ho$ AmYma na Q>mB$mBS> amoJ H$m dU©Z H$s{O¶o -
i) amoJOZH$ H$m Zm
ii) amoJ H$s nwpîQ> hoVw narjU
iii) g§H«$U H$m VarH$m
iv) amoJ Ho$ àwI bjU
v) à{Vajr AUw H$s g§aMZm H$m {MÌ
Describe AIDS disease on the basis of following points -
i) Name of pathogen
ii) Test for confirmation of disease
iii) Main symptoms of disease
iv) Ways of prevention
v) Diagram of replication of retrovirus.
Describe Typhoid disease on the basis of following points -
i) Name of pathogen
ii) Test for confirmation of disease
iii) Ways of infection
iv) Main symptoms of disease
v) Diagram showing structure of an antibody molecule
30) oÊS>b Ho$ EH$b g§H$a à¶moJ H$mo gPmB¶o& Bg à¶moJ Ho$ AmYma na à{Vnm{XV {Z¶ {b{I¶o& à¶moJ
H$m nZoQ>dJ© H$m Cn¶moJ H$aVo hþE {MÌ ~ZmB¶o& [2+1+1=4]
ghà^m{dVm {H$go H$hVo h¡? Bgo mZd | ê${Ya dJ© {ZYm©aU Ho$ Ûmam gPmB¶o& Vm{bH$m Ûmam mZd
OZg§»¶m | ê${Ya dJm] H$m AmZwd§{eH$ AmYma Xem©B¶o&
Explain Mendel's monohybridization experiment. Write the rules proposed on
the basis of this experiment. Draw its diagram using punnet square.
What is co-dominance. Explain it through determination of blood groups in
human. Draw a table showing the genetic basis of blood groups in Human
SS42Bio. 837
Aglasem Career Aglasem Schools